Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY


Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY
Pendleton and Clarence Ctr., NY
Rectory & Mailing Address
5442 Tonawanda Creek Road
No. Tonawanda, NY 14120
716-625-8594 • Fax: 625-8365
Religious Ed: 716-625-8817
8700 Goodrich Road
Clarence Center, NY 14032
Rev. Daniel A. Young, Pastor
Rev. Augustine Ayaga, In Residence
Deacon Robert Bauer, Permanent Deacon
Brian Karaszewski & Donald Spoth, Trustees
Rick Paolini, Bookkeeper
Michael Denz, Director of Religious Education
Barb Carpenter, Secretary
David Fischer, Maintenance
Clayton & Beverly Merlihan, Advocates for
Persons with Disabilities
Monday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Campus Site
Tuesday: ........................8:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
Healing Mass ..........7:00 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Thursday & Friday: ....8:00 a.m.. ...... Campus Site
Saturday:.......................4:30 p.m........ Pendleton Site
Sunday:..........................9:00 a.m. ....... Pendleton Site
..........................11:00 a.m... ... Campus Site
Saturday: 3:00 p.m. to 4:10 p.m. –Pendleton Site, or by
We acknowledge the blessing our parish receives when a
baby is born into a parish family. Baptisms are celebrated
on scheduled Saturday’s of the month. A Baptismal preparation class is given to the parents. Godparents must be
registered in a Roman Catholic Church and attending Mass
on a regular basis and able to receive a letter of recommendation from their Parish Priest. Call the Parish Office to
schedule a time and date for a Baptismal class.
Arrangements must be made at least six months prior to
the intended wedding date. Dates are reserved only for
registered parishioners. Each couple must meet with the
Pastor before any dates will be reserved. Attendance at a
Diocesan Pre-Cana Class or weekend retreat is required.
If you are confined to home and would like to receive
Holy Communion or the Sacrament of Anointing of the
Sick, please contact the Parish Office. Privacy laws prohibit all health care facilities from contacting us. Families
must call us directly to inform us of individual needs.
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is an ongoing
process. Adults wishing to join the Catholic Church
should contact the Parish Office.
A letter will be given to registered parishioners who attend
Mass regularly, who have received the Sacraments of Bap-
Page Two
JANUARY 25, 2015
SATURDAY, Jan. 24th, St. Francis de Sales, Bishop
4:30 pm William Bauer by Michael & Mary
SUNDAY, Jan. 25th, Third Sunday In Ordinary
9:00 am Nicolo Zivis by Loving Family
11:00 am Lucille Heimiller by Paul & Catherine Beiter
MONDAY, Jan. 26th, Saint Timothy & St. Titus
8:00 am Paul Donner by Don Hebeler
TUESDAY, Jan. 27th, St. Angela Merici, Virgin
8:00 am Martha Lavocat by Christian Mothers
WEDNESDAY, Jan. 28th, St. Thomas Aquinas
7:00 pm Donald Winter Family by Esther & Gloria
THURSDAY, Jan. 29th
8:00 am Stephen & Sophia Nowicki by Sr. Miriam
FRIDAY, Jan. 30th
8:00 am All Parishioners by Pastor
SATURDAY, Jan. 31st, St. John Bosco, Priest
4:30 pm Harold Trapper by Leising & Pfentner
SUNDAY, Feb. 1st, Fourth Sunday In Ordinary
9:00 am Nancy Mangold by Christian Mothers
11:00 am Erna Gallersdorfer by Larry & Carol Kopacz
Parish Office Hours
9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Collection for the week ending Jan. 18:
Holy Days
Catholic Relief
$5, 573.00
A Look Ahead:
Mon. Jan. 26
7pm Prayer Group
Tues. Feb. 17
7pm Rosary, Honsberger Home
Sat. Feb. 21
5:30pm Spaghetti Dinner, Christian
Mothers, Pendleton Hall
We remember all those men and women who are serving
in our armed forces and pray they come home soon and
safe. Please pray for peace.
SOUP-ER CHILI NITES Blessed Sacrament Church, 263
Claremont, Tonawanda will be hosting Soup-er Chili Nites
for St. Luke’s Mission of Mercy from 4 to 8pm on Feb. 7th.
