The Talepipe - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club


The Talepipe - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
October 2014
Fallbrook Vintage
Car Club
Region of the AACA
The Talepipe
Car Club attends last day of
Fallbrook Summer Nights
for the
can be sent to:
is the newsletter of the
of the AACA
Incorporated as a California Nonprofit
Mutual Benefit Corporation
P.O. Box 714
Fallbrook, CA 92088
(special thanks to Jennifer Moosa for research and layout and
to Chuck Tillotson for article submissions)
Vintage Car Club donates to
Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary
The six summer
nights events
ended August 26,
and ushered in a
reminder that
summer was
Janet LuCore,(L) Director of the Animal Sanctuary receives a donation check from
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club representatives, Nancy and Norm Hoskins
The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club recently provided a donation
to the Fallbrook Animal Sanctuary for helping them in the care
and treatment of homeless animals. The Sanctuary takes in
both stray animals as well as pets that owners can no longer
care for but have the decency to bring them in to the shelter
rather than merely dumping them in the streets. The number
of pets cared for varies, comes in spurts at times and totally
overloads the volunteer staff.
Janet LuCore, Founder and Director of the Sanctuary informed the club that it takes about $15,000 per month to run
the sanctuary and there is no paid staff. She stated that at the
present time they are in dire need of funding in order to remain
in operation. Financial support of the Sanctuary comes from
individuals, other agencies/non-profit organizations and it receives no government funding or grant money.
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The Car Club
participated in all six events
with vintage car displays,
and telling jokes that were lso
old that Jack Benny first told
them on his old radio show.
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donates to the
Fallbrook Village Association
Vintage Car Club makes to Fallbrook
Alumni Association
Brad Huard (L), representing the Fallbrook Vintage Car club presents a donation
check to Jan Mahr Owen, President of the Fallbrook Alumni Association pictured
with many members of the association that were assembled to fill the backpacks
for the 2014-2015 school session. Ruby Hoffman (center) is holding one of the
backpacks that the group provides for needy students.
Linda and Derek Lovett (L), representing the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
present a donation to Kathie Richards, FVA Special Events Coordinator and Vince Ross, Vice President of
the Fallbrook Village Association.
On the last evening of Fallbrook’s Summer
Nights the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club provided
a donation to the Fallbrook Village Association
to help offset the association’s costs of
sponsoring this series of six, Friday night
These events featured
The Car Club recently made a donation to the Fallbrook Alumni
Association to help them with the purchase of 75 backpacks
and school supplies to be given to needy Fallbrook High students that are not financially able to purchase such necessities.
In early August of each year, a group of members from the Fallbrook Alumni Association purchase the backpacks and fill them
with school supplies in an effort to help those needy students
get off to a good start in school. After filling all of the backpacks, the group delivers them to Fallbrook High prior to the
beginning of the school session which this year began on August 11th.
The Alumni association also provides many other types of support to the High School including scholarships, senior student
awards, and other financial contributions to the various school
Booster Clubs.
entertainment, food vendors, family fun, people Club Donates
in costumes as well as vintage vehicles on
to Operation
display throughout the summer season.
Vince Ross, Vice President of the Fallbrook
Village Association stated:
“This is a great example of two local nonprofit organizations (the FVA and FVCC)
working together to produce interesting
special events that provide community
entertainment while benefitting the Town
Center business’s and other non-profit
organizations located in the business
The FVA is dedicated to developing programs
to help revitalize Fallbrook and appreciates the
support of the FVCC in this endeavor.
Showers of
The Vintage Car Club
made a donation recently to ‘Operations
Showers of Appreciation’ (OSOA) whose
mission is to honor mili- Courtney Hilborn (L), Vice President of Operatary families in a unique tion Showers of Appreciation, receives a donaway by showering the tion from the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club presented by club member Jackie Nolff (R).
expectant mothers with
gifts for their soon to be born infants.
