ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH 9000 Laurence Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website: OUR CREDO No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color; No matter what your self-image or esteem; You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. Vision Statement Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and physical wellbeing of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service. Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education. PARISH LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 5:00 pm Sunday 8:00 am, 10:00 am & 12:00 noon Daily Mass Mon. - Sat. at 8:30 am Confession on Sat.- 4:00 pm Devotions & Mass Tues. Adoration 6:30 pm Tues. Mass 7:00 pm PASTORAL TEAM SACRAMENTS Pastor Reverend Joseph Mallia Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00 pm and upon request. Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores Budget Director Howard Behr Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can begin, we require that you be a registered member or a baptized Catholic. Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office. Director of Music Ministry/ Liturgy Coordinator Nick Beasanski Dir. Religious Education Catherine Borsh Holy Day Masses As scheduled in Bulletin On page 10 Coordinator of Christian Service And Youth Ministry Therese Tardiff Rectory Office Hours Mon. through Thurs. 8:00 am-12 noon 1:00-7:00 pm Friday 8:00 am-12 noon 1:00 -5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Marketing/PR Paula Steele Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau Event Scheduler Janet Shea Bulletin Editor Joyce Younkin Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple by contacting the parish office at least six months before date of marriage. PHONE NUMBERS Cabrini Elementary School Cabrini High School High School Attendance High School Athletic Office Extended Day Program Rectory Music Director 381-5601 CHS Campus Ministry 388-0110 Holy Family House Cabrini Center 928-6610 388-0110 388-2566 388-0576 928-6116 381-5601 ext. 1065 ext. 1013 928-4727 382-9784 Page 2 MALLIA’S MOMENTS By Fr. Joe Mallia This Fifth Sunday of Lent, we are encouraged to reflect upon the idea of dying to self, a concept which often brings about some very diverse thinking on the part of some people. The best way for most people to apply the concept to their own lives is for each person to delineate between what I want and what I need. Too often, as people, we tend to try to satisfy the “wants” of people’s lives. How often have we heard or even said about a crying baby, “what does he want?” To placate a child we are willing to give them whatever they want in the hope of making them happy and we do make them happy-for about two minutes. But that is the problem with this kind of behavior towards children or ourselves. It makes us happy for a short period of time but it never satisfies the longings in our lives. The more we are able to satisfy the “needs” of our lives and control the “wants” we will find in fact that the wants become significantly less powerful and we are able to avoid them more easily. This discipline of self gives us greater freedom and more control over the urges we can feel. It provides us with the ability to have greater impact on our decision making which isn’t driven by impulses but by conscious decisions. Dying to self is not a negative thing but very life giving in fact. If we only see it as denying ourselves of things that we want and that we should always get what we want, then yes, it is negative and very hard. But if we are more motivated by our needs we will see it as a great positive in our lives. I know personally for example, that by not getting everything I want, I have more control over my finances and so I have what I need and I am able to do more with less money. If a person can control their desire to eat out often, or go to the casino for example, they are able to live a better life and be able to help others. If I control my desire to eat a cookie and eat a carrot or a piece of fruit instead, I am benefitting my health. In simple ways we all can find ways to die to self and control ourselves and thus benefit. Maybe we should all try this week to overcome our wants and focus only on our needs. If we can do it in small matters we will then be able to do it with larger one as well. God bless. Our guests are coming: Again this year we will be hosting our brothers and sisters who are not as fortunate as we are through the good work of Christnet. We will be hosting them during holy week-as if there was a better time of the year to share our home with those who have no home physically or spiritually. Please sign up today or this week to help in some way. It is a great way for families to serve together. Planning for holy week: As I do each year, I want to encourage all of you to take some time now to plan how you will be celebrating holy week. I hope that it will include time of prayer at church. I want to invite your to attend Mass on Holy Thursday when we celebrate the Lord’s Last Supper. At this Mass we have the traditional washing of the feet with our own unique twist. If you have never been to this Mass and if you are struggling in your life or in your relationship with God, I especially want to encourage you to come and most importantly have your foot washed at Mass. This is a very grace filled moment for many people who have experienced this beautiful liturgy. After Mass there is adoration until midnight. Our parish church is open on Good Friday from about 11:30 am till 5:00 for private prayer. The adoration chapel is closed starting Holy Thursday night. There are various prayers to join in on and time for private refection. People stay for the whole time and others only for a few minutes, but it is important if you can get here to give thanks for our salvation. Finally, I want to encourage you to attend the Easter Vigil on Holy Saturday night or Easter Sunday Mass. The vigil is long, I will not lie but it is also the most beautiful liturgy of the year as we bless the new Easter light, recall salvation history, welcome new members into the Catholic Church and share in the joy of the resurrection. Again, all are invited to attend any of our Masses and I hope to see you there. If you are going away, I hope that you have plans to go to Mass and not just the beach or Disneyworld. School Registration is still open: A couple of weeks ago we had a very successful Open House at both schools. We still have some openings after that registration night and so, if you know