Welcome to Wageningen
Welcome to Wageningen
Your Guide 2012-2013 Welcome to Wageningen Welcome to Wageningen University On behalf of the university community, Wageningen University is a part of Wageningen UR I am very pleased to welcome you to (University & Research centre), a unique collaborative Wageningen University. Whether you are orientated research institutes, Van Hall Larenstein College combination of a university and policy and market here for a long or a short period of study, for professional education and institutes for applied I would like to wish you a pleasant stay and No such combination is found at any other university research. hope you will soon feel at home. On our side, in Europe. The advantages are numerous. You will soon we will do all we can to support you during internationally oriented university community in your stay in Wageningen. find that you have become a member of the most the Netherlands: you will meet students from all over the world, both in and outside of the lecture halls. Feeling at home has everything to do with being informed: knowing how to get things done, where to go, what to do and how to do it will help you more easily find your way. Your Guide to Wageningen will assist you find the services you need. It answers many frequently asked questions posed by newcomers to Wageningen. Enjoy your stay and studies in our university city. Prof. dr M.J. Kropff Rector Magnificus/vice-president Wageningen University Contents Wageningen University Student Service Centre (SSC) Student counselling service Housing 7 7 7 9 Student facilities Library Wageningen UR WUR shop Free online textbooks Sports Centre De Bongerd 11 13 14 14 14 Legal residence in The Netherlands Stay shorter than 3 months Stay longer than 3 months Tuberculosis examination Travel abroad End of study Municipal registration 16 16 17 18 19 19 20 Wageningen and our social life International student organizations Working in Multicultural settings Chaplaincy Studium Generale (SG), building marked with ‘LA13’ neon sign 21 21 21 21 2 | Wageningen University 23 Young KLV Annual Introduction Days 24 24 Financial matters Bank Cash dispensers Moneycard Chipknip payment card Dutch bankcard with pincode 25 25 25 25 26 26 Insurance Medical Insurance Liability Insurance European Students Letter from CVZ 27 27 27 27 28 Medical care 29 General practitioners (GPS or family doctors), in Dutch, huisarts29 Dentists, in Dutch, tandarts31 Pharmacies, in Dutch, apotheek32 Important Telephone Numbers 33 Shopping Supermarkets 34 34 Shops with budget prices Outlet shop Second-hand shops Specialized shops Open-air market Bicycles shops Stamps and post services 35 35 35 35 36 36 37 Transportation38 Bicycles 38 Taxis 39 Buses 39 OV-chipkaart 40 Trains 40 Dinner and entertainment Restaurants Fast-food and take-away Cinema 41 41 42 42 National Events Carnival April 30: Koninginnedag - the Queen’s birthday May 4: Commemoration day May 5: Liberation day 43 43 43 43 43 December 5: Sinterklaas - Saint Nicholas Day 44 Welcome to Forum Opening Hours Forum Free work areas Food and drink Chipknip payment card Wireless Copying and printing Parking 45 45 45 45 46 46 46 46 Forum house rules General Use of indoor areas Teaching areas Library Use of outdoor areas Parking Other information Emergency response (BHV) Wageningen UR 47 47 47 47 48 48 48 48 48 Some Dutch words and phrases Academic year calendar 2012-2013 Maps 50 64 66 Your Guide 2012-2013 | 3 4 | Wageningen University In order to help you adapt to life here, the International Student Support has compiled this booklet, which offers practical information. We hope it answers most of the questions that will undoubtedly arise during your stay here. We realize that not all your questions can be answered just by reading this booklet. Therefore, if you need any further information, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and make your stay a pleasant one. The International Student Support (ISS) is a part of the Student Service Centre. Besides ISS, the Student Service Centre consists out of the Student administration, Student desk and the Student counselling service. More information can be found on www.ssc.wu.nl/uk. Suggestions for improvements, additions or modifications to this booklet are always welcome and may be submitted to International Student Support; check our website www.ssc.wur.nl/uk, under the button questions and answers. We wish you a wonderful time in the Netherlands. International Student Support Student Service Centre (SSC) Wageningen University Your Guide 2012-2013 | 5 6 | Wageningen University Wageningen University Student Service Centre (SSC) clicking the contact button on the ‘questions and answers’ site. The Student Service Centre (SSC) is responsible for the handling of studentrelated administrative matters. The Student counselling service SSC consists of the Student Administration, the International Office and the Student Counselling Service. Student counsellor The front office of SSC is the Student Desk, located on The student counsellors provide confidential advice on the ground floor in Forum. All students can consult the practical, financial and personal matters such as social Student Desk for information concerning: university problems, study problems (progress, support, and registration, visa, residence permit, insurance, financial regulations), finance, housing and mediation. Studying matters, fellowships, accommodation, transcripts, et with a functional limitation: if you have a learning cetera. You can also schedule an appointment with one disability, such as dyslexia you can may qualify for special of the student counsellors at the Student Desk. regulations and arrangements for students. Contact student counsellors: Mrs Carla Haenen, Mrs Miranda van The Student Desk can be found in Forum, building 102: der Slikke, Mrs Janneke Hermans, Mr Marc Uijland. Droevendaalsesteeg 2 Opening hours Student Desk: Monday to Thursday from 09.00 – 16.00 hrs, and Their offices are in Forum. Friday from 09.00 – 13.00 hrs. (Please note that the Appointments: through the SSC secretary, opening times are subject to change. Please check the Call 0317 483618 or at the Student Desk in Forum. website www.ssc.wur.nl/uk for the latest information) For opening hours check the website: www.wageningenuniversity.nl/uk/informationfor/ Our University has a central knowledge databank where Current+students/studentcounsellingservice. you can find an answer to your question. Check this Contact e-mail: deanforstudents.dsb@wur.nl website www.ssc.wur.nl/uk for ‘questions and answers’. If the answer to your question is not available, you can Confidential adviser submit your question to the Student Service Centre by Wageningen University employs a confidential adviser for Your Guide 2012-2013 | 7 students. She is independent and everything you discuss University registration with her is confidential. Confidential adviser for students To be able to follow classes, make use of facilities at Mrs. Carla Haenen 0317-483820 vpstudent@wur.nl Wageningen University such as WUR email, the library, you need to be registered as a (guest) student. The Student psychologist registration is valid for a maximum of one academic year, It is not at all uncommon for a student to have some namely from September 1 - August 31. Detailed difficulties related to study (e.g. concentration, planning) information on how to complete the registration form and or personal life (e.g. depression, homesickness or social on other subjects related to your registration can be found anxiety). The psychologist may be able to help find a in the Registration Handbook available at the Student solution for such complaints; they offer short term Service Centre and online at www.ssc.wur.nl/uk, Current treatment (max 8 sessions). Consultations are for free for Students, forms Student Administration. students from Wageningen University. For severe or long After you are registered as a student at Wageningen term psychological problems you should contact your University, you will receive a WURnet account. You can doctor, who can assist you to find the help you need. For use the WURnet account to log on to all computers in the an appointment with one of the student psychologists, computer rooms at Wageningen University which give please contact one of them: access to: the internet, your own WUR email as well as to Mrs Esther Heemskerk (esther.heemskerk@wur.nl), your own university work area. This account also gives Mrs ManetBoer (manet.boer@wur.nl), or Mrs Ineke access to EDUweb and SSC online. Leenders (ineke.leenders@wur.nl). WUR Card: All students who are enrolled at Wageningen Please note In case of illness you will have to see a University receive a WUR card after registration. The WUR General Practitioner (GP). For names and addresses, card is an organization card on which your personal data see page 30 to 33. and your rights within the organization are stored and is issued once only. 8 | Wageningen University The WUR card has the following functions: The rooms that are being allocated by student housing are • Identification as a student of Wageningen University managed by either Idealis or iNFacilities and are situated (only in combination with a valid Proof of Enrolment); • Library card, to borrow books from the University Libraries; • Identification to make use of the printers and in Wageningen, Bennekom and Ede. Should you have any problems or questions regarding the room itself than please contact Idealis or iNFacilities. For all other matters you can contact student housing. photocopiers at Wageningen UR; • Identification for entrance to WUR non-public buildings (if applicable); • Sport card (if applicable). Contact information Idealis Duivendaal 1 6701 AP Wageningen Telephone: 0317 42 61 61 Enrolment as a student means that you have certain rights and obligations. Information on this subject can Opening hours office: be found in the Student Charter, available on Monday-Thursday: 09.00 - 16.00 hrs www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under regulations and students Friday: 09.00 - 12.00 hrs co-management They manage the following buildings: Asserpark, Housing Bornsesteeg, Dijkgraaf, Hoevestein, Haarweg (all Haarweg numbers except for Haarweg 10, 10A & 333). Student Service Centre arranges housing for international Contact information iNFacilities students that have a so called bed guarantee. To find out Forum Building, Building 102, Room 019 if you have a bed guarantee and how to (re)-apply, go to; Droevendaalsesteeg 2 www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under current Msc students, Housing/ 6708 PB Wageningen Room+application+-+Bed +guarantee/ Telephone: 06 832 251 96 Your Guide 2012-2013 | 9 Opening hours office: Quality of life Monday - Friday: 10.00 - 16.00 hrs The motto at Wageningen UR is to improve the quality of They manage the following buildings; Beringhem, life. This can be taken in its broadest sense; worldwide. Churchill House, Earth House Fire House, Maurits 9, 10, Quality of life can also begin nearer to home and your 85 & 86, Water House. work. We all study and work better in a clean Contact Student Housing: Droevendaalsesteeg 2 tidy environment. More information about waste 6708 PB Wageningen seperation in Wageningen see the website Consulting hours housing office Tuesday and Thursday http://www.wageningen.nl/Wonen_milieu_en_verkeer/ from 12.00 till 13.00 hrs (situated in the office of Natuur_en_milieu/Afval/English_information iNFacilities).You can contact us through the universities website though ‘Questions & Answers’; www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under current Msc students, housing. Note that most accommodation offered by the university is for 1 person only. Should you want to come with your family/partner than you can register for a combi/double room or apartment. Keep in mind that the waiting lists for these rooms/apartments are long and that it will be your own responsibility to find alternative accommodation should we not be able to accommodate you. For all other information on housing or if you wish to find links to the private market, please go to our website: www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under current Msc students, housing. 