Do You Understand English?
Do You Understand English?
Vol.I, No.17 November 1, 2015 Do You Understand English? By Pat Farrell PRSRT STD U.S. Postage PAID San Antonio, Texas Paid Permit #1590 Although there is some dispute as to the finer points in the origination of English, it is generally agreed that it is a Germanic language that through the years was subjected to dialects from those travelling to and from Britain. There is a progression through the “Old English,” “Middle English,” “Early Modern English” and “Modern English” stages of the language during which time the Germanic language was exposed to influences from the Romans, the Anglo Saxons, the Celts and the French, to name a few. Example of Old English: Ealle fīras sind boren frēo ond geefenlican in ār ond riht. Hīe sind gifeðe gerād ond ingehygd, ond sculon dōn ongēan oðrum be feore of brōþorhāde- “All human beings are born free and equal in dignity and rights. They are endowed with reason and conscience and should act towards one another in a spirit of brother- hood.” There is a lot to be said for progress! For most of us who grew up in a family where both parents (and possibly grandparents) spoke only English, the ins and outs of the language seem to pose little problem. However, for those who learn English as a second language there can be a number of things that leave one scratching their head over the associated language “rules,” most of which come from the Latin language influence, and the fact that there seems to be exceptions to most rules. Students who are trying to learn the language are quick to point out some of the inconsistencies, for example, in the areas of word meanings, spellings, pronunciations and usage. (Why doesn’t Buick rhyme with quick?) By the way, author Bill Bryson suggests that “Making English grammar conform to Latin rules is like asking people to play baseball using the rules of football.” Dictionaries define the word “up” as “toward the sky” or “moving to the top,” yet many have noted that it seems to have so many other uses. We talk about waking up in the morning, lining up for tickets, stirring up trouble, being up to the task, calling up a friend or working up an appetite. And when we are at a meeting and a subject comes up, we decide we should speak up about it and when we do take up the issue, it will be up to someone to write up the report. We clean up the kitchen, polish up the silver, light up a cigarette, get tied up at work, not feel up to par and think up excuses. When the sink is stopped up we work at opening it up. If the weather is cold it could freeze up and when skies cloud up we know they will later clear up. Should we have a business we open it up in the morning and know that it is up to us to close it up for the night. An event known as the “Great Vowel Shift” (when all long vowels changed pronunciation) which occurred during the Middle English period, between 1350 and 1700, is thought to be responsible for many of the spelling peculiarities that exist today. Regardless of the reason we do have some interesting spellings that do not follow any rules, especially when considering their pronunciation as with Colonel, isthmus, receipt and jeopardy. And then we seem to have a whole host of words that have letters that are just there but not pronounced as the “p” in psychology, the “k” in knee, the “h” in hour, the “s” in island, the “t” in listen, the “w” in wrist and the “b” in debt and lamb. As many authors have pointed out the English language is crazy. We have so many instances in which words that are spelled the same but have different meanings that it can give one serious pause, e.g. - We must get some polish to polish the Polish General’s shoes - As we must present the present there is no time like the present - You are close enough to close the door - When I saw the tear in my new jacket I shed a tear - He wound the bandage around the wound - farmers produce produce – the invalid insurance was invalid – She had to desert her dessert in the desert and finally, I did subject the subject to tests but did not object to the object. They also suggest that you would be hard pressed to hear, anywhere else, that people park in the driveway but drive on the parkway - that suits are packed in garment bags but garments are packed in suitcases - that shipments are transported by cars while cargo travels on ships - that people play at a recital but recite at a play - that Privates eat in the general mess while Generals eat in a private mess and, of course, that your nose may run but your feet may smell! They also question why there are some candies that are called sweetmeats while sweetbreads are actually meat that is not sweet - that there are no pines or apples in pineapple or eggs in eggplant - that English muffins are not