Save the Date - ATD Baton Rouge
Save the Date - ATD Baton Rouge
ATDBR focus ATDBR focus ADDRESSING THE NEEDS OF BATON ROUGE’S TRAINING AND WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT PROFESSIONALS BY PLANTING THE SEEDS FOR A COMMUNITY OF LEARNING Volume 2: June2016 IN THIS ISSUE Save the Date Save the Date/ATDBR Meeting Schedule… 1 President-Elect’s Welcome..………………….. 2 Mon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. New Members …………………………….……… 3 July 28 Power Membership .....................................3 Monthly Meeting High-tech and Low-tech Tools to Engage Learning Summer Membership Special...……………….4 Upcoming Events …………………….…………...5 August 11 Personal Development Workshop LPI & EIQ Assessments Personal Development Workshop.…………...6 August 25 Gulf Coast Talent Development Conference …………………………………….…...7 Monthly Meeting The Power of Positive Conflict Resolution Member Spotlight……………………………….. 8 September 16 Gulf Coast Talent Development Conference 2016 Board Members ………………………..… 9 ATD Chapter Incentive Program…………….10 Stay Connected with ATDBR……..…………. 10 October 27 Monthly Meeting (TBA) * See additional events on page 5 ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 1 ATDBR focus A Message from the President-Elect I am so excited to write to you as your President-Elect for 2016. I am honored to have this position and look forward to an incredible 2017! As your President-Elect I have vowed to learn all I can from our current President and Past President. I am blessed to have two amazing women to learn from as well as many other Past Presidents that are still involved in our chapter that I can ask my questions to. My involvement with ATDBR on a national and local level began in 2005. I was asked to be a program manager in 2012 and assisted with volunteering at our Professional Development event that year. After becoming a program manager, I was asked to be on the board in 2013. I have served in various positions on the board, VP of Programs, VP of Membership, and now President-Elect. This is such an exciting time to lead the chapter since we are expanding our membership base, working on ways to increase our membership value, and continuing to diversify and expand our Talent Development efforts in Baton Rouge. So far this year, I have had the privilege of meeting and talking with quite a few of our members and our guests who have actually become members at our monthly meetings and mixer. I also have had the opportunity to learn the various ATDBR leadership roles and responsibilities of our current board members. I have worked to create the 2017 Nominations Committee and have been working on providing program managers and other volunteers to our current board members. I look forward to continuing meeting and visiting with you all at our membership meetings. If you are interested in a more active role in ATDBR by participating on one of our committees or as a program manager in 2017 please do not hesitate to contact me. Also, board nominations are currently open on our website, During the month of July, the Nominations Committee will present the proposed board of directors to our membership who will vote to finalize the 2017 board in August. I look forward to assisting with our chapters’ growth and enriching your membership in ATDBR. Yours in Service, Regina Leingang Ph.D., MPA, SPHR, SHRM-SCP 2016 President-Elect, ATD Baton Rouge Chapter ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 2 ATDBR focus Welcome Our Newest Members Joel Berken Louisiana State Civil Service Wendy Martin Louisiana State University Amy Dunham Campus Federal Credit Union Maryann Mason Family Empowerment Network Janette Haydell McGraw Hill John Miles Louisiana Division of Administration Vicky Jacobsen St. Luke’s Episcopal Day School Power Membership offers members twice the support, twice the resources, and twice the networking than just one membership. ATD membership provides the tools you need for success. Chapter membership applies those tools to your organization and community. Together you are a Power Member! Chapter Membership Programming targeted to your community Network with local professionals Discover career opportunities Business development opportunities ATD Membership Industry-leading content Career-advancing educational programs Network with over 40,000 members News from TD magazine, e-newsletters, and webcasts Think globally, act locally with a Power Membership. To learn more about Power Member membership and the benefits of an ATD membership, click here. ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 3 ATDBR focus Summer Membership Special Summer is here and so are incredible savings for your colleagues and friends! Join ATD from July—August 31 for only $75.00 This includes ALL remaining meetings in 2016 and the cost of an annual ATD membership which is a potential savings of $45.00. Here’s the math! 3 monthly meetings: $75.00 ($25.00 each) Annual membership fee: $45.00 TOTAL Tell your friends and colleagues now. This offer $120.00 ends AUGUST 31 Here’s just a few of the valuable benefits of an ATDBR membership: Stay abreast of talent development trends Access resources in the talent development field Build alliances with a variety of talent development professionals of diverse backgrounds Enhance job performance Gain new ideas and tools to use on the job Learn more about ATDBR by visiting our website at ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 4 ATDBR focus Upcoming Events Date Presenter Thursday, July 14 ATDBR Webinar “The Future of Learning and Key Learning Trends” Presented by Maria Ho Upon registration, you will be provided the access details for the webinar Thursday, July 28 Monthly Meeting “High-tech and Low-tech Tools to Engage Learning” Presented by Rebecca Burdette This meeting will be held at Mike Anderson’s at 11:30am Thursday, August 11 Personal Development Workshop Leadership Potential Inventory (LPI) & Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EIQ) Presented by Jim Rives This workshop will be held at Baton Rouge General—Mid City: Main Conference Room Monthly Meeting The Power of Positive Conflict Resolution Presented by Melinda Stallings Thursday, August 25 This meeting will be held at Mike Anderson’s at 11:30am Annual Professional Development Event Friday, September 16 Gulf Coast Talent Development Conference New Orleans Downtown Marriott at Convention Center ATD Core4 Conference Thursday, September 29 —Friday, September 30 New Orleans, LA Thursday, October 06 — Saturday, October 08 ATD Chapter Leaders Conference (ALC) Arlington, VA Monthly Meeting To Be Announced Thursday, October 27 This meeting will be held at Mike Anderson’s at 11:30am ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 