10 | Wageningen University Student facilities English Language/Language Services reason, all our language training programmes are linked English is the language of instruction at Wageningen to the Common European Framework of Reference for University and a good command of English is essential Languages. Moreover, our teachers have experience and to follow subjects at the University. Many students are affinity with the specialised scientific terminology of not used to constantly communicating in English and Wageningen UR. Wageningen UR has implemented a can sometimes experience difficulties when doing so. bilingual language policy, this means that more and more Therefore, MSc and Exchange students are strongly verbal and written communication will take place in advised to take the Online Oxford Placement Test at English (and Dutch). Therefore we recommend student to Language Services to determine their level of English. improve their English. The test takes about 45 minutes. At Language Services students can follow English MSc Students/Exchange Students/ language courses that are appropriate for their level. We PhD Students offer English I, English II, English III, English IV and two All students can take the Online Oxford Placement Test at levels of academic writing. Language courses start in Language Services (Forum building, Room 108) from September (English III, English IV and the academic Monday to Friday from 10.00 – 16.00 hrs. To register for writing courses), October (English I, English II) and March the test, students are asked to call Language Services at (all courses). Classes are held from Monday to Thursday 0317 482552, or send a mail to after 17 hrs so they do not interfere with day classes. languageservices.fb@wur.nl to make an appointment. Language Services provides this support to both staff and After a student completes the test, Language Services can students. For each course students pay a € 90,– instantly check the test results on its website. When registration fee and the costs of the books. required, the score can be mailed to the student’s programme coordinator. Language Services also offers the following English language courses especially designed for Wageningen UR English Language Courses PhD students: Scientific Writing, The Art of Writing, For our services, quality always has priority. For this Writing Grant Proposals, Presentation Skills and Toefl iBt. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 11 These courses focus on speaking and writing in English, University gives access to Internet, WUR e-mail and other the skills that PhD candidates need for giving programs. Almost all faculty buildings and the Library presentations, preparing research proposals, and writing have computer rooms. In many faculty buildings it is and defending their thesis. Staff members and possible to log on to the wireless network. For more MSc students may also participate in these courses. information see http://www.wireless.wur.nl/. The course costs vary from € 400,– to € 625,– and include EDUweb is a portal where you can find all the information course materials. Wageningen PhD students with an approved relevant to your study at Wageningen University. The TSP (Training and Supervision Plan) receive a 50% discount website address is: http://EDUweb.wur.nl and you can log on all PhD courses except Toefl iBt. Postdocs who work for a on with your WURnet account and password. On this site Graduate School are eligible for the same discount. you will find the courses you are registered for and all the ICT information about these courses, as well as For more information, see the course information on our announcements from lecturers. You will also find your website: www.languageservices.wur.nl grades and your lecture and exam schedule. Furthermore, there are links to various other study related websites and Visiting address Language Services to manuals for EDUweb and the registration of courses. Wageningen University EDUweb is the website you should use as a starting point Forum, 1st floor, Room 108 for your study at Wageningen University. Droevendaalsesteeg 2 At http://ssc.wur.nl/mededelingen/air//flyer-uk.pdf you E-mail: Languageservices.fb@wur.nl can find an introduction to EDUweb. Website: www.languageservices.wur.nl The Wageningen University Study Handbook offers ICT facilities complete information regarding examination rules and The University Computer Centre has many computer regulations, study programme, course contents, and facilities at its disposal. Registration at Wageningen provides an overview of all study-related subjects. 12 | Wageningen University This information can also be found on the website For questions regarding your WURnet account, please www.studyhandbook.wu.nl. You can get the study contact the Service Desk ICT: FB-ICT Service desk handbook at the WUR shop in the Forum building. E-mail: servicedesk.ict@wur.nl Call: 0317 488888 European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System Visiting address: Computechnion, Dreijenplein 2 (ECTS) Monday through Friday: 08.00 – 17.30 hrs Wageningen University has completely implemented the ECTS in its education organisation. All information in the Library Wageningen UR student charter and Study Handbook is based on the ECTS principles described in the Bologna process. For more Library covers scientific and discipline-oriented information information see the website sources in the Netherlands for the following disciplines: http://www.wageningenuniversity.nl/UK/informationfor/ Agro technology and Food Sciences, Plant Sciences, stud-outside/Education+System/ Environmental Sciences, Animal Sciences and Social Sciences. Some exceptional ‘foreign collections’ are Planning Booklet. All courses are listed both by period integrally incorporated in the Wageningen Catalogue. and time of day. This information can also be found on the The historical collections and the collections regarding website: www.schedule.wu.nl garden and landscape architecture are also described in the Wageningen Desktop Library. Wageningen UR Library All departments are listed with the course schedules, and offers electronic journals integrated, together with the all studies are listed with the scheduled courses. Wageningen catalogue and electronic files, in the Note that you have to register for courses two weeks prior Wageningen Desktop Library. The students and staff of to the beginning of the course concerned. You can do so Wageningen UR are able to access electronic sources from at the SSC website https://ssc.wur.nl/air210/student/, log the WURnet. A directory including instructions on how to on with your WUR account. On this site you will see how use the library, how to order a document, duration of a to register. book loan and how long a loan can be extended or to find out which loans and reservations the user has requested, Your Guide 2012-2013 | 13 completes the Wageningen Desktop Library. The Personal Wur shop Desktop Library or ‘My library’, as it is called, offers users the possibility to design their own electronic quick and For purchasing textbooks, internet cables software and easy access to files where the user is alerted to new office equipment, you can contact the Wur-shop. At the acquisitions and recently published instalments of Wur shop you can pay cash or by pin or chipknip card. journals: Table-of- Content Alerts. Information about the Opening Hours: Library and its locations is coordinated by the monday-thursday from 09.00-16.00 hrs service desk. friday from 09.00-14.00 hrs location Wur shop Forum building, Wageningen UR Library E-mail: servicedesk.library@wur.nl Website: www.library.wur.nl Droevendaalsesteeg 2, Wageningen Free online textbooks Call: 0317 484440 Opening hours You can download textbooks free of charge on the Pulse Monday to Friday from 8.00 – 22.00 hrs website (Wageningen Student Union) Saturday from 10.00 – 17.00 hrs www.pulsewageningen.nl/wp/. The books available are Sunday from 10.00 – 15.00 hrs basic texts for subjects such as statistics, chemistry, economics and mathematics. (facilities, free study During office hours (Monday to Friday until 18.00 hrs) the building is freely accessible. After office hours, you must use your WUR card to enter the building. literature and second hand study books). Sports Centre De Bongerd Changes in the opening hours will be announced in Resource and on the website. The Sports Centre De Bongerd is a multi-functional sport centre with both indoor and outdoor facilities. The Sport and Movement programme offers 31 sport activities for 14 | Wageningen University students and staff of Wageningen UR. Twenty specialized Address University Sport Centre De Bongerd instructors provide instruction in a wide range of sports, Bornsesteeg 2 from track to swimming. Sports such as aerobics, aqua fit, 6708 PE Wageningen fitness, squash, Tai Bo and inline skating are also offered Call: 0317 483877 in the Sport and Movement programme. The Sport Centre E-mail: office.fb-usb@wur.nl has a gymnasium, track, climbing wall, four squash Website: www.sportscentre.wur.nl/uk courts, six tennis courts and four outdoor fields along with a completely renovated fitness room, built according to the latest standards. The Sport Centre De Bongerd is open 7 days a week, allowing you to take part in sport during the weekend as well. To be able to make use of the facilities or participate in the Sport and Movement programme, you must have the sports option on your WUR card activated. It also gives free admission to Sportfondsenbad De Bongerd (swimming pool) and can be used to become a member of one or more of the 17 student sports clubs. WU students are charged € 71 for the 2012/2013 academic year. This covers the cost of courses and the use of the facilities. For this purpose it is necessary that the sports option on your WUR card is activated. For further information about the Sport and Movement programme, please visit: site www.sportscentre.wur.nl/uk/or contact the reception. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 15 Legal residence in The Netherlands Legal Residence in the Netherlands means that foreigners they could obtain during 1 year or a part thereof the have been granted permission by the Dutch Government Immigration Authorities will cancel the residence permit. to temporarily reside in the Netherlands for a specific The moment the final date of implementation is set, all purpose, in this case education. The Government students will be informed. In the meanwhile the Nuffic has appointed the Immigration and Naturalization Service set up an information website about the new policy, (IND) as the body that grants legal residence. The general www.nuffic.nl/international-students/how-to-prepare/ rule is that legal residence is granted to students for study visas-and-permits/long-stay-visa/new-immigration-law. purposes. Unfortunately the IND is obliged by law to communicate in Dutch to all residence permit holders. Stay shorter than 3 months When you receive a letter from the IND that you do not understand, please visit the Student Desk in Forum and we will be happy to help you. 1 Nationals from European Union (EU)* and European Free Trade Association (EFTA)** countries and Switzerland do not have to report to the Immigration New law coming Authorities. However, should they wish to do so, they The Dutch Government is implementing a new can report to the Immigration Authorities. Call: immigration policy. At the date of printing this booklet the 0900 1234561 (€ 0.10 per minute) to make an date of implementation is not yet known. The expected appointment. date of introduction is set for the beginning of 2013. The See www.ind.nl for further information. new policy is called ‘Modern Migratie beleid (MoMi)’. Under 2 Nationals from all other countries have to complete an the new policy the procedures for international students online registration form on Aliens Police Department will be simplified and the students will receive a residence website Arnhem within three days of their arrival in permit for the duration of their study. Another important the Netherlands. You can find the digital form on: change for the students will be that the Immigration www.politie.nl/Gelderland-Midden/mailformulier/short_ Authorities will do a study progress check. At the moment stay.asp if students do not obtain more than 50% of the credits 16 | Wageningen University Stay longer than 3 months 2aFor NON-EU Nationals who entered The 1 Nationals from European Union (EU)* and European The first application for a residence permit must be Netherlands without a MVV entry visa* Free Trade Association (EFTA)** countries and made via International Student Support. The residence Switzerland do not have to report to the Immigration permit application will be done before you arrive in Authorities. However, should they wish to do so, they Wageningen. For more information www.ssc.wur.nl/uk can (after registration at the Municipality of under future Msc students non EU- visa and Wageningen) report to the Immigration Authorities. immigration procedures. Call: 0900 1234561 (€ 0.10 per minute) to make an appointment. See www.ind.nl for further information. *European Union (EU) countries are: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, The Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovak Republic, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom. **European Free Trade Association (EFTA) countries are: Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway and Switzerland. *USA, Canada, Japan, Australia, New Zealand, Monaco and Vatican City and South Korea 2bNON-EU nationals already in possession of a residence permit for The Netherlands Students from Non-EU countries who are already in the Netherlands and in the possession of a Dutch residence permit for study have to ask for a change of purpose. This applies to students coming from another institution. You can download the form ‘Application for 2 For nationals from all other countries a residence a regular residence permit with a MVV or Change in permit is compulsory. A residence permit will normally purpose of stay’. It can be found on the IND webpage be issued for the purpose of study and may be from the IND, www.ind.nl. extended on a year-to- year basis under the same conditions as applying for the first time. Complete the application and hand it in at the Student Desk at Forum. