The 2938`h Regular Meeting of the Board of Trustees of the Village of Mundelein was held Monday, May 12, 2008 at 1000 North Midlothian 2938`h Regular Meeting Road, Mundelein. Mayor Kessler called the meeting to order at 7: 08 Put. Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present: Trustees Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Absent: Trustees Attendance Cancelh, Nutschnig, and Schedler. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Chief Sashko, MFD; Finance Director Hatton, Engineer Emmerich, Director of Public Works Miller, and Director of Building Schubkegel, Sr., and AttorneyMarino. Pledge of Allegiance Mayor Kessler led the Pledge of Allegiance. Mayor Kessler announced cellular service was now available in the Cellular Availability Board room and asked everyone to silence their cell phones. Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the Minutes of the Regular Village Board Meeting of April 28, 2008. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Semple, Kessler, nays: Motion to Approve the Minutes of Regular Board Meeting of April 28, 2008 none; absent and not voting: Cancelli, Nutschnig, and Schedler. Motion carried. Mayor Kessler opened the meeting was opened to the floor. Floor Opened to Public Mr. Eb Wegner, 1596 Surridge Court stated many cars cut through Stop Sign at Waverly& hisneighborhood and go through the stop sign at Waverly and Surridge Surridge Court Court, especially in the morning and afternoon. Mayor Kessler asked Chief Rose to police that area to ensure public safety. No other comments were made. The public commentary was closed. Floor Closed to Public Mayor Kessler introduced Mr. Christopher Ganschow, Cagwood Consulting to present his services for the CN Acquisition of the EJ &E. Cagwood Consulting Mr. Ganschow, 345 Bloom Street, Highland Park presented a PowerPoint presentation. Trustee Schedler Arrived Trustee Schedler arrived at 7: 14 pm. Trustee Semple asked if the Village of LaGrange Park, North Shore Sanitary District, City of Countryside, Village of Westchester and ( YMCA could be contacted and determine if the services provided were worth the fees paid. If the comments are favorable, he would consider obtaining his services. Mayor Kessler instructed Administrator Lobiato to start contacting the Villages listed to get feedback from them Trustee Schedler asked what the perception at the Federal government level with the acquisition. Mr. Ganschow stated the general theme is to 7 Cagwood Consulting Continued) Cagwood Consulting Continued) convince the decision makers to band together and provide solutions, although there are some legislators who are against it. Trustee Schedler a skcd where Congressman Kirk stood. Mr. Ganschow stated he was ' not sure. Trustee Schedler asked Mr. Ganschow asked what experience he had specific to railroads. Mr. Ganschow stated he has worked with the predecessors of Canadian National, specifically regarding whistle blowing at Harlem Avenue and 26`h Street in Riverside. Trustee Schedler asked how the Village can secure the funding to provide the infrastructure improvements and who would fund the infrastructure. Mr. Ganschow answered the Highway Commission. Mayor Kessler sated the Village was not trying to stop or block the merger. Administrator Lobaito added the Village has been clear with Canadian National with the concems, especially the Route 60/ 83 crossing. It could be one of the top three in daily traffic counts, and of the 29 crossings, it could be number one and for grade separation the cost is significant, $20 - $ 30M. Trustee Voss stated the Board needs to decide whether we need a lobbyist and then compare lobbyists. Trustee Sullivan asked if the Village would be represented to the federal level agencies or to elected officials. The Village' s priority is the impact, no other community will be impacted as the Village would be. How do we intergrate our already hired consultant with a lobbyist. ' Mayor Kessler stated some Board members would like to pursue the matter after staff provides the Board wih additional information. ' Mr. Ganschow thanked the Board for their time. Motion to Recess Into a Liquor Commission Meeting Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to recess into a Liquor Commission Hearing regarding Crowne Plaza, Journey' s End, Mendoza Grocery & Liquors, Incorpporated, Wingstop, and China Court. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. The 2938`x` Regular Board Meeting Recessed Motion to Reconvene the The 2938" Regular Board meeting was recessed at 8: 05 pm. Motion by Semple, seconded by Schedler to reconvene the 2938`h Regular Board meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: 2938" Regular Meeting Ayes: Sernple, Schedler, Sullivan, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not The 2937h Regular Board The 2937`h Regular Board meeting was reconvened at 9: 39 pm. Meeting Reconvened Attendance voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Clerk Dahlstrom took the roll. It indicated these members present ' Absent: Trustees Trustees Schedler, Semple, Sullivan, and Voss. Cancelli and Nutschnig. Village attendance: Village Administrator Lobaito, Assistant Village Administrator Flynn, Chief Rose, MPD; Chief Sashko, MFD; Finance Director Hatton, Engineer Emmerich, Attendance ( Continued) Director of Public Works Miller, and Director of Building Schubkegel, St., and Attorney Marino. Mayor' s Report Mavor Kessler proclaimed the week of May 18 — 24, 2008 as National Public Works Week. Nat'l PW Week, 05. 