2008-12 PE - Vintage Mustang Owners Association


2008-12 PE - Vintage Mustang Owners Association
The Pony Express
The Monthly Newsletter of the
Vintage Mustang Owners Association
December 2008
Featured Car of the Month
James Yberra’s 1966 Mustang Convertible
Car of the Month
Calendar of Events
General Club Information
VMOA Elections , Pot Luck and toy Drive
Membership Renewal Form
Buy , Sell & Swap and More....
Volume 31 Issue 11
Next VMOA Meeting:
When: Friday, December 7th Time: 7:30 pm
Where: NorCal Shelby Clubhouse
(aka Rainbow Montessori)
790 East Duane Ave. Sunnyvale, CA
See page 6 for details
Meetings are on the first Friday of the month.
December 2008
2008 VMOA Officers And Volunteers
Vice President
Past President
Board Members
Ken Mannina
Steve Chapman
Kathy Riccardi
Jeremy Bligh
David Drach
Neal Hasheider
Robert Wilson
John Cortez
Phil Deardorf
Tom Hasenberg
John Cortez
Events Coordinator
Chuck Brown
Don Arnaudo
MCA Representative Larry Ingenthron
Car Show
Open Opsition
Open Opsition
Walt Boeninger
Sally O’Toole
Louise Gibino
Mike Riccardi
John Cortez
LaVonne Ingenthron
Open Position
Next Board Meeting
When: December 23rd(Always 2 Tuesdays before the monthly meeting) ; Time: 7:30 pm
Where: Goodie’s Good Eats 2201 S Bascom Ave at Apricot Ave, Campbell
Everyone is welcome to attend & give input!
About the Vintage Mustang Owners Association
The Vintage Mustang Owners Association (VMOA) was founded in August, 1977 to provide a focal point
for Mustang owners who wished to further their enjoyment of ownership. The club was originally dedicated
to the restoration and preservation of only the 1965 and 1966 Mustangs, but now welcomes all Mustangs up
to and including the current model year of production. Your interest in Mustangs is the most important thing,
not the condition of your car or the fact that you may not even own a Mustang yet. Club members keep
current on the latest Mustang information and participate in numerous fun events all year.
The Pony Express
The Pony Express is the official publication of the Vintage Mustang Owners Association. It is published for
the exclusive use of its members. Please send information and articles to: Editor@VintageMustang.org
Information and articles to appear in the Pony Express must be received by the 22nd of the month in order
to be in the next newsletter. Articles: Members are encouraged to submit articles for inclusion in the
newsletter. Tell us how you found your car or it found you! Send in Tech Articles or Tips and Tricks that
make life easier for you and your car. Ads: Want ads and For Sale ads can be submitted at the monthly
meeting or by writing to the editor. Free for members! Others at Editor’s discretion.
To everyone who contributed items for this months issue of the Pony Express
And our host SUNNYALE FORD
From The Presidents Desk
From The Presidents Desk
As VMOA closes out 2008 and I conclude my
term as President, I want to express my gratitude to
all of the Officers, Board Members and Volunteers
who have served during the past two years— The
Vintage Mustang Owners Association appreciates
your work. I also want to congratulate those that will
move into new Officer and Board positions in 2009.
Our installation dinner will be on Saturday, Jan 10th,
6:00pm— look for the announcement. In parting
please allow me to leave you with a few thoughts:
.......I saw VMOA members Dane Berens, Chuck
and Marilyn Brown, Glenn Roberts and Janeen Pratt,
Joe Freitas, Ray Banks and Bill Croxton. Some were
showing their Mustangs, some were... not.
Lastly, I want to thank Moe Yousofzai and Matin
Kharie at Sunnyvale Ford for all of their help. These
two gentleman and their sales staff have gone out of
their way to make their dealership showroom
available to VMOA for our monthly General
Membership meetings. The best way for our club to
Pony Express Car Of The Month (COTM) - There reciprocate is to direct business to Sunnyvale Ford
are still a lot of new and existing members of VMOA www.fordautodirect.com So if you or a friend are
considering the purchase a new or used Ford, contact
that have not yet had their car featured in our
Moe or Matin at 1.800.556.1448.
