NYS Health Commissioner Visits AHMC
NYS Health Commissioner Visits AHMC
Fall/Winter 2008 your To HEALTH NYS Health Commissioner Visits AHMC... Impressed with New Vision Students and Program Healthy News & Tips to Use PAGES 3 - 5 Dr. Daines and other staff members from the NYS Department of Health, along with Daniel Sisto, President of the Healthcare Association of NYS, were given a comprehensive tour of the Medical you Kno d Center, visiting the AHMC Intensive Care Unit, works with “Alice Hyde Medical the Family Maternity Center, dozens of partners to Center was honored and medical/surgical units, the improve the health and proud to be one of the Emergency Department, well-being of our hospitals to be visited by Reddy Cancer Treatment community the NYS Commissioner of Center, the Wade and Marjorie Health,” said AHMC Hastings Hemodialysis Unit, the President John Johnson. “We Alice Hyde Nursing Home, and the hope that his tour and the many new Alice Hyde Orthopedic & services offered and lives touched by this Rehabilitation Center. In his Medical Center will remain foremost in conversations with AHMC leadership, Dr. his mind as he and other state officials Daines remarked that the Medical Center grapple with the state budget during these and its staff gave him a “good feeling” troubled economic times.” about health care in Malone and the North Country. AHMC News PAGES 6 - 8 New Faces at AHMC PAGE 9 w? The Commissioner was impressed with this program and talked about its importance in preparing and developing the workforce of tomorrow during his testimony on the NYS State Budget presented two days after his visit. Di O n Monday, October 20, New York State Commissioner of Health Richard Daines, MD visited Alice Hyde Medical Center as part of his tour of health care providers in the North Country. The Commissioner met with AHMC's New Vision students and learned more about this program, a collaboration with Franklin, Essex, Hamilton BOCES that provides local college-bound students a unique opportunity to see first- hand the rewards and challenges of being a health care professional. The overriding goal of this program is to strengthen tomorrow's health care workforce and encourage these students to return to Malone as qualified health care professionals. Since its inception in 2000, 90% of the New Vision students have gone to college to pursue a health care career. Philanthropy Listing PAGE 11 AHMC T COMMITTED TO OUR COMMUNITY his fall, the staff and volunteer leadership of Alice Hyde Medical Center demonstrated, once again, this organization's commitment to our community. Alice Hyde Medical Center helped to “Take Health Care to New Heights” at this year's triennial Health Fair, which drew approximately 2,000 visitors to the Franklin County Fairgrounds. It was a beautiful day for the community to learn more about adopting healthier lifestyles and to take advantage of free screenings and preventive health services provided by the Medical Center and area health, civic, and business organizations. This is just one illustration of how your Medical Center is reaching beyond the walls of its emergency and “acute care” business, promoting health and encouraging community members to eat more nutritiously, engage in physical activity, learn more about staying healthy, and have regular screening and preventive health exams. The number of initiatives conducted by AHMC to keep local families healthy and well is detailed in the recent publication, Community Benefit 2008, which is available on the AHMC website (www.alicehyde.com) on the Resources page. I encourage all members of our community to read through Community Benefit 2008 and to take a look at Alice Hyde's 2007 Community Service Plan report, also available on our website on the Resources page. Each year, AHMC submits an update to this plan to the State to demonstrate how we identify community needs and allocate our resources to meet these needs—a process which also involves much community input and interaction. Kudos “You have a very dedicated and courteous staff. The nurses, doctors, and all the other staff are wonderful.” “I thank the nursing staff for being such wonderful people. They were very attentive to my needs. Everyone was pleasant.” “To all of the nurses on the maternity floor I would like to thank you all from