February 2009 - Star Dusters


February 2009 - Star Dusters
Star Dusters Newsletter
Retirees and Former Employees of Lockheed Martin Corporation
Affiliated With Lockheed Martin Leadership Association
P. O. Box 10310, Burbank, CA 91510-0310
(818) 565-2011 or (888) 718-5328, Ext. 2011
e-mail: lmstardusters @att.net
January 2015
This Issue:
Announcements – President’s Corner –– New Members –– Changes in LM Health
Care Coverage –– Timeline for Fielding the F-35B Joint Strike Fighter –– SD
Spring Golf Tournament –– Travel Opportunities ––SD Spring Day Trip –– SD
Downtown Los Angeles Day Trip –– Star Dusters Write –– In Memoriam –– Dick
Heppe Obituary –– James (Elly) Hawkes Obituary –– SD Antelope Valley Satellite
Luncheon –– Star Dusters Write –– In The News –– Coming Events –– Logix
Star Duster Directors, Officers and Coordinators – January 2015 – Insert 1 lists the
names of the Star Dusters who fill these positions.
AV Satellite Star Dusters Luncheon, April 15, 2015 – The Antelope Valley Spring
Luncheon will be held at Gino’s Restaurant in Palmdale, CA. See Insert 3 for details,
driving instructions, and deadline information.
2015 Day Trip to Palmdale, April 15, 2015 – See Gary Belie’s article on page 9.
Complete and return Insert 4 to Gary Belie to meet the March 13th deadline. This day
trip is combined with the Antelope Valley Satellite Spring Luncheon.
The AV Satellite has extended an invitation to the Day Trippers and all Star Dusters to
join them for lunch. All participants must complete the reservation section of Insert 4
and mail it along with their check made payable to AV Star Dusters to Elinore
Patterson, AV Satellite Treasurer, by April 11.
Spring Reunion Golf Tournament, April 27, 2015 – The golf tournament will be at the
Hansen Dam Municipal Golf Course in Pacoima, CA hosted by Tom Oatway. Deadline
for reservations is April 13, 2015. (See Page 6 and Insert 2 for details.).
Downtown LA Day Trip, May TDB, 2015 – See Gary Belie’s article on Page 10.
Watch for details in a later edition of the Newsletter.
LAS Ontario Satellite Bi-Annual Meeting, April 21, 2015 will be held at the Double
Tree Hotel Restaurant in Claremont, CA. A speaker has yet to be determined. (See
Insert 5.) Watch for details next month.
Spring Reunion Luncheon, Camarillo, May 07, 2015 – We will gather at the Las
Posas Country Club. The lunch will be hosted by Al Stacey and Johnny Mercer. Watch
for details in a future Newsletter
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
By Vic Saucedo
Thanks to all of you for renewing your Star Dusters membership and for your continued
support and contributions. I’m pleased to report that your Star Dusters Board has been
busy making plans for a number of events and activities for this year. We welcome your
suggestions for any event or excursion you would like for us to consider. We have
again reviewed where our membership resides to get some indication of interest and
are asking all of you to let us know what you would like to see in the Newsletter. You
are welcome to submit articles of interest to our editor as well. We would like to receive
inputs on activities that would be attractive from all Lockheed Martin Company retirees
and former employees throughout the country.
I sincerely appreciate your many favorable comments regarding the quality of the Star
Dusters Newsletter and our recently improved website. We are currently updating the
website to show events planned for 2015 as well as organization updates. An option to
renew your Star Dusters membership, payment and donations on-line will also be
added to the website. New membership with payment and donations on-line is currently
available. The next step will be added capability to sign up and pay for Star Dusters
events on-line. I recognize that many of you prefer to stay with the current sign-up and
pay by mail method and you are welcome to do so as well. Please let us know if there
is anything else you would like to see added or changed on the website or any
suggestion you may have for the Star Dusters Board in general.
I’m looking forward to the South Coast Satellite Organization Luncheon at the Acapulco
Restaurant in Santa Ana and Lyon Air Museum Tour hosted by Julius Olzer on
February 16. Reservation deadline is February 2 but you can contact Julius at 310-3874071 if you missed the deadline and would like to join us.
April events will include the Antelope Valley Satellite Organization Luncheon on April
15, LAS Ontario Luncheon in Claremont on April 21 and Spring Reunion Golf
Tournament on April 27 at the Hansen Dam Municipal Golf Course in Pacoima. Gary
Belie is looking into a Palmdale Facility Tour in conjunction with the Antelope Valley
Luncheon on April 15. (See Page 9 and Insert 4). I’m also looking forward to the SAE
Aero Design Competition which will be held in Van Nuys on April 24-26. The Aero
Design competition is intended to provide undergraduate and graduate engineering
students with a real life engineering exercise. The competition has been designed to
provide exposure to the kinds of situations that engineers face in the real work
environment. First and foremost a design competition, students will find themselves
performing trade studies and making compromises to arrive at a design solution that
will optimally meet the mission requirements while still conforming to the configuration
limitations. This is a truly enjoyable opportunity to experience and appreciate the
engineering talent demonstrated by university students throughout the world. I have
had the opportunity to be involved as a judge with a number of my Star Dusters
colleagues, including Ed Glasgow and Al Yackle (prior to his death), who supported all
phases of the competition for a number of years and we always come away impressed
with the performance of every student in the competition. Qualified judges will be
needed to evaluate and score design reports, oral technical presentations and flight
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
performance. I have agreed to be the Star Dusters point of contact to assist Gene
Holloway from LM Aero in finding qualified judges for each phase of the competition
and invite you to let me know if you would be interested in being a judge for any one or
more of the three phases.
Your Star Dusters Board still has an open position for a Legal Advisor as noted in the
January Newsletter and an open position for an Associate Recording Secretary to back
up our Recording Secretary Susan Jones whenever needed. The Recording Secretary
prepares and distributes agendas for Board meetings; takes and prepares the minutes
of Board meetings and special meetings; maintains current distribution list of Board
members, Officers and Coordinators; annually provides a Master Planning schedule;
following elections and appointments, prepares an up- to-date list of offices held,
addresses, telephone numbers and e-mail addresses of Directors, Officers and
Coordinators for distribution. Please let me know if you would be interested in either
one of these volunteer positions. The Star Dusters Board meets on the third Monday of
every month at the Elk’s Lodge in Burbank.
Last month I expressed appreciation for everyone who contributes articles to the Star
Dusters Newsletter and wanted to share a very brief background on our editors and
authors over the next few months starting with Dr. Andy Baker.
