The 2934th Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held Monday, March 10, 2008 at 1000 North Midlothian 2934th Regular Meeting Road, Mundelein. Mayor Kessler called the meeting to order at 7: 01 Pm. Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Attendance Trustees Cancelh, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Absent: none. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Deputy Chief Adams, MFD; Engineer Emmerich, Director of Public Works Miller, and Director of Building Schubkegel, Sr. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kessler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of February 25, 2008. Upon roll can Motion to Approve the vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Cancelli, Nutschnig, Minutes of Regular Board Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: and none. Meeting of February 25, 2008 Motion carried. Mayor Kessler opened the meeting was opened to the floor. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Russ Butson, 300 Anthony Avenue stated he fell in front of a business while walking his dog and asked the business owner about Snow Removal Mr. Butson stated he has had several falls throughout the winter. The business owner stated it was the Village' s clearing the sidewalk. responsibility. Mr. Butson aked if it is truly the Village' s responsibility. Director Miller stated the Village is under no obligation to clear sidewalks for business owners, the Village does Village property. Director Miller added several years ago, the State worked against property owners by holding property owners liable if there was a fall but since that law has been changed. Administrator Lobaito added the Village does remove snow from the downtown area to make room for additional snow if it falls. Mr. Butson asked the status of the Kiss ' n Ride. Metra Kiss' n Ride Mayor Kessler stated Metra participated in a study that determined that was a good location as well as a good idea to the Kiss n Ride. When the Village petitioned for the Kiss ' n Ride, the Village was denied by the railroads due to safety concerns. Options are to have an underpass, however there is an underground pipeline. Another option is to build a bridge over the tracks, however that is very expense to build. Earlier this evening, a meeting with Canadian National was held regarding the EJ &E Acquisition. The Kiss ' n Ride was brought up again to reevaluate the traffic patterns. Inbound trains are on the west side of the tracks and outbound trains are on the east side of the tracks, having people back and forth on tracks has many safety issues. Mr. Butson wanted the record to reflect his support of the acquisition, however it seems Canadian National is taking themselves too seriously, with all of the Metra stops throughout the system. No other comments were made. The public commentary was closed. 37 Floor Closed to Public Mayor' s Report Mayor Kessler stated additional information regarding the automated horns has been provided by Staff, which has now become a non -quiet Automated Horns zone. The cellular technology used, is no longer available, therefore making the quiet zone inoperable. Appointment of Negotiating Maylr Kessler asked Trustees Cancelli and Sullivan to participate on the Team negotiating team for Park Center /McGrath development. Mayor Kessler asked Trustees Semple and Schedler to participate on the Jacob' s Way Subdivision, a single family development on Simpson Avenue. All trustees agreed. Motion to authorize an Motion by Semple, seconded by Voss to authorize an increase in the increase in the contract with contract with Elmwood Enterprises, Inc. for the installation of up to Elmwood Enterprises, Inc. two 16" gate valves upon the receipt of a proposal acceptable to the for the installation of up to Village Administrator. two 16" gate valves upon the acceptable to the Village Trustee Nutschnig asked if the pricing is for one or two valves. Administrator Lobaito stated the work being done is on site, there is no Administrator way to determine whether one valve needs to be replaced or if both receipt of a proposal need to be replaced until they get in and take a look. The pricing is worst case scenario, and it shouldn' t be an more than what is being requested. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Voss, Cancelli, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: and none. Motion carried. Canadian National Meeting Mayor Kessler stated the meeting with Canadian National went well, Update many issues regarding the acquisistion was discussed as well as the Kiss n Ride, crossings, and blocked crossings. Mundelein Disposal Mayor Kessler stated Mundelein Disposal has been acquired by Groot Acquired by Groot Disposal Disposal, trucks are already bearing the Groot Dispoasl name. A meeting was held with Mr. Dick Mudd and Groot Disposal representatives. The single waste hauler discussions will be reevaluated. 