the bottom of our hearts for everything you have done for me and my baby. You all were great. I couldn't have asked for better treatment and care. Again, thank you to all!” Di Thank you all for your continued support of the Alice Hyde Medical Center. We are privileged to be able to care for you and your family and we take this responsibility very seriously. Please let us know how we're doing and if you think there are areas upon which we can improve—your feedback is very important to us. You can share your thoughts through the Questions/Comments section of our website at www.alicehyde.com/About/Contact.asp. w? ou Kno y d “To Whom It May Concern – everything from the ER to my hospital room and everywhere in between has been 100% +” Each year, AHMC spends more than $176,000 on programs & services to keep our community healthy “The nurses are wonderful and very helpful. They never spoke a cross word. They all treat patients very nice. Everything was very clean too!” John Johnson President & CEO 2 To Your Health I Hampering HOLIDAY t's tradition: most Americans gain some weight during the holiday season-typically between one and five pounds. Weight Gain Here are some strategies to help keep some of the extra pounds at bay. w When preparing your meal substitute low fat/calorie ingredients, or reduce the amount used of high fat/calorie substances. You can use yogurt instead of sour cream; raisins instead of chocolate chips; 1/3 less oil/shortening and 1/3 less sugar in recipes; you can use non-stick cooking spray; or skim milk instead of whole milk; etc. w Eat moderate portions of food - don't stuff yourself. w Make good food choices. Eat more of the low fat/calorie items - instead of fruitcake, eat dried fruit; instead of ham, choose turkey; instead of stuffing, eat squash; and instead of preparing green bean casserole, have a tossed salad w If you can't resist those rich, delicious, fattening foods; try taking only a few bites. w Before you head out to a party, fill up with a healthy snack. You will be less likely to munch on high calorie/fat holiday treats. w Watch your consumption of alcohol. Alcoholic beverages are filled with empty calories. Try sparkling water with juice instead. w Try to stick with your exercise routine. If you don't already have one, try to start a new routine or fit some extra physical activity into your day. Portion Control: The amount of calories you consume each day affects your weight and health. Use this chart as a simple guide to healthy portion sizes. For more info visit mypyramid.gov Fall-Winter 2008 HEALTHIER Holiday Food Choices w Pumpkin is loaded with Vitamin A and when it's pureed can be a substitute to replace fat in baked goods (used in a similar fashion to applesauce). w Sweet potatoes have Vitamins A and C, lots of fiber, and potassium. w White potatoes contain Vitamin C, B vitamins, potassium, and some minerals such as iron and copper. w Figs (as in fig pudding) have potassium, calcium, magnesium, and niacin. w Roast turkey (skinless) has about 20 grams of protein per 3 ounces, Vitamin B6, and niacin, with almost no fat. = FIST 1 serving of fruits or vegetables = BASEBALL 1 cup of cooked pasta or rice = DECK OF CARDS 3oz. of meat, fish, or chicken = THUMB 1 serving of cheese (1oz.) nutrition information N HEALTHY TIPS W AND TO USE S 3 Adding Physical Activity EVERYONE CAN BENEFIT TO YOUR LIFE physical activity from physical activity w Older adults No one is too old to enjoy the benefits of regular physical activity. Evidence indicates that muscle-strengthening exercises can reduce the risk of falling and fracturing bones and can improve the ability to live independently. w Parents and children Parents can help their children maintain a physically active lifestyle by providing encouragement and opportunities for physical activity. Families can plan outings and events that allow and encourage everyone in the family to be active. A dults need recess too! With a There are 1440 minutes in every day... little creativity and planning, Schedule 30 of them even the person with the for physical activity. busiest schedule can make room for physical activity. For many folks, before or after work or meals is often an available time to cycle, walk, or play. Think about your weekly or daily schedule and look for or make opportunities to