February 22, 2015 - All Saints Parish
February 22, 2015 - All Saints Parish
FEBRUARY 22, 2015 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT MASS INTENTIONS FEBRUARY 23 - MARCH 1, 2015 8.00 am Monday: Keegan Family 7.00 pm Tuesday: Joe Santucci 8.00 am Wednesday: Susana Young 8.00 am Thursday: Maria Ngoh 9.00 am Friday: Rowena & Howard Lee 7.00 pm Friday: Benildo Clutario 9.00 am Saturday: Balmeo Family & Friends 5.00 pm Saturday: Meiling Tseng 9.00 am Sunday: Cheah Family 10.45 am Sunday: All Saints Parish 12:30 pm Sunday: Fiore Ruscutti LAST SUNDAY’S OFFERINGS LOOSE COLLECTIONS $ 4,877.00 $ 588.00 DURING LENT Additional Mass at 7.00 pm on Fridays followed by Stations of the Cross. 2014 TAX RECEIPTS Available for pick up in the vestibule. HOLY FAMILIES POTLUCK Calling all parents and children. Please join us for our next potluck gathering on Fri, Feb 27, at 6.00 pm in the school gym. For more information contact Stephanie Bertani at 604-256-4323, sjbertani@yahoo.ca or Danielle Hahn at 604-544-5778, theeverydayolympian@gmail.com SPRING CLOTHING DRIVE DRIVE Queen of All Saints School is having a clothing drive. Save all your gently used clothes and shoes for April 9 and 10. We will be accepting clothes in black garbage bags. Please bring your bags to the school music room on these dates. WORD OF LIFE BIBLE SHARING Mon, Mar 2, at 7.00 pm at the Parish Centre meeting room #4. If you are interested in sharing how the Word of God is making a difference in your life—please feel free to come and join us! Everyone is welcome. For further information please contact the Focolare Centre at 604-468-2871. THOUGHTS ON REPENTANCE REPENTANCE There is no thirst of the soul so consuming as the desire for pardon. The sense of its bestowal is the starting point of all goodness. It brings with it, if not the freshness of innocence, still a glow of inspiration that nerves feeble hands for hard tasks, a fire of hope that lights anew the old high ideal, so that it stands before the eye in clear relief, beckoning us to make it our own. To be able to look into God's face and know with the knowledge of faith that there is nothing between the soul and Him is to experience the fullest peace the soul can know. Whatever else pardon may be, it is above all things admission into full fellowship with God. MARRIAGE ENRICHMENT PUB NIGHTS FOR COUPLES COUPLES WITH FRANTIC FAMILIES Enjoy a date night with faith, food and fun, door prizes, merchandise, and a draw for hockey tickets to help with a future date night. See the Canucks on TV at Jimy Mac's Neighbourhood Pub in Langley and be inspired by our speakers during intermissions. On Tue, Mar 3, watch the Canucks host the Sharks and hear Archbishop Miller speak on "Keeping on top of your game." On Tue, Mar 24, watch the Canucks host the Jets and hear Dominic and Lisa Price speak on "Teaming up for a joy-filled marriage." On Easter Monday, Apr 6, watch the Canucks host the Kings and hear Greg and Lesley Dumas speak on "Keeping the spark alive." FREE (on condition husband takes wife on a date!) Registration required: rcav.org/marriage-enrichment-pub-nights/ TEMPTED BY SATAN, GUARDED GUARDED BY GOD Satan tempted Christ, and we too are tempted by the devil. The only difference between now and Biblical or ancient times is that the devil has updated his tactics. Take all those "Ism's" you run into today. There's secularism, the idea that worldly are more important than spiritual concerns, by which the devil tells us not to listen to the church about how to live our lives. Or try individualism, where the devil encourages us to be self-centered, loving that "I-don't -care- about-anyone" attitude. The god of greed also offers us materialism, a never-ending pursuit of wealth. And, consumerism instructs us where to spend our money, on the latest and newest, certainly not in God's house. So the next time you think Satan isn't alive and tempting, take a look around and think again. SECULAR CARMELITE Half Day of Recollection on