July 2015 - Fallbrook Vintage Car Club
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of the AACA The Talepipe Materials for the Talepipe can be sent to: RoyMoosa@ATT.Net or call The TALEPIPE is the newsletter of the FALLBROOK VINTAGE CAR CLUB REGION of the AACA Incorporated as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation P.O. Box 714 Fallbrook, CA 92088 www.fallbrookvintagecarclub.org (special thanks to Jennifer Moosa for research and layout and to Chuck Tillotson and Craig Smith for article submissions) Kathleen Stiles Vintage Car Club Pioneer Paul; Stiles, Kathleen’s late husband, was the first Fallbrook Vintage Car Club President back in the early 60’s. After the car show, Chuck Tillotson stopped by Kathleen Stiles' home to drop off some prints of photos he took of her while she was at the car show. She was in high spirits because when she went to church that morning, everyone was coming up to her and shaking her hand and saying how great the Village News article was about her being involved in the car show. She said she felt like a 'celebrity' and couldn't thank the Car Club enough for including her in the celebration of our 50th anniversary. She had a great time and thanks to the club the event was memorialized forever in the newspaper. The 1929 roadster pick truck she is standing beside was originally owned by Paul Stiles as an everyday truck and eventually it was parked at rest. Just before Paul passed away, he wanted to sell, by then, bucket of rust that the truck had become so he got ahold of Les Von Nordheim and he worked out a sale with the proviso that Les restore it to original rather than make a hot rod out of it. Les lived up to his word and won the award for the Best of Show in the Pre-1920 Model T's & A's Class. Kathleen recognized the vehicle as soon as she saw it on the show field. In the first photo she is with Les, in the second with her daughter, Kerith. Page 2. A Bird’s View of the 50th Car Show An overhead view of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club’s fiftieth anniversary show pictures most of the 400 vintage cars entered in the show. A very large crowd was present to view the vintage vehicles on view today at the Pala Mesa Resort driving range. Vendors booths lined three sides of the show. Credit photo: Kenneth Ray Seals Car and owner at The first public Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Car show in 1965. 50 years later... the belly’s bigger, the hair thinner and grayer... but the car’s still the same. Page 3 Thousands attend 50th annual Fallbrook Vintage Car Show By Debbie Ramsey on May 24, 2015 The 50th annual Fallbrook Vintage Car Show, Sunday, May 24, drew thousands of spectators to the large-scale event held on the grounds of Pala Mesa Resort. The morning began Attendees at the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club show today paused to observe the National Anthem during with the Fallbrook open ceremonies. A large crowd tuned out to view A 1954 restored Corvette is admired by some the thousands of Firefighters Associ- more than 400 vintage cars entered in the show which attendees at the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club today at Pala Mesa ation cooking panResort. More than 400 vintage cars were entered in the show, was held on the golf course at Pala Mesa Resort. which was the club’s fiftieth anniversary. cakes, the Fallbrook High School rock band playing atop a stage and visitors streaming in steadily to view the approx. 400 classic vehicles on display. In the afternoon, a Beatles’ tribute band took the stage as the crowd continued to thicken. With 60 swap meet booths and numerous others educating the public about community organizations and a free children’s play zone, the event offered something for the entire family. A large crowd turned out today to see more than 400 vintage cars entered in the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club fiftieth anniversary show at Pala Mesa Resort. The cars in the show were judged for prizes as they were parked on the driving range of the Pala Mesa golf course. Page 4 50th Annual Car Show Breaks Own Records By Linda McIntosh3:53 P.M.MAY 26, 2015 FALLBROOK — Back in the mid-1950s, a hand full of car buffs got together at the Fallbrook Tractor Store to talk about their vintage vehicles and ways to show them off. That was the start of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club. The community-oriented club put on its 50th Fallbrook Vintage Car Show Sunday at Pala Mesa Resort and broke the event’s previous records. The event showcased 420 cars, attracted some 25,000 spectators and had 74 swap meet booths. By all measures every existing past car show record of the club’s was broken, said longtime member Chuck Tillotson, who compiled the statistics. Pre-1920’s domestic Stock Award winner Bob Walter with his 1910 Locomobile 30 Veteran club