SCHEDULE - Mine Closure 2014
SCHEDULE - Mine Closure 2014
SCHEDULE WORKSHOPS, CONFERENCE, EXHIBITION, VISITS / / HOST FOUNDING BODY COLLABORATING ORGANISATION MAJOR SPONSOR 9th International Conference on Mine Closure CONTENTS Conference and Exhibition Organising Committee…………...………...…....................................1 Workshop Organising Committee………………………………………………..................................3 Reviewers…………………………………………………………………………….................................5 Conference Chair and Mine Closure Proceedings Editors………................................................7 Keynote Speakers……………………….……………………………..……....…...................................9 Pre-Conference Courses and Workshops……………………………..….…..................................11 Exhibition..………………………………………………………….......................................................12 Conference……………………………………………..….………………………..................................12 CPD Accreditation……………………………………………………..….……....................................13 Social Events……………………………………………………………..….…….................................14 Fieldtrips……………………………………………………………..……….……..................................15 Venue Map…………………………………………………………..……..……….................................17 MC2014 Programme CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION ORGANISING COMMITTEE Alexandra Wald (Conference Secretariat) Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Andrew Hope-Jones WITS Enterprise Professor Andy Fourie University of Western Australia Bridget Leite-Velho Sandton Convention Centre Professor Bohdan Kribek Czech Geological Survey Professor Caroline Digby Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry, University of the Witwatersrand Christopher Davies Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Ewa Cukrowska School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand Professor François Lubala University of Lubumbashi Hayden Wilson Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Henk Nel AngloGold Ashanti Ltd South Africa Region Herman Coetzee AngloGold Ashanti Ltd South Africa Region 1 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Isabel Weiersbye (Conference Chair) Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Dr Jennifer Botha Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Josephine Ruddle Australian Centre for Geomechanics, University of Western Australia Jozua Ellis AngloGold Ashanti Ltd South Africa Region Professor Ken Mercer Australian Centre for Geomechanics, University of Western Australia Luke Meadows Private Macdonald Wanenge Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Mark Tibbet Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Cranfield University Melissa Moodley WITS Enterprise Ritva Muhlbauer BHP Billiton Dr Sashnee Raja Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Shena Kennedy Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand MC2014 Programme 2 WORKSHOP ORGANISING COMMITEE Alexandra Wald (Conference Secretariat) Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Andy Fourie University of Western Australia Bronwyn Camden-Smith School of Chemistry, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Caroline Digby Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry, University of the Witwatersrand Cornelia Höll DHI (Danish Hydrological Institute) Douglas Graham DHI (Danish Hydrological Institute) Dr Howard Smith HDS Technical Management and Consulting (Pty) Ltd Dr Ondrej Sracek Czech Geological Survey, Palacky University Isabel Weiersbye Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Jane Rickson Cranfield University Jason Garber DHI (Danish Hydrological Institute) 3 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Jason Hallowes DHI (Danish Hydrological Institute) Dr Jennifer Botha Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand Professor Ken Mercer ACG, University of Western Australia Professor Mark Tibbet Chair of Soil Ecology at the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Cranfield University Melissa Moodley WITS Enterprise Dr Sashnee Raja Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme, University of the Witwatersrand MC2014 Programme 4 REVIEWERS Brian Dawson ReVeg BLD Professor Bohdan Kribek Czech Geological Survey Christopher Davies University of the Witwatersrand Dr Christopher Curtis University of the Witwatersrand David Tongway Australian National University, and North West University Professor François Lubala University of Lubumbashi Professor Harold Annegarn University of Johannesburg Dr Hlanganani Tutu University of the Witwatersrand Isabel Weiersbye University of the Witwatersrand Dr Jenny Botha University of the Witwatersrand Professor Lesley Stoch North West University 5 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Macdonald Wanenge University of the Witwatersrand Malcolm Sutton Private Mark Surmon Palabora Mining Company Dr Peter Dye University of the Witwatersrand Pierre Reinecke Dundee Deep Precious Metals Ritva Muhlbauer BHP Billiton MC2014 Programme 6 CONFERENCE CHAIR AND PROCEEDINGS EDITORS Isabel Weiersbye Head of the Ecological Engineering and Phytotechnology Programme in the School of Animal, Plant and Environmental Science, University of the Witwatersrand. Isabel