be more active. Every little bit helps. w Teenagers Regular physical activity improves strength, builds lean muscle, and decreases body fat. Activity can build stronger bones to last a lifetime. Consider the following suggestions: w Walk, cycle, jog, skate, etc., to work, school, the store, or place of worship. w Park the car farther away from your destination. w Play with children or pets. Everybody wins. If you find it too difficult to be active after work, try it before work. w Take fitness breaks-walking or doing desk exercises-instead of taking cigarette or coffee breaks. Di w Take the stairs instead of the elevator or escalator. w People trying to manage their weight Regular physical activity burns calories while preserving lean muscle mass. Regular physical activity is a key component of any weight-loss or weight-management effort. AHMC is working with the schools to prevent childhood obesity w Perform gardening or home repair activities. w Avoid labor-saving devices-turn off the self-propel option on your lawn mower or vacuum cleaner. w Use leg power-take small trips on foot to get your body moving. w Exercise while watching TV (for example, use hand weights, stationary bicycle/treadmill/stairclimber, or stretch). w Dance to music. w Keep a pair of comfortable walking or running shoes in your car and office. You'll be ready for activity wherever you go! w Make a Saturday morning walk a group habit. w Walk while doing errands. w? w Get on or off the bus several blocks away. ou Kno y d w People with high blood pressure Regular physical activity helps lower blood pressure. w People with physical disabilities, including arthritis Regular physical activity can help people with chronic, disabling conditions improve their stamina and muscle strength. It also can improve psychological well-being and quality of life by increasing the ability to perform the activities of daily life. w Everyone under stress, including persons experiencing anxiety or depression Regular physical activity improves one's mood, helps relieve depression, and increases feelings of well-being. To learn more visit www.cdc.gov 4 To Your Health F r l cente medica u to e d y h yo alice invites 8 0 ‘ t s e f r Winte efit) rd ben oa (a ski/b Saturday, dec. 13th from 9 am to 10 pm titus mt., malone $10 lift tickets - $15 for families $5/hr lessons - $5/hr tubing chance auction - season’s pass raffle santa claus - outdoor bbq (weather permitting) wild country 96.5 live broadcast used ski/snowboard equipment swap - “stuff the bus” for more info, contact heidi dishman 518-481-2248 Fall-Winter 2008 TIPS or a safer ski/snowboard season, follow these tips from the National Ski Patrol. w Get in shape. Don't try to ski yourself into shape. w Obtain proper equipment. Be sure to have your ski or snowboard bindings adjusted correctly at a local ski shop. w Take a lesson. The best way to become a good skier or snowboarder is to take a lesson from a qualified instructor. w Drink plenty of water. Be careful not to become dehydrated. w Curb alcohol consumption. w Dress in layers. Layering allows you to accommodate your body's constantly changing temperature. w Be prepared. Bring a headband or hat with you to the slopes, 60 percent of heat-loss is through the head. Wear gloves or mittens. w Wear sun protection. w Always wear eye protection. Have sunglasses and goggles with you. w Wear proper clothing. When buying skiwear, look for fabric that is water and wind-resistant. Look for wind flaps to shield zippers, snug cuffs at wrists and ankles, collars that can be snuggled up to the chin and drawstrings that can be adjusted for comfort and keep wind out. Be sure to buy quality clothing products. w Know your limits. Learn to ski and snowboard smoothly--and in control. Stop before you become fatigued and, most of all have fun! winter safety N HEALTHY Skiing /Snowboarding AND TIPS W TO USE S for more ski/snowboard safety info visit www.nsp.org 5 Taking Health Care health fair to new heights! A key event for encouraging healthier lifestyles is AHMC’s triennial Health Fair. In 2008, more than 2,000 people attended the Fair to learn about health and wellness issues important to people of all ages, such as diabetes, infection prevention information, nutrition, and much more. Free screenings were offered for