Newsletter as COTM. All you have to do is contact
John Cortez, Editor john925@earthlink.net send him
Wishing you and your family a wonderful Holiday
photos of your car and a brief narrative about how
you became keen on Mustangs; how you acquired
your car; what you have done to it; what you would
Ken Mannina , President
like to do to it; and what you really like about your
From The Editors Desk
Mustang. It’s that simple.
Membership Dues - There is a reason they’re called
dues, because they’re due each January. In the past
the club has not had a formalized enforcement of the
collection of dues, however going forward we are
going to have the membership responsibility managed
by the club Treasurer. If you would like to continue to
receive the monthly Newsletter, regular email
updates, and participate in club activities which are
subsidized by VMOA, please pay your membership
dues no later than the end of February. You can pay at
the monthly meeting, mail in payment, or use PayPal
at the club website www.vintagemustang.org
Yes, I went to the SJCC Show on Nov 22nd. I know,
it’s not all Mustangs, but this is a nice local car show
serving a great cause. Street Rods, Muscle Cars,
Customs, Bombs, AMC Pacer? It’s all there, and
plenty of Fords too. I personally am intrigued by the
old school, period chopped and channeled, barn fresh
rat rods of the 40’s and 50’s that celebrate the dawn of
Hot Rodding, very cool. At the show......
Hello fellow VMOA members whishing you and
your family a merry Christmas and Happy New Year and
I hope you and your family had a happy Thanksgiving.
The December meeting will not held at Sunnyvale
Ford, It will held at a locating to be announced soon. The
VMOA will have its Annual Pot Luck and Gift Exchange and Toy Drive. E-mail announcements will be
sent out as soon a location is settled on. So bring a dish
to share, a gift to exchange (no more than $25) and a few
unwrapped gifts for the Toy Drive
And now on to Car of the Month. I need members to
volunteer and write their story’s about your Mustang (
love of Mustangs, the mustang you once owned, or
dreamed about owning). I could be a simple half page
story and photograph to ???. But please consider volunteering your story, everyone in club enjoys reading these.
Do we have your current e-mail address?? I have
been getting several newsletters not delivered dun
various mailbox issues. E-mailing the newsletter and
various reminders are a great way for this club to keep in
touch with each other and informed. And requesting that
your newsletter is send only via e-mail saves the VMOA
money that can be better spent on more things like more
Poker Runs and ect. So please make sure that we have
you correct e-mail address.
VMOA Members Club Dues are due in January,
$35 per year to renew. see page 13 for renewal form
John Cortez , Editor
VMOA Monthly Meeting and Board Meeting Minutes
VMOA General Meeting Summary November 7, 2008
President Ken Mannina called the meeting to order at
We had 33 members attend the meeting with 3
visitors. Two of the visitors were Jenny Jump & Al
Thomas from the Palo Alto Concours.
There were 3 new member packets handed out.
The Car of the Month was Craig Bauer’s 1967
Mustang Convertible.
Starting in January 2009, we will start the Car Show
Committee meetings for our upcoming Car Show that
will be in June.
We had 23 cars in our annual Poker Run headed up
by Phil & Mary Deardorf. We stopped by 2 wineries and
stayed at the 3rd one for lunch & poker. A good time
was had by all, not to mention that they ordered perfect
weather for the day! Others reported that the Mustangs
Plus Show and the Marina Air & Car Shows had great
turnouts as well.
Chuck Brown was not here to report upcoming
events, but we were told that the Good Guys Car Show
is tomorrow, November 8th. In two weeks will be the
22nd annual Classic Chevy toy drive & Car Show. There
location has changed from Bethel Church to The
Church on the Hill in San Jose.
On Sunday, June 28th will be the Palo Alto Concours
de Elegance at the Stanford University. Al Thomas &
Jenny Jump were here letting us know that this year the
Concours specialty American & European cars will be
the Mustang & the Porsche. The Palo Alto Concours
was started in 1965 by the Palo Alto Lions Club. The
Concours is to support charity & it is made up of
all volunteers. They would like a few of our members to
go to their VMOA meetings & give input for the Mustang
Club. Their next meeting will be on Wednesday,
November 12th in Palo Alto.
