Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of the AACA
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of the AACA
Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Region of the AACA The Talepipe NAPA Auto Parts Sold... Materials for the Talepipe can be sent to: RoyMoosa@ATT.Net or call 760-723-1181. The TALEPIPE is the newsletter of the FALLBROOK VINTAGE CAR CLUB REGION of the AACA Incorporated as a California Nonprofit Mutual Benefit Corporation P.O. Box 714 Fallbrook, CA 92088 www.fallbrookvintagecarclub.org (special thanks to Jennifer Moosa for research and layout and to Chuck Tillotson and Craig Smith for article submissions) Car Club member, Les Von Nordheim, reports that the long standing NAPA business was sold and the new owner nolonger will honor the discount on Auto parts the Club once received. AutoZone may be interested in setting up a similar account like the Club had when Jerry owned NAPA. The Machine and Rad. shop is still owned by Jerry and John and Rich Packard in 1972 Fallbrook Car Show will Re-appear at this year’s Car Show! A 1934 Packard 1103 Super 8 Sedan was apparently the only 34 Packard sold in Orange County Ca that year (the depression hit Packard hard!) The original owner lived in Newport Beach and he kept the car until 1971 when he traded it in on a new Chrysler. My father saw it at the dealership and bought it and it was our "family classic" that we went to endless car shows and events with. My earliest car show memory was with this car in 1972 , when I was 5 years old, at the Fallbrook event. I believe it was the first show we brought it to and it took the first place trophy for the "most original" class. ( the car has never been restored, still original paint, etc.). My father sold the car a few years before his passing in the mid 80's and I always wondered where it had gone. I had heard word that it was in an auction in 2008, but I was not able to attend. The car was just "gone". Last fall, my son and I were at the Palos Verdes Concours and I spotted the car from half way across the golf course...I knew in an instant that it was the same car. As I approached, the memories all flooded back to me...it was pretty amazing. The car won the Preservation Class that day...still all original and amazing. I negotiated with the owner for a couple months and finally managed to strike a deal. My mother, who is in her mid 80's now, and I bought it back and hid it in the garage of the family homestead and revealed it to everyone on Christmas Eve with a big red bow on the grille. The "Carlson Family Jewel" is now back in the family. My sons and I took it on a homecoming tour, visiting places the car has been in its past. We went to the Packard dealership building that it was sold through (now restored and a great restaurant ), we cruised the streets of Newport Beach that I'm sure the original owner had driven, and the car is stored in the same garage it was stored in back in the 70's when my father had it. It might be pretty fun to continue the tour and bring it back to the Fallbrook show , 44 years later, and see if it might take the "most original" trophy again! Win or lose it would be a fun day out. —-Randy Carlson—- Page 2. FRENCH TOAST BAKE Many members, who attended the Car Club January breakfast asked about the recipe for the French Toast Bake. Ingredients: Here it is: Topping: 1 loaf sourdough bread 1/2 cup flour 8 eggs 1/2 cup firmly packed brown sugar 2 cups whole milk 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/2 cup whipping (heavy) cream 1/4 teaspoon salt 3/4 cup sugar 1/2 cup cold butter - cut into pieces 2 tablespoons vanilla extract Preparation: FRENCH TOAST Grease a 9x13 baking pan with butter. Cut loaf into cubes and place evenly in the greased pan. In a medium bowl, mix together the eggs, milk, heavy cream, sugar and vanilla. Pour evenly over the bread. Cover tightly and refrigerate overnight. TOPPING Mix together flour, brown sugar, cinnamon and salt in a medium bowl. Add butter pieces and cut them into the dry mixture until the mixture resembles fine pebbles (crumbly). Place this mixture into a Ziplock and refrigerate overnight. Baking: Preheat oven to 350. Take pan and Ziplock out when ready to bake. [You may want to turn the bread as liquid may have settled]. Sprinkle the crumbly mixture evenly over the bread. Bake at 350 for 45 minutes (softer) to 1 hour (more firm); depending on how you like it. Top with butter and a drizzle of syrup. —-Lee Johnson—- Can you which current car club member this is, relaxing at the 1975 Fallbrook Vintage Car Show? Page 3 The 2016 Car Club Kick Off Breakfast Page 4 The Car Club Visits the Fallbrook Historical Society Page 7 Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Donates to Fallbrook Citizens' Crime Prevention Committee Presenting the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donation are car club members, Joe & Jeanne Cusimano to Patricia Brendel and Phyllis Sweeney. The car is a vintage 1963 Ford Comet owned by the Cusimano’s. The GANAS, (Guide Advise Nurture and Support), Monitoring Program now has six after school mentoring sites in high crime areas for underserved youths, ages 9-18. One of the major goals of the mentoring program is to steer these children of promise away from the allure of gangs, drugs and criminal activity. This criminal activity now includes human trafficking, which will be addressed at a presentath tion February 24 . Car Club Donates to Fallbrook Garden Club The Fallbrook Garden Club promotes floral and landscape designs. The current project will benefit all of the Fallbrook community by re-landscaping the Senior Center. All the plants will be drought tolerant California native plants. Receiving the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donation are Fallbrook Garden Club members Marci Eisenstadt, Phyllis Sweeney and Roberta Kuse from Fallbrook Vintage Car Club members Wayne and Carol King. This magnificent car is a 1973 Lincoln Continental Mark IV, owned by the Kings. Page 5 Car Club Donates to Fallbrook Girls Softball League There are 150 girls that participate in the Fallbrook Softball League in our community ages 6-14 years. Their kickoff opening day will start with a