Under the guidance of OSOA’s Vice President, Courtney Hilborn, six to eight showers per year are held for the expectant
mothers at Camp Pendleton which are funded by private donations from individuals and such charitable organizations as the
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club. The donations go toward the purchase of store-bought gifts including such items as diapers,
baby shampoos, bottles, nursing supplies, blankets, clothing
and various other items of necessities for the newborn.
Page 3
Mike McDonald’s Recent Acquisitions
Boy Scout Troop 739 receives donation
from Vintage Car Club to benefit Reins
Horsemanship Center
Mike McDonald loves to get his hands on another apparatus so he can work his magic. Well, he’s done it
again. In addition to his 1973 IHC/ Van– Pelt shown he
has refurbished two more rigs this year.
On behalf of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club, members Terry
(standing) and Al Goodwin present a donation check to Life
Scout, Gifted Green (R ) representing Boy Scout Troop 739.
The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club recently made
a donation to Boy Scout Troop 739 after receiving
a request for financial support to do a project for
the Reins Therapeutic Horsemanship Center located at 4461 S. Mission Rd.
Life Scout, Gifted Green, appeared at last
month’s general meeting and requested a donation
to help the Scouts construct a large concrete
paved sitting area (with benches) and a level surface for wheelchair access to restrooms that would
be located adjacent to Rein’s existing wheelchair
lift platform.
This 1957 Dodge (W-500) Power Wagon Howe Pumper
4x4 is equipped with a 360 C.I. V-8 Motor, frontmounted 500 GPM Waterous Pump and a 400 GA
Tank. This is Fallbrook Volunteer Fire Department’s first
new brush pumper specified and ordered by the legendary, late Chief Bill Thurber, previously getting by with
hand-me-down surplus apparatus from World War II
After listening to Gifted Green excellent presand donations from other surrounding larger cities
about the particulars of their project, the
within San Diego County.
In January of 1958, Fallbrook firefighters Ralph Lash
and Tex Hayes, with only limited funds supplied by the
department for food and gas for the return trip, hitchhiked from Fallbrook, CA back to the Howe Fire Apparatus Company Factory in Anderson, IN to drive this new
open cab fire engine back to Fallbrook, at a neck breaking 52 MPH. Even wearing their full turnouts, it was a
very brutal trip with only a canvas “bikini” top for protection from the rain and snow. About 25 miles into the trip,
they stopped and fabricated some doors with cardboard
boxes and bailing wire they found in a dumpster.
Club voted to provide a donation that would go toward purchase of materials and supplies required
for it’s construction. All the labor involved in constructing the project will be provided by the Boy
Scouts and managed by Gifted Green who is using
this project to benefit receiving an Eagle Scout rating.
Mike recently purchased and refurbished this rig. When
he took it to Fallbrook Fire Department’s 100 year celebration, he heard this story from 90 year old Ralph
Lash, now retired as Battalion Chief.
This is why Momma said “The short way
Page 4
isn’t always the best way.”
Connor’s Grandma.
Photographer, Connor Allen
Vintage Car Club enjoys Annual Family Picnic
Neither high temps nor drought conditions could
keep the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club from holding
their annual family picnic last Saturday afternoon.
Club members and their families gathered together
under the comforting shade of the oak trees in Live
Oak Park to socialize and become better acquainted
with each other and welcome the many new members the club has recently received.
In addition to the talk and relaxation, there were
games and fun activities for the young and old alike.
Later on in the afternoon the BBQ’s were fired up in preparation for roasting hamburgers and hot dogs to
go along with all of the tasty dishes the
members had brought to provide a complete ‘picnic spread’ for everyone.
All in all, a fun time was had by the
club members and their families
which is in keeping with the goals of
the Club – that is to ‘give back’ to the
community while having fun at the
same time. As the sun began to set,
club members packed up their picnic
gear and said fond farewells to one
another with hopes of seeing them at
the next general car club meeting on
the 23rd of September.
Page 5
Car Magazine Editors Pick The Ugliest Cars On The Road
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. That's what makes it so much fun to talk about car design. While some may see a gorgeous glimmering study in
sheet metal, others may see an absolute dog.
