Weekend of 21st and 22nd February


Weekend of 21st and 22nd February
St Brigid’s Marrickville
In the Catholic Archdiocese of Sydney, Australia
One Family, Alive in Christ
Est 1886. Under the Pastoral Care of the Passionists since 1887
392 Marrickville Rd (PO Box 237), Marrickville NSW 2204
Tel: 02 8577 5670
Fax: 02 8577 5679
Email: parish@stbrigid.org.au
Web: www.stbrigid.org.au
FaceBook: St Brigid’s Marrickville
Parish Priest: Fr John Pearce CP (pp@stbrigid.org.au)
Associates: Fr Peter Gardiner CP (peter@stbrigid.org.au)
Fr George Koloth CP (george@stbrigid.org.au)
Sr Elena Daton CP (elena@stbrigid.org.au)
Parish Secretary: Ms Terrey Trethowan (9.30am - 4pm)
We stand at the Crossroads of life for many people
First Sunday of Lent 2015
Year of Consecrated Life
Deepening the Faith of
the People of Tonga
14 Feb 2015 Vatican Radio
Among the 20 new Church leaders that Pope
Francis made members of the College of Cardinals on
Saturday was Bishop Soane Patita Mafi from the Polynesian archipelago of Tonga in the Pacific Ocean. At just
53 years of age, he becomes the youngest member of
the College of Cardinals, as well as the first man in the
history of this young Church to receive this honour.
Just before the solemn celebration in St Peter’s Basilica, Cardinal Mafi sat down with Philippa
Hitchen to talk about the strong
Christian faith in his country and
about why the King and Queen of
Tonga were also present to celebrate with him at Saturday’s Consistory…..
The new cardinals says Tonga is considered one of the young
Churches in Oceania as it has only existed for almost
200 years. It has small scattered dioceses in a population of about 100.000 people with Catholics making up
just 15% but they are very active in the faith. Almost
the whole nation is Christian, he says, with Methodists
as the majority denomination. Ecumenical relations, he
Ecumenical Encounters
adds are very good with Church leaders working very
actively together through the Tonga National Council of
Churches (of which he is currently the chair) and the
Tonga National Forum of Church leaders…
Cardinal Mafi says globalisation is having a negative and positive impact on the country, with a lot more
economic opportunities for people but also a lot of distractions. He says that many small groups or sects are
arriving in Tonga and are influencing people – that’s why
he chose as his bishops motto “Deepen the Faith”…..
Asked what the Church in Tonga
can offer to the universal Church,
the cardinal talks about the simplicity of life style and the sense of God
in peoples’ lives. Also he says families ties are still strong and there is
a respect for the elders in society….
Finally Cardinal Mafi tells the story
of how he met the King and Queen
of Tonga for a regular New Year
greeting on January 1st and learnt
that they were planning a trip to Rome in February.
When he heard the news that he had been appointed a
member of the College of Cardinals, he realised that the
consistory would take place during the same time as
their visit, thus they were able to share in the joy and
celebration for all the people of the Kingdom of Tonga….
Casimir College Marrickville's
Opening Mass on Friday 13th Feb
welcomed the Greek Orthodox
Priests Fr Nicholaos Bozikis from
Marrickville and Fr Stavros Ivans
from Hurlstone Park. With 30% of
the student population from the Orthodox Church, their presence was a
delight to both students and staff,
especially when Fr Nicholaos ad-
dressed the College at the end of
Mass. Their visit marks another step
of working together that began two
years ago, when these priests came
to an Assembnly at St Brigid’s
School,. We are encouraged in our
actions together by the encounters of
Pope Francis and Patriarch Bartholomew. We look forward to walking
together on the separate Good Friday
Newsletter No. 8. 21-22 February 2015
Lent: Journey to Easter ...
Ecumenical Lenten Programme
Three Days & Three Nights…
Prayer for 1st Sunday:
Gospel Reading: Mark 1:12-15
Jesus goes into the wilderness Loving God
I know that whenever I speak to You, You hear me. I
pray today for the many people in the world who are
suffering, lonely, hungry and feel forgotten. May they
feel Your love for them no matter what. Remind them
that You never forget any of us and are with us always.
Give me courage to help those who need it, and strength
to speak out about things I know are unfair or wrong.
Tuesday Lenten Programme
Continuing two more of the Catholicism Series
from last year in Shrubland Hall at 7pm, plus more:
Tues 3 Mar: Catholicism: The Communion of Saints
Tues 10 Mar: Catholicism: Prayer & the Life of the Spirit
Tues 17 Mar: Seven Circles of Prayer
Tues 23 Mar: tba
If there are not more than 12 people booked in,
the programme will not go ahead this year.
