Star Dusters Newsletter
Star Dusters Newsletter
Star Dusters Newsletter Retirees Affiliated With Lockheed Martin Leadership Association P. O. Box 10310, Burbank, CA 91510-0310 (818) 565-2011 or (888) 718-5328, Ext. 2011 August 2010 This Issue: Announcements: President’s Corner – Announcement for the Fall Reunion Golf Tournament – Star Dusters Scholarship Award – For the Record – Two Historic Digital Computers in Lockheed Military Aircraft – A Second Web Site – In Memoriam – Santa Maria BBQ Pix – New Members – Rye Canyon Reunion and Pictures – Charles R. (Chuck) Mercer Obituary – Travel Opportunities– Comments on the F-104 IR Gunsight – Investment Ponzi Schemes – AV Star Dusters Report – SDs Write– Oliver Glenn – Days in the Life of a Marketeer – SDs Write–James P. Fitzgerald – In the News – Coming Events – LFCU Antelope Valley Star Dusters Satellite Luncheon, September 15, 2010 – The Antelope Valley Fall luncheon will be held on September 15, 2010, at the Elks Lodge in Palmdale, CA. See Insert 1 for details, driving instructions and the reservation form (See Page 16 for further details.) Please complete and return the reservation form as soon as possible but no later than September 6, 2010, if you plan to attend. Fall Reunion Golf Tournament, October 13, 2010 – The Fall Reunion Golf Tournament is scheduled for Wednesday, October 13, 2010, at the Simi Hills Golf Course, 5031 Alamo St., Simi Valley, CA. Make your plans to come and join the fun, while enjoying a round of golf with your Star Duster friends. Renew old friendships and make new ones. A flyer (Insert 2) is enclosed. Fill it out and return it as soon as possible but no later than September 28, 2010, to reserve your spot in this year’s fun-packed tournament. Star Dusters Annual Fall Reunion, October 14, 2010 – Plan to attend the Fall Reunion Luncheon on October 14, 2010, at the Castaway Restaurant in Burbank, CA. Lockheed Martin F-35 Chief Test Pilot Jon Beesley will be our featured speaker. Spouses and friends are welcome, the more the merrier. Please fill out and return the reservation form (Insert 3) no later than October 4, 2010. LAS–Ontario Biannual Meeting/Luncheon, October 19, 2010 – This year’s meeting will be held at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library (See Insert 4 for details.). VIEW THE NEWSLETTER AND ROSTER ON OUR WEBSITE: Star Duster Newsletter PRESIDENT’S CORNER By Don Meena The Santa Maria Barbecue was held on Saturday, July 10th. As usual Bill Priest and Bill Shelton did an excellent job of planning and implementing this annual event. The weather was very pleasant with clear skies and temperature in the mid-70s. Everyone who attended enjoyed seeing old friends and renewing past acquaintances. A delicious Santa Maria barbecue was prepared for all to enjoy. The only downside to the day was that there were only 60 people in attendance. This is a far cry from the more than 540 that attended in years past. This event has been going on for more than 40 years with Jack and Mary Hawkins starting it with a 4th of July party at their home in Santa Maria. But, unfortunately, this will be its last year. Both of the Bills informed us that they are no longer able to plan this barbecue; and with the dwindling attendance, it is becoming unaffordable since the company preparing the food requires a minimum of 80 people. Knowing before-hand that this might be the case, certificates of appreciation were prepared, signed by all attendees and presented to the two Bills, thanking them for all of their hard work over the past 20 years. It is sad to know that this outstanding event will no longer be held. Many of the attendees suggested alternate events that could be planned for the smaller numbers of participants. Several people suggested that we gather ideas about what could be held in the future and take our time in deciding where the most interest is. With this in mind I am asking each of you, who would be interested in attending a summer event in the Southern California area, to please submit your suggestion to me with as much detail as possible by calling (888) 718-5328, extension 2011, or by e-mail to Each suggestion will be evaluated and a future event will be planned. Also, please help the Star Dusters grow by signing up one new member. I leave you with this thought: “When friendships are real, they are not glass threads or frost work, but the solidest things we can know.” Ralph Waldo Emerson ~ ANNOUNCEMENT FOR THE FALL REUNION GOLF TOURNAMENT By Tom Oatway Attention Golfers! The Fall Reunion Golf Tournament is scheduled for Wednesday, October 13, 2010, at Simi Hills Golf Course in Simi Valley, CA. Prizes will be awarded for low net scores, closest to the flag, and low gross scores for both men and women golfers. Prizes will also be given to the winners of the Putting Contest. The flyer (Insert 2) is enclosed in the Star Duster Newsletter. Fill it out and return it as soon as possible but no later than September 28, 2010 to reserve your spot in this year’s fun-packed tournament. Star Duster Newsletter 3 August 2010 STAR DUSTERS SCHOLARSHIP AWARD By Don Meena The Star Dusters, in association with the Lockheed Martin Leadership Association (LMLA), has awarded a scholarship to Sierra Brown, daughter of Jim “JB” and Holly Brown. JB is the F-22 Company Test Pilot. The award was made by Star Duster President Don Meena at the LMLA President’s Night and Scholarship Awards Dinner on Thursday, July 1st. Sierra was out of state and unable to attend so her father accepted the award for her. The following is a brief biography of Sierra: Sierra Brown was born on September 6, 1988 at the Antelope Valley Hospital as an identical twin. Except for a 5-year period living in Las Vegas as a toddler, she was a resident of the Antelope Valley until graduating from Highland High School in 2007. While at Highland, she was a member of the California Scholastic Federation as well as being on the Cross Country, Track and Soccer teams. She entered the University of Mississippi, "Ole Miss", in the fall of 2007 and will graduate in May 2011 with BA degrees in History and Political Science. She is a member of the National Society of Collegiate Scholars, the Latin Honor Society and the Political Science Honor Society, having accumulated a GPA of 3.54. Taking the LSAT in the fall of 2010, she hopes to enter the University of Alabama Law School in 2011. ~ FOR THE RECORD Due to a printing error, incorrect names appeared under the two bottom Camarillo luncheon pictures on Page 12 of