This Month`s Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce
This Month`s Newsletter - Athens Chamber of Commerce
ATHENS BUSINESS OCTOBER 2015 Volume 29 No. 9 THE CHAIRMAN’S CORNER with Shane Sewell Greetings, fellow Chamber members! Fall is finally here! I love the change of seasons, especially in our beautiful East Tennessee. As I look out my window on a gorgeous East Tennessee fall morning, I can see the leaves beginning to change into rich colors of autumn. This is just one of the many reasons we are blessed to live in such a great area. With fall comes one of our community’s most anticipated annual festivals - Pumpkintown! Held each year in downtown Athens, Pumpkintown celebrates our community’s history, heritage, and harvest by featuring arts and crafts vendors, great food, and entertainment. This year’s festival will be this Saturday, October 10th from 10a.m. to 5 p.m. This past week we celebrated Manufacturing Week in McMinn County. We are fortunate to have an extensive industrial base and we want to say a big, “Thank You!” to all of the industries that “Make It In McMinn.” I want to remind everyone to take advantage of two new “tools” provided by your local Chamber. The first is the “Ask the Chamber” feature on the Chamber’s website, This feature allows you to ask the Chamber a question via email. Utilize this to find out about upcoming events, inquire about service providers, and any other questions the Chamber can assist in answering. The second is the Go Cast video that allows the Chamber to film a 60 second promotional video about your business and immediately upload it to the Chamber’s website. To schedule the filming of your Go Cast video call Kay Simmons or Rob Preston at 423.745.0334 or email A shout out and large, “Thank You!” to Randy Nelson, Vice President for Advancement at Tennessee Wesleyan College and Lacey McDonald, Grants Coordinator at Tennessee Wesleyan College for conducting our recent “Lunch & Learn” seminar on the topic of Grant Writing 101. Randy and Lacey provided great information and helpful resources to help to those who seek and write grants. If you were unable to attend the seminar, Randy and Lacey would be eager to speak with you and help you. You may contact Randy at 746.5330 or Lacey at 746.5332. Do not forget to purchase tickets for the 7th Annual Community Concert featuring Laura Story to be held Friday, October 23rd at Athens City Middle School. Ticket information is right next to this column. Applications are being accepted for the 2015 Jimmy Liner Memorial Christmas Parade. This year’s parade will be Monday, December 8th at 6:30p.m. Please contact the Chamber at 423.745.0334 or email to receive the necessary guidelines and forms to participate in this year’s parade. The day you read this column the Cash Mob will be ongoing at Blairs Bo-Kay Florist and Gifts located at 327 Ohio Avenue in Etowah. Blair’s will be open from 9a.m. to 7p.m. and will offer shoppers 20% off storewide, as well as refreshments all day. Come out and be part of the mob! When you Shop Local your tax dollars stay here to support local schools and fund the services provided by our local municipalities. Make sure you mark your calendar for this month’s Business Before Hours. Cleveland State Community College (Athens Campus) will be our host on Thursday, October 15th from 8a.m. to 9a.m. Business Before Hours is a great opportunity to network while enjoying a cup of coffee and morning refreshments before you start your workday. Attendance has been great and I hope to see you there! If you are a new member and have not scheduled a ribbon cutting we want to set that up for you, as well as a Go Cast video. Please contact Kay Simmons at 745.0334 or by email , or A Publication of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce ——————— 423-745-0334 The September Spotlight is shining on... 7th Annual Community Concert featuring 2012 Grammy Award Winner for Best Contemporary Christian Song “Blessings” Winner of Four Dove Awards Composer of 2004 #1 Worship Hit Tickets: $10 Adults $8 Students Limited Number of VIP Tickets Available: $50 (includes Meet & Greet & Reserved Seating) To purchase tickets: Call 423.745.0334 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 23rd 7:00PM ATHENS CITY MIDDLE SCHOOL 200 Keith Lane, Athens Spon- ATHENS CHAMBER BUSINESS PARTNERS & INVESTORS Because members renew memberships at different times throughout the year, listings are provided on a monthly basis. These members renewed their memberships during September 2015. Advanced Mechanical Services AgCentral Co-Op American Cancer Society Animal Aid TN, Inc. Athens Auto Sales, LLC Athens-McMinn Family YMCA AYSO Region 612 Blood Assurance CRX Laboratories Environmental Trust Company Fuller’s Frame Shop Hampton Inn Athens Holiday Inn Express Athens Jenkins Grille & Market John F. Young, DMD Family Dentistry Keith Memorial United Methodist Church