Advertising Rates - NC State Alumni Association
Advertising Rates - NC State Alumni Association
ADVERTISING RATE CARD 2016–2017 NC STATE NC STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIAT | SUMM ER 2015 nc state | autumn 2015 ION | Campus Box 7503 NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7503 -7503 NC 27695 rsity Raleigh, Unive 7503 NC State N | Campus Box NI ASSOCIATIO Four Reasons to Advertise in NC State NC STATE ALUM Summer 2015 ALU • Average circulation of 30,000 NC State alumni— published quarterly E MN I MAGA ZIN ALUM NI MAG AZINE Autumn 2015 • Large readership—more than 60,000 readers per issue—240,000 per year • Dedicated readers—44% of readers use this publication as main source of NC State information Think and Do successful companies — and make them better. program — delivered Our MBA full time, in the evening and online — gives you corporate partners so inside access to you’ll analyze real problem s and create innovative our industry-tested faculty. solutions with Whether working in the classroom or in the marketp you will make an impact. lace, Paper Putting Pen to Goes Digital om ro The Class u I.NCSU.EDU NC State. Think and do. Learn more at mba.n www.alum ni.ncsu.ed WWW. ALUMN • Our new digital edition of NC State magazine includes all advertising that appears in the print edition, with live email and URL links. eir Tapping Into Th n Inner Musicia At NC State, you’ll study NC STATE | WINTER 2015 NC STATE ALUMNI ASSOCIATION | Campus Box 7503 NC State University Raleigh, NC 27695-7503 AUT15_COVER_80PG .indd 1 ALUMNI MAGAZINE Our NEW Living Room Winter 2015 10/26/15 9:41 AM Think and Do At NC State, you’ll study successful companies — and make them better. Our MBA program — delivered full time, in the evening and online — gives you inside access to our industry-tested faculty. Whether working in the classroom or in the marketplace, you will make an impact. NC State. Think and do. Learn more at WWW.ALUMNI.NCSU.EDU corporate partners so you’ll analyze real problems and create innovative solutions with The Wolfpack’s Newest Explorer NC STATE READER PROFILE AGE • 27% over age 57 • 24% ages 47–56 • 28% ages 37–46 • 21% age 36 or younger GENDER • 36% female • 64% male EDUCATION • 54% completed a bachelor’s degree • 33% completed a master’s or professional degree • 10% completed a doctoral degree RESIDENCE • 64% live in NC • 36% live outside NC HOME OWNERSHIP • 90% own a home • 30% own a second home or investment property TRAVEL • 97% take flights for business or pleasure • 61% have traveled outside the US in last 5 years • 86% travel within the US INVOLVEMENT •51% spend 30 minutes to 1 hour reading magazine •25% spend 1–2 hours reading magazine ANNUAL INCOME • 24% $75,000–$99,999 • 39% $100,000+ CONSUMER HABITS • 45% attend a professional sporting event • 85% attend cultural events • 46% attend an NC State athletic event 051415 AD SPECIFICATIONS AND PRODUCTION REQUIREMENTS • Ads should be provided as “PDF/X-1a” PDF format files. • High-resolution (300dpi at final size) images and fonts must be embedded. • Files provided should be either: CMYK for color or grayscale for black and white. No RGB or pms colors. • Digital files should be made to the exact size and specifications. We are not responsible for files that do not adhere to these specs. Ads that do not conform to these specs may be charged a design fee for corrections. • Please provide high-quality color proofs if color reproduction is important. NC State is not responsible for the quality of ad reproduction if color proof is substandard, or no proof is provided. SUBMIT - email ads to: QUESTIONS and DEADLINE DATES Contact Tim O'Connell at 919-515-0519 AD SIZES Publication/Trim size: 8.75˝ x 10.25˝ Grey = bleed area Black rule = page trim Red area = Ad dimension White rule = .50˝ margin - live area reserved for postal info PREMIUM Full page ad with bleed: 8.75˝ x 10.25˝ Full page ad with NO bleed: 7.75˝ x 9.25˝ Back Cover ad with bleed: 8.75˝ x 7.75˝ plus add .25˝ bleed to top, bottom, and outside trim plus add .25˝ bleed to bottom and left trim Keep all live content inside .50˝ margin from trim Keep all live content inside .50˝ margin from trim Half Horizontal 7.375˝ x 4.125˝ Half Vertical 4.75˝ x 6.375˝ One-Third Vertical 2.375˝ x 8.75˝ Two-Thirds Vertical 4.75˝ x 8.75˝ One-Third Horizontal 4.75˝ x 4.125˝ ADVERTISING WORKS! On the Blog Rewarding you for being a NC State alum. T:4.75” fectly ing per ile stand feet wh off your Be swept 1978 Left to right: Banks C. Talley Jr. talks with Chancellor Randy Woodson; Michael Hesterberg ’05 at work designing golf shoes; Justin Miller ’03 found success in the wedding industry. 