saintfrancescabrinipa rish - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
saintfrancescabrinipa rish - St. Frances Cabrini Parish
Page 1 S A I N T F R A N C E S C A B R I N I P A R I S H 9000 Laurence Avenue Allen Park, Michigan 48101 Phone: (313) 381-5601 Fax: (313) 381-7837 Website: Vision Statement OUR CREDO No matter what your present status in the Catholic Church; No matter what your current family or marital situation; No matter what your past or present religious affiliation; No matter what your personal history, age, background, race or color; No matter what your self-image or esteem; You are invited, welcomed, accepted, loved and respected at St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church. PARISH LITURGY SCHEDULE Weekend Masses Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m. Sunday 8:00 a.m., 10:00 a.m. & 12:00 noon Daily Mass Mon. - Sat. at 8:30 a.m. Tues. 7:00 p.m. Confession on Sat.- 4:00 pm Devotions & Mass Tuesday Evening at 6:30 p.m. Followed By Mass at 7:00 p.m. Holy Day Masses As scheduled in Bulletin Rectory Office Hours Mon.-Thurs. 8:00 am-12 noon 1:00-7:00 pm Fri. 8:00 am-12 noon 1:00-5:00 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 2:00 pm Sunday CLOSED PASTORAL TEAM Pastor Reverend Joseph Mallia Permanent Deacon Reverend Mr. Luis Flores In Residence Reverend Ron Alder Reverend John Sullivan Budget Director Howard Behr Christian Service Sr. Austin Onisko, OSF Director of Music Ministry/ Liturgy Coordinator Nick Beasanski Pastoral Minister Peggy Durocher Dir. Religious Education Christine Brennan Vicariate Editor Kathy Killam Coordinator of Youth Ministry/Campus Minister Therese Tardiff Marketing/PR Paula Steele Bookkeeper/Tuition Joy Mousseau Bulletin Editor Joyce Younkin Event Scheduler Janet Shea Building upon our Catholic tradition and diversity, we are committed to the spiritual and physical wellbeing of all. Our sacramental life challenges us to life-long Catholic formation and Christian service. Mission Statement As a Faith Community, we are called to serve through worship, service, and education. SACRAMENTS Reconciliation (Confession): Saturday at 4:00 p.m. and upon request. Parish Policy: Before any sacramental preparation can begin, we require that you be a registered member or a baptized Catholic. Baptism: Contact the Rectory Office. Marriage: Arrangements must be made by the engaged couple by contacting the parish office at least six months before date of marriage. PHONE NUMBERS Cabrini Elementary School 928-6610 Cabrini High School 388-0110 High School Attendance 388-2566 High School Athletic Office 388-0576 Development Office 381-5601 Extended Day Program 928-6116 Rectory 381-5601 Music Director 381-5601 ext. 1065 Youth Ministry Office 388-0110 ext. 1013 Holy Family House 928-4727 Cabrini Center 382-9784 Page 2 MALLIA’S MOMENTS By Fr. Joe Mallia Now that the big celebration for St. Patrick is done and the warm-up band is off the stage so to speak, we can get to the real highlight of the month of March, the Feast of St. Joseph, husband of Mary. For people of Italian and Polish backgrounds, the Feast of St. Joseph is just as big as St. Patrick is for the Irish. That being said let us take a moment to think about this man, St. Joseph. 3) 4) 5) There is very little that is known about him other than what is spoken about in the Bible. We know that he was of the line of David, but the Bible is not very clear on if they lived in Bethlehem and then moved to Nazareth or if they lived in Nazareth, went to Bethlehem and then moved back to Nazareth after a short stay in Egypt. It depends on which of the two gospels you read. We do know that he was a carpenter, but we do not know when he died, where he is buried and if in fact he was older than Mary. In the Orthodox faith, they hold that Joseph was previously married and after his wife died, took Mary as his wife. Such things have some foundation in early Christian writings though not widely accepted by the Catholic Church. Other than that, not much is known about the man and the implication that he was a quiet man is based primarily on the fact that there are few recorded words that he was supposed to have spoken. Being a man of few words is common to men named Joseph by the way. So why all the fuss about him? The little that is recorded about St. Joseph in the Bible does lead us to admire him for his care and devotion to Mary and Jesus. It could be surmised that though not a well -respected profession, St. Joseph provided a moderate standard of life for his family and was a man who had great faith in accepting the call of the Lord in his life, even to take Mary into his home as his wife and not take the easy way out. If nothing else, in today’s world, a role model that does not take the easy way out is one we desperately need. As we celebrate the feast of St. Joseph let us pray together: “O God, in your eternal providence you chose St. Joseph to be the spouse of your most holy Mother; grant that we may deserve to have him as our intercessor in heaven even as we venerate him as our protector on earth, with you who live and reign, world without end. Amen.” ***Stations of the Cross, every Friday evening at 7pm.*** Please Remember: 1) Weekly Mass attendance is mandatory! You should make every attempt to be at Church unless you are ill or have to work. 2) You should be praying every day. We have provided materials for Lent, but you can also find something on your own. I suggest at least 30 minutes of prayer each day and some 6) spiritual reading for your meditation on the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Christ. Try to attend a daily Mass, especially on Tuesday, each week beyond Sunday or 30 minutes of adoration before the Blessed Sacrament in our Adoration Chapel each week. It is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Plan on going to confession once before Easter. This is very important if you have not gone in a long time. It is encouraged that your Lenten penance be focused on a behavior you do not want to return to rather than something you wish to pick up once Lent is over. Fridays are still days when we are to abstain from eating meat. Maybe a conversation at the dinner table on that day about faith would be appropriate. ST. FRANCES CABRINI COMMISSIONS Pastoral Commission Carolyn Sohoza Worship Commission Gloria Staley Financial Council Roberta Miller Education Commission Christian Service Commission Pat Csatari Vicariate Representative Chuck Gregoire Vicariate Website: CABRINI PARISH SCHOOLS Mission Statement Cabrini Parish Schools are dedicated to education and personal development through Catholic faith formation and quality academics. PHILOSOPHY Cabrini Parish Schools believe all students have the ability to learn. With reliance on parental support, our task is to encourage, foster, challenge, and create a positive influence on society. With a strong emphasis on quality programs, we strive to: • Help students build a Christian