October 2015 - Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
October 2015 - Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 Pa st T im e s Past Times A P u b l i c a t i o n o f t h e Monthly Calendar 2 Welcome New Members 2 Annual Meeting & Program 3 Your MSOG Username & Password 3 Webinars Begin 4 2016 MSOG Writing Contest 4 State B oard & Officers 5 P r e s i d e n t ’ s M e s s a g e Dear Members, October has an air of excitement. We’re in the last stages of preparing for our upcoming annual meeting on November 7, 2015, at the Marlbo-‐ rough Country Club in Marlborough, MA. I look forward to seeing you and celebrating our 40th year together in genealogy. Not only are we putting the finishing touches on our annual meeting, we have been invited to participate in the PBS program Genealogy Road-‐ show. MSOG will have a display table at Faneuil Hall in Boston, MA, on October 3, as well as at the Provi-‐ dence Public Library in Providence, RI, on October 4. The show will be taping for their third season. The public will be milling about (that’s a hint to come to the event and be part of the public). Are we excited? You bet! Did you know that October is Family History Month? Every October I try to devote a little extra time to an ancestor who needs a bit of atten-‐ tion. I might spend a few hours look-‐ ing for new information, updating resources, or tackling an issue that will help tumble a brick wall or im-‐ prove my own research skills. If your agenda includes updating or improving your research skills, you might like to take advantage of a new member benefit that is coming your way. A series of webinars will be available to members beginning October 20, 2015. The first one is: MSOG Webinar Series 1, Webinar 1: Seema Kenney presents “From Forms to Research Plan: Developing Your Research Techniques” on October 20th at 7:00 P.M. This presentation takes you from starting genealogical research to intermediate and advanced research techniques that focus on creating and following a research plan— something that provides you with a m eans to make the most of your research time. . . . Sign up for the first in a series of MSOG webinars at: http://www.msoginc.org/msogwp/projects/webinars/ I want to wish all our chapters a happy anniversary. Bristol, Middle-‐ sex, and Worcester celebrate their 40th anniversary. Martha’s Vineyard celebrates their 6th anniversary, and Merrimack Valley celebrates their 5th anniversary. W e’re all looking for-‐ ward to seeing you at the annual meeting on N ovember 7 at the Marl-‐ borough Country Club. Patricia Stano-‐Carpenter President M a ss ac hu set ts S oc iet y o f G enea lo g is ts , I n c., is ce leb ra t ing 4 0 y e ar s as a g en ea lo g y so cie ty i n 2 01 5. Past Times Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 MIDDLESEX Saturday, October 11th, 1:30 PM Charlene Key Sokal -‐-‐ “Finding Your Female Ancestors” Ashland P ublic Library 66 Front Street Ashland, MA WORCESTER Tuesday, October 13th, 7:00 PM Jeff Carpenter -‐-‐ “DNA as Part of Your Research Toolbox” Zion Lutheran Church 41 Whitmarsh Avenue Worcester, MA MARTHA’S VINEYARD Wednesday, October 14th, 7:00 PM Topic To Be Determined Family History Center 111 Edgartown Road Vineyard Haven, MA Annual Meeting Webinars Early Bird Registration Ends 10/17 BRISTOL Late Registration Ends 10/23 More presenters are needed. Saturday, October 17th Marian Pierre-‐Louis – “10 Brick Wall Tips for Beginners” 11:00 AM Business Meeting 11:30 AM Member Sharing 12:00 PM Presentation Somerset Public Library 1464 County Street Somerset, MA MERRIMACK VALLEY Contact the Research & Education Committee research@msoginc.org D O Y O U H A V E A N Y O F T H E S E M A S S O G I S S U E S ? Thanks to the Middlesex Chapter, we were able to add a few issues to our sets of MASSOG with missing c opies. We are now looking for the following issues to fill out our sets: YEARS 1976 1980 1982 1987 1995 1999 Saturday, October 31st, 10:00 AM Peg Plummer -‐-‐ “Genealogists’ Toolbox: Some Massachusetts History” Georgetown Peabody Library 2 Maple Street Georgetown, MA VOLUME(S) 2, 3, 4 3, 4 4 2, 3 2 1, 3 YEARS 2001 2002 2003 2006 2007 VOLUME(S) 3 All 1 2 2 If you have any of these issues and are willing to return them to the Society for a library donation, please pass them on to y our Chapter President. 2 Register at msoginc.org 1 2 Past Times Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 2 0 1 5 A n n u a l M e e t i n g W h o ’ s C o m i n g a n d W h a t Y o u C o u l d W i n Drew Bartley Barbara J. Mathews November 7, 2015 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM Marlborough Country Club 200 Concord Road Marlborough, MA 01752 Registration is open through October 2 3. Register by October 17 to avoid the late fee. Thomas MacEntee Marlborough Country Club We’re delighted that the following exhibitors will be joining us at our 40th Anniversary Annual Meeting and Program. § § § § § § § § § § § § § Daughters of the American Revolution The Gravestone Girls Ferreira-‐Mendes Portuguese-‐American Archives Genealogy House Publishing American Antiquarian Society Boston Public Library Lawrence History Center Afro-‐American Historical & Genealogical Society Society of Mayflower Descendants Massachusetts Genealogical Council The Irish Ancestral Research Association § § § § § § § § We are also grateful to our many donors who have contributed over $2300 in door prizes. Here are some of the great door prizes you could win: § § What Did They Mean by That? by