Ivey HBA - Ivey Business School


Ivey HBA - Ivey Business School
Ivey HBA
Honors Business Administration
One starting
point. Countless
The leaders of tomorrow will be the ones who
refuse to accept limitations on themselves or
their success. At Ivey, we will harness all of your
potential and get you ready not only for today’s
business environment but for the careers that
may not even exist yet.
Prepare for
success as
as you are.
Going to university is a life-changing experience. This is your time to explore, learn and
grow. It is also the point when you will discover the passions that really drive you. That’s why
it is so important to keep your options open. Choosing narrow paths of specialization can
close doors that are difficult to reopen. The simple fact is, no other business program will
provide you with the opportunity to explore as many different career paths as the Ivey HBA.
Learning alongside dynamic students from diverse backgrounds in classes that
centre on discussion and debate rather than textbooks and lectures, you will be continually
challenged and forced to make real business decisions. As you will see within these pages,
we are not a traditional business school. Yes, the Ivey HBA will give you all the technical
knowledge needed in business today, but more importantly, it will allow you to build on
this knowledge and equip you with the skills and judgment to hit the ground running,
wherever your passion takes you.
Video 1: Meet one of our grads. Using
your smartphone, scan this code or visit
go.ivey.ca/welcome, then place your phone
on the space above to watch the video.
The Ivey
How do we do it? The Ivey Distinction is a powerful combination of five interlinked elements:
The integration of these elements makes the Ivey Honors Business Administration (HBA) Program
experience unique and beyond the scope of anything offered at traditional undergraduate business schools.
“Ivey classes have
an energy to them
that really inspires
learning. So much
of that learning
comes from the
experiences and
talents of your
1. Your Classmates
Smart You will be placed in a class of students with
exceptional work and life balance. Your peers have
“top of the class” academic records from more than
40 different academic programs around the globe.
Interesting It’s not just about grades. In fact, only
at Ivey is leadership achievement outside of the
classroom as important to our selection process as
academic achievement. Ivey HBAs have demonstrated
leadership in extracurricular activities, made inspiring
commitments to their communities, collaborated
on high performing teams and shown exceptional
communication abilities.
Diverse Twenty to thirty per cent of students in your
class are from outside of Ontario, and many have
had impressive international experiences. All of this
diversity enriches your learning experience. You and
your classmates will share an energetic approach
to learning and life that is a defining characteristic
of the Ivey HBA.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/yourclassmates
2. Program Structure
The 2+2 program structure of the Ivey HBA offers
you the opportunity to explore your academic skills
and interests before limiting your career options.
Traditional business programs provide narrow
specializations and begin this streaming very early
in their programs. Ivey provides students with what
every manager needs to know to pursue diverse
career paths, in any industry, in any part of the
world, while at the same time making specialization
available to those who want to pursue it after their
first HBA year.
Organizations need high-potential managers who
have the knowledge, skills and judgment to lead in
cross-enterprise roles. The career potential of an
Ivey HBA is greater as a result of this flexibility and
has been demonstrated through our placement and
alumni success.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/programroadmap
Your first two years
Begin your undergraduate degree exploring your
academic interests and finding new ones. In your
first two years, you can study in any faculty at
Western or another recognized university. This
opportunity to learn and grow ensures you and your
HBA classmates bring diverse and more experienced
perspectives to your business education.
Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO) If you
choose to study at Western or one of its Affiliated
University Colleges (Brescia, Huron and King’s), you
can apply for the Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity
(AEO). Ivey AEO status is conditional pre-admission
to Ivey straight from secondary school.
Accounting Accreditation The Ivey HBA accounting stream is accredited by CPA Ontario.
For more details visit www.ivey.ca/hba/program-details/special-program-features.
Master of Science in Management (MSc) As an Ivey HBA student, you can fast-track your admission into the
Ivey MSc Program, where you will learn to think both broadly and deeply about complex international business
issues and environments. Ivey is the exclusive Canadian partner in the internationally renowned CEMS Global
Alliance in Management Education, which gives you access to the top-ranked CEMS Master of International
Management designation.
Certificate & Partnership Programs: Explore unique certificate options, such as the Ivey Certificate in
Entrepreneurship, Ivey Certificate in Global Leadership and Western Certificate in Business French. Ivey
is also a partner school for the Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) Program offered by the CFA Institute.