18- 24.08 Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Semple to adopt A Resolution Canceling the Regular Village Board Meeting of May 26, 2008. Resolution No. 08- 05 -22) Mayoral Proclamation — Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Semple, Schedler, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to authorize the Village Administrator to approve the payment of bills between the period of May 12, 2008 and June 9, 2008. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Schedlet, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Motion by Semple, seconded by Sullivan to adopt A Resolution Authorizing a Change in the Meeting Time of the Village Board Meeting for June 9, 2008. ( Resolution No. 08- 05 -23) Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Semple, Sullivan, Schedler, and Voss; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion to Adopt A Resolution Canceling the Regular Village Board Meeting of May 26, 2008 Motion to authorize the Village Administrator to approve the payment of bills between the period of May 12, 2008 and June 9, 2008 Motion to Adopt A Resolution Authorizing a Change in the Meeting Time of the Village Board Meeting for June 9, 2008 Motion carried. Trustee Semple called a Public Works Committee Meeting June 9, 2008 at 6: 00 pm regarding the Seavey Drainage Way. Public Works Committee Committee Meeting 06.09. 08 Mayor Kessler left the Mayor Kessler left the meeting at 9: 49 pm. Meeting Trustee Sullivan stated some streets that are not on the Street Improvement Program and South Lake Shore Drive is in terrible condition. South Lake Shore Drive was on the schedule two or three years ago, however it was not done. Condition of South Lake Shore Drive Mayor Kessler returned Mayor Kessler returned at 9: 51 pm. Trustee Sullivan stated the Village needs to find a way to improve this street, even a temporary fix until it can be done properly. Mayor Condition of South Lake Shore Drive (Continued) Kessler stated it is on the schedule for next year and asked if Trustee Sullivan was asking to move it up a year. Trustee Sullivan stated if it could be done this year, then it should be done. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Schedler to approve minutes of April 28, 2008 Finance Committee meeting. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan and Schedler; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli. Motion carried. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to approve the payment of bills, 67 Finance Committee Motion to Approve Finance Committee Minutes of 04.28.08 Motion to Approve the as indicated on Disbursements Pending Report dated 05/ 12/ 08 to Invoice Totaling $584.35 Motorola for invoice totaling $ 584.35. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Schedler, and Semple; nays none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Trustee Schedler Left Trustee Schedlet left the meeting at 9: 55 pm. Expense Highlights Trustee Sullivan highlighted the expenses. Payment of Bills Dated 05. 12. 08 to Motorola for Trustee Schedler returned Trustee Schedler returned at 9: 56 pm. Trustee Semple asked Chief Rose to give a brief update regarding A -MayPolice Committee A- May -Zing Mundelein Update Zing Mundelein. Chief Rose stated there was a record 215 volunteers, including the Mundelein Community Women' s Club, churchs, Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts, Santa Maria, Mechanics Grove School, Target, Best Buy, the Ms. Mundelein, Ms. Junior Mundelein, and Little Ms. Mundelein, along with many others. There were many donations, Dunkin Donuts, Bill' s Pizza, Kaiser' s Pizza, Culver' s, Taylor Rental, Ace Hardware, as well Chief Rose as others. There were 42 locations and over 100 jobs. Cops on the Roof Fund Raiser Annual Golf Outing Community Development Acuvision' s Grand Opening thanked Public Works, the Fire Department, the Police staff, and everyone who participated. The Police Department participated in a fund raiser at Dunkin Donuts, Cops on the Roof and raised $ 1, 500 to use for the Special Olympics. Chief Rose announced the annual Golf Outing May 23. Trustee Voss announced Acuvision held their grand opening. Park on Park Trustee Voss announced Wednesday would be the first Park on Park. After the Fire Trustee Voss stated she and Trustee Semple attended the Fire Permits Committee Trustee Sullivan called a Permits Committee meeting June 9, 2008 at 7: 45 Department' s After the Fire, which was very informative. pm. Omnibus Vote Agenda Mayor Kessler presented the Omnibus Vote Agenda asking for any additions, deletions or corrections. Items Removed from Omnibus Agenda Trustee Sullivan removed Item 5. Trustee Voss removed Items 6 and 11. There were no other additions, deletions or corrections. Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the following Omnibus Vote Agenda, excluding Items 5, 6, and 11. 