Our December General Meeting, Holiday Pot Luck &
Toy Drive will be on Friday, December 5th at the
Rainbow Montessori School (meeting place of the
Shelby Club), located near the Duane & Fair Oaks
intersection in Sunnyvale. Please bring a dish to share
(check with Ken Mannina as to what to bring) along with
unwrapped toy(s) for the Children’s Shelter in San Jose.
The toys are for children ages birth to teens. They
cannot be violent in nature. All age groups are needed.
We have been working on getting volunteers for the
upcoming 2009 Board. We are still taking nominations,
so please let someone on the current Board know if you
or someone you know would be interested in running So
far, these are the members that have volunteered for
some of the positions:
President Steve Chapman ; Vice President John
Cortez ; Treasurer Walt Boeninger ; Secretary open
position Membership open position (NEW Board
position opened up) Board Members open position
John O’Toole is looking into a 3400 square foot
building locally and having a place you can.......
......rent to store cars in. He will let us know more about
it after learning more.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:40PM.
Respectfully submitted, Kathy Riccardi, Secretary
VMOA Board Meeting Summary November 25, 2008
President Ken Mannina called the meeting to order
at 7:10PM.
Our December General Meeting, Holiday Pot Luck,
Gift Exchange & Toy Drive will be on Friday, December
5th at the Rainbow Montessori School (meeting place of
the Shelby Club), located near the Duane & Fair Oaks
intersection in Sunnyvale. Please bring a dish to share
(check with Ken Mannina as to what to bring), a
wrapped $20 to $25 valued gift to exchange & an
unwrapped toy(s) for the Children’s Shelter in San Jose.
The toys are for children ages birth to teens. They
cannot be violent in nature. All age groups are needed.
As far as the gift exchange goes, rules are as
follows: Jennifer Chapman will be making 2 sets of
numbers. As you get there, you will receive a number
for each gift you bring to exchange. When your number
is called, you will pick a new gift or steal from someone
else. The gift is allowed 2 steals & the 3rd person to
touch that gift is the owner. The person who starts the
exchange gets to go last if they want to change their
Also, at our December get together will be the
Election of the Board Members. We still need someone
to fill the Secretary position & 1 more Board Member is
needed as well. We are still taking nominations, so
please let someone on the current Board know if you or
someone you know would be interested in running. So
far, these are the members that have volunteered for
some of the positions:President-Steve Chapman ;
Vice President-Robert Wilson ; Treasurer/Membership-Walt Boeninger ; Secretary-open position
Membership-NEW Board position opened upchanging from VP to Treasurer Board Member-1 open
position available plus-Neal Hasheider-John CortezGeno Brickey-Jeremy BlighOur Installation Dinner will be on Saturday, January
10, 2009 at 6:00PM to swear in (not at) the New Board
Members. Our dinner will be at:
Casa Lupe Mexican Restaurant
2169 S. Winchester Blvd.
(Between Budd & Rincon)
Campbell, CA 95008
(408) 378-1277
Our annual Car Show will be Saturday, June 21,
2009, it is tentatively set at DeAnza College. We are
still looking for another location that has grass &/or
trees so it won’t be so hot on the asphalt. If you have
any ideas, please contact Neal Hasheider or Tom
Hasenberg or anyone on the Board.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:55PM.
Respectfully submitted,Kathy Riccardi, Secretary
Car Of The Month Sign Up
Birthday Greetings to those in November
Ed Eckert
Rick Pickering
Robert Rosas
December : James Ybarra
Mike Riccardi
All of Next Year: Open
Katie Cassarino
Please Sign up and Send in a story about
Diana Perez
your Mustang , the Mustang you once had
James Curylo
or your love of Mustangs
George Meyer
NOTE: There will be a sign up sheet at the
monthly meeting or if you can’t make the meeting,
Walt Boeninger
tell the Editor that you are interested. Keep in
mind that there are usually 2 times per year that
Dennis Speer
the club does a Cruise Night. On those particular
days, we meet in the parking lot and then take a
Michele Knapik
short drive to a place to eat and hang out. These
Michael O'Rourke 28
dates have not yet been determined for 2006, but
Domenic Cassarino 31
are chosen when the weather is good for being
If we don’t have your birthdate yet
outdoors. See the President or Vice-President for details.