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 17 A residence permit will normally be issued for the Visiting address maximum of 1 year, and may be extended on a year-to- GGD year basis under the same conditions as applying for the Hulpverlening Gelderland Midden first time. Stationsweg 60 Tuberculosis examination 6711 PT Ede Directions: You should take a bus (bus no. 88) to the Ede- In order to obtain a residence permit, nationals of most Wageningen train station. You arrive at the train station countries* will have to undergo a tuberculosis Ede-Wageningen and follow the street called Stationsweg. examination. The examination involves an X-Ray of the After walking approximately 10 to 15 minutes you will see lungs. The X-ray will be taken by the GGD in Ede the building ‘Hulpverlening Gelderland Midden’ on your (Municipal Public Health Service). You will have to travel to left. the GGD in Ede (a town about 6 km north of Wageningen) From the Bus station in Ede, you can also take bus no. 3, on your own at a later date (by appointment only). 4, 5 or no. 107 or 108s. You have to get off the the bus at The GGD can be reached by bus (bus 88) the second stop after the Ede-Wageningen train station. Take the following with you: Approximately 100 meters on your left you will see the • Your passport building ‘Hulpverlening Gelderland Midden’. • Insurance certificate/card • Address in the Netherlands • Appendix Tuberculosis Declaration To make an appointment please phone 088-3555700 monday till friday 08.30-09.00 and 12.30-14.00 hrs and tell them you would like to make an appointment to go to Ede. *Nationals of the following countries are exempted from the tuberculosis examination: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxemburg, Malta, Monaco, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Rumania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Spain, Surinam, Sweden, Switzerland, New Zealand, United Kingdom and United States of America, Vatican City. 18 | Wageningen University Travel abroad for a maximum of 3 months. When you intend to stay longer than 3 months, you must check the visa Students in possession of a valid residence permit are requirements of that specific country well in advance. allowed to return to the Netherlands without any When staying in the Netherlands shorter than 3 months, problems. If your residence permit is going to expire when check which countries the visa is valid on the website you are abroad, please apply for an extention well in of Ministry of Foreign Affairs http://www.minbuza.nl/ advance (3 months) before your scheduled travel. Once en/services/consular-services/visa/visas-for-the- your extension is in process, you can apply for a return netherlands-schengen-visas visa. You can get a return visa valid for up to six months if you show a declaration from your supervisor that your End of study stay outside the Netherlands is study related. The return visa can be obtained from the IND in Zwolle or Den Bosch. The International Student Support has to inform the relevant You will have to make an appointment with the IND, Call: authorities of the date you have completed or stopped your 0900 1234561 (€ 0.10 per minute) The IND will give you studies. The IND will cancel your residence permit at the further instructions regarding documents you have to take moment you stop your study or when you graduate. You with you. Costs of a return visa are € 140. must leave The Netherlands within 28 days after your When you intend to visit another country, check the visa residence permit expires or your stay will become illegal. requirements well in advance. Please note that some When you finished your study, you can apply for the search countries have strict rules regarding the validity of the year in order to find a job in The Netherlands. For more Dutch residence permit. If you should travel abroad information regarding the search year you can check the without being in possession of a valid Residence Permit IND website, www.ind.nl. card, you will be refused entering the Netherlands upon Note: In the first week of the new month after your your return. graduation date, we wil inform the IND that you are graduated. For this reason your residence permit is not Stay in another Schengen country longer valid. A Dutch Residence Permit grants entry without visa into the so-called Schengen countries of the European Union, Your Guide 2012-2013 | 19 Please note that some sponsor organizations have strict Visiting address (If you are living in Wageningen) rules regarding the return to your home country after you Municipality of Wageningen (if you reside in Wageningen) have finished your study. We strongly advice fellows to Town Hall check the rules of the fellowship. For example: The NFP Burgerzaken fellows have to return home within a couple of days the Markt 22, Wageningen fellowship has ended. Their sponsor does not allow them to use the search year. Municipal registration Open: Monday to Thursday: 08.30 – 12.30 hrs and Friday: 08.30 – 19.00 hrs Call: 0317 492911 All foreign students staying in the Netherlands longer than four months must go to the Municipality of the Visiting address (If you are living in Ede or city they reside in, to register themselves at the Bennekom) office at the municipality. Students have to present: Municipality of Ede • A valid passport. Should be valid at least till Town Hall December 2014 • Your original birth certificate mentioning your parents’ names (Chinese students need a ‘Hukou’ birth Burgerzaken Bergstraat, 46711 DD Ede Call for information or appointment: 0318 680911 certificate) • Your original marriage certificate (if applicable) Open: • An original certificate of divorce (if applicable) Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 12.00 hrs • For widows/widowers – a marriage certificate and with an appointment Monday to Friday 09.00-13.00 Friday death certificate (if applicable) It is important to keep the municipality informed about your address because the immigration authorities use the same database for their correspondence. 20 | Wageningen University till 19.00 hrs Wageningen and our social life Meeting people: meet as many people as you can. research institutes in their conduct towards each other. Wageningen is a very special place where you have the The principles relate to the social conduct between people chance to meet people from all over the globe. Use the from a variety of backgrounds, i.e. the differences between opportunity to get to know about other cultures, customs people’s social backgrounds and origins, religion ideology, and traditions. social and political preferences. For more information see the Student Charter or check the website Activities and appointments: if you are planning to join http://www.wageningenuniversity.nl/UK/informationfor/ in activities with Dutch people, it’s worth remembering that Current+students/Regulations+and+student+co- they are usually very serious about their daily schedule. management/student_charter/default.htm This means you need to be punctual. Take this tip seriously http://www.wur.nl/NL/over/governance/ especially when it comes to official appointments. International student organizations Chaplaincy Chaplaincy is an ecumenical and international community of Some international organizations offer a wide range of students from countries all over the world and from different activities and services especially for foreign students of Christian traditions. On the first and third – and sometimes Wageningen University. Foreign students are welcome to fifth Sunday of every month they have a church service in join the study-association of their study. English, which they prepare in a special bible study meeting For more information check our website on the Thursday evening prior to the service – led by one of www.wageningenuniversity.nl/uk, student facilities. our chaplains. The chaplains are also available to help Working in Multicultural settings international students with pastoral or practical difficulties. On the remaining Thursday – twice a month – the Chaplaincy organizes Crossroads: www.studentchaplaincy. WU has Guidelines for Working in Multicultural Settings. nl/chaplaincy/cross_roads.html they watch an inspirational These Guidelines lay down principles which should film or a recent documentary relevant to our field of interest govern the staff and students at the university and (always followed by discussion), we invite guest speakers Your Guide 2012-2013 | 21 or have a meal together with traditional food from our In de Wereld – SP is a local community of a countrywide home-countries. The Chaplaincy is also involved in network for students studying in Holland called organizing the contact programme: www.studentchaplaincy. Seekercity.nl, nl/chaplaincy/contact_programme.html for international E-mail: indewereld-sp@wur.nl students in which families from Wageningen and Web: www.indewereld-sp.nl surroundings invite students into their homes. Find us in Facebook (‘In de Wereld-SP’) Visiting address Duivendaal 7, 6701 AR Wageningen Call: 0317 482663 E-mail: student.chaplaincy@wur.nl Web: www.studentchaplaincy.nl/chaplaincy/welcome.html In de Wereld-SP In de Wereld – SP is an open social student community, membership is not required. Our aim is to gather students in all their diversity for philosophical, religious and cultural exploration and discussion. Among the activities of In de Wereld-SP are social gatherings, excursions, dialogue groups, cultural workshops, life coaching and training. Invest in the development of your personality, your awareness, your spirituality. Deepen your religious or philosophic view in contact with other students. Question your existence, and broaden your mind. Gather scientific knowledge and besides strive towards wisdom. 