the July Newsletter. The names of the two persons photographed in the left picture should have read Tom and Jan Manning and the three persons photographed in the right picture were Carl Skelly, Jim MacMullen and Larry Atkins. The two pictures are reprinted below: ~ Star Duster Newsletter 4 August 2010 TWO HISTORIC DIGITAL COMPUTERS IN LOCKHEED MILITARY AIRCRAFT By Sherm Mullin The mission performance of two aircraft designed and manufactured for the U.S. Navy by Lockheed California Company, the P-3C Orion land-based maritime patrol aircraft and the S-3A Viking carrier-based antisubmarine (ASW) aircraft, was critically dependent on custom-designed digital computers. Both were designed and produced by the UNIVAC division of Sperry Rand Corporation. At the time they were the most capable airborne digital computers in the world. You will be surprised at how much they weighed and how much electrical power they required. However, they were preceded by the most important pioneering shipboard digital computer of the 1960s, also designed by UNIVAC, the Navy 642B, which weighed 2,300 pounds, required 3,500 watts, and had a processor speed of 0.1 megahertz. There was no desktop or laptop version! Here is a description of the computers in the two Lockheed ASW aircraft: UNIVAC Model First delivery year Number built-approx Weight Power Required Processor speed Memory Size P-3C Orion S-3A Viking 1830A 1968 400 379 pounds 1,150 watts 1 megahertz 0.26 megabytes 1832 1971 200 *390 pounds *2,300 watts *2.7 megahertz 0.26 megabytes *The S-3A computer had two processors which shared a common memory Despite these limited capabilities, mission software was developed for both aircraft which enabled the P-3C and the S-3A to perform antisubmarine warfare missions very effectively for decades. Forty years ago these numbers would have not meant very much to most people. Today, with hundreds of millions of personal computers in use around the world they will probably astonish most people. They would likely cause today's software engineers to have nervous breakdowns, since they wallow around with huge, fast, cheap computer memories and produce giant computer programs nearly impossible to exhaustively test. Some information for big memory software lovers: The P-3C operating system, called the executive program, was 12,000 bytes (0.01 megabytes!). Star Duster Newsletter 5 August 2010 For the S-3B, a major S-3 avionics system improvement program, the computer memory was increased from 0.26 megabytes to 0.39 megabytes. This was the only change made to the S-3 Viking computer in thirty years of fleet operations. Forty Years Ago: On August 3, 1970 the first underwater launch of a Lockheed Poseidon C-3 fleet ballistic missile from a nuclear-powered submarine was made off the east coast of Florida. The Poseidon was a much more capable successor to the Polaris A3 missile. ~ A SECOND WEB SITE By Phil Hemberg As a result of a recommendation by the Membership Committee, Star Dusters is now sponsoring a second web site, This begs the question, isn’t one web site enough? The answer is that the committee thought a new web site, giving information about other Lockheed Martin retiree organizations, could serve as a valuable tool to recruit new members and at the same time provide a service to all LM retirees. The new site performs several functions: • Lists other LM retiree organizations that have web sites of their own, as well as groups that do not have web sites but give us information to include in the index of organizations. This enables us to provide a service to other organizations and groups where people may, as individuals or as a group, see a future benefit in joining Star Dusters. We encourage members to offer the listing service to other groups who may have a very informal structure. • Maintains a current list of other known organizations that Star Dusters can refer to in recruiting information. This will give a better perspective to people of what is available to retirees looking for an affiliation opportunity. • Provides an easy way of answering questions we often receive about other known retiree organizations. • Provides a way for all LM retiree organizations to list activities that are open to any LM retiree such as travel/tours offered through Star Dusters in coordination with LMMAR. Suggested future candidate events include SAE Aero Design West, camping trips, conventions, etc. ~ IN MEMORIAM – AS OF JULY 19, 2010 Peter Brunelli, Jr. (Shirlee) Ray C. Proctor (Toni) George Raymond John (Sub) G. Sublett (LaVonne M., Bonnie) Richard Yoe (Mildred) 07/19/2010 07/13/2010 06/22/2010 06/30/2010 07/11/2010 Star Duster Newsletter 6 August 2010 STAR DUSTERS SANTA MARIA BBQ, JULY 10, 2010 Photos by Michael Kirst Bill Shelton & Bill Priest (Hosts) Norma Shelton, Ann Hyden, Evelyn Miles Al and Ruth Yackle Gini Armstrong, Judia Mullen Kay Hastings Chris Fylling, Sherm Mullin, Tom Ball Norma Shelton, Charlene Smith Star Duster Newsletter 7 August 2010 STAR DUSTERS SANTA MARIA BBQ, JULY 10, 2010 Photos by Michael Kirst Chuck & Sue Davis Ed Beutler, Betty O’Connor Walt & Lexie Ogden Mary Jane & Bob Murphy Gary & Toni Wendt Margie & Walt macoritto John Poole, Tom Ball Pat Allen, Gerald Ruppert Star Duster Newsletter 8 August 2010 STAR DUSTERS SANTA MARIA BBQ, JULY 10, 2010 Photos by Michael Kirst Martha Torres, Ellison Hawkes George & Pat Wiltsey, Jackie & Mel Kovnat Alan Brown, Gary Wendt, Ed Glasgow Nancy & Bart Mills Lee & Don Urquhart Bill Priest, Diane & Ed Winter Star Duster Newsletter 9 August 2010 STAR DUSTERS SANTA MARIA BBQ, JULY 10, 2010 Photos by Michael Kirst Lillian & Don Meena, Ron Constable Kay & Jim Hastings ~ NEW MEMBERS AS OF JULY 19, 2010 Anders, Randall (Randy) Melody Arthur, Alan (Al) Loretta Batten, Jim Dawkins, Ernest (Ernie) Fessenden, Paul Karen Flurry, William (John) Joyce Glickman, Stuart (Stu) Hoffman, Ronald (Ron) Donna Jamison, Micheal (Mike) JoEllen Dattilo Kemp, William (Bill) Krawczak, John Lance, Glenn Lori P.O. Box 687 Pine, CO 80470-0687 60358 Carroll St Lacombe, LA 70445-3702 4709 Bluebird Ln. Mansfield, TX 76063-6731 2903 Hickman Ave Picayune, MS 39466-4919 47 Guiles Rd Barton, NY 13734-1212 353 Street Circle Forest Hill, MD 21050-3070 12956 Centre Park Cir. #107 Herndon, VA 20171-5913 781 Optimo Ave Fremont, CA 94539-3769 2815 Hitchcock Mill Run Marietta, GA 30068-3149 500 Pacific Ave #509 Virginia Beach, VA 23451-3538 3657 Robinwood Terrace Minnetonka, MN 55305-4329 3 Willow Leaf Dr. Littleton, CO 80127-3569 303-838-5247 OSD 985-882-5184 