The combination of a deep knowledge
of business and another academic or
professional field makes for a strong career
foundation. Apply your first two years of
study at Western to obtain two degrees
— your HBA and:
• Arts
• Economics
• Engineering
• Geography
(including Urban
• Global
• Health
• Kinesiology
• Law
Information &
• Music
• Political
• Media,
• Medical
• Nutrition
• Psychology
• Psychology
• Sciences
HBA 1:
HBA 2:
Your first year at Ivey
Your second year at Ivey
Your first year in the Ivey HBA Program (HBA 1) is
typically your third year of university. You work with
the same classmates, in the same classroom, with a
dedicated faculty team. You cover the essentials of
what every good manager needs to know and be
able to do. Career management is also built into the
curriculum to help you define your career goals and
develop a job search strategy to get you there.
In your second year at Ivey (HBA 2), you build
strength from the foundational business knowledge
and skills developed during your first year.
Courses include: Leading People, Communications,
Finance, Accounting, Decision Making with
Analytics, Financial Fundamentals, Leveraging
Information Technology, Marketing, Operations,
Strategy and Learning Through Action.
Elective courses in HBA 2 allow you to design a
personalized program of study to round out your
business management education and complement
your career objectives. An outstanding and everincreasing breadth of electives is available each year,
taught by well-respected experts in the field.
In the event that you are pursuing dual degrees, you
will most likely share this year between HBA 2
electives and courses from your other program, and
you will do the same the following year.
3. Classroom
The Ivey HBA is an integrated program, not a series
of courses. At traditional business schools, you have
a combination of courses, each with its own learning
objective. At Ivey, you have three 80-minute blocks of
class time each day. The different areas of content
are then scheduled dynamically. This allows us to
sequence learning as you need it so that all content is
integrated. This flexibility also allows us to include
content and events that are not part of a specific course.
When you join Ivey as an HBA, you join a section of
approximately 75 students — the same students you
will work with every day for the first year.
Even the classroom remains the same. With our high
level of classroom interactivity, you get to know your
classmates and your faculty well. Your faculty team
works together to deliver a program experience that
builds — class after class, day after day. As a team,
they ensure that each student’s experience is both
challenging and rewarding.
Outside of the classroom, you will continue to work
with your classmates in study and discussion groups
and on challenges like 48-Hour Reports.
“This is an integrated
program, not just a
set of courses. The
learning builds class
after class, and you
are constantly
challenged to apply
what you are learning
to different situations.”
Learn more at
Video 2: Take part in a class. Using your smartphone,
scan this code or visit go.ivey.ca/classroom,
then place your phone on the space below to watch
the video.
Exchange Programs Spend a term of HBA 2 at a top business school in Asia, Europe or
Latin America. It may surprise you to know that we have arranged for more exchange
opportunities than there are students who wish to go on them, creating choice at the most
in-demand locations. The exchange is reciprocal, which brings many international students
to Ivey for a term. You can also take advantage of numerous international study opportunities
offered by Western during your first two years. Some students study abroad for their first
two years and apply to Ivey as transfer students.
Student Leadership Opportunities Ivey students plan and lead unique international
challenges. Recent projects have taken students to Russia, Panama, Israel, Costa Rica, Kenya,
Rwanda, Ghana and Tanzania to teach business and entrepreneurship.
Study Tours Join an Ivey Study Tour and explore international business practice and culture
in places such as Israel and Honduras.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/international
4. Learning Methods
Case-Method Learning Experiencing over 400
real-world business cases will give you the
knowledge, skills and judgment to perform at an
entirely different level when you enter the
workforce. Some traditional business schools use
cases as exercises to support lectures and textbooks
(in fact, many use Ivey cases), but Ivey is the only
undergraduate program in the world that is
committed to the Case-Method of Learning. Instead
of passively listening to lectures and taking notes,
you dive into real issues, make and defend real
decisions, feel the pressure and take action. It is
a true simulation of the realities of business.
Learning Through Action Ivey’s unique Learning
Through Action course in HBA 1 challenges you with
a series of business simulations of increasing
complexity. These events ensure you get the
opportunity and coaching you need to integrate
and apply your learning in a real-world context.
Ethical Leadership Woven throughout your courses
at Ivey are opportunities to learn, understand and
practice ethical leadership. In 2004, Ivey led the
business school world with the adoption of the
pledge you will take as an Ivey HBA student to act
with the highest of ethical standards. To symbolize
this pledge, on graduation you will receive your
Ivey ring from an Ivey alumnus or alumna who will
witness your pledge and welcome you to the Ivey
Alumni Network.
