BroadCasts - The Philippine Society of Nephrology
BroadCasts - The Philippine Society of Nephrology
BroadCasts October 2006 Volume 3, Issue 2 The Philippine Society of Nephrology is a component society of the Philippine College of Physicians .. PERITONEAL DIALYSIS NOW UNDER PHILHEALTH COVERAGE The Philippine Health Insurance Corporation (PHIC) has included outpatient peritoneal dialysis (CAPO and NIPD) in its coverage beginning April 1, 2006. Philhealth has issued a circular (No.6, s2006) that assigns a relative value unit (RVU) of 10 to outpatient PO, with a 45day allowance per year, similar to hemodialysis. Daily PO exchanges, with a maximum of 20 liters of PO solution per day, will be charged only 1 day against this 45-day allowance. Under the scheme, maximum benefits for patients are P16,000 .00 for drugs and medicine, P14,000.00 for x-ray Continuous Ambul atory Peritoneal Di al ysis procedures, laboratory exams and supplies , P3,490.00 for facilities for training of patients and relatives, nutritional advice, change of dressing and transfer sets, flushing of catheters, and P16,000.00 (P400/day) for professional fees of attending physicians. Patients can avail of a new benefit after a 90-day period from initial dialysis. Coverage includes peritoneal dialysis services by accredited secondary and tertiary hospitals and freestanding dialysis centers, which are all required to register new patients with the Philippine Renal Disease Registry. What's Inside Dialysa te PSN Annual Convention Highlights ............ . .... .... .......... . .... . ..... pp2-3 Touch of Asia ................... p4 Kidney Month . .................... .... ...................... pS Pinoy Misquips . . ........... . .................. . ....... . .... . . p6 PSN Officers 2006-2008 sworn 1n Dr. Lynn C. Almazan-Gomez was inducted as the 17th President of the PSN during the closing ceremonies of the 26th PSN Annual Convention on April9, 2006 at the EDSA Shangri-La Hotel. Dr. Benita S. Padilla, who previously served as Secretary took her oath as VicePresident. Dr. Dolores D. Bonzon , former Chair of the Research Committee, and Dr. Ofelia P. Javellana, former Chair of the Committee on Continuing Medical Education, were inducted as Secretary and Treasurer, respectively. Also elected to the Board were Dr. Florencio T. Ong , one of this year's recipients of the Presidential Service Awards , Dr. Vivina C. Chiu , President of the PSN Central and Eastern Visayas Chapter, Dr. Benjamin A. Balmores, Jr. , Head of the Section of Nephrology of St. Luke's Medical Center and Dr. Corazon R. Macaraeg, Head of the Section of Nephrology of Veterans Memorial Medical Center and Chair of the Adult Sub-Board of the Specialty Board of Examiners fo r 2006. Congratulations to the new set of officers! c e tion Highlights Inaugural Address of Dr. Lynn Almazan-Gomez I am honored and humbled to be the successor to seventeen exemplary Presidents.The scale of what we have already accomplished allows us to embrace the future with well-based confidence and hope. I have been blessed these past few days to be surrounded by members of my own wonderful family and my extended family, the officers and membership of the PSN . My affair with the society started 10 years ago under then presid ent Dr Sonny Paraiso. I went through tutorials and had first hand experience on the proper conduct of the affairs of the society under the leadership of Drs. Pine , Gueco, Elises, Rosales and Dr Albert Chua . And whi le this occasion will be indelibly marked in my heart and mind for very personal reasons , the true significance of this event derives from the enduring importance of this society. Tonight's pageantry offers a symbolic opportunity to celebrate the past achievements of our society, to extend our grasp toward an even greater potential, and to speak to a future direction. The past achievements, from the humble beginnings to what we are today, have been chronicled and are written in our souvenir program. We really have come a long way frcm the 18 members to the 111 fellows , 147 diplomates and 159 associate members. The question before us today is, "How do we translate the strength and foresight embodied in our history into the capacity to meet the challenges of the future?" The manifestations of the three-part mission of the society-- teaching , research and service -- have evolved over time in response to new economic and social challenges. The forces of change impacting the teaching component of our mission have been no less dramatic. We must also seek the knowledge that Thomas Wolfe described as "finding out. ..with pain, with joy, with exu ltancy (and} with labor"-- the knowledge that enlarges our spirit, helps us to understand the human co ndition, and enriches our lives as individuals and as part of a commu nity. We must, in an increasingly changing