Madison Avenue Pharmacy Mar-Von Termite & Pest Control Co., Inc. McKinney Excavating, Inc. McMinn County Board of Education Miller-Reid, Inc. Ocoee Outdoors Ocoee Zipz, Inc. Randstad RidgeTop Apartments River Valley Ag Credit BUXOM BOUTIQUE by BRASKA JENNEA PHOTOGRAPHY Ms. Braska Jennea Givens 123 North Jackson Street Athens, TN 37303 423.368.1842 Also can be found on Facebook Professional Photography Studio, Floral Design, Wedding Planning, Boudoir & Glamour Portraits, High-end / Affordable / Trendy Ladies Clothing, Jewelry GODSONG MINISTRIES Ms. Beth Burkey 415 Lynn Avenue Athens, TN 37303 423.744.7916 Non-profit Outreach Ministry SNAP Fitness Development, LLC Snyder Family Farm Feed & Pet Tennessee Packaging The Dycho Company, Inc. The Ocoee River Barn Toyota Tsusho America, Inc. Wascon, Inc. WYXI - Radio Station Remember… Shop with Chamber members first! KINDER’S EXPRESS FURNITURE OUTLET Ms. Pat Powroznik, Store Manager 1518 Congress Parkway Athens, TN 37303 423.746.2955 Look for us on Facebook Retail Furniture Store TENNESSEE MOBILE LUBE Steve & Monica Parker, Owners 866 County Road 130 Athens, TN 37303 423.368.0081 Lube, Oil & Filter Services, Multi-Point Inspection All services provided wherever your car is located. Call to make an appointment. The Chamber of Commerce is a voluntary organization of citizens who invest their time and money in a community development program working together to improve the economic, civic and cultural well being of our community. Why I Should Belong to The Chamber of Commerce? Active Membership in the Chamber of Commerce carries with it a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction from the knowledge you are doing your share of an important job. Although everyone in the community benefits from the work of the Chamber of Commerce, you can accept those benefits with a sense of pride only if you have had a part in bringing them about. Build your business by building your community. Benefits of membership in the Chamber include a wealth of advertising and exposure through participation in various events, inclusion in the Chamber 8SFRPLQJ&KDPEHUDQG&RPPXQLW\(YHQWV $WKHQV$UHD&KDPEHURI&RPPHUFH &$6+02% %ODLUV%R¶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¶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·VD :,1:,1 WR 6+23 -LPP\/LQHU0HPRULDO &KULVWPDV3DUDGH 0RQGD\'HFHPEHUWK SP 'RZQWRZQ$WKHQV $SSOLFDWLRQVDUHDYDLODEOH &DOO (PDLOND\#DWKHQVFKDPEHURUJ 1RDSSOLFDWLRQVDFFHSWHGDIWHU )ULGD\1RYHPEHUWK ATHENS AREA CHAMBER OF COMMERCE 13 North Jackson Street, Athens, TN 37303 E-mail: Website: Please plan to join us for 2015 OFFICERS Business Before Hours Chairman Chairman Elect Vice Chairman Treasurer Immediate Past Chairman Shane Sewell Jackie Newman Moises Contreras Brandy Cooper Becky Wattenbarger 2015 BOARD OF DIRECTORS Becky Wattenbarger Moises Contreras Randy Nelson Rhonda Elkins Patty Weaver at 2580 Ingleside Avenue, Athens Thursday, October 15th 8:00a.m. to 9:00a.m. Shane Sewell Brandy Cooper Gus Jaibat Scott Cass Todd Harris Jackie Newman Will Estes Pam Perdue Skylar Dean Shayne Whaley EX-OFFICIO Enjoy coffee, morning refreshments, the opportunity to network with other Chamber members, and enter the door prize drawings. Make sure you bring business cards Anthony Casteel, Community Development Director, City of Athens John Gentry, Mayor, McMinn County Kathy Knight, McMinn County Economic Development Authority Dana Ferguson, Diplomat Corps Chairman Rob Preston Kay Simmons Lisa Dotson STAFF President/CEO Membership Services Director Program Director ATHENS BUSINESS is a monthly publication for the members of the Athens Area Chamber of Commerce. National Breast Cancer Awareness Month The Daily Post-Athenian The Daily Post-Athenian & 6th Annual Think Pink Tuesday, October 20 Noon-1 p.m. at St. Mary Catholic Church Family Life Center in partnership with LUNCHEON Tickets: $20.00* *Proceeds to benefit the McMinn Area Cancer Relief Fund Tickets are available at: Athens Regional Cancer Center • The Daily Post-Athenian, 320 South Jackson Street • Online at: • The front desk of Starr Regional Medical Center Madison Avenue Compounding Pharmacy Think Pink Shirts On Sale Now! Stop by The Daily Post-Athenian For More Info! n being Luncheo y: b catered Guest Speaker: Missy Kane Missy is a former Olympian, a Pan American Games medalist and former UT track coach who inspires others to live a fit and healthy lifestyle. Over the years she has enjoyed coaching the Covenant Health Knoxville Marathon Team, guided hikes as the host of “Get on Trails with Missy and Friends,” ballroom dancing with “Dancing with the Knoxville Stars,” and bike riding through the Great Smoky Mountains. Among her coaching achievements, she has been featured in “Ask the Experts” in Runner’s World. In 2009 a routine skin exam revealed a cancerous melanoma, which was successfully treated.
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