Past Times - Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
Past Times - Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc.
Volume 5, Issue 10 Past Times June 2014 A Publication of the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT June is an eventful month on the MSOG calendar as we attend our last meetings of the program year and begin to make plans for the summer months. Will you take a research trip this year? Is there a summer project in your future? Whatever your plans we hope that you will be an ambassador for MSOG as you visit with your friends, family, and neighbors over the summer. Membership dues support the work of your society. Growing and maintaining the membership is an ongoing challenge for MSOG. You can help by sharing information about all the great programs and activities offered as part of membership in MSOG. Don’t miss out on the news. Get help with your research questions. Stay connected with MSOG over the summer on Facebook, LinkedIn, the MSOG website, and maybe even a Google hangout. For your chapter officers and state board officers, the summer months are filled with activity and projects to prepare for the 2014-2015 program year. We will be renewing your membership and collecting the funds that make MSOG activities possible, as well as attending to the myriad of details that keep MSOG running. Planning for the annual meeting on November 1, 2014, will continue. At the same time we are focusing on the 2015 annual meeting when MSOG will celebrate its 40th anniversary. Chapter officers will be hard at work finalizing their plans for the coming membership year and making sure they have a place to hold monthly meetings. Your society needs your help ~ volunteers are the heart of MSOG! MSOG is an all-volunteer organization; without volunteers our group would not exist. You can make a difference even with a small amount of time to contribute. Contact your chapter president or a state board member for more information about opportunities to help with the work of the society. Renew your membership today! Go to We hope that you have a great summer and look forward to seeing you all again in September. Patricia Stano-Carpenter, President P a g e 2 P a s t T i m e s MERRIMACK VALLEY CHAPTER—JUNE 7 When: Saturday, June 7, 2014 10AM Where: Nevins Memorial Library, Garden Room, 305 Broadway, Methuen What: Merrimack Valley Roundtable Who: The Membership Join us as we recap the National Genealogical Society Conference that took place in Richmond, VA, in May. What was the conference like? Who were the speakers? What was the hot topic? We will also review the results of our recent member survey. For more information, contact Karen Trearchis at & WORCESTER CHAPTER—JUNE 10 When: Tuesday, June 10, 2014 7:00PM Where: O’Connor’s Restaurant, 1160 West Boylston Street, Worcester, MA What: Annual Dinner Meeting Who: The Gravestone Girls The dinner meeting is open to the public with a cost of $25.00 for members and $27.00 for non-members. The money for the buffet dinner must be paid to current Treasurer Marilyn O’Brien by June 1st. For more information, contact Seema-Jayne Kenney, V o l u m e 5 , I s s u e 1 0 MARTHA’S VINEYARD CHAPTER—JUNE 11 When: Wednesday, June 11, 2014 7:00PM Where: Family History Center, Vineyard Haven, MA What: TBA Who: TBA For more information, contact Marna Waller, MIDDLESEX CHAPTER—JUNE 14 When: Saturday, June 14, 2014 1:30-4:00PM Where: Acton Memorial Library, 489 Main Street, Acton What: Technology Roundtable Discussion Who: Dick Eastman For more information, contact Sharon Christenson , BRISTOL COUNTY CHAPTER—JUNE 21 When: Saturday, June 21, 2014 12:00-3:00PM Where: Somerset Old Town Hall, 1458 County Street, Somerset, MA What: Who: Fall River Irish and Raynham Acadians Quin Shea For more information, contact Kathleen Rubano, P a g e 3 P a g e 4 P a s t T i m e s Navigating the Past: Sailing into the Future 15-19 April 2015 The Rhode Island Convention Center Providence, RI NERGC has special rates at two hotels close to the Convention Center. BOTH HOTELS ARE NOW ACCEPTING RESERVATIONS BY PHONE AND ONLINE. Check the NERGC Conference Facilities webpage for amenities and more information. The Providence Biltmore 11 Dorrance Street Rate: $156 