(month,day) and you would like to be included in
On the day of the club meeting, your feature car
the birthday greetings, please send your info to the
needs to be parked in the front at 7:00 pm.
editor. Every month now (just for fun), we will print
NOTE: If an emergency comes up and you can’t
Birthday Greetings to those club members who
do the month you signed up for, please arrange for
someone else to take your place! It is your responsibility to provide us with their name, month, and day of birth.
be there or contact one of the others to take that slot. Be
There are already several club members who have
sure to tell the Editor in case things are being planned
discovered that not only do they share a love for
around that year of car for that issue. We might have a
Mustangs, but they also share the same birthday!
backup for you.
If you have extra articles or information about
your year of car or stories surrounding it that
might be of general interest to the members,
please include that info so the editor can use it.
Email all info to:
Get your VMOA name Badges!
by the 20th of the month prior to your car being
the Featured Car:
You may order your VMOA name badges for
$7.00 at the monthly meeting or by contacting
our Vice President and membership chairperson,
at Vice-President@VintageMustang.org
Did you know... ?
When you wear your badge to the meeting, you
automatically get one FREE Raffle ticket when
you go see Mike Riccardi or Louise Gibino
at the raffle table.
When we attend mustang events
it helps if you wear your badge so others can know who
is from VMOA. It also helps the new people in
our club to get to know the names and faces.
And if you have a sudden lapse of memory, you
can read your own badge to see who you are!
Or if you are like me and don’t get out to all of
the events as much as you like, you can start
to learn the names of all these nice people you
keep running into when you do get out!
Note to our Members:
If you are not able to attend our Monthly meetings or a Board meeting, there
are still ways to participate! If you have feedback or just want to volunteer
some time, contact one of your club officers or volunteers.They will point you
in the right direction.
Dec 5th
Dec 6th
Dec 7th
Dec 23rd
Jan 2nd
Dec 10th
Jan 27th
VMOA Monthly Meeting/Pot Luck/Toy Drive------------------------------------------------------TBA
Toys ~ 4 ~ Tots----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Hayward
Stockton Swap Meet & Car Show---------------------------------San Joaquin County Fairgrounds
VMOA Board Meeting --------------------------------------------------Goodies Good Eats,Campbell
VMOA Monthly Meeting-----------------------------------------------------------------Sunnyvale Ford
Installation Dinner-----------------------------------------------------Casa Lupe Mexican Restaurant
VMOA Board Meeting ---------------------------------------------------Goodies Good Eats,Campbell
VMOA Event Details
Future Plans for VMOA Fun!!! Be sure to send your event info to Editor@vintagemustang.org if you want it in the
newsletter. Remember to send it in early, by the 15th of the month prior to your event.
Subsequent updates can be made once the layout is complete. Volunteer to organize an event! Big or Small, Short or Long.
Have an idea? Contact Chuck Brown, the Event Calendar Coordinator:greensnake68@sbcglobal.net or
VMOA Meeting this Friday Dec. 5th—- DO NOT go to Sunnyvale Ford
Where: (see map link below)
NorCal Shelby Clubhouse (aka Rainbow Montessori)
790 East Duane Ave. , Sunnyvale, CA
Go to the Back of the last Building at the End of the Parking Lot, 2nd floor up the stairs
When: Come at 6:00pm for decoration and preparation. 7:00pm meeting begins.
1) December Meeting
2) Elections
3) Pot Luck Dinner (see below)
4) Gift Exchange - Bring a wrapped gift to exchange with other members during the dinner ($20 to $25)
5) Toy Donation/Toy Drive - Bring an UNWRAPPED gift for a child, ages infant to 18
Update: The club will be providing Paper Plates, Utensils, Napkins, and Beverages, so we don’t need those.
Montessori School
aka Nor-Cal Shelby
VMOA Christmas Toy Drive
The VMOA will again be
collecting toys for the
Children's Shelter onUnion Avenue.
Please bring toys for children
from infancy to 18 years old.
We will take them at the
November and December Meetings.
They do not have to be wrapped.
They sort them when we take them over.
Questions? Call Rose & Don at 408 354-4017.
