March 2012 Mountain Messenger Newsletter


March 2012 Mountain Messenger Newsletter
Mountain Messenger
Open Hearts, Open Minds, Open Doors
March 2012 | Monthly Newsletter of Cloudcroft UMC
Barry’s Corner
by District Superintendent Barry Dickens
The story is told of an eagle who alighted an ice-crusted limb as the river swept the limb toward the waterfall. Instead
of turning loose and soaring home, the eagle held on too long.
Tragically, its talons froze onto the limb. It couldn't let go. At first the eagle had the limb, but now the limb had the
eagle, and it perished.
At some point in our life, we choose the role money has—whether we have it or it has us.
The more we earn, the more discretionary income we have. Theoretically, therefore, the more you and I receive, the
more we ought to be able to give. But USA TODAY recently reported that for the average American, the opposite appears true. People
today with incomes below $10,000 give three times more proportionally to church and charity than people with incomes $50,000 to
$100,000. And people with incomes below $50,000 give almost twice as much proportionally as people in the $100,000 to $200,000
Why? We all know why. The eagle had the limb, but now the limb has the eagle.
John Wesley admonished his church members to avoid this by practicing three things in regard to Christian stewardship. He said:
1. Earn all you can,
2. Save all you can,
3. So that you might give all you can.
What’s more, John Wesley practiced what he preached. When he began his ministry he received an income of 30 pounds a year.
Wesley lived on 28 and gave two away. Years later, when his income had quadrupled, he still lived on 28 pounds, and was giving the
remainder away.
How about you? Do you have the limb, or has the limb got you? Don’t let your attachment to anything pull you over the edge of the
falls. Remember what Paul said to the Christians in Corinth:
“Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion...for God is able to make all
grace abound to you, so that in all things at all times, having all that you need, you will abound in every good work.: (2 Cor. 9:7-8)
Your Servant, Barry
This is a gentle reminder to please forward your giving commitment
card for 2012, sent in the year-end statement in January. ~Ran
Bill & Jerri Savuto (Our CcUMC
Covenant Missionaries of the UMC)
Bill and Jerri Savuto served as missionaries with the
Board of Global Ministries of The United Methodist Church, and
recently returned to the United States after serving ten year at
Maua Methodist Hospital, Maua, Kenya. Jerri was a tutor in the
hospital School of Nursing RN program and taught nursing
students her first five years and then established the Quality
Improvement Department. Bill
computerized the hospital during his first
five years and then was In-charge of the IT
Meetings, worked in the Accounts
Departments, with hospital construction,
mission work teams and the AIDS Orphan’s
and Hope Companions Programs.
Maua is a rural hospital that serves
one million people with one-third of their
patients unable to pay for any of their
hospital bill. In 2008 Maua Methodist
Hospital won an award for the Best Nursing
Care and Infection Control in a private or
mission hospital, and in 2010 they were
awarded best quality hospital in Eastern
Jerri is a native of Santa Fe, NM.
Jerri and Bill are the parents of one adult
daughter, Corrie Lyn, and the grandparents
of Lily and Ethan, who they will be living
with when they retire September 1, 2012.
The Savutos are members of Plymouth
Park UMC in Irving, TX.
“We are so thankful for your love,
support and caring.”
In His grip,
Jerri & Bill Savuto
Savuto’s will visit CcUMC on
Sunday, March 18, 2012 to
share their missionary
experience with us. Join us.
"But I am your God, and so I forgive all you
do wrong and forget about your sins.”
Isaiah 43:25
EDE Response
Our thanks to Paula Merrell, Marty
Mills, Susan Saulietis, Wyatt and
Lance Wright, and Jim McNeil for their
trip to El Paso and the Equipping
Disciples for Excellence training event
Saturday, January 28, 2012.
thank Rudy Wood and three other
trustees who held their own training
event at our Church the same day,
Jim Goodwin, Sue Haslam and Denny
Schilling. Way to go team!
Please ask any of these folks for
their impressions about these events,
what was learned and lets all benefit
from their time invested.