Andy joined Lockheed in 1960 and was in a series of management positions in the
engineering organization. He was Director of Research and Planning for a number of
years and then moved to ADP where he worked in Special Technologies and Program
Management. He moved to CORLAC in 1987 as Director of Engineering- Aeronautical
Systems. He retired in January 1991. From 1994 through 1999 Andy served as
Associate Editor of the Newsletter and is currently the author of the Lockheed Martin
Financial Notes, which appear quarterly in the Newsletter. He served as President of
the Star Dusters for the period 1998-1999 and is currently on the Board of Directors.
Bianco, Annette
Breedlove, Joe
Canady, Vinson (Mr. T)
Wakefield, Linda
Zajicek, Anthony
1741 Dale Ave
San Mateo, CA 94401
3928 CR 317
Cleburne, TX 76031-0152
26779 Mirage Dr
Conifer, CO 80433
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
By Mel Kovnat, Health, Medical and News Coordinator
I received the same mailing from LM that we all received on Saturday, January 24. I
am as shocked as the rest of us regarding the message enclosed by LM.
All I know about it is what I have read in the various parts of what was included by LM
in my mailing. I think if we all read it carefully, we will all come away with the same
message. I do not know enough to question the legal basis of LM taking this unilateral
action and have not spoken with anyone at LM.
Here is a summary of what I think they are telling us:
1. LM medical insurance will stop on June 1, 2015 for LM MedicareEligible retirees.
2. LM “may” provide a Health Reimbursement Arrangement (HRA) of
$900/year/person if we get the change done by Dec. 7, 2015.
3. LM will provide a one time distribution to our HRAs of $350/person if
we enroll with an outside insurer by May 29, 2015.
4. OneExchange will provide individually tailored info on what we need to
do if we contact them either by phone or on-line.
5. We will receive the “Funding and Reimbursement Guide” from
OneExchange in late May explaining more about how the HRA works.
6. OneExchange is offering retiree educational sessions to help us learn
more about the upcoming changes at various locations around the
country in early February.
7. The changes involve prescription drugs coverage, also.
8. There is a strong LM message advising us to contact OneExchange
soon and find out what is best for each of our individual needs
regarding medical insurance coverages.
What I will be doing, and what I recommend for each of us retirees, is contact
OneExchange either by phone or internet, and get started with the process of signing
up for new insurance coverage suitable for each of our individual needs.
There is nothing magical about my comments above. There may even be some
changes that could be made after I reread the available info a few more times.
If you feel there is merit in passing on any of the above, feel free to do so. I am sure
none of us looks forward to having to react to these changes.
Ed Note:
We’d like Star Dusters to relate their thoughts, experience and results in dealing with
this change. We’ll publish them next month. We can use your initials if you desire.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
By Sherm Mullin
This article covers a specific example of how long it takes the Department of Defense,
with their current acquisition system, to put important new technology in the hands of
our fighting forces, in this case the U. S. Marine Corps.
Twenty-five years ago, in 1990, Skunk Works engineers Paul Bevalaqua and Paul
Shumpert filed a patent application for a unique propulsion system. Designed for short
takeoff-vertical landing (STOVL) fighter aircraft, it used a single jet engine with a
vectored exhaust nozzle and concurrent shaft-driven vertical lift fan. The patent was
granted in May 1993.
In 1991 DARPA and the Marine Corps formulated a new program to develop an
Advanced Short Takeoff Vertical Landing (ASTOVL) aircraft. Their plan was to
competitively select a contractor to build a flying ASTOVL prototype aircraft. However,
this required the concurrence of the Naval Air Systems Command, which purchased all
Marine Aircraft. They blocked the prototyping plan and insisted on a program to
extensively ground test the complex propulsion system.
DARPA complied with the Navy plan in 1992, restructured the ASTOVL program to
fund two competitors, and requested $100 million in their FY 1993 defense budget.
After some Congressional machinations not worth describing the funding was
appropriated, with Senator Daniel Inouye of Hawaii making sure it happened. In
February 1993 the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) awarded
two three-year contracts for the development and ground test of full scale ASTOVL
propulsion systems. The winners were the Lockheed Skunk Works and McDonnell
Douglas. One loser, Boeing, continued using their funds, later also receiving
government funds.
Meanwhile the Air Force, Navy, and the Marines were jointly formulating a major new
program: the Joint Strike Fighter (JSF). The objective was to have a family of very
affordable single engine fighters, with maximum possible commonality, for the Air
Force, Navy, and the Marines. The Marine version required STOVL capability.
The first round of the JSF competition was settled on November 16, 1996. The winners
were Lockheed Martin and Boeing. It is clear that the Skunk Works performance on the
DARPA ASTOVL contract was a major factor in the Lockheed win. The Skunk Works
shoved off on an aggressive program to design, build, and flight test two prototype
aircraft, the X-35 A, X-35B, and X-35C. How did two aircraft equal three? Easy-the X35A Air Force version was flight tested first and then converted into the X-35B STOVL
version. The X-35C was the Navy carrier configuration.
The Boeing and Lockheed Martin flight testing programs were aggressive:
September 18, 2000:
First flight, Boeing X-32A (USAF and Navy) prototype
March 29, 2001:
First flight, Boeing X-32B (Marine STOVL) prototype
October 24, 2000:
First flight, Lockheed Martin X-35A (Air Force) prototype
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
December 16, 2000:
First flight, Lockheed Martin X-35C (Navy) prototype
June 23, 2001:
First flight, Lockheed Martin X-35B (Marine STOVL) prototype
After completion of successful flight testing of all three JSF aircraft configurations,
Lockheed Martin was announced the winner on October 26, 2001.
The Marine F-35B Joint Strike Fighter aircraft program was controversial in 1992. It
remains controversial now. For twenty-five years the Marines have defeated all efforts
to terminate the program. Several F-35B flight test aircraft were manufactured by
Lockheed Martin and have been tested extensively. Initial shipboard trials, with
numerous vertical landings were completed.
In November 2012 the first Marine operational fighter squadron, at Yuma, Arizona,
received their first F-35B aircraft. This squadron is scheduled to achieve Initial
Operational Capability (IOC) in September 2015. The pacing item to achieving IOC is
not delivery of aircraft; it is the incredibly large, amazingly complex mission software.
