Looking Ahead October 25, 2015 Reformation Sunday Service of


Looking Ahead October 25, 2015 Reformation Sunday Service of
The soloist is Kyle Matthews, minister of worship arts.
Conducting the Sanctuary Choir today is Henry Branson, Herring church
music intern. As our intern, Henry assists in both Sanctuary and Youth
Choirs. He is a senior music education major at Furman University where
he is the director of The Twelve Peers for the 2015-2016 school year.
The acolytes are Luke Cline and Morgan Joye.
The flowers in the Sanctuary are given to the glory of God and in memory
of Wade, Eugene and Harriet Bryant; and Lamar and Cema Chapman by
their families.
We light a hospitality candle today in honor of the GAIHN families who
will be our guests today through Sunday morning, November 1. The
mission of the Greenville Area Interfaith Hospitality Network (GAIHN) is to
assist local congregations to share hospitality (in the form of emergency
lodging and meals) with homeless families and to help those families
achieve self-sufficiency and self-fulfillment.
Baptism Committee members scheduled to serve today include Jan and
Mike Houston.
Looking Ahead
SEE: Praying with our Heart, Soul,
Mind and Body (Labyrinth/
Prayer Garden)
October 25-November 1
Host GAIHN Guests
October 25, 1:30pm
United Ministries Transformation
October 28, 5:30-7:00pm
Trunk or Treat at Phillis Wheatley (Set up at 5:00pm)
No Wednesdays at First Activities except Sanctuary Choir
November 8, 10:30am
Family Dedication
Jim Dant, proclaimer
November 8, 11:30am-2:00pm
Children’s Ministries Discipleship
Classes for 4th and 5th Grades
November 8, 3:00pm
College Prep: Admissions and Applications (AYMC)
November 1, 8:45 or 9:15am
Greeter Appreciation/Information
Breakfast (Fellowship Hall)
November 9, 10:00am-5:00pm
Roadrunners to Forest City, NC
November 1, 10:30am
All Saints Sunday
Service of Communion
November 10, 9:30am-3:00pm
Holy Rollers to Wholesale Grocery
in Pelzer
Jim Dant, proclaimer
Music selections today include: “O Be Joyful” by Charles Tompkins;
“Sing unto God” by Paul Fetler, Augsburg Publishing House, 1959; and
“An Old English Prayer” by James Gossler, 1985.
November 1, 11:30am-2:00pm
The litany of baptism adapted from Prayers & Litanies for the Christian
Seasons by Sharlande Sledge, Smyth & Helwys Publishing, 1999.
November 1, 5:00pm
Children’s Ministries Discipleship
Classes for 4th and 5th Grades
November 15, 10:30am
Cuba Mission Team Commissioning
Church Conference
Jim Dant, proclaimer
Lulapalooza Texas Hold’em Lesson and Tournament (Fellowship
November 6, 10:30am
Minister: The white rose on the baptistry today is in memory of ...
People: Lord, have mercy.
First Friday Lunch and More (Fellowship Hall)
November 7, 9:30am-1:00pm
Financial Needs as of 10/24
Receipts as of 10/21
Lula Whilden as of 10/21
Minister: The red rose on the baptistry today is in honor of ...
People: Thanks be to God.
Mary Carol Anderson
Kyle Matthews
Bootie Cothran
Juli Morrow
Jim Dant
Rosemary New
Youth and Recreation
Media and Technology
Worship Arts
Senior Minister
Infant-Toddler Program
Vivian Hamilton
Kendra Plating
Priscilla Harris
Becky Ramsey
Jenna Manning
Jeanie Reed
Music and Worship
Children’s Music
Church Operations
Pastoral Care
Youth Music
Frank A. Smith
Kathy Stewart
Laura Stout
Charles Tompkins
Baxter M. Wynn
Pastoral Care and
Community Relations
Spiritual Formation and Outreach
A Community of Believers. Each Member A Minister.
WLFJ-AM 660 and FM 92.9
Links to view or listen to previous services are also available.
