Weekly Bulletin


Weekly Bulletin
Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY
Rectory & Mailing Address
5442 Tonawanda Creek Road
No. Tonawanda, NY 14120
716-625-8594 • Fax: 625-8365
Religious Ed: 716-625-8817
8700 Goodrich Road
Clarence Center, NY 14032
Rev. Daniel A. Young, Pastor
Rev. Augustine Ayaga, In Residence
Deacon Robert Bauer, Permanent Deacon
Brian Karaszewski & Donald Spoth, Trustees
Rick Paolini, Bookkeeper
Michael Denz, Director of Religious Education
Barb Carpenter, Secretary
Robert Wolanske, Maintenance
Clayton & Beverly Merlihan, Advocates for
Persons with Disabilities
Monday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Campus Site
Tuesday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
Healing Mass ..........7:00 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Thursday & Friday: ....8:00 a.m.. ...... Campus Site
Saturday:.......................4:30 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Sunday:..........................9:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
..........................11:00 a.m... ... Campus Site
Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. –Pendleton Site, or by
We acknowledge the blessing our parish receives when a
baby is born into a parish family. Baptisms are celebrated
on scheduled Saturday’s of the month. A Baptismal preparation class is given to the parents. Godparents must be
registered in a Roman Catholic Church and attending Mass
on a regular basis and able to receive a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest. Call the Parish Office to
schedule a time and date for a Baptismal class.
Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to
the intended wedding date. Dates are reserved only for
registered parishioners. Each couple must meet with the
Pastor before any dates will be reserved. Attendance at a
Diocesan Pre-Cana Class or weekend retreat is required.
If you are confined to home and would like to receive
Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Privacy laws prohibit all health care facilities from contacting us. Families
must call us directly to inform us of individual needs.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing
process. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church
should contact the Parish Office.
A letter will be given to registered parishioners who attend
Mass regularly, who have received the Sacraments of Bap-
Page Two
MARCH 1, 2015
SATURDAY, Feb. 28th
4:30 pm Daniel Kauschinger by Loving Wife
SUNDAY, Mar. 1st, Second Sunday Of Lent
9:00 am Regina Gonczarek by Joe & Pat Kania
11:00 am Joseph Cutrona by Friends, Marty, Joanne &
MONDAY, Mar. 2nd
8:00 am Paul Donner by Roger Donner Family
TUESDAY, Mar. 3rd, S. Katherine Drexel, Virgin
8:00 am Paul Donner by Mary Ernest & Jane Daigler
WEDNESDAY, Mar. 4th, St. Casimir
7:00 pm Laura Mondello by Barb Carpenter
THURSDAY, Mar. 5th
8:00 am Timothy McVeigh by Friends
FRIDAY, Mar. 6th
8:00 am All Parishioners by Pastor
SATURDAY, M ar. 7th, St. Perpetua, Martyr
4:30 pm William & Theresa Bauer by Michael &
Mary Schwindler
SUNDAY, Mar. 8th, Third Sunday of Lent
9:00 am Jan & Janine Kania by Joe & Pat Kania
11:00 am Martha Kelkenberg by Marty, Bonnie &
Jennifer Blersch
Please Pray for our Sick: Beth Adams, Diane
Anderson, Carol Barber, Chase Bartholomew, Betty Lou
Beiter, Catherine Beiter, Ruth Blair, Cathy Bowler, Ellen
Branicky, Judy Brzyski, June Burngasser, Patrick Callahan,
Alysca Cantrell, Gene Cassidy, Cindy Colello, Sharon
Curtis, Louann Delaney, Jim Fiegel, Henry Fink (infant),
Dennis Fitzgibbons, Rosie Frost, James Furey, Payton
Furner, Jim Garlock, Josephine Genco, Joseph Godzisz,
Darcy Gow, Alice Guenther, Geralyn Hens, Alyssa Herbst
(child), Heather Hornsby, Dolores Kae, Jamie Kauschinger,
Joseph Kedron, Marjorie Keith, Jim Keller, Caroline
Kopacz, Dave Kowalski, Tina Langlotz, Loretta Layer,
Margaret Leising, Bob Liberto, James Lombardi, Joyce
Lombardi, Wesley Londos, Donna Keith McCain, Joseph
Malahosky, Mark Malenda, Mariana Maniscalco, Barbara
Manke, Patricia Massey, Gloria Meehan, James Merlihan,
Linda Miller, Colleen Mondello, Jose Montaner, Alan
Morlock, Linda Moskal, Theresa Muffoletto, Vincent
Muffoletto, Jesse Palumbo, John Park, Josephine Park,
Christina Pelsh, Patrick Petrie, Mary Raybor, Kristie Rush,
Yolanda Sherriff, Madelyn Sikorski, Sharon Siminski, Kathi
Smith, Ellen Sponholz, Dave Trietley, Michele Vergils,
Charlotte Wald, Marilyn Walsh, Trudy Welsh, Doris Winter,
Geri Witkowski, Ruth Wolf, Wayne Wright. To add or
A Look Ahead:
Mon. Mar. 2
7pm Prayer Group
Wed. Mar. 4
9am-5pm Life Line Screening Pendleton
Tues. Mar. 10 5:30pm St. Patrick’s Day Dinner Pendleton
Sat. Mar. 14
5:30pm St. Joseph Table Dinner Pendleton
Tues. Mar. 17 7pm Rosary Honsberger Home
Fri. Mar. 20
6pm Faith Formation Pendleton
Mon. Mar. 23 7pm Lenten Penance Service Pendleton
Parish Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
We remember all those men and women who are serving
in our armed forces and pray they come home soon and
safe. Please pray for peace.