OSD 682-518-6392 601-798-5269 OSD 607-687-2817 OSD 410-638-9551 OSD 703-793-0199 OSD 510-659-8629 OSD 404-431-9235 OSD 757-619-0011 OSD 952-334-1969 OSD 303-916-5195 OSD Star Duster Newsletter 10 August 2010 NEW MEMBERS AS OF JULY 19, 2010 (Continued) Loewenthal, Alex Patricia (Patty) Chamness Love, Michael (Mike) Susan McKeighen, Ron Lori Mickel, Susan (Sue) Middleton, Randa Bruce Neglia, Anthony (Tony) Janet Penwell, Richard (Rick) Romera (Randi) Phelps, Eric (Ric) Donna Plummer, Roy Cathy Schneider, Richard (Rich) Helen Segedi, George Mary Seward, Larry Smith, Lloyd Nan Tofteland, Joel Susan Wasiewicz, Richard (Rich) Ann Westerfeld, Eric Joanna 2027 Glastonbury Rd Westlake Village, CA 91361-3546 4101 Shagbark St Fort Worth, TX 76137-1433 622 Lone Ridge Way Murphy, TX 75094-2625 128 Ada Ave. #13 Mountain View, CA 94043-4979 204 Melea Lane Kingston, TN 37763-5861 18 Linda Lane Commack, NY 11725-2312 701 Song Bird Way Woodstock, GA 30188-3782 634 Hilton Rd Apalachin, NY 13732-1712 91 Ridgway Dr Burdentown, NJ 08505-4270 39 Lauren Way Franklinville, NJ 08322-2673 1490 Forest Hill Rd., PO Box 252 Apalachin, NY 13732-0252 330 N. Nathilda Ave #1003 Sunnyvale, CA 94085-4219 2064 Kypriotis Dr. Cortland, NY 13045-9538 20432 Kensfield Trl Lakeville, MN 55044-4684 559 Gatehouse Rd Tully, NY 13159-3304 1810 Middlefield Rd Palo Alto, CA 94301-3823 805-443-4227 OSD 817-232-4075 OSD 972-429-6462 OSD 650-965-7499 OSD 865-399-6740 OSD 631-543-8927 OSD 770-928-8156 OSD 607-625-3732 OSD 609-488-2074 OSD 856-262-8109 OSD 607-625-4570 OSD 408-743-5525 OSD 607-935-6220 OSD 952-236-9665 OSD 315-696-9981 OSD 650-473-0737 OSD ~ RYE CANYON REUNION By Jill Trimble On Saturday, May 15, 2010, the ninth annual Rye Canyon reunion was held at Hart Park in Newhall, CA. A group of 45 attendees gathered to reminisce and catch up on the present. (See pictures on Pages 11 and 12.) ~ Star Duster Newsletter 11 August 2010 RYE CANYON REUNION, MAY 15, 2010 Submitted by Jill Trimble Sharon Chavez, Marlene Oliva, Jill Trimble, Pat Allen Jim Brandhurst, Al Griffith Sterling Branton, Bob Brown Pat and Bruce Perrine, Cliff Burkes Brent Bennett, Tom Dziubala, Ken Pennington, Don Hill, Don Sidwell, George Graff, Sammye Craigo Ken Pennington, Sammye Craigo, Esther Rodriquez, Ron Craigo Dave Pelishek, George Stewart, George Robideaux, George Buckman Star Duster Newsletter 12 August 2010 RYE CANYON REUNION, MAY 15, 2010 Submitted by Jill Trimble John Price, Al Griffith Ted Terada, Robbie Potts Lou and Bertha Silvas, LaVonne Rayzor, Hazel Martinson Tom Oliva, Tom Rayzor, Owen Klasen Blackie Passarelli, Jim Brandhurst Robbie Potts, Ann Schuler, Dean Oliva, Bob Brown ~ CHARLES R. (CHUCK) MERCER – 1917-2010 B o r n S e p te m b e r 8 , 1 9 1 7 , C h u c k M e r c e r p a s s e d a w a y o n A p r i l 1 2 , 2 0 1 0 . A ft e r graduation from Curtiss-W right Technical Institute in 1938, he joined Lockheed’s E n g i n e e r i n g o r g a n i z a ti o n . H i s fi r s t a s s i g n m e n t w a s h e l p i n g d e s i g n th e fl i g h t s ta ti o n o n th e P - 3 8 . H e c o n ti n u e d i n F l i g h t T e s t o n s u c h m o d e l s a s th e C o n s te l l a ti o n , S S T , a n d the L-1011. He advanced through various management positions to become Chief Engineer-Flight Operations. He worked closely with the FAA in Lockheed crash investigations and testified as an expert witness at trials resulting from the crashes. In the early 1950s, he, along with his friend, Jack Real, was selected for a two-year a s s i g n m e n t a s fl i g h t e n g i n e e r o n t h e P a n A m C l i p p e r s , fl y i n g fr o m F l o r i d a to E u r o p e and Africa while being paid by Lockheed. Pan Am’s Juan Trippe had requested this arrangement to improve the dialogue between his airline and Lockheed designers. After retirement, Chuck was a member of the International Society of Air Safety Investigation and testified in many international trials. He is survived by two daughters, Lorelei Mercer-Mahan and Pamela Ann Mercer; one stepson, Rex Bowlby, and their fa m i l i e s . ~ Star Duster Newsletter 13 August 2010 TRAVEL OPPORTUNITIES FOR STAR DUSTERS By Ann Hyden, Travel Coordinator Keep collecting those great memories of the beautiful, the wild, the wonderful world beyond. Call me at (818) 367-3217 with your questions and/or for brochures, which are also available for viewing on the Star Duster website, Or, you can e-mail Patti Griffin, Here are the current offerings: New Year’s Caribbean Cruise, December 26, 2010 – January 7, 2011 – This is an 11-day Eastern Caribbean Cruise on Holland America’s Maasdam, including one night pre-stay in Fort Lauderdale, for a total of 13 days away. Islands you will visit include Grand Turk, St. Thomas, U.S. Virgin Islands, St. Maarten, Netherland Antilles, St. John’s Antigua; Frederisksted; St. Croix, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic, and Half Moon Cay, Bahamas, Holland America line’s private island paradise. Round trip air is included from the Bay Area but can be adjusted from other areas. Also included is entertainment, transfers to and from the ship and driver gratuities. Prices start at $2695, inside cabin, and $2875, outside cabin, ranging upward to $4150, balcony, each, based on double occupancy. Insurance starts at $252 each. Deposit of $300 each reserves your place with final payment due September 28, 2010. Heavenly Hawaii, March 13-27, 2011 – Cruise for 15 nights aboard Holland America Line’s MS Zaamdam from San Diego to four exotic Hawaiian Islands and back. Dockings will be in Hilo, Nawiliwili, Honolulu and Lahaina with time ashore for excursions or whatever is your pleasure. Your days and evenings enroute will be filled with culinary delights, spa and salon, Vegas-style shows, variety and singing acts, casinos and dancing, etc. Included are flights to/from San Diego, all meals and entertainment aboard, baggage handling for one suitcase per person, port taxes and transfers to/from the ship. Prices start at $2125 inside, $2395 outside, up to $3540 outside. Reserve with $300.00 each deposit; trip insurance starts at $290.00 to 370.00. Balance payable by November 29, 2010. Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup, September 24-29, 2011 – Unpack once for five nights at the Palmer Gulch Lodge near Rapid City, SD, from where you will tour Mount Rushmore and Crazy Horse Memorials; Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup and 1880 Steam Train Ride; historic Deadwood gold camp; the Bad Lands National Park, and the beautiful Black Hills. Included are eight meals, luggage handling for one suitcase per person, all taxes and gratuities, airfare from San Jose (or as arranged for other locales) at the price of $1490 Double Occupancy or $1740 Single, with $300.00 each deposit and trip insurance of $85.00/$117.00 respectively. Final payment is due July 24, 2011. Watch your Star Duster Newsletter for another Kenya Safari around May 2011; a Great Lakes Holiday; and several more exciting trips soon to be announced. ~ Star Duster Newsletter 14 August 2010 COMMENTS ON THE F-104 IR GUNSIGHT ARTICLE BY JIM BEACH Bob Tyler: I g r e a tl y e n j o y e d J i m B e a c h ' s a r ti c l e a b o u t th e F - 1 0 4 G I R G u n s i g h t i n t h e J u l y S ta r Duster. However, I feel compelled to correct the spelling of Dr. Kutzscher's name and to add a few other tid-bits relative to the Program! Dr. Edgar Kutzscher was truly a pioneer in the field of InfraRed. He was one of several German scientists who were recruited by Walter Jones to come to Calac after WW II. Ed loved to tell about the time that he went on an inspection tour to check-up on one of the German IR Early Warning Stations built by his laboratory, which was installed on the French coast to warn of any impending invasion by the Allies. Upon his return to his laboratory, he was shocked to learn that the night after his visit, the IR Early W a r n i n g S ta ti o n h a d b e e n i n v a d e d b y B r i ti s h C o m m a n d o s , a n d a l l th e c l a s s i fi e d IR e q u i p m e n t h a d b e e n c o n fi s c a te d a n d ta k e n to B r i t a i n fo r d e ta i l e d a n a l y s i s ! A l th o u g h J i m ' s a r ti c l e d i d n ' t m e n ti o n i t, th e C a l a c I R G u n s i g h t d e v e l o p m e n t p r o g r a m was housed in Building 5 in Plant B-5. Building 5 was somewhat unique, in that its p r i m a r y m a n a g e m e n t o ffi c e o n th e g r o u n d fl o o r c o n ta i n e d a w o o d - b u r n i n g fi r e p l a c e ! A c c o r d i n g to f o l k - l o r e , E d K u t z s c h e r a n d D o m A m a r a b o th c o v e te d th a t o ffi c e ! I d o n ' t remember who won, but the selection was eventually settled amicably. Later on, Ed a n d D o m c o m m u te d to g e th e r i n a s h i n y b l a c k J a g u a r X K - 1 4 0 c o u p e . S i n c e th a t v e h i c l e has a rather small passenger compartment, and since both Dom and Ed were heavy c i g a r s m o k e r s a t th a t ti m e , I o n l y h o p e t h e c a r h a d a g o o d a i r - c o n d i ti o n i n g s y s te m ! A few years after the F-104G Gunsight program, Gordo Johnson and I - plus our group of Merry Men - occupied Building 5 to engineer the AP-2H TRIM airplanes (converted P-2V-7s) for the Navy. However, we occupied the second floor, so the fire place never bec am e an is s ue. J o e P a n ic e llo : It was wonderful reading the article on the F-104G in the Star Duster. It brought back a lot of memories. I was a member of that team in Building 5 working with Doctor Kutzscher's engineers on Infrared Cells. I worked for Charlie Maass and Jim Beach was a Group Engineer. Charlie asked me to design a transistorized low-noise preamplifier for the gunsight because the vacuum tube version gets noisy after awhile and h a s to b e r e p l a c e d o f te n . I d i d th e d e s i g n a n d m y v e r s i o n h a d a te n - ti m e s l o w e r - n o i s e figure which would give the gunsight ten times further range. It also wouldn't have to be replaced due to micro-phonic noise; but I was told that it would disrupt the production l i n e to r e p l a c e i t a t t h a t ti m e , s o n o t h i n g w a s d o n e . I a l s o d e s i g n e d a n In fr a r e d A c q u i s i t i o n S y s te m to t r a c k a i r c r a ft fr o m a m o u n t a i n to p . It worked; but, again, it was never implemented. By the way, I became Charlie Maass as Group Engineer in 1983. ~ Star Duster Newsletter 15 August 2010 INVESTMENT PONZI SCHEMES EXAMPLES AND WHAT TO WATCH FOR Reprint of an Article from Wolfe & Associates Property Services Submitted by Al Yackle Ponzi schemes are frauds that involve payments of returns to investors by funds contributed by new investors. They are often identified after substantial funds have been lost. The following examples of Ponzi schemes halted by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) in 2010 provide some insight as to how to identify a Ponzi scheme: • A $300 million scheme used sales representatives and seminars to con more than 3,000 Canadian and U.S. investors. Representatives sold shares in what investors believed was a gold mining company. Instead, the funds were transferred through a series of shell companies across the globe, all owned or controlled by the scheme architects. • A prominent New Mexico realtor enticed investors with promissory notes offering 10% to 25% returns over one to three years. He falsely represented that the notes were secured by real estate and his personal wealth. • Estate planning seminars urged retirees to buy promissory notes for Turkish investments. The promoters, who appeared to be both educated and experienced in foreign investments, promised annual returns between 8% and 11%. • A self-proclaimed psychic told investors he could predict stock market highs and lows, representing that he had called all highs and lows of the market over the last 14 years and falsely claiming profits were audited and certified. He raised $6 million using his newsletter, website, and public appearances on a nationally syndicated radio show. • A businessman and philanthropist sold investor securities to fund his grocery business, claiming the securities were risk-free with returns as high as 26%. He showed questioning investors fabricated invoices and purchase orders for nonexistent sales. The SEC website advises the following: • Beware of a “guaranteed” investment – all investments carry some risk. High returns usually carry higher risk. • Beware of overly consistent returns. Investment returns tend to fluctuate over time as market conditions change. Star Duster Newsletter 16 August 2010 • Beware of unregistered investments. Typically, registration will provide information about the company’s management, products, services, and finances. • Watch out for unlicensed sellers. Investment professionals are usually required to be licensed or registered. • Watch for secretive or complex investment strategies. Avoid investments that you don’t understand or for which you receive incomplete information. • Always