© 2015 First Baptist Church, Greenville, SC (all rights reserved)
Reformation Sunday
Service of Baptism
Neighborhood Partnership and
Christian Fellowship
Matt Rollins
Sunday morning worship service broadcasts:
October 25, 2015
First Baptist Church
847 Cleveland Street
Greenville, South Carolina 29601-4495
(864) 233-2527 www.firstbaptistgreenville.com
Ten Thirty O’clock
Baptismal Promise
Words of Welcome
Choral Call to Worship
“O Be Joyful”
Having been led to my present relationship with God, who in
Jesus the Christ seeks to reconcile the world to
himself; recognizing that I have sinned, and that I
continually fall short of the wholeness and beauty
of God’s plan; having accepted Jesus the Christ as
the “Author and Finisher” of my faith, and having
experienced Christian baptism to symbolize my
death to selfishness, and the renewal of life through
the same divine energy which raised Jesus from the
grave; I hereby publicly profess that Jesus the Christ
is Lord of my life and destiny. I solemnly vow to live
in response to God, as the Spirit enables me to grow
into the wholeness of Christian maturity and a genuine
involvement in Christian ministry. Amen.
Charles Tompkins
Opening Sentences
Mary Carol Anderson
I will bless the Lord at all times. Praise the Lord with me.
Together let us lift the name of the Lord on high!
(adapted from Psalm 34)
*Processional Hymn 147
“A Mighty Fortress Is Our God”
*Prayer for Worship
Gracious God, you sent Jesus to meet us in our poverty, isolation
and fear. Restore our faith and renew our vision that we may follow
your holy way; through Christ, our healer and our hope. Amen.
Welcome of Worshipers
We welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please
complete a welcome card located in the pew rack and place it
in the offering plate. You may also take it to the Reception Desk
following worship where a baked good will be shared with you.
“Been Through the Water”
All the way my Savior leads me; what have I to ask beside?
Can I doubt his tender mercy, who through life has been my guide?
Heav’nly peace, divinest comfort, here by faith in him to dwell!
For I know, whate’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well;
For I know, whate’er befall me, Jesus doeth all things well.
Words of Faith
Words of Baptism
the singing of the last two stanzas of this hymn.
Children’s Sermon
Choral Worship
Mark 10:46-52
Call to Prayer
“Lamb of God”
Paul Fetler
Believing Is Seeing
Matt Rollins
*Invitation Hymn 221
“Be Thou My Vision”
Please come forward during the singing of this hymn if you wish to confess your
faith or identify with this fellowship. A minister will greet and receive you.
*Invitation to Offering
O taste and see that the Lord is good; happy are those who take
refuge in the Lord.
(Psalm 34:8)
Vivian Hamilton
Voluntary in D William Boyce
Service and Fellowship of the Church
*Doxology (Hymn 32)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God above, ye heav’nly host;
Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
As we watch the picture of putting away old things and rising to
walk in newness of life, we remember our call to do
the same.
Words of Blessing
Let us listen once again for the voice from heaven naming us the
beloved children of God, connecting us to all who have
felt the waters of baptism soaking them in grace.
God, drench us in the living water of your love. Immerse us in
the depths of life in your Spirit. Raise us once again to
walk in new life with you. Amen.
*Please stand as you are able.
“Sing unto God”
Words of Commitment
Today we gather at the water’s edge as both witnesses and
Ordinance of Baptism
Candidates: Linda Keeley, Carl Sly
Kyle Matthews
Introduction of New Members
Page 823 of the Bible in the pew rack
Matt Rollins
All children first through fifth grades are invited to come to the front during
Musical Offering
Scripture Lesson Litany of Baptism
Kyle Matthews
*Children’s Hymn 241
“Heal Me, Hands of Jesus”
*Choral Benediction Response “An Old English Prayer”
Pastoral Prayer
Please contact an usher for a hearing aid receiver or magnifying glass.
James Gossler
Prelude in E-flat, Opus 99, No. 3 Camille Saint-Saëns
Our Service of Worship has ended.
Our Worship through Service begins.
Please silence all electronic devices.

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