A little while ago, we brought you the cars each editor at AOL Autos and Autoblog picked as the most beautiful on the road. Today, we're bringing you
the exact opposite.
We polled the people that think about, talk about and argue about cars every single day on the the vehicles that they think are, simply put, hideous.
The question resulted in some heated debate from within our ranks and some surprising selections. Head on through to see our picks for the ugliest
cars on the road today for yourself.
Mike Harley (West Coast Editor, Autoblog) Lincoln MKT
Acquiring a new car, truck or sport utility for personal use is mostly an emotional transaction - the vehicle has to be attractive enough to appeal to the
heart. Automakers such as Aston Martin, Ferrari and Jaguar have long understood that the easiest way to the heart is through the eyes, and their sculpted
vehicle offerings - for the most part - answer that call.
Then we have the Lincoln Motor Company, a division of Ford that has been
selling cars for nearly a century and is currently struggling to create its own
unique identity - differentiating itself from its parent - as the brand loses luster.
Visually, Lincoln's current design language slaps a "baleen whale" grille across
its entire lineup. While each of its vehicles brings tears to the eyes, the model at
the top of the podium, and my choice for the Ugliest Car on the Road, is the
MKT crossover. It looks best when shielded by an opaque car cover.
Chris McGraw (Associate Multimedia Editor, AOL
Autos) - Jeep Cherokee
I don’t want to be taken the wrong way, but the new Jeep Cherokee is U-G-L-Y.
The best description I’ve heard thus far is that "it looks like a minivan in need of an
orthodontist." With a grille that appears to have been based off the movie Predator
and LED headlights that are really barely there, it was no wonder the unveiling left a
few Cherokee-enthusiasts less than happy.
Chrysler design chief Ralph Gilles has been defending the style of the Cherokee
from the beginning, calling the design “very contemporary,” which, I suppose, no one
can argue with. Who knows, I may be eating my words in a few years when all vehicle design turns the way of the Cherokee. I just hope that it doesn’t.
All of that said, I’m still looking forward to getting behind the wheel of the Cherokee
Trailhawk, because what it is lacking in looks, it is said to make up for in off-road
capability. And to me that’s what matters most.
Chris Tutor (Associate Editor, Autoblog) ‘Chevrolet Volt
Chevrolet’s Volt is no Pontiac Aztek, generally considered to be the ugliest production car since the AMC Pacer. So why would I put General Motors' hybrid sedan on a
list of the most abhorrent autos? Mostly because of what it could have been.
The radical-looking Volt concept was unveiled at the 2007 Detroit Auto Show to
gigawatts of positive press. It sat low and long, had short side windows and promised
green drivers they would not be sentenced to a lifetime of cars that look like the sleep
-inducing Prius.
Almost two years later, the production Volt was unveiled looked nothing like the
concept. Its high-powered promise had been short circuited, GM says, by aerodynamic changes. And we
believed that. Well, we
believed until the gorgeously-styled, Volt-based Cadillac ELR zapped into existence. Apparently aerodynamics work differently when paired with a Cadillac badge. Or Tesla. Both of
which overwhelmingly prove energy-efficient transportation doesn't have to be ugly. Expensive, maybe. But certainly not ugly.
Chris Paukert (Executive Editor, Autoblog) - Fiat 500L
Remember the dreaded "Freshman 15?" Fiat's 500L does.
That unflattering expression has commonly been reserved for the amount of weight gain
young men and women suffer after going away to college and consuming ill-advised quantities of cheap pizza and cheaper beer. The extra pounds seldom do flattering things for the
figures of young coeds, and the same applies to this Serbian-built wagon. Only in the case
of this Fiat, it's more like the Freshman 50.
Fiat wants us to believe the 500L is simply a pumped-up and more practical version of its
adorable 500 microcar. It's given us the same "whiskers and logo" face, googly round-eye
headlamps, and so on. But it's a farce – the attributes don’t scale up attractively. The
500L's larger bodyform, with its immense Popemobile greenhouse and too-tall bodysides looks funhouse-mirror grotesque. The front end
looks startled and malformed. It has exactly zero of the Cinquecento's rounded, retro-steeped charm.