member Kathleen Stiles, wife of the club’s founder Paul Stiles, spoke about the early years of the group when it was only a small gathering of men with an interest in cars and a desire to start a car show that would raise money for needy folks in the community. This year’s display of vintage cars 25 years or older ranged from models Model A’s and T’s, woodies and hot rods to domestic vehicles, stock cars, trucks, motorcycles and unrestored models. Twelve 1965 model vehicles from different manufacturers were selected by the show committee from the show car entry list to be the featured cars that represented a cross section of the autos manufactured 50 years ago, commemorating the year of the club’s first car show. In the spirit of the 1960s, the Sgt Peppers Beatles Tribute Band concert performed. Planning for this year’s show began in October when a car show committee of 20 members was formed, led up by co-Chairmen Mike McGuire and Doug Allen. Page 5 The Strangest Concept Car Ideas That Failed Dodge Deora If you collected Hot Wheels cars in the 1960s and 70s, you might have seen a bizarre half-truck, half-car creation that looked like nothing else on the road. That car was the Dodge Deora, introduced as a concept vehicle at the 1967 Detroit Autorama. Built off of a Dodge A100 pickup, the Deora was customized by a pair of brothers to feature a front-entry hatch instead of side doors, an engine under the truck bed, and some seriously swank styling. Dodge leased the car and used it at shows for a few years, but never made the jump to production. L’Automodule Europe in the 1970s was a time of great experimentation, with designers and artists drawing inspiration from science fiction to create the technology of the future. French engineer Jean-Pierre Ponthieu wanted to push cars out of their comfort zone by creating a spherical vehicle that seated three and boasted four wheels supported by hydraulic masts. That variable wheelbase allowed the Automodule to adjust its height off of the ground to deal with a wide variety of terrain. Only one Automodule was ever built, sadly. Nissan Land Glider One of the fun things about concept cars is the fact that nothing is sacred. Don't want to deal with traditional steering mechanisms? Throw them out, like Nissan did with the Land Glider. In 2009, with a mandate to create new zeroemissions vehicles for urban use, the design team debuted this unusual ride that ran on electricity and seated two people, with the passenger behind the driver. The biggest change the Land Glider brought to the table was the cornering system, which saw the wheels not attached to the steering system by any physical machinery – just electronics. Like a motorcycle, turning in the Land Glider involves tilting your body and the car itself. Chevrolet Astro III The space race was incredibly inspiring for America's automakers – if we reached the stars, surely our land vehicles should be just as futuristic. Designer Bill Mitchell at Chevrolet used aerodynamic inspiration to create a highperformance vehicle that boasted a dramatic tricycle-style wheel arrangement. The driver used pistol-grip levers to guide the two front wheels, and a rear view camera served instead of mirrors. Alas, the Astro was too beautiful for its time, and the III was the last of its line. Rinspeed X Dream Swiss car company Rinspeed is notorious for their way-out concept cars, but the X Dream might be the cherry on top of the sundae. First shown in 1999 at the Geneva Auto Show, this banana-yellow puppy isn't like anything that's ever hit the open road. The basic concept is simple: it's an open-top pickup truck sporting a beefy 5.5 liter Mercedes engine that could hit a top speed of 147 miles per hour. But it was the extra features that put the X Dream in the hall of fame. A hydraulic lift in the back deployed a personal hovercraft so you could hit the water. Page 6 Aurora Safety Car Not all concept cars come from the big automakers. Some are the result of hobbyists who want to change the world themselves. One such man was Catholic priest Father Alfred Juliano, who was concerned with highway safety enough to devote his life to creating a more durable automobile. The Aurora was introduced in 1957 and was set to retail at $12,000. The fiberglass-bodied car was outfitted with side impact bars, a collapsible steering wheel, a roll cage and numerous other features designed to keep occupants safe in case of a crash. Honda Fuya-Jo Originally making its debut at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1999, the Fuya -Jo was an attempt by Honda to diversify out into the party vehicle business. The unusual design was created so that passengers in the back could party hard, with a low floor making it easy to enter even if you've had a few and a spill-proof non-slip floor to repel booze. The interior was designed with features intended to evoke a DJ booth