Carquest Brand - CARQUEST Auto Parts


Carquest Brand - CARQUEST Auto Parts
Logo Usage
The following examples show the proper usage of the Carquest® logos. The logo is the one piece of visual
branding that is seen most often and should NOT be changed or altered in any way.
Carquest 2D Approved Logos Primary - Horizontal
Logo Usage
The following examples show the improper usage of the Carquest® logo.
The logo should NEVER be altered in any way.
Unacceptable Logo Usage
Only to be used in the context of, or reference to a Carquest Auto Parts Store.
The 2D Carquest logo should not appear on any Carquest branded products.
Unacceptable logo usage —
• DO NOT distort or stretch any
part of the logo
• DO NOT replace any color in the logo
• DO NOT place the logo with any
unapproved assets
Unacceptable logo usage —
Free and clear
Unacceptable logo usage —
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Unacceptable Text References
PMS 186 and PMS 286 logo on white
• The word Carquest is always one word,
Carquest, and appears in sentence case
capitalization with the first letter capitalized
and the rest of the letters in lowercase
PMS 186 and PMS 286 logo on white
1-color only when dictated by production process
· It should never appear as: CARQUEST,
Car Quest, CarQuest, or carquest
Premium Plug Wires
Note: The logos cannot be used without the ®. Placement must follow usage guidelines.
Typography Usage
Black logo on white
Black logo on white
Carquest 3D Approved Logo -
Only to be used in the context of, or reference to Carquest branded products.
See the Carquest Brand Packaging Guidelines for specific approved packaging usage.
The typography becomes synonymous with Carquest and makes our brand more recognizable.
ITC Franklin Gothic Std Heavy is designated for display headlines with the ITC Franklin
Gothic Std family of typefaces for use in body copy.
ITC Franklin Gothic Std Heavy
Text Reference Guide
ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi
• F irst Reference: Carquest® (must
include the registered trademark symbol
ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book
• Additional References: Carquest
• “ Carquest” is always one word spelled
cap lower case
Secondary ITC Franklin Gothic Std Demi Condensed
ITC Franklin Gothic Std Book Condensed
• “Auto Parts” is cap lower case
Note: The ITC Std version of Franklin Gothic is preferred, but if not available, an alternate version that is included on most PC systems is acceptable.
PMS 186, PMS 286 and black logo on white
PMS 186, PMS 286 and black logo on a background The background shadow should multiply in the background
Unacceptable usage
Palette Usage
Note: The logos cannot be used without the ®. Placement of the ®must be at the lower right corner below the right shield element.
The ®should always be reversed to white on dark backgrounds. The logo must always be used with the white trap (outline) in place.
Our Carquest brand colors remain the same and are closely associated with Advance
corporate colors. These colors create a sense of depth and emotion in our visual identity
and enable opportunities for design across all forms of communication.
Free and Clear
The free and clear area is the space around the logo.
No graphics or type should appear within this area.
It is unacceptable for any part of the Carquest logo
to be covered up, crowded or obstructed.
Twice the
from fold/
CMYK: 0/100/81/4
RGB: 210/32/47
HTML: d2202f
Twice the
from fold/
Twice the
from fold/
CMYK: 100/64/0/6
RGB: 23/70/143
HTML: 17468f
Carquest Brand
Visual Standards
Quick Reference Guide 12.15
Note: Please contact Ann Clayton, Senior Creative Manager, at 919.573.3643 or OR Shawn Murray, Director of Visual Branding, at 919.573.3097 or with any brand related questions.
CMYK: 0/0/0/100
RGB: 35/31/32
HTML: 231f20
CMYK: 100/65/0/55
RGB: 0/47/95
HTML: 002f5f
Warm Gray 10
CMYK: 20/29/28/56
RGB: 122/110/103
HTML: 7a6e67
Warm Gray 2
CMYK: 4/5/7/10
RGB: 204/196/188
HTML: ccc4bc
To promote a powerful retail and commercial image and establish the brand, our
promotional and printed materials should always use approved colors for the Carquest
logos. Graphic elements for print are available from the Advance Visual Branding
Team. Insist on high-quality standards from your suppliers and print vendors.