anyone who is looking for a good school or you yourself are thinking about being a part of our school family, I would encourage you to please call the school as soon as possible. Thank you for your support of this important mission. DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IN THE CONTACT IS FRIDAY MORNING BY 10:00 AM. ST. FRANCES CABRINI COMMISSIONS Pastoral Commission Carolyn Sohoza Worship Commission Gloria Staley Financial Council Jill Ferraiuolo Education Commission Catherine Borsh Christian Service Commission Therese Tardiff Vicariate Representative Karen Carmody Vicariate Website: Advertiser of the week Village Ford Page 3 PARISH ATHLETICS, NEWS AND EVENTS HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC Dean Allen, Assistant Athletic Director, Cabrini High School Phone: 313-388-0576 Fax: 313-388-1876 Spring sports begin the week of March 9th for the high school and March 23rd for CYO. Please make sure your athlete has an up to date sports physical on file. Please contact the Athletic Department with any questions. HIGH SCHOOL SCHEDULE March 23 Varsity girls tennis home vs. Bishop Foley 4:30 at Allen Park High School March 24 Varsity baseball home scrimmage vs. Lincoln Park 4:00 pm Varsity softball DH at Notre Dame Prep 4:30 pm JV softball DH home vs. Notre Dame Prep 4:30 pm Varsity girls soccer at Livonia Clarenceville 6:00 pm March 25 Varsity softball home vs. Grosse Ile 4:00 pm JV softball at Grosse Ile 4:00 pm Varsity girls tennis at Riverview 4:00 pm Varsity girls soccer at Allen Park 6:00 pm March 26 Varsity baseball home vs. Southfield 4:30 pm JV baseball at Southfield 4:30 pm Varsity girls tennis at St Catherine 4:30 pm at Catholic Central March 27 Varsity softball DH home vs. Gabriel Richard 4:30 pm JV softball DH at Gabriel Richard 4:30 pm March 28 Varsity girls tennis at Wayne Memorial Invite 8:00 am Varsity boys baseball DH home vs. Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard 11:00 am JV boys baseball DH at Ann Arbor Gabriel Richard 11:00 am at Whitmore Lake Middle School MIDDLE SCHOOL SCHEDULE Spring sports begin the week of March 23rd. Please contact CYO Athletic Director Brandon Bessette for information on tryout schedules. Please remember that an up to date physical must be on file before your athlete can participate. FACEBOOK PAGE FOR CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL Cabrini High School now has a Facebook page: Check it out for information regarding what’s going on in the school. While you are there, please “Like” our page and “Follow” us so that you can get the latest updates on your newsfeed. CABRINI STUDENT EARNS GOLD AWARD ON NATIONAL GERMAN EXAM SPRECHEN SIE DEUTSCH? Cabrini senior Thomas Collins had studied German for three and a half years and had reached the Honors level when his teacher invited him to take the National German Exam. Collins competed against over 6,000 other students at his level, and placed in the 90th percentile, earning him the prestigious Goldurkunde (Gold Award)! Collins began learning with German teacher Mr. Dwayne Stange at Cabrini in ninth grade because he says he “thought it would look good on a college application” and because his brother had taken it. After taking the test, Collins explains, “it was nice to see what I was able to accomplish and do, and I was able to answer a lot more than I thought I’d be able to,” thanks to his preparation at CHS. Cabrini is proud to be able to offer students up to four years of language study in all of our languages: Spanish, French, and German. Mrs. Sara Alderman, the department head, extends her congratulations on behalf of the World Languages department and encourages students to continue learning beyond the minimum requirements set by the school. Mrs. Linn Hastings in the Guidance Department is “extremely proud of Tom Collins for his achievement” and notes that “our 3rd and 4th year German program is relatively new, and our much appreciated thanks to Mr. Stange for bringing his knowledge and expertise to Cabrini High School.” When asked about the value of studying a world language, Collins says “it opens up a lot of opportunities and gives you a big choice of what you want to do in life.” He believes that “just knowing a different language can mean the difference of whether you want to move away and start a life somewhere else; it gives you that boost to be able to go to a different region and pick up life there so much quicker than you would be able to not knowing the language at all.” “Gratulierung” to Thomas, and we wish him continued success in the future! LETTER FROM; American Association of Teachers of German, Inc. Dear Colleague: On behalf of the Executive Council of the American Association of Teachers of German, I would like to commend you and your students for participating in the 2015 AATG National German Exam. Over 20,000 students participated in the program this year, and your students’ involvement in this national competition brings honor to your school, your district, and your German program. The AATG salutes the tremendous work you do every day preparing students for tomorrow’s world with skills in German that will enhance their educational and career opportunities. We greatly appreciate the support the German program has from your administration and we are especially grateful for your involvement and dedication to students. Thank you for participating in this valuable program. We wish ou and your students continued success in German! Sincerely, Keith Cothrun (signed) Executive Director Page 4 PARISH NEWS and EVENTS HOST AN INTERNATIONAL STUDENT The high school is planning to recruit through the council on Standards for International Educational Travel, CSIET, several international students for the next school year. We have been approached by agencies interested in assisting us with the international students studying at Cabrini High School in preparing for a college career at a U.S. university. In order to enroll international students, we need to identify Cabrini Catholic Parish or School families who would be interested in providing home-stay housing. If you are interested in hosting an international student, please complete the Host Family Questionnaire on our high school’s website. As a host family, you will share your home and family life with an international student as well as expose them to the best of American history and culture. Together, you will celebrate cultural differences and discover similarities with regards to values and beliefs. Most importantly, your family can make a difference in the life of an international student by fulfilling the dream of an American private educational experience and in providing a safe, Christian home away from home. As a host family, you will be offered a monthly stipend through the agency to cover the costs of providing your exchange student with meals, a bed, a place for their belongings and transportation. ST. FRANCES CABRINI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MOM 2 MOM SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 18, 2015 8:00 AM TO 1:00 PM UPCOMING DATES OF INTEREST Sunday, March 29th Breakfast with the Easter Bunny. Come join us for our annual pancake breakfast. Scrambled eggs, sausage and pancakes (chocolate chip pancakes too) juice or coffee for only $5. Kids are only $3.00 and we will have the Easter Bunny there for pictures. No sign up needed, just Come out and join us. Saturday, April 18th Audible Trivia Night is back! Reserve early, as we sold out last time. $25 for a team of up to 4 people. 