English and French fries are not French - that a guinea pig is neither a pig nor from Guinea and finally they find that quicksand works very slowly and boxing rings are actually square. You can also marvel at the fact that “fat chance” and “slim chance” mean the same thing – that the third hand on your watch is the second hand - that your house can be burning down while it is burning up - that forms are filled out by being filled in - that an alarm that's gone off may still be going on. Frequently, contrary to what is being suggested, nightmares, daydreams and morning sickness can take place at any time of the day - Glasses, silverware and tablecloths may actually be made from plastic – tomboys are really girls and rush hour happy hour (hallelujah!) most often last way beyond 60 minutes. One of my favorite problem words is “bathroom” since most public bathrooms have no baths - when a dog goes to the bathroom on or beside a tree there is no bath and certainly no room, and do you realize that you usually have to go to the bathroom to go to the bathroom? But wait, there’s more – but I am out of space so that must wait for another time. I will, however, leave you with two thoughts: journalist Doug Larson said, “If the English language made any sense, lackadaisical would have something to do with a shortage of flowers.” I say, “The most beautiful words in the English language, besides “I love you” are “Check enclosed!” 2 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Reading Real Estate NewsSource Kristin Moran, Belinda Perry, Brenda Mullen and Sheila Moran, all RE/MAX Access, show off their Real Estate NewsSource during an MCE cruise in the Caribbean. REAL ESTATE NEWSSOURCE A PUBLICATION OF PUGS PUBLISHING LLC Publisher/President.....Courtney Smith Sales & Marketing .............Candi Meyer Cell - 557-8722 Editorial Service ..C Carver Consulting Contributing Writers: ......Cathey Meyer ..................................................Pat Farrell Columnists.....................Susie Sheffield ......................................Mary Ann Jeffers (210) 508-0888 Real Estate NewsSource is not responsible for the opinions or facts expressed by non-staff writers or for errors and any byproducts in advertising or editorial copy. REALTOR® is a registered trademark. The word REALTOR® sometimes appears in this paper without the registered trademark symbol (®), for the purpose of saving space. Wherever the word REALTOR appears in this space, the registered trademark should be assumed. Connie Hooper, Slater Realtors, takes time out during break at Legal and Ethics class to catch up on the Real Estate NewsSource. We welcome submissions of photos, press releases or articles. Send to: Real Estate NewsSource 10004 Wurzbach Road, #288 San Antonio, Texas 78230 Woody Woodward, Maverick Properties, Boerne, reading the Real Estate NewsSource while in Havana, Cuba on a mission trip with “Every Home for Christ.” E-MAIL: Please include a self-addressed stamped envelope if material is to be returned. November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE From The Chairman’s Desk By Mary Ann Jeffers Chairman, San Antonio Board of REALTORS® SABOR’s Installation & Awards This has been such an exciting year for me and a great year of growth for the Board as well. SABOR now has over 9,000 REALTOR® members and we’ve opened the Service Center at Forum Pointe. We also expanded our jurisdiction meaning we now include Bexar, Kendall, Atascosa, Frio, Karnes, LaSalle, McMullen, Medina and Wilson counties. I am so grateful to have been a part of these amazing opportunities for growth and look forward to what the future holds for our industry in San Antonio and the surrounding areas. We are already looking to 2016 and getting excited about the strides we plan to take next year. At the helm will be your new 2016 leadership team at the Board who will be installed at SABOR’s Installation and Awards on December 16. Bob Jacobs will be sworn in as the 2016 Chairman of the Board and Michele Bunting Ross will be stepping in as the Chair Elect. The entire 2016 leadership team will be installed as well as the incoming Board of Directors during the event. his is a great opportunity to meet the incoming leadership for 2016. This event is also our opportunity to honor and recognize the industry’s best of the year during the awards ceremony. Don’t worry – you still have time to nominate a deserving individual for a SABOR Award. Awards include REALTOR® Broker of the Year, REALTOR® Salesperson of the Year, Rookie of the Year, Lifetime Distinguished Service Award, Affiliate of the Year, Property Management Specialist of the Year, Joseph M. Cullinan Farm & Land Specialist of the Year and the Good Neighbor Award. You may submit multiple nominations but must submit separate