playing of the national anthem, followed by photos, games, face painting and lots of fun and activities for everyone. Opening day is scheduled for February 20th, 8:30 am to 2:30 pm at Ingold Sports Park. Presenting the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donation to the Fallbrook Girls Softball League are club members Lee & Mike Johnson to Coach Bill Leach and 4 young happy players. This rare vintage beauty owned by the Johnson’s is a 1950 Oldsmobile 88 coach, (a.k.a. Eighty-Eight). Fallbrook Vintage Car Club Contributes to Local Groups The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club continues to make generous donations: this month to four local groups in Fallbrook. - the Fallbrook Rugby Club has climbed to the top of their game throughout the nation. They have only been competing since 2007 and have soared in their division, winning five National Championships in a row. The rugby girls club was created to help enrich school aged girls lives through teamwork and fitness. The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club has donated to the Fallbrook Girls Rugby team throughout the Receiving the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donation is rugby coach, Paul Bell from Fallbrook Vintage Car Club member Scott Simpson, with team captain Michel Navarro and the national champions looking on years and will continue to do so in the coming future. All the members of the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club are very proud of our hometown rugby champions and wish them continued success. -The Potter Jr. High School has an outstanding music program. Every year the band Presenting the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club donation is car member has comPat Stein to Music Director, Kasey Jonesrebandt and band mempeted in a bers displaying their instruments. two day music festival and competition at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Last year the band made Fallbrook very proud by winning three first place awards. They look forward on wining again May 13-14 of this year. -More than 25 cars checked in for the derby race. The Fallbrook Vintage Car Club has given donations to the Fallbrook Girl Scouts in the past and is pleased to give to such a worthy cause. This donation will be used to help purchase needed supplies to make these magnificent cars and tracks come to life. It will also build the courage and confidence through design and layout that will challenge their abilities. -- not many people can say they had the opportunity to ride in a Model-T Ford, but these lucky ladies can say, “I did”. Receiving the Fallbrook Vintage Club donation is, PTA President - Marisa Romano, Before handing over the donation, Vice President - Brittania Scruggs, Chair - Victoria Ayers, from car club member Les Les gave these members of the Van Nordheim. PTA a memorable ride. The 1913 Model-T Ford is owned by Les, (wearing a vintage duster driving coat. Page 6 Calendar of Car Club Events February 23, 2016 General Meeting: 7pm Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 Hospitality: Allen to Conley March 8, 2016 Board Meeting: 7pm Hosts: Norm and Nancy Hoskins March 22, 2016 General Meeting: 7pm Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 Hospitality: Connally to Goodrich April 9, 2016 Mini Car Show Fallbrook Skilled Nursing April 12, 2016 Board Meeting: 7pm Hosts: Darla and Lloyd Voorhees April 17, 2016 30th Annual Avocado Festival General Meetings Monthly membership meetings at the Community Baptist Church 731 South Stage Coach Lane Fallbrook, Ca. 92028 (right on the corner of Stagecoach and Reche), on the 4th Tuesday of each month unless otherwise scheduled in advance. Meetings begin at 7:00 PM. Board Meetings Board Meetings are normally held at a member's home the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 PM, unless otherwise scheduled. All FVCC Board Meetings are open to all members. There is more to the Fallbrook Vintage Car Club than just a Car Show. Come and join us at the Board Meetings to get more involved with your club or just to socialize. If you need more information please contact one of the club officers or committee chairs. Membership Information Membership information may be obtained by mail or from any FVCC officer or chairperson. Membership Applications are also available on our website at Fallbrookvintagecarclub.org. Our email address is: President@fallbrookvintagecarclub.org 2015-2016 Board of Directors Car Show Committees President... Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Car Show Co- Chairs Vice President... Mike McGuire 760-728-6430 Doug Allen, Ron Mintle Secretary…Wayne King 760-451-2006 Car Show Feature Car Committee Treasurer…Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Tom Conley, Norm Hoskins Member at Large: …John Waugh 760-723-0705 Car Show Poster and Major Sponsors Committee Chairs Bill Ahrend, Mike Johnson Membership Valerie Long 619-895-0919 Car Show Program Programming Frank Hainey Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Car Show Registration Public Relations Chuck Tillotson 760-805-1281, Craig Smith 760-728-0954 Outside Activities Glen Patterson 760-723-2818 , John Waugh 760-723-0705, Scott Simpson, Dennis Erickson Donations Pat Stein 760-728-0954 Special Events Set Up Fred Ragland 760-803-8971 Merchandise Sales Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Hospitality Mike Simpson Car Show Field Parking Chuck Pedigo Car Show Swap Meet Gary Hesser Car Show Public Parking Wayne King Car Show Judging Tom Long Car Show Sale Items Jeanne Cusimano, Molly Conley, Christine Moosa, Joan Hainey, Linda Burke Website Bill Muno 760-723-7200 Lee Johnson Car Show Signs Newsletter Editor Bill Kemper Roy Moosa 760-723-1181 Car Show Raffle R.O.M.E.O. Men’s Social group Doug Allen 714-742-2305 .J.U.L.I.E.T. Women’s Social group Leo Romero Car Show Set Up Connie Waugh 760-723-0705 Fred Ragland Car Club Family Picnic Car Show Publicity Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Car Club Christmas Party Louise Patterson 760-723-2818 Car Club Breakfast Lee Johnson 760-723-8286 Car Show Volunteer Coordinator Joe Cusimano
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