and the doors house massive speakers to ensure that your rolling party would be bumping until the cops eventually pulled you over. Ford MA Thinking about the environment is a popular trend in industrial design, but the Ford MA takes this to a whole 'another level. Designed by the company's vice president of design, the MA is constructed from bamboo, carbon fiber and aluminum and is assembled without a single weld, instead being held together by 364 bolts. A zero-emission electric engine keeps the MA from polluting the air, and when you're done with it the machine is 96% recyclable, with no industrial adhesives and very little paint preventing you from returning it to raw materials. Italdesign Machimoto When the Italdesign Machimoto first bowed at the 1986 Turin Motor Show, the press didn't know what to make of the thing. A bizarre fusion between a car and a motorcycle, the Machimoto was built around a Volkswagen Golf chassis with the top opened up and three rows of seats added in. Passengers would sit motorcycle-style and the vehicle could even be expanded to increase the total capacity to nine people. The steering system was also unusual – drivers could opt for a traditional wheel or motorcycle handles. The world has still never seen anything quite like it. Ford Nucleon Of all the cars on this list, we should probably be happiest that the Ford Nucleon never made it into production. The desire to move away from traditional internal combustion engines didn't start with the Prius – all the way back in the 1950s, Ford was investigating other options. In '57, they dropped a concept car that ran on that most modern of energies – nuclear. The Nucleon was designed around the idea of a small fission reactor in the trunk that would allow the sedan to travel as far as 5,000 miles on one chunk of uranium. Needless to say, once the dangers of radiation became a little more known Ford shelved the idea. Page 7 Calendar of Car Club Events June 28, 2015 Car Club Barbecue at the home of Ron and Bev Mintle 3773 Diego Estates Drive, Fallbrook, Ca. 92028, 760-728-2947 July 14, 2015 Board Meeting: 7pm Hosts: Joe and Jeanne Cusimano, 144 Amigos Way, Fallbrook, Ca. 760-723-4085 July 28, 2015 General Meeting : 7pm Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 Hospitality: Lella through Mauri August 11, 2015 Board Meeting: 7pm Hosts: Doug and Sharon Allen, 516 Hilbert Drive, Fallbrook, Ca. 714-742-2305 General Meetings Monthly membership meetings at the Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 (right on the corner of Stagecoach and Reche), on the 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled in advance. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. Board Meetings Board Meetings are normally held at a member's home the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise scheduled. All FVCC Board Meetings are open to all members. There is more to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club than just a Car Show. Come and join us at the Board Meetings to get more involved with your club or just to socialize. If you need more information please contact one of the club officers or committee chairs. Membership Information Membership information may be obtained by mail or from any FVCC officer or chairperson. Membership Applications are also available on our website at Fallbrookvintagecarclub.org. Our email address is: President@fallbrookvintagecarclub.org 2014-2015 Board of Directors President... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Vice President... Mike McGuire 760-728-6430 Secretary…Wayne King 760-451-2006 Treasurer…Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Member at Large: …John Waugh 760-723-0705 Committee Chairs Membership Valerie Long 619-895-0919 Programming Car Show Committees Car Show Co- Chairs Car Show Feature Car Committee Car Show Poster and Major Sponsors Car Show Program Car Show Registration Car Show Field Parking Car Show Swap Meet Car Show Public Parking Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Car Show Judging Public Relations Car Show Sale Items Chuck Tillotson 760-805-1281, Craig Smith 760-728-0954 Outside Activities Glen Patterson 760-723-2818 Car Show Signs Car Show Raffle John Waugh 760-723-0705 Car Show Set Up Donations Car Show Volunteer Coordinator Pat Stein 760-728-0954 Special Events Set Up Fred Ragland 760-803-8971 Merchandise Sales Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Communications Jeanne Cusimano, Molly Conley, Christine Moosa Website Bill Muno 760-723-7200 Newsletter Editor Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 R.O.M.E.O. Men’s Social group Doug Allen 714-742-2305 .J.U.L.I.E.T. Women’s Social group Connie Waugh 760-723-0705 Car Club Family Picnic Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Car Club Christmas Party Louise Patterson 760-723-2818
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