9`h Annual Band & Show Mavor Kessler stated the 9`h annual Band and Show Choir Competition Choir Competition was held Saturday. Over 40 bands and 15 show choirs competed. Carl Sandburg' s Jazz Band won first place in their division. It was very impressive to see so many talented students. The school thanked the fire and police department for their assistance. Public Works Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to approve the work as outlined by the Public Works Department's recommendation, in an Motion to Approve the amount not -to- exceed $ 35, 000. Work as Outlined by the Public Works Department' s Trustee Voss asked if replacing was cost effective than repairing, she Recommendation, in an would rather see it replaced. Amount not -to- exceed Trustee Voss. 35, 000 38 Administrator Lobaito agreed with I Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Voss, Public Works (Continued) Cancellh, Nutschnig, Schedler, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: and none. Motion carried. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Schedler to approve the payment of bill, as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report Dated 03/ 10/ 08 to Motorola for invoice totaling $3,243.07. Finance Committee Motion to approve the payment of bill, as indicated Trustee Nutschnig stated he would abstain due to a conflict of interest. on Disbursements Pending Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Schedler, Motorola for invoice totaling Cancelli, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; abstain: Nutschnig; absent and not voting: and none. Motion carried. 3, 243. 07 Expense Highlights Trustee Sullivan highlighted the expense report. Trustee Sullivan commented on foreclosures in Central Lake County. There have been foreclosures, default notices, auction notices, and bank repossessions, Report Dated 03/ 10/ 08 to Foreclosures and Property Values everywhere; Lincolnshire has the highest percentage Libertyville has increased from 29% to increasing from 6% to 20 %; 68 %, Lake Forest, Lake Zurich, Grayslake, Barrington, Round Lake, Mundelein, Gurnee, Vernon Hills, and the least increase is Wauconda Public commentary reflects property value has with a 32% increase. decreased in Mundelein due to foreclosures and low class type of development being built in Mundelein. Mayor Kessler asked if low class development was his opinion. Trustee Sullivan stated it was astatement during the public commentary. Trustee Sullivan added, property value has increased however, the highest in Lincolnshire by 7 %, Libertyville had a 3 % decrease in property value, Lake Zuich decreased by 6 %, Grayslake decreased by 8 %, Barrington decreased by Round Lake decreased by 49/ q Mundelein decreased by 3 %, surprisingly Wauconda decreased by 11 %. Mundelein' s property value and 3 %, decrease is in the low spectrum compared to other communities. Mundelein's property value is stable, and has an effective housing market as any other community in Lake County. Trustee Sullivan announced the Budget meetings April 7, April 14 and April 21 ". Trustee Sullivan stated the Board needs to be more sensitive than ever to being efficient in regard to budgetary decisions. Many of our residents are very concerned about their finances, therefore the Board must evaluate expenditures and minimize the need for real estate tax dollars from out citizens. All governments should be able to function more efficiently. If families cut back, the Village can become more efficient. Homes have shown a small decrease in value and property owners think their tax bill will be lower, however this is not true, the tax is a dollar amount. The Village is on a strong financial foundation. Municipal services delivered to our community is second to none. It is the people who serve our community, Public Works, Fire and Police Departments and all other departments that give the confidence that we will economize without sacrifice to service. 