10 rounds of 10 questions of music, movies, movie soundtracks, and TV trivia questions. We'll provide the pizza and popcorn, and we have a cash bar with suggested donations. Big raffles and 50/50 as well. This is one of the best nights of the year! You must register and pay on-line to reserve your spot. If you have any questions, call Mike at 313388-5137. Summer Softball & Tee Ball will be starting registrations online on March 30th. Keep checking out website for further details regarding this great, low cost program. Saturday, July 25th Save the date for our 15th Annual Golf Outing! More details to come, but this is going to be a big one that you don’t want to miss! The Cabrini Booster Club meets on the 1st Wednesday of the month at Holy Family Hall at 7:30 pm. All men and women are open to join, as our goal is to help serve the sports programs at Cabrini Schools, as well as the Parish. Come on down and check us out. To become a member register online for $25 and you will receive 2 tee-shirts. Any questions or if you need more information, please email us at: Our website: SET-UP IS FRIDAY, APRIL 17 FROM 7:00 O 8:30 PM TABLE RENTAL IS AS FOLLWS: $20.00 PER TABLE OR 2 TABLES FOR $30.00 $3.00 RACK SPACE- - - -MUST SUPPLY OWN RACK LARGE ITEMS $1.00 PER ITEM CONTACT KATHY ATKINSON PHONE: 313-310-6053 OR 2nd Banns-Bernard Roberts and Madonna Cline Marina Sauceda Quinceanera April 25, 2015 at 2:30 pm A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Join Catholic author and speaker Matthew Kelly on a lifechanging journey through your “Best Lent Ever!” Go to website: and sign up to receive emails or just to watch his inspiring videos. His website also offers all kinds of information and materials to bring us closer to God and His teachings. A Concerned Catholic ATTENTION HELP NEEDED Regarding Divine Mercy Chaplet, Friday April 3 through Sunday, April 12, 2015. If anyone wishes to help lead the Chaplet devotion please contact: Joanne Witkowski at 313-928-1993 or Lori Nowacki at 313-383-4684. Thank you. Page 5 CHRISTIAN SERVICE AND EVENTS MARCH FOOD COLLECTION OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS TIPTOE THROUGH THE TULIPS WITH THE TUESDAY TRAVELERS CHRISTIAN SERVICE COMMISSION MEETING When: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 Time: 6:30 – 8:00 p.m. Where: Holy Family Hall. ALL ARE WELCOME We have officially named our parish travel group Tuesday Travelers, in honor of my mother, the late Theresa O’Neil, who organized a travel group when she was a very active member of St. Frances Cabrini. HELP US HOST THE HOMELESS DURING HOLY WEEK With the freezing temperatures we have experienced, it is hard not to think about our homeless sisters and brothers whose lives are in grave danger because they sleep outside. We thank God for those who started ChristNet to provide nighttime shelter for the homeless in our area, and are honored to be hosting the warming center during Holy Week, Sunday, March 29 to Sunday, April 5, in Holy Family Hall. Our parish is one of several churches that take turns providing shelter during the winter and early spring. On average, we will welcome 30 men and women each night that week, providing for them a hot supper, shower, a safe night’s sleep, breakfast and a brown bag lunch. Folks are with us from 7:30 p.m. to 7:00 a.m. The efforts of many make this Christian outreach a success, and we are certain this year the same holds true. Before the sign-up sheets go up in the Narthex March 7/8, please reflect on the ways you could help: • • • • • • • • Setting up and taking down the space on Sunday, March 29 or Sunday, April 5 at 7:00 am. Working one of the night shifts – each night is split into two shifts. Providing food for an evening meal. Preparing and serving an evening or morning meal. Washing the bedding at a local laundry on Sunday, April 5 at 7:00 am. Providing lunch items: napkins, large brown bags, individually wrapped granola bars, cookies, chips, fruit cups, water bottles, and candy bars. Praying for our neighbors who are homeless or struggling to survive this winter. Monetary donations are also welcome to offset the cost of coffee, lunch meat, bread and other expenses that may arise throughout the week. If you have any questions, please call Therese Tardiff, coordinator of Christian Service at (313)381-5601. CRS RICE BOWLS “Lent is a fitting time for self-denial; we would do well to ask ourselves what we can give up in order to help and enrich others by our own poverty.” – Pope Francis Filled Rice Bowls should be returned to church on Palm Sunday, so that we can forward our parish donations to CRS. As the name suggests, our outings take place on Tuesdays and so far we have been to ArtPrize in Grand Rapids and Meadowbrook Hall in Rochester. Our next trip is to Holland, Michigan, during the annual Tulip Time Festival. If you have never been, there are tulips everywhere - a beautiful site to see, so I hope you will consider joining us. Participation isn’t limited to parishioners – please feel free to bring along friends and family. Traveling by bus with Bianco Tours, we leave at 7:30 a.m. May 5 and head across the state for lunch, a tour of Holland and some shopping in the quaint downtown area. We will be dining at the Alpen Rose Restaurant, a local favorite, where you will have a choice Chicken Shortcake or Alpen Rose Meatloaf. When we finish, a Dutch-costumed guide will join us on our bus for a tour of Holland, sharing the history of Windmill Island, Hope College, Tulip Lane and the downtown area. We will then visit Vedlheer Tulip Gardens, the midwest’s only working tulip farm, which spans over 30 