Pony News - Pierce County Mustang Club


Pony News - Pierce County Mustang Club
August 2011
Pierce County Mustang Club
Pony News
President’s Corner
2011 Executive
Paul Nee
Vice President
Joanie Nordlund
(253) 848-0386
Charlene Rivera
(360) 459-3993
Treasurer /Membership
Nancy Freeman
(253) 531-4624
Jerry Murphy (253) 278-4718
Sandra Smith 253-862-5419
Matt Sparkmon (253) 732– 2950
Dennis Willert (253) 565-0592
Past President
Rachel Lanigan (253) 227-4088
Show Chairperson
Jerry Murphy (253) 278-4718
MCA club rep
Robert King
Inside this issue:
President’s Corner
Mustang of the Month 4
Raffle Update
Upcoming Cruises
Presidents Message August 2011
With August finally here and
many annual Mustang events behind
us, the best is still to come. The
PCMC All Ford & Mustang Roundup
is on Sunday, August 14th and is the
clubs major fund raiser. The show
helps fund our monthly activities and
also allows us to make a sizeable contribution to our partner charity,
PCMC 2011 President
“Sweet Willie’s Family Support”.
Paul Nee
Also this year Jerry Murphy and his
car show committee have put in long hours organizing, soliciting and procuring many new and old sponsors, vendors, prizes and special award judges. I
could spill the beans or better yet, you’ll just have to come out, put your car
or cars in the show and spend the day with the many other Mustang lovers to
see what’s new.
At the end of the month will be the PCMC annual picnic at Frontier
Park in Graham. This is always a blast and has activities for young and old
alike. This a pot luck affair with the club providing fried chicken and all of
the other goodies from the many wonderful cooks amongst our ranks.
Then around Labor Day Weekend will be the 32nd annual
International Mustang Meet in Spokane, WA and the Sturgis Mustang Rally
in Sturgis, South Dakota. Both events will have PCMC members in attendance and I wish them all safe travels and good luck bringing home the hardware.
Please note that due to the Newsletter Editor and her proofreader traveling to Sturgis at the
end of August the deadline to get any contributions into September newsletter is
2:00pm August 27th.
Pony News August 2011
President’s Message Cont’d
Continued from page 1
In closing, it is with sadness that we bid farewell to Bob and Cynthia Gillett and wish
them good luck on their departing the Pacific Northwest and moving to Arizona. Bob and
Cynthia for years have been the soul and one of the major driving forces to local Mustangizm
(not sure if this is a word) in the area. Bob has been involved in the old Mustang Life as
Washington President and Stangnation and when the Friday night cruise ins at Krispy Kreme
came under fire, he went out and secured another location for this Friday evening ritual.
They’ve opened their house to us and sponsored several PCMC monthly outings. One thing is
for sure everything they did was not all for them. The one great thing is now I have even a bigger reason to head to Arizona during early February, to visit them and attend the BarrettJackson collector auto auction in Scottsdale. Bob and
Cynthia and their daughter Jennifer for the time being will
be living in Mesa, and they told me they’ll have the most
essential item one can have in the Valley of the Sun, the in
ground, backyard swimming pool. Their son Jake is going
to stay in the Lacey/Olympia area so they will have to
come and visit him once in a while so they’ll be around
Let’s all have some fun in the sun and show off all of our
fabulous Ponies!
Bob and Cynthia Gillett
Make sure to upload your pictures from PCMC events and car shows to
show everyone what a great time we have when we gather.
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Pony News August 2011
PCMC Meeting Minutes
General Meeting July 19, 2011
Call to Order – Paul Nee
Membership Report – Nancy Freeman
88 members
Welcome New Members Brian & Sheree Bankson
Congrats to Daniel & Chelsey Strauch on their new baby boy – Colin Maverick, also Daniel is deploying next
month – keep him in your thoughts, keep safe Daniel!