nominations for each person. The deadline for nominations is November 9th at 5:00 p.m. The nomination form can be found on This event has been so popular and gained so much momentum in the last few years that we have changed venues to the Elian Resort across from La Cantera to accommodate all the attendees. You can purchase tickets by emailing Linda Berban at Help me welcome next year’s leadership and congratulate our award winners by attending. I look forward to seeing you all there! REALTORS® Support Prop 1 on November 3rd. 3 4 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 GRI October Breakfast Meeting at The Petroleum Club Terry Abel, Keller Williams Heritage. Paula Grigsby, TAP FCU and Clark Niblock, Niblock Company. Esther Lemieux, Lifetime Realty Partners and Johnnie Childs, ICON Realty. Matt Hurlbut, RB Premier Realty Gina Fontenot, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors and Doris Harrell, Guest. Chip Brown, Key Realty and Sherrell Russell, Keller Williams Heritage. Sue Trautner, BHHS PenFed Realty, Bonnie Wilson, RE/MAX Associates and Ruth Horace, Keller Williams Legacy. 2016 Executive Board: Diane Lauer, Keller Williams City View, Marian Knowlton, Keller Williams Heritage, Nancy Brown, RE/MAX Corridor, Carmen Soto, Ultimate Realty, Adrianne Lacroix, Keller Williams Heritage and Maudel Hardie, Hardie and Associates. November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 5 6 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 David Weekley Homes Realtor Appreciation at Paesanos Joe Chodash, JB Goodwin, Alma Lopez, Keller Williams Legacy and Al Cannistra, Texas Premier Realty. Eric Runge, Jake Wise and Kevin Hollister all David Weekley Homes, Diana Ridgway, JB Goodwin and Jack Shull, Guild Mortgage with Barb Chardavoyne, Joe Chodash and Sandi Peerman, all JB Goodwin. Al Cannastra, Texas Premier Realty, Connie Ramirez, BH&GRE Bradfield Properties, Mike Idrogo, Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty, Jennifer Duaine, American Home Shield and Keith Clay, Keller Williams City View. Kari Champagne and Rebecca Valeriano, both David Weekley Homes. Oyas Tasher, San Antonio Real Estate Advisors, Alice Ruiz, Alicia Ruiz Properties and Crystal Munoz, Keller Williams Heritage. Joyce Orts, Real Estate NewsSource, John Kuntz,III, Reliance Residential Realty, Dora Zamora, Providence Title and Reinald Gomez-Verdun, Guest. Sharon Brenner, Keller Williams City View and Weedge Henderson, Home Team of America. November 1, 2015 The Way I See It By Cathey Meyer Overtime Back in the dinosaur decades, B.C. (before computers), the simple life reigned supreme. Answering machines just became all the rage when I was in college, quickly followed by beepers and the annoying click of call waiting. While these new fangled gadgets were slightly intrusive, they never quite interfered with one’s personal time and quality of life. Employers rarely used the answering machine to pass along work-related messages; call waiting was mostly used to ignore calls from your mother and beepers were primarily used by law enforcement officials and medical personnel for those pesky life or death emergencies that required 24 hour attention. As hard as I have tried to avoid adding technology to my personal routine, I must admit I enjoy the convenience of the mobile electronic device society and participate in electronic messaging, photo sharing and the like. I laugh when people ‘leave their phones’ in unknown locations and can- not seem to function without the constant reference to a flashing screen, a beeping signal or a louder than a ringtone vibration. I still enjoy the use of a landline telephone—both at work and home. Call me old, but I really can hear better with a heavy hand- set pressed against my eardrum. I recently was forced to upgrade my three-year-old mobile phone—one of those S-low numbers. Turns out those inventive foreigners who control the electronic universe have created a disposable system of old phones. Just try to be environmentally friendly and buy a new battery for an old phone— can’t do it as ‘they don’t make those anymore’ sales pitches lure you into the next generations of i-double digits and S-uper numbers. In my last low S phone, I faked out the Google world when I used an ‘altered name’ for registration and created a fake email account to avoid being followed by cyberspace eyes. Those were the days when no one could find you because you only existed REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE in human form and had no cyber footprint. Because I was so distracted by all the fancy apps, blinking split screens and fast talking sales representative, I provided all my actual information to THE GOOGLES as they miraculously transferred all my previous information from a dead phone into the organs of my new phone. Suddenly, I am on the Google Map and for a short while, was one of those people who could not function when ‘I left my phone . . .’