Sobre el Dinámico y Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática
Sobre el Dinámico y Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática
UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Sobre el Dinámico y Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática Adler Rensso Chung Gonzalez ∗ Universidad Nacional de Trujillo IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Trujillo-Perú Enero 5-6, 2011 UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTOGRAPHY Cryptography is the study of the processes of encryption (mapping the original message, plaintext, into a secret form, ciphertext, using the encryption key), and decryption (inverting the ciphertext back to the plaintext, using the corresponding decryption key). UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTOGRAPHY UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTOSYSTEMS Modern cryptography is the study of the mathematical systems of encryption and decryption.Such mathematical system is called the cryptographic system, or cryptosystems for short. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTANALYSIS Cryptanalysis is the study of breaking the encryptions without the knowledge of the key, i.e., the study of the cryptanalytic attacks on cryptosystems, aiming at breaking the cryptosystems without using/knowing the keys. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS THE KERCKHOFFS PRINCIPLE A cryptosystem should be secure even if the attacker knows all details about the system, with the exception of the secret key. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS SHANNON’S MAXIM The enemy knows the system being used. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Shift Cipher (or Caesar Cipher) Encoding of letters for the shift cipher: A ↔ 0, B ↔ 1, C ↔ 2, · · · , Z ↔ 25 Now, the ciphertext letters are now elements of the ring Z26 Let x, y , k ∈ Z26 Encryption: ek (x) = x + k mod 26. Decryption: dk (y ) = y − k mod 26. Example: Let the key be k = 17, and the plaintext is: ATTACK = x1 , x2 , · · · , x6 = 0, 19, 19, 0, 2, 10. The ciphertext is then computed as: y1 , y2 , · · · , y3 = 17, 10, 10, 17, 19, 1 =rkkrtb UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Turing was a quite brilliant mathematician, most famous for his work on breaking the German Enigma codes. It is no exaggeration to say that, without his outstanding contribution, the history of World War Two could well have been very different. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Cryptography concentrates on three fundamental paradigms: Confidentiality. The information should not leak to any unexpected party. Integrity. The information must be protected against any malicious modification. Authentication. The information should make clear who the author of it is. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Some modern cryptographic problems: Nonrepudiation. In the case of a dispute on the origin of the document, someone should be able to formally prove that he is not the author. This repudiation proof should be made impossible if he actually is the author. Electronic payment. The notion of electronic coin should be protected against, for instance, double spending, because it is easy to copy digital information. Anonymity. Privacy protection may require anonymity enforcement. Electronic votes. Democracy protection requires that ballots should be anonymous, that a single person should not vote more than once, and that people should not be able to prove for whom they voted afterwards. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTOLOGY EN BREF def Cryptography = Encryption L Decription def Cryptanalysis = Cryptanalytic Attacks on Encryption def Cryptology = Cryptography UNT L Cryptanalysis ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS RSA Rivest,Shamir,Adleman RSA was invented in 1978 by Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir, and Leonard Adleman, and takes its name from their initials. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Elliptic Curve Cryptography The idea to use elliptic curves in cryptography was independently proposed by Neil Koblitz and Victor Miller in the mid 1980s. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS On cryptanalytic attacks It is impossible to foresee the consequences of being clever. CHRISTOPHER STRACHEY UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Ciphertext-only attack.Eve has the ability to obtain ciphertexts. Known-plaintext attack.Eve has the ability to obtain plaintext-ciphertext pairs. Chosen-plaintext attack.Eve has the ability to obtain ciphertexts for plaintexts of her choosing. Adaptively-chosen-plaintext attack. This is the same as the previous attack, except now Eve may do some analysis on the plaintext-ciphertext pairs, and subsequently get more pairs. Chosen- and adaptively-chosen-ciphertext attack.These two attacks are similar to the above plaintext attacks. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS A PLAINTEXT ODQSOCL OW GIU BOEE QRROHOCS QV GIUR KIA QF Q DQCQSLR WIR ICL IW CQFQF EIYQE YIDJUVLR FGFVLDF GIU SLV OCVI GIUR IWWOYL IC VXQV DICPQG DIRCOCS VI WOCP VXL JXICLF ROCSOCS LHLRG YQEELR OF Q POFVRQUSXV YICWUFLP CQFQ BIRMLR QCP LHLRG YQEELR QFFURLF GIU VXQV XOF IR XLR WOEL IR QYYIUCVOCS RLYIRP IR RLFLQRYX JRIKLYV LHLRG ICL IW BXOYX OF DOFFOCS WRID VXL YIDJUVLR FGFVLD OF QAFIEUVLEG HOVQE UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS DISTRIBUTION OF THE CHARACTERS IN A TYPICAL ENGLISH TEXT Letter A B C D E F G H I Probability 8.2% 1.5% 2.8% 4.3% 12.7% 2.2 % 2.0% 6.1% 6.0% Letter J K L M N O P Q R UNT Probability 0.2 % 0.8 % 4.2 % 2.4% 6.7% 7.5% 1.9 % 0.1 % 6.0% Letter S T U V W X Y Z Probability 6.3% 9.1% 2.8% 1.0% 2.3% 0.1% 2.0% 0.1% ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS DECRYPTED SECRET IMAGINE IF YOU WILL ARRIVING AT YOUR JOB AS A MANAGER FOR ONE OF NASAS LOCAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS YOU GET INTO YOUR OFFICE ON THAT MONDAY MORNING TO FIND THE PHONES RINGING EVERY CALLER IS A DISTRAUGHT CONFUSED NASA WORKER AND EVERY CALLER ASSURES YOU THAT HIS OR HER FILE OR ACCOUNTING RECORD OR RESEARCH PROJECT EVERY ONE OF WHICH IS MISSING FROM THE COMPUTER SYSTEM IS ABSOLUTELY VITAL Imagine, if you will, arriving at your job as a manager for one of NASA’s local computer systems. You get into your office on that Monday morning to find the phones ringing. Every caller is a distraught, confused NASA worker. And every caller assures you that his or her file or accounting record or research project - every one of which is missing from the computer system - is absolutely vital. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS Social Engineering Attacks For instance, forcing someone to reveal his/her secret key, e.g., by holding a gun to his/her head can be quite successful. UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS CRYPTANALYSIS Classical cryptanalysis 1 2 Mathematical analysis Brute-Force Attacks: which treat the encryption algorithm as a black box and test all possible keys Implementation Attacks: side-channel analysis can be used to obtain a secret key, for instance, by measuring the electrical power consumption of a processor which operates on the secret key. Social Engineering UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS QUANTUM CRYPTOGRAPHY I think that it is safe to say that nobody understands quantum mechanics. Richard Feynman UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE TRUJILLO - IV FAST WORKSHOP ON APPLIED AND COMPUTATIONAL MATHEMATICS WIKILEAKS The Chaos Computer Club (CCC) UNT ...Salvaje Mundo de la Criptología Matemática