next Sat, Feb 28, 9.00 -12 noon at All Saints Church. Theme: "Jesus' and Our Journey to the Cross"; Retreat Master: Fr. Steny Mascarenhas, OCD. Everyone welcome! DOMESTIC ABUSE SERVICES SERVICES – Our Lady of Good Counsel Society. WINGS – Women in need, growing stronger! Are you interested in deepening your relationship with self and others? Would you like to learn how to enhance your self -esteem, deal with daily stressors, practice coping skills, and generally improve the quality of your emotional life? Then join us! DAS-OLGCS invites you to our 10-week series starting March 4. For more info or to register please contact Agnes 604-585-6688 or email: dasopmgr@telus.net. 40 DAYS FOR LIFE LENTEN CAMPAIGN There will be a 40 Days for Life Campaign this Lent beginning on Feb 18 at 12:01 am and last until Palm Sunday on Mar 29 at 11:59 pm. This will be a 24-hour vigil at Women's Hospital on the corner of 29th Avenue and Heather Street. To sign up please go to: https://40daysforlife.com/local-campaigns/vancouver-2/ You will need to set up an account of your own there and then follow the instructions. ALL SAINTS PARISH MISSION With Fr. Larre from Sat, Mar 7 to Thu, Mar 12 in the church. Introductory Mission Sermon, Sat, Mar 7, Mass 5.00 pm; Masses Sun, Mar 8, 9.00 am. 10:45 am, 12:30 pm. The Most Important Decision in Life Sun, Mar 8, Special Workshop, 3.00 to 5.00 pm, in the church. Understanding & Helping Children With Their Problems Mon, Mar 9, Confessions 12 noon to 1.00 pm, 4.00 to 6:25 pm, Rosary 6:10 pm, Mass 6:30 pm, Mission Talk: 7.00 pm. Clinging to Faith in a Godless Society Tue, Mar 10, Confessions 12 noon to 1.00 pm, 4.00 to 6:25 pm, Rosary 6:10 pm, Mass 6:30 pm, Mission Talk: 7.00 pm. Maintaining Hope in Hopeless Situations Wed, Mar 11, Confessions 12 noon to 1.00 pm, 4.00 to 6:25 pm, Rosary 6:10 pm, Mass 6:30 pm, Mission Talk: 7.00 pm. Building a Loving Home in a Selfish Society Thu, Mar 12, Confessions 12 noon to 1.00 pm, 4.00 to 6:25 pm, Rosary 6:10 pm, Mass 6:30 pm, Mission Talk: 7.00 pm. Bringing Love to a Violent, Hateful Society 55+ SENIORS Feb meeting will be on Tue, Feb 24, after the 11:00 am Mass in the parish center, FEBRUARY 22, 2015 Ernesto Cioffi, Willie Banman, Irene Baumann, Leda Montiel, Frank Gismondi, Antonio Da Costa, Anna Lim; Gavina Quijano, Frank & Maria Cirko, Rita Azana, Norma Castilho, Mariette Sund, Patricia Penk, Matthew Pramana, Robert Johnstone Sr, Tena Colton, Olivera Lambeta, Bugette Zecca, John Rizzo, Ken Purves, Peter Muc, Miklos Ignacz, Chris Yuan, Sophie Morson, Arnie DeLeon, Michael Coss, Inamen Northcoff, Margerita & Hubert Hamilton EXPERIENCE FORGIVENESS, FORGIVENESS, HOPE AND HEALING WITH RACHEL'S VINEYARD™ RETREAT “The Rachel’s Vineyard™ Retreat was a wonderful experience of sharing and release. I shared my story, dug into my pain and the skeletons in my past without being judged” – Testimonial from a retreat. Come on a retreat and share in the merciful and healing love of Jesus Christ. Next Retreat is May 2015. For confidential info and to register call 604-525-0999. STAGES IN THE CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN MEDITATION JOURNEY Join us for a day of silent prayer and reflection. Learn how to work through difficulties on the spiritual path, discover and recognize the “Fruits of the Spirit” in our daily lives. There will be opportunities throughout the day for questions and group discussion. We welcome both new and experienced meditators. Presented by the World Community for Christian Meditation-Canada, under the direction of Colleen Donald, National Coordinator, WCCM-Canada. Colleen has been a Christian meditator for over 20 years, led groups and given talks. Sat, Mar 28, from 10.00 am to 4.00 pm, Rosemary Heights Retreat Centre, Surrey. Cost: $40, includes lunch and snacks. To register or for information visit www.rosemaryheights.com/events/ or call 604-576-8802. Please register early; spaces are limited. OUR LADY OF THE ASSUMPTION ASSUMPTION PARISH MISSION March 