The Marines are waiting for the delivery of what is called Block 2B mission software,
which will enable IOC. The F-35 mission software has 8 million lines of code, which has
required many years of laboratory system testing and flight testing. Apparently it will not
be completed in 2015. Completing the mission software development is the pacing task
for the Air Force F-35A aircraft and the Navy F-35C aircraft achieving Initial Operational
Personal note: As president of Lockheed Advanced Development Company I was
involved in the ASTOVL program from 1991 until I retired in 1994. Some fellow
Lockheed executives chided me for investing in a new aircraft for the Marines, saying
they would never get the funding. My answer was that the U.S. Marine Corps had a
long history of getting what they wanted. At the Skunk Works we vigorously worked on
the DARPA-Marine ASTOVL program, listening to the Marines and ignoring all critics.
Attention Golfers! The Spring Reunion Golf Tournament is scheduled for Monday, April
27, 2015 at the Hansen Dam Municipal Golf Course in Pacoima, CA. Make your
plans to come and join the fun and enjoy a round of golf with your Star Duster friends.
Renew old friendships and make new ones.
Prizes will be awarded for low net scores in two handicap Flights A and B for Men, plus
a Ladies Flight. Prizes will be given to the winners of the Closest to the Hole for both
Men and Ladies. Two special awards will be selected from a random drawing of those
who hit the Closest to the Hole Par 3 in regulation.
A flyer (Insert 2) is enclosed in this Star Duster Newsletter. Fill it out and return it as
soon as possible to reserve your spot in this year’s fun-packed tournament.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
By Ann Hyden, Travel Coordinator
Look into some special trips you’ve been thinking about to expand your horizons! Some
suggestions are listed below from our counterpart to Star Dusters in the San Francisco
Bay area, LMMAR, and from Talbot Tours, which does the planning, arranging and
booking for us. Many more destinations, international and domestic, are available but
too numerous to list here. I invite you to call me with your ideas, questions, etc., at
(818) 367–3217. Do book early to avoid disappointment from filled-up tours. Air flights
and prices can be quoted and arranged from any locale. Note that prices herein listed
include airfare from the Bay Area.
Yellowstone/Wildlife Experience, June 8-14, and August 3-9, 2015 – Tour highlights
include: Antelope Island State Park, West Yellowstone, Grizzly and Wolf Discovery
Crater, Yellowstone Wildlife Safari, Grand Teton National Park, Snake River Float Trip,
cruise on Lake Jenny, visit American Heritage Center and Salt Lake City. Double rooms
are $2425, each person including 12 meals.
Grand Tour of Italy, May 11-23, 2015 – A fabulous trip awaits you covering the
highlights of magnificent Italy during 12 sunny days. Fly via Boston to
Florence/Montecantini and Venice for guided tours of city centers, Academia Museum
(Michelangelo’s David), San Marco, Doge’s Palace and much more. Drive through the
Chianti Hills to medieval Siena and San Gimignana, then depart for Assisi (St. Francis’
Cathedral and Basilica) and on to Rome. Tour monuments and sites of both ancient
and modern Rome with a day dedicated to the Vatican and Sistine Chapel. Next is
Pompeii, Naples and Sorrento with tours of all, including the spectacular Amalfi Drive
with views of the coastal resort Positano and another day to ferry to the enchanted Isle
of Capri. Fly home from Naples. Prices include roundtrip airfare, Tour Manager, ten
nights first class hotels, all breakfasts and dinners (20 meals), taxes and gratuities for
double @ $4475 each, single @ $5230, deposit of $400 each and insurance of
$495/536, resp. Final payment due February 10, 2015.
Great Gatsby Getaway at the Grand Hotel on Mackinac Island, September 12–17,
2015 – On the island no motorized vehicles are allowed. Travel by horse drawn
carriage through the forest to the elegant and historical Grand Hotel and into the ‘20s of
the Great Gatsby Era. Be a part of the fun by dressing as a flapper, a “dandy”, a
gangster or elegant dress of a famous person (Downtown Abby?). Song, dress and
dance competitions with cash prizes are part of the fun, and so much more. During the
day enjoy bocce ball, croquet, tennis, horseshoes, fitness center or hike the trails
through the lush forest. You can take Charleston lessons, shop in the quaint village,
visit the carriage museum or just sit and sip on the 600-foot veranda as did the elite and
wealthy of long ago. You will have three nights in the Grand Hotel with breakfast and
five-course dinners, (all guests dress for dinner!), with very special events, dancing,
entertainment by the hotel’s orchestra and fun competitions to join in or watch. Prices
include airfare to/from Detroit, transportation to the hotel in Dearborn and to
Frankenmuth (largest Christmas store in the world), then on to the ferry to Mackinac.
Prices are $2150 each person, double, or $2395 single with deposit of $200 each and
insurance $174 each. Final payment due July 1, 2015
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
Briefly, for your consideration, are the following one-week-or-less domestic travel
suggestions, except for a few international: (Call me at 818-367-3217 for
*Custer State Park &
Buffalo Roundup
Branson “Autumn in the Ozarks”
Nantucket, Martha’s Vineyard,
Cape Cod
Albuquerque Balloon Fest
World War II Memorials - Europe
Sept 23-28, 2015
October, 2015
September, 2015
Oct. 3-10, 2015
Various dates in 2015
Canyon Country Exp.
Grand, Arches, Bryce, Zion
Yellowstone in Winter (or summer)
Costa Rica
National Cherry Blossom Fest.
Wash. DC & Historical Virginia
Savannah and Charleston
Calif. Rail Tour – Coast, Wine Co.,
Redwoods, Yosemite
Sorrento; Italian Riviera
French Riviera– 9 days each
Lake Como & Switzerland – 10 Days
Kenya Safari – 14 days
Colorado Train Adventure – 8 days
American Queen Paddlewheel along
the Mississippi
Downtown Abbey/English Castles/Bath
Oct. 7-13 & 13-17, 2015
June 8, 2015
April 3-11, 2015
April 5-13, 2015
April 7-14 and 14-21, 2015
April 25-May 3, 2015
Various April – October, 2015
Various April – October, 2015
May 11-24, 2015
July 11-18, 2015 and other dates
Various dates in 2015
Sold out! Call now for 2016.
*See Pages 11 & 12 of October’s Newsletter (Star Dusters Write - Ted Jacox) for more
information on this trip.