39 Budget Meetings Scheduled for April 7, 14, and 21 Community Development Trustee Voss stated a Downtown Redevelopment meeting would meet Friday. Trustee Voss echoed Mayor Kessler's comments regarding the Band and Show Choir Competition. Fire Committee Trustee Schedler reported on the Amendment to the Fire Prevention ' Code Regarding Alarm Transmissions. Report on Amendment to the Fire Prevention Code Motion by Schedler, seconded by Cancelli to authorize staff to prepare an ordinance requiring all fire alarms be monitored utilizing the Village of Motion to authorize staff to Mundelein Keltron radio monitoring system. prepare an ordinance requiring all fire alarms be monitored utilizing the Trustee Voss asked if the date could be moved to December 1, 2008. Village of Mundelein Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Schedler, Cancelli, Keltron radio monitoring Nutschnig, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: system and none. Motion carried. Trustee Semple stated a notification was recived from Crossroads Crossroads Withdrawing withdrawing their petition for annexation. Petition for Annexation Mayor Kessler presented the Omnibus Vote Agenda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Omnibus Vote Agenda Trustee Voss removed Item 4 and Trustee Schedler removed Item 7. Items Removed from Omnibus Agenda There were no other additions, deletions or corrections. ' Motion to Approve Motion by Cancelli, seconded by Schedler to approve the following Omnibus Vote Agenda Omnibus Vote Agenda, excluding Items 4 and 7. Motion to Approve Change Order No. 2 to the Winchester Road 1. 25 MG Elevated Water Tower project 1. amending Section 1. 02.C. 1 of the Contract Agreement by extending the substantial completion date from March 31, 2008 to May 31, 2008 and the final completion date be extended from April 30, 2008 to May 31, 2008. ( Omnibus Vote) 2. Motion to pass A Resolution Accepting the Public Improvements in the Walgreens Subdivision. ( Resolution No. 08- 02 -10) ( Omnibus Vote) 3. Motion to approve and authorize the Clerk' s signature on a " Resolution for Improvement by the Municipality Under the Illinois Highway Code" appropriating one million four hundred thousand dollars ($ 1, 400,000. 00) in motor fuel tax revenues to be utilized for the FYF-09 Street Improvement Project. ( Resolution No. 08- 02 -11) ( Omnibus Vote) 4. REMOVED ' 11 Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in 5. the amount of $11, 177. 50 from T.P.I., 7N262 W. Whispering Trail, St. Charles, IL 60175 for Del Webb Inspections -Dec. 2007. ( Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda Continued) Omnibus Vote) Motion to approve the Bid Award to Casey Landscaping, 6. Inc. of Mundelein, IL in the amount of $ 40,055.00 ( 2008), 41, 256.65 ( 2009), $ 42,494.34 ( 2010) in accordance to the requirements and the specifications included in the bid packet, and as bid upon. ( Omnibus Vote) 7. REMOVED 8. Motion to adopt a Resolution Rejecting the Bids for Construction of the Lincoln Avenue Storm Sewer Project, pending Attorney review. ( Resolution No. 08- 02 -12) ( Omnibus Vote) 9. Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 02/ 26/ 08 through 03/ 10/ 08 in the amount of $885,312.13. ( Omnibus Vote) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Cancelli, Schedler, Nutschnig, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: none. Motion carried. Motion by Voss, seconded by Nutschnig to adopt a Resolution Approving an Extension of the Completion Date until December 31, 2009 in the Subdivision Improvement Agreement between the Village of Mundelein and Hickory Woods, LLC. ( Resolution No. 08- 02 -13) Extension of the Completion Date until Subdivision Improvement Trustee Voss asked if the Letter of Credit was sufficient to cover inflation since the completion date is being extended. Engineer Emmerich stated currently the ordinance Administrator doesn't provideLobaito for that,stated however the ordinance if the Board is be Resolution Approving an December 31, 2009 in the Exhibit 8) could Motion to adopt a amended. uncomfortable with the motion, it could be further reviewed; it is a significant amount of money being held. Trustee Voss added this was negotiated in 2006 and would be completed in 2009, she just wants assurance this won't be left for the Village. Trustee Nutschnig asked how much was being held. Administrator Lobaito stated $ 220,000. Trustee Nutschnig asked if the majority of the work had Engineer Emmerich stated the big items have been completed and he believed the amount to be sufficient. been completed. Trustee Sullivan stated he is not as concerned with the extension as he is with the 5% guarantee after the improvements are accepted for the one year warranty period. 41 Agreement between the Village of Mundelein and Hickory Woods, LLC Motion to adopt a Resolution Approving an Extension of Administrator Lobaito stated perhaps the ordinance needed to be reviewed instead of an individual basis; it puts the Village at risk. Mayor Kessler added the Completion Date until it could be viewed as being tough on someone the Village doesn't like and December 31, 2009 in the lenient on someone we like. Subdivision Improvement Agreement between the Village of Mundelein and Hickory Woods, LLC Engineer Emmerich added the amount was reviewed, it was not reduced as much as the developer wanted it reduced. Engneer Emmerich stated he is not prepared to reduce it any further. If additional extensions are requested, that may be the time to be concerned. Engineer Emmerich also stated the subdivision ordinance is being reviewed and updated and a component is an incremental increase based on extensions as well as warranty percentages being increased. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Cancelli, Nutschnig, Semple, and Sullivan; nays: none; absent and not voting: Schedler. Motion carried. Motion to authorize the Motion by Schedler, seconded by Nutschnig to authorize the Mayor to sign, Mayor to sign, and the and the Village Clerk to attest, the Intergovernmental Agreement between the Village Clerk to attest, the Village of Mundelein and the Mundelein Park District subject to approval by Intergovernmental Attorney Charles Marino. Agreement between the subject to approval by Trustee Schedler stated the incremental increase a 2. 1% increase in year 1 and 2, and years 3, 4, and 5 a 3% increase; a total of approximately 1 %, the police contract is increasing 3 — 4%, but only increasing the Park District contract by Attorney Charles Marino 1 %, Village of Mundelein and the Mundelein Park District the Village is at a loss. Secondly, the Park District provided vehicles for their own security and spent at least $ 100, 000. Thirdly, the vehicle replacement of $25, 000 doesn' t seem to be fair market value at the end of a five year contract. Bottom line, year after year, the Village will pay our officers more money, but year after year, we will not recoup some of the expenses for providing police services to the Park District. Mayor Kessler stated the Park District did not hire police officers and asked Chief Rose to address the issues brought up. Chief Rose stated it is mandated the Village provide police services to the Park District. There were several issues when the Park District policed their parks. This is one taxing body working with another taxing body. The Park District patrols the lakes and during the summer the snow mobiling activites. The Park District doesn' t have to pay anything to the Village. Trustee Schedler stated it all makes sense, however it should be kept proportionate. Mayor Kessler asked Chief Rose if an increase was discussed during the negotiations. Chief Rose stated if the Village increases the contract, taxes for the Park District goes up. The Village is not increasing the area of patrol and during the winter the rangers patrol the parks. If it is prorated, the contract is sufficient. Trustee Schedler stated when the pool was opened, the calls increased. The pool is a revenue generating entity and the Village is providing mote services to the Park District. At what point does the Park District pay for their fair share. Trustee Sullivan stated he sympathizes and agrees with Trustee Schedler, however the Police department is not going outside of town to provide these services, the costs incurred are fixed costs. Administrator Lobait stated the last page should read March 2012. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Nutschnig, 42 Cancelli, Schedler, Semple, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Village Administrator' s Report none. Motion carried. Administrator Lobaito asked the Board for a consensus regarding spring Spring Clean Up clean up 2008. The cost for one week is $ 25, 172 and two weeks is Assistant $ 29,448. The consensus was to have two week spring clean up. Admnistrator Flynn stated the only reason for the consensus tonight was for the newsletter that goes out tomorrow. Administrator Lobaito stated discussions regarding a single waste hauler have been suspended until Groot Disposal can be reviewed. Secondly, Administrator Lobaito stated the Recycling Agreement is being reviewed and possibly adopting an ordinance addressing recycling for all vendors in town. Administrator Lobaito stated the meeting held with Mr. Mudd and Groot Disposal went very well and Groot assured the Village there would be no Groot Disposal Meeting Update change in service. The Village asked Groot to send a letter to all customers notifying them of the name chage. Mayor Kessler asked Administrator Lobaito to list the streets to be repaired. Street Repair List Engineer Emmerich stated the streets are listed on Exhibit 7. Trustee Voss asked if this area needed watermain repairs. Director Miller stated they would work around the watermains. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to adjourn the 2934`h Regular Board meeting. Upon unanimous voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 8: 19 Motion to Adjourn pm. Motion carried. Adjournment The meeting was adjourned at 8: 19 pm. Villa( e Clerk 43
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Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss
Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and
Nutschnig. Motion carried.
The 2938`x` Regular Board