The Mystery of the Spirit-Filled, Unified Church


The Mystery of the Spirit-Filled, Unified Church
Leader: “May the glory of the Lord endure forever; may the Lord rejoice in his works.”
People: “I will sing to the Lord all my life; I will sing praise to my God as long as I
Leader: “May my meditation be pleasing to him, as I rejoice in the Lord.”
“Christ is Made the Sure Foundation”
*Hymn of Praise No. 276
*Invocation and Lord’s Prayer (debts/debtors)
*Greet One Another/Children Please Come Forward
Children’s Moment
1710 – 23rd Street
Parkersburg, WV 26101
May 24, 2015
“The Mystery of the Spirit-Filled, Unified Church”
Chris Redmond / Candy Lindstrom
Announcements & Ministry Opportunities
Call to Worship
“Open Up the Heavens”
Memorial Rose Ceremony
*Prayer of Dedication
Challenge 52 Memory Verse
Admin. by Sony/ATV Music Publishing. Used by permission CCLI #796382
Responsive Reading:
Psalm 104
Leader: “Praise the Lord, my soul. Lord my God, you are very great; you are clothed
with splendor and majesty.”
People: “The Lord wraps himself in light as with a garment; he stretches out the
heavens like a tent.”
Romans 12:2
Praises and Testimonies to God’s Faithfulness
Recognition of Graduates
“In the Presence of Jehovah”
Call to Prayer
By Becky Davis and Geron Davis
By Andi Rozier | James McDonald | Jason Ingram | Meredith Andrews | Stuart Garrard
Verse 1: We've waited for this day, We're gathered in Your Name, Calling out to You
Your glory like a fire, awakening desire, Will burn our hearts with truth
Pre-Chorus: You're the reason we're here, You're the reason we're singing
Chorus: Open up the heavens, we want to see You
Open up the floodgates, a mighty river
Flowing from Your heart, Filling every part of our praise
Verse 2: Your presence in this place, Your glory on our face, We're looking to the sky
Descending like a cloud You're standing with us now, Lord unveil our eyes
(Pre-Chorus and Chorus)
Bridge: Show us show us Your glory, Show us show us Your power
Show us show us Your glory Lord (Repeat/Chorus)
Courtney Johnson
In the presence of Jehovah, God Almighty, Prince of Peace
Troubles vanish, hearts are mended, in the presence of the King
Admin. by EMI Christian Music Publishing. Used by permission CCLI License No. 796382
Morning Prayer
“Forward by Faith”
10:45 a.m. Choir Anthem
Sermon Scripture (page 1820 ~ pew Bible)
“The Mystery of the Spirit-Filled, Unified Church”
*Hymn of Commitment No. 277
Ephesians 3:1-13
Dr. Kurt Busiek
“The Church’s One Foundation”
*Benediction Hymn No. 602
“God Be With You”
God be with you ‘til we meet again; by His counsels guide, uphold you,
With His sheep securely fold you; God be with you ‘til we meet again.
As you leave, greet one person you do not know.
*All able, please stand
8:30 a.m. Early Worship / 10:45 a.m. Morning Worship
9:30 a.m. Sunday School for all ages
6:30 p.m. No Evening Service or Programs due to Memorial Day Weekend
Monday- May 25~ Office Closed
Tuesday- May 26
10:00 a.m.
Bible Study in the Parlor
7:00 p.m.
Volley Ball at the YMCA
Wednesday- May 27
10:30 a.m. Staff Meeting
4:30 p.m. Praise Team
5:00 p.m. Wednesday Dinner
6:00 p.m. Bible Study, DivorceCare, Breaking Free,
Emmanuel Kids Club, and Youth
7:00 p.m. Choir
Promise Keepers in Pittsburgh ~ June 19-20
The program runs from 6 p.m. Friday to 4 p.m. Saturday. We’ll either stay in
a college dorm or motel for the night, Youth may attend and scholarships are
available. This is a great event for men of all ages. We need to know who is
interested in this event. Sign up today! If you need more info, talk to Pastor Kurt or
Evan Frees.