Other trips in 2015 have been added and include:
Azalea, Plantation & Cajun
March 19-TBD, 2015
Wash. DC Embassy Tour MARS
May TBD, 2015
Hudson Valley MARS
5 Days in 2015
Kentucky Derby
May TBD, 2015
Glacier Nat’l Park
June 24-TBD, 2015
San Juan Islands & Leavenworth
Sept.15-TBD, 2015
San Antonio New Year’s
Dec 29-TBD, 2015
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
Star Dusters will return to Palmdale on April 15th for a Day Trip filled with aviation fun
and information.
The trip begins with a visit to the Palmdale Joe Davies Heritage Airpark. This guided
tour includes the history and acquisition of these airplanes. The Heritage Airpark
contains over 17 retired military aircraft.
Next we will join the Antelope Valley Star Dusters for their Spring Luncheon which will
include a presentation on the new Skunk Works nuclear fusion program.
The day trip concludes with a visit to the Skunk Works’ facility to see some of the many
changes to this unique national resource as well as some of the current and future
technologies and programs in work there.
You can pick and choose any
combination of the three events
although the Skunk Works’ plant tour
has a limited number of slots which will
be given out on a first come basis and
are limited to Star Dusters and spouses.
Bring your camera for the Airpark, but
picture taking on the Lockheed Martin
property is prohibited.
This should be a fun and informative
event for all who have worked for
Lockheed Martin and love aviation. We
look forward to seeing you there.
Please complete the attached form (Insert 4) and mail to Gary Belie, 11564 Coralberry
Ct., Moorpark, CA 93021 to arrive by 13 March 2015 for the airpark and plant tours.
See the separate announcement for details and sign up for the luncheon.
Confirmation for the tours and tour details will be provided by 20 March. If you have not
received confirmation by the 20th, please contact Gary Belie.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
The Los Angeles area is filled with exciting venues that people travel from all over the
world to visit. Downtown LA is one such area that includes iconic City Hall, the Music
Center Complex, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels, Union Station, Little Tokyo,
and Olvera Street, each with its own charm and unique architecture.
Ironically, many of us who live here have never visited these sites in our own backyard.
In May, the Star Dusters, many of us for the first time, will travel to Downtown LA for a
Day Trip to see some of these world-renowned attractions.
The trip will include a group tour of the Cathedral and the four theaters that make up
the Music Center complex as well as a group lunch at the Cathedral. The more hearty
Star Dusters may want to use the rest of the afternoon to explore the many other
downtown sites all within a few blocks. These include taking in the magnificent views
from the 27th floor Observation Deck at LA City Hall, enjoying the excitement and color
of Olvera Street, savoring a plum wine mochi ice cream treat in Little Tokyo, or
admiring the art deco architecture of Union Station.
More adventuresome Star Dusters may also want to avoid the traffic and parking
hassles by traveling to downtown using the Metro Rail with its Civic Center Station right
in the heart of all the action.
Watch for all the details in next month’s newsletter.
Dear Vic Saucedo
You mention in your letter that the Star Dusters would welcome comments about our
retirement activities. I have been very busy as a writer – writing 7 books, five through
the Author House publisher.
These books are: The Wheeler Dealer (Gambling), Brian’s Comet (Aerospace), A Slow
Moving Target (The LST of World War II), Vindicated (Mafia), The Great Sicilian
Norseman (Historical Epic about Vikings conquering Sicily and Southern Italy which
began in the year 1017), Garibaldi (Historical Epic on how Giuseppe Garibaldi helped
unite Italy in 1871 and as viewed today) and Engineering Management (a guide book
on how to become a good Engineering Manager).
IN MEMORIAM – as of January 21, 2015
J. Ellison (Elly) Hawkes
Val Menendez (Barbara)
R. Richard (Dick) Heppe
February 15, 2014
December 26, 2014
January 18, 2015
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
R. Richard Heppe, employed at Lockheed 1947-1988 and President of LockheedCalifornia Company 1984-1987, died January 18, 2015. He was widely recognized
nationally as one of the pre-eminent engineers of his generation, receiving many formal
awards and honors. He was a master of advanced design and competitive proposals.
Dick joined Lockheed in 1947 as an aerodynamics engineer. With special knowledge of
supersonic aerodynamics, he advanced rapidly to department manager. He was
involved in advanced designs, including the F-104 fighter aircraft. Later he was Chief
Engineer on the Lockheed Model L-2000 supersonic transport.
In 1967 Heppe was assigned to manage the preliminary design and proposal for a new
Navy carrier-based antisubmarine warfare (ASW) aircraft. In 1969, when Lockheed won
the S-3A Navy competition, Heppe became Director of the newly formed Antisubmarine
Warfare (ASW) Engineering Branch. In 1974 he became Vice President-Navy
programs, and later advanced to Vice President and General Manager, Government
Programs. This included responsibility for the successful and profitable S-3A Viking, P3C Orion, and Canadian CP-140 aircraft programs.
In 1979 he became Calac VP Operations, with focus on reducing L-1011 TriStar
production costs. In 1981 he went to the Skunk Works as VP and Assistant General
Manager, with major involvement in the secret F-117 stealth fighter program. He also
focused on Lockheed’s design for the upcoming Air Force Advanced Tactical Fighter
(ATF) competition.
In June 1984 he became President of Calac, continuing his focus on ATF. He played a
major role in establishing the Lockheed-Boeing-General Dynamics ATF team in 1986.
Lockheed and Northrop won the first round of the ATF competition in October 1986 and
the F-22 team was activated. Demonstrating two prototype F-22 aircraft, the Lockheedled team won the Air Force ATF competition in 1991.
Heppe achieved national and international recognition. His was elected a Fellow of the
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) and a member of the
National Academy of Engineering (NAE). The AIAA presented him with the Reed
Aeronautics Award, the highest professional award an aeronautical engineer can
receive in the United States. In 1979 he received the Admiral Charles E. Weakley
Award from the National Security Industrial Association, the highest award given for
contributions to the United States ASW capability.
Ralph Richard Heppe was born on March 4, 1923. He was educated at Stanford
University, receiving a BS degree in mechanical engineering in 1944 and an MS in
aeronautical engineering in 1945. He was elected to Phi Beta Kappa. He was a
graduate student at California Institute of Technology from 1945 to 1947.