community through the students’ relationship with Jesus Christ. • Present students with a curriculum designed to provide the necessary academic skills to continue educations for life-long learning. • Provide students with opportunities to develop the total person in mind, body, and spirit. DEADLINE FOR ARTICLES IN THE CONTACT IS FRIDAY MORNING BY 10:00 AM. ADVERTISER FOR THE WEEK Valley Spring Apartments Page 3 ATHLETIC AND SCHOOL EVENTS CYO WEEKLY ATHLETIC SCHEDULE Wednesday, March 21 6:30 Spring Parents Meeting for all Spring H.S & CYO Sports in H.S. Cafeteria CABRINI HIGH SCHOOL WEEKLY ATHLETIC SCHEDULE Wednesday, March 21 4:00 Varsity Baseball at Lincoln Park 4:00 JV Baseball at Lincoln Park Both are scrimmages 6:30 Spring Parents Meeting for all Spring H.S & CYO Sports in H.S. Cafeteria ST. FRANCES CABRINI ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MOM2MOM SALE SATURDAY, APRIL 28, 2012 8:00 AM TO 1:00 PM SETUP IS FRIDAY, APRIL 27 6:00 TO 8:00 PM TABLE RENTAL IS AS FOLLOWS: $20.00 PER TABLE OR 2 TABLES FOR $30.00 $3,00 RACK SPACE. MUST SUPPLY OWN RACK LARGE ITEMS $1.00 PER ITEM. CONTACT: Kathy Atkinson PHONE: 313-310-6053 or Thursday, March 22 4:00 Girls Tennis at Southgate Scrimmage Friday, March 23 4:30 Varsity Softball South Lyon East Home 4:30 JV Softball South Lyon East Home Both are Scrimmages . JV on #2 CYO field Saturday, March 24 8:00 Figure Skating Individuals Competition at State Finals in Traverse City 10:00 Varsity Tennis at Riverview Scrimmage 10:00 JV Tennis at Riverview Scrimmage Sunday, March 25 8:00 Figure Skating Team Competition at State Finals in Traverse City GLOBAL MEDICAL BRIGADE I want to express my gratitude to all of you who sent in either monetary donations or medical supplies for the Medical Brigade I will be going on through Wayne State University, in May 2012, to Honduras. Thank you for being so generous. Everything will be put to good use on our trip. Please remember to keep all of our volunteers in your prayers, for a safe and successful trip. God bless, Brian McParland REGISTRATION FOR KINDERGARTEN THROUGH 12TH GRADE IS NOW BEING ACCEPTED. GRANT APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR THE AOD, STEWARDS FOR TOMORROW, AND FR. CLARE MURPHY. THEY CAN BE PICKED UP AT THE RECTORY. BREAKFAST WITH THE EASTER BUNNY The Cabrini Booster Club will be sponsoring a ALL YOU CAN EAT Pancake Breakfast (pancakes, eggs, sausage, juice, milk and coffee) on Sunday, April 1 from 8:30 am to 12:00 pm in Cabrini Center. The Easter Bunny will be on hand for pictures as well as raffles for the kids. TRIVIA NIGHT We are once again hosting a Trivia night on Saturday, May 12 at the Cabrini Center. Cost is $20 for a table of up to 4 people. Each table will also receive a pizza half-way thru the event. Trivia consists of 10 rounds of 10 questions per round of general knowledge, sports, movie and other assorted trivia questions. Prizes awarded to the top 3 teams. Please preregister for this event by calling Mike or Sam Knapik at 313-3885137. Doors open at 6:00 pm and the game starts at 7:00 pm. Feel free to call if you have any questions. CABRINI BOOSTER CLUB ANNUAL GOLF OUTING Dust off your clubs and register early for a great time at West Shore Golf and Country Club on Saturday, May 19 with a shotgun start at 1:30 pm with dinner to follow at the courses clubhouse. Cost is $85 for adults and $60 for high school students and $20 if you would like to attend just the dinner. 18 hole best ball scramble with lunch at the turn, cart and dinner are included. Plenty of raffles and surprises to make this a great day of fun for all. Registration in advance is required. Please see our website at or call Mike at 313-388-5137. We are also in need of hole sponsors and prize donations. REQUEST FOR HELP The Booster Club is looking to replace/repair the fence that runs behind the grade school fields along Englewood. If your company or business is willing to help with either materials or labor, we would love to hear from you. Please contact Vince at 313-928-7641 for more details. Page 4 NEWS and EVENTS FROM THE DEACON’S DESK A REFLECTION FOR THE SEASON OF LENT WEEK 3 The Eucharist is a pledge of future glory. The fullness of Holy Communion will only be realized when we enter into heaven and see God, not in the mystery, but to see Him face to face. Only in that glorious eternity can we understand the awesome value of this precious Eucharistic gift. This week’s reflection is centered on the glory of this precious gift and what it means to each of us. Out of the many things that can be said about the Holy Eucharist, I have only chosen 4 items for us to consider; joy, thanksgiving, reverence, and humility. It is always a good practice for us to ponder upon the heavenly things that God has provided for us. I do not have the capacity nor am I able to fully explain here in this reflection on all the eternal truths of the Eucharist, but even this little bit can move us towards the truth. We are called to holiness. All Christians in any state or walk of life are called to the fullness of the Christian life in holiness and to the perfection of charity. This calling makes our faith and our participation in the sacraments necessary because only God can provide these attributes of holiness and the perfection of charity. God includes us in a personal way; he shares himself with us, by way of the sacraments, provided we receive him in faith. In a sense, in consuming the Eucharist, we are allowing God to take us by the hand and lead us back to our original state of creation, as beings of holiness and justice. This simple but lofty contemplation should bring us great joy because God is offering us the privilege to exist in his image, his likeness, and in a very personal way, for his glory. In comprehending the truth that God calls us into His Love, our hearts should sing a song of thanksgiving to the Lord. For God sent the Son into the world not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him. (John 3:17) We all know to some degree, contingent upon our maturity, that one of the most intimate things we can do is reveal ourselves to one another. God has revealed Himself to humanity many times in history, ultimately in the Second Person of the Trinity, Jesus Christ. Our response to God’s revelation, as believers, demands that we constantly prepare our lives for that eternal communion with Christ in heaven. That is why it is so important to prepare properly for Holy Communion, to encounter God in the sacrament. In the sacred liturgy we are called to the altar to communion with the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. This encounter is more than a pledge of future glory, this invitation to communion with the Son is a most wonderful opportunity to be presented to God, the Father Almighty; for no one comes to the Father, but by me. (John 14:6b) Thanks be to God. Jesus tells us that He who eats my flesh and drinks my blood abides in me, and I in Him. This is