2 – 4, 2015. Preparing our Hearts to celebrate Easter through the Gospels of Lent. Talks: Mon, Mar 2 to Wed, Mar 4, 7-8 pm. Confession after the Monday and Tuesday Talks; Fellowship after the Wednesday Talk. Featuring: Rev. Fr. Derek Lappe, Pastor of Our Lady Star of the Sea Parish, Bremerton, Washington. For further information, call the Parish Office (604) 942-7808" BURSARIES TO POST SECONDARY SECONDARY STUDENTS The Knights of Columbus of BC and Yukon State Council is once again offering bursaries through its Bishop J. Lobsinger Memorial Bursary Program. Applications are now being accepted for the 2015 fiscal year. This program is available to all Catholic students who are enrolled or are entering their second year or higher level of post secondary education in British Columbia. Applications must be received on or before the deadline of June 30, 2015. Interested and qualified students should request for a bursary application form, in writing to: Michael Gernat - State Bursary Chairman, 4311 – 31 St. Vernon, BC, V1T 5J8. For general information and the Terms of Reference, please visit the Knights of Columbus BC & Yukon website: www.kofcbc.org NEW PARISHIONERS are welcome. Please complete a yellow registration form, available in the church vestibule. ALL SAINTS PARISH OUTREACH Our volunteers need you to fill their mission: To visit, transport you or run your errands. Call Helen 604-468-8411/ Susan 604-931-3135 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT STEWARDSHIP REFLECTION “After John had been arrested, Jesus came to Galilee proclaiming the gospel of God….” – Mark 1:14 Do you ever think about how difficult it must have been for Jesus to come into Galilee, knowing that John had just been arrested for teaching the same message that Jesus was proclaiming. It must have taken great love and trust for Jesus to do what the Father had sent Him here on earth to do. In the same way, following a life of stewardship takes great love and trust from us. We must be willing to surrender completely to God, trusting that God will always give us all that we need to fulfill His plan for us. For more information, please refer to www.rcav.org/stewardship ININ-LAWS, OUTLAWS, AND AND OTHER PEOPLE (THAT SHOULD BE SHOT) Our Regional High School, Archbishop Carney Secondary (ACRSS) proudly presents the family friendly comedy at the Terry Fox Theatre in Port Coquitlam. It is 7.00 pm and the Douglas family is busily preparing for Christmas dinner. (Yes, it's a Christmas play in March!) They are about to be invaded by their quirky relatives who will share in the festivities. After robbing a neighbourhood liquor store, two robbers find themselves in need of a place to briefly hide out and gain entrance to the Douglas home. They suddenly find themselves in charge of an evergrowing list of hostages, including family members, smart-alecky teenagers, nosy neighbors, and bickering adults. As the lines blur, one wonders who is holding who hostage?! This play features outrageous characters, laugh-a-minute-dialogue, and a surprise, heartfelt ending that reminds us of the true meaning of Christmas. The show runs from Thu, Mar 5, to Sat, Mar 7 at 7:00 pm. Tickets are $15.00 and it is reserved seating. For more information, please contact tickets@acrss.org or call 604-942-7465. RE/MAX OF WESTERN CANADA CANADA QUEST FOR EXCELLENCE BURSARY PROGRAM This year we are once again offering (16) $1,000 bursaries for a total of $16,000 to grade 12 students. This program was established by RE/MAX of Western Canada to recognize the success and ongoing pursuits of Western Canadian students in regards to leadership and community contribution initiatives. Students can enter online at www.remax.ca about RE/MAX - In the Community - Quest for Excellence. 