Ivey Field Project The feedback from organizations
who participate as clients in this team-based field
project is exceptional. Students choose a company,
new venture, non-profit or other organization with
whom they’d like to work to identify and develop or
refine solutions to a problem or issue it is facing. As
well, they have access to an Executive-in-Residence
and faculty advisor as they research and analyze
the problem, write a detailed report and present a
plan of action to the client.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/learningmethods
As an Ivey HBA graduate, you join a powerful network of over
23,000 alumni in 102 countries around the world. Of this vast
Ivey network, 47%, or nearly 1 in 2, holds a senior management
position. As well, Ivey has more emerging leaders on Caldwell
Partner’s Top 40 Under 40 list than any other business school.
Now that’s well connected.
The Ivey experience is the bond connecting you with this
exceptional group of leaders. The support of the Ivey Alumni
Network is visible in the day-to-day business of the school.
They volunteer countless hours as advisors and judges in
student events, mentors to students, guests in classes and
advisors to the school.
Your Career 5.
Ivey has the most advanced career management
services of any business school in Canada. Career
readiness is an integrated part of the Ivey HBA
curriculum. As an Ivey HBA, you gain access to
a wealth of resources to help you explore career
options, choose a personalized career plan and
develop a job search strategy to get you there.
Ivey’s Career Management team offers a variety
of services, activities and events that will enable
you to refine your job search skills and ensure that
you are prepared for the job market. Ivey HBAs are
recruited into challenging roles, in a broad range
of industries, by leading global organizations.
Many Ivey graduates work in traditional areas such as
consulting, finance, accounting and marketing, but
(Three months post graduation)
some combine their first two years of university in
another program with the leadership skills learned at
Ivey to launch careers in areas such as technology, the
arts, not-for-profit organizations and health care.
Ivey’s world-class reputation and extensive alumni
network open many career doors outside of
Canada. In a typical year, more than 10% of Ivey
HBA students secure summer or full-time
employment in an international location.
Summer Internships Refine your career goals.
Take advantage of the many challenging and
relevant summer internship opportunities available
to Ivey students.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/careerplanning
Ivey Leadership
As an Ivey HBA, your technical knowledge of business will be as strong as, or stronger
than, that of graduates from traditional business schools. What will set you apart
throughout your career is your strength in what we call Leadership Essentials. The
development of these leadership traits is at the heart of everything that we do at Ivey.
Learn more at www.ivey.ca/hba/leadership
Take Action
The essence of being a leader is the ability to make and defend decisions in the
midst of uncertainty, under pressure and often with incomplete, conflicting or
ambiguous information. Different facts, different options, different results.
Learning with cases at Ivey challenges you to sift through information
and make decisions.
But it doesn’t stop there. You get even more from the experience
when you take the opportunity to reflect on and learn from
the decisions you make. Learn by doing. Accept that there
isn’t always a right answer. Take action.
Set Priorities
The plain and simple reality is that business will
demand a lot. You have to be able to pick up
the right priorities, handle a huge workload
and thrive under pressure. You need to be
able to work efficiently in order to have
time to participate in other activities
you love.
Set Prio
Strong communication skills — written,
oral and numeric — are indispensable
in business. You need to be able to give
clear, consistent direction and convince
colleagues, while ensuring everyone
is on the same page.
te Pe
The pace of the HBA Program
is demanding, but exhilarating.
You tackle exercises and
assignments that will push you
to achieve more than you ever
thought possible. Ask an Ivey
HBA graduate about 48-Hour
Reports to get a sense of how
these experiences changed the
way they work.
Take Action
In an Ivey classroom, you don’t
sit back and listen. You are
an active part of each class
discussion. You are evaluated
and coached on your
communication effectiveness,
enabling you to achieve your
personal best. Learn to express
your ideas confidently and
professionally in any situation.
Team Potential
Soon after you begin your career,
you will be asked to contribute to
projects with varying degrees of complexity.
You need the confidence to assess, decide,
communicate and deliver.
It is essential to be able to work
effectively with others — whether in the next
office, another division or another continent.
Understanding how groups work, being a productive
team member and being able to lead a team will help you excel.
The Ivey HBA Program challenges you with a series of business
simulations of increasing complexity. These events are built
into the program at critical points to ensure you get the
opportunity and coaching you need to integrate and apply
your learning in a real-world context. The result is a level of
personal confidence that, no matter how complex the issue,
you can deliver.
Working in teams at Ivey from day one, you quickly gain an
appreciation for the power of an effective team. You learn what
it takes, regardless of the type of group or the task, to move
a group of individuals into a high-performing team, where
the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.
Ivey is about more
than knowledge.
It’s about knowing
what you can do
with that knowledge
and where it can
take you.
Study Room Students
use breakout rooms to
get together in learning
teams and review their
cases before class or
work on group projects.