why we give such reverence to Jesus, especially that in the Eucharist. No matter where we have been in life or what we may have been involved in, God is faithful to these words. Through the ministry of His Church, souls find their way back home by means of conversion. It is the sorrowful, repentant heart that moves heaven to rejoice: there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance (Luke 15:7); and there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents. (Luke 15:10) The Holy Eucharist is not for the perfect soul but for those who desire God and want to learn the life of divine love. When we approach Jesus in the Sacred Host we must hold in our hearts our love for Jesus, because He has died for love of our love. In light of His love for us, we must approach with a profound reverence since through the mercy of God we shall not die but live; As the living Father sent me, and I live because of the Father, so he who eats me will live because of me. (John 6:57) We should be humbled by the love God is offering to us in the Holy Eucharist. Jesus extends his hand from heaven and from the Cross to feed us the Bread of Life; For my flesh is food indeed, and my blood is drink indeed. (John 6:55) Indeed, to learn the life of divine love is to begin in faith and consume Jesus in the Eucharist, because He who does not love does not know God; for God is love (1 John 4:8) and God is in the Sacred Host. This is our food for the journey, a spiritual food that is necessary for our growth in the Christian life, the sacred bread of our pilgrimage until the moment of death when it will then be given to us as viaticum. We must keep these 4 things in our hearts and in our minds each time we approach the Sacrament of the Eucharist; Joy, Thanksgiving, Reverence, Humility. That is why confession is so necessary for our preparation because it clears away all the obstacles that would hinder this most sacred moment of Holy Communion. A thorough and honest look at ourselves allows us to place our imperfections before the Lord in the Sacrament of Reconciliation, that through this sacrament and in his great mercy he will heal and strengthen us. Create in me a clean heart, O God, and put a new and right spirit within me. Cast me not away from thy presence, and take not thy holy Spirit from me. (Psalm 51:10-11) PROTECTING GOD’S CHILDREN WORKSHOPS TO BE HELD AT CABRINI TUES., MAR. 20, 2012 6-9 PM HOLY FAMILY HALL SAT., AUG. 11, 2012 9 AM-12 NOON HOLY FAMILY HALL PRE-REGISTRATION REQUIRED. REGISTER AT: CHANGING LIVES TOGETHER UPDATE OF AS JANUARY 31, 2012 Parish CLT Goal $1,257,012 Total Pledged to Date $1,947,489 ******** Total Pledges Paid $378,248 Total Payments Applied to Parish $282,546 Applied to Debt $167,478 Deposited to Savings $115,068 Parish Families 3,258 Parish Pledges 1,628 Page 5 CHRISTIAN SERVICE AND EVENTS CONGRATULATIONS RAY LAURIN I am happy to inform you that one of your parishioners, Raymond Laurin, has been designated for a St. Vincent de Paul Top Hat Award this year. The award will be presented in recognition of his years of dedicated service to the community as a member of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. The award presentation will take place at the Society’s Twenty Fourth Annual Awards Banquet, to be held on Sunday, March 25th, beginning with Mass at 3:30 PM at the San Marino Club, Troy. If you would like to purchase tickets or have any questions, please feel free to contact Sommer Brock at 313-393-2922. Sincerely, Linda Andrews (signed) On behalf of the SVDP Banquet Committee DON’T EVER FORGET Your presence is a gift to the world, you’re unique and one of a kind. Your life can be what you want it to beTake it one day at a time. Count your blessings, not your troubles, and you’ll make it through what comes along. Within you are so many answers, Understand, have courage, be strong. Don’t put limits on yourself, your dreams are waiting to be realized. Don’t leave your important decisions to chanceReach for your peak, your goal, and your prize. You are cordially invited to join the Secular Franciscans every Monday at 6:15 pm and running through Easter, for Stations of the Cross in the Mother Cabrini Chapel. FOOD COLLECTION FOR MARCH Queen of Angels Please pray for the family and friends of our dearly departed. Rose Urcheck Mary Vella Louis Bortolussi BIBLE STUDY WITH FR. JOE Following are dates and location of event. April 2, 16 7-9 pm Holy Family Hall May 7 7-9 pm Holy Family Hall ALL ARE INVITED Cabrini Auction 2012 “Lucky Leprechaun” March 24, 2012 at 6:00 PM Cabrini High School To Benefit St. Frances Cabrini Parish Schools Enjoy Silent and Live Auctions, Numerous Raffles, Gourmet Delights, Two Complimentary Cocktails, and Sweets all for only $40 per person. (Reservations Required) Check out this year’s auction web page linked at RAFFLE TICKETS AVAILABLE GET YOUR 50/50 GRAND RAFFLE TICKET NOW! For $25 try your chance at winning “up to” $5000 BUY YOUR CABRINI TUITION RAFFLE TICKET TODAY! Try your luck at winning Cabrini Elementary, Middle or High School tuition for one student. Event & Raffle Tickets Available in the Parish Office, any school office or by contacting 313-388-2370 / BE AN ANGEL, SUPPORT CABRINI’S AUCTION! After all the Masses for the next few weekends Cabrini’s Auction Committee will be selling “Auction Angels”. Purchase an “Auction Angel” for only $1.00 and have your name displayed as a supporter of this year’s auction. DONATIONS AND ADVERTISING BEING ACCEPTED AND APPRECIATED If you would like to make a donation toward Cabini’s Lucky Leprechaun Auction, please fill out the form below and attach it to your donation. If making a monetary donation place it in an envelope with your check made out to Cabrini Schools. All donations can be turned in to the rectory. If you’re interested in advertising your business in our auction program, please contact Lia Gyetvay at (313) 388-2370 or for more information. AUCTION 2012 DONATION FORM Name Address Candles 4th Friday Cecilia Caulfield Towels 4thSunday Noemi Dluzniewski City/State/Zip Gift Amount $ ____________ Donated Item Value $ _________________ Page 6 RELIGIOUS EDUCATION AND ADULT FORMATION EVENTS CHILDREN’S RELIGIOUS FORMATION CLASSES Religious Ed grades 6-7-8 Tues. Mar. 20, 6:30-7:45 pm Religious Ed grades 1-5 Wed., Mar. 21, 4:30-5:45 pm & 6:30-7:45 pm Special Needs Sat., Mar. 21, 6:00-6:45 pm Mother Cabrini Room First Eucharist Pictures Sat., Mar. 24, 9:00 am-1:00 pm Clare Hall RCIA ELECT Please meet Catechumen Joshua Seth Lockwood: My name is Joshua Seth Lockwood and I am thirty years old. I am an Eastern Michigan Alumni and a Michigan certified teacher. I'm going through the RCIA process because I want to become a full member of the Catholic Church, and be baptized in the name of the Lord. Growing up as a child, my siblings and I were a church going family. We were practically raised in Bethesda Baptist church. My father became the music director and played the piano, while my mother