dockline - Lighthouse Landing


dockline - Lighthouse Landing
Lighthouse Landing
It’s All About The View!
Resort & Marina
Inside This Issue
Featured Story >
Lighthouse Landing-Sailing Along for 32 yrs
Martha’s Recipes >
Great dishes to prepare ahead of time
Chip’s Sailing Lesson > Is your rigging properly tuned?
Emily’s Fish Tale >
Fall Fishing on Kentucky Lake
Robin’s To Do List >
Upcoming Events, Hints & Reminders
Chris’s Service Tips > Power Supply, Keep it Clean
Brenda’s Word >
Language of The Sea
Marty’s Pics >
Enter your best in the LBL Photo Contest
Stay at Lighthouse Landing
on KY Lake and play in our
beautiful backyard.
Sailing on KY Lake
Fishing buddies on KY Lake
Bird watching in the Land Between the Lakes
GRAND RIVERS, KY ● 800-491-7245
Lighthouse Landing
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Lighthouse Landing...Sailing Along For 32 Years
Thanks to you, our customers, we are celebrating 32 years in business. We would also like to
thank our management team, consisting of Robin Colburn, Rental Manager, Chris Harwood, Service Manager, Emily Shelton, Office Manager and the rest
of our crewmembers who all play a big role in our success. Marty started Kentucky Lake Sails Inc. in 1977 as a sailboat sales and service facility on Hwy 62, in Calvert City,
KY. I joined Marty in 1980 and we have since then evolved
into Lighthouse Landing, the most picturesque resort and
marina on Kentucky Lake. Our love for sailing is evident by
the thousands of people we have introduced to sailing either by afternoon sails with family and friends, free sailboat rides during special events, sailboat demonstrations,
sailboat charters, rentals and training.
Marty aboard SNAPSHOT
Since 1977 Kentucky Lake Sails/Lighthouse Landing has
provided service for thousands of customer’s sailboats with our award winning service department. Through our award winning sales department we sold over a thousand sailboats of all
sizes from 8’ to 46’. The sailboat manufacturers we have represented include O’Day, Catalina,
Irwin, MacGregor, San Juan, Windsurfer, S2 Yachts, J Boats, Hobie Cat, AMF Alcort Sunfish
and Laser, Cape Dory, Stiletto Catamarans, Island Packet, Hunter and Beneteau.
We would like to welcome Chip and Martha Riddle to Lighthouse Landing. Chip and Martha
have been sailing on Kentucky Lake for many years and have recently retired to Grand Rivers.
Martha helps us part time, greeting customers with her friendly smile and taking reservations
and Chip joined us in sailboat sales. Chip has been sailing and racing sailboats since he was 6
years old and Marty has been sailing since he was 20 years old. Their combined sailing experience of over 85 years makes them the most qualified sailboat sales team in the area. 32 years
of sailboat sales, service, rentals and training makes Lighthouse Landing the place to go for
your sailing needs.
Lighthouse Landing has made a decision not to stock new sailboats.
We will continue to sell brokerage sailboats and are in the process
of negotiating a plan with other new sailboat dealers. So when you
decide it is time for a new or used sailboat, Lighthouse Landing will
still be the place to satisfy all your sailing requirements.
See you sailing...Brenda
Lighthouse Landing
As some of you know, Marty
and I are the proud owners of
41DS. Besides sailing, we use
SNAPSHOT and her tender
BLOWUP in our search for
photo opportunities in the
lakes area. We hope to grow
the gallery at Lighthouse
Landing and continue to add
new photographs on a regular
basis. To view the latest photos
visit .
Page 2
God’s Amazing Pharmacy!
A Tomato has four chambers
and is red. The heart has
four chambers and is red. All
of the research shows tomatoes are loaded with lycopene and are indeed pure
heart and blood food.
It’s Really Good!
Good food need not be difficult to make. I hope to share in
this column that one can create a gracious meal with little
fuss The majority of dishes can be made with a minimum of
equipment and simple ingredients. I’d like to start with a
couple of dishes where the prep work can be done at home, or
by using a roasted chicken from the grocery.
Chinese Chicken Salad
4 chicken breast halves or a roasted chicken from the grocery
2 green onions, trimmed
2 thin slices ginger
1 tsp. salt
4-6 green onions, thinly sliced
Slice of Tomato
1 can sliced water chestnuts, drained
1 Tbsp. finely chopped ginger
The Livingston County
Farmer’s Market
Saturdays @ 10am-3pm
Located at Moody’s Bait &
Tackle-JH OBryan Dr.
Featuring fresh produce and
plants that are in season. All
items are Kentucky grown.
Come out and support your
local Farmer’s Market.
1 tsp. dry mustard
1 Tbsp. brown sugar
¼ cup cider vinegar
2 Tbsp. salad oil or sesame oil if available
Salt and pepper to taste
Shredded Romaine lettuce or a mixture of lettuce and shredded cabbage
Poach chicken breasts with ginger and whole green onions in a covered skillet
with water just to cover. Bring to boil, reduce heat and cook 20 minutes.