acres and features more than 5 million tulips. It is breathtaking! Veldheer also includes the Wooden Shoe and Delft Factory. We will be back to Cabrini by 9:00 p.m. Cost for the day trip is $86, which includes lunch, and snacks on the bus. Make checks payable to St. Frances Cabrini For more information, call Therese Tardiff at 313-381-5601. Downriver Vicariate Dementia Ministry Alzheimer’s and other types of Dementia claim more than the person diagnosed. They impact everyone in the family. In an effort to provide support to persons with Dementia and their caregivers, the parishes of the Downriver Vicariate through the Christian Service have formed a Dementia ministry and will be offering a series of free monthly presentations. Everyone is welcome! What if you could outsmart Alzheimer’s? Saturday, April 18, 2015 from 10:00 am to Noon Hosted by: St. Joseph Parish 2565 Third Street, Trenton 48183 Contact: Scott Anastasia at (734)676-9082 or Alzheimer’s disease… researchers have been working for years to find a cure with no success. But the ultimate cure might actually be preventing it. This presentation will look at many ideas for reducing your risk for developing Dementia and exploring healthy lifestyle choices that can protect your brain and body. Page 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND EVENTS RELIGIOUS EDUCATION SCHEDULE March 25, 2015 4:30-6:40 pm Session 1-5 grade 6:30-7:45 pm Session 1-8 grade March 25, 2015 Special Needs 4:30-5:15 pm CES Faculty Lounge March 22, 2015 Confirmation Candidate-Sponsor Dinner 5:00 pm in Cabrini Center ALPHA COURSE Got Questions About Life? 7:00 -9:00 PM Dates are : Monday evenings March 23 Saturday day away March 28 Monday evenings April 13, 20, 27, & May 4 Where: Holy Family Hall Who: Adults who are Catholics, Non-Catholics, skeptics, parish members, friends, and neighbors ALL ARE WELCOME What: A ten week program where we share a delicious meal together and then listen to a talk by Fr. Joe Mallia on a Christian topic. Ends with questions and small group discussion. We are kid friendly so on-site babysitting with snacks for kids are available. Contact Catherine Borsh or 381-5601 ext .1047 A TISKET, A TASKET, IT’S TIME TO THINK BASKETS Soon, and very soon, a warm breeze will fill the air. But in the meantime, here is something to think about – creating a themed basket for the Basket Booth at the Parish Festival June 12 - 14. Our booth under the big tent is filled with these baskets created and donated by parishioners, which are then won by playing a game of chance. The possibilities are endless … Start by thinking what kind of basket you would like to win, and plan from there. Baskets have created centered around seasonal events, hobbies and activities, have come in all shapes and sizes, and appealed to men, women and children. You are limited only by your creativity. Therese Tardiff and Darlene Kmita Basket Booth Chairmen WALK TO JERUSALEM 2015 UPDATE We are 4 weeks into our journey to Jerusalem. I cannot explain the excitement that I have for our “walkers.” We are over halfway to our destination. Going into our 4th week we were over the 3800 mile marker! Our goal again is 6016 miles to Jerusalem. We have added participants every week since we have started. I thank you and pray for all of you every day. I hope that this journey is helping you to reach your health and spiritual goals. It is not too late to sign up - Join Cabrini’s Walk to Jerusalem!! Email or call Megan Pierrel, Parish nurse to sign up today! Information is available in the narthex and if you provide an email, Megan will send weekly updates and progress! You may provide your “miles” walked or prayed in the boxes at each entrance or email them to Megan. Watch for our weekly progress, prayers and educational tidbits in the Narthex!!! Megan Pierrel RN, BSN Parish Nurse 313-381-5601 ext. 1052 CABRINI BLOOD DRIVE Blood is essential for life. It carries nutrients to the body, helps heal wounds and fights infection. One of every 3 people needs blood in their lifetime. Accidents happen daily… babies are born needing blood to survive…and blood is used daily during surgery. The demand for blood is constant. The supply is not. Donating blood is a small heroic act that can be done to save a life. Our next blood drive will be held Sunday May 31, 2015 Thank you in advance for taking the time to save a life. Megan Pierrel Parish Nurse 313-381-5601 ext. 1052 TICKETS TO THE CROSS AND THE LIGHT CONCERT EXPERIENCE The Cross and the Light Concert Experience takes you on a two-hour, experiential journey of the greatest love story of all time. Experience who Jesus is, what He did for us, and how we are called to live. This life-changing concert event of Christ’s Passion through to Pentecost will be performed right here at St. Frances Cabrini during 2015 Easter Season. Bring your family and friends to a profound encounter with the unconditional love of Jesus Christ. This is truly an uplifting occasion and will provide a perfect opportunity for all to experience the joy of Jesus and His Church! Cost of tickets is $20.00 each. For ticketing information go to Questions? Call Diana at 734788-7073 or Joy at 313-381-5601. Page 7 PARISH AND NEWS EVENTS YOUTH MINISTRY CONTACT INFORMATION Therese Tardiff: Coordinator of Youth/Campus Ministry (313)381-5601 or Join the Cabrini Youth Ministry on Facebook High School Youth Ministry News March 2015 All high school aged teens are invited to participate in any evening gathering or special events. Sunday, March 22, Confirmation Candidate Dinner, 4:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Cabrini Center: You, the teens of the parish, have been asked to host this special evening for all of our Confirmation Candidates and their Sponsors. We will set-up, serve the meal, lead an activity or two, and clean-up at the end. We should be done by 7:30, at which time we will have open gym until 8:30. Please let Mrs. Tardiff know if you will be able to help in any way, even if it’s only for an hour or two. You will be well fed! Sunday, March 29, 5:30 – 9:00 pm, ChristNet Warming Center: Let’s start Holy Week together by preparing and serving a meal for our homeless guests from the Downriver area. We will meet in the Holy Family Hall kitchen at 5:30 p.m. to prepare the meal, and from 7:30 – 9:00 we will serve and interact with our guests. This is the first night of the weeklong service to our community. We are asking each person to donate $10.00 to offset the cost of the meal. NATIONAL CATHOLIC YOUTH CONFERENCE Participant/Parent Information Meeting Sunday, March 22 from 