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Funny thing is, the 500L is actually a better all-around vehicle to drive than the standard 500. What a shame.
Erin Marquis (Associate Editor, AOL Autos) Toyota 4Runner
If the alien from the 1980s action film Predator needed a car, the Toyota 4runner would be
it. And not only because it's great at handling off-road conditions and could cut through
jungle terrain. It's that the 4Runner and the alien look so much alike. The squished grille
and narrow headlights give the entire front fascia a menacing, antagonistic appearance.
The headlights and turn signals are small and carved deep into the front end like angry,
focused eyes.
The rest of the 4Runner's design reminds me of the old joke about the disgruntled customer at the restaurant who cries "the food here is terrible! And the portions are so small!"
We don’t see the odd geometry carried through to the rest of the car. The aggressive front
melts into a boring body that could be switched out with any SUV in the last decade. The
rear isn't much better. The tail lights are misaligned and stick out at the sides, making no
sense on a car where the headlights are cut deeply into the body of the car. The entire
SUV looks like a monster sewn together from the parts of three separate vehicles.
Michael Zak (Consumer Editor, AOL Autos) - Mitsubishi i-MiEV
There are a lot of problems with the i-MiEV. It doesn't hold a very large charge, it
drives horribly and the interior is about as luxurious and modern as the Flintstone's
house. But let's take a minute and focus on the most obvious issue: Its exterior design.
I understand that automobile designers are trying to give their electric cars a cuter,
more unique look so they stand out on the road. After all, surveys have suggested
that people are buying green cars because of the way it allows them to differentiate
themselves as the more eco-conscious and stylish drivers on the road. Plus, the egg
-shape that you see many of them employ makes them much more aerodynamic.
But the strategy failed miserably here. The i-MiEV, which is about the size of a golf
cart, has bulging headlights, itty bitty wheels and is completely devoid of any interesting lines or edges. Somehow this is the most boring, yet most absurdly designed
car on the road. At the same time. That's pretty incredible.
The i-MiEV, depending on the color, either looks like a huge cartoon insect
(especially when it's in its Smucker's grape jelly color) or some sort of future sentient
transport pod that takes us away from our computers three times a day so we can be
injected with food. Neither of those are things I'd ever want to associate myself with.
Steve Ewing (Senior Editor, Autoblog) Honda Crosstour
Ask American auto enthusiasts what we want more of, and we'll say "wagons." But ask
the general public – you know, the folks who actually buy new cars – what they're looking for, and the answer is "crossovers." We've seen practically every automaker buff up
their CUV offerings in recent years, and in late 2009, Honda gave us this: the Crosstour.
Actually, back then, it was the Accord Crosstour – make no mistake what architecture
lies beneath that skin. And when it launched, we didn't know what to make of it. Sure, it
drove plenty well, and had a relatively nice interior, but it wasn't all that functional, and
man, was it ugly. Really ugly.
This displeased and confused Honda, whose executives were openly baffled by the
unsuccessfulness of the Crosstour in our market, once describing it as having "very
beautiful styling." And in an effort to make its weird CUV a bit more butch, we got the
2013 model year refresh that somehow made things worse.
The Crosstour is now an oft-forgotten member of the Honda lineup, and could easily be
axed without many people caring. Blame the bad styling, or the more functional (and cheaper) CR-V sitting alongside it at Honda dealers. In any case,
this eyesore won't be something we miss if it eventually goes away.
Pete Bigelow (Associate Editor, AOL Autos) - Nissan LEAF
The Nissan LEAF looks like a partially squashed minivan. It’s too bad
designers didn’t fully put it out of its misery.
The lower rear of the vehicle protrudes outward, like a bulging disc in an
aching back. Its front has the appearance of a frumpy alien from another
planet. In fairness, so do a lot of alternate-powertrain cars, and the LEAF
looks only marginally worse than the rest of an uninspiring lot.