per night Parking: $26 per night. $15 day rate Accepting reservations now. By phone: 401-421-0700; ask for "reservations" and mention "NERGC 2015 Conference" to get the group rate. Online: NERGC 2015 Biltmore. The Providence Courtyard by Marriott 32 Exchange Terrace Rate: $149 per night Accepting reservations now. Parking: $26 per night or $10 per vehicle until 5:00 daily; after 5:00 p.m., additional fees apply. By phone: 888-887-7955; mention "New England Regional Genealogical Conference" to get the group rate. EDUCATION/RESEARCH COMMITTEE NEWS The State Officers recently voted to update the description and name of the former Research Committee. In keeping with the mission of the Society, it is now the Education/Research Committee. Please take a few minutes to review the pages about this group in the policies & procedures manual on the Society’s website. As the newly appointed chairperson of this committee, I look forward to working with a group interested in educating the members of MSOG as well as potential members who look to us for assistance. Membership in this committee will include, as needed, PowerPoint training, previews of the Legacy Quick Guide, and electronic meetings to work on presentations on Massachusetts research. Members who are also willing to present to the various chapters are preferred, but it is not a requirement. Please contact me ( if you are interested in joining this exciting, revised committee to help promote and enhance your Society. Thanks, Seema Kenney President, Worcester Chapter Chair, Nominating Committee Chair, Education/Research Committee V o l u m e 5 , I s s u e 1 0 P a g e Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Membership Fees are due now for the year September 1 st 2014 to August 31st 2015 Please take a moment to renew or join as we look forward to seeing you in the coming year. Send your completed form and check, made payable to MSOG, Inc., to your Chapter Treasurer/Membership Director. See address information below. Bristol: Margery Zeller, 99 Hillcrest Acres, Westport, MA 02790 Martha’s Vineyard : Donna Maurice, 2 Seth’s Path, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Merrimack Valley: Beth LaPlume, 5 Tree Top Way, Methuen, MA 01844 Middlesex: Paul Keeler, 11 East Walnut Street, Milford, MA 01757 Worcester: Marilyn O’Brien, 21 Paton Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Organization: Janice Murphy, 6 Fairbanks Road, Chelmsford, MA 01824 Join/Renew with PAY PAL (credit card) at …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 2014 - Renewal/Join - 2015 Name(s)___________________________________________Membership #___________ __________________________________________ Membership #___________ Address____________________________________________ City________________________________State________ Zip Code +4__________ Telephone#_________________________ E-mail __________________________________________ Choice of membership: Individual $25.00, Family $30.00, Organization $25.00 Chapter affiliation: Please check one. Bristol, Martha’s Vineyard, Merrimack Valley, Middlesex, Worcester, Organization Choice of method to receive: Please check one in each category. MASSOG (journal) Mail Electronically PAST TIMES (newsletter) Electronically Mail add $7.95 postage Send no copy 5 P a g e 6 P a s t T i m e s Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. MASSOG Writing Contest for 2014 The Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc., announces its Writing Contest for 2014. The goal of this biennial contest is to encourage and recognize amateur writers from our membership. If you would like to tell your family’s story, please submit your entry according to the guidelines below. A judging committee will select the winning writers and their entries based on accuracy of documentation and clarity of interpretation. First and second place awards will be presented at the Annual Meeting in 2014. All entries may be published in MASSOG with writers’ approval. Information to be observed by contest participants: 1. All submissions must be received by August 15, 2014. 2. Send your submission as an attachment to 3. Submissions should include a three-generation family study, tell an interesting story about parents and children, or provide a brief solution to a genealogical problem. 