Friday Lenten Prayer Experiences
In the Pieta Chapel of the Church at 7pm
27 Feb: Evening Prayer of the Church
6 Mar: Taize Prayer, a Contemplative Moment
13 Mar: Eucharistic Adoration
20 Mar: Lectio Divina (Praying with the Gospels)
Jonah, Jesus and the Easter
Four studies in the Book of Jonah
Tuesday evenings 7.00 – 8.15pm
shared at 3 churches:
Tues 24 Feb (Jonah 1) Newtown:
St Joseph's Catholic, cnr Bedford & Station Sts
Tues 3 Mar (Jonah 2) Enmore:
St Luke’s Anglican Church, 11 Stanmore Road,
Tues 10 Mar (Jonah 3) Petersham:
Metropolitan Community Church, 96 Crystal Street
All Welcome
Stations of the Cross for Lent
Fridays: Vietnamese (5-6.30pm) in Church
Fridays: Indian (8-9.30pm) in Shrubland
Wed 25 Mar: Italian (7.30pm)
Wed 1 Apr: Vietnamese in Grounds (6pm) led by Fr John
2015 St Brigid’s Awards
Maima Tuimaseve, for leadership within the Samoan
Community over many years, and for assistance in
These were announced last Saturday at the St Brigid’s Day Mass
Liturgical Ministries.
In recognition of the many ways you have lived the Gospel of Jesus, through your Christian Commitment, within Michael & Margaret Curran, for his sharing his expertise and wisdom as chair of the Parish Finance Counand beyond our community.
Albert Naticchia, for support to the Italian Community
cil, and their leadership of their Family Group
through service at the altar at the Italian Mass, and
Michael Dillon, for assistance in Liturgical Ministries for
support to Fr Raffaele Tresca CP, especially in his
many years, especially in service at the altar, and as
later years.
a Minister of Communion to people in their homes
Anthony Naticchia, for support to the Italian Commuand aged care centres.
nity through service at the altar at the Italian Mass,
Parish Choirs, who through their commitment and
and support to Fr Raffaele Tresca CP, especially in
sharing of the gift of song, they have made St Brighis later years.
id’s Liturgies so outstanding.
Jack & Susie Houssarini, for services to the Communi- Terry Blanchard, for his contribution to parish planning
ty through the Building Advisory Committee, as our
through the Parish Finance Council, for his assisElectrician, and for pastoral support as Family Group
tance in Liturgical Ministries, and his support to the
Organ Committee.
Kennedy Penitani, for leadership in the Tongan comTony Hayek, for assistance in Liturgical Ministries for
munity for many years, and for assistance in Liturgimany years, especially in service at the altar.
cal Ministries.
Congratulations to each recipient.
Information Directory
CatholicCare Family Help Line
1300 1300 52
St Brigid’s Primary School
9558 6926
Casimir Catholic College
9558 2888
Catholic Church Marriage Tribunal
9390 5120
Preparation: 1st Sundays 10am
Presentation: 2nd Sunday Masses
Baptisms: 3rd & 4th Sundays 12pm
or at Masses
Preferably 6 months notice
Contact: Parish Secretary
Pastoral Ministry Contacts:
Liturgical Timetable
Masses: 6.45 am, 9.00 am; Wednesday 7.00 pm
Eucharistic Adoration: 7.15-8.45am. Benediction: 8.45am
Public Hols: Mass 9.00am
Mass 7.30 am; Reconciliation 9-10 am; Marriages 10-3 pm;
Reconciliation 4-4.45 pm; Mass: 5 pm; & 6.30 pm (Vietnamese)
Mass at 7.30 am, 9 am, 10 .30am (multilingual); 4.30pm (Viet); 6pm
Ministry of Care & Support to Aged and Infirm
Mass is celebrated monthly in all the Nursing Homes in Marrickville.
Communion is taken to sick residents in Nursing Homes & in their homes on a
weekly basis, either by Ministers of Care or family members.
Sacrament of Anointing of the Sick is offered after Masses on First Fridays, and
at the 10am Italian mass on 4th Fridays. Also available on request and
recommended before attending hospital for major surgery.
We Remember
Recently Deceased: Ignazio Spinelli; John Stowers; Michael Comensoli (father of Bishop Peter); Dan O’Toole (father of Fr Tim)
Adult Sacraments
Sr Elena
Anniversaries: Bartolomeo De Bono; James Raby.