Kroger Community Rewards Program
Make “Emmanuel Baptist Church” your charity of choice.
You may call this number 1-800-853-3033 for assistance.
They will guide you through the process of signing up for the program.
tService radios to assist the hearing impaired are available for your use in the
Sanctuary. If you are interested, an usher would be happy to assist you. You may also
purchase your own personal unit from the church office for a donation.
We’re on the radio Sunday morning on FM 93.9 AT 9:30. Listen & tell a friend. The
program includes a broadcast of the previous week’s sermon and special music.
Follow us on Facebook! Look up Emmanuel Baptist Church Parkersburg for regular
updates from the church and check out our family ministry group page
No Evening Service or Programs due to Memorial Day Weekend
Pastor Kurt is teaching from Ephesians 6:17
“Armed for Battle with the Helmet of Salvation and the Sword of the Spirit”
Pastor Kurt is teaching from 2 Kings 22-23
“Josiah’s Reform for Revival: Looking Back to Go Forward”
Gen. Fund ....... $7,026.14
Missions ............. $798.43
Maint. Fund....... $159.69
Total ................ $7,984.26
Designated Funds:
Debt Reduct. .............. .$1,278.00
Shrt Trm Mission………$420.00
Missions/Frees ........... . $200.00
Misc. Missions ........... . $30.00
Attendance last week: Sunday School: 82; 8:30a.m.: 17 10:45a.m: 205 PM: 8
Put a Star by your name on the attendance book if you have invited someone to church
or have spoken to someone about his/her salvation. Last week was a 2 star Sunday.
Chancel Flowers
The flowers on the Chancel this morning are given by
The Harvesters Sunday School Class in loving memory of their deceased members.
Volleyball at the YMCA
Every Tuesday from May through August we'll have a court reserved at the
YMCA for our church to play volleyball. We'll do open play from 7-9 p.m.
You don't have to be a member of the Y to come play. This will be
semi-competitive for ages 14 and up. Contact Jonathan if you have
any questions.
24. Rose Wood
25. Jeremy Jones, Emma Richards
26. Stephen Cox, Rosemary Decker
27. Maridor Keck
NURSERY/TODDLERS: Birth–age 2: childcare available for Sunday School and Worship.
DURING 10:45 A.M. WORSHIP (following the Children’s Moment) children are invited to
attend: PRECIOUS ONES (2 & 3 years old); PRE-K/K (4 & 5 years old); or JR. CHURCH.
After worship, preschool children wait for an adult in their classrooms, and elementary
students wait in the new Narthex.
Senior Pastor ......................................................................................................... Dr. Kurt W. Busiek
Family Life Pastor............................................................................................. Mr. Jonathan Delgado
Director of Music Ministry ........................................................................................ Mrs. Judy Prater
Organist ............................................................................................................ Mrs. Candy Lindstrom
Pianists ......................................................... Mrs. Pat Barnes, Mrs. Karen Cox, Mrs. Chris Redmond
Secretary ............................................................................................................ Mrs. Lynn Nicholson
Secretary. ............................................................................................................. Ms. Rebecca Busiek
Church Cook .............................................................................................................. Mrs. Jewel Lusk
Treasurer ...................................................................................................................... Mr. Gary Beall
Visual Worship Coordinator .................................................................................Mrs. Bekah Brooks
Custodian ....................................................................................................................... Mr. Gary Barr
EBC e-mails ~
Website & Fax ~ ~ Fax 304-485-5194
28. Dale Lowther
30. Daley Wells
31. Sam Bolian, Cathy Compton
Ushers: Buck Johnson, Brett Lemley, Delbert Casto, John Alfred, Tom McKenzie
Greeters: Ed Huffman, Ken Gilbert
Salvation Army Meal Ministry Serving Teams
Today: Ashley Team
Next week: North Parkersburg Kiwanis
Lawn Schedule~Ready for Sunday:
May 31~Carl Sizemore
June 7~Brian Lallemont
Men’s Church Softball League
Are you interested in playing in the Church Softball league? Players ages 14
and up are eligible. Sign up in this bulletin or contact Pastor Busiek. We
need around 20 men who are willing to play to make up a team that stay
active through the summer season.
