Ipso Facto newsletter_ period 5, week 3


Ipso Facto newsletter_ period 5, week 3
Ipso Facto newsletter: period 5, week 3. Time.
Past Issues
Ipso Facto newsletter of happiness
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Dear Ipso Facto member, Time is a weird thing. At times, it flies, and at other times, it seems to stand still. There's
some nice activities lined up to make your time fly this week, because time flies when
you're having fun. But spend your time wisely, because as William Penn said: 'Time is
what we want most, but what we use worst.'
(Little reminder: have you changed to summertime already?)
With (the appropriate amount of) love,
Allard van Nierop
Secretary Ipso Facto
Mar 31, 7:45
EduCie Daytrip to The Hague
The Hague
Apr 2, 19:00
Wilde Wereld
Lustrum and Fundraising weeks!
Apr 7: 19:00
Opening Lustrum week: Almanac
Apr 8, 18:30
Diner Pensant
Theather Junushoff
Ipso Facto newsletter: period 5, week 3. Time.
Apr 13, lunch
Lunch Concerts
Forum, Orion and LeBo
Apr 14
C103, Forum
Apr 15
Charity Olympics
The Bongerd
Apr 16
Open Party
‘t Gat
Apr 24, 12:30
The one and only Ipso hok
May 25 and 26
Nijmegen to Enschede
More info below!
Ipso Facto Activities
Master dinner
It is time for an event for just our master students! Because you are all working
very hard we thought it would be time to have a nice dinner together. This event
will take place on the 2nd of April at 19:00. Around 19:30 the dinner will be
served. The food will be taken care of. If you want to join this lovely dinner all you
have to do is subscribe to accie.ipsofacto@gmail.com . In this email you need do
tell us if you have any sort of diets or allergies. Your subscription will then be
confirmed. The dinner will cost €4,­ and it would be appreciated if you would pay
this amount beforehand at Ipso Facto Study Association: NL57 TRIO 0390 3858
91. You have to subscribe before the 1st of April in order for us to know how
many people will attend this event. Hope to see you then! More info on the
With love, Accie
Ipso Facto newsletter: period 5, week 3. Time.
Other Activities Young KLV - Training - How to
build an outstanding CV to find a
job. This training will be given by the
KLV Professional Match team which
has experience in recruitment &
selection, publicizing new posts,
intake procedures and in the filling
of vacant jobs of job-seekers who
are graduated at Wageningen UR.
UniPartners Wageningen zoekt
nieuw bestuur!
Zit je er aan te denken om volgend
jaar een parttime bestuur te doen?
Misschien is UniPartners
Wageningen dan iets voor jou! Dit
is een organisatie die studenten
een bijbaan biedt binnen eigen
studiegebied. 31 maart geven we
Ipso Facto newsletter: period 5, week 3. Time.
They have also a complete view of
the specific questions employees
will ask at job-applicants.
The event will take place April
9th.The spoken language is Dutch.
More info here.
van 17:00-19:00 een borrel in de
StartHub waarin al je al je
mogelijke vragen kunt stellen.
Opgave kan via deze link.
Internships, vacancies, interesting jobs, thesis opportunities
Stage omtrent voedselzekerheid in Bangladesh
De Nederlandse ambassade te Dhaka, Bangladesh, biedt de mogelijkheid om voor
een periode van zes maanden stage te lopen bij de sectie Voedselzekerheid van
de afdeling Ontwikkelingssamenwerking. Onze voorkeur gaat uit naar een
stageperiode van 6 maanden in de periode van begin juli tot eind december. In
overleg kan de stage ook later aanvangen, maar niet later dan begin augustus.
Meer info hier. ICD Internship Project
The ICD Internship Project (2008­17) is a 10 year program with the main purpose
to enable current students who need an internship as a compulsory part of their BA
or graduate studies to engage in cultural diplomacy and in doing so, to further
promote cultural diplomacy and multiculturalism worldwide.Indeed, the past years
of the project have been witness to interns being active participants in the
multicultural field; where lasting friendships were formed and valuable contacts
made, which immediately expanded each individual’s network to all parts of the
world.The positioning of the ICD in the center of Europe, makes it a natural hub for
the younger generation. More info here. Studystore
Buy your studybooks with a 15% discount! Click here to buy books with discount. If the
link doesn't work, copy and paste the following deeplink in your browser: http://www.studystore.nl/wageningen-university-sv3214
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