society, learn how to learn , think critically, work in teams , reason analytically, communicate effectively, and perform in diverse settings . The recently concluded annual convention as well as the past ones are solid evidence of how important transmission of knowledge is to achieving the core goals of our society. FELLOWS AGNES A. ALARILLA-ALBA, MD RENE B. BLANCAVER, MD MA. ROSARIO FLORENTINO-CABANSAG, MD NOEL M. CASTILLO, MD SUSAN P. ANONUEVO-DELA RAMA, MD MA. ANTONIETA DELARMENTE-DIAL, MD RACEME C. ERASMO, MD MARIA JENNIFER L. LAICO, MD JOSELITO C. MATHEUS, MD AGNES G. TORRIJOS-CRUZ, MD ELIZABETH R. SEBASTIAN, MD FLORANTE G. TUAZON, MD MELVI VILLANUEVA-TAY, MD As for research, this is reall y where there is a lot of room for improvement. The growing number of our membership becoming involved in formal training in conducting good quality research papers should serve as a springboard so that soon there will be a bandwagon to join. Our role will be to give opportunity and provide the proper climate, such as asking the right questions and directing the topics that are applicable to ou r needs. The clear answer is that we must change, but in doing so we must preserve and enhance our core missions. We must improve our productivity and our capacity. We must be wi ll ing to explore new options. There are those who absorb the rush of newness with delight. There are those who are more cautious, even fearful. For change to happen then leadership must be on a different plane. And what exactly does LEADERSHIP demand of us in these challenging times and changing times? Leadership must be change-oriented, servant in nature, courageous and bold , optimistic, disciplined and ethical. As for service, I believe that we are on the right track having now created the PAREH under the tutelage of Dr. Froilan de Leon. And as the society seeks out new ways to work collaboratively with other institutions, I believe it is imperative that we work creatively to bui ld bridges between and among us. We must join our visions to the dreams of others by connecting and combining rather than by dividing and conquering. We must strive to overcome mutual problems rather than to defeat common enemies. We have the opportunity before us to deal imaginatively with a world that is being reshaped , but we must be ever vigilant-- we must demand-- that the adaptations we make in no way diminish or erode the quality of our teaching , our research, or our service to the people whom we serve. It wi ll not be easy, and it will require great courage, stamina, and col laborative effort. We must join the fire of the mind with the fire of the heart. For the words that Frank Porter Graham spoke nearly 70 years ago still ring true today : " ... ifwe go up, we go up together". Once again, let me thank my family- my husband Manny, and my 2 kids whom everyone fond ly calls the babies of PSN . Now Maby is 9 and Hannah is 7, and I have always made it a point to bring them during our fellowship night. Just as my babies have grown, so has PSN . I am confident that with the membership around, beside and with me, we will go up and we will go up together . Maraming salamat po and God Bless always. DIPLOMATES GINGERLITA B. ALLA-SAMONTE, MD ROWENA S. ARRIOLA-UY, MD GENESERE R. BERNABE-VINO, MD EVELYN C. BUNAYOG, MD GLENN R. BUTUYAN, MD CONCESA B. CABANAYAN-CASASOLA, MD KENNETH T. COO, MD CARINA DALAY-DIZON, MD PELAGIO L. ESMAQUEL, JR., MD RICARDO A. FRANCISCO, JR, MD EDISON SA GUERRERO, MD LILIBETH B. !BARRIENTOS, MD VIVIANNE T. LABI-UNTALAN, MD KAREN ROSARIO C. LICUANAN, MD GERMAN M. MAYO, JR., MD ROSALIE IMELDA Z. OREJUDOS, MD DINAH LUISA V. DIVINAGRACIA-PARALISAN, MD RUBYLAINE GRACE G. PAR-PINOY, MD CARLO M. PUNZALAN, MD JIMMYLITO A. SOLOMON, MD MONINA CLEOFAS VELOSO-LUCAS, MD ALVIN W. YOUNG, MD ROSE MARIE H. YU, MD PSN Annual Convention Highlights Dr. Opheli a Buot acce pts the presti gious A-One Award fro m Dr. Albert Chua and Awards Committee Head Dr. Agnes Marbell a Fellows-in-training practice doing lJ catheter insertion with Dr. Mike Ortiz VASCULAR ACCESS WORKSHOP HELD Foreign speakers listen intentl y to questi ons .. . ~ ~ . · !. .-" • ·~ .,.-.