Fr John, Jenny, Maree
Recently Ill: Bob Muntz; Alan James; Nobel Fuller.
Care of Sick & Aged
Sr Elena
CCD in State Schools
Sue King
Children’s Sacraments
Fr John
Cultural C’tee Maria Barlow-Sawaszenko
Ecumenical & Interfaith John McGrath
Parish Collections
Mass Texts: Lent 1 (Yr B)
Sr Pat Bowthorpe FMM
Family Groups
Carole Price
First Reading: Genesis 9: 8-15
Counters: This week (23/2) Jim,
Finance C’tee
Michael Curran
Response: Your ways Lord, are faithfulLalo,
Justice & Peace
Fr Peter, Peter Jennings
ness and love for those who
Liturgical Ministries Fr John, Sr Elena
Second Reading: 1 Peter 3: 18-22
Men’s Club: Arthur Kassis, John Skinner,
Gospel: Mark 1: 12-15
Mick Ward
15/16 February
Intercessions Response:
Pastoral Council John Skinner, Paige Bullen 1st (Passionists): $ 2,165
Lord, graciously hear us
PPC Committees:
2nd (Parish):
$ 5,274
Mass Texts: Lent 2 (Yr B)
- Communication/Engagement:
Cash & Envelopes:$ 3,992
- Infrastructure:
John Skinner
Credit Cards: $ 1,282
First Reading:Genesis 22:1-2.9-13.15-18
- Nurturing Liturgy:
Paige Bullen
Response: I will walk in the presence of
- Social Justice:
Peter Jennings
the Lord in the land of the living
1st (Passionists): $ 1,760
- Spiritual Growth:
Second Reading: Romans 8:31-34
2nd (Parish):
$ 4,669
- Strong Community:
Michael Ward
Gospel: Mark 9:2-10
Intercession Response: Lord, graciously
hear us
Sunday Mass Ministries:
21/22 February
5 pm Sat
9 am Sun
10.30 am
6 pm Sun
28/1 March
Lent 1
and Lent 2
Communion Ministers
21/22 February
28/1 March
(Yr B)
Altar Servers
21/22 February
28/1 March
Paul Cloran
Kelelia Apikotoa
Yvette Apikotoa
Karen Whitby
Robert Whitby
Paul Cloran
Leila Walsh
Susie Houssarini
Jack Houssarini
Michael Price
Carole Price
Paul Hurst
Carmel Cloran
Michael price
Carole Price
Jo young
Paul Hurst
Leon Tupola
Gary Tupola
Visesio Siasau
Joseph Kula
Alycia Young
Leon Tupola
Gary Tupola
Visesio Siasau
Joseph Kula
Alicyia Young
Maree Doyle
John Freeman
Janice Schubach
Marg Barrett
Teresa James
Denis Habermann
Michael Dillon
Maree Doyle
Mary Entriken
Michael Dillon
Michael Dillon
Michael Dillon
Pedro Moreira
Diane Moreira
Trish Ferguson
Pedro Moreira
Frank Cowell
Justin Hartany
Jessica Hartany
Judith Flett
Antoinette Grigg
Kath Walton
Frank Cowell
Francis Seufale
Sue King
Christina Day
Judith Flett
Michael Moreira
Claude Walton
Louis Walton
Jacqueline Flett
Nicholas Sourlas
Xavier Rego
Naomi Rego
Natasha Rego
Olivia Moreira
Ivy Bullen
Fergus Bullen
Theodore Bullen
Maria Barlow
Italian Reader
Adrienne Harverson
Fiona Paul
Jessica Paul
Geoffrey Lean
Bernadette Yammine
Maria Barlow
Antony Naticchia
Albert Naticchia
Mely Siasat
Fiona Paul
Jessica Paul
George Harb
Maria Wassef
Albert Naticchia
Anthony Naticchia
John Dorrington
Geoffrey Lean
Aldrick De Vera
William Crocombe
Alfred De Vera
James Poonan
Arthur Kassis
Dominic Manansala
Arthur Kassis
Jackie Kassis
Pei-Pei Coa
Lea Paladino
David Cloran
Thomas Hill
Alex Kassis
Anthony Kassis
Jackie Kassis
Alicia Nasic
Tony Hayek
John Collins
Tony Hayek
John Collins
Rita Boustani
Diana Perin
Adrienne Harverson
Parish Calendar 2015 & Coming Events
14-15, 21-22 Mar:
First Communion 2015
Passionist Ministries
We have 59 of our children
Frs John, Peter & George at St
preparing to celebrate First CommunBrigid’s.
ion in March. Why Lent? Because
Frs Lex & Peter, marriages.