Remove chicken, let cool then bone and shred. If using an already cooked
chicken, remove chicken from bones and shred. Toss with sliced onions and
water chestnuts. Can be prepared to this point ahead and chilled.
Place dressing ingredients in tight fitting container and shake to blend well.
To serve:
Pour half the dressing over the chicken and toss to blend. Spoon the salad
onto a bed of the greens, and drizzle with remaining dressing.
Serves 4-6
Prep time: 20 minutes
Cooking time: 20 minutes
Lighthouse Landing
Page 3
Chip’s Sailing Tips
Tune for Speed or tune for safety, or comfort.
Bottom line is that a properly tuned boat is faster,
safer and has less stress on the rig. First thing
to do is center the top of the mast on the boat.
The bottom or mast step is centered by the
builder. With the shrouds hand tight, stretch the
main halyard to a point touching the upper
shrouds about two feet from the deck. Using the
same pressure on both sides, mark the point on
the shrouds with a piece of tape. Measure from
the tape to the deck, both sides should be equal.
If they aren’t, adjust your shrouds until they are.
Next, tighten both upper shrouds 5 or 6 turns.
Attach your main halyard to the gooseneck on
the boom and pull very tight. The main halyard
will act as a straight edge to insure your mast
remains straight. Using the mast grove and the
main halyard as a reference, tighten the lower
shrouds 4 to 5 turns keeping the mast as straight
as possible. If you have intermediate shrouds,
tighten both 3 to 4 turns.
Go sailing. The best conditions are 10 to 15
knots of wind. While sailing at close haul the
shrouds on the lee side of the boat should be
loose but not floppy. If they are floppy, take up a
turn on the upper and a half on the lower then
tack and repeat on the other side making sure
both sides have the same number of turns. Repeat until the tension is right. Sight up the mast
to insure the mast remains straight and if adjustment needs to be made, adjust only the lower
shrouds and always make your adjustments on
the lee side.
Now that you have your mast centered and
straight side to side, its time to adjust the rake
and head stay tension. Your boat should slight
weather helm (tendency to turn into the wind)
and never lee helm. Raking your mast aft increases weather helm and forward decreases it.
You know your boat, does it need adjustment?
When your boat’s helm is balanced properly your
backstay tension should be enough to give your
head stay a slight sag in moderate conditions.
This tune gives you the best shape in your
Lighthouse Landing
When your head stay has excessive sag it
makes your Genoa fuller with a rounder entry.
This makes for excessive heel and hurts your
pointing ability.
Fair Winds
Captain Chip Riddle
Let Chip Teach You to Sail
Limited space available in our 4 day course.
Chip has been an instructor for Lighthouse
Landing Sailing School since 2007 and certifies students with American Sailing Association. Lighthouse Landing Sailing School has
received several awards from ASA for the
school and sailing instructor of the year.
You can also learn by taking a 2 day ASA
course taught by John Brazell or a 2, 4 or 6
hour lesson taught by Todd Haverkamp.
Watkins Cup
(CR 5)
CYC Race
Sept. 12-13
Sept. 26
Club Race (6)
Oct. 03
Riddle Cup
Oct. 17
Club Race (7)
Nov. 07
Nov. 07
Dinner and Annual Meeting
Page 4
Gone Fishing
During the summer heat, deep ledge fishing is the way to go and white bass, yellow bass and striped bass
are caught in numbers. The best fishing times in the summer are early morning and late in the day. As
we move into September the fish come off the deep ledges and move into shallower waters (main lake
and secondary points) to feed on bait fish.
The lake is in the process of the winter draw down. This is a lowering of the lake levels to reach winter
pool-usually a difference of five feet. As many of the bays turn into mudflats, fishing improves on the
main lake. This draw down, along with gradually cooler water and air temperatures, will activate the fish
on Kentucky Lake.
Species frequently caught on Kentucky Lake include bluegill, crappie, white bass,
yellow bass, striped bass, sauger, small and largemouth bass and catfish.
Buy KY fishing license online @ , or in Lake City at
“Fisherman's Friend”. Bait & tackle is also available @ Moody’s Bait & Tackle
along with golf cart and kayak rentals.
Good Luck,
Robin’s To Do List
The Antique & Classic Boat Society will be docking at Lighthouse Landing on Friday, September 11th from 11am to 2pm. They will have approximately 20 to 25 restored antique boats
for spectator viewing. The ACBS is a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation,
restoration and enjoyment of historic, antique, and classic boats.
Make your reservations at Lighthouse Landing and enjoy the Hunter’s Moon Festival on
Oct. 10th in Grand Rivers. The festival will have arts & crafts vendors; “Taste of the Lakes”
food vendors, children’s games and activities. They will also have a parade, cake walk & street
dance. We have one, two and three bedroom cottages available for this special weekend.