7:30 – 8:00 p.m. Cabrini Center The National Catholic Youth Conference gathers teens from all over the United States to celebrate their Catholic faith! The conference takes place November 19-22, 2015 in Indianapolis, Indiana. This is a three day conference that includes national speakers, musicians, workshops, a dance, and more! If this sounds appealing to you plan on attending (along with a parent) this meeting to get further details. Fundraisers will be offered to defray the cost of this awesome conference. If you have questions please contact Therese Tardiff by email at . COMING SOON—HOLY SPIRIT SEMINAR The Light of Christ prayer group welcomes and invites you to attend our annual Holy Spirit Seminar. Each week we will discuss the gifts of the Holy Spirit, how to grow closer to Jesus through prayer and personal conversion, and how to understand Holy Scripture and apply it to your life. At the end of the course we will pray with you for a greater infilling of the Holy Spirit in your life. Classes will be held: Wednesdays 6:30 to 8:00 pm from April 15 to May 27 St. Constance Church, 21555 Kinyon St. in Taylor $5.00 fee for 2 booklets Any questions call: Jerry LaMonica at 313-561-7706 or Mary Brua at 734-282-3337. WORLD YOUTH DAY 2016 Krakow, Poland and Malta Excursion July 21 – August 2, 2016 Let the planning begin! In 1980, Pope John Paul II hosted the first World Youth Day in Rome and ever since that time they have been held all over the World. World Youth Day (actually a week or longer event) is held every three years for teens the ages of 17 (or going into Jr. year of high school) through the young adult years. It is an opportunity for young adult members of the church to come together as one body to share and grow in their Catholic faith. Some of the major cities that have hosted WYD are Denver, Paris, Rome, Toronto, Köln, Sydney, Madrid, and Rio de Janeiro. The next World Youth Day pilgrimage is scheduled for July 21 – August 2 of 2016 it will be held in Krakow, Poland. The pilgrimage plans are being handled through UNITOURS INC. We have reserved 42 spaces with UNITOURS INC. The cost of the pilgrimage is going to be approximately $4,400.00 (Includes: Air fare, hotel, breakfast and most other meals, transportation, WYD fee, tour of Krakow, a three day excursion to Malta, tips, and taxes). If you think you might be interested in attending and you are going to be 17 or entering into your Jr. year of high school, or older by July of 2016 a mandatory please contact Therese @ 313-381-5601 or email at for further information. This is an opportunity of a life time; you won’t want to miss out! DETERMINATION With God there are no impossibles. They are overcome always. —Josemaria Escriva, The Forge LENNON PREGNANCY CENTER’S 18TH ANNUAL BANQUET FRIDAY, MAY 1 AT THE DEARBORN INN DOORS OPEN AT 6:00 PM TICKETS ARE $50.00 PER PERSON Reduced rates are available if more than 6 tickets are purchased. Please RSVP in advance, no tickets will be sold at the door! Our keynote speaker this ear will be the hilarious, inspirational and motivational comedian Gordon Douglas. He is a nationally known speaker from Pennsylvania. His comedy mixes real life stories with ‘off the wall’ physical comedy and his own hilarious views of life. For more information, please visit: Any questions call Ashley at 313-277-5637. Page 8 WEEKLY EVENTS FOR WEEK OF MARCH 22 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MONDAY MARCH 23 Alpha: 7-9 pm HFH/MCR EDP: Mon. through Fri. 2:45-3:45 pm Annex Mass: 8:30 CHURCH Perpetual Adoration: 7 days a week-24 hours a day. CHAPEL Stations in the Chapel: 6:15-7:15 pm Chapel Vicariate Penance Service 7:00 pm St. Mary Magdalen TUESDAY MARCH 24 AA: 8-9 pm HFH Basement Al-Anon: 10-11 am HFHMR#2 BC Troop #1052 Mtg.: 7-8:30 pm WWW Christian Service Mtg.: 6:30-8 pm MCR EPTG Mtg.: 7-9 pm CES Library Mass: 8:30 am & 7 pm Mass CHURCH Mom’s in Prayer: 7-9 am CHS Chapel Pastoral Council: 7:30-10 pm RECMR Stations of the Cross: 2:15 with students CHURCH Washington Trip Parent Mtg.: 6-7:30 pm HFH WEDNESDAY MARCH 25 Cabrini Seniors: 12:30-4 pm MCR Mass: 8:30 am CHS CHURCH NA.: 7-9 pm HFH Basement Rel. Ed. 1-5 grades: 4:30-5:45 pm CES/CMS Rel. Ed. 1-8 grades: 6:30-7:45 pm CES/CMS Special Needs: 4:30-5:15 pm CES Faculty Lounge Vicariate Penance Service 7:00 pm Our Lady of the Angels THURSDAY MARCH 26 Adult Choir: 7:30-10 pm MR APPC Basketball: 9:30-11 pm CC CES/CMS Honor Society Induction: 9:15-10 am CHURCH Children’s Choir: 4:15-5 pm MR Grief Workshop: 7-9 pm CHURCH Mass: 8:30 am CES/CMS CHURCH Volunteer Training “Cross & Light: 6-10 pm HFH FRIDAY MARCH 27 Mass: 8:30 am CHURCH Stations of the Cross: 7-8 pm CHURCH SATURDAY MARCH 28 AA: 1-2 pm HFH Basement Confessions: 4-5 pm CHURCH Mass 8:30 am & 5:00 pm CHURCH Quinceanera: 2:30 pm CHURCH Vicariate Penance Service 1:00 pm at Sacred Heart Grosse Ile SUNDAY MARCH 29 Booster Pancake Breakfast with Easter Bunny: 9 am-12 pm CC Mass: 8:00 & 10:00 am & 12:00 pm CHURCH Sunday Pre-School: 10-11 am CH Warming Center: Sun. to Sun.: 24 hours HFH/MCR Youth Group High School: 7-9 pm WWW SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF DETROIT ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM One of the Special Works of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul – Detroit (SVdP) has been to provide Energy Assistance to those living in poverty, senior citizens, individuals with disabilities as well as others who may be in danger of having their electric/heating services discontinued. With funds from the Michigan Public Service Commission and THAW, the Society and our numerous partnering agencies have been able to extend help to thousands of households all over Michigan if income qualifications are met. If you are in need of energy assistance, please contact the rectory and a SVDP representative will contact you as soon as reasonably possible to help determine if you qualify. “SHARE JESUS” By Marge Montrief Many years ago, a gentleman I knew had a habit of asking members of our prayer group, “What did God do for you today?” The first time he asked me, I had to think fast to be able to give him my answer. From then on, when I saw him coming my way, I started to get my story ready. What he was teaching me was how to tell my story. Sounds easy, right? The hard part is putting action with the words. Many people with whom we share our lives need to hear our stories. The people that are sitting in church right next to us need to hear our stories. They probably don’t have the strong faith in God and see Him working in their lives the same way that we do. What would