read an investment’s prospectus or disclosure statement before you invest your money. Statement errors may signal that the funds are not being invested as represented. • Be suspicious if you don’t get a payment or have difficulty cashing out your investment. Ponzi scheme promoters sometimes encourage you to roll over your investments by offering even higher investment returns. ~ ANTELOPE VALLEY SATELLITE STAR DUSTERS REPORT, JUNE 16, 2010 By Fran Merricone, Secretary, AV Star Dusters – Palmdale Satellite The Antelope Valley Star Dusters met at the Elks Lodge in Lancaster, CA on June 16, 2010. We had approximately 26 in attendance. Everyone enjoyed a nice lunch and each other’s company. Bob Stover, President of AV Star Dusters, got up and thanked everyone for coming and introduced our speaker William P. (Bubba) Francis, Flight Test Programs–All Programs. I would like to thank Bubba for his informative briefing on “What’s Happening in Flight Test Today” and a brief outline of his bio and how he came to Lockheed Martin – Flight Test. Also, I would like to thank all the Palmdale Flight Test personnel, who helped make this luncheon a success. Our next meeting will be held on September 15, 2010, at the Elks Lodge in Lancaster, CA (See Insert 1.). Hope to see you there and we would love to see any new member Star Dusters in our area!!! Send your reservations and monies to Elinore Patterson right away, not later than September 6, 2010. ~end~ STAR DUSTERS WRITE – OLIVER GLENN I enjoy Marie Schumacher’s summary of new projects. Would like to see Andy Baker’s financial news again. Certainly an enjoyable publication. ~ Star Duster Newsletter 17 August 2010 DAYS IN THE LIFE OF A MARKETEER By Deryck Childs Yesterday I was reminiscing on my days at Calac and remembered incidents that might amuse some Star Dusters. In the pursuit of P-3 sales I presented a briefing to a group of Air Force generals from South America. At the conclusion of the formal briefing, one senior officer took me aside and asked if I could take him to a shop so that he could purchase wallpaper for his home. On arriving at the store we were met by a salesman obviously from the Bronx or Queens. Noting the general’s uniform, he asked what airline he flew for. Raising himself to his full five-foot stature, he replied he ran his country’s Air Force. The salesman questioned, “Had any revolutions lately?” To which the general replied, “I am the revolution.” We went to another store. On another day, a Friday, I was in Ottawa, Canada waiting for the first installment of five-million dollars for the procurement of P-3C aircraft. Finally, at 2 p.m., I obtained the check and thought it was a good idea to photograph the event. After using my camera, I rushed to deposit the check in the bank so that Calac would receive interest over the weekend. On returning to my hotel I discovered that I forgot to remove the lens cover from my camera. C’est la vie! ~ STAR DUSTERS WRITE – JAMES P. FITZGERALD If Sherm runs out of history items, I can supply some anecdotes from Flight Test. That is, if I can remember them. Ed. Note: Why wait? We could use them now and encourage everyone to submit articles of interest to other retirees. ~ Star Duster Newsletter 18 August 2010 IN THE NEWS By Marie Schumacher New Viking comes from old FRCSE delivers first S-3 to test squadron – Jax Air News reports after completing extensive maintenance and repairs that presented many challenges, Fleet Readiness Center Southeast (FRCSE) turned over the first of three S-3B Viking aircraft to Naval Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) 30 on April 14. VX-30 Commanding Officer Cmdr. Stephen Tedford said the S-3 plays a vital role in the squadron's mission to support its customers at test facilities and ranges throughout the world. "With the capabilities of the APS-137 radar, we can execute our mission more effectively and cover a larger area than ever before," he said. "The S-3 ensures the West Coast Sea Test Range will continue to provide outstanding and dependable services to its customers for years to come." F-35 Navy Jet Carrier-Landing Strength Predictions Confirmed – A Lockheed Martin F-35C Lightning II carrier variant successfully completed testing in which it was dropped from heights of more than 11 feet during a series of simulated aircraft-carrier landings. The tests validated predictions and will help confirm the F-35C's structural integrity for carrier operations. Right Hand Operation Vehicles Delivered – Lockheed Martin has delivered two righthand operation Joint Light Tactical Vehicles (JLTV), and a companion trailer, to the U.S. Army and U.S. Marine Corps and representatives of the Australian Army for Technology Development (TD) phase assessment and testing. TRICARE Team Milestone – Lockheed Martin together with TRICARE Management Activity (TMA) and the Military Health System (MHS) are celebrating a significant milestone of one billion TRICARE Encounter Data (TED) healthcare records processed. TMA serves as the national headquarters responsible for administering a worldwide medical benefits program for the Department of Defense. The TED system, which collects, verifies and tracks MHS managed care records, is now one of the fastest claims processing systems in the world - capable of processing 700,000 records in just over three hours. Since its inception in 2004, TED has processed $140 billion of purchased care services for TRICARE beneficiaries worldwide. Chelmsford Facility Earns Award – Lockheed Martin’s Chelmsford Operations has been awarded the prestigious James S. Cogswell Award for Outstanding Industrial Security. Of the more than 13,000 defense contractors that are subject to annual inspection in the National Industrial Security Program, only nine were honored with a Cogswell Award this year. It is the second Cogswell Award for the Chelmsford Operations facility, which received its first Cogswell Award for security excellence in 2006. Star Duster Newsletter 19 August 2010 “PC on a Stick”™ Technology Cited as Cyber Security Trailblazer TechAmerica Foundation has named Lockheed Martin’s IronClad™ the most innovative cyber security technology of the year. TechAmerica Foundation bestowed the 2010 "Terman Award" in the category of Cyber Security and Authentication to IronClad, a new technology that shrinks a laptop's hard drive - -including the entire operating system, software, software applications, and files -- onto a secure USB flash drive. Advanced Security Application from CoreTrace