4. Articles should conform to current standards of documentation and, if it is a genealogical compilation rather than a straight narrative, the final version should use Register style. See the references suggested below. Contestants may find links to free references at the upper left of the Register page of Under Style Resources, see “Register Style Template,” “Register Citation Formats,” and “Writing a Family Sketch.” See also The Chicago Manual of Style. A small book, Genealogical Writing in the 21st Century, edited by Michael LeClerc and Henry Hoff, provides many helpful guidelines. It is out of print but check your local library. “Writing Register Style Using Newer Versions of Word,” a useful article by Worcester Chapter President Seema Kenney, was published in MASSOG. A PDF of the article is available here: For any questions about the Writing Contest, contact Sara Costa at V o l u m e 5 , I s s u e 1 0 P a g e 7 Membership Information The newsletter, Past Times, is on the MSOG website free to all. If you prefer to have Past Times mailed to you, there is a $7.95 fee per year for the postal service. Members also receive free MASSOG journals, free queries, participation in the Member’s Surname List, and free attendance at the Annual Meeting. Membership is from September 1st to August 31st, with membership renewals due by July 1st. INDIVIDUAL dues are $25.00 per year; FAMILY dues are $30.00 per year. Membership applications received July 1st and thereafter will be applied to the following year’s membership. Membership choices are BR/Bristol, MVI/Martha’s Vineyard, MV/Merrimack Valley, MX/Middlesex, WR/Worcester. Past Times is published monthly (except for July & August) by the Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. Chapter affiliation is at the complete discretion of the member, regardless of residence. (The membership application is on our website at http:// Send your application and check to the treasurer or membership person of the chapter you wish to join. Addresses are below. Past Times Information Massachusetts Society of Genealogists, Inc. State Officers & Board of Directors 2013 - 2014 President Vice President Recording Secretary Treasurer Bristol—Chapter Martha’s Vineyard—Chapter Merrimack Valley —Chapter Middlesex—Chapter Worcester—Chapter Corresponding Secretary Historian/Archivist MASSOG Editor Membership Director Past Times Editor Webmaster Patricia M. Stano-Carpenter Rick Wetmore Elizabeth “Liz” Grube Diane Laferriere Kathleen Rubano, President Marna Waller, President Karen Trearchis, President Sharon Christenson, President Seema-Jayne Kenney, President Robert J. Bartlett Connie Reik George D. Martin Janice “Jan” Murphy Carol A. Gafford Hope Tillman Committees & Chairs Annual Meeting Audit Marketing/Publicity Nominating Committee Policies and Procedures Research & Education Technology Writing Contest Rick Wetmore Robert Farmer Sharon Christenson Seema-Jayne Kenney Hope Tillman Seema-Jayne Kenney Hope Tillman Sara Costa Delegates FGS (Federation of Genealogical Societies) MGC (Massachusetts Genealogical Council) NERGC (New England Regional Genealogical Consortium, Inc.) Connie Reik Sharon Christenson Sharon Christenson, Seema-Jayne Kenney, Carol Gafford, Margaret Fortier Chapter Treasurer/Membership Bristol: Membership: Margery Zeller 99 Hillcrest Acres, Westport, MA 02790 Martha’s Vineyard: Membership: Donna Maurice 2 Seth’s Path, Vineyard Haven, MA 02568 Merrimack Valley: Treasurer: Diane Laferriere 42 Sherburne Ave., Tyngsboro, MA 01879 Middlesex: Treasurer: Paul Keeler 11 East Walnut Street, Milford, MA 01757 Worcester: Treasurer: Marilyn O’Brien 21 Paton Road, Shrewsbury, MA 01545 Organization: Membership: Janice Murphy 6 Fairbanks Rd., Chelmsford, MA 01824-1312 WE’RE ON THE WEB WWW.MSOGINC.ORG M A S S A C H U S E T T S S O C I E T Y O F G E N E A L O G I S T S , I N C . P.O. Box 215 Ashland, MA 01721-0215 gy o l a e Gen nts on Leaving footpri me for the sands of ti over 38 years! Read a good book this summer! M A S S A C H U S E T T S S O C I E T Y O F G E N E A L O G I S T S , I N C . . P.O. Box 215 Ashland, MA 01721-0215
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