22 | Wageningen University Study and student associations • International Student Organization Studium Generale (SG), building marked with ‘LA13’ neon sign • Chinese Association: www.cassw.wur.nl • Di-Et-Tri (Nutrition and Health) www.diettri.nl All SG activities (unless otherwise posted) take place in • International Exchange Erasmus Student Network LA13, Lawickse Allee 13. www.ixesn-wageningen.nl • Heeren XVII (Agrotechnology) www.heeren17.nl It is an extra-curricular organization associated directly • Wageningen (ISOW) primarily focuses on the social with the university that offers alternative discussion, aspects of student life, but also offers language courses debates, readings and other activities on a variety of and dance lessons www.isow.wur.nl academic and socially relevant topics ranging from • Mercurius (Management, Economics and Consumer Studies) www.mercuriuswageningen.nl philosophy and physics to politics, culture and the arts. SG also includes film house Movie W with films offered • Nicolas Appert (Food Technology) www.nicolasappert.nl almost every day of the week. • Nitocra (International Land and Water Management) Together, this organization is here for students as a www.nitocra.nl permanent resource of engaging entertainment, as a forum • PSF (Progressieve Studenten Fraktie) www.PSF.wur.nl for discussion beyond traditional disciplines offered here in • Semper Florens (Plant Sciences) www.semper-florens.nl Wageningen, but especially as a source of inspiration for • De Veetelers (Animal Sciences) www.veetelers.nl looking at the world through different eyes. • VESTE (Verenigde Studenten) www.veste.wur.nl • WSBV Sylvatica (Forest and Nature Conservation) www.wsbv-sylvatica.nl • Pulse (Wageningen Student Union) Most activities take place during the evening or afternoons. All sessions are free and open to the public. For the Movie-theatre a small fee is charged. www.pulsewageningen.nl/wp/ Information on all upcoming activities is posted on website www.studiumgenerale.wur.nl or on SG posters hanging throughout Wageningen, as well as in the Resource Your Guide 2012-2013 | 23 (university newspaper). Sign up for the newsletter via start your study!! You’ll get to know your fellow students, info.sg@wur.nl different associations, sports facilities, University buildings, Look for the Movie W folder with ‘E’ sign marking English places to go out and much more. The AID programme has language films or check the Movie W website, which has all a great variety of things to do and there will be for example the film information in English (and a range of other a music festival, a sports day, an information market and a languages), www.movie-w.nl street theatre festival. The AID will be concluded with a Young KLV spectacular closing act after the street theatre festival. During the Annual Introduction Days, upcoming students KLV is the name of the alumni association of Wageningen from Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein will get University. KLV helps you to keep in touch with the to know Wageningen and its student life. You may have University, its student and Alumni. For more information participated in your introduction week, but it is also possible see the website www.klv.nl/en to contribute in the Annual Introduction Days 2012. You can Annual Introduction Days either be a mentor or a volunteer. For more information see www.aid.wur.nl To start your time here well and to let you get to know AID board 2012 Wageningen, student life and your study, you can join the Visiting address introduction week. The Annual Introduction Days (AID) are Radix building organized by senior students for all new students at Tempora 1 016 Wageningen University and Van Hall Larenstein. It is highly Droevendaalsesteeg 1 recommended to follow the introduction programme prior 6708 PB Wageningen to the start of the academic year. Both Dutch and Call: 0317 484200 non-Dutch students will join together and explore the city Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs of Wageningen. The new students will be divided in groups E-mail: info.aid@wur.nl and be guided by 2 senior mentors. It is a wonderful way to Website: www.aid.wur.nl 24 | Wageningen University Financial matters Bank Cash dispensers Wageningen University works together with the ABN AMRO You will find a cash dispenser or ATM (Dutch bank and the ING bank. geldautomaat), at every bank and post office, as well as in We offer you two possible banks where you can open a train stations, supermarkets and other public places. bank account: the ABN AMRO bank or the ING bank. Dispensers will accept almost every kind of card. You must Please check www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under future Msc students find a match among the symbols on the dispenser and non EU, finances and insurance. your card. If a dispenser is out of service it will say in On this website it is possible to compare these two banks. Dutch, buiten dienst. If you type a wrong PIN (Personal Identification Number) code more than three times, the ABN AMRO, Stadsbrink 43 machine will swallow your card. If this happens please (Monday: 12.00 – 17.00 hrs; contact the bank. There is no ATM at the campus. Tuesday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs) The nearest ATM machine to the campus is at the Tarthorst ING Bank, Stadsbrink 445 near the supermarket C1000. (Monday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs) Rabobank, Plantsoen 55 Safe-Deposit (Monday: 13.00 – 17.00 hrs; For the safekeeping of valuables, you can rent a Tuesday to Friday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs; safe-deposit box at a commercial bank. Friday: 18.00 – 20.00 hrs) SNS Bank, Hoogstraat 11 Moneycard (Monday: 13.00 – 17.30 hrs; Tuesday to Thursday: 09.30 – 17.30 hrs; If you or your sponsor paid living allowance to Wageningen Friday: 09.30 – 21.00 hrs) University, upon arrival you will receive a Moneycard from our finance office loaded with an amount of money. With the Moneycard you can withdraw cash from ATMs that bear the VISA logo. You will get Moneycard(s) only for a short Your Guide 2012-2013 | 25 period of time, until you open a Dutch bank account Dutch bankcard with pincode you can also use this moneycard for paying at the student desk. Your Dutch bankcard with pincode you can use at, the If you have questions or problems concerning your studentdesk, the Wur-shop and the Language Centre. Moneycard, please contact our finance office through the student desk at forum the Forum building. Please note A lost card is also a loss of the money on that card. If you loose your moneycard, the amount on the card will be lost. Contact our finance office as soon as possible. Chipknip payment card Within the Forum, you can only pay with Dutch bankcard with pincode and a chipknip or chipknip payment card. You can find a charge point for your Dutch bankcard with pincode and chipknip on the ground floor and on the 1st floor at the coffee corner. If you haven't yet received a bank card with chipknip (most of the bank cards contains a chip) then you may buy one at the reception desk at Forum with cash. The chipknip is used for smaller purchasing like printing, copying, food and drinks. On every Dutch bankcard you will have standard chipknip wich you can use without extra charges. 26 | Wageningen University Insurance Medical Insurance students. The Student Help Desk can assist in arranging medical (including liability) insurance on arrival in Foreigners must be adequately insured against medical Wageningen. expenses while staying in The Netherlands. This will be checked by the aliens’ registration officials when applying Make sure that the insurance documents are in one of the for a residence permit. more commonly used European languages (Dutch, English, German or French). The Netherlands has treaties regarding health insurance NOTE always take your insurance certificate/card with you with the following countries: all EU member states, for any medical consultation you may have. Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Turkey, Morocco and most of the countries of former Yugoslavia, Tunisia, Cape Verde Liability Insurance Islands and Australia. International students who have their own health If you are insured under the national health insurance insurance (other than the AON- insurance offered by scheme of one of these countries, your insurance company Wageningen University), which is valid in the Netherlands, can provide you with a European Health Insurance card or are strongly advised to check whether or not their an international declaration form called E-111 or E-128. insurance also includes legal liability. For more information Make sure to bring this card or form with you to The see the website https://www.aonstudentinsurance.com/ Netherlands, and make a number of copies. You will need the card/form when going to see a doctor. European Students If your insurance does not cover your stay in the European students who have their own health insurance Netherlands and you cannot make use of the international are stongly advised to check whether their insurance treaty described above, you will have to take out private covers the cost of repatriation due to serious illness or insurance. Special policies are available for international death. Such insurance pays for special transportation and Your Guide 2012-2013 | 27 or medical care during repatriation as well as the airfare for a family member. You can purchase the insurance at the student desk. Letter from CVZ When you study in the Netherlands you are likely to receive a letter from the College van Zorgverzekeringen (CVZ). The letter will be in Dutch only. It will state that you are not covered under a healthcare insurance and that according to Dutch law you will have to take out a Dutch public healthcare insurance (basiszorgverzekering) immediately. If you do not react to this letter within three months you will receive a fine of around € 350. The fine will increase if you still do not take out a Dutch public healthcare insurance at that point. For more information see the website of AON https://www.aonstudentinsurance.com/ 28 | Wageningen University Medical care If medical attention is required, the first person to consult for his services from the medical insurance then it’s is a General Practitioner (GP) or family doctor; in Dutch, important that the client selects a general practitioner in huisarts. A list of GPs can be found in this booklet. the community, where he or she lives according to the In The Netherlands it is not customary to make an registration of the municipality. appointment directly with a specialist. If necessary, the GP will refer you one. Please note when visiting a GP, specialist, dentist or hospital, you will have to show your insurance papers. Emergency Aid Also have your insurance papers handy when calling for Hospitals have emergency rooms and provide first aid in an appointment, as details may be asked. case of accidents and other emergencies. Look for the However, should you not have them with you in case of an entrance marked Spoedeisende Hulp (= emergency aid). emergency; you will not be turned away. Always check if However, always try to contact your GP first before going the treatment required is covered by your insurance! to a hospital; he/she will help you decide which steps to take. General practitioners (GPS or family doctors), in Dutch, huisarts All medical professionals have a code of ethics forbidding them to pass on information about patients, even to Choice of general practitioner parents or authorities. The choice of a general practitioner is a personal matter and is therefore seen as a free, individual choice in Dutch National law holds articles about the financing of basic law. This means that every student can ask for a practices by general practitioners. In short these articles registration at any general practitioner in the municipality contain the following: of Wageningen. Information on all general practitioners • If a client (read: student) wants to get a full can be found on the website www.ssc.wur.nl/uk under reimbursement from his or her own medical insurance current students, student counselling Service. • If a general practitioner wants to get the full payment Your Guide 2012-2013 | 29 Acceptation by general practitioner Doctors Practice Van der Duin/Van Dinther After making a choice, you can request registration at the Visisting address chosen doctor’s practice. The general practitioners also Medisch Centrum Kortenoord have a choice: they can point out that there is no room for Binnenhaven 69-B, 6709 PD Wageningen new clients at their practice. So, in a sense freedom of Call: 0317-413734 choice has two sides. Website: www.dehuisarts.uwartsonline.nl Wageningen University and General Practitioners Wageningen UR made an agreement with van der Duin/ Making an appointment: Call: 0317 413734 van Dinther to accept all students who wish to register. You can call for an appointment between 8.00 – 10.00 hrs The van der Duin/van Dinther practice is a general practice and 11.15 – 12.15 hrs. which wants to specialize in health problems that are Appointments for patients are normally scheduled for common among students. 