Club Merchandize is available
Approve June General Meeting Minutes
1st Jerry Murphy, 2nd Pete Freeman, membership approved & accepted
Treasure’s Report – Nancy Freeman
Show – Revenue – Pre-registrations, Sponsors, & t-shirts
Expense- Fire Department plan review/site inspection, fire extinguishers inspection, colored paper,
printing, raffles, 10 foot ladder
Club- Revenue- membership dues, raffles, Vintage Races
Expense – postage, printing, raffles, cruises, Vintage Races
Motion to Accept - 1st Jerry Murphy, 2nd Dennis Willert, membership approved & accepted
MCA Representative’s Report
MCA Regional Director – Robert King – N/A
MCA Board Member – Bob Frender- N/A
Old Business
Care Package for Pam- Charlene Rivera – has a card and lots of goodies were collected to mail to Pam
Car Show – Jerry Murphy- Parking is set, dash plaques done, will email volunteer sign up sheet- it takes all the
club members helping to have a successful car show, please plan on helping to set up at 5am at South Hill Mall
August 14 and enter your car in the show, Remember to bring your Backpack for Sweet Willie’s special raffle
New Business
Good Bye and Good Luck Gillett’s – Charlene Rivera – Long time members Bob, Cynthia, & Jennifer are moving
to AZ, will be having cake to wish them well on July 29 @ Krispy Kreme 7pm – will send out email with more
Lakewood Ford Show – Missy Willert – 9am – no Early Birds, will have a band, BBQ, and trophies. This is a
PCMC member only event
Mustangs on the Waterfront –July 31 will meet at Safeway on 6th & Pearl @ 7am leaving at 7:15
Make a Wish Show @ Griot’s – August 7, see flyer for more info
Ocean Shore Cruise – September 10, more info to come – see flyer
Photobucket Tutorial – Paul Nee - Contact Paul or Dan Alpert for more information, will discuss adding
member’s car to Photobucket at August Executive Committee Meeting
Mustang of the Month
Congrats to Jason Smith and his 2011 GT Kona Blue Metallic Coupe
1st Jerry Murphy, 2nd Missy Willert
Submitted by Charlene Rivera
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Pony News August 2011
Mustang of the Month
Jason Smith’s 2011 Kona Blue Metallic GT
I’ve been a Mustang fan for as long as I can remember so I was one happy guy when I got my hands on my first
GT in 2008. I was extremely happy with it and had absolutely no intention of getting rid of it. Then I went to the
auto show in Seattle last November. Ford happened to be signing up people for gift cards just for coming in and
test driving any new vehicle. I had wanted to check out the new
5.0 engines so it was an easy call. Long story short, after finding
out my will power wasn’t nearly as strong as I had led myself to
believe, I was driving home in a scaled-down version of the car
you see here. I hated to see the other Mustang go, but this one had
a lot of potential. After months of planning, I went to work making her my own and am really happy with how she turned out.
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Pony News August 2011
PCMC Raffle Update
July General Meeting Raffle
The raffle made $62.00, items purchased totaled
$24.42, giving the club a profit of $37.58. Thank you
to Bob Batiuk for donating items this month.
Sweet Willies received food and cash donations of
$30.00. To date Sweet Willie’s has received
$210.00 from the General Meeting.
Hygiene items are just as essential as food to families who cannot afford
such items.
Sweet Willie’s is also helping with kids that are living on the street by taking the money that you donate at the meetings and turning into “food”
gift cards.
Did ya know: This is YOUR newsletter? If you have any mustang
tidbits, news articles, pictures or great finds that you would like to share with the
club, email the contribution to the newsletter editor
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Pony News August 2011
Membership Report
July roster lists 90 Members
65 Renewals and 15 new members,
2 Honorary members and 8 Lifetime members.
many thanks to those who renewed,
our lifetime members
and again welcome to our new members.
The Pierce County Mustang Club is PCMC Ball Cap $12.00
open to any person or family
PCMC Car Antenna Pennant $7.50
interested in the PCMC Purpose. PCMC Lapel/Cap Pin $4.00 (stick or magnetic)
All Ford cars are welcome.