Lent leads us into the Last Supper
Fr Michael on holidays
and Passover of Jesus, inviting these
children to be part of our Easter Trid22 Feb: Rite of Election
uum ceremonies, to be our Easter
This Sunday our candidates will
People of tomorrow. Our Communion
be presented to the Archbishop at
Groups have a maximum of 13 famithe Cathedral at 2pm. They are:
lies, and will be celebrated at the
Allanah Williams, Kyra Oliver & Sara
Saturday night and mid Sunday
Bazzi. Let us pray for them as they
morning Masses.
prepare for Easter Sacraments.
23 Feb:Public Meeting
27 Mar: Incorporation of
Re Westconnex
Passionist Mission in Vietnam inWhat impact will Westconnex
to Holy Spirit Province
have on Marrickville? Public Meeting
On 25th March, our Passionist
at Enmore Theatre at 7pm.
Mission in Vietnam becomes part of
Holy Spirit Province, with Australia,
1 Mar: Feast & Procession of St
New Zealand and Papua New Guinea.
Gabriel of Our Lady of Sorrows
We will celebrate this moment on
Annual Passionist Feast at PenFriday 27th March at Mass 7pm.
rose Park, with Mass at 11am, and
food for sale, dancing and song to
3 Apr: Planning for
follow. Guest is Fr Vincenzo Fabri CP
Good Friday Night
from the Shrine in Italy
Planning for the Procession is
well underway. An event started by
7 Mar: Bicentenary of the FoundFr Raffaele in 1967 is now embraced
ing of the Passionist Sisters of St
by our wider mix of families from
Paul of the Cross
across Sydney. We encourage culturCelebrated on Saturday at 5pm
al groups to process together around
Mass: 200 years
the streets, singing and praying in
since their Foundatheir own languages if this suits. We
tion. A big birthday!
hope to have Archbishop Anthony
13 Mar: Casimir
with us for the first time this year.
Open Day: 3-7pm
2016 World Youth Day
Coming Events
Parish Calendar
21-22 First Sunday of Lent
St Brigid’s School Mass (9am)
Baptisms (12pm)
Pastoral Council (7.30pm)
Communion Prep (7-8pm)
RCIA (7.30pm)
Vinnies Conference (7.30pm)
Finance Council (7.30pm)
Vietnamese Stations (6pm)
Lenten Devotions (7pm)
Gift of Bread
Lenten Devotions
28 & 1st 2nd Sunday of Lent
Guest Preacher: Fr Kevin
Hennessy CP on Vocations
Second Sunday of Lent
Italian Feast of St Gabriel @
Penrose Park (11-4)
Baptism Prep (10am)
Lenten Program (7pm)
CanCare Cancer Support Group
Communion Reflection Day
Healing Mass @ Lakemba (8p)
Mass for Bicentenary Founding
of the Passionist Sisters (5pm)
7-8t Third Sunday of Lent
Lenten Program (7pm)
Marrickville Ministers
Fellowship (1pm)
Multifaith Roundtable
Committee Meeting (2p)
Vietnamese Stations (5)
Lenten Devotions (7pm)
Fourth Sunday of Lent
First Communion
Sisters BiCentenial Mass
Fifth Sunday of Lent
First Communion
Pastoral Council
Confirmation Information
Night (7pm)
State Elections
Palm Sunday & Holy
Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Easter Vigil
Easter Sunday
Pilgrimages to Krakow
There are opportunities for
WYD Pilgrimages available. The Passionist WYD Pilgrimage will include an
immersion experience in Vietnam.
The Diocesan Pilgrimages will have
several others.
Passionist Youth: contact
Diocesan Youth: contact
2016 Parish Holy Land Pilgrimage
We have 9 people interested in
exploring our Pilgrimage and are now
seeking quotes for 21 May to 5 June
2016. There will be several opportunities to meet together and prepare
for the Pilgrimage, so as to make this
a marvellous spiritual encounter with
the Land and People of the Gospel
today. Built in will be encounters with
refugees and residents in Jerusalem
and Bethlehem. Led by Hamish Flett
and Fr John. Expressions of interest
to : parish@stbrigid.org.au
Help Wanted
St Brigid’s Primary School
seeking volunteers 1-2 hrs per wk to
help improve children’s reading &
literacy skills. Training provided &
skills learned could be used with your
own child/grandchild. E-mail
or leave name & contact details at
school office (incl days available).