1979 1980 1981 still. >> Banks C. Talley Jr. retired in 1983 as vice chancellor for student affairs, but he continued to maintain an office in the student center building named for him, working closely with arts programs. Check out our blog to read more about the man behind the name on NC State’s student union and the mark he made on the university. keywords: Banks Talley see article p. 30 WORTH A LOOK >> When professional golfer Jason Day went on a roll this year, eventually rising to the top spot in the world rankings, he had a bit of help from Michael Hesterberg ’05. Hesterberg is a senior footwear designer for TaylorMade-adidas Golf in Carlsbad, Calif., where he 4141 866. 877.has designed the cutting-edge OLIN A TH CAR Y, NOR shoes worn by a slew of profesCAR D.CO M UMS TEA sional golfers, including Day and WWW.THE Sergio Garcia. Check out our blog for moreJr. of Hesterberg’s ’86 ms, story and Byrd ’84, a 2014 Vaughn his fascination wick namedwith shoes. Med Raleigh was the Pulp & of Michael Hesterberg ’00 phd of keywords: h ’82 ociation ergraduate e” Suddart nical Ass iam “Pet ctor of und ring lerUSA of the Tech is the dire Stol ow ed Peter Will Fell >> Many NC State inee alumni, parti, Ga., join stry. He ern nce & Eng mni of Valdosta for Georgia, east Paper Indu the Paper Scie cularly those in western North ager s for he is an Alu ida. 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If you were involved in student government, the Technician, WKNC, or clubs and organizations, you may have spent time in the old Talley Student Center. We’d love to hear your memories of student involvement and the student centers—including the original one near D.H. Hill. Send us your stories, and we’ll publish the best of them in the next issue of NC State. Write us at Don’t forget to include your name and class year. 1985 THE FINE PRINT tastic. in NC State has been fan “The response to our ad for ward work with, and we look The people are great to ship for future issues.” to continuing our relation Relocation Systems —Tom Larkins, Atlantic PAYMENT First time advertisers reserving space in NC State magazine must prepay for their ad space. Other advertisers may be required to pre-pay at the discretion of the publisher. All charges are due within 30 days of the billing date. Overdue accounts are subject to a finance charge of 1.5% per month (18% per year). POLICIES A signed NC State display advertising contract or a signed insertion order from a recognized advertising agency is required prior to the publication of display advertising. All advertisements are subject to approval. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason at any time. Advertising that simulates editorial copy will not be accepted. All advertisements are accepted and published entirely on the written representation that the advertiser and/or advertising agency is authorized to publish the entire contents and subject matter thereof. In consideration of the publication of advertisements, the advertiser and agency will fully indemnify and hold harmless the publisher from and against any loss, cost and expense resulting from any claims, demands, suits, actions, proceedings, recoveries or expenses of any nature whatsoever arising out of publication of such advertisements, including, without limitation, those resulting from claims or suits of libel, violation of right of privacy, plagiarism or copyright infringement. The positioning of advertising in NC State is at the discretion of the publisher, except for inside covers and page 1, which can be guaranteed by written contract. >> Justin Miller ’03 never planned to be in the wedding business. The photo-sharing app his Raleigh startup, Deja Mi Inc., created was supposed to be an alternative to the disposable cameras that were once ubiquitous at live music events. Though it never struck a chord with concert-goers, Miller was confident it would catch on if he could find the right market. And, then, Miller says, “we stumbled on weddings,” a $51 billion-a-year industry in the U.S. WedPics, the product they launched a little over three years ago, is the world’s largest and fastest-growing wedding photo-sharing app. “When the odds were really stacked against us, we just spent every single day listening to our audience, testing, testing, testing, and shifting this idea that we had until we could catch fire,” he says. WedPics hosts more than 10,000 weddings every weekend and gets 1 million photo uploads every week. To read more about Miller and WedPics, visit keywords: Justin Miller talley and woodson photograph by roger winstead ’87, nc state; hesterberg photograph courtesy ofmichael hesterberg ’05; miller photograph courtesy of justin miller ’03 Because you are a member of the NC State Alumni Association, Nationwide® is offering you exclusive insurance discounts on: The car you drive The motorcycle you ride to feel free The RV you take cross-country Since college, you’ve worked hard to get to where you are today. Let Nationwide protect what makes up your life, so you can focus on the things that