More Car Show and Event Details
-----------------------------------------------------------------Toys ~ 4 ~ Tots Hayward......................Saturday, December 06, 2008
The East Bay Chapter of the No. Cal Ford F-100 Elites is hosting a Toys-4-Tots Car and Truck Show at Dino's Restaurant-2264
Industrial Parkway W.-Hayward, CA.....10:00 AM...........Contact Info:Wally Wallace Email: walter.wallace@comcast.net
Bring an unwrapped toys or toys and receive a free Raffle Ticket for each toy donated. 50/50 Raffle Regular Raffle
-------------------------Stockton Swap Meet & Car Show
December 7th, 2008, San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, Stockton, California
Weekly Local Events
Ongoing Events - Looking for something to do?
GRAFFITI Nites (during the spring/summer):
* BOSTON MARKET, 2006 El Camino Real, Santa Clara----------------------------------Every Wednesday 4-8pm March thru Oct
* BIG DOG’S GRILL, 1401 Foxworthy Ave, San Jose------------------------------------------Every Tuesday, possibly Thursday too
* CITY DINNER, Blossom Rd, San Jose 5:30-8:30pm ----------------------------Last Wednesday of the month] (408) 269-5490
* JERSEY JOE’S, El Camino Real, San Carlos 6-8:30pm--------------------------------3rd Wednesday of the month 650-368-8212
* FOSTER FREEZE, 78 Serra Way, Milpitas 6:00pm --------------------------------------------------------------Every Thursday Night
* KOHLWEISS AUTO PARTS, Veterans Blvd, Redwood City -------------------------1st Wednesday of the month 650-368-8212
* CALIFORNIA CRUISE NIGHTS--------------------------------------------http://www.centralvalleyclassics.com/cruisenights.html
Websites with TONS of events listed
GOLDEN GATE STREET MACHINES UNLIMITED------------------------------------http://www.ggsmu.com/Events/events.html
GRAFFITI NIGHTS--------------------------------------------------------------------http://www.letstalkevents.com/coming_events.htm
CALIFORNIA CAR CLUBS------------------------------------------------------------http://www.californiacarclubs.com/schedule.htm
ROCK N’ ROD---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------http://rocknrod.com/calstate 7
VMOA Car of The Month
James Yberra’s 1966 Mustang Convertible
I bought the car from my nephew. The car was stored in his fathers garage for 30 years. His father purchased the car on August 10 1966 in Dane, Wisconsin
I bought the car on July 3, 2007 and I have the original manual. It has the original color, “Emberglow
Metallic”. I had it completely restored by M&M restorations in San Jose with the orginal stock 289 engine
adding chore headers, 5-speed transmission, Edlerbrock Intake Manifold, Edlebrock Chrome Carburetor,
Edlebrock Chrome Water Pump, Edlebrock Chrome Fuel Pump and Filter and Misc. parts, 4 wheel disc
brakes and American Racing Chrome Wheels. I am now in the process of having the car lowered.
James “Ben” Yberra
2010 Mustang Photos And Information
The launch of the 2010 Mustang is fast approaching. Don't let it pass you by. Get updates, the latest photos,
videos and more. Subscribe now for automatic RSS feeds at “ford.digitalsnippets.com” or check out
“the2010mustang.com” And here are a couple of photos of the new mustang for 2010 and a brief description: http://reviews.cnet.com/2300-11443_7-10000018-5.html?tag=mncol;page
Only on EBay
1967 Mustang Trike
This one 1967 Mustang you have to see to believe, but wait it’s not just your ordinary average classic
Mustang it’s a Trike!Yes folks a Trike as in a 3-wheeled motorcycle with one-half of a 1967 Mustang and
the front-half of a motorcycle. According to the owner of the trike it took 2 years to complete this custom
beast with no shortcuts taken. It features a 289/302 bored .060 over, T-4 transmission, 9 inch rear end and
some custom paint work. As of writing this, the custom 1967 Mustang Trike has a s starting bid of $34,499
with no bids.
Beyond the Corral
1957 Ford Battlebird
After two years of
Corvettes dominating the
race scene Ford commissioned Bill Stroppe to build
four modified thunderbirds
to be built to compete in the
1957 race season. Two of
these cars were slightly
modified Thunderbirds with
312 c.i. engines. Ford
entered these two cars in
the Stock Car classes.
