Development on Ku-Band Feed Chains for Satellite Antennas
Development on Ku-Band Feed Chains for Satellite Antennas
Development on Ku-Band Feed Chains for Satellite Antennas Christian Hartwanger1, Ralf Gehring1, UnPyo Hong1, Helmut Wolf 1 1 EADS Astrium GmbH, D-81663 Munich (Germany), Email: Short Abstract—The payload of next generation multimedia telecommunication satellites demands on an increased number of communication channels and improved EIRP and G/T performance. Especially in Ku-band, the request for combined BSS/FSS Transmit / Receive antennas grows. The feed system is considered to be the key component of an antenna. EADS Astrium responds to the needs of the market regarding feed systems with two major developments under ESA contract. Keywords: Ku-band; Feed Chain; OMT; Horn; High Power; Wide Band; I. INTRODUCTION The payload of next generation multimedia telecommunication satellites demands on an increased number of communication channels and improved EIRP and G/T performance. Especially in Ku-band the request for a combined BSS (Broadcast Satellite Services) / FSS (Fixed Satellite Services) Tx (Transmit) / Rx (Receive) feed chain grows. Therewith, the Tx and Rx functions for the FSS and BSS services could be combined in a single dual polarized antenna. Thus the mass and space required for the individual top floor Rx antenna can be saved and allows for the accommodation of additional antennas and services. Consequently the overall frequency band, the numbers of channels and the RF power per channel to be operated by the antennas will considerably increase. Therefore the requirements on the linearity have to be further improved, compared to state of the art systems, in order to avoid the generation of Passive Intermodulation Products (PIMP). For an effective re-use of the frequency bands it is obvious to use both polarizations for the individual channels with an excellent polarization decoupling. These major requirements are mainly influenced by the feed systems of the antennas. A thorough and mature design of the feed systems is a key factor for a successful antenna design. EADS Astrium responds to the needs of the market regarding feed systems with two major developments under ESA contract. and the RF performance of the Wide Ku-band Feed Chain Bread Board Model (BBM). The main foci for the development of the High Power Feed Chain were: • Significantly higher multipacting threshold, • Combined Tx/Rx operation with reduced PIM risk, • Improved thermal performance, • Remain excellent RF performance, compared to state of the art feed chains. While the High Power Ku-band Feed Chain covers the frequency band from 10.7GHz to 14.5GHz (FSS Tx/Rx and BSS Tx), the main focus of the wide band feed chain development is the extension to the frequencies 17.2GHz – 18.4GHz (BSS Rx). The success of this enormous enhancement could not be presumed, hence, the development was split into two phases. During the current finalized first phase the feasibility of a wide Ku-band feed chain has been demonstrated based on BBM measurements. For phase two a detailed design update will be performed and an EQM will be manufactured and fully RF qualified. Both feed chains consist of: • A conical horn; • A circular to square wave guide transition; • An Orthomode Transducer (OMT). Benefiting from past feed product developments and extensive heritage, an innovative High Power Ku-band Feed Chain (HPFC) [1] was developed and qualified for space applications. Based on those results, an enhancement regarding the band width of the feed chain is currently under development (concluded 2006). This article summarizes the performance of the High Power Ku-band Feed Chain Engineering Qualification Model (EQM) Figure 1. EQM High Power Feed Chain assembly. See for example the yellow chromated EQM of the High Power Feed Chain in Fig. 1. The feed chain is mounted on an aluminium honeycomb structure, which radiates the temperature resulting in cause of power dissipation. Via three titanium brackets, the plate is mounted on a space craft. A typical application for both feed chains as source in a Gregorian satellite antenna is illustrated in Fig. 2. Just as well, the feed chains can be utilized in a single offset reflector antenna. The mechanical requirements are derived from an internal EADS Astrium document describing the Design, Interface, Construction and Test Requirements for Antennas on Eurostar 3000 Spacecraft. Based on the requirements from previous commercial Kuband projects the temperature range for qualification of the Kuband feed chain shall be -150° C to +146° C. B. EQM Qualification Tests To qualify the High Power Feed Chain to EQM-status, a special test philosophy is necessary. The test flow is shown in Fig. 3. Visual inspection of the components Figure 2. Typical antenna geometry for the feed chain. RF test (S-parameters) on component level Intermediate RF check