! My original single email account morphed into my primary account, my fake account, my work account, my family only account and several accounts I created in the late ‘90’s but apparently forgot about. I was getting text messages, hash-tags, and Remind 101’s from people I did not know, but who knew enough about me to start a conversation. I was getting creeped out! And then I got mad . Almost overnight, my PERSONAL mobile phone that I PAY the bill for each month and use ONLY for my personal needs, was invaded by workrelated #*&@stuff. Emails would arrive at 9:30 pm to request I do something immediately the following day. Texts showed-up at odd times to tell me how to dress for work. I was sent podcasts to view on my own time about company policy. The location device on my phone would tell me I was in the wrong place. This is not what I signed up for!!!!! Unlike all the dedicated REALTORS and real estate industry profes- 7 sionals who work all hours to get business done, I have chosen a job that pretty much allows me to work from 7 am to 4 pm every day. I thoroughly enjoy my time AWAY from work and have no problem filling time and entertaining myself without the worry of WWWD? (What Would Work Do?). With more frequency, I pity my ‘superiors’ at work who are sending out texts, emails and social media connections at all hours of the nights and weekends when we should be enjoying life AWAY from work. There was a time when one worked outside the work place, one was paid overtime. I doubt most executive level professionals on a fixed salary are making any more money contacting underlings during off hours. Ironically, they often do not have enough time in the regular workday to get everything completed, so the ‘convenience’ of our electronic society now allows them to do the job of two people and never lose touch with the office. I recently took a long vacation to a place far, far away. Literally so far away there was no cell phone or internet service. We were technology free for nine days—it was like living in 1979 and I loved it. On our return, answering machines were flashing FULL, email accounts were three digits deep and yet, we did not have a care in the world. Turns out, even in absence of constant connection, %(&$)* stuff gets done and no one really cared we were not instantly responding to issues. Overtime—out. 8 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Highland Homes Coronado Grand Opening Vivienne Porter, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors and Dennis Skinner, ICON Realty. Oksana Klufas, JR Troy, and Margie Allen all ERA Troy. Barbara Brunner, Home Team of America, Shelley Stewart, Keller Williams Legacy and Chris Schenk, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors. Prize Drawing Winners! Jennifer Tipton, Highland Homes and Cathy Heshmat, ERA Troy. Well Attended. Checking out the food table. November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 9 10 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Imagine Homes Jackpot Drawing Karen Biegger and Jack Biegger, both Biegger Realtors. Kristi Maxwell and Kim Young, both BH&GRE Bradfield Properties. John Friesenhahn, Imagine Homes, Alfonso Camargo, Keller Williams City View, Kurt Jaeckle, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors, and Jim Bastoni, Imagine Homes. November 1, 2015 Imagine Homes Jackpot Drawing Krista Daries, Jim Bastoni and Greg Collier, all Imagine Homes. Steve Malouff, Malouff Realty with Dana McDaniels and Kim Fair, both Imagine Homes. John Friesenhahn and Scott Eichman, both Imagine Homes with Kurt Jaeckle, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors. REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 11 12 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Hill Country WCR Luncheon at T-Bar-M Margie Lieck, Administrative Director, Patient Care Services, guest speaker. Sally Singley, guest and Chyrel Madden, Century 21 Randall Morris. Lorraine Bookout, Legacy Mutual Mortgage and Chyrel Madden, Century 21 Randall Morris. Susan Miller, Paula Durocher and Patti McDaniels, all Keller Williams Heritage. Boerne Relationships Apartment & Relocation Center is excited to meet with Misty Mato, the new President / CEO of Boerne/Kendall County Economic Development Corporation. We look forward to working with you! (210) 493-1688 • (800) 598-1688 • FAX (210) 493-1695 11818 WURZBACH • SAN ANTONIO, TX 78230 Apartment rental assistance for long and short term needs. Corporate apartments. November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 13 14 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Cecilia Sosa, North