February 2015 Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce


February 2015 Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce
Volume 29
No. 2
Shane Sewell
Greetings, fellow Chamber members! I am Shane Sewell and I am
excited for this opportunity to communicate with you monthly, as well as to
serve you as 2015 Chairman of the Board.
I have been fortunate to call Athens home for all my life. My parents
attended Tennessee Wesleyan College and made the wonderful postgraduation decision to make Athens their home. I attended Tennessee
Technological University in Cookeville, TN and it was there I met my lovely
wife, Amy. Thankfully, after we graduated she was willing for us to move to
Athens, in order for me to begin my financial career with Athens Federal
Community Bank where I have worked for 15 years and currently serve as
Vice President/Chief Lending Officer. We have two beautiful daughters,
Allie (9) and Mia (7) and we are thankful to be raising them here in this
awesome community.
I would like to take a moment to thank Becky Wattenbarger for her
fantastic leadership over the past year. Becky brings an unrivaled energy
and passion to whatever endeavor or challenge she accepts. It has been
an honor to serve with you, Becky, and I look forward to your guidance in
the coming year.
We are truly blessed to live in Athens and McMinn County. We have
much for which to be thankful and excited, and the Athens Area Chamber
of Commerce is one asset I hope you are taking advantage of...or will in
the near future. Your support, involvement, and suggestions are essential
to the success of the Chamber. I encourage you to leverage your
Chamber membership to help your organization grow and prosper.
There are several ways to be involved with the Chamber this month.
One way is to be part of the February Cash Mob on Thursday, February
12th at The Gallery Boutique & Day Spa in Athens. The Gallery will be
offering 30% off store-wide that day! Please join this fun way to support
local business and our local economy. You can shop anytime between
12:00p.m. to the close of business that day.
Another great benefit to your Chamber membership is the monthly
networking opportunity called Business Before Hours. This is a prime time
to network with other Chamber members and local leaders, while enjoying
a cup of coffee and morning refreshments. I hope to see you at the
upcoming meeting at ARTSHOP located at 219 East Madison Avenue in
Downtown Athens.
If you are not currently a Chamber member, we would love to talk to
you about becoming a member. Please contact the Chamber office at
423.745.0334 or email Kay Simmons at kay@athenschamber.org for more
I look forward to serving alongside a dedicated board of directors, staff,
and diplomats as we face the many opportunities and challenges to come
in 2015. Working together, we will take advantage of those opportunities
and meet the challenges head-on to ensure Athens and McMinn County
remain a great place to live, work, and play.
A Publication
of the
Athens Area
of Commerce
The February Spotlight is shining on…
McMinn Tomorrow is an annual youth leadership program
sponsored by the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce. McMinn
Tomorrow involves 20 junior and senior students from McMinn
County High School and McMinn Central High School. The students
meet six days during February, March and April to learn from
community leaders and to tour local sites pertaining to a variety of
topics including education, health, government, industry,
history, and criminal justice. The Class of 2015 kicked-off their year
on February 4th with a day made up of orientation, team-building,
and a service project with Helping Hands Ministries. Pictured below
are the students selected for McMinn Tomorrow’s Class of 2015
following the completion of their service project.
Front row left to right: Aryn Click, Kelcey Casteel, Camila Rodriguez, Davanshi Patel, Payton Mathews
Middle row left to right: Kyla Long, Abby Howe, Bethany Presley,
Jenna Kaminske, Anu Kumar
Back row left to right: Joshua Knight, Chase Cummins, Zachary
Webb, Lynn Butler, Andrew Duggan, Ryann Dahle, Sam Ingram,
Chris Achilles, Ty Striker
Not pictured: Katie Shaw
Because members renew memberships at different times throughout the year, listings are provided on a
monthly basis. These members renewed their memberships during January 2015.
A & J Body Shop & Wrecker Service, Inc.
Amedisys Home Health
American Medical Response (AMR)
Ann S. Davis
Athens Station Self-Storage
Biddle & Trew, LLP
Citizens National Bank
Cleveland State Community College
Crescent Sock Company
Days Inn of Athens
Dogwood Dental Care, PLLC
East-West Media
Edward Jones Investment / Skylar Dean
Factory Connection
Farm Bureau Insurance-Athens
Giles Heating & Air
Greeks Bearing Gifts
Hardee’s of Athens
Heil Trailer International
Maxwell Industries
Philip K. Arnold, DDS, MS, PC
Resolute Forest Products
SkyRidge Medical Center
Stewart Family Dentistry
Sullins Eye Care
Tarver Distributing Company, Inc.
Toomey & Baggett Eyecare Clinic, PLLC
Verizon Wireless
Vulcan Materials
Western Sizzlin’ Steak House
Women’s Center of East TN, PC
Ziegler Funeral Home
Tax dollars
help here
when you
shop here!
Come and be part of the 2015 CASH MOB!
Come to these locations on these days from 12:00p.m.
to close and spend at least $20. It’s fun and great for
these businesses and our local economy!
