The Pennsylvania Patriot
The Pennsylvania Patriot
The Pennsylvania Patriot Supplement – June 2016 PSSDAR – Bobbi McMullen, State Regent Honoring our Vets Comes Easily to the Franklin County Chapter ~Carolynne Kelly The Franklin County Chapter of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution held a commemorative luncheon in honor of the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War on March 12 at the Waynesboro Country Club. The speaker was John “Jack” Kull Jr., regional policy chief on Southeast Asia at the Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency in Fairfax, Virginia. He gave a fascinating talk on the MIA research and investigation to a spell bound audience. He spoke from his heart, was in tears at one point, and said he was very happy to have been selected to be the speaker on this topic, as he had worked in the MIA field for over 30 years. The chapter honored 30 veterans and spouses at this luncheon. All were presented with a specially made commemorative cup filled with the sticker and buttons all available to commemorative partners from the Department of Defense website, goodies, and topped with a flag. The cups were a gift from two chapter members who wish to remain anonymous. The official Vietnam Veteran Commemorative pin was also presented to each veteran in a ceremony. The Vietnam Commemorative Committee Chair Carolynne Kelly, a veteran from the Woman's Army Corp, brought in her display and memorabilia from Vietnam, and also the Fallen Comrade Table. TheeventwascoveredbytheWaynesboroRecord Herald,andtheChambersburgPAPublicOpinion. ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|1 PhilMetBobbi ~JoanOlp,Regent,PunxsutawneyChapter(NWDistrictDirector-elect OnApril16atthePunxsutawneyChapterAnniversaryLuncheon,StateRegentBobbiMcMullenmetone ofthepremierPennsylvaniacelebritiesfortheveryfirsttime–PunxsutawneyPhil.Yes,itwasatotalsurpriseanddelightforforbothBobbiandPhil.Thoseinattendancewerethrilledtobeabletopresentour StateRegentwithanearlybirthdaypresent. PhilwasaccompaniedbyhisNo.1andNo.2handlers.Apparently,BobbigavePhilherofficialPennsylvania StateDARblessing.Hedidn’tseemparticularlymoved,nordidheoffertosignanyautographs.ToPhil’s credit,however,heprovidedagloriousdayfortheluncheon.ThePunxsutawneyChaptergaveBobbia travelmugwithPhil’sphotoonit,andatthispaststateconferencesomeofthechapterladiesmadesure thatBobbihadastuffedgroundhogforherdesk.Thiswastoguarantee(?)fairweatherforallofherfuture travels. Photototheleft:LynnNicklas,HonoraryStateRegent, Penn-ElkChapterRegent;BobbiMcMullen,StateRegent,Ron Pennsylvania’s earliest settlers brought Groundhog Day to America in the early 1900s through the legend of Candlemas, which says, “For as the sun shines on Candlemas Day, so far will the snow swirl in May ...” In Europe, Candlemas was associated with weather-prediction lore involving a badger. But German immigrants found the badger scarce in the hills of western Pennsylvania and instead used a groundhog. Groundhog Day has been celebrated in Punxsutawney — also known as “Punxsy” — since the mid- to late-1800s. The first official trek to Gobbler’s Knob was made in 1887. LtoR: Bobbi,Ron, CamilleTsai (Page), JaynaOlp (Jr.Page) Oh,andPhil ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|2 A Giant Credentials Thank You! BackLtoR:CynthiaKline,CamilleTsai,JoanOlp,SantanaOlp FrontLtoR:PeggySchweiger,LaudreaFrampton,ConnieBrocious,JudyHamilton Iwouldliketothankmyterrificcommitteeforalltheirtimeandhelpwith credentialsduringstateconference: JoanOlp MelissaLambert BettyDechant SantanaOlp PeggySchweiger LaudreaFrampton JudyHeitzenrater CindyKline CamilleTsai ConnieBrocious Andaspecialthankstoourpersonalpage-RebeccaBraun!!