KCD Marketing Pamphlet - KCD Consulting Incorporated
KCD Marketing Pamphlet - KCD Consulting Incorporated
KCD C O N S U LT I N G I N C O R P O R AT E D KCD Consulting Incorporated was established by President and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) Mr. Keith Henry to provide organizations and clients with a variety of management support services. President and CEO Mr. Keith Henry has significant experience working with a variety of Non-Profit organizations and Aboriginal communities for the past 10 years. President and CEO Mr. Henry has successfully administered significant revenues (estimated at over 100 million) in Federal, Provincial, and private stakeholder resources and has gained tremendous knowledge through these experiences. PRESIDENT AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER MR. K E I T H H E N RY K C D C O N S U LT I N G I N C O R P O R AT E D 510-580 Raven Woods Drive, North Vancouver V7G 2T3 Ph: 778-338-3422 Cell: 778-388-5013 Email: keithalfredhenry@gmail.com “Committed to supporting organizations and clients meet their identified needs” KCD Consulting Incorporated KCD Consulting Incorporated is able to provide K C D C O N S U L T I N G I N C O R P O R AT E D organizations and clients with the following services: 1. Board of Director/Governor Development 2. Organizational Vision Planning 3. Long Term Strategic Planning 4. Delivery of community based training projects: 4.1. Adult Basic Education/Life Skills 4.2. Skills Training 5. Change Management Challenge Strategies 6. Effective Dispute Resolution processes 7. Management Development Support 8. Marketing, Promotion, and Communication Strategies 9. Proposal Development 10. Supporting Negotiations 11. Workshop facilitation 12. Plus a variety of other services KCD Consulting Incorporated is committed to working with organizations and clients to ensure our services are provided in a timely and professional manner that meets identified objectives. KCD Consulting Incorporated fee’s for service will be assessed based on the type and size of each individual request. KCD Consulting Incorporated is committed to providing clients excellent services. KCD Consulting Incorporated is an Aboriginal owned and operated consulting company that was established based on the following mission statement: “to assist Aboriginal and Non-Aboriginal organizations and clients meet their full potential in the areas of human resources, project development, marketing, and strategic planning.” KDC Consulting Incorporation President and Chief Executive Officer Mr. Keith Henry is a Metis person that was born in Thompson, Manitoba and raised in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan. Mr. Henry achieved a Bachelor Degree of Education from the University of Saskatchewan in 1995. Mr. Henry held teaching positions with educational organizations in Saskatchewan that included Black Lake Indian Band, Cumberland House Cree Nation, and Dumont Technical Institute. Mr. Henry also worked with young offenders at Kilburn Hall in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan where he worked as a Teacher Therapist. Finally Mr. Henry assisted in the design of an Indian Studies program that was implemented through distance education courses with the University of Regina in 1996. In 1999 Mr. Henry began employment with the Metis Employment and Training of Saskatchewan Incorporated. (METSI) as the Director of Programming and quickly was promoted to the role of Chief Executive Officer (CEO). As the CEO, Mr. Henry managed a complete restructuring of METSI and worked with staff and Local Metis Management Boards to develop extensive policies and procedures, implemented new financial controls, created new program funding allocations for twelve offices, revised marketing plans and streamlined the METSI client application processes. Mr. Henry re-located to Vancouver, British Columbia to take on the role of Chief Executive Officer with the Metis Nation British Columbia (MNBC) in August 2003. The MNBC corporate operations significantly increased over the years as Mr. Henry introduced an effective corporate approach and strategic planning process. Mr. Henry was involved in negotiations that achieved the historic signing of the Metis Nation Relationship Accord in May 2006 with the Province of British Columbia, one of the only such bilateral agreements of its kind in Canada. Mr. Henry worked closely with MNBC leadership to develop new governance processes, strategic planning to meet the objectives of the Metis Nation Relationship Accord, and seek programs and services for the Metis communities in British Columbia through the development of the first ever MNBC Five Year Implementation Plan. Recently Mr. Henry made the decision to pursue his own business opportunities. Mr. Henry is the President and CEO of KCD Consulting Incorporated that specializes in human resource development, strategic planning, Board Development, and project delivery.