Paul Drake, J.D. (book) Family Tree Maker software, two items (one for Mac/one for PC) Findmypast World subscription, 12 months New England Historic Genealogical Society, one-‐year membership Fold3, one-‐year subscription GenealogyBank, one-‐year subscription MyHeritage Premium, one-‐year subscription University Products, gift certificate We Are One: Mapping America’s Road from Revolution to Independence (BPL exhibit catalogue) Backblaze cloud storage, one-‐year subscription The Marlborough Country Club is handicap-‐accessible and offers convenient free parking. W e are offering attendees the option of using a private carpool matching application that is created for this event. Check the w ebsite for details. Please contact vicepresident@msoginc.org w ith any questions. Eastman’s Online Genealogy Newsletter Plus edition, one-‐year subscription AAA Southern New England, one-‐year membership Y o u r M S O G U s e r n a m e a n d P a s s w o r d To register for the Annual Meeting, you need a username and password for the MSOG Members Only Area on the website. If you have this information and your 2016 membership payment has been confirmed, you are all set to proceed to register. If you have a username and password, but you have forgotten your password, you can use the “ Lost Your Password” link from the website to retrieve your information. http://www.msoginc.org/moregistration/lost-‐password.php You will need your current username and your MSOG m ember number to fill in the form to retrieve your password. If you do not have that information, there are three options. 1. Register for a username and password. http://www.msoginc.org/password-‐form.php 2. On the registration form, try your member number as your username and “2016msog” as your password. http://www.msoginc.org/ann/register_member.php 3. Contact the webmaster for assistance at mailto:webmaster@msoginc.org 3 1 2 3 Past Times Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 WEBINARS BEGIN THIS MONTH! October 20 From Forms to Research Plan: Developing Your Research Techniques Seema-‐Jayne Kenney November 17 Review the Basics This year the Society is offering learning experiences to members in their own homes. Attending is easy; register at msoginc.org in the Members Only section by selecting “Webinars.” After registering, you will be emailed a link to connect to the webinar via your phone, tablet, or computer. Webinars will be held one Tuesday even-‐ ing per month with registration closing the Friday before. Handouts will be available from the Sunday before the webinar to the following Saturday. Fifteen minutes before the webinar begins, click on the link in your email and join the session. After the session, please provide feedback that will be shared with the speaker and used to plan future sessions. The webinars offer topics useful for genealogists of all experience levels. Subjects include research methods as well as specific types of research from probate records to researching cultural groups. Presenters are all Society members who are experienced genealogists and are enthusiastic about sharing their passion. The first two webinars are presented by two of the three Tri-‐Chairs for NERGC 2017. Professional genealogist and Society Board Member Seema-‐Jayne Kenney will begin the series. She has years of experience as an instructor and professional genealogist, and holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University. Seema has also completed ProGen, is part of the NERGC planning committee, and is the current President of the Worcester Chapter. Her experience makes “From Forms to Research Plan” accessible to beginners as well as to advanced researchers. Early enthusiasm can lead to an abundance of records but little organization. Seema’s webinar will help organize your research so you spend less time wandering through records and use better strategies to gener-‐ ate more information in less time. Those who already have many records and good organization can utilize these techniques to guide your efforts in breaking down a brick wall. In November another active Worcester Chapter member, Dave Robison, leads members to “Review the Basics.” In addition to being the President of NEAPG and Vice President of WMGS, he holds a certificate in Genealogical Research from Boston University. Dave is currently finishing ProGen and shares his experience as a professional genealogist by lecturing. Through the webinar, you have the opportunity to learn from a veteran without travelling. Do not skip this webinar because you feel you already know the basics; Dave will take you beyond the basics to introduce the Genealogical Proof Standard. He will review reasons to re-‐examine and re-‐eval-‐ uate your sources but also explain the Genealogical Proof Standard, its elements, and how they may be met. This webinar will help you improve the complex skill of interpreting evidence to draw credible conclusions. After each of these webinars, you will have several weeks to practice these skills. The December and January webinars will focus on several types of records left by our ancestors. Additional webinars for the beginning of 2016 are still being finalized. If you are interested in presenting, no GoToMeeting experience is necessary. Just email research@msoginc.org with your proposed topic. 