New Parsonage Building
The new parsonage is progressing
well with our hearty thanks to Bill, Biff,
Russell, Patricia, Gary, Tom, Ed,
Glenn, Don, Mike, Jim, several
contractors and inspectors, and
several other volunteers. Plans still
anticipate a May/June completion
We appreciate your
prayers for everyone’s safety and the
fulfillment of this worthy project for the
glory of God.
In preparation for moving, Pastor
Ran will be packing in the afternoons
starting in March. If you wish to see
him, please schedule an appointment
or find/call him in the office weekday
mornings Mon-Thurs. (9AM to Noon).
We appreciate your understanding in
this schedule change.
Upcoming Fundraisers
In March, come join us after
church on the 4th and support Alex
Woten and YWAM with a Mexican
lunch where he’ll be able to share his
experiences in S. Korea. Then with
the WIM on the 18th for their annual
pulled pork fundraiser, when the
Savuto’s are here. Your support for
the missions of this church are always
greatly appreciated!
Religious Phone Apps
Have you ever wished you had more time to give to
God, even while you’re on the go? Something you could
check where ever or whenever you had spare time?
Now you do! The Upper Room has a mobile phone
app that allows you to check devotionals daily. You can
find it by going into the app market on your phone and
search for Upper Room Devotional Lite.
If you are looking for a chance to read or listen to the
Bible, here’s an option for you. You will able to read and
share God’s word where ever you go with your phone.
You can find it in the app market by searching for Bible
Both apps are available free through both the Android
Market and the Apple App Store, for your iPhone or
iPad. Give them a try today!
Reminder: There will be no Potlucks during the months of Lent. Please come join our Wednesday Lenten Lunches.
Thank You, Thank You, Thank You, for all the support
you (as the Church) have shown us through our pregnancy and
birth of our youngest son, Seth. A special thanks to all who
have substituted for Youth night, Sunday School, and who have
graciously given of their time and resources to provide meals
every Wednesday night. We have enjoyed having 12-19 youth
showing up every week, and I know from comments and prayer
requests that the Church is becoming a staple in their lives. By
providing a meal to these kids every week you are showing the
love of Christ as we have been commissioned to do. So again,
thank you so much for all your support. Pride, Anger, Lust, and
Betrayal have been a few of the topics we have been
teaching on lately. I, for one, do not know a single youth who
has not struggled with all of these components and the
discussions that take place on Wednesday nights prove that
these are topics that need to be addressed. I hope you will
continue to pray, serve and support our youth program so we
may continue to influence their lives for the way of the
Spring is right around the corner with Summer hot on its
heals. This year we are hoping to bring a record number of
kids to camp and would like for you to consider sponsoring a
youth. You may have noticed that although we have a good
number of kids showing up on Wednesdays, our Sunday
mornings are very light. Because of this, I believe we are
reaching many un-churched youth and families through our
Wednesday night services and would like for us to be able to
send them to camp. If you would like to help us in this
endeavor please feel free to contact Aaron or Nicolette. Do
take note of the camp dates and age groups that are
included in this months newsletter. Sincerely, Aaron and Nicolette
Time is
Upon Us
Here’s your reminder to make
sure you don’t miss church on
March 11th because of the
beginning of Daylight Savings time.
Be sure to set your clocks ahead
that Saturday night! 
SMA 2012 Camp & Retreat Schedule
Adult Camps & Retreats
UMW Spiritual Retreat—March 16-18
Young Adult Work & Spiritual Retreat—April 20-22
Rio Grande Family Camp—July1-6
UMW School of Christian Mission—July 20-23
Camp Sunshine—August 6-10
Rio Grande UMW Retreat—August 10-12
NM Conference Youth Director’s Retreat—September 6-8
SWIFT College Age Work Retreat—September 14-16
United Methodist Men’s Retreat—September 21-23
Clergy Retreat—September 30-October 3
Aspen Tour—October 5-7
Welcome New Members
Please help us in welcoming Eve
Paxson, Frank Preston, and the
Schilling Family as new members
of our church.