Chevy Volt. Toyota Prius. The Nissan LEAF. So many green cars, so
many ugly vehicles.
The only logical conclusion can be that auto-industry titans, resistant to the
idea of fuel-efficient cars for decades, collectively schemed to make hybrids and electrics ugly on purpose, so when they tanked in showrooms,
they could then proclaim the American public isn’t ready for them.
No, the American public just isn’t ready for ugly cars.
If automotive outsider Elon Musk has shown us anything, it’s that if you
build an attractive electric car, consumers will buy it. So many in fact, that
the frightened automotive establishment will band together to prohibit it
from even being sold.
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Calendar of Car Club Events
September 23, 2014:
General Meeting: 7pm
Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028
Hospitality: Dick and Jo Ziemer
October 11, 2014
Planes of Fame
October 11, 2014
Girl Scouts Pinewood Derby
October 14, 2014:
Board Meeting: 7pm
Hosts: Tom and Valerie Long, 1060 Big Oak Ranch Road,
Fallbrook, CA. 760-723-9833
October 28, 2014:
General Meeting: 7pm
Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028
Hospitality: Christine and Roy Moosa
November 8, 2014
Turkey Shoot/Poker Run
November 11, 2014:
Board Meeting: 7pm
Hosts: Jim and Myrna Binford, 2180 Spring Flower Dr.,
Fallbrook, Ca. 92028, 760-728-6393
November 25, 2014:
General Meeting: 7pm
General Meetings
Monthly membership meetings at the Community Baptist Church 731
South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 (right on the corner of
Stagecoach and Reche), on the 4th Tuesday of each month unless
otherwise scheduled in advance. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM.
Board Meetings
Board Meetings are normally held at a member's home the 2nd
Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise scheduled.
All FVCC Board Meetings are open to all members. There is
more to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club than just a Car Show. Come
and join us at the Board Meetings to get more involved with your club
or just to socialize.
If you need more information please contact one of the club
officers or committee chairs.
Membership Information
Membership information may be obtained by mail or from any FVCC
officer or chairperson. Membership Applications are also available on
website at
Our email address is:
Car Show Committees
Board of Directors
Car Show Co- Chairs
President... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Mike McGuire 760-728-6430, Doug Allen 714-742-2305
Vice President... Mike McGuire 760-728-6430
Secretary…Wayne King 760-451-2006
Treasurer…Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Member at Large: …John Waugh 760-723-0705
Car Show Feature Car Committee
Car Show Poster and Major Sponsors
Mike Johnson 760-714-612-3766, Norm Hoskins 760-990-4702
Committee Chairs
Car Show Program
Car Show Registration
Valerie Long 619-895-0919
Mike Simpson 760-728-8807
Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Car Show Field Parking
Public Relations
Chuck Pedigo 760-728-2335, Ralph Suarez 760-731-1174
Chuck Tillotson 760-805-1281
Outside Activities
Car Show Swap Meet
Glen Patterson 760-723-2818
Frank Hainey 760-451-3041
John Waugh 760-723-0705
Car Show Public Parking
Pat Stein 760-728-0954
Wayne King 760-519-1409
Special Events Set Up
Car Show Judging
Merchandise Sales
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Car Show Sale Items
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Jeanne Cusimano 760-723-4085, Molly Conley 760-723-8596, Christine Moosa
Car Show Signs
Bill Muno 760-723-7200
Ron Mintle...760-728-2947
Newsletter Editor
Car Show Raffle
Roy Moosa 760-723-1181
Leo Romero 760-638-1732
R.O.M.E.O. Men’s Social group
Car Show Set Up
Tom Conley 760-723-8596
J.U.L.I.E.T. Women’s Social group
Car Show 50th Anniversary Committee
Connie Waugh 760-723-0705
Car Show Volunteer Coordinator
Car Club Family Picnic
Lee Johnson 760-723-8286
Car Club Christmas Party
Louise Patterson 760-723-2818

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