cholesterol, glucose, kidney function, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Child Audiology, and HIV, as well as blood type and blood pressure checks. The AHMC Auxiliary was also present to accept unused and/or outdated over-the-counter and prescription medications for disposal. Di w? ou Kno y d AHMC presents more than 100 community wellness programs annually 6 To Your Health thank you to... A Adirondack Region Chiropractic AHMC Auxiliary* AHMC Health Centers* Aids Council North Eastern NY † Alice Hyde Dental Center* Alice Hyde Nursing Home* † Ambulatory Surgery Unit* AmVets B. Braun Hemodialysis Division Balloon Artist - Art Trombley Beckman Coulter Cardio-pulmonary Department* Caregivers Center for Donation & Transplant Cerebral Palsy Association of the North Country ComLinks Cornell Cooperative Extension COPS-CARE Inc.-Abduction Awareness Cub Scouts Troop 61 Diabetes Education* † Education/Community Wellness* Emergency Department* EMS “Fly Car” Franklin County Emergency Preparedness Evercare Secure Horizons (United Healthcare) Families 'R' Us & Child Care Council Family Maternity Center* Farrar Home Fletcher Allen Health Care & F.A.C.T. Ambulance Franklin County Department of Social Services Franklin County Emergency Services Franklin County NY Directs w/Cares Franklin County Office for the Aging Franklin County Prevention Team Franklin County Public Health † Franklin County Youth Bureau Hastings Hemodialysis Unit* † Health Information Services* Hospice of the North Country Human Resources /Careers* Infection Prevention and Control* Integral PET/CT Intensive Care Unit* † JCEO Headstart Kiwanis Kinney Drug Foundation Laboratory* † Lions Club of Malone † Literacy Volunteers of Franklin County † Martz Communications Group Mary Claire Sherwin Greater Malone YMCA Medical Imaging Department* Medical/Surgical Floor* Mental Health Association of Franklin County MOMS Program National Kidney Foundation † New Visions Program* Noel Varghese D.O North Country Children's Clinic North Country Community College North Country Home Services, Inc. North Country Medical Supplies Inc. Northern Adirondack Planned Parenthood Northern Ambulance Northern Area Health Education Center North Star Chemical Dependency Nutritional Services Department* NYS-DOH Bureau of Narcotic Enforcement Operating Room* Orthopedic & Sports Medicine Center* Palliative Care* Pharmacy Department* Quality Improvement Department* Reddy Cancer Treatment Center* Rehabilitation Department* Ronald McDonald House RSVP St. Joseph’s Rehabilitation Center Steve's Contact Karate Club Third Age Adult Day Center Taking Off Pounds Sensibly (TOPS) Towle Family Chiropractic Tri-Lakes Home Medical Equipment United Way of Franklin County Walgreen Drug Store Wholistic Care health fair lice Hyde Medical Center’s Board of Directors, Administration and staff would like to thank all of the departments, community agencies, businesses and volunteers, who helped to Take Health Care to New Heights, at the AHMC 2008 triennial Health Fair. The following is a list of exhibitors who contributed their time and resources to the success of this year’s health fair: * Alice Hyde Medical Center exhibitor † Free Screening offered A special thank you to the Greater Malone YMCA, the Franklin County Fair Association, the AHMC Auxiliary, the Franklin County Sheriff ’s Department, Walgreens, & Martz Communications Group. Fall-Winter 2008 7 Introducing... latest news Our NEWLY REDESIGNED Website! CHECK IT OUT!!! A w? Find a Physician - Search Proceedures Send Patient Wishes Physician/Staff Opportunities Online Job Application Valuable Resources Events Calendar - News Sign up for E-Community Alerts and much more!!! ou Kno y d Di lice Hyde Medical Center has redesigned its website, www.alicehyde.com, with a focus on useful information and easy navigation. One of the new features is the E-Community, which enables our community members to subscribe to AHMC's “e-news,” through which we will be providing e-mails on timely health topics, issues impacting your health, and the latest information about what's happening at the Medical Center. You can be a part of AHMC’s E-Community! Sign up at alicehyde.com Check it all out at alicehyde.com. 8 To Your Health new faces... Rosalind Mariano, MD, FACS, a board-certified General Surgeon, with a special interest in breast surgery, has joined the AHMC Medical Staff. For more than 30 years, Dr. Mariano has served in a number of professional capacities in New York State and in the Philippines; she was an Assistant Professor of Surgery at New York Medical College in Valhalla, NY, practiced emergency medicine and performed surgery in the Greater NY area, and provided voluntary rural services in the Philippines. Dr. Mariano's office is located at 24 Fourth Street. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 518-481-2842. Di ou Kno y d w? Sonal Munsiff, MD, board-certified in Internal Medicine and Infectious Disease, has joined the Alice Hyde Medical Center medical staff as a consulting physician. Dr. Munsiff will provide infectious disease consults at the request of medical and clinical staff, as well as in a part-time capacity at area prisons. Dr. Munsiff received her medical degree from the New York University School of Medicine in New York. She then went on to complete her internship in Internal Medicine at Beth Israel Hospital in Boston, Massachusetts. She completed her residency in Internal Medicine at Columbia Presbyterian Medical Center, in New York and completed a fellowship in Infectious Disease at Montefiore Medical Center in the Bronx, NY. new faces Ronald Jadus, DDS (Doctor of Dental Surgery) has joined the AHMC Medical Staff and will provide dental services at the Alice Hyde Dental Center in Malone. Dr. Jadus graduated, Summa Cum Laude, with his Bachelor of Arts in Biological Science at the University of Houston in Houston, Texas and received his Doctorate of Dental Surgery at the University of Texas Health Science Center in San Antonio, Texas. He completed his Advanced Education in General Dentistry residency program at Fort Benning, Georgia. Dr. Jadus, a member of the American Dental Association, will provide comprehensive dentistry services at Alice Hyde Dental Center, including exams, oral surgery, veneers, and the management of dental emergencies. For more information or to schedule an appointment please call 518-481-2347. AHMC has recruited eight doctors to Malone in the last two years Robert Shih, MD, board-certified in Internal Medicine, provides Internal Medicine services at the Salmon River Health Center in Fort Covington and the Tower Health Center in St. Regis Falls. He completed his residency at St. Barnabas Hospital in Bronx, NY and received his Medical Degree from the Medical School of Jinan University in China. Call the Salmon River Health Center, 518-358-3008 or the Tower Health Center, 518-856-0033 to schedule an appointment. Walk-ins are also welcome. Michael Towle, MBA, has joined the Senior Management Team of AHMC as Vice President of Finance. At the Medical Center, Towle is responsible for the overall financial management of facility operations and expansion projects. Prior to joining AHMC, Towle served as Director of Financial Planning & Analysis at Pipeline Data, Inc. in Brasher Falls, NY. Before that, he served as Senior Finance Manager at General Electric, in Schenectady, NY and Atlanta, GA. During his time at General Electric, he graduated from their intensive two-year Financial Management Leadership Program. Towle earned his Master of Business Administration from Clarkson University in Potsdam, NY and Bachelor of Science in Accounting and Business Administration from Plattsburgh State University in Plattsburgh, NY. Dorothy Zegarelli, Licensed Nursing Home Administrator, has joined the Senior Management Team as the new Administrator of the Alice Hyde Nursing Home. Zegarelli comes to Alice Hyde Medical Center from Healthcare Associates where she served as one of their Long Term Care Administrators. She received her degree in Health Care Administration from SUNY Utica and has spent the majority of her health care career working in rural hospital centers in New York State. Fall-Winter 2008 9 2008 DONOR LIST total gifts & pledges as of October 27, 2008 donors ANNUAL GIFTS LEVELS Chairman’s Circle ($5,000+) Anonymous Estate of Vera Campbell Carolyn Collins President’s Circle ($2,500 - $4,999) Allan M. Maither Watson Laboratories, Inc. Benefactor ($1,000 - $2,499) Gary R. Benware Dr. Anjni Bhagat Dr. Morris Browman Daniel Clark James & Elizabeth Coughlin David & Sue DeSantis Kevin J. Hart* John W.