Seasoned Citizen’s Retreat—October 15-19
Youth Camps & Retreats
ROC (Mid-High) - March 2-4
Younger Children’s Camp—June 8-10
Music Camp—June 10-15
Youth Camp—June 18-22
Adventure Camp Weekend—July 5-8
Elementary Camp—July 9-13
CCYM Fall Event—November 16-18
Backpacking Adventures
Women’s Backpacking Adventure—June 14-16
Youth Backpacking Adventure—June 24-29
BP Adventure for Beginners—July 8-13
Weminuche BP Adventure—Sept. 24-28
In Need of a New Church Secretary
As many of you already know, Melanie
and her family are moving to Flagstaff
for her husband’s new job. So in
preparation for her leaving, we
will be in search of a new secretary
with bookkeeping, computer and
webpage skill sets. If you know
A voice came from the cloud, saying,
"This is my Son, my chosen one. Listen
to Him." Luke 9:35
of anyone that is interested,
please have them contact the
church for an application.
Bible Read-a-Thon in Alamogordo
The church has received a letter about a “Bible Read-AThon” and Prayer Gathering. Jim and Carol Sullivan, of Alamogordo, have written and told us of their vision for an event
of joining together to read the word from Genesis through
Revelation out loud from Sunday April 29th through the
National Day of Prayer Observance, Thursday, May 3rd.
The event will begin at 2pm Sunday and their hopes are that they will have enough readers to read for
the entire time. They want to finish up on the 3rd with corporate prayer, testimonies, and whatever else the
Lord directs in power and victory for Spiritual breakthroughs and sealing of God’s blessing over the Basin.
They have included a response card to anyone who is interested. So if you’d like to read more about it,
please contact the church office fore more information.
“For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith; and this is not
from ourselves, it is a gift of God…” - Ephesians 2:8
St. Patrick used the shamrock to teach people about
the Godhead. Holding up a shamrock, he challenged
them, “Is this one leaf, or three?” Inevitably, people
replied that it was both, prompting St. Patrick to draw
the analogy that so, too, is God: one God in three
Persons — the Holy Trinity.
Messengers of God
In Half Broke Horses, Jeannette Walls
tells how her grandmother Lily, at age
10, and Lily’s younger siblings were
bringing cows in for milking when the
animals suddenly ran for high ground.
Lily realized a flash flood was coming.
She directed her brother and sister to
climb a tree, where they clung all night
as water and wind slammed against
them. Lily helped her siblings stay awake and hopeful.
As dawn broke, the water subsided and the children
waded home. Their mother prayed gratefully, telling
them to thank their guardian angel. Young Lily
protested that she had saved them all. But her father
answered wisely, “Maybe the angel was you.”
To those that can pray, promote and
be passionate about Sacramento
Attention: Sacramento is looking for
Exercise/Fitness Equipment (New or Used)
We are in the process creating an Exercise/Fitness
center for our guests. With the move in our society towards
improved health and wellness Sacramento feels it important
to offer to our guests some basic items to help with Exercise
and Fitness options. Please let us know if you have or know
of anyone that has some equipment that they would like to
donate to this cause.
Remember that this will be heavily used at times so
quality name brand items would be preferred. Bowflex,
Schwinn, Wieder, Gold’s Gym, etc. are examples of good
quality equipment. If you know of a hotel or school that is
replacing their used equipment it might be perfect for our
Benches, Racks, Free Weights, Kick-bags, Medicine
Balls, Matts and other similar accessories would also be of
Please pass this request around and contact us if
you think you might have something that might work for us.
In His Service,
Bill McCuaig, Executive Director
Sacramento Methodist Assembly
Prayer Requests –
Jane Wood prays for her friend, Virginia, and her
family; they need the Lord right now!
Tom Broom prays for James Edwards and his
parents Jim and Tommie Edwards.
Samuel prays for his Mom.
We ask your care Lord, for Susan Saulietis following
her fall and ankle surgery.
We ask your healing touch, Father, for Eve Paxson,
facing health issues, and her friend, Frank Preston, in
his recovery following knee replacement.
We pray for Evelyn Miller who lost a good friend and
neighbor, Terry. We lift Marie and the extended
family in Sacramento.