1.1. MotionMotion toto authorizeauthorize thethe VillageVillage Engineer Engineer toto signsign thethe Il inoisIl inois ProtectionProtection AgencyAgency permitpermit application application forfor DiamondDiamond LakeLake Condominiums Condominiums subjectsubject toto adequate adequate capacitycapacity withoutwithout violatingviolating anyany 6868 provisions of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Omnibus Vote) A. Motion to approve the 2008 Community Development 2. Block Grant Subrecipient Agreement in the amount of $73, 000.00 and authorize the Village Administrator to sign the Agreement. Omnibus Vote) B. execute Motion to authorize the Village Administrator to the Certification Regarding Drug Free Workplace Requirements. ( Omnibus Vote) Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the amount of $162,720.34 for SB Mundelein LLC for the payment 3. of principal and interest for May -08 on the Mundelein Crossing Economic Incentive Agreement approved with Ordinance 03 -08 -24 and Resolution 05- 08 -23. ( Omnibus Vote) 4. Motion to authorize the Village Engineer to sign the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permit application for the Mega Realty Subdivision subject to adequate capacity without violating any provisions of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations. ( Omnibus Vote) 5. REMOVED 6. REMOVED 7. Motion to pass An Ordinance Granting a Special Use Permit for a Baseball and Softball Recreational /Training Illinois. Mundelein, Facility at 1160 Allanson Road, Ordinance No. 08- 05 -23) ( Omnibus Vote) 8. Motion to authorize the Village Engineer to sign the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permit application for Jacob' s Way Subdivision subject to adequate capacity without violating any provisions of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations. Omnibus Vote) 9. Motion to authorize the Mayor' s signature on the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency Annual Facility Inspection Report — Permit Year 5, pursuant to National Pollution Discharge System Permit ILR400395. ( Omnibus Vote) 10. Motion to authorize the Village Engineer to sign the Illinois Environmental Protection Agency permit application for 127, 133 & 139 South Midlothian Road subject to adequate capacity without violating any provisions of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency regulations. ( Omnibus Vote) Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda ( Continued) 11. Motion to Approve Omnibus Vote Agenda (Continued) REMOVED Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Schcdlex, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Motion to Pass An Ordinance Amending Ordinance No. 747 -21 Chapter 10, An Ordinance Regulating Traffic Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to pass An Ordinance Amending Regulating Traffic. Ordinance No. 74 -7 -21 Chapter 10, An Ordinance Ordinance No. 08- OS - 24) Trustee Sullivan stated the Park District speed zone is a safety issue, in many instances reduced speed is not always observed. A stop sign was Director Miller stated is suggested, as wella s striping on the street. scheduled to be painted this week. Mayor Kessler added it is difficult to define " when children are present ". If they are at the beach behind the fence are children present or only when they are on the side of the road. Mayor Kessler asked for a signaling device informing drivers when it is in effect. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. ivlotion carried. Motion to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the amount of 20, 134.40 from Municipal Software, 4464 Markham Street, Suite 1108, Victoria, B.C. V8Z ZX8 Canada for 27 Cityview Application client licenses from 06/ 14/ 08 to 06/ 13/ 09 Motion by Voss, seconded by Sullivan to approve the Departmental Purchase Request in the amount of $20,134.40 from Municipal Sofhvare, ' 4464 Markham Street, Suite 1108, Victoria, B.C. V8Z ZX8 Canada for 27 Cityview Application client licenses from 06/ 14/ 08 to 06/ 13/ 09. Trustee Voss asked for clarification on the request. Administrator Lobaito stated it was miscoded, and he corrected die request. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Voss, Sullivan, Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. Motion carried. Motion to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 04/ 29/ 08 through 05/ 12/ 08 in the amount of $805, 104. 09 Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to approve the payment of bills, as indicated in the Governing Body Report, for the period 04/ 29/ 08 through 05/ 12/ 08 in the amount of $805, 104.09. Trustee Voss asked there was an item for $ 409.95 for clothing, it is budgeted, however On Hold. Director Hatton stated this was ordered y Engineering during the last year's fiscal budget, only FYE 09 are On Hold. Trustee Voss asked if 50 tons of cold patch would be for the entire year. Director Miller stated there are additional orders throughout the year. Upon roll call vote, the vote was as follows: Ayes: Sullivan, Voss, Schedler, and Semple; nays: none; absent and not voting: Cancelli and Nutschnig. ' Motion carried. 70 Administrator Lobaito stated the installation of the crosswalks on Administrator' s Report Midlothian Road and Hawley Street would be within the next couple of weeks. Motion by Sullivan, seconded by Voss to adjourn the 2938`h Regular Motion to Adjourn Board meeting. Upon unanimous voice vote, the meeting was adjourned at 10: 20 pm. Motion carried. Adjournment The 2938`h Regular meeting was adjourned at 10: 20 pm G i age Clerk I 71
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