Heppe was pre-deceased by his wife Patricia Kennedy Heppe and one son. He is
survived by two sons, a daughter, grandchildren, and two great grandchildren.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
JAMES ELLISON “ELLY” HAWKES - 11-25-1915 TO 2-15-2014
Elly was born in North Andover, Mass. to Walter and Beulah Hawkes. He was preceded
in death by his first wife Julia Fairbrother (1941 – 1986); their daughter Evelyn (1946 –
2007), his 2nd wife Sally Underword (1988 – 2010) and brothers Arthur, Richard, Hugh
and sister Frances. He is survived by his wife, sister Lucy Hawkes Lampson Winship
and 12 nieces and nephews. He is also survived by his step son Robert Underwood,
Sr., and his wife Doris and their families.
Ellison graduated from MIT and worked 45 years for Lockheed Aircraft from 1939 until
1974 where he was a flight test engineer for the P 38 and the F 80 Shooting Star. In
1965 Elly became Engineering Program Manager for Helicopter Programs at
Lockheed’s Van Nuys, CA plant, with responsibility for all rotor wing programs including
the AH–56A Cheyenne helicopter. He had a long and interesting career.
He lived in Southern California after college, then lived in Laguna Woods until he died.
He loved to travel, dance, read, play cards and watch reruns of Lawrence Welk. He had
a twinkle in his eye and a great smile and is greatly missed.
Ed Note: 2-15-14 is the correct date of death. At the family’s request, the funeral home
did not publish the obituary notice until the first anniversary of his death.
The Antelope Valley Star Dusters invites all Star Dusters, Lockheed Retires and their
families and friends to the AV Star Dusters Luncheon.
Our guest will be Dr. Thomas J. McGuire. Dr. McGuire believes that radical energy
solutions are needed to develop the world in a responsible way. Ending energy
scarcity will transform human society in unprecedented and positive ways, raising living
standards across the globe and spurring humanity to spread across the solar system.
He earned his degrees in aerospace engineering at Penn State and MIT with a focus in
nuclear physics. Some of his past research includes multi-gridded inertial electrostatic
fusion, nuclear thermal rockets for fast Mars colonization, miniaturized star trackers,
and air-breathing space propulsion.
At the Lockheed Martin Skunkworks based in Palmdale, California, Tom has been a
creative force behind projects varying from aerodynamics, electromagnetics, advanced
materials, pervasive sensors, energy concepts and space technology as well as
stretching the organization's reach with biologically inspired designs. He is the team
lead and inventor of Lockheed’s compact fusion project, which aims to develop a
compact, stable nuclear fusion energy source.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
Star Dusters Write
Raquel (Rocky) Trijillo
Here is some more trivia for you:
Did you know the first airplane turned out by the company as a company (not counting
the individual efforts of the Loughead brothers back in 1916) was a Vega, which was
first flown on July 4, 1927 by Eddie Bellande who became a Western Air pilot.
This was built in an old barn near Selma and Wilcox in Hollywood. There were 12
employees. The three top men were the Loughead brothers and Jack Northrop.
Ruben G Hernandez
The newsletter is interesting and the photos make it more enjoyable. Sherm Mullin’s
articles are my favorite.
John Wooley
Love the Star Dusters newsletter! It keeps me informed on the many friendships I
established over 33 years at Lockheed. Lynne and I now reside in Bishop, California
where living is easy and fishing is great.
John R. Scarborough
I enjoy the newsletter. It helps me remember my 35 years with Lockheed which
includes Gelac, Calac, Corlac, LMSC, LASI-NY and LMCS-Austin.
James Mull
Add activities in Atlanta area!
Ed Note: Any takers to plan events in Atlanta?
Kurt F.W. Moeller
My wife and I have been married 67 years. We still go out in our motorhome once a
month to local campgrounds. My son, Ron, just retired from Lockheed, beginning in
July. He is touring the East Coast in his 5th wheeler is enjoying his retirement.
Thomas G. (Tim) Marvel
Fantastic newsletter, enjoyed Planes of Fame trip last year. My loadmaster assignment
on the S3A led to 30 catapults and 29 traps. Great experience!
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
James W Lamparter
Worked at Glen Martin March 1937 then Lockheed October 1937 built experimental
P38. In 1938, supported production line in war years. Will be 100 years old January
27th. (Mockup, modifications & new development)
Mary Kleinberg
Ken (Kleinberg) passed away 9-11-2011. He loved getting the Star Duster and keeping
up with all things Lockheed. I also enjoy reading the Newsletter. Thanks to everyone
who works to keep this continuing year after year.
Robert E. Hamilton
Do you want data and pictures from Eastern locations when we have dinners and golf
tournaments of LM people here in Maryland?
Ed Note: Absolutely! It is our goal to publish as much information from locations
outside the West Coast as possible. We can also publicize your events in the
Newsletter if you give us enough lead-time.
Robert M. Reinstrom
I enjoy your articles about business/financial aspects of the company’s current
activities, particularly the steady climb of its stock price
Ken Cannestra
Thanks for the well done newsletter which keeps us updated on Lockheed Martin
happenings, good health and historical news and mainly helps us stay current on old
friends. Have a Merry, Healthy, Happy Holidays and 2015.
Robert R. Paul
It is great for those of us living away from Southern California to be able to keep up to
date and to see great Lockheed employees in photos. Thanks to you all very much.
Frank L. Ragsdale
My career at Lockheed was exciting and always ever-challenging starting at Palmdale
pre-flighting T–2V, T–33, F–104, and P-3A, -B & -C, S-3A at Burbank and finally, F-117
stealth. Keep up the good work on the Star Dusters, I look forward to each monthly
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
By Marie Schumacher
Lockheed Martin Recognized For Outstanding Service To Meteorology — The
American Meteorological Society (AMS) recognized Lockheed Martin with its 2015
Award for Outstanding Services to Meteorology by a Corporation. The award was
granted for the corporation’s outstanding contributions to atmospheric, ocean and
heliophysics science and operational forecasting through production of satellites,
radars, sensors and information technology over the past five decades.
Dan Nelson Joins Lockheed Martin Communications Leadership Team —
Lockheed Martin announced the appointment of Dan Nelson as Vice President of
Worldwide Media Relations. In this role, Nelson will serve as the Corporation’s chief
spokesperson, counsel senior executives on media engagements, and be responsible
for global media relations outreach and developing external communications strategies
to create greater awareness of Lockheed Martin’s products and technologies.
Nelson joins the company from General Electric’s Digital Energy business, where he
led communications strategies to promote the business, managed executive
communications, drove media outreach, initiated employee engagement activities and
anticipated and managed reputation issues. Nelson brings 22 years of communications
experience to the role.
Lockheed Martin and Illumina to Collaborate — Lockheed Martin and Illumina, Inc.
announced a new strategic alliance to collaborate on scalable and affordable genomics
solutions to provide personalized health care for national populations. Genomics is the
science of studying genomes or DNA.