-.1 t ,. . &A • • I 41 ·'- f j/ ·-• ~' ~ , ., , WE WON' WE WON ! Presidential awardces (from cente r) Dr. Coralie Dimaca li for education. Dr. Benita Padilla and Dr. Romina Danguilan for research and Dr. Ofie Javell ana and Dr. Josephine Va ldez fo r service Dr. Marie de Luna extends a friend ly handshake to our fo reign guests CEBU'S PRID E: Cebu's nephro logists headed by Dr. Vivina Chiu and Dr. Ophelia Buot Research Committee members pose with winners Dr. Edwin Tan and Dr. Tyrone Coseip ~I True to the society's commitment in providing continuing medical education and training, a vascular access workshop was conducted under the supervision of Dr. Juan Miguel Ortiz. Participants, mostly nephrologists practicing in the provinces and fellows-in-training , were given hands-on training in vascular access creation by TCVS consu ltant Dr. Pio V. Purina , Jr. and interventional cardiologists Dr. Andrew Francisco and Dr. Michael John San Gabriel. The participants were given certificates upon completion of the 2-day workshop . With the very positive feedback given , there are plans of having the workshop regularly during the annual convention . WINNING RESEARCH PAPERS First Place A Randomized Controlled Trial On Oral Nystatin as Prophylaxis For Fungal Peritonitis In Patients With Continuous Ambulatory Peritoneal Dialysis-Related Bacterial Peritonitis (RONY Study)* Edwin G. Tan, MD; Ronald S . Perez, MD; Maa/iddin B. Biruar, MD; Leizel Evangelista , RN; Mary Joyce Berbisco , RN ; Romina A. Danguilan, MD; Myrna T Mendoza, MD ; National Kidney and Transplant Institute *Also accepted for poster presentation at the ISPD Annual Convention Aug 25-29, 2006, Hongkong Convention And Exhibit Center Amost Grands/am: Dr. Edwin G Tan with the posters of his winning resea rch papers Second Place Urinalysis Leukocyte Esterase Test Strip In The Rapid Diagnosis of Peritonitis In Peritoneal Dialysis Tyrone Francis T Coseip, MD; Eric Emmanuel T Aragon, MD; and Francisco E. Anacleto, Jr., MD UP-PGH Medical Center Third Place Perceptions of Filipino Living Donors On The Health , Psychosocial And Economic Effects Of Kidney Donation Edwin G. Tan, MD; Benita Padilla, MD; Josefina Natividad, MD; Romina Danguilan, MD; Concesa Casasola, MD; Rosalie Imelda Orejudos, MD; Enrique Ona, MD National Kidney and Transplant Institute PSN Annual Convention Highlights OOPS, They Did it Again! St. Luke's Medical Center (SLMC) has proven once again that they are the institution to beat as their team was proclaimed Best Ensemble in the recently concluded Fellowship Night of the 26th Annual Convention of the PSN. The theme "A Touch of Asia" highlighted the cultural uniqueness of our neighboring Asian countries through a showcase of their respective national dance and costumes , as interpreted by the different participating institutions. UP-PGH started off the night with their take on Vietnam . They wisely chose to highlight excerpts from the very popular musical "Miss Saigon," presenting the decadence of the era when South Vietnam was under foreign influence. Upon their unification, Vietnam regained their national identity. University of Sto . Tomas (UST) represented the country Japan, focusing on the country's beauty, culture and people . They took pains in recreating the ostentatious Japanese costumes complimented with their cute choreography of familiar Japanese ditties played over the radio. The night turned serious when the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI) presented China . Often referred to as the "Middle Kingdom ," China was portrayed, through a short play packed with martial arts action , as a nation with a long history of foreign invasions. The intricate lantern dance sequence was impressive. The night clearly belonged to SLMC with their interpretation of the culture of India, revolving around the very sensual and taboo concept of "Kama Sutra," or the art of lovemaking . The audience's heart rates soared as As ian Beauti es : Fell owshi p ni ght hosts Dr. G inge r Samont e, Dr. Steph And res and Dr. May leen Laico the dancers posed the different sexual positions, all in good taste, however, befitting the PG-13 rating of the event. It was literally an orgy of Indian music and dance and certainly, SLMC made Bollywood proud! It was a back-to-back win for defending champion SLMC. NKTI, UP-PGH and UST were adjudged second , third and fourth, respectively. See you all next year! KIDNEY MONTH 2006: A Resounding Success! This year's Kidney Month celebrations were highlighted by several activities spearheaded by the Philippine Society of Nephrology. There was no better way to start it than by the memorandum of agreement (MOA) signing of the Declaration of the Kidney Care Alliance at the Glorietta Activity Center in Makati on June 1. Led by PSN President Dr. Lynn C. Almazan-Gomez, sixteen medical societies and associations pledged to work together to plan, implement and sustain programs that will improve the quality of care in the field of kidney disease prevention in the Philippines. Photo exhibits were held at the Glorietta Acitivity Center and later at the National Kidney and Transplant Institute (NKTI), to feature the programs of the PSN, Renal Disease Control Program (REDCOP), Philippine Kidn ey di sease serecning in Glorietta Disease Control Program (REDCOP), Philippine Urologic Association (PUA) and other allied i organizations in promoting kidney disease awareness, prevention and treatment. As in the past years, NKTI conducted kidney disease screening by offering free blood pressure Pinoy Big