happen if next Sunday, you said to the little old lady or gentleman, whose name you don’t know, but you see all the time, “May I tell you what Jesus did for me?” After their initial surprise they probably will say, “Why yes, of course.” You tell your short story. . .they smile and say, “Oh my, wasn’t that wonderful!” What just happened? Did you just witness for Christ? By golly, I think you did! That was easy, right? Now, can you plan to do that every Sunday? Pick a different person each week and tell your short story. The people you talked with have been evangelized. You have started them thinking, since God is working in your life, maybe He can work in their lives too! When people start coming up to you to ask, “What did Jesus do for you,” just to hear your story, you know you are a blooming success! Try it. It may become a new way of life for you. God is hoping you will use the gifts He gave you to teach all people and share Jesus where He has put you—you, His people of hope. Jesus is counting on you! CHARITY Let all that you do be done in charity. -Paul, 1 Corinthians 16:14 Page 9 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR MARCH 28 & 29 SATURDAY 5:00 pm USHER: 1 SUNDAY 8:00 AM USHER: 8 SUNDAY 10:00 AM USHER: 6 SUNDAY 12:00 PM USHER: 7 ALTAR SERVER N. Machczynski Sonja Lentz Adam Hancock ALTAR SERVER Alex Teed Elaine Teed Meghan Carr ALTAR SERVERS Ben Maffesoli Maria Snider Jessica Carnarvon ALTAR SERVERS Maggie Shearer Luke Kosmalski Amaylia Gehringer LECTOR A. Schiappacasse LECTOR Chris Bowen LECTOR Marge Wolber LECTOR Carolyn Sohoza COMMENTATOR Ellen Farkas COMMENTATOR John Cicotte COMMENTATOR Pat Tardiff COMMENTATOR Peggy Kiss’ SACRISTAN Terry Mazure SACRISTAN Robert Powell George Simon SACRISTAN Marge Wolber SACRISTAN Janet Bizon ST. VINCENT DE PAUL March 22, 2015 Fifth Sunday of Lent In the Gospel today, Jesus says “Whoever serves me must follow me, and where I am, there also will my servant be. The Father will honor whoever serves me.” When we help the poor we are truly followers of Jesus, servant of the poor. As you place your gift in the Society of St. Vincent de Paul poor box, know that you are a sign of God’s love to those who are suffering and you give them Easter hope and joy. IMPORTANT PRAYER LIST INFORMATION As of April 12, 2015, I will be erasing the names on the prayer list. If you desire to have your loved one remain on the list you must call the Rectory at 313-381-5601. From this point forward any one put on the prayer list will remain there for 1 month. At that time you must call to have them remain. The list is ever growing but some have been on the list for years. We must purge in order to accommodate more parishioners. Thank you for your understanding and we look for your calls. CELEBRATE HOLY WEEK AND EASTER WITH EWTN Learn more about your Faith during the holiest time of the year with EWTN’s first rate movies, documentaries, musicals, children’s programs, and much more! Join in the celebration of Mass at St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome or at the majestic Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington D.C. Get program details at and visit to find a station near you. Readings for Week of Mar. 22 Sunday Fifth Sunday of Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12:20-33 Monday Saint Turibius of Mogrovejo, Bishop Daniel 13:1-9, 15-17, 19-30, 33-62 or 13:41c-62; Psalm 23; John 8:1-11 Tuesday Numbers 21:4-9; Psalm 102; John 8:21-30 Wednesday The Annunciation of the Lord Isaiah 7:10-14, 8:10; Psalm 40; Hebrews 10:4-10; Luke 1:26-38 Thursday Genesis 17:3-9; Psalm 105; John 8:51-59 Friday Jeremiah 20:10-13; Psalm 18; John 10:31-42 Saturday: Ezekiel 37:21-28; Jeremiah 31; John 11:45-56 Sunday: Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord Mark 11:1-10 or John 12:12-16; Isaiah 50:4-7; Psalm 22; Philippians 2:6-11; Mark 14:1—15:47 or 15:1-39 Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed. Michael LaVigne Michael Mehall COME JOIN US! The Hospitality Committee would like to invite you to join them and other parishioners to fellowship over a hot cup of coffee and a freshly baked donut most Sundays during the month in the grade school cafeteria after the 8:00 and 10:00 am Masses. March 22 and April 19 Candles 4th Friday Cecilia Caulfield Towels 5th Sunday Alice Klenczar Page 10 MASS INTENTIONS Mon., March 23, 2015 8:30 am Mass Fr. Ron Alder –by Sally Burke Nancy Segura (30th Anniversary) -by Mary & Bill Schwindel Cecilia Orlowski –by Husband Teresa Morabito (Birthday Remembrance) -by Ron & Chris Walski George Coyne –by Daughter Kitty Tues., March 24, 2015, 8:30 am Mass Ruth Schiffer & Living & Deceases Members of her Family Grant, Catherine, John & Donald Caliguire –by Robert Caliguire Paul Ondo –by Chuck & Virginia Gregoire Special Intentions for Beverly Chinavare 7:00 pm Joseph Tondreau (2nd Anniversary) -by Daughter Vicky Wed March 25, 2015, 8:30 am Mass Cecilia Norman –by 2014 Softball Team James & Helen Soltesz –by Dennis Kecso Patricia A. Rizzo –by Friend Thurs., March 26, 2015 8:30 am Mass Friday, March 27, 2015 8:30 am Mass Abstinence Frank Adamczyk –by Gerard, Gabrielle & Noel Nancy Pelissier –by Barb Bernas Gerard Mackwski –by Richard & Connie Masur Saturday, March 28, 2015 8:30 am Mass Mary McLellan –by Bill & Mary Schwindel Sat. and Sun., March 28 & 29, 2015 Palm Sunday 5:00 pm Mass Earl Fair (4th Anniversary) -by Fair & Rogers Families Raymond Hayden –by James & Donna Noland Mary Bolduc –by Husband William Cozad Dolores Zyla –by Wally & Debbie Bizon Frank Adamczyk –by Joseph Plawecki Thomas Ladomersky (1st Anniversary) -by Family 8:00 am Mass Cecilia Norman –by The Sabo Family Donald Mazur –by Brothers Family Fr. Ron Alder –by Tony & Gaye Olah John Pavliga –by Frank & Gayle King Pete Ulrich –by Frank & Gayle King Delores Dippert (3rd Anniversary) -by Family Agnes Andrews (Birthday Remembrance) -by Family 10:00 am Mass Frank Adamczyk –by Gerald & Virginia Watts Peter Ulrich –by Karen Quenneville Mary Kmita (Birthday Remembrance) -by Kmita Family Mary McDonnell (11th Anniversary) -by Newell Family Margaret Riggan –Krizanic Family Rosemary Harrelson (11th Anniversary) -by Carol & Larry Graf 12:00 pm Mass Mary McLellan –by A Friend Anne Borella –by Bea Cassidy PRAYER LIST—As of 4-12-15 we will be erasing this list. If you want your loved one to stay on call 313-381-5601. Jeff Adamczyk Alexander Alakson, II Dennis Alakson Allayna Albanys Erin Bacher Joseph Bachleda Susan Barazsu Mike Bauer Karen Bechard Donald Behm Bill Benson John Benvin Edward Beres Bob Berg Richard & Helena Berger Larilyn Berry