10 minutes. Indicate if you may need more time to explain your medical condition or if you want to discuss other Registration at general practitioner health concerns. If you need to cancel an appointment, you Students who living in Wageningen can register for the are kindly requested to do so in a timely manner otherwise practice Van der Duin/Van Dinther with the registration we will have to charge you for the appointment. If you form, which is available at the Student Desk in Forum. are not able to visit our office because of a medical reason The completed registration form can be handed in at the then you can arrange for a home visit by telephone Student Desk. SSC will take care of the transfer to Van der between 08.00 – 10.00 hrs and 11.15 – 12.15 hrs. Duin/Van Dinther. Together with the registration form you The students living in Ede need to contact practice Muthu should hand in a copy of your passport, a copy of your or practice Jagtenberg-Alkema. insurance certificate and a proof of your university registration. When the Van der Duin/Van Dinther practice Huisartsenpraktijk Muthu, has accepted and implemented your registration, you will Stationsweg 92, 0318 - 615 212 receive a confirmation. 30 | Wageningen University Pharmacy and Drug Store Ede (“Apotheek” in Dutch) Dentists in Wageningen Arnhemseweg 10-A, 0318 - 610515 P.J. Benner, Generaal Foulkesweg 27 Willy Brandtlaan 10, 0318 - 434945 Call: 0317 465490 Dentists, in Dutch, tandarts E. ter Brugge, Generaal Foulkesweg 27 Call: 0317 465490 M.L. Eppenga, Generaal Foulkesweg 27 Working hours of dentists are Monday to Thursday Call: 0317 465490 08.30 – 17.00 hrs. Fridays from 08.30 – 12.00 hrs. E. Farber, Mennonietenweg 20 After working hours, during the weekend and on national Call: 0317 414892 holidays, a dentist can be reached for emergencies only H.T. Hooftman, Niemeijerstraat 31 through the collective service telephone number of: Call: 0317 421030 Hospital Gelderse Vallei, Willy Brandtlaan 10, Ede Ch.M. Kemp-Scholte, Call: 0318 434343 Generaal Foulkesweg 27 Call: 0317 465490 The hospital can be reached by bus no. 88 from M.R. Korthof, Generaal Foulkesweg 27 Wageningen bus station. During the night, when there is Call: 0317 465490 no public transport, it may be necessary to take a taxi. P.G. Kruijt, Kemphaanweide 1 Do not visit the hospital without an appointment, unless Call: 0317 418017 it is an emergency E.S. Luitse, Nudestraat 9 Call: 0317 417808 Please note Always take your insurance certificate/card C.C.J.M. Ootes, Generaal Foulkesweg 27 with you for any medical consult you will be having. Also Call: 0317 465490 have your insurance papers handy when phoning for an B.J.C.E. Schut, Haagsteeg 18 appointment, as details may be asked. Call: 0317 412136 Your Guide 2012-2013 | 31 Dentist in Ede The hospital can be reached by bus no. 88 from R. Beck Wageningen bus station. During the night, when there is Arnhemseweg 18 no public transport, it may be necessary to take a taxi. 6711 HA Ede Names of taxi companies can be found on page 39. call: 0318-652291 M.T.F. van Everdingen In case of an emergency Prins Hendriklaan 5 Non life threatening situation: Call your own doctor or 6713 NE Ede the emergency number of van der Duin/Van Dinter at: call: 0318-612372 0317-413734 (between 08.00 – 17.00 hrs) Always check if the treatment required is covered by your During the weekend and between insurance! 17.00 – 08.00 hrs Call: 0318 434444 Pharmacies, in Dutch, apotheek This is only for medical problems which cannot wait until the next day. Pharmacies are open Monday to Friday: 08.30 – 18.30 hrs Life threatening: General Emergency Number 112 Police, Apotheek van Weringh, Plantsoen 57a Ambulance, Fire Brigade (This number is for Call: 0317 412531 life-threatening emergencies only. Unnecessary use may Churchill Apotheek, Geertjesweg 5 endanger the life of others. Anyone calling this number for Call: 0317 423723 no reason will be fined heavily). Apotheek ten Hoopen, Rooseveltweg 401 Call: 0317 412523 Medical Care during evening, night and weekends (urgent cases only) If medication is prescribed during the evening, night or General Practitioner Call: 0318 434444 weekend it will have to be collected from the pharmacy Dentist Call: 0318 434343 (address: Van Steenbergenweg, Ede) located next to Pharmacy Call: 0318 437990 Hospital Gelderse Vallei, (Willy Brandtlaan 10, Ede). 32 | Wageningen University The Hospital ‘Gelderse Vallei’ If you dial 112 the information desk will ask you: The nearest hospital is located in Ede and can be reached • Where you need help by bus no. 88 from Wageningen Bus station. Please note • (name - address - phone number) that it’s not allowed to visit the hospital without an • What the problem is appointment unless it is an emergency. • Which service you need: During the night, when there is no public transport, it may police, ambulance or fire brigade be necessary to take a regiotaxi. In situations that are not life-threatening: The costs are between € 2 and € 10. Police Call: 0900 8844 Call: 0900 0276 (€ 0.10 per minute) Fire Brigade Call: 0317 412237 Website: www.regiotaxidevallei.nl Important Telephone Numbers Note when making a telephone call to another area code (area code for Wageningen is 0317): dial all numbers; when making a local telephone call: do not dial the General Emergency Number 112 Police, Ambulance, Fire numbers between brackets; when using a cell phone/ Brigade (This number is for life-threatening emergencies mobile phone: always dial all numbers. only. Unnecessary use may endanger the life of others. Anyone calling this number for no reason will be fined considerably). Your Guide 2012-2013 | 33 Shopping Wageningen offers a variety of shops. Many shops (e.g. Discounts and special price offers are an important part of Zeeman, Action, and Wibra) have a self-service system. Dutch life: special offer aanbieding, cheap goedkoop, two This means that you choose the article you wish to buy for the price of one 2 halen 1 betalen and sale uitverkoop and take it to the cashier to pay. Many of these shops are words to look for. You’ll see these in supermarkets and have shopping baskets in which you put the articles to other shops. take them to the cashier. Opening hours are: Other shops have a semi self-service system: for example Monday: 13.00 – 18.00 hrs in a clothes shop you choose the article and then ask the (some shops are closed all day) shop assistant to show you a cubicle for fitting. If the Tuesday to article is to your satisfaction, you take it to the cashier to Thursday: 09.00 – 18.00 hrs pay. Friday: 09.00 – 21.00 hrs Saturday: 09.00 – 17.00 hrs Articles must always be visible, only after you have paid are you allowed to put your purchase in your pocket or Supermarkets are usually open till at least 20.00 hrs and shopping bag. One is not allowed to take articles out of also on Monday morning. For your information, the the shop have not yet been paid for. An electronic names, addresses and extra opening hours of some shops protector is attached to many articles, which is removed are listed below. at the cashier. The device is activated when leaving the shop without payment. Supermarkets It is furthermore essential that, while still in the shop, you keep the receipt that you receive at the cashier as proof Albert Heijn, Stadsbrink 375 that payment has been made. The receipt is also required Extra opening: if the article is taken back to the shop e.g. if it is faulty. Sunday 16.00 – 20.00 hrs 34 | Wageningen University ALDI Markt, Churchillweg 70 Outlet shop C1000, Tarthorst 1223 Extra opening: MARKT 27, Vijzelstraat, Sunday 16.00 – 19.00 hrs near market square/church Hoogvliet, De Arc 3 (clothing, shoes, household articles, toys, furniture, etc.) Extra opening: Sunday 13.00 – 17.00 hrs Lidl, Stadsbrink 4-10 Second-hand shops Super de Boer, Geertjesweg 56 Shops with budget prices Emmaus, Herenstraat, behind ‘MARKT 27’ Shop’ Open: Wednesday 10.00 – 13.00 hrs Action, Stadsbrink Open: Saturday 13.00 – 16.00 hrs (clothing, household articles, toys, etc.) Terre des Hommes, Markt 19 Laptopcenter, Churchillweg 29 F markt square near MARKT 27 (computers, electronics and second-hand) Scapino, Hoogstraat Specialized shops (shoes, clothing, sportswear) Schoenenreus, Hoogstraat Toko Indrani, Salverdaplein (shoes, clothing) (Surinam, Indian and Indonesian food shop, sells cassavas, Wibra, Schoolstraat okra, sweet potatoe s, yams, sweet peppers, plantain, (clothing, household articles, toys) spices and herbs, International phone crads, etc.) Zeeman, Hoogstraat Vreemde streken, 1e kloostersteeg (clothing, household articles, toys) (Fair-trade and Biological food shop, you can also have a warm meal in the shop itself) Your Guide 2012-2013 | 35 ’t Zonnetje, Bergstraat Saturday market, 08.30 – 17.00 hrs Foodstuffs and (health food shop selling herbs, (herbal) teas, cereals, flowers; Farmers market boerenmarkt: organic food nuts, drinks, cosmetics and homeopathic medicines) Buys & Co., Bevrijdingsstraat Bicycles shops (sells organic and bio-dynamic foods) Zam Zam, Stadsbrink Profile Pro Wageningen (sells Arab and Dutch food) ‘De fietsspecialist’ Elings, Hoogstraat Churchillweg 27 (butcher’s shop selling free-range raw and cooked meat) Call: 0317 412103 Slagerij Keijzer, Churchillweg Breet Biks (butcher’s shop selling free-range raw and cooked meat) Bevrijdingsstraat 30a Molen De Vlijt, Harnjesweg Call: 0317 415326 (mill shop selling various kinds of cereals flour, flakes Bikers Paradise Oasis and pulses) Heerenstraat 11C Open-air market Also a cheap repairing place. Monday, Wednesday and Saturday: 09.00 – 18.30 hrs The open air market is held twice a week near the church Wetering B.V. Rijwielhandel B.V. in the centre of the town. The products are often cheaper Harnjersweg 86 than in other shops. The prices are regulated; however, Call: 0317 412902 towards closing time, sellers of perishables (e.g. flowers, fruit, vegetables and stroopwafels) sometimes reduce the prices. Wednesday market, 08.30 – 13.00 hrs General market: (Exotic) foodstuffs, flowers, clothing and fabrics 36 | Wageningen University Bikes can also be bought in other shops or through advertisements in the newspapers or www.marktplaats.nl. Stamps and post services Post agency Bruna, Hoogstraat 73 (Monday: 13.00 – 18.00 hrs, Tuesday to Thursday: 9.30 – 18.30 hrs, Friday :09.30 – 21.00 hrs and Saturday 09.30 – 17.00 hrs) Centramarkt Tarthorst, Tarthorst 1223 (Monday: 13.00 – 17.00 hrs, Tuesday to Saturday: 9.00 – 17.00 hrs and Friday: 09.00 – 21.00 hrs) Your Guide 2012-2013 | 37 Transportation Bicycles system of traffic control and, more importantly, the motorists themselves, take cyclists into account and The Wageningen University buildings are at relatively accidents are rare. Use the bicycle lane or a track on the short distances from the student flats and can be easily right- hand side of the road, marked with white lines and reached by bicycle, fiets. bike symbols. Do not cycle on footpaths, shopping streets, pavements, roundabouts and motorways. Always give right Tips of way to taxis and buses. Yield to all traffic approaching • Small bikes are rare, ask the shop keeper for assistance. from the right, unless otherwise indicated. This also means • When buying a bike, always check if the lights, tyres that traffic from your left-hand side should give you right of and brakes are in good order. • Reverse brakes are fine once you get used to them; handbrakes may cost more. way. But this shouldn’t be taken for granted. Do not behave like many people hurrying through Wageningen, by not giving right of way, charging through red lights or cycling • A non-attractive bike has less chance of being stolen. through pedestrian areas. Stop for red traffic lights. Always • An old, strong bike may be more reliable than a new, follow instructions given by the police. Disobeying the rules attractive one. could cost you at least € 50. • When buying a bike, also buy a good lock. Never leave your bike unlocked. Always lock your bike to • Always lock your bike, even if you leave, it alone for just something unmovable, preferably a bike rack using two a few minutes. • If you have never biked before, ask a friend to help you and practice in a safe open place. locks: one through the rear wheel and one around the frame through the front wheel. Don’t park your bike in front of Central Station or in front of a store without bike racks. Do not leave anything of value behind on your More to know before cycling bicycle. Cycling is fun, efficient, easy and safe if you watch out for Please check this website to give you more guidance to go all other traffic at all times and