Applied to health care, analyzing a person’s DNA sequence data can provide a better
understanding of health risks resulting in more precise and proactive medicine. By
aggregating genomic data across large populations, public health and wellness officials
can more effectively address health concerns, reducing health care costs and
improving quality of life.
Coalition for Space Exploration — "The Coalition for Space Exploration has Colorado
leadership near its helm for 2015.
Matt Kramer, the director of external communications for Littleton-based Lockheed
Martin Space Systems, has been appointed deputy chairman of the coalition — a group
of aerospace industry partners that promotes space exploration with both the public
and politicians." reported The Denver Post.
Lockheed Martin Settles Wage Violations At Coast Guard Center Near Petaluma
— "Lockheed Martin Corp. has agreed to pay $201,000 in back wages to 18 workers in
a settlement of allegations that it violated prevailing wage laws while under contract at
the Coast Guard facility near Petaluma, the Department of Labor announced Tuesday."
reports the Santa Rosa Press Democrat.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
NIRCam's Optical System Excels In Integrated Tests For James Webb Telescope
— The Near Infrared Camera (NIRCam) instrument Lockheed Martin helped develop
for NASA’s next deep space telescope surpassed expectations during tests in late
2014. It will see farther into the cosmos and further back in time than any other
instrument. Scientists are preparing NIRCam for new trials beginning this year.
Produced under contract with the University of Arizona, NIRCam is the primary science
camera on the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), and it also functions as the
sensor that is used to align the observatory’s primary mirror.
Atlas V Launch From Cape Canaveral Set For Tuesday — "A powerful Atlas V
rocket is set to roll to its pad Monday for United Launch Alliance's first mission of the
year, a planned 7:43 p.m. Tuesday launch of a Navy communications satellite.
It will be only the fifth time the Atlas V, flying for the 52nd time, has blasted off with five
solid rocket boosters strapped to its first stage, combining with a Russian RD-180 main
engine to produce 2.5 million pounds of thrust.
The rocket will boost the Navy's third Mobile User Objective System satellite, which
weighs 7.5 tons, to a high orbit more than 22,000 miles up. Tuesday's launch window
extends 44 minutes." reported Florida Today.
Third Lockheed Martin-Built MUOS Secure Communications Satellite Launched
— The third Mobile User Objective System (MUOS) satellite built by Lockheed Martin
for the U.S. Navy is now responding to commands after being launched. An
initialization team, led by the company, is operating the MUOS-3 satellite from the
Naval Satellite Operations Center located at the Naval Base Ventura County, Point
Mugu, California.
The MUOS satellite constellation operates like a smart phone network in the sky, vastly
improving current secure mobile satellite communications for warfighters on the move.
Unlike previous systems, MUOS provides users an on-demand, beyond-line-of-sight
capability to transmit and receive high-quality, prioritized voice and mission data, on a
high-speed Internet Protocol-based system.
Australian F-35 Fighter Jet Arrives In The U.S. For Training — "The Royal
Australian air force sent its first F-35A Lightning II fighter jet for training with the U.S. Air
Force in Arizona on Dec. 18. 'Australia is the first of 10 nations that will not only
become part of the Luke community, but will share in calling the West Valley a home
away from home,' said Brig. Gen. Scott Pleus, commander of the 56th Fighter Wing at
Luke Air Force Base." reports Military.com.
2 U.S. F-35 Squadrons To Be Based Permanently In Europe — "The Pentagon will
permanently base two F-35 squadrons in the U.K., in the first European basing of U.S.
Joint Strike Fighters. 'The presence of the F-35 at Lakenheath will allow for greater
training and wider support,' said Derek Chollet, assistant secretary of defense." reports
FlightGlobal.com (U.K.).
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
Lockheed Looks To Commercial Market To Drive Drone Sales — "Lockheed Martin
is eying the commercial and private market for drone sales, responding to a slowing in
demand for military unmanned aircraft. 'On the commercial side, absolutely, there is a
great thirst for UAVs for ... precision agriculture, law enforcement, firefighting, pipeline
and oil exploration and monitoring,' said Jay McConville, director of business
development for unmanned solutions at Lockheed. 'These are new markets that have
seized on this capability.'" reports NationalDefenseMagazine.
DOD To Increase Orders For F-35s In 2016 By 2, Officials Say — "The Department
of Defense will ask for funding to purchase 57 Lockheed Martin F-35 fighter jets in the
2016 budget year, two more than previously requested, government sources say. The
initial request for 55 F-35s had a budget of $9 billion." reports Bloomberg.
F-35 Program Worldwide To Hit Key Milestones In 2015 — "The Lockheed Martin F35 project will continue to be a high priority worldwide in 2015, as China and Russia
anticipate in-service dates. The U.S.-led effort will include initial operations for the U.S.
Marine Corps' F-35B unit, the first squadron to operate globally." reports Aviation Week
& Space Technology.
F-35 Operations Fuel Search For New Weapons — "The ramp up of Lockheed
Martin's F-35 Joint Strike Fighter worldwide is fueling a need for new weapons, ranging
from small munitions to missiles. Lockheed and Turkish weapons manufacturer
Roketsan are developing medium-range missiles for the F-35." Aviation Week & Space
Turkey Increases F-35 Order To 6 On Way To 100, Prime Minister Says — "Turkey
has announced it will order four additional Lockheed Martin F-35 aircraft, bringing its
total order to six. 'It is planned that Turkey will buy 100 F-35 warplanes in the project,'
said Prime Minister Ahmet Davutoglu. 'We previously ordered two in this framework.
We have now decided to order four more.'" reports Reuters.
Marine Corps, Navy On Tight Schedules For Introduction Of F-35 Fighter — "The
Marine Corps plans to introduce the F-35B on July 1, as the U.S. Navy pursues a
second round of sea trials for the F-35C, prompting many to closely monitor whether
the services will be able to meet deadlines for the aircraft." reported
DOD Cancels F-35 Test To Keep Rollout On Track — "The Defense Department has
removed the Operational Utility Evaluation of the F-35's Block 2B configuration from the
fighter jet's schedule, opting instead for 'limited assessments' in order to meet
deadlines. The evaluation would have taken until 2016 to complete." reported
Aerospace Daily & Defense Report.
HASC Chairman: Reform Needed to Avoid Future Acquisition Missteps — "The
new House Armed Services Committee chairman said he would be willing to get tough
with F-35 manufacturer Lockheed Martin if necessary, but the program has become too
vital to kill.