-Credentials1stPersonalPage!Youwereawesome. Icouldnothavehandledthistedious,butdelightful,taskwithoutallofyou.Thanksforyourcamaraderie,willingnessto workallhours,attentiontodetails,greatquestionsandputtingupwithme.MeetingallofyouterrificwomenisawonderfulexampleofmembershipinDAR.HopetoseeallofyouatFallMeeting. ~~SaraJane(SJ)McCurdy PSSDARStateChairmanforCredentials Toys for TamasseeDebra Kohr Sheppard, 2016 State Banquet Chairman "Oh my gosh, look at all these toys!" This was my response as I peered down, under, and behind my table in the Bazaar Room at State Conference! I am utterly amazed at the participation around the state for "Toys for Tamassee"! Over the past three years State Regent Bobbi McMullen has led the charge to raise funds for building repairs at the Tamassee DAR School's Pennsylvania Children's Center. The program is the only licensed childcare facility in the community and provides childcare services for children from 12 weeks to 12 years of age. I wanted to do something special at the State Banquet. Therefore, as an extension of her endeavor, I asked Chapters and/or Daughters to donate a new toy for the Children's Center and bring it to State Conference. You did not disappoint! Before arriving to their final destination in Tamassee, South Carolina, some of the toys first served as centerpieces or "gifts" at the State Banquet. By Sunday, my fantastic committee helped load two SUVs and a car filled to the roof with toys, books, science kits, and CDs. Most of the toys arrived in May with some to be delivered in October. I am truly blessed to be part of this wonderful Society, that when presented with an idea members are willing to contribute and make it a reality! Thank you for your generosity! Together we made this a memorable State Banquet for all Daughters by "Focusing on the Future" and providing children with wonderful, ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|3 DARGoodCitizenEssayContestStateWinnersfor2016 ~~MegVenn,Chairman,DARGoodCitizensCommittee PleasejoinmeincongratulatingthewinnersoftheDARGoodCitizens.Welookforwardtohonoringthe1stthru 3rdplacewinnersatthePennsylvaniaLuncheoninWashingtonDCinJune. 1stplace RachelCooper,LtAsaStevensChapter;KarenReeve,Regent;VioletKoser,ChapterChair 2ndplaceJonaMojados,DelawareCountyChapter;SusanMescanti,Regent;BarbaraCella,ChapterChair 3rdplace CarolynStout,JacobFerreeChapter;MargaretEverly,Regent;SueP.Strunk,ChapterChair 4thplace MarieErickson,BethelFife&DrumChapter;GailMatus,Regent;AnnHarder,ChapterChair HonorableMention(innoparticularorder) ZacharyShaffer,JohnCorblyChapter;ShelvajeanBasinger,Regent;CharleneShuckhart,ChapterChair KimberlyLoughlin,MahantongoChapter;Jo-AnnYoung,Regent;KarenSnyder,ChapterChair ElizabethHolzman,LebanonChapter;NancyBehney,Regent;PatriciaBender,ChapterChair BojanLazarevic,CumberlandCountyChapter;CathleenReese,Regent;EllaNichols,ChapterChair CarliMaeKing,FortMcClureChapter;VinniedeeHippensteel,Regent;JoyceMcCarty,ChapterChair LauraViscoMi-HyunNa,FortMcIntoshChapter;BarbaraNovak,Regent;SandyDavis,ChapterChair AspecialthankstoalltheGoodCitizensChapterChairmen,whoworkedsohardtomakethiscontestoneofthe noteworthyeventsofanyDARyear.Processingthepaperwork,makingarrangementswithlocalhighschools, andliningupjudgesisnoteasytask.Yourhardworkhaspaidoff.Thewinnersaretrulydeserving. BedfordCountyHistoricalSocietyHonorsaPennsylvaniaDaughter ~ArleneCottle,Regent,BedfordChapter TheBedfordCountyHistoricalSocietyhonorsBedfordChapterDARDaughterKathyWilliams,oneoftheBedford CountyHistoriansoftheYear,attheirannualbanquet.Williams,alongwithDorisDibert,compiledandco-authored“A CollectionofObituariesandFamilyDatafortheHershbergerCemetery”and“TheHershbergerStory”. Thebookletidentifiesandprovidesfamilydataforthoseinterredinthesmallruralcemeterylocatedonthe HershbergerFarminSnakeSpringTownship,BedfordCounty,Pennsylvania. Oneofthemostuniquegravestonesinthecemeteryisthatofa62-yearoldmanbornin1768,departedthislifein 1830.TheinscriptioniswritteninbothEnglishandGerman. KathyWilliams; JillianLeach,Bedford CountyHistoricalSocietyExecutiveDirector; Co-historian,Doris Dibert. ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|4 ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|5 @\Dfluuzie uf $epre rletd;ad;ifres 6;tt*tstu TheHouseof Representatives of Pennsylvaniatalcesgreatpleasurein recognizing slpfeU9., thoseorganizationswhich contributeto the benefrtof their comrnunitiesand ultirnatelyto all the citizensof this Commonwealth;and The PennsylvaniaState SocietyDaughtersof the American Revolution is being $tpffU9., honoredupon the momentousoccasionof its onehundredtwenty-fifthanniversary;and slpffU 5, ThePennsylvaniastateSociety Daughtersof theAmericanRevolutionwasfounded in 1891 and the ftrst Pennsylvania State Regent, Mrs. Nathani.el B. Hogg of Pittsburgh, was appointed in March of that year. The society's first chapter, Wyoming Valley, was organized on April 29, 1891, and today the State organizatinn is comprised of six thousand three hundred members in ninety-five chapters across this Cornmonwealth. Throughout its history, the Pennsylvania State Society Daughters of the American Revolution has made inestimable contributions to the welfare of society through a senseof fellowship and through itsprograms, which are designed to enhance the quality of life for all. A successionof dedicated leaders and members has made this possible, keeping ever mindful of the noble maxims of the organization. N!fo of Pennsylvania of the Commonwealth tlrgercI!fr;L, the Houseof Representatives congratuhtesthePennsylvaniaStateSocietyDaughtersof theAmericanRevolutionupon its welldeservedrecognition; offersbestwishesfor continuedgrowth and successin theyears to come; Bryan Cutler and tffr;C9tS that a copy of thiscitation, sponsoredby Representatives .AIII StevenC.MentzeronJanuary 13,2076,betransmittedto thePennsylvaniaStateSocietyDaughters of theArnericanRevolution. StevenC. Mentzer,Sponsor $ttuxr, DavidReddeclitf,ChiefClerkof the Cornwall Iron Furnace Chapter Visits Fort Indiantown Gap ~~Angela Sweigart Members and guests of the Cornwall Iron Furnace Chapter, National Society Daughters of the American Revolution visited the Pennsylvania National Guard Military Museum located on Fort Indiantown Gap, Pennsylvania for their monthly program April 16. The participants were treated to a presentation and question and answer session on the museum’s renovated chapel hosted by retired Air Force Master Sgt. Gordon Ebright a Pennsylvania Air National Guard 201st Red Horse alumni and one of the leaders of the renovation. After that the group had a tour of both the range house and museum hosted by Stephanie Olsen. Dr.HeatherWaddell,Vice-RegentoftheCornwallIron FurnaceDAR,andH.RebekahWaddell,RegentoftheCornwall IronFurnaceDARpresentadonationtothePennsylvania NationalGuardMilitaryMuseumonbehalfofthechapterto StephanieOlsen,museumdirectorandretiredAirForce “Programs like these offer our members an opportunity to engage in one of the tenants of the DAR, historic preservation,” said Susan Steele, recording secretary and a Pennsylvania Air National Guard veteran. “Today was a wonderful visit that everyone enjoyed.” The chapter donated $50 to the Pennsylvania National Guard Military Museum at the conclusion of the event. The Pennsylvania National Guard Military Museum preserves the history of the Pennsylvania National Guard and Fort Indiantown Gap. SevenmembersoftheCornwallIronFurnaceDARvisited thePennsylvaniaNationalGuardMilitaryMuseumonFort IndiantownGapaspartoftheirmonthlyprogram.The membershadanopportunitytolearnabouttherenovated chapel,therenovatedrangehouse(yellowbuildingtothe rear)andthemuseum(notshown) Puttingthefinishing touchesonhertravels asStateRegent,Bobbi McMullenheadsto WestPoint,NewYork, tojoinwiththeNew YorkDaughtersas theylayawreathat thegraveofPA Daughter,Margaret CochranCorbin,first womantoreceivea military(RevolutionaryWar)pension. PhotocourtesyofDenise VanBuren LtoR:ConnieOlde,StateRegentofNJ;PhyllisGagnon,StateRegentofNH;GailTerry,StateRegentofMA;MarthaCrapser,State RegentofNY;MerryAnnWright,HonoraryPresidentGeneral;JenniferMinus,NationalChairofProjectPatriot;DeniseVanBuren, OrganizingSecretaryGeneral,BobbiMcMullen,StateRegentofPA;CarolSchwenk,StateRegentofVT. ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|7 Shawnee Fort Chapter Promotes the DAR and National History Day ~~Kathleen Smith Shawnee Fort Chapter members were pleased to be invited to Misericordia University for National History Day. Chapter members manned the registration table as well as an exhibit table, assisted with genealogy research requests, and answered questions about the DAR. Did you know that this is the official DAR Seal? It is most prominently displayed in the front of each and every copy of the NSDAR Handbook. There must be an interesting story behind it! Photo L-R: Seated Jennifer Luksa, Sue Lazur Back: Cynthia Brenner, Katie Luksa, Kathleen Smith, Meghan Maccarone and Alice Keiner Forthosefineartsofficianados amongus….. Thisnotableportraitdepicts: A.TheBattleofBunkerHill B.TheBattleofCowpens C.TheBattleofBrandywine D.TheBattleofSaratoga Orbetteryet,thisportraitwaspaintedby: A.JohnTrumball B.ArnoldFriberg C.JonathanSingerSargent D.EmanuelLeutz answersonlastpage The new editor of The Pennsylvania Patriot and the Pennsylvania Patriot Supplement is Christyn Olmstead. It is to her that print version-only subscriptions (chapter and individual) are to be sent, as well as interesting chapter and society news. Her address is: Christyn Olmstead 52 Oak Lane Royersford PA 19468-1214 (email: ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|8 General Richard Butler Chapter Loves Their Vets ~~Evelyn Aronsohn Veterans who receive their care at the Butler Veterans Hospital are thanking their lucky stars that they ended up there. First of all, it is a fabulous facility devoid of any of the problems that are afflicting other VA hospitals around the country. DonnaCroft, Chaptermember, Volunteerofthe Yearnominee PaulaMcCarl, VoluntaryServices Coordinator/ PreventativeEthics CoordinatorButler VAHospitalandAir ForceVet DianaGrady Chaptermember, VAVSRep Ms.McCarlwasthe speakerattheApril chaptermeeting. Shewasalmost drownedbyquestionsfrom curiouschapter memberswhowere suppliedwithhefty informational packetsputtogetherinhopesofgainingafewmore enthusiasticvolunteers! Second, the General Richard Butler has two chapter representatives who are unstoppable in their commitment to the Vets there. “Devotion” is the word that best describes the chapter’s hardest working volunteers, Donna Croft and Diana Grady (Veterans Affairs Service Representative). There is very little that keeps these ladies from fulfilling their mission at the hospital. You know how it is at chapter meetings when the regent calls for a report from committee chairmen and it can get kind of quiet? Well, Regent Gloria Gillespie barely finishes her request for a report from our Vet volunteers when the chapter members are treated to a whole slew of activities in which these two ladies have participated. Energy abounds with them. It also should be noted that Donna Croft was nominated for the Volunteer of the Year Award at the Butler VA Hospital for her enthusiastic and tireless commitment to the men and woman who have so faithfully served our country. Donna is a patriot in her own right, and her chapter and all of the PSSDAR is extremely proud of her. Congratulations! DonnaCroft VolunteeroftheYearNominee ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|9 . . . More from the Busy Bedford Chapter Membersofthe NSDARBedford Chapter,attended theWelcome HomeVietnam Veteransheldin BedfordonMarch 30,2016.TheBedfordChapterisa memberofthe VietnamCommemorativeProgram. Triviaanswers: A&C Bobbi and Joe- Thanks for making us all look good, by all your hard work and sacrifice. Best wishes for a splendid Continental Congress! ThePennsylvaniaPatriot–Supplement|10
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