Celebration of Music Ministry Sunday, May 31st
Please plan to join us this special Sunday as we celebrate the Music
Ministry of Judy Prater. Judy plans to still stay active at Emmanuel but
will be passing the Director of Music Ministries to Pam McClain
beginning in June. You won’t want to miss this special Sunday. There
will be a luncheon following the 10:45 a.m. service. You are welcomed
and encouraged to bring a card for the card shower for Judy! The menu
is: Ham, Sweet Potato Casserole, Green Beans, Salad and Dessert. There
is no charge for this meal. Please call the church office or sign up today
in this bulletin for your lunch reservation and if you are able to assist in
meal preparation, serving or clean up. Talk with Pat Barnes if you have
any questions.
Vacation Bible School July 12th-16th
Calling all kids! Join us July 1216 from 6:30-8:30p.m. for Vacation Bible
School! Children ages 3 through 6th grade
are welcome to attend. This year’s theme
is “Hometown Nazareth”, where Jesus was
a kid! Pre-registration is encouraged. Here is a link to register: Registration forms are available in the
Narthex as well. An Opportunity to Help: Are you wondering how you can help with
Emmanuel’s Hometown Nazareth Vacation Bible School? Contact the church or
Jonathan Delgado via email or via phone call or text message
at (404) 403-9593 if you have any questions.
Thank You…
From Becky Hicks (daughter of Deanie Kendall, upon the death of
Becky’s husband Rick): “Thank you for the kind words and support. It
really meant so much to me, and made my day better. A special thank
you to the Harvester Class.”
From Louie Dobson: “I wish to express my thanks to the church for all
of the thoughts and prayers during my journey through treatments for lung cancer.”
From Betsy Jefferson: “Let everyone at Emmanuel know how much I appreciate all
the cards and prayers during my brother in law’s illness and death…prayers for my
family as well as my sister's. I also appreciate all the prayers for my recent illness.
Thanks. Prayers work. God is Good.”
From Margaret Norris: “Your card shower for my “80th” birthday was a surprise!
What a joy to hear from so many!! My family took me to dinner. Thanks to all.”
New Sunday School Study ~You are Invited
The Seekers Sunday School Class is offering a new 10 week study
based on the book by Frances Chan called Crazy Love. Does
something deep inside your heart long to break free from the status
quo? Are you hungry for an authentic faith that addresses the problems
of our world with tangible, even radical, solutions? God is calling you
to a passionate love relationship with Himself. Because the answer to
religious complacency isn't working harder at a list of do's and don'ts — it's falling in
love with God. And once you encounter His love, as Francis describes it, you will never
be the same. Because when you're wildly in love with someone, it changes everything.
The Class meets at 9:30 a.m., Sunday on the 2nd floor of the Educational Wing.
Scholarship and Loan Applications
Scholarship and Loan Applications for the 2015-16 school year are available in the
church office. Requests need to be submitted by May 31st; awards will be announced
in June.
Housing Needed June 13th for
Visiting Bell Choir
The Glad Ringers will share their handbell music during morning
worship on June 14 at 10:45. We are privileged that they have
included EBC as part of their 2015 tour. They are an excellent choir
of high school and adult musicians from the First Baptist Church of Columbus, IN,
where Joyce Crowder is their director and Minister of Music. She also serves as the
Executive Secretary of the Fellowship of American Baptist Musicians, and is a Green
Lake friend.
Can you help? This group of 18 will need housing on Saturday, June 13 from around
9-10 p.m. through Sunday morning breakfast. Please let us know if you are able to
provide breakfast and a bed or two for them.
Please sign below and place in offering plate or notify the office.
You will then be contacted with more detailed information. Thank you.
Title: “The Mystery of the Spirit-Filled, Unified Church”
May 24, 2015
Scripture: Ephesians 3:1-13
Speaker: Dr. Kurt Busiek
“This mystery is that through the gospel the Gentiles are heirs together with Israel,
members together of one body, and sharers together in the promise in Christ Jesus. I
became a servant of this gospel by the gift of God’s grace given me through the working
of his power.”