Weiersbye has 22 years of experience in applied research in subSaharan Africa and reviewing for the metals mining industry globally, on issues ranging from pollution control and remediation using plants, to vegetation-based approaches for resource exploration and mine site closure costing. The applied science programme that she leads at Wits has, as objectives, the conversion of mine wastes to resources in order to alleviate development pressures on other, more pristine areas, and the rehabilitation of devastated lands to states capable of delivering ecosystem goods and services. The programme encompasses both the development, and the on-site implementation, of methodologies to re-value mine wastes, land and water damaged through industrial activities in sub-Saharan Africa. It is fully funded by the mining sector and government, currently employing 16 contract staff and post-doctoral researchers, sub-contractors with labour teams to undertake on-site rehabilitation works, and with community-based nurseries engaged in producing specialised plants for the programmes needs. Since the programmes inception by Isabel and co-worker Professor Ed Witkowski in 1997, it has supported studies at Wits and other tertiary institutions for over 100 students at PhD, MSc, BSc Honours and Diploma level. Isabel, the Programme and it’s staff and students have received numerous awards and commendations for excellence in applied research. Professor Andy Fourie Head of the School of Civil, Environmental and Mining Engineering and a Winthrop Professor in the Faculty of Engineering Computing and Mathematics at the University of Western Australia in Perth. Andy Fourie has Bachelors and Masters degrees from the University of the Witwatersrand in South Africa, and a PhD from Imperial College, University of London. After a period in consulting practice, he began an academic career at the University of Queensland. He has worked at the University of Witwatersrand, the Australian Centre for Geomechanics and UWA, and been a visiting professor at the University of Alberta and the Catholic University of Valparaiso in Chile. His research is in the field of mitigating the impact of mining and municipal solid waste disposal; outcomes from his research have been incorporated in changes to environmental legislation in South Africa, and he has recently contributed to a new series of Guidelines for managing mine tailings in Australia, as well as developing a document for the International Atomic Energy Association on barrier systems for retaining uranium mining waste. 7 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Professor Mark Tibbett Chair of Soil Ecology at the Department of Environmental Science and Technology, Cranfield University, UK Mark Tibbett has 25 years experience in terrestrial biogeochemistry and mine site rehabilitation. He specializes in element cycling and plantmicrobe-soil interactions with particular interest in microbial ecology, mycorrhiza and the rhizosphere. Having completed postdoctoral, academic and industry appointments in the UK, he spent ten years in Australia, firstly as a theme leader of the Tropical Soil Biology Theme at CSIRO followed by eight years as the director of the Centre for Land Rehabilitation at the University of Western Australia where he was a Professor of Land Rehabilitation. He currently holds the Chair of Soil Ecology at the Department of Environmental Science and Technology at Cranfield University, UK. He has worked across the globe (UK, Papua New Guinea, Chile, Argentina, Spain, Israel, and India) and for Governments, Industry and the University sector at home and abroad. He is an associate editor for the international journals Soil Research, Australian Journal of Botany and Restoration Ecology and has recently completed invited commitments as guest Editor for the “Rhizosphere” special issue of the journal Plant and Soil and “Land Restoration Ecology” special issue of the journal Agriculture-Ecosystem-Environment. He is the co-founding Chair of the annual “Mine Closure” series of conferences which has run since 2006, and is co-editor on the annual published Proceeding. Professor Ken Mercer Australian Centre for Geomechanics. Member Institute of Engineers Australia (MIEAust); Member Australasian Institute of Mining & Metallurgy (MAusIMM); Member South African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy (MSAIMM). Ken Mercer has more than 27 years of experience in the civil engineering and mining industries as a geotechnical engineer, researcher and consultant. Ken’s areas of expertise include both soil mechanics and rock engineering in the fields of dams, wasteland form management and open pit slope stability. More recently his research interest has been on the application of unsaturated soil mechanics theory to these areas. Ken holds a PhD in mining engineering from the University of the Witwatersrand, South Africa, in the field of the deformation behaviour of unsupported rock slopes, and an MBA from Curtin University, Western Australia. Ken has worked as a consultant for most of his career to a range of clients mainly in Africa and Australia, but also internationally as far afield as Europe and Asia. He has also gained four years of