Items can be purchased by mail, please add an
extra $1.50 for each cap or pennants to cover
Ownership is not required…
cost of mailing.
Enthusiasm is!!!
Dues:$25 per year
Stop by a meeting to save the extra cost and visit
Membership dues are payable in
with friends.
January of each year.
New Membership is prorated ac- Be sure to check out the special order forms for
cording to the month joined.
PCMC jacket or vest.
Want to be sure you know about club activities?
Be sure that Nancy Freeman has your current info.
Contact Nancy at 253-531-4621 or drop her a line at pnredride@msn.com, with any changes.
Mustang Trivia:
In 1985, Steve
Saleen's secretary
miscounted the
vehicles produced
that year, omitting
vehicle number 6 as
a result of confusing
it with 9. Since
1985, Saleen has had
the tradition of not
issuing the #6
bumper number on
any of its vehicles.
Sometimes, a
Mustang equipped
with a Saleen
aftermarket bodykit
will bear 6 as its
bumper number,
signifying it as a
"Fake" Saleen
Mission Statement
To promote a better understanding and stronger
fellowship in the preservation and maintenance
of all Mustang and Shelby auto-mobiles.
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Pony News August 2011
Please note that due to the Newsletter Editor and her Proofreader traveling to Sturgis at the
end of August the deadline to get any contributions into the September newsletter is
2:00pm August 27th.
From the Zig Zigler’s Little Book of Big Quotes :
“What you get by reaching your destination is not nearly as important as
what you will become by reaching your destination.”
A Thank You from Pammy
“To the members of PCMC: Thank you for the care package. I love all of it. The fun one has to
be the jelly bellys. I had my 3 coworkers try them. The look on their face when the bit into the
skunk, babywipes and rotten egg flavor was hilarious. I can't thank you enough for the great
gift. I can't wait to get back! I shall cya in Nov.”
Editor’s Note:
PCMC members really are the best and very creative as not only did they gather up interesting
flavors of jelly bellys they also sent along a back scratcher, oatmeal, peanut brittle, candy,
toys, soap and lotion.
Welcome to the Following New Members
All of us in the PCMC family would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest
Annette and Paul Turley
2010 Grey Coupe
Maria Notgrass
1990 Black Convertible
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Brian and Sheree Bankson
Gig Harbor
1988 Red Convertible
Jim Cassidy
1994 Purple Coupe
1999 Red Coupe
Pony News August 2011
Calendar of Upcoming Meetings
2nd Board Meeting
9th Car Show Meeting
16th General Meeting
28th Club Picnic
6th Board Meeting
20th General Meeting
The deadline for Newsletter Contributions are the 28th of each month.
Board Meeting
1st Tuesday of the month at 6:30pm
General Meeting
3rd Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm
Korum Ford
100 River Road
Puyallup, WA 98371
In the upstairs conference room
No food available except coffee and snack bar in the gift shop.
PCMC is a regional Club of the Mustang Club of America
Sweet Willie’s Family Support
A portion of the club’s annual car show proceeds go to support:
Sweet Willie’s Family Support
Please feel free to bring a Non-Perishable Food Donation or
personal hygiene item to any meeting.
Willie and Sally Carson willie.carson@comcast.net
The new year always bring struggles for families in need and
for the people who support them. So lets boost our giving this
month and replenish the supplies in the Carson’s garage.