sang. When my parents divorced we stopped going to church slowly but slowly until we just didn't attend anymore. When I was in high school I started back to church attending with my Grandmother at First Presbyterian in Trenton. Once I started college I began to lose my faith in God even though I took two years of world religions and was brought up going to church. About two years ago, I started attending Catholic Mass at Saint Joe's Catholic Church in Lake Orion. I went with an open mind and heart. I began to read the Bible and pray every day, while researching the Catholic faith and traditions, and slowly I started to see a change in me. I saw a change in the way I thought, spoke, acted, and really saw and felt God calling me. And to this day, I feel the presence of the Lord working in me every day. I absolutely love going to church, reading my bible, saying my daily prayers, and just living a holier life. The people at Saint Frances Cabrini have been extremely wonderful in welcoming me into the parish and words really can't express how much I cherish that. I'm thoroughly looking forward to completing the process and growing as a member of the Catholic Church. growing as a person and as a Christian, but I see my faith strengthening as well. Although I was raised Catholic my entire life, the process of RCIA has brought me even closer to God. This has been a privilege to work with Joshua, and it brings me so much joy to see him grow more spiritually every day and I can't wait to stand with him as he completes this process when he is baptized, confirmed, and receives the Eucharist at the Easter Vigil. Please meet Druyor: Catechumen Kim There were so many things that led me to the R.C.I.A process. It is important to me to keep Christ in our home, which involves leading my children by example. I am a baptized Christian, however, like many of us, I put my spiritual life on hold while the more “important” things took priority. Through R.C.I.A. I have learned so many amazing things about our faith as Catholics, as well as keeping Christ first in our home. This year is particularly unique to our group going through the program because of all the changes that are taking place within the church. I feel that it was the perfect time to become part of such a wonderful process, and learn all these new things along with the other members of the church. My fiancé, my daughter, and I will be participating in the Easter Vigil where I look forward to becoming fully initiated into the Catholic Church, and continuing to grow in my faith. A word from Sponsor, Chris Marmion: I was raised Catholic and have become involved with R.C.I.A. through my fiancé. After being away from the church for many years I have rediscovered and strengthened my faith with the help of R.C.I.A. and the Cabrini community. Since I have been away, I too am learning all the changes that have taken place. It is very important to us to keep God in our home and set a positive example. I look forward to our marriage in the eyes of God as well as sharing our lives as Christians. The R.C.I.A. process and attending Cabrini church have had a positive impact in my life. Please meet Catechumen: Kelli Fabbri I have gone through this RCIA process a couple times. During each of those failed attempts, my heart wasn't really into it. This time, I am definitely ready to be faith-filled and trusting in the Lord. I also want to set and live examples of Jesus' teachings in my own life with my husband and sons. I am thrilled to share this with my family. A word from Sponsor, Kristin Lockwood: A word from Sponsor Chelsea GrantI am honored to be Joshua Seth Lockwood's sponsor as he becomes fully initiated into the Catholic Church. Here is a little bit of information about myself. I am Joshua's sister-in-law. My husband, two daughters and I belong to the parish. I have two daughters ages three and eight months, and our youngest daughter was baptized at our parish. When Joshua asked me to be his sponsor I immediately said yes. Not only do I see him I was honored when Kelli asked me to be her sponsor. The thought of helping someone else grow in faith really appealed to me. Growing up in the Catholic faith helped shape me as a person and I am extremely thrilled to help Kelli through her journey of faith. Page 7 YOUTH AND NEWS EVENTS Youth Ministry Contacts Therese Tardiff: Coord. Youth/Campus Ministry Stephen Witberg: Scout Master Marie Wyatt: Jr. High Youth Leader Amy Ranspach: Youth Community Search and Join Cabrini Youth Ministry Group on Facebook Youth Ministry News All high school teens are invited to participate in any or all Youth Ministry sponsored events and activities. Sunday Night Gatherings 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. Wayne Wesenberg Youth Wing (Located next to the Holy Family Hall) Sunday, March 18, Game Night: There will be board games, Euchre, Air Hockey, Pool, Ping Pong, snacks, and more. Bring a friend Sunday, March 25, Confirmation Candidate Dinner, 4:00 – 8:30 p.m. in Cabrini Center: You the teens of the parish have been asked to host this special evening for all of our Confirmation Candidates and their Sponsors. We will set-up, serve the meal, lead an activity or two, and clean-up at the end. We should be done by 7:30 at which time we can have open gym until 8:30pm. Please let Mrs. Tardiff know if you will be able to help in any way even if it’s only for an hour or two. You will be well fed! Service Opportunity MDA Muscle Walk @ Ford Field Saturday, March 24 9:30 a.m. – 1:30 p.m. MDA Muscle Walk is a series of local walk events across the country held to pay tribute to and raise funds for children and adults served by the Muscular Dystrophy Association. The walks are family –orientated gatherings that anyone can join. Please contact Mrs. Tardiff to get a permission slip, a pledge form and more details about the event. Once registered you may obtain pledges from family, friends, and neighbors to sponsor you in the walk. Make a Muscle - Make a Difference THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! To everyone who attended last Sunday’s pancake breakfast or dropped off returnables for the bottle and can collection sponsored by our parish teens! Your generosity is very much appreciated because the continued support makes it possible for our young people to experience, and develop a deeper understanding of their Catholic faith by participating in local conferences and retreats, national summer service trips and international pilgrimages. Our special thanks also goes out to those who donated items, which, in turn, helped defray our overall costs: The Cabrini Boosters Club, Gordon’s and to Maxine Hunter for seeking out many other donations. Please keep our youth in your prayers as they prepare for Young Neighbors in Action, and Just5Days.We will keep you posted on these wonderful faith journeys. IGNITE YOUNG ADULT MINISTRY (formerly Compass Young Adult Ministry) Serving college students, recent