Let me thank you for all the prayers for me and
Mary. Those prayers helped us during our stay and
my treatments in Lubbock. It is a joy to be back
home to say. Thank you again. Dick
Prayers were asked for Harold Wagner, one of Doc's
Please continue to pray for Chris Sampson, Carol and
Jerry Pruitt and Ruth Genuske.
Prayers were asked for Kim Wagner.
Prayers were asked for Sonny Daniel, whose cancer
has gone to his liver.
Judy Gillett prays for her cousin, Petty McClure, who
has cancer in the lower spine.
Judy also prays for Pat Gillett, her sister-in-law, who
is retiring and thought she had a job, but it has
Dan and Marlene Miller ask for prayers for their son,
Nathan, who is going through personal issues and is
having a rough time.
We celebrate with Don Keith, recovering well after a
mini-stroke, happy to be home.
We lift prayers for healing for Dave and Lily Evans;
and for Rev. Cheri Lyon (Harwood/Carlisle Plaza
UMCs Albuquerque), who had outpatient surgery for a
broken wrist.
With Susan Shirey we ask for healing for Mercedes
Rogers, recovering from surgery for a
brain tumor & not well.
Prayers for B.J. McNeil who was not well.
Nicolette Scarborough and her new baby
boy, Seth Lane, are home. We’re
grateful momma and baby are well.
We pray for Judy and Ken Bonnell who
were ill.
With Bill and Patricia Allen, we pray
for Lisa from Conroe, TX diagnosed
with Stage 4 Ovarian Cancer and for
Mary Coale, of Birmingham, AL, who
turned 90 and fell and broke a
We pray for all our business folks in
the community.
We celebrate 100 years of Girl Scouts
Of America. We also celebrate the
moisture on the mountain.
We pray for the people of Europe that
continue to receive heavy snow.
We pray for the people of Syria and
that there may be no more
We pray for the family of Al Barciaga,
who died of post-surgery complication
and the SMA board who will miss him.
Our prayers are with the Greater
Hollywood community and the family
of Whitney Houston as they grieve her
We pray for the people of Bosnia and
eastern Europe where more than a 120
people have died of extreme cold and
heavy snow; the people of Nigeria
where hundreds of people have
been killed by terrorists; for
Syria with more than
5000 demonstrators
Psalm 25: 4-5
Show me your ways, O Lord,
teach me your paths; guide me in
your truth and teach me, for
you are God my Savior and
“I looked for God, and God answered me;
God rescued me from all my fears.”
Psalm 34:4
my hope is in you all day
Music Programs — Bells—Wednesday’s @ 4:45pm; Choir—Wednesday’s @ 6:00pm;
United Methodist Men — Third Saturday of the month, 8:00 am (Meeting places will vary)*
Women In Ministry — Third Saturday of the month, 10:00 am (Meeting places will vary) *
United Methodist Preschool: For further information call Jennifer Ridley, Director
682-2264 or email at
Inquirers Course – M&M course meets in the Pastor’s office @ 9:30am Sunday mornings (for people interested
in a four week study of United Methodist beliefs, history and practice) Begins 3/4/12
Berean Class – Meets in the Parlor @ 9:30am Sunday mornings
A Walk through the Bible - Meets downstairs in the Preschool @ 9:30am Sunday mornings
Seekers Class – Meets downstairs in the Triangle Room 9:30am Sunday mornings
The Joy Class – Meets in the Fellowship Hall 9:30am Sunday mornings
Moore and More Study – Meets upstairs at 9:30am Sunday mornings
Children’s Classes K-6th grades, meets downstairs across from the Nursery.
Teen Ministry – Sunday mornings – Junior and Senior high students, 9:30am, upstairs in the Youth Room
Youth Night - Wednesday’s @ 5:30pm Meeting place will vary.
Youth Foundations in Personal Finance—Starting February 1st for 13 weeks, older youth will meet in Parlor on
Wednesday’s at 5:30p.
Cub Scouts – Friday 5:30p or Sunday 12:30p
Boy Scouts – Friday 5:30p in the Fellowship Hall
*Call Church office for more information
Cloudcroft United Methodist Church
P.O. Box 229 / 50 Chipmunk
Cloudcroft, NM 88317