Integrated into IronClad™ The security protecting Lockheed Martin’s IronClad™ USB drives just got even stronger thanks to the enhancement of a sophisticated “whitelisting” application from technology firm CoreTrace®. The application protects not only the files and data on each IronClad “PC on a Stick™,” it also keeps government and corporate networks protected from a large array of security threats. Facility for Integration and Testing of Joint Communications Network Equipment Opens Various equipment sets essential to providing secure, ubiquitous communications for a next generation joint services tactical network will be tested at this state-of-the-art facility. The Lockheed Martin Systems Integration Facility in San Diego, Calif., will be used for the integration and testing of the Airborne & Maritime/Fixed Station Joint Tactical Radio System (AMF JTRS), a secure Internet-Protocol network that will provide real-time, non line-of-sight communications for warfighters in all services within the Department of Defense. THAAD Weapon System – The Missile Defense Agency and Lockheed Martin has conducted a successful flight test of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) Weapon System at the Pacific Missile Range Facility on Kauai, HI. This flight test was THAAD’s seventh intercept to date and proved the system’s ability to intercept a unitary target in the low endo-atmosphere. Lockheed Martin Unveils Updated Code One Magazine Website – Code One, the award-winning airpower magazine published by Lockheed Martin has officially unveiled its newly updated and expanded website ( The new website, like the print magazine, reports on all Lockheed Martin Aeronautics aircraft, air vehicles and systems. Fourth C-130J Heads to Norway Norway placed a contract in November 2007 for four C-130J Super Hercules through the Foreign Military Sales (FMS) program. The first was delivered in November 2008. The new fleet enables Norway to meet its national airlift mission requirements and missions in support of international organizations such as the U.N. and NATO Star Duster Newsletter 20 August 2010 Savi Technology’s SmartChain® CMA Solution Certified as Powered by SAP NetWeaver® – Lockheed Martin’s Savi Technology has announced the certification. The certified integration enables Savi's SmartChain CMA platform and applications for asset, shipment and consignment management to link supply chain visibility information in-transit and on-site with sophisticated operational planning tools. Orion Crew Exploration Vehicle Passes Key NASA Milestone – The Orion crew exploration vehicle has successfully completed the Phase 1 Safety Review of NASA’s Human Rating Requirements for space exploration in low Earth orbit and beyond. Lockheed Martin Announces Plan to Reduce Leadership Ranks – On July 6th the Company announced a new program intended to reduce overhead and improve affordability by reducing the number of leaders at the director and vice president levels. The program is the latest in a series of moves aimed at refining strategic alignment, enhancing performance and lowering costs to keep pace with evolving customer realities and global security challenges. Other recent actions include a major business reorganization, the planned divestiture of two units and a significant reduction in international trade show participation. Delivery Milestones Achieved – Lockheed Martin celebrated a production milestone recently with the delivery of the 100,000th Paveway II Enhanced Laser Guided Training Round (ELGTR) to the U.S. Navy. Lockheed Martin has produced ELGTRs for the U.S. Navy and international customers since 1992. Current production is part of a five year, $114 million contract awarded in April 2005. F-35A Becomes Second Variant to Fly with Mission Systems – The ninth Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II stealth fighter has entered flight testing, becoming the second test jet to fly with the next-generation avionics package that will populate all operational F-35s. The F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, known as AF-3, flew for 42 minutes during its first flight. Ceremony Honors Shuttle External Tank Workforce NASA and Lockheed Martin Space Systems Company paid tribute to the workforce who built the external tanks for the space shuttle fleet at NASA's Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans. ET-138, the last newly manufactured tank to roll out of the assembly building, served as a backdrop for speakers praising the employees. Lockheed Martin Air Traffic Control Upgrades Support ADS-B Use in Alaska, Kentucky and the Gulf of Mexico – Lockheed Martin has enhanced multiple air traffic management platforms to enable the processing of data received from satellite-based navigational aids such as Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B). A key foundation of the FAA's Next Generation Air Transportation System, ADS-B enables the transition from ground-based to satellite-based air traffic control. This new infrastructure is set to give pilots, as well as controllers, better information on the position of the aircraft mid flight and on the airport surface. Star Duster Newsletter 21 August 2010 Critical Design Review for U.S. Navy’s Communications at Speed and Depth Program – A Lockheed Martin-led industry team has completed a successful critical design review for a system that will give U.S. Navy submarines real-time, two-way communications without requiring platforms to proceed to periscope depth. The review clears the way for the team to begin producing hardware and to deliver engineering design models in early 2011. F-22 Raptors Make Permanent Home In Hawaii – Officials at Hickam AFB, Hawaii, formally dedicated two Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptors on July 9, inaugurating the base as the newest permanent home for the aircraft and marking the start of a partnership between the Hawaii Air National Guard and the active-duty Air Force in flying the F-22. First Mid-Life Upgrade P-3 Orion Delivered – The first Lockheed Martin P-3 Orion with new Mid-Life Upgrade (MLU) enhancements was delivered to U.S. Customs and Border Protection officials. The newly re-winged P-3 will soon make its first flight and will immediately be a game-changer for U.S. Customs and Border Protection. This aircraft is the first of many that will benefit with increased availability and reliability for critical homeland security missions. Savi Ships Compact Mobile Tracking Systems for US Marine Corps Expeditionary Forces in Afghanistan – Lockheed Martin’s Savi Technology has received a U.S. Marine Corps order for 50 Portable Deployment Kits (PDKs) to locate, track and manage RFID-tagged supplies anywhere, anytime in support of expeditionary force surges in Afghanistan. Savi’s Portable Deployment Kits track supplies with RFID, GPS and SatCom. 