graduates and all young adults in the Downriver area, ages 1 8 to 35, single or married. E-Mail: Facebook Group: If you would be interested in receiving the weekly e-mail newsletter, please e-mail Dan at 2012 Michigan Catholic Young Adult Conference (MICYAC): Friday, 3/23-Saturday, 3/24 at the Causeway Hotel & Conference Center in Lansing. Featuring keynote speaker Fr. James Conion from Catholic Relief Service, the MICYAC is an opportunity for young adult Catholics ages 18-39, single or married, from all across the State of Michigan to gather, learn about reflect on and celebrate the beauty of our faith as we all draw nearer to Jesus Christ. The cost is $60 for 2-day registration, $50 for 1day. Ignite is organizing a group to attend the conference, which will reduce the cost of registration by $10. If you would be interested in attending the conference as a part of the group, please contact Dan Garnell at For more information on the conference itself, please visit it s website at http:// ST. FRANCES CABRINI PARISH PRESENTS: NATIONALLY KNOWN SINGER, SONG WRITER, AND STORY TELLER STEVE ANGRISANO FAMILY EVENING OF REFLECTION THURSDAY, MARCH 29 7:00 TO 8:30 PM IN THE CHURCH Everyone is invited for a special evening of prayer, stories, song, and humor. Light snacks and refreshments will be served in the Narthex. Steve’s books and CD’s will be available for purchase. VETERAN MUSICIAN COMPOSER YOUTH MINISTER Featured At: 6 World Youth Days, March for Life Rally, LA Congress, Parish Missions, National Catholic Youth, Diocesan Conferences, Conferences. Steve’s easy, honest style of ministry is born from who he is: a committed witness to the life of Jesus Christ. “He has often said that he LOVES being Catholic and encourages each of us to remember that to be holy means to start where we’re at right now, because we are all called to be saints.” Page 8 LENT AND EASTER SCHEDULE 2012 Sat., Mar. 17 Tues. Mar. 20 Weds., Mar. 21 4:00 pm Confession / 5:00 pm Mass 2:15 pm Stations of the Cross (CES/CMS) 8:30 am Mass (All Schools) 7:00 pm Lenten Book Club CES Library Fri., Mar. 23 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Sat., Mar. 24 4:00 pm Confession / 5:00 pm Mass Weds., Mar. 28 7:00 pm Lenten Book Club CES Library Thurs., Mar. 29 8:30 am Mass (All Schools) Fri., Mar. 30 7:00 pm Stations of the Cross Sat., Mar. 31 4:00 pm Confession / 5:00 pm Mass Sun., Apr. 1 Palm Sunday 8:00, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm Mass Tues., Apr. 3 2:00 pm Lenten Prayer Service (All Schools) Weds., Apr. 4 12:00-8:00 pm CW Flower Sale Annex 7:00 pm Lenten Book Club CES Library Thurs., Apr. 5 NO 8:30 AM MASS Holy Thursday 10:00 am-6:00 pm CW Flower Sale Annex 7:00 pm Mass of the Lord’s Supper Fri., Apr. 6 NO 8:30 AM MASS Good Friday 10:00 am-12:00 pm CW Flower Sale Annex 12:00 Stations of the Cross with a Reflection on the 7 last words of Christ 3:00 pm Celebration of the Passion of the Lord Sat., Apr. 7 NO 8:30 AM MASS Holy Saturday 1:00 & 2:00 pm Blessing of Food HFH 8:30 pm Easter Vigil / Reception follows HFH EVENTS FOR THE WEEK OF MAR. 18, 2012 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • MONDAY MAR. 19 CS #1052 Comm. Mtg.: 7-8 pm WWCR CW I.H.M.: 7:30-9:30 pm CH EDP: Mon-Fri. 3-4:30 pm CES Eighth Grade Parent Mtg.: 7-8 pm HFH Franciscans Spirituality: 7-9 pm MCR Mass: 8:30 am CHURCH Mom’s Ministry: 6:30-8 pm WWW/HFH Rec. Rm. Perpetual Adoration: 7 days a week-24 hours a day. CHAPEL Stations: 6:15 pm MCR/Chapel The Little Flower Girls Club: 3:15-5 pm WWW The Little Flower Girls Activity Day: 4-5 pm HFH TUESDAY MAR. 20 AA: 8-9 pm HFH Rec. Room Al-Anon: 10-11 am HFHMR#2 Baptism Prep: 7-9 pm MCR BS#1052 Troop Mtg.: 7-8:30 pm WWW CES/CMS Stations: 2:15-3 pm CHURCH EPTG Mtg.: 7-9 pm CES Lounge K of C 4th Degree Officer’s Mtg.: 6:30-8 pm RECMR Mass: 8:30 am & 7:00 pm CHURCH Moms’ Ministry: 9:30-11 am WWW/HFH Rec. Rm. Mom’s in Touch: 7:50-9 am CHS Chapel Protecting God’s Children: 6-9 pm HFH Rel. Ed. Grades 6-8: 6:30-7:45 pm CES Classrooms St. Vincent de Paul: 6-7 pm HFHMR#2 WEDNESDAY MAR. 21 Cabrini Seniors: 12:30-4 pm MCR Franciscan Council Mtg.: 7-9 pm HFHMR#2 Sun., Apr. 8 Easter Sunday 8:00, 10:00 am & 12:00 pm Mass Morning Mass daily at 8:30 am Monday thru Saturday unless otherwise noted. Evening Mass at 7:00 pm on Tuesdays unless otherwise noted. ~~~~~~~~~~ April 9 to April 14—Divine Mercy Novena after the 8:30 am Mass. Novena concludes on the Feast of the Divine Mercy, Sun., April 15 at 3:00 pm with the Solemn Novena Holy Hour and Benedictions at the following: St. Albert the Great, Dearborn Heights St. Mary’s, Rockwood St. Stan’s, Wyandotte ~~~~~~~~~~ VICARIATE COMMUNAL RECONCILIATION SERVICES Tues., Mar.27 at 7:45 pm Wed., Mar. 28 at 7:00 pm Mon., Apr. 2 at 7:00 pm Tues., Apr .3 at 7:00 pm Wed., Apr.4 at 7:00 pm • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Our Lady of the Angels St. Constance AND St. Joe (Wyandotte) St. Mary Magdalene Sacred Heart St. Henry Lenten Book Club: 7-8 pm CES Library Mass: 8:30 am All Schools CHURCH NA.: 7-9 pm HFH Rec. room Rel. Ed. 1-5 grades: 4:30-5:45 and 6:30-7:45 pm CES Classrooms Special Needs: 6-6:45 pm MCR THURSDAY MAR. 22 Adult Choir: 7:30-10 pm MR APPC Basketball: 9:30-11 pm CC Cabrini Men’s Group: 6:30-8 pm MCR EPTG Book Bingo: 6-8:30 pm CC Mass: 8:30 am All Schools CHURCH FRIDAY MAR. 23 7th & 8th Grade Dance: 7-9 pm CC/Annex Mass: 8:30 am CHURCH Stations of the Cross: 7-8 pm CHURCH SATURDAY MAR. 24 A.A.:1-2 pm HFH Base/Rec Room Auction: Opens at 6 pm CHS BS Lock In: 7 pm Sat to 7:00 am Sun CC/A Confession: 4 pm CHURCH First Communion Pictures: 10 am-2 pm CH Mass : 8:30 am and 5 pm CHURCH SUNDAY MAR. 25 Coffee & Donuts: After 8 & 10 am Mass CC Confirmation Candidate & Sponsor Dinner: 5-7 pm CC Mass: 8:00 & 10 am , & 12 pm CHURCH RCIA: 11 am-1 pm MCR Sunday Pre-School: 10-11 am CH Youth Jr./Sr. Group: 7-9 pm & 6:30-8 pm WWW/HFH Rec. Rm Page 9 LITURGICAL MINISTRIES FOR MAR. 24 AND 25, 2012 SATURDAY 5:00 PM USHER: 1 SUNDAY 8:00 AM USHER: 5 SUNDAY 10:00 AM USHER: 3 SUNDAY 12:00 PM USHER: 4 ALTAR SERVERS Kylie George Maria Snider Madelyn Hughes ALTAR SERVERS Dominic Villarreal Steven Villarreal Mackenzie Bates ALTAR SERVERS Ryan Didion Emma Gallagher Logan Fryz ALTAR SERVERS Alexis Roa Jacob Louzon Kiersten Wyatt LECTOR Ted Hughes LECTOR T.C. Bates LECTOR Denny Connors LECTOR Carolyn Sohoza COMMENTATOR Ellen Farkas COMMENTATOR Janine Little COMMENTATOR Mike Bender COMMENTATOR Greg Montminy EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Pete Okonkowski Lisa hughes Karen Rourke Clarice Sarkozy Mary Williams Adam Niner Erica Niner Martha Sobolewski Chelsea Grant EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Elizabeth Bates Casey Humbles John William Lee Bill Hazelrigg Matt Valerius Michael Villarreal Robert Powell Chris Basso Katie Zimnicki EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Laura Kar Rose LaVigne Melissa Gallagher Bettie Machinsky Kimberly Mattoon Coleen Bender Dave Oakley Emily Slater Katie