Watch a beautiful sunset under sail on Kentucky Lake aboard “The Spaniard” a 29 foot Island Packet sailboat. The price of a two hour evening sail is $200. Day sails are available on
weekends. Contact Captain John Brazell for availability and pricing at 270-969-8282 or email
John at
Private lessons are a great way to fulfill your sailing dreams. Lessons are given on a Colgate 26
which is safe, self-righting and easy to sail. A qualified instructor will show you the basics of
sail and boat handling. After your lesson, your instructor will step ashore so
you can practice sailing for the rest of the rental day. We offer 2, 4, & 6 hour
Marina Watch: In order to keep customers and their property safe in the resort; we ask that you close all pier gates, close all bathhouse & laundry
doors. Lock up dock carts at the shelters. Report any unusual or unsafe behavior. For emergencies call 911. The sheriff’s office is 800-599-2122.
Lighthouse Landing
Page 5
Service Tip...
Most people when they think about the power supply for a sailboat, they might think of wind.
Of course that is correct, but then there’s the motor too, and its’ supply of fuel. Since sailboats
use such small amounts of fuel, it is easy to fill the tank and forget about it, even over the
course of the sailing season. Also, the fact that Lighthouse Landing is ideally located on Kentucky Lake, allows for lesser amounts of fuel used.
Just a couple of things to remember about your fuel;
If possible keep the tank topped off as much as possible to help prevent condensation,
which can occur, creating water settling in the bottom of the tank. The diesel will “float”
on top of the water. It also can promote the growth of a form of algae, which can actually grow in diesel fuel.
Use a stabilizer and/or diesel biocide if think your fuel will become older than a year. If
you contract Lighthouse Landing to do your winterizing, we already do this for you in the
fall when we service your engine
Make sure your fill caps are kept tightly closed and the rubber “O” ring is in good condition. You don’t want water to come in there either.
And finally, if you think your diesel fuel is older than 3 years old, consider having us remove and flush the fuel tanks for you. Sediment and water can accumulate in the bottom of the tank over time, and if you’re out in a nice windy (and white-capped) day, it is
common that a dirty tank will get stirred up and sucked into the filters and starve the
engine of fuel, causing it to not run. And at the worst time too.
However, feel confident that if Lighthouse Landing services your engine, we will alert you of
any problems that we might see forming in the fuel filters. We will check your fill cap “O” ring
and replace if necessary and make sure you have the correct ratio of stabilizer and biocide in
your fuel. These additives will also be run through your engine during winter storage. Since
most boaters at Lighthouse Landing use such small amounts of fuel, it can become all too easy
to not think and care for it correctly. However, by following these easy suggestions, you
should never have any problems that can occur on that “perfect” windy day.
Be Safe,
What’s New?
Grand Rivers-The construction south of Lighthouse Landing is Fire Station #1
of the Grand Lakes Fire District. Marty has been on the fire board for over 20
years and is especially proud to have been involved in
the decision of this greatly needed building. We have
one of the finest volunteer response teams in the area
and look forward to having them as neighbors.
Lighthouse Landing-We have extended our WI-FI
coverage for our resort and marina customers to include all cottages, slips and most campsites. Password
Lighthouse Landing
Page 6
Sailing...around since Old Father Time, powered by Mother Nature
The language of the sea has become extensive in consequence of the interminable parts of a vessel,
its intricate rigging, the many types of craft, various maneuvers and the precise way of doing things.
Did you know that…
Starboard, the right side of a vessel, looking forward, dates back to the time when a steering
board was used on the right side of a vessel which meant the vessel had to come into port on
the left side. Steering board eventually became starboard.
Port, the left side of a vessel, looking forward, was the loading side or lade board, formerly
called the larboard side. Originally derived from the fact that the ships of the 17th century
had their only loading port on the left side primarily because the steering board was on the
right side. Larboard eventually became port.
Also, never forget that your Top Sawyer (a member of your crew who is ambitious to work
and be useful) deserves a Tot (a drink of rum) at the end their watch.
Did You Get Any Pictures?
Celebrating Nature Through Photography...The 2009 Land Between The Lakes Photo Contest
is open to all photographers, of any age who have submitted a complete registration form and entrance fee. If under 18, a signed permission form from his or her parent or legal guardian must
be included. Members of the contest committee, contest judges and their immediate families including children, siblings and spouses are excluded.
All Photographs must have been taken in or of the Land Between The Lakes.
Photographs will be judged in the following 6 categories:
1. Mammals - Portraits and Behavior
2. Birds - Portraits and Behavior
3. Small World – Tight Close Up and Macro
4. Connecting People and Nature - People enjoying the LBL
5. Habitat - Landscapes and plant life from wild areas
6. Digitally Enhanced *
Winning photographs will be displayed on websites including and
• Grand prize…$400
• First place, all categories…$200
• Second place, all categories…$100
• Third place, all categories…$50
• Cash awards totaling $2,500
For more information visit
Lighthouse Landing
Good Luck...Marty
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