Collection for the week ending Feb. 22:
Eastern & Central Europe
Ash Wednesday
$5, 369.00
Capital Campaign
To Date
Still Needed
*74, 125.00
7, 729.00
Total Number of Donors 193
SPRING RAFFLE 2015 This years Spring Raffle will
be held on Saturday, March 28th after the 4:30pm
Mass! We ask that you buy or sell the tickets you received in the mail and return them to Good Shepherd,
5442 Tonawanda Creek Road, North Tonawanda, NY
14120 or place them in an envelope in the collection basket. If you did not receive a letter, please call the office to
let us know! If you can volunteer for this event, please
call our secretary, Barb at 625-8594. Please consider donating a theme basket for this event and deliver it to the
parish office before March 23rd. This is a pot luck dinner
event! Bring a dish to pass! The parish will provide roast
beef sandwiches! Reservations for a table of 8 can be
made by calling the parish office. There is no admission
Page Three
March 1, 2015
Religious Education News
The following is a message from Bishop Malone that came
via email this past week. Bishop Malone is the chairman of
the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Committee on Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth. While it is
addressed to his fellow members of that committee, I bring
the letter to your attention because its points are well worthy of our consideration, both clergy and laity alike.
Schedule: Classes resume Sunday, March 1st.
Catholic Trivia Answer: The “Alleluia” and the “Gloria”
are missing from Sunday Mass during Lent
Saint Quote of the Week: “The patient and humble endurance of the cross whatever nature it may be is the highest work we have to do.”
St. Katherine Drexel, Feast Day March 3rd.
Dear Brothers,
Greetings as we approach the holy season of Lent and the
annual commemoration of our Lord’s Passion.
Catechism Quote of the Week: 1646 “By its very nature
conjugal love requires the inviolable fidelity of the
spouses. This is the consequence of the gift of themselves
which they make to each other. Love seeks to be definitive; it cannot be an arrangement “until further notice”.
The “intimate union of marriage, as a mutual giving of two
persons, and the good of the children, demand total fidelity
from the spouses and require an unbreakable union be-
As you may be aware, a film called Fifty Shades of Grey is
being released in theaters on February 13, 2015. The books
and film, marketed as a romantic story, are a graphic portrayal of a young woman agreeing to be abused and degraded in a sexual relationship.
Leaders in the Religious Alliance Against Pornography
(RAAP) have stated, “The contrast between the message of
Fifty Shades of Grey and God’s design for self-giving and
self-sacrificing love, marriage and sexual intimacy could
not be greater.” As you know, we as bishops have spoken
with a united voice against domestic violence, and in particular, violence against women (see When I Call for Help,
1992, rev. 2002). We have also emphasized the need to
overcome the exploitation of sex and violence in communications (see Renewing the Mind of the Media, 1998),
VOCATION Peter, James and John had a ‘mountaintop
experience’ with Jesus. So too do those who are faithful to
Jesus, experiencing His marvelous presence as they follow
in His footsteps as a priest, deacon, brother or sister. If you
think God is calling you, call Father Walter Szczesny at
847-5535. Visit www.buffalovocations.org! for our
“Priest of the Month” stories
7th grade boys are invited to take the Practice Entrance
Exam at Bishop Timon-St. Jude High School, 601
McKinley Pkwy. Buffalo on Saturday, March 7th at 8am.
There is no cost to take the test. For information and to
register, contact the Admissions Office at 826-3610 ext
237 or via lancaster@bishoptimon.com.
...This is an opportunity for us to remind the faithful of the
beauty of the Church’s teaching on the gift of sexual intimacy in marriage, the great dignity of women, and the
moral reprehensibility of all domestic violence and sexual
A list of resources to help man and women who are struggling with pornography is available at http://
www.foryourmarriage.org/help-for-men-and-womenstruggling-with-pornography-use-or-addiction/. I also
take this opportunity to alert you to an initiative by Morality in Media (soon to be called the National Center on Sexhttp://
ual Exploitation) in reference to the film:
After finding himself on the wrong side of the law and
serving prison time, Keshaun knew he wanted a brighter
future and needed the right resources. His uncle, an agency
employee, told him about Catholic Charities’ Work and
Gain Education and Employment Skills Program. He was
able to complete job readiness training and hospitality
training through the Center for Transportation and Excellence and was offered a six-week paid work experience
with Catholic Charities’ Maintenance Department. “I know
what I did, and I know that is not the life I want to live,”
said Keshaun. “All I needed was a chance to prove myself.” Find Good Within. Share God’s Goodness. Watch
Keshaun tell his story in the brief “Find Good Within”
video found at www.ccwny.org.
With gratitude and prayers for your ministries, I am Frater-
Mar. 1 Rev. Msgr. John Madsen, Mar. 8 Rev. Jeff Nowak,
Mar. 15 Rev. James Croglio, Mar. 22 Rev. Andrew
Lauricella, Mar. 29 Rev. Sean Fleming
LIFE LINE SCREENING Wednesday, March 4th from
9am to 5pm Life Line Screening will be offering testing in
the Pendleton Parish Hall. Call 888-653-6441 or go to our
website at www.lifelinescreening.com/community-
The center is in desperate need of baby wipes and diapers
size 3, 4 and 5. If anyone could help, please leave donations in the baskets at the back of the Church. Thank you in