Slater EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS Lia Gyetvay Justin Grauer Christopher Luce Leonardo Luce Eric McCann 4 Subs SACRISTAN Terry Mazure SACRISTAN Robert Powell Pat Csatari SACRISTAN Marge Wolber SACRISTAN Vi DallaVecchia Readings for Week Mar. 18 Sunday Fourth Sunday of Lent 2 Chronicles 36: 14-16, 19 -23; Psalm 137; Ephesians 2: 4-10; John 3:14-or 1 Samuel 16:1b, 6 -7, 10-13a; Ephesians 5:8 -14; John 9:1-41 or 9:1, 69, 13-17, 34-38; Monday Saint Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 2 Samuel 7:4-5a, 12-14a, 16, Psalm 89; Romans 4:13, 16-18, 22; Matthew 1:16, 18-21, 24a or Luke 2:41-51a Tuesday Ezra 47:1-9, 12; Psalm 46; John 5:1-16; Wednesday Isaiah 49:8-15; Psalm 145; John 5:17-30; Thursday Exodus 32:7-14; Psalm 106; John 5:31-47; Friday Saint Turibius de Mogroveljo, Bishop Wisdom 2:1a, 12-22; Psalm 34; john 7:1-2, 10, 25-30; Saturday Jeremiah 11:18-20; Psalm 7; John 7:40-53; Sunday Fifth Sunday of Lent Jeremiah 31:31-34; Psalm 51; Hebrews 5:7-9; John 12-20-33 or Ezra 37:1214; Romans 8:8-11 or John 11:1-45 or 11:3-7, 17, 20-27; 33b-45 MEMORIAL PLAQUE FOR THE GARDEN If you are considering honoring your loved one with a memorial that will last a lifetime, you may want to consider having their name put on one of our plaques in the Memorial Garden. The plaques are now placed on the outside wall of the church facing the garden and we need approximately 100 to 110 names before the plaque can go to the engraver. We now have 61 names, so we still need 48 names. Please come into the rectory and fill out a form and give your loved one a memorial that when their friends and family walk through the garden they can read and remember the good memories. The names put on the plaque do not have to be deceased and in this way you can honor your whole family. VOLUNTEERS NEEDED Arbor Hospice is seeking committed, compassionate individuals who are interested in companioning the terminally ill in your area. Complete training classes will be provided and held in your area. No physical care skills needed. The most important requirement is a desire to help a patient or a family member struggling with a terminal diagnosis. If interested please call Gerry at 734-656-0031 or email: 3rd Banns-Joshua Hershey and Sheri Dudek 3rd Banns-Chad Caldwell and Lindsay Hibbler WHAT IS A “NUN RUN?” It is a 24+ hour experience during which single women ages 18-40 are invited to spend time with Sisters who are ministering in the Detroit area. At each stop, enjoy the Sisters’ cooking as you learn first hand how each Community is making a difference for the people in the Detroit area and beyond. Transportation provided. No fee for the weekend. The Nun Run is scheduled for March 30-31, 2012. The event will begin at 6:00 pm on Friday the 30th and conclude at 8:30 pm on Saturday the 31st. Contact Sr. Theresa Sullivan, DC at 812-963-7563 or email to receive a brochure and to register. Hosted by Catholic Sisters of the Detroit Archdiocesan Vocation Association (DAVA) in collaboration with the office of Priestly Vocations, Archdiocese of Detroit. Page 10 MASS INTENTIONS Mon., Mar. 19, 2012 8:30 am Mass Feast of St. Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary Andrew M. Waszkiewicz (2nd Anniversary) -by Family Joseph Sklarczyk –by Family Edward T. Atkinson (16th Anniversary) -by Wife, Shirley Lou Ross –by Mr. & Mrs. Conrad Kozlo Leo Mierski (13th Anniversary) -by Daughter Marie Wenberg (Birthday Remembrance) -by Gail & Rick Bielewski Concetta Scipione –by Family Tues., Mar. 20, 2012 8:30 am Mass First Day of Spring Rev. Robert Hirsch CSsR –by Teed Family Edward Bosak –by Bob & Carol Adams Marion Mac Dougall (Birthday Remembrance) -by Family 7:00 pm James Harning (20th Anniversary) -by Family Wilbert Galetto –by Rafaela Martinez Special Intentions for Bert Vozar –by Wally & Debbie Bizon Wed. Mar. 21, 2012 8:30 am Mass Ronald Knapik –by Family Gary Prusak (10th Anniversary) -by Mother & Sister Thurs., Mar. 22, 2012 8:30 am Mass Friday, Mar. 23, 2012 8:30 am Mass Feast of St. Turibius de Mogrovejo Abstinence Mary Sullivan –by Family George & Helen Coyne –by Daughter Kitty Saturday, Mar. 24, 2012 8:30 am Mass Sat. and Sun., Mar. 24 and 25 2012 5th Sunday in Lent 5:00 pm Michael Balle –by Wife Margaret Kelly –by Tuttle Family Mary Ann Bolduc –by Husband Lou Ross –by Jerry & Lois Teed Margaret Mulcrone –by Jurko Family Kathy Cronin Frank Patrick –by Cathy Mac Donald Tony Quirolo (7th Anniversary) -by Family 8:00 am Mass Walter Mazur –by Family Donald Mazur –by Family Ralph & Stella Tyrna –by Mike & Cathy Gorski Elaine Attard –by Dorothy Bennett Rose Urcheck –by C. Caulfield Thomas Jourdan –by Scannell Family 10:00 am Mass Mike Suzor (6th Anniversary) -by Mom Joseph Alberga –by Family Stanly Szkarlat –by Wife & Children Chester Wilk (4th Anniversary) -by Family Bruce Karkowski –by Alan Filarski Betty Tardella –by Bev Rekuc & Family Estelle Kaczorowski –by Linda Stros/Bob Adaline 12:00 pm Mass Bill Ulatowski (34th Anniversary) Antonia Cedrone –by Husband Leo Condon (25th Anniversary) -by Family Phillip Drobot –by Sordyl, Baron & Peters Families Chester Wilk (4th Anniversary) -by Family Special Intentions for Clark & Eskie Families –by Eveanne & David Eskie Beverly McCormick –by Page Family Please pray for everyone, especially those listed below, our president, and the men and women in the armed services. Jeff Adamczyk Allayna Albanys Agnes Andrews Elaine Attard Joseph Bachleda Tim Barazsu Frank Barazsu Susan Barazsu Ernest Bazzana Dorothy Beatty Irene Beri Erica Born Catherine Branson Eleanore Broniak Gary Burtka Barbara Carmody Patricia Cavanagh Joan Church Tina Cowan Allen Darin Rita Deeren Santo Demaggio Paul Ditosto Leona Dobbins Irene Dunder Patricia Elliott Dennis Fenech Yolanda Flores Anne Foster Matylda Fron Marie Gajor Jennifer Gauntt Maryann Gauntt Gayle Genge Gary Geresy Samantha Gerlach Robert Goschinski Virginia Grant Dave Green Patrick Grieves Chester Grisnak Jerry Gruelke Katherine TallonGrundman Virginia Hall Maureen Harvey Michael Hayden Ray Hayden Helen Hayduk Michelle Henderson Chet Holowicki, III Joan Holowicki Virginia Holowecky Cloe Hunt Mary Grace Hurley Vincent R. Hurley Mario Jauregui Brad Kara Eleanor Karkoska Eddie Kastl Jim Kenzie, Jr. John Kepes Family Aaron Klaker Alice Klenczar Catherine Klenk Katherine Kloss Darlene Kmita Eleanor Korzecki Carl Kostoff John Krupnak Cindy LaForest Ed LaForest Carl Langert Diane Lankford Helen Lara Bill Lawson Sonia Lepper Phyllis Louzon Mary (Bonnie) Lupone Norman Mac Donald Tammy Maguire Evelyn Malvasi Richard Marra Sally Martin Mike McAlister Shirley Mead Mike Morris John Mullins Vicky Mullins Mary Ann Murphy Henry Mussio Jennifer Mussio Maureen Mussio Leo Mysiewicz Ann Nappo Helen Nemeth Mary Ann Nemergut Genny Nielubowicz “Butch” Nikodemski Barbara Onofrio Carol Patterson Pearl Peranino Robert Piazza Larry Piiparinen Betty Porter Elaine Pross Helen Pyszko Beverly Ramirez Barbara Rebel Sheri Rinna Jackie Riopelle Jose