Ephesians 3:6-7
Please sign up by noon on Tuesday; for a carryout,
call by noon on Wednesday.
Menu: Pork Loin Roast, Stewed Apples, Peas,
Baked Potato, Salad and Dessert
Cost: Adults $4
Children 12 & under $2.50 ($13 max. per
immediate family)
Number: Adults______ Children_______
Number: Adults______ Children_______
I am available to help with…
meal preparation_____serving_____or clean up_____
This Week’s Memory Verse: “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but
be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and
approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.”
Romans 12:2
Name: ___________________ Phone _________________
I am interested_____
Spiritual Challenge
To encourage your personal study and growth, here is the
listing of the Lectionary Scripture Readings.
The Day of Pentecost: Acts 2:1-21 or Ezekiel 37:1-14; Psalm 104:2535,37; Romans 8:22-27 or Acts 2:1-21; John 15:26-27; 16:4b-15
Name: ___________________ Phone _________________
I am interested_____
Bible Overview: Second Timothy
Who wrote the book? By the time Paul wrote his second letter to Timothy, the young
pastor had been ministering to the church at Ephesus for four years. Timothy had been a
faithful servant to Paul since he had left home with the apostle more than a decade
earlier. Since then, Timothy had ministered alongside Paul for the duration of both the
second and third missionary journeys, in places such as Troas, Philippi, and Corinth.
Timothy was not unfamiliar to the Ephesians when he settled in Ephesus to minister,
having served there alongside Paul for a period of close to three years.
Historical Context: Paul wrote 2 Timothy from a dark and damp Roman prison cell,
just before his death in AD 67. The Roman emperor Nero had been slowly descending
into madness since his ascent to the throne in AD 54, a process exacerbated by the great
fire of Rome in AD 64 that burned half the city. With the residents of Rome in an
uproar, Christians became a convenient target for Nero, who used believers as
scapegoats for his city’s own lack of preparedness. Paul was one of those caught up in
this persecution and was beheaded by Roman officials soon after writing this letter.
Why is Second Timothy so important? The second letter to Timothy offers a picture
of Paul at the end of his ministry, just before his death. Certain personal details in the
letter reveal a man settling his accounts and preparing for the inevitable. At the close of
the letter, Paul mentioned a significant number of people—some who had wronged him
and others who had served faithfully alongside him (2 Timothy 4:9–21). Paul is
updating Timothy on the current state of their acquaintances and friends so that the
young pastor could carry on after Paul’s departure.
What's the big idea? Paul understood that the ministry would only become more
difficult for Timothy with the apostle’s impending death. (Indeed, at some point after
this letter from Paul, Timothy was imprisoned for his faith (Hebrews 13:23). Paul knew
that Timothy’s task of keeping the church within the bounds of sound doctrine while
encouraging believers to live their lives well for the sake of Christ would be an often
thankless and difficult task. Though hardship would come, Paul wanted Timothy to
continue in those things he had learned, drawing on the rich heritage of faith that had
been passed down to the young pastor, not just from Paul but also from his mother and
grandmother (2 Timothy 1:5–6; 3:14–15).
How do I apply this? Second Timothy brings us to the brink of death, forcing us to
consider its reality and how we might react when faced with it. Paul’s response instructs
us still today. His mind was not on himself, dwelling on the injustice that had befallen
him. Instead, trusting that God had him right where He wanted him, the aging apostle
turned his attention to others, specifically to the church and to his young protégé,
Timothy. Where do you hope your thoughts linger as you come to the end of your
Visual Overview … What are these “Two
Tie Moths” up to? They’re training a
young bat (a “calm bat,” from all
appearances!) in the art of spiritual
combat—and they’re using a Combat
Manual! This is the Keyword and theme of
Paul’s last letter before his death at the
hands of the Romans. Written from a
Roman prison to Timothy, it is an
exhortation to be faithful and to persevere,
enduring hardship as a good soldier of
Jesus Christ (2:3-4). Warning Timothy
against coming apostasy in the church,
Paul reminds him of the central place for the Word of God. It is inspired by God for
doctrine, reproof, correction and righteousness for the purpose of equipping the man of
God for good works (3:14-17). Paul knows his days are numbered (4:6), and that the
Word of God must by Timothy’s combat manual in the difficult days ahead. Good
advice for the church in any age.