2015 Quest for Excellence program is open for submissions from September 8, 2014 until midnight March 9, 2015. Only online entries will be accepted. RESPOND TO HOLY FATHER’S FATHER’S CALL TO PROVIDE INPUT TO SYNOD ON MARRIAGE AND AND FAMILY Pope Francis has announced an Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops for October 2015 on topics related to the family and evangelization. The Oct. 4-25 synod will have the theme: “The vocation and mission of the family in the church and the modern world.” Archbishop Miller is inviting response to the Holy Father’s call for consultation. The document and questions are at rcav.org/synod-bishops-family-2015/ We anticipate a large number of responses and ask responders to focus on one or two questions that are particularly relevant to you and to keep responses to 2 typed pages (700 words) or less, using our online response form. Deadline Feb 27, 2015. GRACE THAT REIGNS SOCIETY: SOCIETY: PRAYERS FOR PRIESTS PRIESTS St. John Vianney, the patron saint of parish priests, once said “After God, the priest is everything.” Please join us to pray for the priests of New Westminster Deanery at 7:30 pm at St. Mary's Church on Wed, Feb 25. http:// www.gracethatreigns.com/ SUNDAY ENVELOPES Need a box of envelopes? Please call the parish office 604-939-1741, Mon—Fri, 9 am to 3 pm. ADORATION CHAPEL Everyone is welcome to “come” and “spend time with the Lord”. More committed Adorers are needed—only one hour per week. Please contact any of the Team Captains: Francesca 604-552-0068, Tessie 604-7777138, Marilyn 604-931-1555, or Norma 604-944-8311. FEBRUARY 22, 2015 1ST SUNDAY OF LENT SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS SUPPORT OUR ADVERTISERS Get your Free Home Market Evaluation today! Convenient & affordable programs for students to achieve better skills, stronger concentration and improved self-confidence. Catherine 778-888-0271 Verislav 604-779-7145 Pre-school to High-school and beyond. www.teamperic.com Sutton Group -West Coast Realty *active parishioners & CWL member* Coq. Plaza, #203-2773 Barnett highway, Coq. (Entrance by Wine Kitz). Call:604-944-1223 COMO LAKE KIDS VILLAGE Looking for a plumber? For reliable and honest service call Out of School Care and Group Daycare GEORGE 604-868-0348 604-809-5318 778-998-4747 www.kidsvillagedaycare.com COMO CREEK BREWING 228 Cayer Street, Coquitlam Award wining Champagne, Wine, Beer, Ciders and Coolers made easy 604-777-1477 www.ubrew.ca In stock: 23litre premium grape juice pail Why NOW is a perfect time to SELL your home! Call me for your FREE Market evaluation. DEBORAH CORTESE 604-657-7049 RE/MAX Central ◦ MAY’S FLOWERS 604-937-3440 For your floral needs, call Marina (or May Vianzon). www.maysflowers.ca Rob Johnstone B.Comm PFP Investments Insurance Retirement & Estate Planning Worldsource Financial Management Inc. 671G Market Hill, Vancouver, BC, V5Z 4B5 Phone: 604-862-8480 robjohnstone@yahoo.com Serving the community for over 32 years 202 - 1046 Austin Ave., Coquitlam denisboyd.com 604.931.7211 Your Trusted Source for Real Estate NIDA BALATBAT REALTOR® 778-859-7225 nbalatbat@sutton.com sutton group westcoast realty SIVEY’S LAWN & ORDER LANDSCAPING Lawn maintenance; Weeding; Pruning; Power Washing Home Renovations; Gutters; Windows Junk Removal For free estimates call Dave Sviatko—604-379-0121 Piano and Theory Lessons Herbert Kwan’s Music Studio 604-727-1594 Donations to All Saints Parish on related sales Call for free market evaluation ANDREW R. DE BODA, BSc, CMC ACCOUNTING * TAXATION *ADVISING* Personal and Corporate Phone: 604-936-4527 Evening & Weekend appointments available OLIVEIRA FUNERAL HOME “A Family You Can Trust” Our Integrity makes the difference University of British Columbia Bachelor of Music Royal Conservatory of Music Performer’s ARCT Arrangements in the Family home or at our Specialized in RCM Examination and Pop office 10:45 Choir Accompanist for the past 10 years Personalized and Affordable Service that you will not get anywhere else 604-779-2992 www.herbertkwan.com Our family is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to serve you better 604 942 7920 ; E-mail: oliveirafs@telus.net
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