2 0 1 5 A N N U A L P R O G R A M R A F F L E Not one, not two, but THREE DNA test kits, one each from 23andMe, AncestryDNA, and FamilyTreeDNA, will be the raffle prize for a lucky w inner at our 40th Anniversary Program on November 7, 2015, at the Marlborough Country Club. This represents a $ 300+ value with shipping. Raffle tickets ($5 each/5 tickets for $20) w ill be sold on the day of the event. Stay tuned for details. Members o f the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc., are invited to submit a genealogical study, a family history, or an interesting solution to a genealogical problem. The piece should be at least tangentially connected to Massachusetts. Entries should include no more than three generations of a family and be no longer than twelve pages including footnotes. Entries must be sent no later than August 15, 2016, to: writingcontest@msoginc.org. Entries w ill be judged blindly according to the accuracy of documentation and clarity of interpretation; do not put identifying information on the entry. More detailed requirements along with helpful reference materials are available in MASSOG Vol. 39, No. 3, and at: http://www.msoginc.org/msogwp/publications/massog/writing-‐contest-‐2016/ 4 Dave Robison Past Times Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 M a s s a c h u s e t t s S o c i e t y o f G e n e a l o g i s t s , I n c . Past Times Information Past Times is published monthly (except for July & August) by the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Member ship Infor mation • • The newsletter, Past Times, is on the MSOG website free to all. Members also receive free issues of MASSOG, free queries, access to webinars, and participation in the Member’s Surname List. Membership is from September 1st to August 31st, with membership renewals due by July 1st. INDIVIDUAL dues are $25.00 per year; FAMILY dues are $30.00 per year. Membership applications received July 1st and thereafter will be applied to the following year’s membership. Membership choices are BR/Bristol, MVI/Martha’s Vineyard, MV/Merrimack Valley, MX/Middlesex, WR/Worcester. Chapter affiliation is at the complete discretion of the member, regardless of residence. (The membership application is on our website at http://www.msoginc.org.) Send your application and check to the treasurer or membership person of the chapter you wish to join. Addresses are below. S t a t e O f f i c e r s & B o a r d o f D i r e c t o r s 2 0 1 5 -‐ 2 0 1 6 President Vice President Treasurer Corresponding Secretary Recording Secretary Membership Director Historian/Archivist Bristol—Chapter Martha’s Vineyard—Chapter Merrimack Valley —Chapter Middlesex—Chapter Worcester—Chapter MASSOG Editor Past Times Editor Webmaster Patricia M. Stano-Carpenter Margaret Fortier Diane Laferriere Robert J. Bartlett Elizabeth “Liz” Grube Janice “Jan” Murphy Vacant Kathleen Rubano, President Marna Waller, President Karen Trearchis, President Deborah Lee Stewart, President Seema-Jayne Kenney, President George D. Martin Diane Brooks-Sherry Hope Tillman president@msoginc.org vicepresident@msoginc.org treasurer@msoginc.org correspondingsecretary@msoginc.org recordingsecretary@msoginc.org membership@msoginc.org archivist@msoginc.org bristol@msoginc.org marthasvineyard@msoginc.org merrimackvalley@msoginc.org middlesex@msoginc.org worcester@msoginc.org editor@msoginc.org pasttimes@msoginc.org webmaster@msoginc.org C o m m i t t e e s & C h a i r s Annual Meeting Audit Research & Education Technology Margaret Fortier Robert Farmer Seema-Jayne Kenney Hope Tillman annualmeeting@msoginc.org auditor@msoginc.org research@msoginc.org technology@msoginc.org Writing Contest Editorial Board writingcontest@msoginc.org D e l e g a t e s FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies) MGC (Massachusetts Genealogical Council) NERGC (New England Regional Genealogical Consortium, Inc.) fgs@msoginc.org Charlene Sokal Margaret Fortier, Seema-Jayne Kenney, Charlene Sokal 5 mgc@msoginc.org nergc@msoginc.org Volume 7, Issue 2, October 2015 Pa st T im e s M a s s a c h u s e t t s S o c i e t y o f G e n e a l o g i s t s , I n c . Join 2015 – 2016 Membership Fees are due now for the year September 1st 2015 to August 31st 2016 Please give your completed form and check, made payable to MSOG, Inc., to your chapter treasurer, or mail to: Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. P.O. Box 215 Ashland, MA 01721 Join with PAY PAL. www.msoginc.org/membership/membership_form.php Name(s)___________________________________________Membership #___________ ___________________________________________ Membership #___________ Address____________________________________________City____________________________State________ Zip Code +4__________ Telephone#_________________________ Email __________________________________________________ Choice of membership: q Individual $25.00 q Family $ 30.00 q Organization $25.00 Chapter affiliation: Please check o ne. q Bristol q Martha’s Vineyard q Merrimack Valley q Middlesex q Worcester q Organization Choice of reception method: Please check o ne in each category. q Electronically q Mail q Send no copy PAST TIMES (newsletter) q Electronically q Send no copy MASSOG (journal) The Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. P.O. Box 215 Ashland, MA 01721-‐0215 www.msoginc.org
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Past Times - Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
Membership Fees are due now for the year September 1 st 2014 to August 31st 2015
Please take a moment to renew or join as we look forward to seeing you in the coming year.
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