PAREH Famil y Edition Kidney Care Alliance MOA Signing determinations, urinalysis and blood tests . A total of 344 people at the Glorietta (June 1 and 3) and 619 people at the NKTI atrium (June 5-9) were screened. A joint forum of the PSN and the PUA was held at the NKTI Auditorium on June 10. Dr. Francisco Agustin of Mr. And tvls. Bato Pageant cont estants Makati Medical Center and Dr. Coralie DioquinoDimacali discussed facts and fallacies in stone management while Dr. David Bolong of UST and Dr. Dolores Bonzon tackled bladder dysfunction. Lay fora were conducted nationwide to discuss issues on kidney disease prevention, chronic kidney disease and kidney transplantation. About 700 patients and their families came to the much-awaited Family Day with the theme Pinoy Big PAREH Family Edition on June 25 . Big cash prizes were given away in the Bingo games, Kidney Pop Superstar singing contest, Shall We Dance ballroom dancing contest, and Mr. and Ms. Bato pageant. The fun-filled event was organized by the PSN and the Philippine Association of Renal Health (PARE H). Congratulations to all the organizers and participants for another memorable Kidney Month, Hopefully, we can match and even surpass all these achievements next year. TRANSFORMATIONS SHE'S GOT IT! Dr. Cora li e Dimacali during opening ni ght di nne r as a blushing maiden being serenaded by Jonathan Badon (letl) to a Saigon bar girl in the UP-PGJ-1 fe llowship night presen tation. (right) PINOY MISQUIPS Bored? Do you want to get the toxic patient out of your mind? Don't have anything better to do? These Pinoy misquips are just what you need ... "Guys , let's call it tonight!" "All of a suddenly.. ." "C'mon! Let's get it on with it!" "When it rains , it's four." "Thanks God!" "The nerves!" or "The nerd!" "The id ea crossed at the back of my mind ." "(name of person) , eat your hat out!" "This is our rooster of clients .. ." "The more the manyer." "It's a no-win-win situation." "Burn the bridge when you get there ." "Anulled and void." "Mute and academic." "C'mon let's join us!" "If worse comes to shove ." "Are you joking my leg?" "It's not my problem anymore , it's your problem anymore ." "What are friends are for?" "You can never can tell." "Well well well . Look do we have here!" "Let's give them a big hand of applause ." "Been there , been that." "Forget it about it." "Give him the benefit of the daw." "It's a blessing in the sky." "Right there and right then ." "Where'd you came from?" "Take things first at a time." "You're barking at the wrong dog ." "You want to have your cake and bake it too." "First and for all" "Now and there." "I'm on ly human nature." "The sky's the langit." "That's what I'm talking about it." "One of these days is not like the other." "So fa r, so good , so far." "Time is of the elements." "In the wink of an eye." "The feeling is actual." "For all intense and purposes ." T "I ran into some errands." "Hi . I'm (state your name), what's yours?" "What is the world is coming to?" "What is the next that is?" "Get the most of both worlds." "Bahala na sila sa mga batman nila ." "Whatever you say so." "Base-to-base casis ." "My answers have been prayered." "Please me alone!" "It's as brand as new." "So ... what's a beautiful girl like you? ... ." "I can't take it anymore of this! " "Are you sure ka na ba?" "Can't you just cut me some slacks?" "I couldn't care a damn!" "what's your next class before this?" "nothing in this world is perfect except the word change." "Can you repeat that for the second time around once more from the top?(ulitin natin hanggang mamatay tayo.) "my dad brought home a lot of hand-medowns!" (translation: darning pasalubong ng tatay ko) "standard & chartered bank" "I'm very iterated! (translation : galit sya!) "I'm sorry, my boss just passed away." (translation : kakadaan lang ng boss nya.) "Hello , my boss is out of town , would you like to wait?" "Don't touch me not!" "Hello , .. for a while , please hang yourself... " "It's spilled milk under the bridge ." "Don't change anything! keep it at ease." "Out of fit ako these days e ... " "Bring down the house down!" "What happened after the erection of Mayon Volcano?" "Hello Mcdo, magiinquire lang ako kung magkano ang kidney meal?" .. • ~. • . ':"'... • ~uilitoriuin """- •• t • · The BroadCasters GLENDA ELEANOR P. PAMUGAS, MD RONALD S. PEREZ, MD VIMAR A. LUZ, MD HAZEL DAPHNE R. NINALGA, MD GINGERLITA B. ALLA-SAMONTE, MD EDISON SA. GUERRERO, MD BENITA S. PADILLA, MD DOLORES D. BONZON , MD (For comments and suggestions, E-mail us at Epoetin Beta-RecormonC!I· : Now reimbursable thru PhilHealth (Referwce: Phi/Health Cirwlar N o. 08 s-2005). IEpoetin Be tal Recormon@ / Energy to make a diffe rence I Mycophenolate Mofetill CeiiCept® Please review Product Information before prescribing . Full details on drug avai lable upon request. BroadCasts •