Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
OF TEAM UPDATE AZ THE N A UR CH C H Church of the Nazarene RE NE S O UT T RIC ST DI HW Southwestern Ohio District RN OHIO TE ES August 2016 Sincerest congratulations to: Dr. Robert J. Mahaffey (Pastor Bob) was elected District Superintendent at the 57th District Assembly on the Southwestern Ohio District, July 19, on the seventh ballot. He will begin his new assignment August 19, 2016. Dr. Mahaffey received his local license in 1984 from the Cincinnati Springdale Church, he received his district license in 1987 and was ordained 1988, on the Southwestern Ohio District. He is currently the senior pastor of the West Chester Church in West Chester, OH. Pastor Bob and Elaine Mahaffey If you wish to send them a congratulatory greeting you can e-mail them at or mail to 8341 Country Oaks Station, West Chester, OH 45069. Dr. Robert (Bob) Mahaffey (Elaine) served in ministry shepherding churches from Arlington First from 1989-1996, Nashville Grace from 1996-2001 to West Chester from 2001- to present. He also served on staff at the Cincinnati Springdale Church as youth pastor 19841989. Dr. Mahaffey attended Mount Vernon Nazarene College in 1974 (Associate of Arts); Ohio State University in 1976 (Bachelor of Science); Cincinnati Christian Seminary in 1989 (Master of Arts); Southern Nazarene University in 1994 (Master of Ministry); Dallas Theological Seminary in 1995; Nazarene Theological Seminary in 2001 (Doctor of Ministry). Dr. Bob and Elaine Mahaffey have three children, Robert Scott (Amy) who have three children, Alex (Megan) who have four children and Bethany (Kevin) Jack who have three girls and are expecting a boy. Listed below are the 2016-2017 SWO District Boards and 2017 General Assembly Delegates. SWO District Advisory Board Ministers Mark Atherton Daryl Blank Terry Blosser Paul Crisp Chad Current Sheila Slone Laypeople Dave Beam Darwin Church Robert DeLong/David Brown Paige Graves Paul Lail Jill Peddenpohl Higher Ground Camp Board Ordained Minister Cynthia Church Al Robertson Scott Wade Tony Watson Laypeople Bruce Cox Ray Doyle Fred Duff Aimee Pritts Sunday School and Discipleship Ministries Chairman Tom Zile Mount Vernon Nazarene University Board of Trustees Ordained Ministers Daryl Blank Bryan Heil Mount Vernon Nazarene University Board of Trustees Laypersons Marshall Duke Robb Vogelmann General Assembly 2017 Delegates - Ordained Ministers Dr. Bob Mahaffey, District Superintendent Mark Atherton Daryl Blank Paul Crisp Tom Zile General Assembly 2017 Delegates - Laypersons Chriss Cox Marshall Duke Elaine Mahaffey Lisa Van Nest TEAM UPDATEwww.swonaz.orgPage 2 SDMI- Tom Zile Chairman 2016 Mount Vernon Nazarene University is proud to bring you some of the best Christian music! SEPTEMBER 24 THE GROVE AT MVNU AUGUST 12-13, 2016 Springdale Church of the Nazarene Cincinnati, Ohio Teach 2016 is national lay ministry conference for Sunday School, small group, and discipleship ministry resourcing. The opening speaker is General Superintendent David Graves. Explore best practices for making Christlike disciples. Workshop tracks will include Children, Youth, Adults, CLT/DiscipleshipPlace, Tell THE Story, Admin/Leadership, and Family/Intergenerational Ministries. [There will be a second TEACH 2016 conference in Canada, November 12, 2016, location TBD.] More information will be coming soon to this page. CLICK HERE to access detailed information and registration regarding the upcoming TEACH 2016 PRE-CONFERENCE OPPORTUNITIES Accessible Christian Education Nazarene Bible College is accessible to students around the world online or on our beautiful Colorado Springs campus. TellTHEStory Three-Day Storyteller Training Tell THE Story helps individuals present the Bible in a way that is simple to receive, remember, and retell. Experience this highly interactive and engaging method of sharing Bible stories. Discover new truths through God’s Word. Ministers and laity will be equipped to disciple believers and non-believers of all ages. Simple, yet profound! August 10–12 8:00 am–5:00 pm each day Springdale Nazarene Church, Cincinnati, Ohio Pre-Registration required - $99 (includes lunches, snacks, and beverages) Call 913-577-2800 to register or email to register. Churches Planting Churches (CPC) “How to Sponsor a Church 101” This training will help churches interested in learning more about becoming a Mother or Partner of a new church. It will encourage you as you see that the old model of giving 40 people and $100,000 is just one model for mothering a daughter church. August 12th $20 per person (includes lunch) Email to register. TEAM UPDATEwww.swonaz.orgPage 3 Nazarene Missions International 2016-2017 Children’s Project Hand Held Radios and SD cards for West Africa $2500 - This project will help provide hand held radios and SD cards for oral learners to be used for audio training and Bible distribution. Radios with SD cards will be distributed across the zones in order to aid Biblical training discipleship in areas where there are high illiteracy issues. UPCOMING MEETINGS CHURCH PLANTER ASSESSMENT TRAINING AUGUST 24-26 HIGHER GROUND CONFERENCE AND RETREAT CENTER FOR MORE INFORMATION CONTACT REV. CHAD CURRENT CCURRENT@SWONAZ.ORG Congratulations to the Southwestern Ohio District Ordinands Rev. Desire and Esperance Ntwayingabo Rev. Jon and Cheryl Young Rev. Leon Kevin and Micah Lewis Rev. Angela K. France Rev. James and Kimberly Bowman Rev. Christopher and Amber Shallenberger
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