Second Timothy Overview…
A long term prayer list is available in the narthex with prayer
concerns over the last year.
Ministry of the Week: Charles Matthews, Financial Development
Homebound: Mr. Alonzo Moore, 2802-12th Avenue
Vienna, WV 26105-2604
We Praise/Thank God for: the rosebud celebrating the birth and safe arrival of
Sara Grace to Matthew and Rachel Hensley; for the positive celebration service for
our AWANA program last week and for the AWANA Mission lunch that raised
$850 for program expenses; the Wednesday Evening High School Senior Banquet
and celebration and for all our graduates that we celebrate this morning; Debra Bunch
got a new job working at Foodland on Emerson; the inspiring PHS A Cappella Choir
Concert directed by Pam McClain; our military service men and women.
Kathi Alfred is recovering from the latest surgery on her eye. Eventually they hope to
give her a contact lens to give her some vision after the eye heals. (4/26)
Joe Bolian had a follow up CT scan and will see his doctor on May 27. (4/19)
Christians being persecuted and killed all over the world; for the Christians who have
had to leave their homes and villages and seek the safety of refugee camps and for
Pastor Saheed Abedini who remains imprisoned and in poor health in Iran. (6/29)
Church Families that are struggling and in need of God’s help. Church members who
are looking at challenging life changes that require much faith and prayer. (2/8)
City, State and Country as our leaders face difficult and challenging decisions. (3/15)
Frank Davis, on-going treatment to address any lingering issues to prepare for knee
surgery; remember Shirley as she provides on-going care (2/15)
Richard Davis is seeking God’s will and direction for his life, work, and family. (5/10)
Stephen & Gina Deck (Mary Thomas’ nephew) pregnant with mono/mono twins
(high risk). Gina is 24 weeks pregnant, will be admitted to the hospital in Wichita,
KS this Tuesday until the babies are born. All is well at this time. They have three
children: Joel-2; Avery and Emily- 9 months. Pray for peace and safe pregnancy. (5/24)
Maria Delgado has been diagnosed with Hashimotos Disease, an autoimmune disorder
that is affecting her thyroid. Pray for on-going tests and treatments. (5/10)
Louie Dobson on-going chemo and radiation to address cancer found in his lung. God's
strength during this difficult time of treatment. (3/1)
Chris Fleming is in Columbus battling a serious infection and dealing with pain
management. Pray for Coleen, his wife and their children, as she provides care for
Chris at this difficult time. (1/11)
Mike Gilbert is RAH and will have a follow up doctor appointment in Pittsburgh
on May 28. (4/26)
Kathy Harrison will have a needle biopsy on a nodule in her lung soon; wisdom is
needed for treatment issues. (5/3)
Dan Hylbert, on-going outpatient chemo. (2/1)
Jeneal Huddleston (Beverly Walkup’s sister-in-law) on-going cancer treatments. (4/5)
Diane Huffman having laser eye surgery on June 1 to remove some scar tissue. (5/10)
Betsy Jefferson, please pray for healing and upcoming tests on her gall bladder. (5/24)
Marsha Lindenmuth (niece of Earl and Diana Johnson) has been diagnosed with an
aggressive form of Multiple Sclerosis. She will begin treatments this week. Marsha is
the mother of 4 young boys and is a music teacher at Hamilton Middle School. (5/17)
David Nicholson (John’s brother) has begun radiation treatments. (4/19)
Judith Pfalzgraf tests this week at Duke showed she is recovering well. (5/17)
Madalyn Powell (Jeannie Boyd’s mother) RAH from successful gall bladder surgery.