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Pony News August 2011
Calendar of Upcoming PCMC Events and
Other Mustang Events
August 14th
August 28th
Sept 10th
October 16th
December 3rd
December 10
December 17th
PCMC Show & Shine, South Hill Mall, Jerry 253-278-4718
Picnic, Frontier Park, Graham, Nancy 253-531-4624
Cruise to Ocean Shores, Missy & Clay 253-732-0647
Harvest Cruise, Bob 360-894-6273
Santa Parade, Puyallup, Paul 253-640-9943
Holiday Gathering, Community Center, Puyallup,
Charlene 360-459-3993
Fantasy Lights, Spanaway Park, Missy 253-732-0647
August 6-7
August 7th
August 20th
August 20th
August 27th
August 28st
Sept. 1-5th
Sept. 1-5th
Sept. 10th
Sept. 11th
Sept. 18th
Sept. 25th
October 2nd
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5th Annual NW Regional, Tigard, OR,
Dennis Mickelberry, 206-790-1141
3 Annual Make A Wish Show, anastoian@comcast.net
Pacific Cascade M.C., Bowen Scraff, Kent, 253-852-1480
Props & Ponies, Everett, Stangnation website
Capital Area M.C., Keiser, WA, 503-585-7311
Greater Vancouver M. A., Langley B.C., 604-858-6763
International Mustang Meet, Spokane, WA, 509-468-8730
Sturgis Mustang Meet, Sturgis, SD, www.SturgisMustangRally.com
Island Classic M.C., Oak Harbor, WA, 360-320-2011
All Ford Meet, XXX Issaquah, 425-387-9450
Sun Country M.C., Yakima, 509-494-3210
Mustangs West Car Show, Lacey,
Pacific NW M.C., Paterson, WA, 509-307-6421
Pony News August 2011
Recipe Corner
California Taco Chili Bake
1 can (15 ounces) chili with beans
1 1/2 cups Original Bisquick® mix
1/2 cup milk
3/4 cup shredded Cheddar cheese (3 ounces)
1 cup shredded lettuce
2 medium tomatoes, chopped (1 1/2 cups)
Additional shredded Cheddar cheese, if desired
Heat oven to 400°F. Heat chili, stirring occasionally, until hot.
Beat Bisquick mix and milk with wire whisk until soft dough forms.
Spread half of the dough in ungreased square baking dish, 9x9x2 or 8x8x2
Top with chili.
Sprinkle with 3/4 cup cheese.
Drop remaining dough by 6 spoonfuls onto top.
Sprinkle with paprika.
Bake about 25 minutes or until topping is light brown. Top with lettuce,
tomatoes and additional cheese.
Makes 6 servings
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Pony News August 2011
Lakewood Ford Mini Show
A beautiful day to gather and enjoy the sun with other club members and their cars
on July 30th as we thank Lakewood Ford for their continued sponsorship of the
club. Voting was done by visitors and site employees and the winners were: Best of
Show-Jerry Murphy, 1st Place Bill Bailey, 2nd Place Ken Coatney, 3rd Place Bill
Norman. A Big thank you goes out to Missy and Dennis Willert for organizing this
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Pony News August 2011
Mustangs on the Waterfront
Even though the skies were spitting on us and the wind was breezy, our hosts the Kitsap Mustang Club made us feel all warm and fuzzy. A highlight was the viewing of a
steel beam from the World Trade Center, you could hear a pin drop as folks stood and
remembered 9/11 and many returned multiple times to stop and look. Joanie Nordlund
accepted the Club Participation Award and inviting those present to come to our show in
August. Winners too were Lucas O'Daniel who beat his dad Justin out for best poker
hand. For the 3rd year in a row Landon Lively and his trusty "Rusty" won the valve
cover races with a bit of input from Dad Jim. Many club members went home with class
awards and Best of Show (1979-2012) was our own Pete Freeman.
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Pony News August 2011
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Pony News August 2011
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Pony News August 2011
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Pony News August 2011
217 & Meridian, Graham
11AM – 4PM
We will stop traffic with our car display.
There will be games for the young & old alike including
Hot wheels table racing
Gunny sack race
Fresh egg race
Nose to spoon race
Slow drags
and the always popular “blind” obstacle course.
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Pony News August 2011
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Pony News August 2011
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Pony News August 2011
Please Support Our Sponsors
Be sure to thank these fine businesses for their support of our club and charity.
Show your appreciation by using their services.
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100 River Road
Puyallup Washington 98371
P O Box 44853
Tacoma, WA 98444
Official Newsletter of the Pierce County Mustang club
Next Club Meeting at Korum Ford Tuesday August 16th 2011 7:00pm