10-Year Contract to Support Special Operations Forces Awarded – The U.S. Special Operations Command awarded Lockheed Martin a contract to provide fullscope logistics support to warfighters around the globe. The Logistics Support Contract for U.S. Special Operations provides a wide range of mission-critical services, from aircraft and vehicle maintenance to IT and electronics support. The contract has a potential value of $5 billion over 10 years. U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center Awards Lockheed Martin Contract – Lockheed Martin has received a contract from the U.S. Army Natick Soldier Center for test and evaluation of its next-generation HULC™ advanced robotic exoskeleton, designed to augment Soldiers’ strength and endurance, as well as reduce load carriage injuries. Partnership Produces One of Year’s Top Breakthroughs – R&D Magazine has named Lockheed Martin and Sandia National Laboratories’ research on multifunctional optical coatings as one of the 100 greatest technologies introduced this year. The technology was developed as part of the Shared Vision cooperative program that fosters collaboration among top scientists and funds research in key technologies for both organizations. Star Duster Newsletter 22 August 2010 Team to Pursue U.S. Air Force’s HH-60 Recap Helicopter Program Sikorsky Aircraft Corporation, a subsidiary of United Technologies Corp. and Lockheed Martin Corp. will compete jointly for the contract to replace the U.S. Air Force’s fleet of combat search and rescue helicopters. Wireless Network Architecture to be Evaluated – Working with the Department of Transportation, Lockheed Martin will refine and validate the requirements and architecture of a new communications infrastructure, named IntelliDriveSM, which will ultimately permit safety and traffic systems to communicate. Leveraging the potentially transformative capabilities of wireless technology to make surface transportation safer, smarter and greener is the goal of the DOT’s IntelliDriveSM system. IntelliDriveSM is a multimodal initiative that aims to enable safe, interoperable networked wireless communications among vehicles, the infrastructure, and passengers' personal communications devices. Canada Selects Lockheed Martin F-35 – The Government of Canada has announced plans to acquire the Lockheed Martin F-35 Lightning II as the country’s next-generation fighter aircraft. The F-35 will replace Canada’s fleet of CF-18 Hornets that entered service in the early 1980s. Lockheed Martin C-130J Super Hercules Program – Lockheed Martin recently completed assembly of its 200th C-130J Super Hercules. The aircraft is the second HC-130J for the U.S. Air Force’s Air Combat Command and is a clear demonstration of the success and continued growth of the C-130J program, which produces the world’s most advanced airlifter. U.S. Navy Marks 50th Anniversary of First Submerged Launch of Fleet Ballistic Missile – July 20th, 2010 marked the 50th anniversary of the U.S. Navy Strategic Systems Programs’ first underwater launch of a Fleet Ballistic Missile, which was designed and built by Lockheed Martin. The Polaris A1 missile successfully launched from the submerged USS George Washington (SSBN-598), the first ballistic missile submarine, July 20, 1960, off the coast of Cape Canaveral, FL. This successful Navy test proved the capability of launching missiles from the natural protection of the deep sea, securing a strategic advantage to the nation. Lockheed Martin Named Top-Performing Company by Aviation Week – For an unprecedented third year in a row, Lockheed Martin was named Top-Performing Company in the “Revenues Greater than $20 Billion” category by Aviation Week. Companies were rated in several categories that relate to operational excellence in program management, budget and schedule discipline, risk management, fair-price acquisitions, scale and common process, supplier innovation and operational excellence. Star Duster Newsletter 23 August 2010 Lockheed Martin Conducts Successful in-Mine Test of Its Through-The-Earth Wireless Communication System – Testing was conducted at the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Test Mine in Bruceton, Pa. on June 15 and 16. MagneLink MCS is a wireless, through-the-earth communications system developed to meet the mining industry’s post-accident emergency communications requirement. The system provides voice communication and texting to give trapped miners fail-safe communication during a catastrophe. U.S. says No Decision Yet on Fighter Jets for Taiwan – United Press International reports "Despite objections by China, the U.S. is still weighing Taiwan's request to purchase F16 C/D fighter jets, according to the chairman of the American Institute in Taiwan. 'There has been no decision made saying we are not going to sell ... We are carefully looking at the aerial defense needs of Taiwan,' Raymond Burghardt told reporters in Taipei. Earlier this year, when Washington approved a $6.4 billion arms sale to Taiwan, Beijing responded by pointing missiles at the island nation that it considers a breakaway republic. Weapons Makers Launch Advertising Blitz in D.C. – "With two of the largest defense contracts ever being decided on Capitol Hill, weapons makers are taking their promotional messages to the streets and newspapers of Washington, D.C., with glossy ads. Boeing recently took out a full-page ad in the Hill newspaper promoting its AH-64D Apache combat helicopter, and Lockheed Martin has blanketed Metro stations around D.C. with ads for its sleek combat ship." reports The Washington Post First of 18 F-16 U.S. Fighter Jets Delivered to Pakistan – CNN and CBS News have reported the first three U.S. F-16 fighter jets of an 18-jet order were flown to Pakistan in late June. The jets are part of a $1.4 billion deal with the U.S. to help Pakistan update its aging fleet and join the U.S. in fighting terrorism. Israel considers F-3 Alternatives – reports Israel is looking to possibly do without the F-35 or to integrate the stealthy jet in smaller numbers. The country is reportedly looking at more powerful electronic warfare systems that would be based on wide-frequency