* & Sally Johnson Craig & Heather LaVigne Dick LaVigne Phillip Leroux Robert G. Main, Jr. Linda* & Brian* McClarigan Mary Beth & Andy McKee Shawn & Paula McNerney Gerald & Mary Rufa Dianna Tarbell Guardian ($500 - $999) Adirondack Energy Products, Inc. Emily Campbell* Phil & Sandra Dafler Carlos & Heidi* Dishman Bryan & Cathy Duquette Jason & Tara Ellis Rick & Kathy Ellis Jack Fleury Paul & Francoise Goodrow Bryan J. Hughes Dean & Melissa Johnston Dr. Benson & Mary Kelly George K. Pond Julia* & Nathan Race Kalpana Reddy Doug Yando 10 2008 AHMC BOARD OF DIRECTORS LEADERSHIP GIFTS (Pledges totaling $20,000 +) Gary R. Benware* Anjni Bhagat, MD** Morris Browman, MD** James* & Elizabeth Coughlin Daniel Clark** Carlos F. ** & Heidi Dishman Lynn* & Lee Dufort Jason Ellis* Richard Ellis** Mary Jo Feeley** Paul** & Francoise Goodrow Partner ($250 - $499) Anonymous* Arnold Oil, Inc. Ginger C. Carriero* Bonnie M. Cavanaugh Timothy Harmon* Cheryl LaPlant* Shannon Legacy Brenda LePage* Malone Lumber & Ready Mix Annette * & Brad Marshall Brenda Parker* Kimberly Silver-Harmon* Anne Slocum* Friend ($100 - $249) Joel P. Benware* Janice Bilow* Donna Bishop* Jeremy Bombard* Bernard J. Bruyere* Francesca Chesbrough* Cheryl A. Crinklaw* Josey Delaney* Michele Denny* Christine Dominic-Rovito* James Donnelly* Norman & Shirley Dumas Michelle A. Durant* Althea C. Eames* Lawrence H. Elliott* Dorothee S. Fetter* Hallie Garland* Lora Lie M. Gokey* Ruth Gonyea* Danielle Halley* Thomas Hamilton* Suzanne M. Hayes* Janet M. Hazel* Joyce Hurteau* Gloria Johnson* Marcella Jones* Ellen Koehler* Deborah LaFlesh* Cathlyn E. Lamitie* Linda LaRock* Toby Legault* Roger Livernois* Susan Lockwood* Dean** & Melissa Johnston Dr. Benson* & Mary Kelly Craig* & Heather LaVigne Dick LaVigne** Phil Leroux** Mary Beth** & Andy McKee Gerald** & Mary Rufa Terry M.* & Marcella M. Trudeau Doug Yando* *Board Member **Executive Committee Member Todd G. Luke Linda Maneely* Sharon Manning* Anne Marlowe* Julie Marshall* Mr. & Mrs. Charles J. Matthews Alison McCarthy* Pamela McDonald-Tilson* Penny McQuinn* Sandra Mertz* Jane Monica* Amy O’Connor* Patricia O’Donnell* Paul Paquin* Ann V. Perry* Linda L. Phelix* Karen M. Phillips* Carole Plante* Betti Jo Reynolds* Tammy Reynolds* Nancy M. Richards* Patricia J. Russell* Darlene Schrader* John Shea* Peter C. Snell* Shelly R. Stone* Edward & Dorothy Strong Felix Tam* Kurt Trautmann* Mary Kay Tulloch Jeanette L. Tuttle* Elizabeth Tyson* Laura Walbridge* Michael Zemany* Sue E. Zemany* Supporter (under $100) Cathryn Andrews* Donna Andrews* Anonymous Kathy Avery* Paul Avery* Marsha Benware* Joanne M. Bergevin* Alvin T. Black* Shirley Bombard* Rebecca Boyea* Kayleigh Brand* Joshua & Lydia*Brown Laura Burgess* Patsy Card* Mayra Alba Chartier* Jacqueline Clookey-Bouissey* Susan B. Collette* Malinda A. Collins* Joann M. Cook* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Cox Ada M. Currier* Joan De Lorme* Mary Deragon* Jerry Dumas* Denise Duquette* Melven R. Durham Kristin Ellis-Wood* Gregory Freeman* Elaine Gale* Geez Louise Boutique & Exchange Marilyn Gokey* Melinda Gratton* Susan Griffin* Ann Hall* Jon Halley* Michelle Harris* Mark Helmer* Holly Hiscock* Michael D. Holland Gretchen L. Holzhauer Lorraine Johnson Darline LaBarge* Barbara LaBombard* Donna LaBombard* William LaBrake* Gail LaFlesh* Diana Lamica* Renee Lane* Colleen Law* Susan Leahy* Lisa Leary* Rebecca Livernois* Jennifer Lockwood* Cheryl Luke* Gayle Lunan* Kelli Macauley* Stanley H. Macht Francois G. Marceau Taina Marlow* John W. Martin* Susan Mathieson* To Your Health *AHMC Employee Commonwealth Financial Group Community Bank GHI Highline Technology LLC Key Bank Vladimir & Marina Medved, MD, DO Montone Charvat Marketing Pizzagalli Construction Company Services, Inc. Sid G. Spear Time Warner Cable Time Warner Cable Business Services Under $500 Atlantic Testing Laboratories Healthcare Concepts, Inc. Hill & Markes, Inc. KBM Management Media Central, LLC Twinstate Voice. Data. Video. Upstate Linac Services, LLC IN-KIND GIFTS: Joanna Hughes HONORING: May Birthdays: Robert & Sherrill Gaspar Dr. & Mrs. G. Berton Davis, Jr.: Jack K. & Inge Hinman 2008 AHMC BENEFIT GOLF TOURNAMENT: $2,500 & Up Wilson, Elser, Moskowitz, Edelman & Dicker, LLP $1,500 to $2,499 Bond, Shoeneck & King, PLLC Med Excel USA, Inc. Medical Liability Mutual Insurance Co. Morris Switzer