5 ATDBR focus ATDBR Presents a Personal Development Workshop Featuring Jim Rives, President & CEO of Executive Leadership Institute, Inc. located in Phoenix, Arizona Thursday, August 11 1:00 P.M. – 4:00 P.M. Baton Rouge General— Mid City Location: Main Conference Room Session includes TWO ASSESSMENTS: Leadership Potential Inventory (LPI) and Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire (EIQ), overview of the assessment, overview of the questionnaire, exercises, takeaways, application and much more! The retail price for this workshop with the assessments and the facilitator is normally over $450 per person. COST: $50 members; $65 for non-members Register today: ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 6 ATDBR focus SAVE the DATE FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 2016 GULF COAST TALENT DEVELOPMENT CONFERENCE Don’t miss this full day conference which offers multiple concurrent sessions in three tracks. Professional Development Tracks: 1. L&D – facilitation, 70:20:10, managing the learning function, etc. 2. Technology – instructional design, learning management systems, authoring tools, etc. 3. HR – leadership, succession planning, talent acquisition, FLSA, etc. The conference will kick off with a keynote speaker. Additional details about the speaker, concurrent sessions and registration will be available soon. Event hosted by ATDBR, ATDNOLA, ATD North Louisiana & ATD Mississippi Gulf Coast Lighthouse GIG ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 7 ATDBR focus Member Spotlight What brought you to the field of Talent Development? I was with the international management consulting firm, McKinsey & Company, and had worked in knowledge management for the Strategy Practice for a number of years, setting up systems and databases, running a phone line to connect our consultants with the knowledge they needed, organizing conferences, etc., and then the Firm made the step to develop a capability-building function in each of the practices to ensure that our consultants are up to date with the most cutting-edge techniques available to serve their clients. I raised my hand to volunteer to help and the next thing I knew I was responsible for the Strategy Practice Learning Team. What are your strengths that make this field a good fit for you? I have always loved being part of helping people develop their full potential. I did quite a bit of this in my knowledge management role. In the learning development role, I enjoyed the creativity involved in coming up with just the right learning modality to help people have those ‘a ha’ moments. We would do things like assigning a learning case in as part of an in-person program and then giving each team the opportunity to spend a half-hour by phone with one of our internal experts to further their knowledge of the case content. This helped them understand the value of tapping into our internal resources – something that many of our consultants rarely did in the course of their work. I did find the work difficult, however. Business strategy is an especially tough area for learning development because even the most innovative strategy can look obvious in hindsight so people have trouble appreciating how hard it can be to make good strategic choices in the face of an uncertain future. How long have you been involved in Talent Development? I was in my talent development role at McKinsey for ten years. I left the Firm at the end of last year and have enjoyed having a little time off, but am Sallie Williams looking forward to the next talent Learning Strategist development opportunity that may come my way. I know quite a bit about business How long have you been a member strategy and also about reaching of ATDBR and how have you learners that can be difficult to reach. benefited from being an ATDBR By ‘difficult to reach,’ I mean those that travel a lot, work long hours, and do not member? have to take training to maintain a I lived in Atlanta during my 28-year professional license. This was my world career with McKinsey and went to a number of the Atlanta ATD programs, of learners at McKinsey and I think I can help others understand how to engage but didn’t join until I got to Baton Rouge. I joined ATDBR in January and this type of learner. have been impressed at what an active What are the Talent Development initiatives, both current and future and vibrant chapter this is. What is your vision for your at the company in which you work? As I mentioned, I am currently taking a participation in ATDBR? little time off, but am actively looking I would like to be more involved in ATDBR in ways that can help me learn for the right place to land, preferably something flexible, such as contract more about the talent development community here and meet more people. work. In my previous role, I worked Several years ago when I did knowledge mostly with our consultants, but also management work, I was active in the with clients occasionally, to help them Georgia Chapter of the Special Libraries understand how to solve strategic Association and was chapter president challenges in their work. Strategy can be a little difficult to pin down and there for a year. It’s only through being are many different definitions. One way active in a group that it’s possible to to define strategy is that is that handful reap full benefits. of important decisions that are not How can you help other members easily changed but that are critical in the future of the organization. of ATDBR? ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 8 ATDBR focus 2016 Board Members Elizabeth N. Beckham, MS President Regina Leingang, Ph.D. President-Elect Damona Barnes, PHR, SHRM-CP Past President Laura Wolfe Secretary Jared Ledoux, Ph.D., PHR, BCC VP of Membership Pam Dychtwald VP of Programs Susana Lee VP of Technology Melanie Dupard VP of Hospitality Mitzi Hebert VP of Marketing and Communications ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | James Colvin Treasurer 9 ATDBR focus ATD Chapter Incentive Program Did you know ? Every purchase you make from ATD can potentially help the Baton Rouge chapter? ATD offers chapters an incentive program, called ChIP, that gives a percentage of all purchases made using the chapter’s ChIP code to the chapter. This allows us to invest in you, our members. Our chapter ChIP code is CH7121 Mention this code on any purchases, including memberships, conference registrations, book purchases, or other purchases made through ATD National. Stay Connected with ATD Baton Rouge Connect via Facebook — ATD Baton Rouge Chapter Connect via LinkedIn — ATD Baton Rouge Chapter (Groups and Companies) Connect via Twitter — @ATDBR ATD Baton Rouge Chapter | 2561 Citiplace Court #750-217 | 10