operational experience for Anglo American and BHP Billiton. Before joining the ACG, Ken was a divisional manager for the Snowden geotechnical group and an executive consultant. MC2014 Programme 8 KEYNOTE SPEAKERS Professor Caroline Digby Adjunct Professor and Director at the Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry, University of the Witwatersrand. Professor Caroline Digby joined the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg as the Director of the Centre for Sustainability in Mining and Industry (CSMI), in January 2014. She has worked in the field of mining, sustainability, education and regeneration for over twenty years and has broad international experience in working in partnership with industry, the academic sector and not-for profits. Prior to Wits, she was Sustainability Director at the Eden Project in the UK for nine years, where she also ran the Post-Mining Alliance – a team interested in promoting better practice in post-mining regeneration. She has held posts at the International Council on Mining and Metals, the International Institute for Environment and Development and consulting group CRU International. Professor David Williams Golder Professor of Geomechanics and Director of the Geotechnical Engineering Centre, University of Queensland. Professor David Williams has a First Class Honours degree in Civil Engineering from Monash University and a PhD in Soil Mechanics from Cambridge University, and is the Golder Professor of Geomechanics and Director of the Geotechnical Engineering Centre at The University of Queensland. The Centre is supported by Golder Associates, Rio Tinto, AngloGold Ashanti and BHP Billiton, with matching funding from UQ, to a total of $1.2 million/year. It supports highly successful Geotechnical Engineering Undergraduate Programs, and a wide range of research in Geotechnical Engineering. David’s primary research and consulting interests lie in the application of geotechnical principles to the management and rehabilitation of mine wastes, for which he enjoys an international reputation. 9 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Professor Barend Erasmus Exxaro Chair in Global Change and Sustainability Research and Director for the Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute (GCSRI) , University of the Witwatersrand. The Global Change and Sustainability Research Institute (GCSRI) conducts research, does teaching and influences policy in the following focus areas: sustainable urbanization, healthy & productive ecosystems, alternative energy & innovation, and water management. A large interdisciplinary group of researchers, spread across the disciplines of health sciences, commerce, law, management, humanities, science and engineering, contribute to the activities of the institute. The GCSRI is managed by a director, who also holds the Exxaro chair in Global Change and Sustainability, a project manager and financial administrator. Currently, we fund more than 30 postgraduate students at M and PhD level. Our primary funders are Exxaro, the Carnegie Corporation of New York, the German government (GIZ) and the Open Society Foundation. We believe that research business as usual will not bridge the science-policy gap, nor will it help business and industry to get maximum benefit from research outputs. We generate solid scientific outputs in service of society, and we engage with stakeholders from the beginning to ensure that research outcomes have impact. Mine closure involves much more than just closing a hole in the ground that the challenge of doing so in a sustainable manner, is by definition an interdisciplinary science challenge. GCSRI has developed a masters’ level course to develop and cultivate out-of-the-box and cross-cutting thinking, the sort of thinking that is needed to close mines in a holistically responsible manner. We act as a facilitator to bring cross-cutting thinkers together, in an effort to change the development trajectory of mining-impacted landscape to a sustainable future. MC2014 Programme 10 PRE CONFERENCE COURSES & WORKSHOPS Monday 29 –Tuesday 30 September 2014 Date/Time Mon 29 – Tues 30 Sept 08h30-17h30 Mon 29 – Tues 30 Sept 09h00-16h30 Workshop Venue A Assessment of Environmental Impacts: A Geochemist’s Approach Boardroom 5 (University of the Witwatersrand and Czech Geological Survey) B Modelling of Mine Site Hydrology in a Catchment Context Boardroom 6 (Danish Hydrological Institute) C Mon 29 Sept 08h30-17h30 ACG Design of Cover Systems for Rehabilitation and Closure (Australian Centre for Geomechanics, University of Western Australia, Cranfield University, and University of the Witwatersrand) Boardroom 1 F Tues 30 Sept 09h30-17h30 Erosion Control – Prevention is better than Cure: The Causes, Consequences and Control of Soil Erosion in Mine Rehabilitation Boardroom 2 (Cranfield University) G Mon 29 – Tues 30 Sept 09h00-17h00 Strengthening Stakeholder Capabilities to Co-Manage Risk and Uncertainties with Local Communities throughout Life of Mine (University of the Witwatersrand) Please note that each workshop has its own schedule for teas, lunch and breaks. 