Rios II Eugenia Romanick R. J. Sajewski Tom Salliotte Emery Salamon, Jr. Ashley Salomonson Timothy Sanborn Claire Scalici Laura Schmidt Cathy Shook Richard Sinnott Linda Smith Florence Smolinski Donna & Randy Sparkman Nikki Spicer Andrew Spiter Robert Sucheck Bernice Sullivan Mark Surma Rosemary Szabo Jackie Szyblowski David Tieppo Connor Trionfi David Trionfi Rose Urcheck Felicia Vespa Roberta Vozar Elaine Wesenberg Rev. Wayne Wheeler Fr. Gene Wojtewicz Cheryl Zaglanis Rob Zavicar Page 11 Stephen Bond-USN, Virginia Beach. Amy L. Burrows-USA, Major, Fort Bragg. , N. C. Daniel Charette– USA, Sgt., Hawaii. Josh Danas-USAF, 1st Liet., Iraq Drew Da Ronco-USA, Captain, Afganistan. Nathan DelDuco-USA, Intel-Analysis, Iraq. Kelly Doyle-USA, Basra, Iraq. Leon Forystek-USN, 2nd Lieut., Fort Sill, OK John Furgiuile-USA, S. Sgt., Ohio Denis Gaty-USA, Staff Sgt., Ft. Lewis, Wa. Derk Golec-USNG, Iraq. Peter W. Garr, TSGT, Iraq. Nicholas Gilbert-Army National Guard, Alpena, MI. Eric Holewinski-USN, CPO, Japan. Michael Hollman-USAF, Lt. Col., Scott AFB, Illinois. Andrew J. Hornyak-US Army, SFC, Fort Knox, KY. Aaron King-US Army, Private-Iraq. Christopher Lizyness-Sgt., Fort Campbell, TN. Joseph Lizyness-Fort Stewart, GA. Robert Lowry-USAF, Texas. William Lux-USA, PVT2, Fort Bragg, N.C. Dan Maciag—USA.Sgt., Iraq Jeff Mahalak-USMC, M/Sgt., Camp Pendleton, Ca. David Miller-USMC, Sgt., Kabul, Afghanistan. Jennifer Mohler, USMC, Iraq. William Morris-USMC, Sgt., Camp LeJeune, N.C. David Morrish-USA. Sgt., Germany. Walter Daniel Mros-USA, Sargeant, Hawaii. Kevin Ryan Peasley, USA, Afghanistan. Joseph Petroni-USA, Fort Carsow Co., deployed to Kuwait. Simon Pompa, USA, Pvt. 1st Class, Afghanistan. Edward J. Rice, USAF, Vandenberg AFB, California. Lee Rinna-USN Reserves, Petty Officer 2nd, Michigan Theodore Robertson –Reserves Matthew Roulo– Navy, Afghanistan Matthew Rumfeld, USMC, Staff Sgt. Antonio Salinas, USA, 1st Lieut., Afghanistan Chris Salliotte-USN, Lt., VFA 136 Squadron, NAS Oceana, Va. Beach. Stephen Scarlett-USA, Pfc., Iraq. John M. Scorzell, II-USA, Spc., Afghanistan. Ryan Moya Silva-USA, Sgt. 1st Class, Afghanistan. William Smallwood, USMC, Lance Corporal, Afghanistan. Daniel J. Smith-Coast Guard, S.N., Pacific Louis Stephens, USA, Sgt. 1st Class, Afghanistan. Jason Teecher-USMC, Oversea. Patrick J. Thomas-USMC, Sgt., Lansing, MI Ryan C. Trimmer-USN, Norfolk, VA. Jenny Trudel, USAF, Senior Airman, Colorado Michael Van Steenkiste-USA, Capt., Ft. Drum, NY. Toni Watson-Reserve, Sgt. Surgical Team, Iraq. Steven Whoolery-USMC, Lance Corporal, Afghanistan ITEMS FOR SALE For Rent: 3 bedroom home in Melvindale. Hardwood floors, central air, addition, finished basement, faux fireplace, off street parking, washer & dryer. $875,00 monthly. Call 313-682-9444. (1-29) For Rent: Lovely spacious two bedroom upper flat. Heat, water plus basement included-$675.00 per month. Located in Allen Park. Call 313-383-0350. (1-29) Attorney Needed: Parishioner seeking help obtaining non-profit status for animal rescue in Milan. Call Sheri at 734-439-1468. Leave message if no answer. (1-29) For Sale: Dryer/Super Capacity. Roper 6.5 cu. ft. only 6 months old for $250.00. Great dear! Call Anne at 313-383-0878. (1-29) For Sale: Living Room furniture: Couch, recliner, chair with ottoman, side tables (2), Mission style, Oak with southwest pattern. All 6 pieces only $450,00. Call 734-417-1615. (1-29) For Rent: 3 bedroom brick ranch on desirable Andrews Street in Allen Park. $1100 per month. Comes fully furnished and with appliances. Remodeled kitchen and finished basement, large backyard. Call 734309-1255. (9-26) For Rent: Very clean 3 bedroom bungalow in Allen Park. Freshly painted, new windows, new dishwasher and hardwood floors. $1100 monthly. Call 313-383-1789. (2-26) Abortion Alternatives 800-57WOMAN Project Rachel 313-237-5910 Affinity Hospice of Life 734-284-4315 AIDS Help Line 800-872-AIDS AIDS Partnership (Detroit) 313-446-9800 Alcoholic Anonymous 313-268-0930 Al-Anon 313-386-1678 Main 313-242-0300 N Allen Park Senior Center U 313-928-0770 M Alzheimer Association 248-351-0280 B American Diabetes E Assoc. 800-DIABETES American Red Cross R 800-GIVELIFE S Allen Park 313-549-7043 Angela Hospice 734-464-7810 Bible Teaching and Prayer Line 734-720-1852 Cancer Information Service 800-4CANCER Catholic Social Services 313-922-1362 Crisis Interventions Wayne County (also known as Community Behavior Health) 313-224-7000 H O T L I N E Crisis Pregnancy Center Lincoln Park 313-386-4005 Melvindale 313-382-5941 Divorced & Separated Bethany Support Group 586-293-3562 Domestic Violence 1st Step 24 hr. emergency 888-453-5900 Drug Dependence 800-388-9891 Elder Abuse & Family Violence 800-996-6228 Family First Home Health Care Inc 313-680-3522 Focus Hope (food program) 313-494-4600 Meals on Wheels 313-928-1775 Narcotics Anonymous 248-543-7200 Nat’l Council Alcoholism 313-341-9891 Parent Help Line 800-942-4357 Physically Impaired Assoc. 800-274-7426 Poison Control Center 800-764-7661 Presentation Ministries 513-662-5378 Project Life 800-281-2102 Society of St. Vincent de Paul 877-788-4623 Suicide Prevention 313-224-7000 Teen/Parent Support Group 313-843-2210 Visiting Nurse Assoc. 800-882-5720 Babysitter Needed: 18 years or older & preferable, an Allen Park resi dent. We have three well behaved children ages 7, 4, and 1. Experi ence & references a must. Please call Diana at 586-612-3544. (311) For Sale: 1973 Oldsmobile Delta 88 Convertible. All original interior and in mint condition. New convertible top. 50,270 original miles. Call 313-388-2962. (3-11) 4 TV’S For Sale: 36” Sony Trinitron-flat screen with tube back. 27” Toshi ba with tube back. 19” Phillips with tube back. 19” Panasonic flat screen with tube back. All work very well. Call Cris at 313-600-0492. (3-11) For Sale: Dark oak bedroom dresser, 4’ X20”. Plenty drawers/large mir ror-$50. Dark oak headboard for full/queen-$25. Ladies’ 3 speed bike, 27”, Blue. Call Geri at 313-224-4530. (3-11) For Rent: New Lake front Cape Cod family vacation home in Gaylord, MI, Otsego Lake. Sandy beach and all Sports Lake, shared dock. Golf courses just minutes away, Traverse City, Petoskey, Mackinaw, with in 1 hour. Sleeps 8, large upstairs bedroom with an open loft , wash er and dryer, large open living area downstairs. $900 week call 313330-1500 or email Sorry no pets. Now taking summer reservations. (3-11) For Rent: Extremely clean garage for storage. Dry walled, insulated, AC & heated, 220W power outlet for welding, 25 X 40 feet, front and back door entrances. Whitelake area. $700 per month. Call 734-2878945. (3-11) Page 12 H O M E C A R E B U L L E T I N B O A R D For Hire: Are you looking for someone to care for your loved ones? I have six years experience with elderly Cabrini parishioners. Give Maryann a call at 313-389-7142. References. RN/Caregiver: Seeking Home Care Position-to care for your loved one? License, references & affordable rates. Ask for Shar at 734-676-8887. For Hire: Home Care provided in home-24 hours available, 2 hour minimum. Licensed, bonded & insured. Please call Renee 313-381-6724. For Hire: Need a little help? I provide friendly, caring assistance with non-medical activities. Will shop, run errands or take to appointments. Will house/pet sit, feed the birds and walk the dog. Tell me what you need! Please call Bonnie at 313-928-5375. For Hire: Senior Home-care. Shopping and errands. Transportation to appointments. Light housecleaning. Please call 313-388-1243. For Hire: Home care provider with chore services-light housekeeping, cooking errands. State certified. Please call Geraldine 734-286-4157. Caregiver for Hire: 20 years experience full or part time. Light housekeeping, cooking-dedicated caregiver and companion. Parishioner of St. Cyprians. Call Marlene at 734-246-3623. Home Care: Coordinator of Home Care Services, parish member, Cabrini Alumni, Janine Brown Rossman, R.N., class of 1978, will meet or speak with you about your loved ones in need of professional coordination for home care. All diagnosis and all types of care; insurance, private, day/night care, hospice, assisted living, senior residence living. Please call 313-680-3522. 23 years registered nurse. In Home Care: Sandy’s Private In Home Caregivers, 4 to 24 hour shifts, 7 days a week, affordable rates. 14 years experience, excellent references. Please call (home) 313-295-8471 or (cell) 313-802-0823. Caregiver: Honest, patient and dependable caregiver. White glove cleaner, superb organizer, grocery shop, drive to appointments, etc. Call Patti at 248-632-6678. Home Health Aide: Reliable, excellent references, reasonable rates, 20 years experience. Elderly, stroke, Quadriplegic, Muscular Dystrophy, Multiple Sclerosis, Cancer patient. Call Jodi at 734-675-5019 or 734-341-4476. For Hire: Trained medical care specializing in at home Critical Care. Introduction to coming back home from hospital stay. Help to co-ordinate care with Hospice or other health care professionals. References available, flexible schedule, Allen Park resident. Please call Sue at 313-485-4489. For Hire: Caregiving. Senior discounts, loving, caring and giving. 2 hour minimum, 29 year experience, Please call Mary at 734-307-3020. For Hire: Homecare Provider will take care of your loved one and their home. Dishes, laundry, cooking and also doctor appointments to and from. Call Wendy Lance at 313-282-8066. For Hire: Light house cleaning and errands. Minimum 4 hours, $9.00 per hour. Allen Park area. Call Gloria at 313-389-5506. For Hire: Highly Recommended caregiver/companion with excellent references. Duties include transportation to and from doctor appointments, errands, medication administration, meal preparation, assistance with person hygiene and light house-keeping. Call Kari at 734-674- 6302. For Hire: Caregiver, 26 year old male with experience. Duties include assistance with personal hygiene, laundry, housekeeping, light meals, transportation, errands, medication administration and companionship. Loves sports! Prefers assisting male. Please call Troy at 313-3302147 or 313-336-3164. Compassionate Caregiver: Trained by Hospice of Michigan to provide supportive care to individuals and their families during times of illness and/or in final stages of life. Services are non-medical and focus on comfort and quality of life; spiritual care, physical care, companionship and relief for the primary caregiver. Compensation based upon individual’s needs. Contact Jeanne Bufton-Salerno at 313-383-4929 or e-mail Caregiver: Christian caregiver is a way of life for me. Flexible hours. Reasonable charge. Call Debbie at 734-628-2299. Companion: for errands, shopping, house/pet sitting, and transportation. Will accompany you or your loved ones to any appointments, events, entertainment or attractions. Responsible, reliable service with a smile. Call Ted at 313-288-2620. Companion/Helper: Need a live in companion/helper custodian? Neat, quiet guy, 61 years old, grad of Cabrini High, can help you with your needs in place of rent. References available. Call 313-587-1541. Please leave message. For Hire: Cleaning for your home or office, pre and/or post party cleanup, gift for that someone special. Call Kelly at 734-751-3198 or Audra at 734-552-9989. For Hire: Tired of cleaning? Let me help! Reliable, honest and trustworthy. Call Nicole at 313-258-0450. For Hire: Handyman, parishioner and child in Cabrini school. Please call Stefano Lalicata 313-386-0165. You will be happy you did. For Hire: Need a ride? I will drive you to shop, doctor appointments, visit friends, etc. Experienced, safe driver, Allen Park resident. Bad weather no obstacle, reasonable rates. Call Andy at 313-690-2238. For Hire: Garage cleaning, odd jobs. Dependable, hard working brothers, parishioners. Free estimates, low prices, senior specials. Please call 313-406-5308. For Hire: Seamstress/Custom Sewing/Alterations: Weddings, Communions, Christenings. Intricacy is my specialty! Create heirloom gowns, veils, dresses, etc. Allen Park resident. Call Robbie at 734-626-4037 (parishioner). For Hire: 68’ graduate of Cabrini High available for odd home, garage and basement cleaning. Also minor home maintenance. Rock bottom rates. I am excellent at what I do. References available. Call 313-587-1541, please leave message. For Hire: Let me help you with routine cleaning, deep cleaning, spring cleaning of your home or office. I will also do any special projects you might need done. I can do a one time cleaning or ongoing cleaning. Just call Beth at 313-525-0668. For Hire: Meticulous cleaning of your home/business. Mature, responsible woman. Dependable, reasonable rates, 3 hour minimum. Call Charlene at 734-891-0537. For Hire: Housecleaning one room or whole house, Reasonable rates $20 and up. Senior discount. Call Mary at 734-307-3020. For Hire: A wide variety of pet care in your home or mine. Cabrini Parish family. Call Kathy at 313-982-7004 For Hire: For all your counseling needs, Pre-Marriage, Marriage & Family Counselor Available Now. Call Paul Niemied, M.A.L.L.P.C. at 734-578 -4812 or For Hire: Tender loving care as your dog/pet is groomed. Nail trimming. Reasonable. Call Debbie 313-928-8186. For Hire: Nanny needed in March for 9 months. Looking for a Nanny to help with before and after school care for two boys (3 years and 6 years) in Brownstown. If interested, please call Jill at 313-363-8681, Tutor: I’m a current PhD student at Wayne State University and I’ve been speaking Spanish for the last 11 years and have studied abroad in Mexico, Spain & Chile. I’m able to help any level gain more proficiency in Spanish and am willing to meet before any lessons start to gauge skill level. Flexible schedule and charge $15 per hour. Call Mike at 734-301-9007. Part Time Cleaners Needed: $10 per hour. Time is 9:30 am to 1:30 pm, Mon. through Fri. in Belleville area. Contact Nina at Stathakis 734-642 -0074 if interested.
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