follow a few rules. The safely from A to B: www.cyclinginwageningen.nl. 38 | Wageningen University Pedestrians Taxis Dutch drivers are not as polite as you might expect: a certain aggression seems to come over these otherwise Travel by taxi is expensive. The names and telephone gentle people when they get behind the wheel of a car. numbers of some Wageningen It is therefore wise to know what rules they are following Taxi companies follow below: and then to stay out of their way. The most unexpected Regio taxi Gelderland Call: 0900 0276 (cheapest) traffic rule for the foreign pedestrian or cyclist is that all Taxi Centrale Call: 0317 410000 traffic approaching from the right has priority, unless there Taxi Rewa Call: 0317 460000 are signs or markings to indicate otherwise. In other E. Meurs Call: 0317 412345 words, a driver will expect nearly everyone to his left to A. Leewis Call: 0317 425425 yield to him. This is true even when a car is turning out of a small side street. Cars have to stop for pedestrians only Buses when they are on a zebra crossing or when the car is turning across their path, but even then, be careful. Trams Transportation tip have priority over everyone, no matter where they are If you decide not to use a bike you have three options: coming from. As a pedestrian you should also become driving a car which is expensive, walking which is a recipe accustomed to the network of bicycle paths “fietspaden”, for sore feet and blisters, or using public transport. If you which at first you might mistake for pedestrian paths. take the last option you need to know that Dutch buses For information about the traffic rule see are as punctual as the inhabitants of this country. They http://www.cyclinginwageningen.nl/traffic-rules-for-cyclists nearly always run on time. From Wageningen bus station there are regular bus services to towns such as Ede, Arnhem, Utrecht, etc. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 39 OV-chipkaart An anonymous OV-chipkaart can be bought at stations of your public transport company or Call: 0900 0980 The OV-chipkaart is a new easy way of payment. With (€ 0,10 p.m.) 1 card you will have access to all public transportation: From Monday to Friday between 07.00 – 21.30 hrs and train, bus, tram and metro. The OV-chipkaart is about the from Saturday to Sunday between 10.00 – 16.00 hrs same size as a bankcard. The card contains a chip that Customer service OV-chipkaart: send an e-mail to can be charged with a balance in euro’s that allows you to info@ov-chipkaart.nl travel everywhere in Holland, or with a single fare, return ticket or season ticket. There are two different types of Trains OV-chipkaart from which to choose: Personal OV-chipkaart The Netherlands has an extensive railway network with Anonymous OV-chipkaart regular train services. The nearest stations are Personal and anonymous OV-chipkaart last an average of Ede- Wageningen (with connections to Arnhem, Zutphen, five years, depending on how frequently they are used. Nijmegen, Utrecht, Amsterdam, Rotterdam and The Which OV-chipkaart best suits my needs? Hague) and Rhenen (with connections to Utrecht). The That depends on your travel habits. If you often use the stations can be reached by bus from Wageningen bus public transport services, the personal OV-chipkaart is the station Information about tickets and special most convenient. arrangements at reduced prices. (e.g. weekend return ticket, Off-peak Discount Pass, RailPlus) and about Season tickets or auto reload can only be used on a departure/arrival times may be obtained at the railway personal OV-chipkaart. If you do not use the public stations or on website: www.ns.nl transport system regularly or would like to share the OV- chipkaart with a family member, the anonymous OV-chipkaart is the best option for you. To purchase a personal OV-chipkaart please check this website www.ov-chipkaart.nl/?taal=en. 40 | Wageningen University Dinner and entertainment The traditional Dutch daily eating routine consists of Instead of doing your own cooking or cooking with other two cold meals (breakfast and lunch) and one hot meal students, which is of course the cheapest option, you may (dinner). The main component of breakfast and lunch is want to eat out at a student club or at a restaurant or buy bread. takeaway food. Dinner usually consists of meat or fish accompanied by potatoes and vegetables (potatoes may be replaced by Restaurants rice, pulses legumes, or pasta), followed by dessert mostly custard. Au Bord du Port/Gastronomique Restaurant At the Rijn ijssel Technical School (hotel, catering industry, At most student flats or houses, students take turns bakery and facility studies) you may have a 4-course preparing group dinners. You can sign up (cooking sign-up dinner for € 19 per person. In order to join you have to sheet) to join. The costs are shared by the participants. reserve a seat; Food is bought from supermarkets, food shops and E-mail: info@denieuwewereld.nl open-air markets. Food on special offer (prices lower than Call: 0317 491350 usual) is recognizable by the words aanbieding or reclame. Marijkeweg 5, 6709 PE, Wageningen All pre-packaged items carry a date indicating their durability. Some handy websites Look for the phrases tenminste houdbaar tot or THT (best www.etenvooreentientje.nl/home.html before), or uiterste verkoopdatum (sell-by date) Of course www.en.dinnersite.nl/zoeken/alle/restaurants/ there are also specialized shops, such as bakers, butchers, Wageningen/Gelderland fishmongers, dairies, greengrocers, etc., as well as shops that sell Asian, South American and African food and Please note the drinks are never included. health food shops selling organically produced food. Names and addresses of supermarkets and shops can be found on page 34 to 39. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 41 Fast-food and take-away getting angry, use the time to buy a drink at the bar, stretch your legs. Movies are generally shown screened in There are several foods that make a quick substitute for a their original language with Dutch sub-titles. meal. They are prepared while you wait, and you either eat them on the spot or take them away with you. A few Heerenstraat Theater examples are: Molenstraat 1b Snack Bars offer French fries and other, mostly typically 6701 DM, Wageningen Dutch, snacks. Pizzerias offer a great variety of pizzas to be eaten in the In order to watch a film you should to reserve. restaurant or taken away. Some pizzerias also make home E-mail: info@heerenstraattheater.nl deliveries. Call: 0317 414029 Egyptian Grillrooms serve shoarma, kebab and other dishes. Chinese Restaurants serve Chinese food Dinner 17.30 – 19.00 hrs with strongly influenced by Indonesian cuisine. You can eat in the restaurant or use the takeaway service. Some Chinese restaurants also do home deliveries. Cinema If you decide to go to the cinema, be prepared for an intermission at the most interesting moment of the film. This is usually a fifteen-minute break, so instead of 42 | Wageningen University National Events Carnival people aged 5 to 105 sell anything and everything. Wageningen also has a vrijmarkt in the main shopping The Dutch either love it or hate it. Celebrating Carnival is most popular among the people living “beneden de rivieren” (below the rivers) in the provinces Noord- street Hoogstraat. Haggling is allowed! May 4: Commemoration day Brabant and Limburg. This does not mean that it is not celebrated in the rest of the country. Wageningen has On May 4 those who died during the Second World War 4 carnival clubs. The carnival celebrators get dressed up are commemorated: soldiers, people in the resistance and and go from café to café, singing songs, participating in those who died in concentration camps in Europe and in parades and consuming large quantities of beer. Asia. At 20.00 hrs there is a 2-minute silence and in many April 30: Koninginnedag - the Queen’s birthday municipalities people gather for silent marches. From many houses and buildings flags are hung at half-mast. A special ceremony takes place at a military cemetery The Dutch Royal Family has always been very popular and near Wageningen in the village of Rhenen on the the Queen’s birthday is celebrated with great enthusiasm. Grebbeberg, where heavy battles took place. The present queen is Queen Beatrix, whose birthday is on January 31. When succeeding to the throne, Queen May 5: Liberation day Beatrix decided that, in honour of her mother the late Queen Juliana, Koninginnedag should continue On May 5 the Dutch celebrate their liberation from the to be celebrated on her mother’s birthday, April 30. On German occupation in 1945. Wageningen played an Koninginnedag the queen and her family visit two Dutch important role during the liberation, as the peace talks towns, where all kinds of open air activities are organized and signing of the peace treaty took place in Wageningen by the people for the royal family to watch and often take in the De Wereld hotel. On May 5 flags are flown at part in. These visits are televised. Throughout the country full-mast and there are many open-air liberation festivals there are festivities. In most cities there are flea markets, bevrijdingsfestivals throughout the country. vrijmarkt and the streets are lined with stands where Your Guide 2012-2013 | 43 December 5: Sinterklaas - Saint Nicholas Day Sinterklaas is comparable to Santa Claus, but different. Every year Sinterklaas arrives in the Netherlands in November by steamboat from Spain. Throughout centuries, he has been considered to be the patron saint of children and on December 5 he bring them gifts. Sinterklaas has a whole crew of helpers, Zwarte Pieten (black Peters). For more information about Sinterklaas see the website http://stuffdutchpeoplelike.com/2011/11/24/ no-36-sinterklaas/ 44 | Wageningen University Welcome to Forum Together with your fellow students, you will be spending a Food and drink lot of time in this building. To ensure that everyone enjoys their time here, this bulletin provides you with useful The Grand Café on the ground floor is open on weekdays information about Forum. from 8.00 – 19.00 hrs. Hot meals are available between Opening Hours Forum 17.30 – 19.00 hrs. The restaurant on the first floor is open on weekdays from 11.30 – 13.30 hrs. Near the lifts on every floor, you can also find an alcove with a coffee Monday to Friday from 08.00 – 23.00 hrs machine and in some cases a soft drinks machine. Saturday and Sunday from 10.00 – 17.00 hrs Free work areas You may freely use the computers in the public areas, such as in the halls, on the bridges, on the 1st floor and in the library. You may only use the teaching areas (with the exception of the practical rooms on the 7th and 8th floors) and the balconies if no teaching is taking place at the time. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 45 Chipknip payment card Parking Forum has a large outdoor bicycle rack and an indoor Within Forum, you can only pay with a chipknip payment bicycle cellar. The bicycle cellar is only accessible from the card. You can find a charge point for your payment card southern side of the building (slope). The opening hours on the ground floor and on the 1st floor in the alcove with are shown by means of the open/closed signs above the the coffee machine. entrance. The bicycle cellar is closed on Saturday and Wireless Sunday. You can leave the bicycle cellar at any time. For more information about the bicycle parking policy, visit the intranet page: www.intranet.wur.nl/en/services/ Forum also offers wireless facilities. For more information onderzoek_onderwijs/onderwijsgebouwen/forumgebouw. visit www.wireless.wur.nl Cars may only be parked in the designated spaces. Copying and printing You can find photocopiers/printers at the end of every hall on the ground floor, 1st floor and the 4th to 7th floors. On the 8th floor, the photocopiers/printers are located in the square part and near the lifts. A colour printer can be found in the public area of the library on the 2nd floor. The payment card reader must recognise your card before the system will allow you to print. You will therefore need to link your chipknip payment card to your WUR account. This only needs to be done once for chipknip chips on bank cards. If you have a prepaid chipknip payment card, you will have to link every new card. You can do so at the pay-cubes in the hall opposite the Forum Reception. 