active, electronically scanned array radar to defend aircraft that is non-stealthy. Lockheed Martin Steps Up Pace of F-35 Testing – Fort Worth Star-Telegram reports Lockheed Martin's flight testing of the F-35 joint strike fighter is picking up speed, and by the end of the year, the program could be where it was supposed to be by the end of 2009. Lockheed recently flew the ninth of the initial 13 flight-testing jets and had completed 146 flights in 2010 as of last week (9 July), compared to 128 planned, indicating that it could reach its full-year goal of 394 flights. ~end~ Star Duster Newsletter 24 August 2010 Star Dusters Newsletter P. O. Box 10310 Burbank, CA 91510-0310 PSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID No. Hollywood, CA Permit No. 759 Change Service Requested COMING EVENTS 09-15-10 10-13-10 10-14-10 10-19-10 Antelope Valley Fall Luncheon (See Pages 1 and 16 and Insert 1.) Fall Reunion Golf Tournament, Simi, CA (See Pages 1 and 2 and Insert 2.) Fall Reunion Luncheon, Castaway, Burbank, CA (See Page 1 and Insert 3.) LAS-Ontario Biannual Meeting/Luncheon (See Page 1 and Insert 4.) MARK YOUR CALENDARS!!! LFCU Earn Free Travel and Gift Card Rewards with LFCU’s Platinum Visa Not all cards are created equal; that is why LFCU is pleased to offer the Platinum Rewards Visa. You’ll earn one rewards point for every dollar in purchases you make. Redeem your points for air travel, gift cards, merchandise, electronics and much more. Of course there’s no annual fee, and you are protected from unauthorized purchases with Visa’s Zero Liability Policy. Please visit or call (800) 328-LFCU (5328) to learn more. Lockheed Federal Credit Union is pleased to provide financial support for the Star Dusters’ monthly newsletter mailing. _____________________________________________________________________ Editor: Betty O’Connor Associate Editor: Patti Griffin Star Dusters Newsletter Insert 1 August 2010 ANTELOPE VALLEY STAR DUSTERS SATELLITE LUNCHEON SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 The Antelope Valley Star Dusters invites all Star Dusters/their families and friends to the AV Star Dusters Luncheon. We would love to have you join us. PLACE: The Elks Lodge, 240 East Avenue K, Lancaster, CA (Exit Hwy. 14 on Avenue K, Turn Right and Proceed on Ave. K to Old Sierra Hwy. Over the Tracks and it should be on the Right pass the Signal). DATE: September 15. 2010 TIME: 11:15 A.M. – Social Hour – (Cocktails are Available) PROGRAM: To Be Announced PRICE: $20.00 Per Person Includes Gratuity, and Access to the Club as a Guest PAYMENT: MAIL TO: Please make Checks Payable to – A.V. Star Dusters Elinore Patterson 8051 West Avenue B-10 Lancaster, CA 93536 Cut Here ANTELOPE VALLEY SATELLITE LUNCHEON SEPTEMBER 15, 2010 Enclosed is $__________________ Member’s Name: ________________________________________________________ Member’s Guest: ________________________________________________________ WE WOULD APPRECIATE HAVING ALL RESERVATIONS IN NO LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 6, 2010 FOR TABLE SETTINGS/FOOD. Star Dusters Newsletter Insert 2 August 2010 Attention Golfers! FALL REUNION GOLF TOURNAMENT Wednesday, Oct. 13, 2010, 9:00 A.M. Simi Hills Golf Course 5031 Alamo St., Simi Valley, CA 93063 (805) 522-0803 Come and enjoy a round of golf with your Star Duster friends on the Simi Hills 18-hole layout. First, Second, and Third Place prizes will be awarded for Men and Ladies Low Net; plus prize awards for Closest to the Hole, and Low Gross, for both Men and Ladies. A Prize will be given to the winners of the Putting Contest. $34.00 Per Person (Senior over 60) and $50 Non-senior: includes green fee, golf cart, and prizes. Please indicate if entry is for Non-senior. Tee times will start at 9:00am. We have room for only 40 golfers. Make Your Reservation Now! Start times will be based upon receipt of reservation. Names in Foursome Phone No. E-mail 1. 2. 3. 4. Put me/us in a foursome (check here) Put me/us in a foursome with Total amount enclosed: Deadline Date is Sept 28, 2010 Address any questions to Tom Oatway (661) 263-9778 Email: Make check payable to Star Dusters. Return Completed Form to: Tom Oatway 27670 Deerfield Lane Valencia, CA 91354 Index or Avg. Score Star Dusters Newsletter Insert 3 August 2010 RESERVATION FOR STAR DUSTERS ANNUAL FALL REUNION LUNCHEON October 14, 2010 Place: Date: Price: Social Hour: Menu: Parking: Speaker: Deadline: Castaway Restaurant Mountain View Room Thursday, October 14, 2010 $27.00 per person, including tax and service charge 11 A.M. (No Host bar) with luncheon served at 12 P.M. Choice of Sliced Sirloin, Chicken Marsala or Salmon Valet parking is complimentary Jon Beesley, F-35 Chief Test Pilot October 4, 2010 Directions: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Return this form to Lockheed Martin Star Dusters, P. O. Box 10310, Burbank, CA 91510-0310. PLEASE REMEMBER TO ENCLOSE YOUR CHECK PAYABLE TO STAR DUSTERS FOR ALL ITEMS BELOW. Please reserve _____ luncheon tickets at $27.00 each, for the Star Dusters annual Fall Reunion on October 14, 2010 at the Castaway Restaurant, 1250 Harvard Rd., Burbank. Please call Dorothy Kincheloe at (818) 843-0562, if you have any questions. Please indicate your choice of: Sliced Sirloin __________ Chicken Marsala __________ Salmon __________ Please print ________________________________ on my name tag and print _____________________________ on the name tag of my spouse or guest. Member Name (Please print) ______________________________________ Star Dusters Newsletter Insert 4 August 2010 LAS–ONTARIO SATELLITE STAR DUSTERS BI-ANNUAL MEETING Date: Tuesday, October 19, 2010 Place: Ronald Reagan Library, 40 Presidential Drive, Simi Valley, CA 93065, (805)577-4000 Itinerary: Coach pick-up: 9:00 a.m. St. Anthony RC Church, 2110 San Antonio Avenue, Upland. Tour: 10:30 a.m. Lunch: 12:15 p.m. Buffet Cost: Round-trip coach, private tour, lunch, keepsake: $50 per person all inclusive. Make checks payable to: James Taylor Mail to: James A. Taylor 1300 Glen View Drive Fullerton, CA 92835-4091 Deadline for Reservations is September 20, 2010 No cancellations or walk-ins will be accepted after that date Cut off here and mail lower half with check Name ______________________________ Number of Guests _________ Guest Name____________________ Guest Name____________________ Guest Name____________________ Please include any changes to your address, telephone, etc. and please give your e-mail address to .
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