really matter. Receive your exclusive NC State alumni offer and learn more about our partnership. | Local Agent | 1-888-231-4870 Nationwide Insurance has made a financial contribution to this organization in return for the opportunity to market products and services to its members or customers. Products underwritten by Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company and Affiliated Companies. Home Office: Columbus, OH 43215. Subject to underwriting guidelines, review, and approval. Products and discounts not available to all persons in all states. Nationwide and the Nationwide N and Eagle are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance. © 2016 Nationwide. AFR-0219AO (12/15) “If you want to market to NC State alumni, the alumni magazine is the way to go. It’s a great way to reach out to the NC State network and has given us visibility at a great value.” —Jennifer Arthur, Assistant Director , MBA Program, NC State University Space that has been reserved may not be canceled after the “Space Reservation” deadline. Digitally formatted ads are required by “Ad File Due” deadline. The delivery dates are estimates and are not guaranteed. If advertising materials are not received by the ad file due date for an issue in which space has been reserved, the publisher reserves the right to run a previous ad or, in the event no advertisement is on file, a house ad. In such cases, the advertiser remains responsible for all space charges. The publisher will retain advertising material for one year or will return to client only upon request. The publisher is not responsible for retaining advertising material beyond one year. The publisher is not responsible for errors in key numbers. No conditions, printed or otherwise, appearing on contracts, insertion orders or copy instruction that conflict with publisher’s policies will be binding on the publisher. AGENCY DISCOUNT Recognized advertising agencies responsible for reserving space are eligible for a 10% discount on quoted rates. (In-house agencies are not available for commission.) NC STATE UNIVERSITY CAMPUS DISCOUNT All campus advertisers are eligible for a 10% discount on rates. 2016—2017 Advertising Contract Prices* Per Issue Back Cover, Inside Covers Page 1 Full Page 2 ⁄3 Two-Thirds Page 1 ⁄2 Half Page 1 ⁄3 One-Third Page 1 ⁄6 One-Sixth Page Business Card Ad $2400 $2350 $2200 $1900 $1600 $1200 $800 $250 Color Color Color Color Color Color Color Color [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] ] ] ] ] ] ] ] 2–3 Issues 4 Issues (1 year) $2200 $2150 $2000 $1700 $1300 $900 $500 $225 $2100 $2050 $1900 $1600 $1150 $750 $400 $200 [ ] Per Issue [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ ] [ [ [ [ [ [ [ [ ] Per Issue ] ] ] ] ] ] ] *Ad agencies and campus advertisers are eligible for a 10% discount. Publication Schedule and Deadlines Space Reservation ‡ Ad File Due Estimated Delivery Date ± [ [ [ [ [ [ February 10 May 11 August 10 November 9 February 8, 2017 May 10, 2017 March 16 June 15 September 14 December 14 March 15, 2017 June 14, 2017 May 4 August 3 November 2 February 1, 2017 May 3, 2017 August 2, 2017 ] Spring Issue 2016 ] Summer Issue 2016 ] Autumn Issue 2016 ] Winter Issue 2016-17 ] Spring Issue 2017 ] Summer Issue 2017 ‡ Ads will not be accepted beyond the “Space Reservation” deadline. ± Delivery date is estimated and not guaranteed. Note: All advertisements are subject to approval. The publisher reserves the right to reject or cancel any advertising for any reason at any time. Advertising that simulates editorial copy will not be accepted. The positioning of advertising in NC State is at the discretion of the publisher, except for the back cover, inside covers and page 1, which can be guaranteed by written contract. With this agreement,_______________________________________has contracted for advertising space in NC State magazine. The contract is subject to all terms and conditions outlined in “The Fine Print.” Ad must be supplied in digital format as an Adobe Acrobat PDF file according to production specifications. BILL TO: Company [ ] Ad Agency [ ] Company/Organization Primary Contact Mailing Address Telephone: Office Mobile Fax Email Ad Agency (if applicable) Primary Contact Mailing Address Telephone: Office Mobile Fax SignatureDate CAMPUS ADVERTISERS ONLY Name (person responsible in billing dept.) Telephone Email address Project ID to be billed internally Return signed contract to: NC State Alumni magazine | Attention: Tim O'Connell, NC State Alumni Association, Campus Box 7503, Raleigh, NC 27695-7503. Questions? Call 919-515-0519 or email 030816
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Advertising Rates - NC State Alumni Association
• 30% own a second home or
investment property
• 97% take flights for business or pleasure
• 61% have traveled outside the US in last 5 years
• 86% travel within the US