46 | Wageningen University Forum house rules General • Return restaurant crockery to the used dish area on the • Forum is a non-smoking building. • Clear your table yourself. first floor. • Separate waste and deposit it in the appropriate waste bins. Teaching areas • You may hang up posters and leaflets only on the appropriate glass information boards. • You may only hand out flyers or set up a stand with the permission from the Forum Reception. • You may not make your own coffee or tea or plug in any electrical appliances (with the exception of a laptop or a mobile phone). • Wageningen UR is not liable for loss of or damage to your personal property. • No food or drinks at the computers. • Behave appropriately and quietly. Use the building and its grounds as they are meant to be used. • Empty your locker at the end of each day, as they will be opened and cleared each evening. Use of indoor areas • When leaving a teaching area, return the furniture to the standard arrangement, switch off the equipment and the lights, close the windows and raise the blinds. • Eating or snacking is not allowed in the lecture rooms, colloquium rooms, computer rooms or practical rooms. • Drinking from plastic bottles is allowed in all teaching areas except for the practical rooms and the computer rooms. • Do not take your jacket or your bag into the ‘wet’ practical rooms. Use the coat hooks and lockers to hang up jackets and to store bags. • If no teaching is taking place in the teaching areas, you may use them to study in on working days until 17.30 hrs. This does not apply to the practical rooms. • In the event of an emergency, i.e. if any alarm goes off, leave the building as quickly as possible using the • After using study spaces/work spaces, return the emergency stairwells. furniture to the standard arrangement. • Deposit your waste in the appropriate waste bins. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 47 Library • Ask at the Forum Reception if you would like to use a locker for your helmet • The library’s house rules can be found at www.library.wur.nl. Use of outdoor areas Other information Forum Reception Call +31 (0)317 48 21 60 • Deposit your waste in the waste bins outside or inside. • Activities around the Forum building are only allowed with the permission of the Location manager. Website: www.wageningencampus.wur.nl/uk Emergency response (BHV) Wageningen UR • You can submit requests to use the event areas via servicedesk.fb@wur.nl. Parking Brief description Emergency response bedrijfshulpverlening or BHV in Dutch, is concerned with the prevention of accidents and the limitation of problems should accidents happen. BHV • Park your bicycle in a bicycle rack, whether outside or in is very important for students too. The emergency the cellar. Bicycles that have been parked elsewhere will response team provides first aid following an accident and be removed. coordinates evacuations until the arrival of the emergency • Park your moped outside only, in one of the designated services, such as the fire brigade. spaces beside the outdoor bicycle rack near the main entrance. Evacuation procedure • You may only park your car in the designated spaces. In an emergency everyone in the building is alerted by • You may park your motorbike in one of the five alarm signals. If the alarm signal you hear is a two-tone designated spaces on the western side of the Forum building 48 | Wageningen University sound, this is a warning, if for example there is a fire or toxic gases have been released somewhere in the • Stay with any victim and await the arrival of the building. If the alarm signal you hear is a ‘slow whoop’ emergency response team member. Put your own safety sound, leave the building as quickly and as calmly as first and try to ensure that the situation does not get possible through one of the emergency exits and go to the any worse; assembly point. Use the route indicated by the escape route signs and follow the instructions of your supervisor • Otherwise follow the instructions of the emergency response team members. or the emergency response team member. Never try to escape through thick smoke and never use the elevator. What to do in case of fire? Because of the roll call by the fire brigade for example you • During opening hours call the alarm number (see map must remain at the assembly point until further notice. with emergency Instructions or green card next to the door of the lecture room). The number given is usually Evacuation drill the building’s reception desk number. The receptionist The performance of the local emergency response team will then contact the relevant authorities, such as the organization and all the measures taken require regular testing. This is why there is an evacuation drill (usually unannounced) in every Wageningen UR building at least emergency response team and the fire brigade; • Follow the instructions of the emergency response team members; once a year. So there is a good chance that you will • Never try to escape through smoke; experience one of them. • Never use the elevator; • Take the nearest emergency exit. What to do in case of an accident? • During opening hours call the alarm number (see map with emergency instructions or green card next to the door of the lecture room). The number given is usually the building’s reception desk number. The receptionist will then contact the relevant authorities, such as the emergency response team manager of that building; Your Guide 2012-2013 | 49 Some Dutch words and phrases Language difficulties Greetings & goodbyes Hello Hallo Do you understand me? Begrijpt u mij? Hi Hoi I don’t speak Dutch. Ik spreek geen Nederlands. Good… What does (...) mean? Wat betekent (…)? Do you speak English? Spreekt u Engels? Could you please speak Kunt u alstublieft wat morning Goedemorgen day Goedendag more slowly? langzamer spreken? afternoon Goedemiddag Could you please Kunt u dat alstublieft evening Goedenavond repeat that? herhalen? night Goedenacht Could you please Kunt u dat alstublieft How are you? Hoe gaat het met u/jou? write it down opschrijven? Fine. And you? Goed. En met u/jou? How do you pronounce Hoe spreek je dit uit? See you later this? Bye./GoodbyeDoei./Dag How do you write? Hoe schrijf je dat? Thank you Dank u wel Good night Tot ziens Goedenacht Studies Social > meeting people I’m studying … Ik studeer … basic humanitieshumane wetenschappen Yes Ja sciencewetenschappen No Nee food safety voedsel veiligheid Please Alstublieft animal science dier wetenschappen Thank you Dank u wel You’re welcome Graag gedaan Excuse me Excuseer mij Pardon Sorry Sorry 50 | Wageningen University Numbers & amounts AllAlle NoneGeen Cardinal numbers 0 nul 1 één Useful amounts 2 twee How much/many? Hoeveel 3 drie Please give me … Ik wil graag een … 4 vier a kilo een kilo 5 vijf a bottle een fles 6 zes a jar een pot 7 zeven a lot veel 8 acht moremeer 9 negen someenkele 10tien 20twintig Time & dates 30dertig Telling the time 40veertig What time is it? Hoe laat is het? 50vijftig It’s 10 o’clock Het is tien uur 60zestig Five past 10 Vijf over tien 70zeventig Quater past 10 Kwart over tien 80tachtig Half pas 10 half elf 90negentig Am (night) ’s nachts 100honderd Am (morning) ’s ochtends Pm (afternoon) ’s middags Pm (evening) ’s avonds Fractions A quarter Een kwart when …? Hoe laat …? A third Een derde At five Om vijf uur A half Een half Your Guide 2012-2013 | 51 Days of the week Seasons MondayMaandag SpringLente TuesdayDinsdag SummerZomer Wednesday Autum/Fall Woensdag Thursday Donderdag Herfst WinterWinter FridayVrijdag Saturday Zaterdag Present SundayZondag NowNu TodayVandaag Months This morning JanuaryJanuari TonightVanavond Vanochtend February Februari This week Deze week MarchMaart This month Deze maand AprilApril This year Dit jaar MayMei JuneJuni Past JulyJuli Yesterday Gisteren AugustAugustus Day before/yesterday Eergisteren September Three days ago Drie dagen geleden OctoberOktober Sinds May Sinds mei November November Last… September December December nightGisteravond weekVorige week month Dates What date is it today? De hoeveelste is het vandaag? It’s the seventh of April Het is de zevende april 52 | Wageningen University Vorige maandag yearVorig jaar Money Yesterday… morning Gisterochted How much is it? Hoeveel kost het? afternoon Gistermiddag Can you write down Kunt u de prijs opschrijven? evening Gisteravond the price Do I have to pay? Moet ik betalen? Future I’d like to return Ik wil dit graag retourneren. Tomorrow Morgen this, please. Day after I’d like to change Overmorgen Ik wil graag geld wisselen money Tomorrow… morning Morgenochtend I’d like to withdraw afternoon Morgenmiddag money evening Morgenavond Do you accept credit Ik wil graag geld opnemen Accepteerd u kredietkaarten? cards? During the day Where’s an ATMWaar vind ikeen pin-automaat? Afternoon Middag/namiddag machine? DayDag EveningAvond Midday/noon Middag MidnightMiddernacht MorningOchtend/morgen NightNacht SunriseZonsopgang SunsetZonsondergang Your Guide 2012-2013 | 53 Accommodation last laatste next volgende Renting I want something near Ik wil iets dichtbij het What time does it leave? Hoe laat vertrekt het? the city centre centrum What time does it get to Hoe laat komt het aan in What’s the address? Wat is het adres? Schiphol? Schiphol? Do you have a/an … Heeft u een … How long will it be Hoe veel vertraging is er? for rent? te huur? delayed? room kamer Please stop here. Stop hier alstublieft. appartement flat house huis Tickets Do I have to pay a Where do I buy a ticket/ Waar kan ik een kaartje/ strip card? strippenkaart kopen? FurnishedGemeubileerd Do I need to book in Moet ik van tevoren UnfurnishedOngemeubileerd advance?reserveren? Moet ik een borg betalen? deposit? Can I rent a bike at the Transport Kan ik een huurfiets huren Amsterdam train station, op het station van Getting around Which bus goes to Ede? Welke bus gaat naar Ede? Which train goes to Welke trein gaat naar please? Amsterdam alstublieft? A … ticket to Ede. Een … naar Ede graag. Schiphol?Schiphol? one-way enkele reis Is this the bus/train to Is dit de bus/trein naar Ede/ return retourtje Ede/Schiphol? Amsterdam? 1 st-class eerste klas kaartje When is the … bus? Hoe laat gaat de … Bus? 2 nd-class tweede klas kaartje first eerste 54 | Wageningen University Non-smoking Voor niet-rokers Luggage My luggage has been… Mijn bagage is … damaged beschadigd Watch out! Kijk uit! Careful! Pas op! Call …! Bel …! lost verloren an ambulance een ambulance stolen gestolen a doctor een dokter the police de politie Bicycle I’d like a … bike Ik wil graag een… It’s an emergency Het is een noodgeval There’s been an accident Er is een ongeluk gebeurd children’s kinderfiets Could you please help? Kunt u alstublieft helpen? mountain mountain bike Can I use your phone? Kan ik uw telefoon gebruiken? racing racefiets second-hand tweedehands fiets Police Bicycle pump Fietspomp Where’s the police Waar is het politiebureau? Bicycle repairman Fietsenmaker station? I have a puncture Ik heb een lekke band I want to report an Ik wil aangifte doen van offence een misdrijf I’ve been … Ik ben … I’d like … my bicycule repaired Ik wil graag…. mijn fiets laten repareren to buy a bike een fiets kopen assaulted aangevallen to buy a bike lock raped verkracht een fietsslot robbed bestolen Emergencies I didn’t do it Ik heb het niet gedaan Help! Help! Can I have a lawyer? Mag ik alstublieft Stop! Stop! een advocaat? Go away! Ga weg! I have a prescription for Ik heb een recept/ Thief! Dief! this drug. voorschrift voor deze Fire! Brand! medicatie. Your Guide 2012-2013 | 55 Symptoms & conditions Doctor I need a doctor Ik heb een dokter nodig I’m ill Ik ben ziek Could the doctor come Kan de dokter naar hier It hurts here Hier doet het pijn here? komen? I’ve been injured Ik ben gewond Could I see a female Zou ik een vrouwelijke I’ve been vomiting Ik heb overgegeven doctor? dokter kunnen zien? I feel anxious/dizzy Ik ben angstig/duizelig I’ve run out of my Mijn medicijnen zijn op I feel hot and cold Ik heb het koud en warm I’m dehydrated Ik ben uitgedroogd medication I can’t sleep Ik kan niet slapen against … I've fainted Ik ben flauw gevallen hepatitis hepatitis I think it’s the Ik denk dat het aan mijn A/B/ A/B/C medication I’m on medicijnen ligt I’ve been vaccinated Ik ben ingeënt tegen … tetanus tetanus typhoid typhus Pharmacist I need something for Ik heb iets nodig tegen hoofdpijn a headache Do I need a Heb ik een recept/voorschrift prescription for …? nodig voor …? I have a