Pat Smith on-going tests and treatment. (5/10)
Melissa Southall is seeking God’s will for her life and her family. (5/17)
Julia Strickland (infant niece of Jennifer Beaver, lives in Denver CO) has Prader Willi
Syndrome. She is RAH a will need stomach surgery in the near future. (4/26)
Bev Tacket (friend of Peg Backus) is preparing for a double lung transplant. (5/17)
Beverly Walkup, knee surgery went well; pray for upcoming physical therapy. (5/17)
Jim Weaver on-going tests and treatment for his back. (5/3)
Blanche Wentzel is now at The Willows for on-going tests and treatments. (2/8)
Brenda Wheeler's daughter had a recent biopsy and is undergoing cancer tests to help
determine her surgical options. (5/24)
Mel Williams is RAH; making steady progress and will see doctor in Pittsburgh June 4
to schedule upcoming surgery. (8/3)
Betty Wiseman, for God’s peace and direction. (5/24)
Russ Beall, Beverly Boggs, Jerry Evans, Janet Hotsinpiller, Alonzo Moore
Colonial House: Viola Moellendick, Barbara Reed / Marietta Center: Margaret Denton
Willows: Richard Johnston, Elda Carpenter, Corinne Wade, Blanche Wentzel
Cedar Grove: Lorene Wigal / Eagle Pointe: Aileen Wortman
Wyngate: Sam Bolian, Prudence Kinney, Peggy Oyler, Euna Singleton
Ohio Valley: Grace Smith Worthington: Doris Folden, Helen Sawyer
Betty Bailey, Imogene Buckley, Phyllis Crone, Joyce Rountree, Boots Sinar
Cody Alfred
Muskingum University Bachelors ~ Accounting
Plans to work at People’s Bank in a Professional Development
Program and eventually take on-line classes toward his masters
Ken Barton
High School
West Virginia University ~ Bachelor of Arts
Business Administration
Brett Barton
Tammie S. Ferguson
Parkersburg Catholic High School
West Virginia University MBA Program
He has received the following scholarships:
Vandalia, Promise, O. J. Stout, and Tippens
Lauren Grace Casto
Parkersburg High School
West Virginia Wesleyan
Plans to major in Nursing
Jordan Lallemont
Parkersburg High School
Marshall University
Secondary Education in English and
a double major in Secondary Education in Spanish
Susie Smith
Parkersburg High School
West Liberty University
in the Honors College on a full scholarship to study
Music Therapy
American National University Phlebotomy Technique degree
Working at Camden Clark in the ICU and Coronary Care Units
Paige J. Ferguson
Washington County Career Center/Warren High School
Certification for Cardio Pulmonary Resuscitation and First Aid
Plans to attend Keiser University in Sarasota, Florida to obtain
an Associate’s Degree as a Registered Nurse
Aubrey Hawkins
Marshall University Bachelor of Science, Magna cum Laude
in Medical Laboratory Science
Mitchell Huber
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master of Arts in Church Ministries
Phillip Kellison
Marshall University
Bachelor of Arts, Cum Laude, in Secondary Education
Allie Leggett
Muskingham University
Bachelors ~ Conservation Biology
Plans to work at “The Wilds”
and eventually return to school to get her masters
In Loving Memory of
Church Members and Friends
May 24 2014 through May 24th 2015
Alex Abdo
Gretchen Ahlem
Jim Boso
Donna Casto
Anna Ceconi
Mildred Cook
Rebecca Drennon
Marian Eaton
Tom Eschbacher
Howard Florence
Patty Fulton
Rick Hicks
Thelma Hopkins
Douglas Hill
Herman James
Vicki Evonne James
Laura Belle Johnson
Dan Kimsey
Jim Kiser
Judy Lehman
LaDonna Lindstrom
Caroline Masten
Carl McDonald
George Morris
Rebecca Sue Nichols
Larry Parker
Lora Nita Parsons
Betty Pennington
Violet Polascak
Molly Powell
Rick Ryan
Ralph Sawyer
Mark Scohy
Edith Shreeves
George Simpson
Jared Skidmore
Mike Smith
Vada Smith
Vada Snyder
Doug Southall
Loretta Stokes
Mary Stump
James Swearingen
Eleanor Westfall
Ralph Whitten
Johnnie Williams
Larry Wince
Ira Wood
Sara Yeager
Rose Zetterberg
*one rose represents
family of our members
*one rose represents
our service members