February 12th
The Gallery Boutique & Day Spa
ATI Physical Therapy
Ms. Amy Madison, BDM
1808 Decatur Pike #20
Athens, TN 37303
Phone: 423.252.1637
Physical Therapy
Athens Small Animal Hospital
Dr. John & Kim Riddle, Owners
318 Maple Street
Athens, TN 37303
Phone: Not yet available
Veterinary Care for Small & Exotic Animals
Set to open for business in early spring
Array of Hope
Ms. Connie Herring, Owner
109 West Madison Avenue
Athens, TN 37303
Phone: 706.889.0108
Retail: Women’s Clothing & Accessories
Antiques & Uniques
Southern Heritage Antiques & Gifts
April 9th
May 14th
Heavenly Creations by Jen
June 11th
The Art Market @ The Arts Center
Origami Owl / Amanda Haun
Thirty-One / Michelle Wright
Scentsy / Deborah Cox
July 10th –NO CASH MOB
August 13th
United Wholesale Discount
September 10th
To Be Announced
October 8th
Blair’s Bo-Kay Florist
November 12th
To Be Announced
December 10th
Hair Therapy
Upcoming Chamber and Community Events
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Date: Thursday, February 19 Time: 12:00p.m. till Close
Location: The Gallery Boutique & Day Spa
122 North Jackson Street Athens
For more info: Call 423.745.0334 or www.athenschamber.org
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Hosted by ARTSHOP
Date: Thursday, February 26 Time: 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m.
Location: ARTSHOP 219 East Madison Avenue Athens
For more info: Call 423.745.0334 or www.athenschamber.org
McMinn County Senior Citizens, Inc.
Date: Thursday, February 26 Time: 8:00a.m. to 11:00a.m.
Location: McMinn Senior Activity Center
205 McMinn Avenue Athens
FREE to the public
For more info: Call 423.745.6830 or http://mcminnseniors.com
Athens Area Community Theater
Book by Roger O. Hirson Music & Lyrics by Stephen Schwartz
Sponsored by SouthEast Bank
Date: February 19-22, 26-28 & March 1
Time: Evening shows 7:30p.m. Sunday matinees 2:00p.m.
Tickets: $15 Adults $8 Students
For more info: Call 423.745.8781 or www.athensartscouncil.org
Tennessee Wesleyan College
Date: Behavioral Science Career Fair - Wednesday, March 4
Sherman Hall, Glenn Lowe Room 9a.m. to 1p.m.
Horizons Business Career Fair - Wednesday, March 18
Elliott Hall 10a.m. to 1p.m.
FREE Registration, FREE Lunch, FREE parking (both days)
To register your organization: careers@twcnet.edu
For more info: Office of Career Development & Graduate Studies
423.746.5224 or careers@twcnet.edu
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
Hosted by Don Ledford Auto Park
Date: Thursday, March 19 Time: 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m.
Location: 1900 Congress Parkway, Athens
For more info: Call 423.745.0334 or www.athenschamber.org
To have an event included on this calendar,
please email event information details to info@athenschamber.org
It’s a
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
9th Annual Benefit Dinner
with guest speaker
June 27, 2015
McMinn County
High School
Tickets Available: $50 program only
(concessions will be available)
To purchase tickets come to the
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce (13 N. Jackson
Street, Athens) or call 423.745.0334
The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who invest their
time and money in a community development program working together to improve
the economic, civic and cultural well being of our community.
Why I Should Belong to The Chamber of Commerce?
Active Membership in the Chamber of Commerce carries with it a sense of
accomplishment and satisfaction from the knowledge you are doing your share of an
important job.
Although everyone in the community benefits from the work of the Chamber of
Commerce, you can accept those benefits with a sense of pride only if you have had
a part in bringing them about.
Build your business by building your community.
Benefits of membership in the Chamber include a wealth of advertising and exposure
through participation in various events, inclusion in the Chamber website, newsletter,
and networking opportunities.
For information about becoming a Chamber member,
please call (423) 745-0334.
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce
in cooperation with
13 North Jackson Street, Athens, TN 37303
E-mail: info@athenschamber.org Website: www.athenschamber.org
Chairman Elect
Vice Chairman
Immediate Past Chairman
Shane Sewell
Jackie Newman
Moises Contreras
Brandy Cooper
Becky Wattenbarger
Becky Wattenbarger
Moises Contreras
Randy Nelson
Rhonda Elkins
Patty Weaver
Shane Sewell
Brandy Cooper
Gus Jaibat
Scott Cass
Todd Harris
Jackie Newman
Will Estes
Pam Perdue
Skylar Dean
Shayne Whaley
Invites all Chamber members to
Thursday, February 19 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m.
Come enjoy a cup of coffee, network with
Chamber members, and enter a business card
in the door prize drawings!
Anthony Casteel, Community Development Director, City of Athens
John Gentry, Mayor, McMinn County
Kathy Knight, McMinn County Economic Development Authority
Dana Ferguson, Diplomat Corps Chairman
Rob Preston
Kay Simmons
Teressa Clark
Program Director
Accounts Coordinator
ATHENS BUSINESS is a monthly publication for the members of the
Athens Area Chamber of Commerce.