American Title at VAREP Housing Summit at the Norris Center. TAP FCU presents check to the TREPAC Committee: Annette Slater, Landlord Property Management, Rick Rodriguez, Home Team of America, Paula Grigsby, TAP FCU, Janice Lerma-Lozano, Rental Property Pros, Bob Gardner, TAP FCU, Michelle Ross, Bunting Ross Realty and Patsy Oakley, RE/MAX Associates. Cici Cervantes and Jill Beam, RE/MAX North San Antonio participate in National Night Out! Happy Thanksgiving! AHS® ShieldPlusSM BUYER HOME WARRANTY PLAN Big Savings and a Big Value Jennifer Macedo Home Mortgage Consultant NMLSR# 1411090 Cell: 210.760.4064 40NE Loop 410, Suite 301 San Antonio, TX 78216 November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE GSABA Update By Cheri Bass Director of Sales & Marketing, Sitterle Homes Who Doesn’t Enjoy a Parade? What an October! The Greater San Antonio Builders Association hosted its annual extravaganza of lavish home tours during the Parade of Homes at the Bluff at The Dominion, itself one of San Antonio’s most luxurious communities. On tour were seven gorgeous designs by six beloved San Antonio builders: Artis Lux Custom Homes, Dynamic Custom Homes, Genesis Custom Homes, Image Homes, Mike Hollaway Custom Homes and Sitterle Homes. Features such as terraced pools, rotunda great rooms, courtyards and loggias inspired the many visitors who visited the homes in search for design ideas and to see the latest home innovations at work. More than just a weekend tour, this momentous event stretched an entire week, with special evenings honoring the military, Dominion residents and Realtors. Residences were open late Friday for a special date night, because we all know Realtors love homes! Wednesday featured bites from some of San Antonio’s best chefs and Thursday saw proceeds benefitting St. Jude Hospital. And, of course, Saturday and Sunday culminated the weeklong activities, with masses of people visiting the homes and selecting their favorite rooms and designs. Congratulations to Image Builders, who won the People’s Choice and Realtors’ Choice awards for the amazing single-story home at 24527 Cliff Lane. And now with the Parade of Homes behind us, members of the Greater San Antonio Builders Association are looking ahead to the annual Military Thanksgiving Luncheon Nov. 20 and holiday gala and officer installation Dec. 4. Stay posted for details! Evelyn Torres, Guest, and Carlos Pacheco and Carmen Hinojosa, both ICON Realty enjoy the David Weekley Homes Realtor Appreciation event at Paesanos. Speaker Helen Hunt and Kathy Seeger, Alamo Title in Scottsdale, AZ for the Company Awards Event. 15 16 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 KB Home Happy Hour at Hofbrau Christina Innes and Carmen Hinojosa, both ICON Realty. Alice Ruiz, Alicia Ruiz Properties, LeMonte Adkins, KB Home, Crystal Munoz, Keller Williams Heritage and Loretta Moten, Covenant Partners Realty. Adolfo “Adolph” Trevino, Real Living Best Homes with Anna De La Cruz, Lacy Padilla and Mathias Proft, all KB Home. Maleyka Maldonado, Copernicus Realty, Raul Vergara, Premier Realty Group with Hoppie and Celine Cantwell and Cynthia Acosta all Home Locators & Management. Sharon Brenner and Gordon Deering, both Keller Williams City View with Weedge Henderson, Home Team of America. Kali Ward and Daniel Quesada, both Mitchell Realty, with Abel Contreras, Full Spectrum Realty. Yvonne Jimenez and MarLet Morales, both Home Team of America, Jaime Morales, Guest and Marina Cavazos, Home Team of America. Vernon Haven, Carter Texas Realty and Lisa Stanley, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors. November 1, 2015 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 17 18 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Legal & Ethics MCE at SABOR LeAnn Watson, Fulmer Realty and Danette Wagnon, Alamo Realty Experts. Joyce Henderson, Certified Residential Appraiser, Meredith Park, Park Properties, Margaret Valdez, Mar/Val Properties and Jean Marie Ruffini, Coldwell Banker D’Ann Harper Realtors. Building Relationships One Brick At A Time Back Row: Branch Manager, Jeff Cruz, Margaret Canfield, Jordan Clark, Melissa Marquez, Laura Medlin, Jeff Cameron with Front Row: Lori Vargas, Cynthia Gutierrez, Margot De La Paz, Ashley Herrera, Corvette Wiseley 210.812.5500 1354 N. Loop 1604 E. #103 San Antonio, TX 78232 Corp NMLS# 24055 Dale Lewis, Trinity Title and Diane Craig, RE/MAX Associates. Sylvia Moths, Real Living Best Homes, Rosena Maldonado, Texas Premier Realty and Lori Pannell, Acquire Real Estate. November 1, 2015 NARPM By Gregg Birdy NARPM President Local NARPM® Chapter Wins National Chapter Of The Year Award The San Antonio Metropolitan Area Chapter (SAMAC) of the National Association of Residential Property Managers (NARPM®) announces its achievement awards of