'With the F-35 we have no choice,' Rep. Mac Thornberry, R-Tex., said Jan. 22 during a
briefing to reporters. 'Not only the United States, but many of our allies are dependent
upon the F-35 being successful. It has to be successful. At the same time, we need to
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
learn the lessons of why it has taken longer and cost more than we expected. I don't
think there is an option of saying, Okay, never mind, we don't really need that plane
anymore,' he added." reported NationalDefenseMagazine
Navy To Add F-35 To Options For Anti-Ship Missile Detection — "In a test
demonstration, the Navy's new F-35 Joint Strike Fighter will take on the additional role
of ship defense with beyond-the-horizon anti-ship missile detection. The capability
would give the Navy an alternative to its current use of Hawkeye aircraft as part of the
Naval Integrated Fire Control-Counter Air system." reported Defense Tech.
USAF: F-35A Program Will Remain On Schedule — "The U.S. Air Force's F-35A
program will remain on schedule despite moves by Congress to keep older aircraft in
service, sapping personnel, top Air Force officials say. 'I believe the F-35 [initial
operating capability] will be as scheduled, between August and December of 2016,'
said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. Mark Welsh. 'I've seen nothing that changes my
opinion of this.'" reported Air Force Times.
Open Source Software Platform for Simpler Real-Time Analytics Processing and
Analysis — Software developers at Lockheed Martin have designed a platform to
make big data analysis easier for developers and non-developers and are open
sourcing the project on GitHub, a popular web-based hosting service. The
StreamFlow™ software project is designed to make working with Apache Storm, a free
and open source distributed real-time computation system, easier and more productive.
Lockheed Martin Integrated Systems Awarded a $37.6M Contract Modification —
This modification exercises the first option for the Next Generation Technical Services
(NGTS) III requirement. Work will be performed at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base,
Ohio, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Maryland, Stennis Space Center, Vicksburg,
Mississippi, and Lorton, Virginia. Army Corps of Engineers, Huntsville, Alabama, is the
contracting activity.
ATACMS Modernization Contract — Lockheed Martin received a contract from the
U.S. Army for upgrades to the Army Tactical Missile System (ATACMS). The program
will take hardware from early-production ATACMS Block 1 missiles and develop an
enhanced and affordable weapon system capable of eliminating targets without the risk
of unexploded ordnance, which meets the U.S. Army’s long-range precision strike
requirement. The program’s first phase will include flight tests, followed by production
beginning in 2016. Work will be performed at Lockheed Martin facilities in Camden,
Arkansas, and Dallas.
MEADS Ready For Transition to European Follow-On Programs — The tri-national
Medium Extended Air Defense System (MEADS) program enters 2015 as a candidate
for next-generation air and missile defense requirements in both Germany and Poland.
MEADS is a primary candidate for the German Taktisches Luftverteidigungssystem
(TLVS), a new generation of air and missile defense that requires a flexible architecture
based on strong networking capabilities.
Star Dusters Newsletter
February 2015
MEADS is also expected to become the basis of a national defense system in Italy.
Formal decisions are expected from Germany and Italy early this year, and a follow‐on
plan is being developed for transition. In December, the Polish Armament Inspectorate
also announced that MEADS International will participate in technical discussions for
the Narew short-range air defense system. The Narew system will be capable of
destroying aircraft, helicopters, unmanned aerial vehicles and cruise missiles.
U.S. Navy Approves F/A-18 Super Hornet IRST System for Production — The F/A18 Super Hornet infrared search and track (IRST) system, developed and integrated by
Boeing and Lockheed Martin received approval from the U.S. Navy to enter low-rate
initial production. The IRST system consists of Lockheed Martin’s IRST21™ sensor,
the GE Aviation FPU-13 Fuel Tank Assembly and the Meggitt Defense Industry
Environmental Control unit. The system demonstrated its production readiness through
a series of extensive assessments and reviews, including flight tests.
Lockheed Martin To Build 14 Electro-Optical Fire-Control Systems For Marine
Corps AH-1Z Cobra Gunships — "Electro-optics experts at Lockheed Martin Corp.
are building 14 multi-sensor electro-optical/infrared (EO/IR) fire-control systems for U.S.
Marine Corps AH-1Z Cobra attack helicopters." reports Military & Aerospace
Electronics Online.
Lockheed Is Working With DOD To Expand Range Of Missile Defense System —
"Lockheed Martin is expanding the range of its Terminal High Altitude Area Defense
interceptors following interest from the Missile Defense Agency in using the system to
defend against Russian and eventually Chinese missiles." reported Defense One.
F-35 Simulator Is A Key Part Of USAF Tactical Planning, Pilot Training —
"Simulators for the F-35 joint strike fighter have become a critical part of U.S. Air Force
tactical development programs and pilot training. 'We're going to continue to refine the
sim, because we want to continue to test it in the sim, and we will continue to refine it in
the airplane for obvious reasons,' said Maj. Gen. Jay Silveria." reports Defense News.
First Enhanced Automated Testing Station for the U.S. Navy Aircraft Fleet
Delivers — Lockheed Martin delivered the first electronic Consolidated Automated
Support System (eCASS) to the U.S. Navy for maximizing aircraft readiness. Sailors
and Marines will use eCASS to troubleshoot and repair naval aircraft electronic
components at sea and ashore, allowing them to return aircraft to operational status
quickly and efficiently. The Navy expects to deploy eCASS on every U.S. aircraft carrier
and at its Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Depots.
U.S. Navy Selects Lockheed Martin In Salina For Submarine Contract Worth $8
Million — "The U.S. Navy has placed a $7.9 million order with Lockheed Martin in
Salina to provide two sonar systems for its submarines, exercising an option on a
contract worth up to $92.4 million, according to the Department of Defense.
The Low-Cost Conformal Array (LCCA) systems produced by Lockheed's plant at
Electronics Park in Salina help submarines avoid collisions with other subs and ships in
crowded waters." reports Syracuse.com.