Martha Black Michael Booth Erica Born James Bosak Paul Boyle Bill Branson Judy Brennman Brandy Brighton Eleanore Broniak Danny Cain Barbara Carmody Jesus Cavasos Angeline Cece Brian Chapman Michelle Spiter Chowen Tina Cowan Bill Crowley Vince D’Amico Justina Day-Lopez Marie Dean Debbie Jo Rita Deeren Matthew DeAgostino Santo Demaggio Jason Dolinski Nicholas Duckitt Jackie Dzagulones Claudia Dziadziola Annette Ellott Sara Farkas Barb Farley Dennis Fenech Ryan Finn Yolanda Flores Dorothy Ford Matylda Fron Marie Gajor Jennifer Gauntt Maryann Gauntt Walter Geodeon Deborah Gerak Samantha Gerlach 3-16 Rynnie Goodall Anne Gould Janet Grand Katherine TallonGrundman Elis Guerra Barbara Gucwa Roger Guilbert Virginia Hall Steve Hecmenczuk Jenn Hicks Kathi Higgison Virginia Holowecky Joan Holowicki James Howard Doris Hughes Cloe Hunt Mary Grace Hurley Vincent R. Hurley George Isac Entella Jaupi Helga Juchartz Mike Kammer Virginia Kara Eddie Kastl Thomas Kearns Barbara Kendra Jim Kenzie, Jr. John Kepes Family Collen Liddy King Kelly Kirby Alice Klenczar Ed Klenczar Jenna Klenczar Brittany Kmita Ralph Kosmalski Carol Koss Gary Koss Carl Kostoff Avery Kubinski Vincenzo Kulaszewski Cindy LaForest Diane Lankford Josephine Letinski Maria Linares Bill Liphardt Julie Little Alfred Locker Phyllis Louzon Mary (Bonnie) Lupone Lucas Mac Cloud Nancy Mackey Ernesto Magdaleno Tammy Maguire Michele Maksai Evelyn Malvasi Mike Manor Pat Mann Margaret Marchand Maryann Marquette Larry Martin Alvino Martinez Julie Mastin William Mauterer Mike McAlister Bob McCoy Pat McCoy Greg McMurtrie Bill Mealback Rita Megge Dale Mehlhose, Sr. Ed Mendrysa Lisa Menna Debbie Merriman Madison Miller Carrie Mitchell Stefanie Molina Don Moquin Tony Suklewicz John Mullins Vicky Mullins Tony Muklewicz 3-16 Conception Murray Henry Mussio Jennifer Mussio Maureen Mussio Leo Mysiewicz Ann Nappo Joseph Neal Mary Ann Nemergut John Nersesian Genny Nielubowicz “Butch” Nikodemski Richard Norman Natalie Norona Oakley Family Gabe Orzame, Jr. Don Ouellette Laura Parran Guadalupe Patino Bill Patterson Rachelle Pavlik Theresa Pellegrino Pearl Peranino Jody Perez Henry Perle Philomena Perrault John Perry Eva Petterle Robert Piazza Betty Porter Elaine Pross Marshall Pullen Dolores Quinn Barbara Rebel Barbara Reissnider for starting Catholic Training Anna Marie Ribick Sheri Rinna Jackie Riopelle Cornelia Rossi R. J. Sajewski Tom Salliotte Emery Salamon, Jr. Jon Salamon Ashley Salomonson Claire Scalici Jacob Schantz Laura Schmidt Pamela Schwartz Sylvia Segura-Torres Mary Serpetti Jeremy Shield Cathy Shook Stephen Shreidel Susan Sirois Brandon Skira Helen Smith Linda Smith Virginia Smith Renee Solomon Helen Soltesz Donna & Randy Sparkman Nikki Spicer Ann Marie Stanesa Kevin Stauder Gloria Staley Elenor Stol Sam Sturgill Samantha Sturgill Robert Sucheck Bernice Sullivan Joan Sullivan Mark Surma Jean Suzor Rosemary Szabo Jackie Szyblowski Judy Tallon Bill Taylor Mary Anne Taylor Robert Taylor Cody Terteling Connor Trionfi David Trionfi Lois Urek Grace Vassallo Felicia Vespa James Viceroy Rose Walter David E. Weaver Rev. Wayne Wheeler Al Williams Marty Wininger Fr. Eugene Wojtewicz Carie Woodall Rob Zavicar Page 11 PRAYERS FOR THOSE IN MILITARY SERVICE Dear Lord, MAPLE HEIGHTS RETIREMENT COMMUNITY 4600 ALLEN ROAD IN ALLEN PARK 313-769-3671 We are running a special for referrals. As the elders in your Hold our troops in your loving church prepare for the next step in their lives, we want you to hands. Protect them as they protect us. feel confident that when you refer someone to us, you are referBless them and their families for the self- ring them to a retirement community that they can rely on. less acts they perform for us in our time of need. In Jesus’ name, Amen. When your referral moves into Maple Heights, we will make a $500.00 donation to your church! Please God, grant them courage when times are bleak. Grant them strength when they feel weak. Grant them comPlease call us for more information regarding our referral fort, when they feel all alone. And most of all, God, please program. Thank you for your continued endorsement of our BRING THEM ALL HOME. community. We look forward to this opportunity to contribute to your church. THE IRISH PALLOTINE FATHERS 50TH ANNUAL DOWNRIVER DINER DANCE FRIDAY, APRIL 24, 2015 AT CRYSTAL GARDENS IN SOUTHGATE COCKTAIL HOUR AT 6:00 PM WITH MUSIC BY COLIN PAIGE 65th ANNIVERSARY PARISH DIRECTORY There are still approximately 60 parishioners who have not picked up their copy of our 65th Anniversary Directory. If you had your picture taken but have yet to pick up you complimentary copy, please do so. If you did not have your picture taken but would like a directory, copies are available at the Rectory for $10.00. FAMILY-STYLE DINNER AT 7:00 PM DANCING AT 8:30 PM FEATURING ROBERT KOLO & THE MISTY BLUES $35.00 PER PERSON INCLUDES DINNER AND OPEN BAR FOR TICKETS, CALL THE MISSION HOUSE AT 734-285-2966 ALL PROCEEDS TO AID THEIR EAST AFRICAN MISSIONS ST. FRANCES CABRINI 3 CLASS 50TH REUNION YARD AND BAKE SALE To benefit Right to Life of Michigan Education Office 2010 EUREKA, WYANDOTTE Northwest corner o 20th and Eureka 734-282-6100 FRIDAYJUNE 12, 12 NOON TO 4:00 PM SATURDAY & SUNDAY 10:00 AM TO 4:00 PM Donations of household items may be brought Mon.Fri. 9:30 am to 4:30 pm before June 9. Please pre-price. Baked goods should be brought Thurs., June 11. Volunteers needed! Call Chris at 734-282-6100. All baby items will be donated to the Lincoln Park Cri- St. Frances Cabrini is having a 50th class reunion for the sis Pregnancy Center. classes of 64, 65, and 66 on June 20, 2015. If anyone knows of someone who would like to attend this special event, please feel free to contact a member on the committee! EveEASTER FRIDAY PILGRIMAGE OF ryone is welcome who graduated or attended these classes. EIGHT DETROIT HISTORIC CHURCHES Class of 64: Mary Ellen Caruso at 313-563-0956 or Class of 65: Timothy Murphy at 734-652-4189 or Class of 66: Dianne (Dinsmore) DiJoseph at 313-551-4525 or YOU NEED TO CHECK THIS OUT! There is a program in place that if your child goes through both grade school and high school in a CATHOLIC school they can get $20K off the tuition at U of D Mercy. If they only attend just the grade school, or just the high school, they can get $10K off the tuition at U of D Mercy. Please contact U of D Mercy for details. On April 10, you are welcome to join Prayer Pilgrimages as we are scheduled to visit, with informative talks: Assumption Grotto, St. Bonaventure Monastery, St. Albertus, Old St. Mary’s, St. Hedwig, Ste. Anne, Sweetest Heart of