Multipacting tests, only if analysis margin < 6 dB* Thermal cycling feed chain Initial RF test feed chain (S-parameters, pattern) Final RF test feed chain (S-parameters, pattern) Vibration test feed chain PIMP test vs. temperature * Due to the high number of channels it is permitted to use the "20 gap crossing rule" II. HIGH POWER KU-BAND FEED CHAIN A. General RF- Specifications of the High Power Ku-Band Feed Chain The specifications are derived from the requirements of past and planned Ku-band missions to ensure that the needs for future applications will be covered. The relevant RF specifications are summarized in Table I. TABLE I. RF-SPECIFICATION OF HIGH POWER KU-BAND FEED CHAIN Item Operating frequency Polarisation Power handling 3rd order PIMP Return loss Maximum Cross-polar Peak Insertion loss Specification 10.70-13.20 GHz (Transmit) 13.70-14.50 GHz (Receive) Dual linear 24x110 Watt carriers per polarisation < -135 dBm with 2x110W carriers over Temperature (-135° C to +135° C) < -23 dB < -43 dB < 0.12 dB Figure 3. Test flow for qualification tests. After an initial visual inspection of the feed chain, the Sparameters are measured on component level. When the components are integrated to the feed chain, a multipaction test has to be done, if the analysis margin is lower the 6dB. An initial RF test is performed to verify the feed design and to have a data base to which the results can be compared after the environmental tests. The intermediate RF check is an Sparameter measurement to be sure that the hardware did not change during vibration test. After the thermal cycling test, a final RF measurement is made and the results are compared to the initial test. The EQM qualification ends with a thermal PIMP test. This proceeding guarentees a proper workmanship. C. EQM Qualification Test Results of High Power Ku-Band Feed Chain According to the test flow (Fig. 3), all tests have been performed for the High Power Ku-band Feed Chain. Fig. 4 shows the measured return loss of the feed chain for both polarizations. The specification of -23dB is fulfilled with margin. The structural analyses of the feed chain assembly were done using NASTRAN and the pre-/ and post processor PATRAN. Static and dynamic analyses were performed to verify the overall strength and integrity. The test predictions based on a sine response analysis with 1g input up to 2000Hz were carried out for several accelerometer positions and for the main interface loads. Fig. 7 shows an example for the results of stress and strength analysis for the horn and the OMT. Figure 4. EQM feed chain – Final measured return loss of the horizonatal and vertical port. A picture of the HPFC installed in the feed chamber for pattern measurement is shown in Fig. 5. Figure 7. Stress plot with maximum stress at the horn (left) and the Orthomode Transducer (right) A picture of the HPFC on the shaker for vibration test is shown in Fig. 8. Figure 5. EQM feed chain in feed chamber. A result of the pattern measurement is illustrated in Fig. 6. As well as the measured co polar pattern, the measured cross polar coincides with the predicted values. 0 High Power Ku Band Feed Chain EQM: Final Measurement - TP - Ver Measured vs. Predicted Performance, Phi = 45.0 Deg., Freq. = 12.70000 GHz Measured Co-Polar (Feed) Measured X-Polar (Feed) Predicted Co-Polar (Horn) Predicted X-Polar (Horn) Figure 8. EQM feed chain on shaker for vibration test. -10 In Table II the analysed worst case multipacting performance for the yellow chromated horn and the OMT is summarized. The MP margins are calculated in comparison to the standard wave guide R 120. Gain [dBi] -20 -30 -40 TABLE II. MP ANALYSIS RESULTS FOR THE HIGH POWER FEED CHAIN FOR 2 X 24 CARRIERS, 110 W PER CARRIER. -50 -60 -60 -40 -20 0 Scan Angle [deg] 20 40 Figure 6. Pattern Measurement at 12.7GHz (Vertical port). 60 WG R 120 OMT Horn Margin N2P-rule [dB] - 0.8 -2.4 3.4 Margin P20 [dB] 13.0 10.8 17.2 Because the margin of the analyzed multipaction threshold is larger 6dB, a multipaction test was not required. A thermal PIM test has been performed over a thermal cycle between +135ºC and -135 ºC. Two 120 Watt carriers at 11.0 GHz and 12.5 GHz respectively were applied to the feed. A sketch of the set up is shown in Fig. 9. The PIMP was measured at 14.00GHz. Temperature was controlled by thermocouples attached to the OMT, transition and horn. A PIM level of -120 dBm could be demontrated based on a limited available test setup performance of -123 dBm. TABLE III. RF-SPECIFICATION OF WIDE KU-BAND FEED CHAIN Item Service frequency bands (BSS/FSS) Polarisation Power handling 3rd order PIMP Return loss Maximum Crosspolar Insertion loss Specification 10.70-14.50 GHz 17.20-18.40 GHz Dual linear 20x110 Watt carriers per polarisation < -135 dBm with 2x110W carriers over Temperature (-135° C to +135° C) < -21 dB < -40 dB < 0.18 dB B. Rf-Performance of BBm Wide Ku-Band Feed Chain Due