Environments for Health, LLC Treo Solutions, Inc. $1,000 to $1,499 Atlas Health Care Linen Services Heritage Homes, Inc. Liberty Mutual Manning & Napier Foundation, Inc. Mohawk Hospital Equipment, Inc. Stryker Orthopaedics $500 to $999 Anjni Bhagat, MD & Rajiv Shah, MD Black River Vending BPA Harbridge Fall-Winter 2008 Anne Main: Jack K. & Inge Hinman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gaspar: Jack K. & Inge Hinman Francis & Marilyn Johnston Ms. Helen L. Leahy Patrick & Deborah Maguire Jack & Judy McCormick Daniel & Deborah Mongeon New York State Department of Transportation Randall & Lynn Roy Bernard Murphy: Ms. Elizabeth M. Guerin Mrs. Agnes Murphy Frances D. Rushford Robert F. Hanna: William, Besser, Joel & Michel Hanna Brian and Janice Jones Malone Federation of Teachers Malone Middle School Flower Fund Bev Paquin: Jack K. and Inge Hinman Ann Carley Lions Club of Malone Karen Bradshaw: Steven & Susan Baker Christine M. LaDuke John & Judy Pelkey Jean & Dick Senglaub Scott & Vanessa Senglaub John Ellsworth: Agri-Mark, Inc. Feed Commodities International, Inc. Ms. Mary L. Manson Wallace Jones: Malone Federation of Teachers Ms. Nancy C. Roberts Bud Rocque Janet Roscoe Ms. Nancy Ryan Mike & JoAnn Stumpf Mike & Linda Tedford Mr. Randy Tedford Mr. Stephen Tedford Mr. & Mrs. William F. Toohill & Family Ross & Anita Trombley Ms. Dorothy B. Youngs Drs. Ira & Evelyn Weissman Shirley Legros: Jack & Barbara Sullivan Ruth Collins: Ms. Bonnie S. Demers Mr. & Mrs. James Layhee Marion & John Logan Ms. Gertrude M. Marlow Mr. Francis Martin donors Deborah Merrick* Michelle Montgomery* Donna Morris* Ann O’Neil* Kelly Patterson Ronald J. Perry* Kayla Phillips* Paula Poirier* Pamela Poirier-McClain* Gerald Proper* Derek Reynolds* Lorene Reynolds* Kimberly M. Rovito* Deborah Sauve* Jane Sevey* Valerie Sherwin* Dawn M. Smith* Mary A. Smith* Jeanette P. Snell* Kevin R. Spaulding* Tammy Spinner* Michelle St. Hilaire* Sherri Staib* Theodore Stone* Gary Trumble* Linda Trumble* Christina M. Tupia* Catherine VanSchaick* Sylvia Willett* Lisa Wilson* Walter Winiarczyk Wallace Hill: Mrs. Mary A. Hart John Costello; Mrs. Shirley Costello Marvin & Gloria Foster Doryce White: Mr. & Mrs. John F. Taylor Walter (Tim) Higgins: Donald & Patricia Roberts Robert Collins: Carolyn Collins Angie R. McElwain: Mr. & Mrs. Robert Lang & Family IN MEMORY OF Marjorie L. Reynolds: Mr. Todd W. Cheeseman Cindy M. Reynolds Arthur Benware: Anonymous Jon & Susan Ashline Kathryn Benware Mary A. Boyea Keith & Betsy Brabon Mrs. Jeanne G. Fitzsimmons Eleanor & Lucinda Fleury David & Cathy Fleury Franklin County Democratic Committee Ms. Arlene A. Howard Ms. Charlotte M. Johnson Joseph & Linda Johnson Francis D. Kavanaugh: Thomas & Muriel Campbell Patrick & Donna Curry Anthony & Kathryn Danussi Ms. Loretta Foran Ms. Elizabeth M. Guerin Ms. Gertrude Hamelin Lyle & Betty Labombard Ms. Christine M. Laduke Pat Landry Bruce & Connie Martin Carlton & Irene McDonald Robert & Elizabeth Miles Harold & Veronica Miller Leon & Barbara Miller Dan & Renate Moore Robert & Elaine O’Connor Ms. Barbara Preve 11 AL-ANON Date: every Sunday Time: 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room ALCOHOLICS’ ANONYMOUS Date: every Sunday Time: 9:00 – 10:00 a.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room ALZHEIMER’S SUPPORT GROUP Date: first Wednesday of every month Time: 7:00 p.m. Meeting Place: North Country Home Services Contact: 518-483-4502 ARTHRITIS SELF-HELP 6-WEEK COURSE Date: call for dates/times Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room Contact: Debbie Warren at 518-481-2247 DIABETES EDUCATION 6-WEEK COURSE MANAGING YOUR DIABETES Date: call for dates & to pre-register Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC New Cafeteria Conference Room Contact: Anne Slocum at 518-481-2280 DIABETES SUPPORT GROUP Date: third Monday of every month Time: 7:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC New Cafeteria Conference Room EYE ON THE COMMUNITY RADIO PROGRAM Date: first Sunday and last Saturday of every month Time: Saturday, 7:00 – 7:30 a.m. on WICY 1490 AM Radio; Sunday, 6:00 – 6:30 a.m. on Wild Country 96.5 FM Radio and 94.7 Hits FM Radio HEART-TO-HEART SUPPORT GROUP Cardiac support services are available by request Contact: Sandy Mertz at 518-481-2319 w? community wellness programs ou Kno y d Di In Touch with Health More than 600 people work at AHMC ORGAN DONOR/RECIPIENT SUPPORT GROUP Date: first Monday of every March, June, Sept., & Dec. Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room Contact: Debbie Warren at 518-481-2247 BABYSITTER SAFETY COURSE Date: call for dates/times (offered in Spring & Fall) Meeting Place: AHMC Main Lobby Contact: Debbie Warren at 518-481-2247 HOSPICE BEREAVEMENT SERVICES Date: call for dates/times Meeting Place: Throughout Franklin County Contact: Tammy Crinklaw at 518-483-3200 SMALL SOULS SUPPORT A bereavement support group for parents or family dealing with fetal or neo-natal death. Date: Group meets upon request Contact: Family Maternity Center at 518-4812244 BREAST CANCER SUPPORT GROUP Date: second Wednesday of every month Time: 7:00 - 8:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room KIDNEY DISEASE & DIALYSIS SUPPORT GROUP Date: second Thursday of every month Time: 7:00 – 8:30 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room SMOKING CESSATION SUPPORT SERVICES Contact: NYS Smokers’ Quitline at 1-866-6978487 Phone:518-481-1592 CANCER PATIENT SUPPORT SERVICES Support services are available by request Contact: Amy O’Connor at 518-481-2880 CHILDBIRTH EDUCATION 6-WEEK COURSE Date: call for dates/times (offered regularly) Time: 7:00 – 9:30 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Education Classroom Contact: Debbie Merrick at 518-481-2244 P.O. Box 729 133 Park Street Malone, NY 12953 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SUPPORT GROUP Date: first Wednesday of March, June, Sept., & Dec. Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Main Floor Conference Room WEIGHT LOSS FOR WELLNESS 8-WEEK PROGRAM Date: call for dates/times Contact: Kristin Ellis-Wood at 518-481-2603 WEIGHT WATCHERS Date: every Tuesday night Time: 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Meeting Place: AHMC Cafeteria Non Profit Org U.S. Postage PAID Malone, NY 12953 Permit No. 35 GIVING THE GIFT A lice Hyde Medical Center (AHMC) provides high quality and life saving health care in a caring, compassionate manner to our families, friends, neighbors, and visitors to our beautiful region. Generosity ensures we are able to continuously improve our service to you. Please join your neighbors, friends, and family by investing in the legacy of care at AHMC. Your gifts allow us to continue to invest in you! This list reflects our plans for the near future – your gifts can help make these projects a reality: ...of Quality Care Perinatal Monitoring System - $130,000 The miracle of childbirth is one of the most extraordinary events in life. Our Family Maternity Center focuses on the care and safety of every mother and newborn. A central perinatal monitoring system allows physicians to track fetal stress and wellness when they can't be right with a patient during labor. They can monitor moms and babies from their offices or homes thus ensuring optimal care for the new family. The Family Maternity Center will be equipped with monitors in every room and at the nurses' station so our family can keep an eye on yours! Mobile Cardiac & Telemetry Monitoring System - $450,000 Every second counts during heart attacks and other cardiac emergencies. New technology significantly improves our ability to respond to patients experiencing changes in their heart function – thus saving lives! This new system will monitor patients at risk for heart failure 24 hours a day. This highly advanced system allows medical personnel to respond immediately to even minor changes in heart function. Digital Mammography - $566,000 Early diagnosis of breast cancer is a priority at AHMC. Digital Mammography provides significantly enhanced diagnostic tools giving our physicians the ability to identify breast cancer at its earliest stages. Digital Mammography takes less time than a traditional mammogram and provides a highly detailed image for instantaneous reading of results. Hospital Beds - $266,500 A key element in your comfort, healing, and safety during recovery is your hospital bed. The bed is an important tool in the recovery process because it provides security, convenience and enhanced mobility for you and your caregivers. your gifts make a difference!
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