February 2015
P. O. Box 10310
Burbank, CA 91510-0310
Change Service Requested
AV Satellite Spring Reunion Luncheon (See Pages 1 and 12
and Insert )
2015 AV Spring Day Trip (See Pages 1 and 9 and Insert 4)
LAS Ontario Star Dusters Satellite Meeting (See Page 1 and
Insert 5)
Spring Reunion Golf Tournament, (See Pages 1 and 6 and
Insert 2)
Spring Reunion Luncheon at Las Posas Country Club (See
Page 1)
Downtown Los Angeles Day Trip (See Pages 1 and 10)
Logix Returns $6 Million Loyalty Dividend
2014 was another outstanding year for the Credit Union in terms of growth, recordbreaking member satisfaction scores and earnings. As a result, the Board of Directors
authorized payment of a $6 million loyalty dividend (our third such annual dividend) to
members with various qualifying relationships. We hope this dividend demonstrates the
unique advantage of membership in Logix Federal Credit Union -- we share our
success with those who make it possible. To learn more, please visit www.lfcu.com or
call (800) 328-5328.
Logix Federal Credit Union is pleased to support the Star Dusters newsletter
Editor: Betty O’Connor
bjoc54@verizon.net or (818) 361-0419
Associate Editor: John Shelton
Star Dusters Newsletter
Insert 1
February 2014
Star Duster Directors, Officers, & Coordinators – January 2014
Immediate Past President
1st Vice President
2nd Vice President
Vic Saucedo
Ed Glasgow
Dennis Fernandez
Cheryl O’Leary
Andy Baker
Gary Belie
Ed Beutler
Barbara Christie
Tony DiPasquale
Dennis Fernandez
Ed Glasgow
Terry Kleintop
John Larson
Richard McCubbins
Don Meena
Tom Oatway
Betty O’Connor
Cheryl O’Leary
Ross Reynolds
Gerald Ruppert
Vic Saucedo
Laird Weaver
Betty O’Connor
John Shelton
Susan Jones
Barbara Christie
Terry Kleintop
Barbara Hauge
Ed Beutler
Paula Atkins
Editor Newsletter
Assoc. Editor Newsletter
Recording Secretary
Assoc. Recording Secretary
Corresponding Secretary
Assoc. Corresponding Secretary
Membership Secretary
Assoc. Membership Secretary
Assoc. Treasurer
Recreational Activities
Day Trips
Retiree Information/Survivor Assistance
Mailing & Support Services
Legal Advisor
Photograph Activity
Financial Advisor
Reunion Coordinator – Spring
Reunion Coordinator – Fall
July Barbeque
Corporate News
Satellite Activity
Tom Oatway
Gary Belie
Barbara Christie
Ed Beutler
Richard McCubbins
Pat Allen/Gerald Ruppert
Mike Sandberg
Mel Kovnat
Al Stacey/John Mercer
Susan Jones
Tom Morgenfeld
Marie Schumacher
Ed Glasgow
Star Dusters Newsletter
Insert 1A
February 2015
Star Duster Directors, Officers, & Coordinators-January 2014
Membership Recruitment & Enhancement
Web Site/Database
Associate Web Site/Database Corrdinator
Travel Coordinator
Raffle Coordinator
Johnny Mercer
Mike McKinney
Alex Loewenthal (Acting)
Ann Hyden
Laird Weaver
Star Dusters Newsletter
Insert 2
February 2015
Attention Golfers!
Monday, April 27, 2015, 9:00 A.M.
Hansen Dam Golf Course
10400 Glenoaks Ave.
Pacoima, CA 91331
(818) 899-2200
Come and enjoy a round of golf with your Star Duster friends
on this fun 18-hole par 72 layout.
First and Second Place low net prizes will be awarded in two equal
handicap flights A & B for Men and a Ladies Flight. Additional prizes
will be awarded for the Closest to the Hole and a random drawing for
two golfers who hit the CTP hole in regulation.
$47.00 Per Person includes green fee, golf cart, and prizes. Starting tee
times will begin at 9:00am.
We have room for only 48 golfers. Make your reservations now! Start
times will be based upon receipt of reservation.
Names in Foursome
Phone No.
Put me/us in a foursome
(check here)
Put me/us in a foursome with
Total amount enclosed: __________
Deadline Date is April 13, 2015
Address any questions to Tom Oatway (661) 263-9778
Email: tpoatway@earthlink.net
Make check payable to Star Dusters.
Return Completed Form to:
Tom Oatway
27670 Deerfield Lane
Valencia, CA 91354
Index or
Avg. Score
Star Dusters Newsletter
Insert 3
February 2015
APRIL 15, 2015
The Antelope Valley Star Dusters invites ALL Star Dusters/their families and
friends to the AV Star Dusters Luncheon. We would love to have you join us.
Gino’s Italian Restaurant – 819 West Palmdale Blvd., Palmdale, CA.
It is left on Palmdale Blvd. off of 10th St. West in the Sizzler shopping
area. (Phone 661-224-1306)
April 15, 2015
11:00 A.M. – Social Hour – (Cocktails are Available)
Speaker – Dr. Thomas J. McGuire
$29.00 Per Person Includes Gratuity
Please make Checks Payable to – Elinore Patterson
Elinore Patterson
8051 West Avenue B-10
Lancaster, CA 93536
APRIL 15, 2015
Enclosed is: $______________
Member’s Guest: _____________________________________________________________
Star Dusters Newsletter
Insert 4
February 2015
Registration for the Star Dusters’ 2015 Spring Day Trip
15 April 2015
Registration Due 13 March 2015
mail to Gary Belie, 11564 Coralberry Ct., Moorpark, CA 93021
Member’s Name _____________________
Citizenship ________
Spouse’s Name _____________________
Citizenship ________
Email Address ________________________________
Phone Number ________________________________
Cell Phone Number _____________________________
Part 1. Palmdale Airpark, 2001 E. Avenue P, Palmdale.
Part 2. Luncheon See separate announcement.
Part 3. Skunk Works’ Tour (Limited slots)
Star Dusters
Insert 5
April 21st, 2015
The Double Tree Hotel Restaurant (the old Griswald’s Hotel)
555 W. Foothill Blvd., Claremont (West of Indian Hill Blvd.)
Social Hour:
11:30 A.M. (No Host Bar)
12:00 P. M.
$26.50 per person (including tax and tip)
Make checks payable to: James Taylor
Mail to:
James A. Taylor
1300 Glen View Drive
Fullerton, CA 92835-4091
Deadline for Reservations is Monday April 13, 2015
No cancellations or walk-ins will be accepted after that date
Cut off here and mail lower half with check
Name ______________________________
Number of Guests
Guest Name____________________ Guest Name____________________
Guest Name____________________
Choice & #:
Fish ______ Vegetarian______
Please include any changes to your address, telephone, etc. and please give
your e-mail address.