Learning Through Action This year, the
final component of the Learning Through
Action course required students to combine
all the knowledge they had learned in HBA 1 to
successfully sell lemonade for the United Way.
This year’s HBA class raised over $80,000
in 48 hours.
Guest Speakers
Ivey attracts
big-name guest
speakers for often
candid discussions
with students.
Recent speakers
included Arlene
Dickinson, Chris
Hadfield, Gen. Rick
Video 3: Work through a
business case. Using your
smartphone, scan this code
or visit go.ivey.ca/teams to
watch the video.
International Study Each year, a large number
of HBA 2 students go on exchange for one term
at schools all around the world, including
schools in Europe, South America and Asia.
Varsity Sports & Campus Clubs Ivey
students make time to participate in varsity
sports and many of the other diverse
activities available on campus at Western.
The Ivey Ring On graduation,
Ivey students receive a ring
symbolizing their pledge to act
ethically in their careers.
Ivey Cup Speaks to HBA 1
cohort experience and sparks
healthy competition between
sections. Activities throughout
the year test each section’s
ability to work together.
Apply to Ivey from Secondary School
Ivey AEO Application Deadline: January 14, 2015 4:00 pm (EST)
Apply for Ivey Advanced Entry Opportunity (AEO
status) conditional pre-admission to the Ivey HBA
Program at www.ivey.ca/hba. Ivey AEO status
is a separate decision and notification process
from your admission to Western.
Complete years 1 & 2 at Western or one of its
affiliated university colleges in any academic
program or module.
pply for admission to Western or one of its
affiliated university colleges through the Ontario
Universities Application Centre (OUAC) at
Choose any academic program or module at
Western for your first two years of university study.
Please indicate that you are applying for Ivey AEO
status on your Western application.
Progression standards are required to maintain
your conditional acceptance, including continued
involvement in extracurricular activities, an 80%
average across two full years of university studies
and a grade of at least 70% in Western’s Business
2257 Course.
For details, visit ivey.ca/hba
A competitive Ivey AEO application includes:
• Demonstrated leadership in extracurricular
activities, community involvement and/or
work experience
• A
pproximately a 90% average in your final
year of secondary school
ompletion of a mathematics course for
• C
university-bound students
Video 4: Discover your
next steps. Using your
smartphone, scan this code
or visit go.ivey.ca/next to
watch the video.
Apply to Ivey from University
Ivey HBA Application Deadline: January 30, 2015 4:00 pm (EST)
Complete years 1 & 2 at Western or any other
university. Pursue any course of study at any
university and ensure that you:
Apply to the Ivey HBA Program at www.ivey.ca/hba.
• M
aintain a full course load over two years
of university study (equivalent of 10.0
Western courses)
• C
omplete a secondary school mathematics course
for students bound for university or an equivalent
• C
omplete Western’s Business 2257 course or
equivalent. View a list of accepted equivalents
at www.ivey.ca/hba/2257list.
A competitive Ivey HBA application includes the
requirements listed and:
• D
emonstrated leadership in extracurricular
activities, community involvement and/or
work experience
• S
trong academic performance in full-time studies
at the university level for two years (80% average
is competitive; courses must be acceptable to
transfer to Western)
• M
inimum 70% in Western’s Business 2257 course
or an equivalent
Funding Your Ivey Education
An Ivey HBA is an investment in you with outstanding personal and financial potential. Visit our website
and use our Tuition Planner to get a comprehensive overview of the typical academic and living expenses of
an Ivey HBA student. Western and Ivey are committed to providing financial aid to help those in financial
need. This year, over $2.5 million in scholarships and bursaries were awarded to Ivey HBAs.
Visit Us
Get a feel for the Ivey HBA Program experience. Visit our campus, meet
with our HBA team and speak to current HBA students or recent graduates.
We look forward to seeing you.
To plan a visit or see when an Ivey representative
will be in your area, contact us at:
Ivey HBA Program Services
Ivey Business School
Western University
1255 Western Road
London, Ontario N6G 0N1
Fax: (519) 850-2521
The Ivey HBA Program is accredited by
both the Institute of Chartered Accountants
of Ontario (ICAO) and The Society of
Management Accountants of Canada (CMA).
Ivey Business School is a partner school
for the CFA Institute’s Chartered Financial
Analyst (CFA) program.
Ivey Business School is a member of PIM
Follow Ivey HBA:
(Partnership in International Management),
a consortium of top business schools from
around the world that exchanges students
for international educational experiences.
Ivey Business School is an accredited
member of EQUIS (European Quality
Improvement System), awarded by the
European Foundation for Management
Development (EFMD).
Cert no. SW-COC-001987

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