to the wide frequency band (10.7GHz - 18.4GHz), two RF interfaces (R 120 and R 140) were used for the scattering parameter measurements in order to achieve minimum measurement errors. Fig 10. shows the result of the return loss measurement of the BBM Wide Band Feed Chain for the vertical polarization. The result for horizontal port also fulfills the requirement. Figure 9. PIM test configuration 0 All tests were performed successfully which leads to an EQM qualification of the High Power Ku-Band feed chain. Interface R 120 (10-14GHz) Interface R 140 (14-19GHz) -5 -10 -15 Return Loss [dB] The losses of the OMT including transition were measured to be less than 0.07dB. Together with a conservative assessment of the horn losses of 0.04dB, the requirement for the feed chain is fulfilled. BBM Wide Ku-Band Feed Chain: Return Loss Measurment Vertical Polarisation (Through Port) -20 -25 -30 -35 -40 III. WIDE KU-BAND FEED CHAIN As a consequent enhancement of the High Power Ku-band Feed Chain, a Wide Ku-band Feed Chain is currently under development in EADS Astrium. In order to verify the design and to demonstrate the feasibility of such a component, a Bread Board Model was manufactured. A. General RF-Specifications of the Wide Ku-Band Feed Chain The specifications for the Wide Ku-band Feed Chain are given in TABLE III. As well as the specifications for the HPFC, they are based on customer requests. The thermal and mechanical requirements and the principle thermal and structural design of the Wide Band Feed Chain are similar to the High Power Feed Chain. Therefore, an RF qualification of the Wide Ku-band Feed Chain is sufficient. -45 -50 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Frequency [GHz] 17 18 19 Figure 10. Wide Band BBM Feed Chain – Return loss: vertical polarization. In Fig. 11, the measured isolation is recorded, which satisfies the requirement of 50dB with margin. A typical co and cross polar pattern cut is shown in Fig. 12. The pattern coincides with the prediction. The multipaction analysis shows a worst case result of 8dB margin with respect to the 20 gap crossing rule. Hence, no multipaction test had to be performed. Compared to the High Power feed chain, only a slightly degradation of 2 dB can be observed. The measured data demonstrate the feasibility of a dual polarized high performance feed chain covering the entire FSS/BSS frequency band from 10.7GHz to 18.4GHz. IV. BBM Wide Ku-Band Feed Chain: Isolation Measurment Horizontal Port (Dual Side Port) 0 Two feed chains for Ku-Band have been presented. Interface R 120 (10-14GHz) Interface R 140 (14-19GHz) -10 Port-Port Isolation [dB] -20 -30 -40 -50 -60 -70 -80 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Frequency [GHz] 17 18 19 Figure 11. Wide Band BBM Feed Chain – Isolation measurement. Wide ku Band Horn (BBM_Horn_CC_10_CR_140) Measured vs. Predicted Performance, Phi = 45.0 Deg., Freq. = 17.30000 GHz 0 Measured Co-Polar (Horn) Measured X-Polar (Horn) Predicted Co-Polar (Horn) Predicted X-Polar (Horn) CONCLUSION A High Power Feed Chain for applications in Ku-band Satellite Communication Systems was developed and qualified to EQM-status at EADS Astrium GmbH. The RF design of this feed chain was optimized for high RF power applications, i.e. high multipaction threshold (closed to standard waveguide), low losses (less than 0.12 dB) and high linearity (3rd order PIM < -120 dBm, based on an available PIM setup validation of about -123 dBm), while maintaining excellent radiation characteristics. All scattering parameter requirements (return loss > 24 dB, port to port isolation > 58 dB) are fulfilled. The mechanical and thermal design of the feed chain allow for applications in single or dual offset reflector systems, accommodated either at the Earth faced panel or the side panels of a GEO positioned satellite. Based on the design and results of the High Power Feed Chain, a design for a Wide Ku-Band Feed Chain was optimized and a BBM was built. The BBM was RF tested in order to demonstrate the feasibility of a wide band feed chain. The results are promising and therefore, following an update of the initial design, an EQM will be manufactured and RF qualified during 2006. -10 V. Gain [dBi] -20 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The above described hardware has been developed under ESTEC Contracts. EADS Astrium is grateful to ESA / ESTEC, especially to Arturo Martín Polegre and Luca Salghetti Drioli for the support of the development and qualification activities. -30 -40 -50 -60 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 Scan Angle [deg] 40 60 80 Figure 12. Wide Band BBM Feed Chain – Pattern measurement at 17.3GHz. [1] R. Gehring, C. Hartwanger, U. Hong, M. Schneider, H. Wolf, "Ku-Band High Power Feed Chain", Proc. 28th ESA Antenna Workshop on Space Antenna Systems and Technologies, ESTEC, Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 2005