Admission $15 per person, children under 12 free, includes
all the soup and chili you can eat, dessert and beverage. A
50/50 raffle and a Soup-er Chinese Auction will be offered
(7:30pm is the auction drawing). Preview night for the
I wish to receive a statement of my contributions for
the Calendar year 2014
Capital Campaign
To Date
Still Needed
Please Pray for our Sick: Beth Adams, Diane
Anderson, Carol Barber, Chase Bartholomew, Betty Lou
Beiter, Catherine Beiter, Ruth Blair, Alice Body, Cathy
Bowler, Ellen Branicky, Judy Brzyski, June Burngasser,
Patrick Callahan, Alysca Cantrell, Gene Cassidy, Cindy
Colello, Sharon Curtis, Louann Delaney, Jim Fiegel, Henry
Fink (infant), Dennis Fitzgibbons, Rosie Frost, James Furey,
Payton Furner, Jim Garlock, Josephine Genco, Joseph
Godzisz, Darcy Gow, Alice Guenther, Geralyn Hens, Alyssa
Herbst (child), Heather Hornsby, Dolores Kae, Jamie
Kauschinger, Joseph Kedron, Marjorie Keith, Jim Keller,
Caroline Kopacz, Timothy Koszelak, Dave Kowalski, Tina
Langlotz, Loretta Layer, Margaret Leising, Bob Liberto,
Ron Lindemann, James Lombardi, Joyce Lombardi, Wesley
Londos, Donna Keith McCain, Joseph Malahosky, Mark
Malenda, Mariana Maniscalco, Barbara Manke, Patricia
Massey, Gloria Meehan, James Merlihan, Linda Miller,
Colleen Mondello, Jose Montaner, Alan Morlock, Linda
Moskal, Theresa Muffoletto, Vincent Muffoletto, Jesse
Palumbo, John Park, Josephine Park, Christina Pelsh,
Patrick Petrie, Mary Raybor, Kristie Rush, Yolanda Sherriff,
Madelyn Sikorski, Sharon Siminski, Kathi Smith, Ellen
Sponholz, Dave Trietley, Michele Vergils, Charlotte Wald,
Marilyn Walsh, Trudy Welsh, Doris Winter, Geri
$ 100.00
*72, 815.00
9, 040.00
Total Number of Donors 188
Envelope #_________Phone_______________________
Submit to Rick Paolini by Mail or
e-mail requests may be sent to
Page Three
January 25, 2015
A Word From the Pastor,
Religious Education News
It is with great sadness that I announce the departure of
Father Augustine Ayaga this coming May 2015. We
greeted Father Augustine over three years ago when he
arrived in Western New York to study at Niagara University. Last month he defended his doctoral thesis and
passed (as we all knew he would). His Doctorate is in
Leadership and Policy. He will be going back to teach
at a Catholic College in Ghana. We will certainly miss
him and all his gifts and talents he so generously shared
with all of us!
There are no classes on Sun. Jan. 25th.
Classes resume Sun. Feb. 1st. Please note, there are
classes on Sun. Feb. 8th. This date was accidently left
off the printed schedule.
Catholic Trivia Question: Why do the Gospels say that
Jesus had brothers when the Church teaches that Mary
was always a virgin?
Saint Quote of the Week: “Charity is the form, mover,
mother and root of all the virtues.”
St. Thomas Aquinas, Feast Day, January 28th
Catechism Quote of the Week: 1601
“The matrimonial
covenant, by which a man and a woman establish themselves a
partnership of the whole of life is by its nature ordered toward
the good of the spouses and the procreation and education of
It is fitting that we celebrate and give thanks to God for
the gift of Father Augustine and his stay with us in the
parish! He has been a blessing to me and to the entire
parish! He has touched so many families and lives in
his three years with us!
VOCATION The call of the disciples is so familiar to us
that we tend to miss the wonder of the disciples’ response,
which was immediate and complete; they leave everything
and follow Jesus. Can we do less if we feel that God is
calling us to the priesthood, diaconate or religious life? If
you think God is calling you to a Church vocation, call Father Walter Szczesny at 847-5535.
So mark your calendars for Saturday, April 18, 2015.
We will have a Mass of thanksgiving and reception for
Father Augustine!
This is a good time to put together a Parish Life Committee. A parish life committee will be in charge of
hosting and coordinating special events in the parish.
This celebration for Father Augustine will be the first
event. So anyone interested in planning this event
should contact the parish office at 625-8594 from 9am
to 4pm Monday through Friday.
NEW PANTRY OPENS January 9th the Town Square
Food Pantry, 2710 North Forest Rd., Getzville opened to
serve individuals residing in zip codes 14068 and 14221
who are having trouble meeting their food needs. Hours of
operation are Tuesdays and Fridays 9:30am to 2:30pm,
closed for lunch from noon to 12:30pm. The new pantry is
a joint effort of Catholic Charities and Temple Beth Zion.
For more information call 218-1450, ext. 2005.
FIND GOOD WITHIN The reach of Catholic Charities
extends throughout the eight counties of Western New
York. Thousands in our area struggle daily to provide food
for their family, complete their education or start a new life
away from abuse. Have you made a contribution reflecting
your care and concern? Support our efforts to improve the
lives of those in need. Please watch for your letter and card
from Catholic Charities and respond promptly. Give hope
this new year to those in need. Find Good Within. Share
God’s Goodness. Please give to the 2015 Catholic Chari-
Jan. 25 Fr. Paul Seil, Feb. 1 Rev. Ronald Sams, SJ., Feb. 8
Rev. Michael Burzynski, Feb. 15 Rev. Msgr. Angelo Caligiuri, Feb. 22 Rev. Richard Zajac.
writing workshop is scheduled for Tuesday, February 17th
from 7:00pm to 9:00pm at UB North Campus Newman
Center, 495 Skinnersville Rd., Amherst. The session will
include all the information you need on annulments and
how to start writing your history. Registration will take
place at 6:45pm and there is a $5.00 registration fee (pay
that night) to cover the cost of materials. To ensure we
have enough materials, please call 633-7786 or email Barb
at to leave your name and contact number.
Pregnant? Need help?
Nationwide Toll Free:
EASTER CANDY SALE If you would like to place an
order for our Annual Easter Candy Sale, please pick up a
packet at the entrance of the Church. If you have a child in
Religious Education, please have them return the orders on
Sunday, February 1st when classes resume. All orders are
RECYCLING BINS Our recycling contractor is no
longer providing the service. Please do not bring recycle
material to either site. We are attempting to have the recycle bins picked up. We thank you for your cooperation.