The modifications ushed
the top speed of these
Thunderbirds to 135 mph.
Ford won the Stock Car
class at the 1957 Daytona
Speed Week.
The other two Thunderbirds
were sent to DePaolo
Engineering for further
modifications. One of the cars had a Lincoln 430
c.i. dropped into the engine compartment while
the other one kept the 312 c.i. engine. The
bodies were modified to be more aerodynamic.
A metal tonneau cover was made to cover the
passenger seat. A cut down windscreen was used
and the bumpers were removed. The most
distinctive modification was the large headrest
fairing behind the driver’s seat. The 312 c.i.
powered Battlebird driven by Chuck Daigh
posted a speed of 93mph in the standing mile.
One of the Battlebirds ran over 200 mph in the
flying mile but that speed was not backed up so
it was not an official speed. The Battlebirds did
however post a speed of 160.356 in the flying
mile. That speed was more than 30 mph faster
than the second place Corvette.After Speed
Week the 312 c.i. Battle bird was entered into an
airport road race with Marvin Panch driving.
Panch finished second to Carroll Shelby who
was driving a 4.9 liter Ferrari. After the 1957
season Ford pulled out of racing. The Lincoln
powered Battlebird was destroyed supposedly
while filming a stunt scene for a movie. The 312
c.i. Battle bird is the only remaining Battlebird.
Membership Update / Renewal Info
(Please print clearly or affix corrected mailing label)
Name: _______________________________
Spouse: _______________________________
Address: _____________________________
City, State: ____________________________
Zip: _____________
Phone(s): _____________________________
Email: _____________________________
Mustangs owned:
Yr: _____ Model:__________ Color: _______
Yr: _____ Model:__________ Color: _______
Do you wish to have your address listed in the annual roster? (for members only)
Do you wish to have your phone number listed in the annual roster? (for members only)
Are you interested in participating in parades and car displays?
We acknowledge birthdays on a monthly basis in the newsletter.
Please list the Month & Day of your birth, if you wish to be included:
Name: ___________ Month _____ Day ____
Name: ___________ Month _____ Day ____
Renewal dues are $35. To join: $35
Make checks payable to V.M.O.A. Total payment enclosed: $__________ Date: __________
_____ Check here if this is just an information update for our files and no fees.
Bring this form to the meeting or mail to:
Attn: Vice President
P.O. Box 5772
San Jose, CA 95150
Treasurer’s Report
Vintage Ad From
Road & Track
May 1965
V.M.O.A Treasurer’s report
Begining Accout Balance
Installation Dinner
Other Income
Total Assests
Current Account Balance
Here’s an offer for our club members
20% off Retail on Parts
10% off Retail Labor Rates
When asking for the parts discount have them reference
Account # 197336 Parts discount Excludes – Motorsport –
Ford Accessories – Engine and Transmission Assemblies
(we have next to zero margins on these but will get you
the best deal we can)
All new vehicle purchases at invoice price (except for GT500’s)
07 Shelby GT’s I can make a great deal on…I have 7 on the way.
Thanks for the opportunity,
Bill Benak Sales Manager
Sunnyvale Ford
408-522-0261 direct , 408-592-2744 cell , 408-522-0204 FAX
Advertising In The
Pony Express
Business Card ad [Print]: $48/year or $5/issue
Business Card ad [Web]: $52/year
Both for $100/year
Cash or Check payable to VMOA. Mail to:
P.O. Box 5772
San Jose, CA 95150
Attn: Editor - Advertising
DUE: Artwork due on the 20th,
one month prior to issue.
1 Time/1 Year SIZE [Print]
$5/$48 Business Card
10/96 1/4 Page
20/192 1/2 Page
40/384 Full Page
Buy , Sell and Swap
Wanted and For Sale ads are free for members
for your personal Mustang or Ford related items.
Please notify the Editor as soon as your ad is no
longer needed!
