Ascension of the Lord Sunday Youth Sunday


Ascension of the Lord Sunday Youth Sunday
The service choir today is the Youth Choir.
Looking Ahead
Jahnna Reck serves as the accompanist for the Youth Choir.
The soloists today are Emily and Kyle Matthews. Emily is a senior at
Wade Hampton High School. Her parents are Kyle and Susan Matthews,
and her brother is Christopher.
The acolytes are Jordan Manning and Caroline Wilson.
The flowers in the Sanctuary are given by Keeter Horton in loving memory
of her husband, Sonny Horton, and her children, Helen Horton Hunt and
Charlie Horton.
The flowers in the Narthex today are given by Jim and Carol Ann
Anderson in honor of Youth Ministry team members Don Flowers, David
Woody, Aimee Bigham, Shirley Young, Frank Smith, Gina Brock, Anne
Garner and Mittie Taylor for the care and guidance they gave their daughter,
Mary Carol, and in recognition of our church family who loved and
supported her during her childhood and youth.
Music selections today include: “Prayer for Guidance” by Allen Pote,
Hinshaw Music, Inc., 2013; “Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee with Asifiwe
Bwana” arranged by Dan Goeller, Dan Goeller Music (BMI), 2006; and
“Santo” by Mark Burrows, Choristers Guild, 2013.
May 17, 11:30 a.m.
May 24-25
Children’s Ministries Event: Fifth
Grade Celebration Lunch
AYMC Closed
May 25
May 17, 4:00 p.m.
Memorial Day – Church Offices
Youth Family Welcomes Mary
Carol Anderson
May 31, 10:30 a.m.
Trinity Sunday
Graduate Recognition
May 19, 11:00 a.m.
Roadrunners to Tommy’s Ham
House and Heritage Green Art
Jim Dant, proclaimer
May 31, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
May 24, 10:30 a.m.
Foundation Sunday
Children’s Ministries VBS Filming
May 31, 11:45 a.m.
New Member Orientation
Baxter Wynn, proclaimer
May 24, 11:30 a.m.-2:00 p.m.
Children’s Ministries VBS Filming
Financial Needs as of 5/16
Receipts as of 5/14
Minister: The white rose on the baptistry today is in memory of ...
People: Lord, have mercy.
Minister: The red rose on the baptistry today is in honor of ...
People: Thanks be to God.
Mary Carol Anderson
Kyle Matthews
Worship Arts
Neighborhood Partnership and
Christian Fellowship
Bootie Cothran
Juli Morrow
Kathy Stewart
Youth and Recreation
Media and Technology
Rosemary New
Laura Stout
Senior Minister
Infant-Toddler Program
Vivian Hamilton
Kendra Plating
Charles Tompkins
Priscilla Harris
Becky Ramsey
Baxter M. Wynn
Jenna Manning
Jeanie Reed
Jim Dant
Music and Worship
Children’s Music
Church Operations
Pastoral Care
Pastoral Care and
Community Relations
Youth Music
Matt Rollins
Spiritual Formation and Outreach
Frank A. Smith
Sunday morning worship service broadcasts:
WLFJ-AM 660 and FM 92.9
Links to view or listen to previous services are also available.
© 2015 First Baptist Church, Greenville, SC (all rights reserved)
A Community of Believers. Each Member A Minister.
First Baptist Church
847 Cleveland Street,
Greenville, South Carolina 29601-4495
(864) 233-2527
May 17, 2015
Ascension of the Lord Sunday
Youth Sunday
Ten Thirty O’clock
build relationships with this church through fellowship
opportunities and looking after the wellness of this
congregation. I will build relationships with the larger
family of God outside our walls through mission
opportunities. I hope to support this church in the same
ways that it supports me.
Words of Welcome
Call to Worship
“Prayer for Guidance”
Opening Sentences
Allen Pote
Jordan Dunlap
Youth: We welcome you Mary Carol, and affirm your call to
furthering God’s Kingdom. As Youth, we will strive to
be open to your leading and to listen to the voice of
God that you help us to hear.
Clap your hands, all you people!
Shout joyfully to God with a joyous shout!
The Lord Most High is awesome,
God is sovereign over all.
Church: We welcome you Mary Carol, and affirm your call to
furthering God’s Kingdom. As the Church, we will join
in building up our youth to living a spirit filled life. We
pledge our time and resources through volunteering,
chaperoning, teaching and giving, to further the
mission of this church through our youth.
God has gone up with a shout –
The Lord with the blast of the ram’s horn.
Sing praises to God!
Sing Praises!
(adapted from Psalm 47)
*Processional Hymn 139
All: Jesus said, “Let the young ones come to me,” for Jesus
knew the Kingdom of God belonged to these young
people. Let us not in any way hinder their drawing
closer to Christ, but let us learn through them and
grow with them. Amen.
“Rejoice, the Lord Is King”
Welcome of Worshipers
Naomi Mobley
Austin Fayssoux
Connor Fuller
Prayer of Blessing
faith or identify with this fellowship. A minister will greet and receive you.
*Offertory Scripture and Prayer
Musical Offering
Church Covenant with Youth Minister
Kendra: The ministry of Jesus is incarnational and relational —
Jesus teaches and preaches in the midst of those he
loves. This is also the call of the youth minister — to
walk side by side with youth, parents, and Christ’s
church to offer truth and insight into living a spirit-filled
Mary Carol: As your new Minister of Youth and Recreation, I
pledge to share the good news of love, kindness, and
acceptance. I will build relationships with our youth,
helping them through their failures and looking to
their potential, to help them feel the love of God. I will
*Hymn 265
Sloan Rohrbaugh
“Lord of the Dance” LORD OF THE DANCE
Stanzas 1, 2 and 5 only
All children first through fifth grades are invited to come to the front during
the singing of the last two sung stanzas of this hymn.
Children’s Sermon
Annie Deaton, Sophie Harris
“Every Season”
We Say Goodbye
We Say Hello
Mark Burrows
The Service and Fellowship of the Church
*Doxology (Hymn 32)
Praise God from whom all blessings flow;
Praise God, all creatures here below;
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Praise God above, ye heav’nly host;
Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia!
Words of Blessing
*Closing Sentences
Words of Faith
Page 879 of the Bible in the pew rack
Words of Covenant
Introduction of New Members
Mason Williams
John 17:6-19
Sarah Mobley
[Jesus said,] “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has
come upon you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, in all
Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
— Acts 1:8
“Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee with Asifiwe Bwana”
Gospel Lesson
Please come forward during the singing of this hymn if you wish to confess your
Jim Dant
We welcome those who are visiting with us today. Please
complete a welcome card located in the pew rack and place it
in the offering plate. You may also take it to the Reception Desk
following worship where visitors will be presented a gift.
Introductions of Mary Carol Anderson
*Hymn of Invitation 138 “Alleluia! Sing to Jesus” Stanzas 1 and 2 only
Nicole Nordeman
Haley Histon
Cheyenne Dunn
Jim Dant
Woods Russo
I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ will give you a spirit
of wisdom and revelation that makes God known to you. I pray
that the eyes of your heart will have enough light to see what is
the hope of God’s call, what is the richness of God’s glorious
inheritance among believers, and what is the overwhelming
greatness of God’s power that is working among us believers.
Go with God’s blessing; go with God’s peace.
(adapted from Ephesians 1:17-19)
*Benediction Response “Go with God”
Kyle Matthews
“We Praise Thee Now, O Father”
Our Service of Worship has ended.
Our Worship through Service begins.
J.S. Bach

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