Mary, & St. Joseph Churches with closing 7:00 pm Mass. All of these churches will be specially decorated for Easter. Deluxe motor coach local departures from Oakland Mall in Troy, Levagood Park in Dearborn, & Sears Lot in Lincoln Park. Total cost per person, including full course catered meal, is $50. To reserve & more information; Michael Semaan at 248-250-6005 or visit Page 12 HOME CARE ITEMS FOR SALE For Hire: Home Care provided in home-24 hours available, 2 hour minimum. Licensed, bonded & insured. Please call Renee 313-381-6724. For Hire: Trained medical care specializing in at home Critical Care. Introduction to coming back home from hospital stay. Help to co-ordinate care with Hospice or other health care professionals. References available, flexible schedule, Allen Park resident. Please call Sue at 313-485-4489. For Hire: Caregiving, over night, minimum 2 hours, experienced. Please call Mary at 734-307-3020. For Hire: Caregiver, Home Health Aide with 20+ years of hospital and homecare experience, Duties include person care, diabetic monitoring, wound care, and medications. Also available for cleaning & cooking. Please call Jackie Graff for dependable care. Call 313-728-1382. For Hire: Experienced Homecare Worker. Light housekeeping, showers, cooking, and rides to and from doctors or errands. Available ASAP/any hours. Call Rachel Landon at 313-2134821. For Hire: To care for your senior loved one. Laundry, and daily small jobs. Call Rose at 313-445-4277. For Hire: Mature lady to care for, run errands, housekeeping, and meals. Many years experience, good references. Call Connie at 412-480-9522. For Hire: Includes all medical, light housekeeping, cooking, Dr. Appointments. Licensed nurse 30 year experience. Excellent care & references. If interested call Barbara at 734-833-3215. For Hire: Basic house cleaning. Call Mary at 734-307-2020. For Sale: Lenox fine china (a rose featured “Rhodora” pattern with 24 K gold trim). 8-5 piece place setting & 9 accessory pieces including a pepper mill & salt shaker, cream & sugar, gravy boat with saucer attached-$1500.00. Lenox crystal, 24 K gold trim, 7 goblets, 8 wine, 8 Champaign, 8 desert plates. Call 734-552-9597, a Cabrini parishioner. (NEW NUMBER) (3-1) For Sale: Glass dining room table and stand, and 4 black high back chairs. $150.00 or best offer. Call Mary at 734-3073020. (3-1) For Sale: J.C. Penney turntable converts LP’s to computer then MP3. 2 long mirrors wood around them. CD player with speakers. Call Valerie at 381-0988. (3-15) For Sale: Toro Power Shovel, used 3 times-$70. 3 cemetery plots at Holy Sepluchre in old section-$4000, Medicus Hinged Club with disc-$$70. Please call 734-282-3507. (3-15) For Sale: Virgin Mobile ALCATEL black flip cell phone new in box. Includes manual, battery, wall charger. Asking $15.00. Call 313-587-1541 after 12 noon. (3-15) For Sale: Beautiful, size 7, white satin full length First Communion dress. Please call Karen at 313-580-2095. (3-22) HOTLINE NUMBERS Abortion Alternatives 800-57WOMAN Project Rachel 313-237-5910 Affinity Hospice of Life 734-284-4315 AIDS Help Line 800-872-AIDS AIDS Partnership (Detroit) 313-446-9800 Alcoholic Anonymous 313-388-9727 Al-Anon 313-386-1678 Main 313-242-0300 AP Senior Center 313-928-0770 Alzheimer Association 248-351-0280 American Diabetes Assoc. 800-DIABETES American Red Cross 800-GIVELIFE Allen Park 313-549-7043 Angela Hospice 734-464-7810 Bible Teaching and Prayer Line 734-720-1852 Cancer Information Service 800-4CANCER Catholic Social Services 313-922-1362 Crisis Interventions Wayne County (also known as Community Behavior Health) 313-224-7000 Crisis Pregnancy Center Lincoln Park 313-386-4005 Melvindale 313-382-5941 Divorced & Separated Bethany Support Group 586-293-3562 Domestic Violence 1st Step 24 hr. emergency 888-453-5900 Drug Dependence 800-388-9891 Elder Abuse & Family Violence 800-996-6228 Family First Home Health Care Inc 313-680-3522 Focus Hope (food program) 313-494-4600 Meals on Wheels 734-727-7357 Narcotics Anonymous 248-543-7200 Nat’l Council Alcoholism 313-341-9891 Parent Help Line 800-942-4357 Physically Impaired Assoc. 800-274-7426 Poison Control Center 800-764-7661 Presentation Ministries 513-662-5378 Project Life 800-281-2102 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 877-788-4623 Suicide Prevention 313-224-7000 Teen/Parent Support Group 313-843-2210 Visiting Nurse Assoc. 800-882-5720 BULLETIN BOARD For Hire: Handyman, parishioner and child in Cabrini school. Please call Stefano Lalicata 313-386-0165. You will be happy you did. For Hire: Seamstress/Custom Sewing/Alterations: Weddings, Communions, Christenings. Intricacy is my specialty! Create heirloom gowns, veils, dresses, etc. Allen Park resident. Call Robbie at 734-626-4037 (parishioner). For Hire: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy at 313-982-7004 Tutoring: Teacher available for tutoring. Reading and Math. Call Ruth at 734-934-1405 or email For Hire: Light house cleaning and errands. Minimum 3/4 hours at $10.00 per hour, Allen Park/Melvindale area. Call Gloria at 313-389-5506. For Hire: House cleaning, laundry and shopping for you. I am a Cabrini parishioner, references available. Call Shirley at 313434-6027. For Hire: Snow removal, serving Allen Park, residents sign up now for my snow list. Reasonable rates, 26 years experience, Senior discounts. Lawn maintenance also available. Call Dave at 313-386-3776. Renter Helper: Semi-retired guy, Cabrini grad, seeks room to rent house/share in Allen Park. Has transportation and income. Neat, quiet, non-smoker. Can help with chores to reduce rent if desired. Call 313-587-1541 after 12 noon. For Hire: Tile Mason. Specializing in fire places, floors, back splashes, bathroom renovations. 20 years experience, Cabrini parishioner. Call Walter at 313-971-3462. Tutoring For Hire: Math, chemistry & physics for high school & college students. ACT prep in all subjects. I am a Cabrini parishioner with a solid engineering & tutoring background. Reasonable rates and flexible scheduling. Contact Dan at Help Wanted: I am looking for an Allen Park resident who is available 2 hours each day in the early afternoon to help provide personal care services for an elderly lady. Prefer a member of Cabrini. Send contact info and a short note about your service to (12-21) Wanted: Need a person who is proficient with, and has ADOBE ILLUSTRATOR on their computer. I need simple text adjustments on 7 Word bookmark files, and saved to Vector files. $15 per hour for 2-3 hours of work. Call 313-587-1541 after noon.
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