Newsletter 2 - Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
Newsletter 2 - Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
Southwestern Ohio District church of the nazarene Quick Links SWO Churches Higher Ground Conference and Retreat Center Church of the Nazarene Foundation Funding the Mission Grace & Peace Magazine Jesus Film Mount Vernon Nazarene University Nazarene Bible College Nazarene Global Ministry Center SWO District Leaders Presiding General Superintendent Dr. J.K. Warrick 17001 Prarie Star Parkway, Lenexa, KS 66220 (913) 577-0500 SWO District Superintendent Dr. Douglas Van Nest 7943 Tylersville Rd., West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 777-5600 SWO DISTRICT ADVISORY BOARD Mark Atherton (Ministerial) Terry Blosser (Ministerial) Paul Crisp (Ministerial) Lester Jones (Ministerial) Bob Mahaffey (Ministerial) Keven Wentworth (Ministerial) David Beam (Lay) Becky Brown (Lay) David Brown (Lay) Robert DeLong (Lay) Paul Lail (Lay) Jeff Westerman (Lay) LOCAL CHURCH EVENTS AND SERVICES Revival Services with Dr. Jim Diehl The Cincinnati Springdale Church of the Nazarene invites you to attend the upcoming revival services with Dr. Jim Diehl beginning January 26-29, 2014. Sunday night 5:00 pm and 6:30 Monday through Wednesday. Located at 11177 Springfield Pike, Cincinnati, OH 45246. Marriage Oneness Countryside Community Church is offering their 4th Annual Marriage Ministry event entitled Marriage Oneness. CLICK HERE FOR FLYER For detailed information contact: Sue Allen, 513-850-5341 or by email The Power of Healing Connections First Event: The Power of Healing Connections: Ministering to the Children in Our Church Communities. This is a training event scheduled for one Sunday evening in Jan, Feb, March, to help children's church staff manage more difficult children and yet, the principles work for all children. Here is the link and registration information: the-power-of-healing-connections--ministering-to-the-children-in-our-churchcommunities.html. There is no charge Second Event: With international focus: Building Trauma Competent Healing Caregivers. This training series is directed at those who work in ministry with vulnerable, high-risk children: orphanages, refugee camps, intercity ministry, Here is the link to this information: For added information contact Jayne Schooler by email NYI BLAST 2014 FOR DETAILED INFORMATION REGARDING BLAST CLICK HERE Super Saturday - Men Stepping Up - A call to courageous manhood SWO District Treasurer Gregg and Becky Hebrank The Fairfield Church of the Nazarene is hosting a Super Saturday event, sponsored by Stepping Up Family Life, February 1, 2014. This is an all day event, loaded with activities and videos, food and beverages for all, no charge or fee. Donations accepted. There will be a Study Book you will need to purchase for this event. For added information contact Garry West (513) 213-5770. Fairfiled Church is located at 12190 E. Miami River Road, Cincinnati, OH 45252. Church office (513) 829-3752. For detailed information concerning the Stepping Up organization CLICK HERE SWO District Secretary/Office Administrator SWO YOUTH WORKERS RETREAT SDMI Chairman - Tom Zile NMI President - Elaine Mahaffey NYI President - Greg Palmer 1870 McHenry Ct., Bellbrook, OH 45305 Christine Cox 7943 Tylersville Rd., West Chester, OH 45069 SWO Course of Study Director (NMDC) Mark Atherton SWO Website: January HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU We would like to wish a very Happy Birthday to the following people in the month of January: Daryl Blank, Melody Vecchi, Gary Zornes, Natalie Grooms and Paul Mills. SWO Workers Retreat A time to connect to other Youth Pastors and Youth Workers across our district. CLICK HERE and HERE for more information for the Youth Worker Retreat in March 2014. SWO Camp Meeting and registration, fees. CLICK HERE SWO Ministers and Spouses Spring Retreat 2015 Plan Now... Embassy Suites Hotel Columbus - April 17-19, 2015 First-Time District License - Assessment Process The Assessment process is specifically designed for those individuals who have had their local license for no less than one year and meet the necessary requirements regarding the course of study or equivalent ministerial classes and education. If you are interested in obtaining your first-time district license, please contact the district office either by email or call (513) 777-5600. Thank you! Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene 7943 Tylersville Road • West Chester, OH 45069 • (513) 777-5600 • Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene Elaine Mahaffey SWO NMI President Mission Call Youth Service There will be follow up service for those who have felt called to missions either through your own church or through XM4T. This is also open to anyone interested in learning about serving as a missionary. We will have a great time with Carlos and Robin Radi, missionaries in Argentina. We will have games, music, times of prayer, and social time with other youth across the district who also feel called. Please bring your teens that have indicated a call and plan to be at Xenia Church of the Nazarene January 24 at 7pm. The address is 1204 W. Second St, Xenia OH 45385. You can call Dan McLean at 937-768-0285 or email him at for any questions. SWO Nazarene Missions Winter Tour Winter Tour with 2 missionary families from Argentina! Sunday, January 19 AM West Chester Sunday, January 19 5:00 PM - Rojas’ Springdale - Hispanic Sunday, January 19 6:00 PM - Radi’s Dayton Parkview Monday, January 20 Rojas’ SE Zone Rally - Ripley Tuesday, January 21 Radi’s NE Zone Rally - Xenia Wednesday, January 22 Radi’s Dayton Northridge Wednesday, January 22 Rojas’ Morrow Wednesday, January 22 9:00 AM Lebanon Christian School Chapel Thursday, January 23 Radi’s SW Zone RallyMontana Avenue Friday, January 24 Rojas’ NW Zone Rally - Eaton Friday, January 24 Radi’s Youth Event Wilmar and Jessical Rojas Carlos and Robin Radi Leaders tearfully accept love offerings from Cuba Nazarenes General Superintendent Jesse C. Middendorf brought more than a report to the Global Mission Team meeting last Tuesday at the Church of the Nazarene's Global Ministry Center. Mesoamerica Regional Director Carlos Saenz accompanied Middendorf to present General Treasurer Marilyn McCool with love gifts from Cuban Nazarenes. Three envelopes were given to McCool: a gift of US$110 for Alabaster, US$600 for Nazarene Compassionate Ministries, and US$120 for the World Evangelism Fund. Middendorf noted there are more than 100 Nazarene churches in Cuba with 510 preaching points. There are wonderful signs of continued growth on the district with new churches being developed and organized. The average salary for Cuban Nazarene pastors is just US$5 per month. With tears in their eyes, Nazarene leaders expressed their deep appreciation for such sacrificial giving from their Cuban sisters and brothers. February is... alabaster month Southwestern Ohio Nazarene Missions International Officers Elaine Mahaffey, NMI President 8341 Country Oaks Station West Chester, OH 45069 (513) 759-1767 Mark Emerson, NMI Treasurer 4716 Donham Drive Middletown, OH 45042 513-422-9512 Lana Roe, NMI Secretary 6324 Emberwood Court West Chester, OH 45069 (513)779-8125 Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene 7943 Tylersville Road • West Chester, OH 45069 • (513) 777-5600 •
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Newsletter 2 - Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
Southwestern Ohio District Church of the Nazarene
7943 Tylersville Road • West Chester, OH 45069 • (513) 777-5600 •