For Sale
1966 Mustang Coupe
289 Auto - Silver w/Primer - Not running
Must Sell - $4,000 or Best Offer
Eleanor - 408.264.8137
1966 Mustang Hardtop White with Blue & Tan
interior 289 V8 HP 4 BBl AutoTrans / Power Steering /
Power Disc Brakes , Many GT Parts ,Restoed And
Loaded Illness forces sale $18,000 /Offers
Dick DeSalvo 408-269-4676
For sale: C-4 Transmission — about 25K on
rebuilt — took out of 67 Cougar that I’m
converting to 4 speed — $200 or Best Offer
— Wayne 408-370-3438/
1967 Mustang Parts: Center Con, Very good
condition $490; Tilt-a-way Steering Column with
vac. can Very good Used $290; CAL Smog Air
Cleaner + Manifold parts Very good Used $75;
Front Seat covers-blue; 2 passenger + Drivers
New condition $75; Power Brake Cyl + Booster
New $190; Gauges - used $10; Rear View Mirror,
Remote, Pass, New $50 Steve Chapman 408-3742566
1969 Mustang Mach 1 Avon glass decanters New in box. $20 includes tax; Great gift! The only
fastback from the 1969-70 era. No longer available
to order. Contains men’s Black Suede cologne but
the best part is the cool glass Mach 1 decanter!
For Sale: 1967 Fastback 6 cyl. 3spd Green/Green
95,000 miles Driver condition but it has
not been driven in approx. seven years. Make offers.
Marty 650.593.7017
Parades and Displays Of Mustangs
If you hear of a group looking
for Mustangs for their parades or other events,
please contact Don Arnaudo (VMOA Parades
Chairman) 408-354-4017
For Sale
2-NOS 64-68 Ford Spotlights in Box $450 ,
NOS Ford 64-65 Rear Spring rubber bolts in box
Ford $25 , 68 Ford Top Loader 4 speed w/ orig
rebulit shifter and linkage $800
Dick DiSsalvo 408-269-4676
----- Holley 600cfm 4bbl, barely used (1000 mi / 1 yr)
- Edelbrock performer intake manifold w/ EGR capability
- Granada front disk brakes (direct fit to ’70 guaranteed!) good pads, straight, new hoses
- Rear drums (like disks), lately refurbished.
You can’t find better kept parts anywhere - for sale due to
New WANTED parts for ’70:
- Roll cage / call.
- Drive shaft safety loop
Ville Karaila ville.karaila@gmail.com
+1 408 621 1362
1967 Coupe Trim: See Dave Drach for details of
exactly what is needed. 408-993-9667
Looking for a 1965 / 66 Mustang Coupe w/V8
looking for a car that’s close to done, but not a full concourse
restoration. It doesn’t have to be stock, but he wants to avoid
major body mods. It should be a V8 C or A code car; I believe
he might even consider a K code.Willing to do some work to
‘finish’ the car, but doesn’t want a major project. Wants to be
able to drive and enjoy the car right away.If you have anything
like this in your garage or any leads to one, contact me:Thanks
for your help,John and Sally O’Toole
408 288-9320 HM , 408 241-9051 WK or
VMOA member Discounts
Thanks to Jim Curylo for getting our VMOA discount list
started again. We used to have a big list. Can you help?
Note to Members: Businesses listed below offer a discount
to VMOA members. Please call ahead to find out the
Note to Businesses: If you’d like to be a part of the
Discountlist, please contact us with the details (see page 2).
INTEX Auto Parts
- cash and credit card only, NO CHECKS
- Mention Account Number 92289
- San Jose store 1432 Old Bayshore Hwy
San Jose, Ca, 95112
408 282-9888
December is the Month for ...
VMOA club meetings are held on the
first Friday of the month 7:30pm
Dec 5th VMOA Monthly Meeting/Pot Luck/Toy
Sunnyvale Ford
see page 6 for details and directions
East El Camino Real
Dec 6th Toys ~ 4 ~ Tots
CA 94087
Dec 7th Stockton Swap Meet & Car Show
Between Remington Dr. / Fair Oaks Ave. and Wolfe Road
Dec 23rd VMOA Board Meeting
Map: http://tinyurl.com/bdknq
Jan 2nd VMOA Monthly Meeting
Dec 10th Installation Dinner
Jan 27th VMOA Board Meeting
See inside for more details and events
Don’t Miss
Pot Luck ,
Toy Drive
Held at the
Nor-Cal Shelby
The Pony Express
P.O. Box 5772
San Jose , CA 95150
First Class Mail