prescription Ik heb een recept/voorschrift How many times a day? Hoeveel keer per dag? Will it make me drowsy?Word ik er loom van? Painkillers Pijnstillers Sleeping pills 56 | Wageningen University Slaappillen Shopping Dentist I have a … Ik heb … Looking for broken tooth een gebroken tand Are shops open on Zijn de winkels op op cavity een gaatje Queen’s day? Koninginnedag? toothache kiespijn When are shops Wat zijn de openingestijden I’ve lost a filling Ik heb een vulling verloren open? voor de winkels? I don’t want it Ik wil niet dat hij Where can I buy a Waar kan ik een hangslot extracted!getrokken wordt! padlock? kopen? I need an anaesthetic Ik heb een verdoving nodig Where is a supermarket? Waar vind ik een I need a filling Ik heb een vulling nodig supermarkt? I’m just looking. Ik kijk alleen maar. How much is it? Hoeveel kost het? Can I look at it? Kan ik het even zien? Could I have a bag, Kan ik alstublieft een please? tasje krijgen? Could I have it wrapped? Kunt u het inpakken? Does it have a guarantee? Komt het met garantie? Can I pick it up later? Kan ik het later op komen halen? I’d like to return this, Ik wil dit graag please.retourneren. Bargaining That’s too expensive Dat is te duur. Can you lower the price? Kunt u wat van de prijs afdoen? Your Guide 2012-2013 | 57 Do you have something Heeft u iets goedkopers? parcel pakje postcard postkaart cheaper? What’s your final price? Wat is uw laatste prijs? I want to buy a … I’ll give you five euros. Ik wil er vijf euro voor Aerogram padded Aerogram gewatteerd Ik wil een … kopen. betalen. Envelope envelop Stamp Postzegel PO box Postbus My size is 40 Ik heb maat veertig Postal address Postadress Can I try it on? Kan ik het passen? PostcodePostcode It doesn’t fit het past niet Please send thisStuur het alstublieft Small Small by airmail Clothes MediumMedium Large Large Mobile/cell phone I’d like a … Ik wil graag een … charger for my phone oplader voor mijn telefoon mobile/cell mobiele prepaid mobile mobiele telefoon met beltegoed SIM card sim-kaart What are the call rates? Wat zijn de tarieven? Post office I want to send a … Ik wil een … sturen letter brief 58 | Wageningen University per luchtpost Culinary reader Bread (white) Wit brood BroccoliBroccoli A Brussels sproutSpruitjes AniseedAnijs BuckwheatBoekweit AppleAppel ButterBoter ApricotAbrikoos ButtermilkKarnemelk AsparagusAsperge C Avocado pearAvocado CabbageKool B Cane sugarRietsuiker BaconSpek CarambolaCarambola Baking powderBakpoeder Caraway seedKarwijzaad BananaBanaan CarambolaCarambola BarleyGerst Caraway seedKarwijzaad BasilBasilicum CarbohydratesKoolhydraten Bay leavesLaurier CardamomKardemom Bean sproutsTaugé CarrotWortel, peen BeansBonen Cashew nutsCashewnoten BeefRundvlees CassavaCassave Beef stock cube Cauliflower Bouillonblokjes Bloemkool BeerBier CeleriacKnolselderij BeetrootRode biet CeleryBleekselderij BuscuitKoekje, Biscuit CheeseKaas BlackberryBraam CherryKers BranZemelen Chick peaKikkererwt BreadBrood ChickenKip Bread (brown) ChicoryWitlof Bruin brood Your Guide 2012-2013 | 59 ChivesBieslook Fried potatoes CocoaCacao G Gebakken aardappelen CodKabeljauw Garlic Coffee Koffie GingerGember Corn flour Maizena Goat meatGeitevlees Corn on the cob Maiskolf GooseberryKruisbes Knoflook CourgetteCourgette GrapeDruif CranberryVeenbes GrapefruitGrapefruit CuminKomijn Green peasDoperwten Curly kaleBoerenkool Ground pepperPeper Curry powderKerrie GuavaGuava CustardVanillevla H D HerbsKruiden Dutch crispbread Beschuit HoneyHoning E Hot (chilli) pepper EggEi I EndiveAndijvie Ice creamIJs Evaporated milk J Koffiemelk Spaanse peper F JuiceSap FatVet K FennelVenkel Kidney beanNierboon FishVis KiwiKiwi FlourMeel, bloem KohlrabiKoolrabi French beanSperzieboon L French breadStokbrood LambLamsvlees French fries Leafy vegetableBladgroente 60 | Wageningen University Patat, frites LeekPrei OrangeSinaasappel LemonCitroen Orange juiceSinaasappelsap LentilLinzen OreganoOregan LettuceSla P LichiLychee PapayaPapaja LiquoriceDrop ParsleyPeterselie Low-fat margarine ParsnipPastinaak Halvarine margarine M Passion fruitPassievrucht MackerelMakreel PeachPerzik Maize kernelMaiskorrel PeanutPinda MangoMango Peanut butterPindakaas MargarineMargarine PearPeer MeatVlees PineappleAnanas MelonMeloen PlantainBakbanaan MilkMelk PlumPruim MilletGierst PomegranateGranaatappel Minced meatGehakt PorkVarkensvlees MushroomChampignon PotatoAardappel N PoultryGevogelte NutmegNootmuskaat Princkly pearCactusvijg O ProteinEiwit OatsHaver PulsesPeulvruchten OilOlie PumpkinPompoen OkraOkra PurslanePostelein Olive oilOlijfolie Q OnionUi QuarkKwark Your Guide 2012-2013 | 61 R SugarSuiker RabbitKonijn Sunflower oil Zonnebloemolie RaisinRozijn Sunflower seed Zonnebloempit RaspberryFramboos Sweet pepperPaprika Red radishRadijs Sweet potato RedcurrantAalbes T RhubarbRabarber TangerineMandarijn RiceRijst TeaThee RosemaryRozemarijn ThymeTijm Rye breadRoggebrood TofuTofu S TomatoTomaat SaffronSaffraan Tomato puréeTomatenpuree SaladSalade TunaTonijn SaltZout TurkeyKalkoen SausageWorst Turkish bread Semi-skimmed milk TurmericKurkuma, koenijt Halfvolle melk Zoete aardappel Turks brood SemolinaGriesmeel V Sesame seedSesamzaad VinegarAzijn ShrimpGarnaal W Skimmed milk WheatTarwe Magere melk SorghumGierst Whipping creamSlagroom Sour cream Zure room WineWijn Soy sauce Sojasaus, ketjap Y Soya beanSojaboon YamYam SpinachSpinazie Yard-long beanKouseband StrawberryAardbei YoghurtYoghurt 62 | Wageningen University University related Abreviations AIDGeneral Introduction Days (in Dutch: Algemene Introductie Dagen) SSC Student Service Centre ISS International Student Support EEA European Economic Area EU European Union GGD Municipal Health Service GP General Practitioner (Family Doctor) INDImmigration and Naturalisation Service ISOWInternational Student Organisation Wageningen SG Studium Generale SCB Sports Centre De Bongerd Wageningen URWageningen University & Research centre Your Guide 2012-2013 | 63 Academic year calendar 2012-2013 Periode/Period 1 9 2 3 4 10 17 24 9 9 5 9 1 6 10 8 7 8 9 10 11 12 123 14 15 16 X Periode/Period 4 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 14 21 28 4 11 18 25 4 10 17 24 31 7 12 19 26 3 15 22 29 5 12 12 12 12 11 11 11 10 10 10 10 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 3 12 11 onderwijs/ education onderwijs/ education Periode/Period 5 tentamens/exams 8 1 3 vakantie/holidays 8 27 tentamens/exams 8 20 tentamens/exams 49 50 51 13 Periode/Period 3 Periode/Period 2 onderwijs en tentamens/ education and exams onderwijs en tentamens/ education and exams Periode/Period 6 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 3 1 4 8 onderwijs/ education 64 | Wageningen University 4 15 4 22 4 29 4 6 5 13 5 20 5 27 5 3 6 10 6 17 6 24 onderwijs en tentamens/ education and exams 6 1 7 8 7 15 7 22 7 29 7 5 vakantie/ holidays 8 12 8 19 8 hertentamens/re-exams 3 25 hertentamens/re-exams 3 18 tentamens/exams 11 26 8 1 2 9 Your Guide 2012-2013 | 65 Maps Situation Ede Wageningen Railway station Railway to Utrecht Situation to elevator ground floor Platform Platform Railway to Arnhem Ground floor Ground floor Platform 66 | Wageningen University Staircase Elevator/Ramp Situation Ede Wageningen Bus station Utrecht Arnhem Bus stop Your Guide 2012-2013 | 67 Wageningen UR route All buildings of Wageningen UR have an unique number. Signs along the main roads in Wageningen show where clusters of buildings are located (for example, building numbers 100-200). Within the various clusters, routes Ede Ede Wageningen Railway station Arnhem/Utrecht A12, exit 24 113 to the individual buildings are shown. 112 g stee kamp Kiele 114 100 101 109 teeg alses a vend Droe 118 Wageningen Campus Polder oor De G 115 119 104 130 Nije De Bongerd/ Sportfields noo rd A llee A 201 Hollandsewe g al Nieuwe Kana 503 ve enha Binn Ha Bennekom/Ede 116 123 al arw laan Vijfde 102 122 sholt Man eg seste Born 107 Kortenoord n eltweg Roosev eg illw ch Ch ur N M ie uw st ra a t N 365 362 C H 320 De Dreijen eg Vee rwe A50 Renkum Arnhem/Nijmegen 316 313 312 351 Gen . Fou lkes w a ra t rs e eij iem t B Ritzema Bosweg Arboretumlaan eg G ing str saa t 425 401 rijd 400 L Be v 406 D K 68 | Wageningen University E Lawickse Allee terw e le Al Duivendaal Cos w La ic e ks Allee A15 Rhenen/Tiel Haarweg Diedenweg rd enoo Kort 534 537 g e kew ij Mar 531 F Geertjesweg 308 309 307 I 302 g Non-Wageningen UR Buildings/Terrain: H SSR-W, studentensociëteit/Student Society A Agro Business Park B Hotel De Wereld C Ceres, studentensociëteit/Student Society D Isric World Soil Information E JV Unitas, jongerensociëteit/Youth Society I Pulse Student Union of Wageningen K WSO Kamerbalie, huisvestingsbemiddeling/Student KSV, Sint Franciscus Xaverius, studentensociëteit/Student Housing Agency Hof van Wageningen (voorheen WICC/formerly WICC) Society ESN - Wageningen Student Society for International students F Plantenziektenkundige Dienst/Plant Protection Service G Idealis, studentenhuisvesting/Student Housing L D.L.V. Nji-Sri, studentensociëteit/Student Society High rise flat Wageningen UR Buildings 100Lumen Droevendaalsesteeg 3 304De Valk Dreijenlaan 2 101Gaia Droevendaalsesteeg 3a 307Biotechnion Bomenweg 2 102Forum Droevendaalsesteeg 2 308Wiskundegebouw/ Dreijenlaan 4 104 Atlas/bestuurscentrum corporate Headoffice Mathematics Building Droevendaalsesteeg 4 309Agrotechnion Bomenweg 4 107Radix Droevendaalsesteeg 1 312Transitorium Dreijenlaan 3 109Radix Serre, Radix Klima, Bornsesteeg 48 313Computechnion Dreijenplein 2 316Scheikundegebouw/ Dreijenplein 4, 6, 8, 10 Radix Agros 112 Nergena Bornsesteeg 10 Chemistry Building 113 Schoutenhoef (TIB) Bornsesteeg 16 320Toxicologie/Toxicology Tuinlaan 5 114Biologisch Proef- en Kielekampsteeg 32 351Herbarium Vadense Generaal Foulkesweg 37 Leerbedrijf Droevendaal 115Futurum (Restaurant van Botanische Tuin De Dreijen/ Stippeneng 2 de Toekomst/Restaurant of the Future) 116Facilitair Bedrijf/ Facilities and Akkermaalsbos 12 Services, Resource, 362Aula/Auditorium Generaal Foulkesweg 1 365Gebouw Achter de Aula/ Generaal Foulkesweg 1a Building Behind the Aula (ADA) Student psychologists 118Atrium, Technotron, Botanical Garden De Dreijen 401Studentenpastoraat/ Bornse Weilanden 9 Turbotron Duivendaal 7 Student Chaplaincy 406Zuivelhuis (LA13) Lawickse Allee 13 119TON Vijfde Polder 1 425 Wageningen International Lawickse Allee 11 122Zodiac (new building) De Elst 1 503De Ossekampen Haarwal 3 123Vitae Akkermaalsbos 2 534Fire house/Water house (RIKILT - Institiuut voor voedselveiligheid/ RIKILT - Institute of Food Safety) (studentenhuisvesting/ Haarweg 10 Student Housing) 130Sports Centre De Bongerd (SCB) Bornsesteeg 2 201De Leeuwenborch Hollandseweg 1 302Botanische Tuin Belmonte/ Generaal Foulkesweg 94 537Earth House Studenten- Haarweg 333 huisvesting/Student Housing Botanical Garden Belmonte Your Guide 2012-2013 | 69 Wageningen Campus Ede Ede Wageningen Railway station Arnhem/Utrecht A12, exit 24 Bus stop Forum building Bus stop 101 107 teeg alses nda roeve D 100 104 102 Forum steeg tlaan se Born shol Man Wageningen Campus A15 Rhenen/Tiel Bennekom/Ede De Bongerd University Sports Centre Bus stop 130 Bus stop llee ord A o Nijen A50 Renkum Arnhem/Nijmegen Wageningen UR Buildings 100 Lumen Droevendaalsesteeg 3 101 Gaia Droevendaalsesteeg 3 102 Forum Droevendaalsesteeg 2 104 Atlas Droevendaalsesteeg 4 107 Radix Droevendaalsesteeg 1 130De Bongerd University Bornsesteeg 2 Sports Centre 70 | Wageningen University Student accommodation Bus stop Bus number 88 (Valleilijn) Your Guide 2012-2013 | 71 Contact information Colofon Forum Ontwerp & opmaak Droevendaalsesteeg 2 Wageningen UR, Communication Services 6708 PB Wageningen Call: 0317 483618 Druk OBT BV, Leiden Contact If you have any question(s) you can contact us through our website www.ssc.wur.nl/uk. The following steps can help you to find needed information on this website: •Click on ‘Questions & Answers’ at the right side of the webpage • Select the target group you belong to • Type your question or choose one from the list If you cannot find the information you are looking for in Your Guide or on our website, you can fill in the form ‘Contact SSC’. You can find the form at the bottom of the webpage. Alternatively you can also ask at the student desk at Forum. 72 | Wageningen University Disclaimer: No rights may be derived and/or claimed on the information in this booklet International Student Support Student Service Centre FORUM Droevendaalsesteeg 2 6708 PB Wageningen
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