11 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Boardroom 7 EXHIBITION Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 October 2014 Date/Time Venue 1 October 2014 Ballroom 1 08h00-17h00 2 October 2014 Ballroom 1 08h00-17h00 3 October 2014 Ballroom 1 08h00-14h00 Tea and lunch will be served in the Exhibition area. CONFERENCE Wednesday 1 – Friday 3 October 2014 Time Activity Venue 07h00-09h00 Sign in Ballroom Foyer 09h00-10h30 Presentations Ballroom 2/3/4 10h30-11h00 Morning Tea Ballroom 1 11h00-13h00 Presentations Ballroom 2/3/4 13h00-14h00 Lunch Ballroom 1 14h00-15h30 Presentations Ballroom 2/3/4 15h30-16h00 Afternoon Tea Ballroom 1 16h00-17h00 Presentations Ballroom 2/3/4 See detailed Presentations Program for more information on the venues and times of certain sessions. MC2014 Programme 12 CPD ACCREDITATION This Conference has been accredited by the Engineering Council of South Africa (ECSA). Delegates are entitled to 30 Continued Professional Development (CPD) points, which contribute to a yearly total of 40 CPD points. In addition, the Pre-Conference Workshops have also been accredited by ECSA and will earn delegates 10-20 CPD points each. In order to claim CPD points from ECSA, go to and enter the Validation Code. For more information, see 13 9th International Conference on Mine Closure SOCIAL EVENTS Date / Time Event Venue Cocktail Party Foyer Gala Dinner Ballroom 1 Sat 4 Phytotechnology AngloGold Ashanti Ltd October Fieldtrip Vaal Reefs and West Wits 07h00-18h00 (Day Trip) Mining Operations Tues 30 September 17h30-20h00 Thurs 2 October 19h00-23h00 Bonwa Phala Fri 3 October 15h00 – Sun 5 October Game Reserve Trip (Return Time Negotiable) (Weekend Away) Game Lodge and Mabalingwe Nature Reserve Visit the registration table to sign up for these. Registration until 3 October 2014 Or email Alternatively visit for more information MC2014 Programme 14 FIELDTRIPS Fieldtrip to the Woodlands Programme at AngloGold Ashanti Ltd Vaal Reefs & West Wits Mines Saturday 4 October (07h00-18h00) The world’s most extensive and deepest underground mines are located on the historic Witwatersrand Basin goldfields. The extraction of gold and uranium, since the late 1800’s, has left a legacy of soil and water contamination by multiple pollutants. AngloGold Ashanti S.A. Region and the University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg are global leaders in the testing and large-scale implementation of Phytotechnologies – the use of plants to decontaminate and improve degraded and polluted areas. Guests will be given an introduction to a range of phytotechnologies, from woodlands of trees that accumulate and remove pollutants to wetlands for surface water treatment. Two sites on AGA property will be visited – the Vaal River Mining Operations and the West Wits Mining Operations. _____________________________ Bus departure and return points: in front of Sandton Convention Centre. Please bring: hat, sunscreen and mosquito repellent. Please wear: long trousers and closed shoes (no open shoes will be allowed). Price: Free Includes transport, tea and lunch Visit the registration table to sign up for these. Registration until 3 October 2014 Or email Visit for more information 15 9th International Conference on Mine Closure Fieldtrip to Bonwa Phala Game Lodge and Mabalingwe Nature Reserve With optional visit to nearby elephant sanctuary Adventures with Elephants Friday 3 (15h00) –Sunday 5 October (Return Time Negotiable) Accommodation will be in the beautiful Bonwa Phala Game Lodge which offers guests the opportunity to see a variety of animals up close from the comfort of their chalets, pool and dining areas. Bonwa Phala is a 5000 ha Nature Reserve which offers a pristine, diverse and unique destination in the Bela-Bela district of Limpopo Province. It is located next door to Mabalingwe Nature Reserve, allowing easy access for a variety of game viewing opportunities. Mabalingwe Nature Reserve is spread over more than 12 500 ha of unspoilt bushveld and nestles in the shadow of the majestic Waterberg Mountains. It is home to the Big 5 (lion, leopard, elephant, buffalo and rhino) allowing ample opportunity to view these spectacular Southern African wild animals in their natural habitat.There are a variety of optional game drives during the day and at night at Mabalingwe and Bonwa Phala as well as guided bushwalks in amongst the wild animals. In addition, guests will have the opportunity to attend lion feeding up close as well as ride on and interact with elephants at the elephant sanctuary Adventures with Elephants. Please bring: hat, sunscreen, mosquito repellent, comfortable clothing, toiletries and medications. Optional: binoculars, cameras, and swimming costume and swimming towel. You may be required to wear long trousers and closed shoes if you intend to go on the bush walks. Bus departure and return points: in front of Sandton Convention Centre. Price: Only R3 800 per person Includes transport, accommodation, breakfasts and suppers. Optional game drives from R100 Registration until 3 October 2014. Visit the registration table to sign up for these. Or email Visit for more information MC2014 Programme 16 Venue Map Escalator Ballroom 4 Ballroom 3 Ballroom 2 Ballroom 1 Ballroom Foyer 7 6 5 4 Boardrooms 3 2 1 Escalator Escalator 9th International Conference on Mine Closure