Chapter Excellence and National Chapter of the Year for 2015. The chapter successfully met and exceeded its goals for 2015. SAMAC continues to exemplify the NARPM® organization ideals nationwide by their professionalism, ethics, education, and standard of excellence in the industry of Property Management. The SAMAC leaders and membership far exceed the criteria set forth for “Chapter Excellence” and consistently go above and beyond the national expectations annually. The chapter continues to focus on its vision “To become the most influential chapter of NARPM®”. They have achieved “Chapter Excellence” every year since 2008. Their track record is impeccable as they were awarded the title “Chapter of the Year” for 2009, 2011, 2013 and 2015. The “Chapter of the Year” THE award is never given to the same chapter two consecutive years. SAMAC is the first chapter to ever win this award 4 years in a row. The San Antonio NARPM® Property Management Organization was founded in 1995 under the direction of Charlotte Vaught and a few eager property managers. Their mission statement is “To support and grow professional innovative leaders in the residential property management industry, who are consistently focused on integrity, education, networking, and goodwill”. Through the years, education classes about property code, maintenance, risk management, insurance, eviction processes, city ordinances, service & emotional companion animals and such have been at the forefront of this group on a regular basis. The Legislature and the laws are ever changing for property management and NARPM® is on top of their game when these changes take place. NARPM®, founded in October 1988, provides a permanent trade organi- B ARTON CO., CARPETS P R O P E RT Y MANAGEMENT SOLUTIONS ........ 1 0 0 % NYLON CARPET SOLUTION DYE FHA 3/8” PAD STARTING AT 1.48 SF (VAC) 12.24 SQ YD (VAC) FHA CARPET 1.58 SF / 13.01 SY C ar p e t S p e ci fi ca l l y En g i n e e re d For Property Managers. Installed (VAC) Wi t h S p i l l g u a rd P a d 1. 77 S F / 14. 58 S Y SIX MONTH FINANCING Deferred interest with minimum monthy payments Call Us For All Types Of Flooring • Carpet • Hardwood • Ceramic Tile • Vinyl 655-8269 100% Nylon, FHA Grade Carpet in stock for very prompt installation REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE zation for the residential property management industry. NARPM® continues to be the premier professional association of residential property managers, currently representing over 5,000 members comprised of real estate agents, brokers, managers, and their employees. The Association administers several designation programs including: Residential Management Professional (RMP®), Master Property Manager (MPM®), Certified Residential Management Company (CRMC®), Certified Support Specialist (CSS®), Certified Maintenance Coordinator (CMC), and the Certified Residential Management Bookkeeper (CRMB). The San Antonio Chapter is a membership of 189 strong and currently holds 27 RMP® designations, 11 MPM® designations, 4 CSS® Certification, 1 CMC Certification, with 4 property management companies holding the CRMC® designation. Several members of SAMAC are also members of the SABOR Property Management Committee as well as the TAR Property Management Committee. Our Chapter is also highly involved in NARPM® National with 3 of our members holding Board Positions on our National Board of Directors. One of the things that continues to be impressive about SAMAC is that members do not regard each other as their competition in Property Management. They share stories, tenant issues, marketing ideas, office procedures, policies and almost everything legal for discussion related to property management. Property managers represent only about 20 to 30 19 percent of the market place. The other 70 to 80 percent is managed by the owners themselves; most of whom do not know the laws that govern property management and place themselves at great risk. SAMAC meets the third Wednesday of every other month starting in January for their regular scheduled meetings and has a social event on the off months. The meeting place is Norris Conference Centers on Blanco & 410 in San Antonio from 11-1 PM. They always have an informative or educational meeting pertinent to Property Management. If you have been in property management for a while and know the laws and ordinances that govern property management, your expertise is welcomed. If you are just getting involved in property management and only manage a few or maybe even a large number and can use some help, NARPM® is for you. If you are a broker and agents in your office manage properties, please do yourself a favor and mandate they join NARPM® and SAMAC to get educated about the laws and ordinances that put you, the broker, at risk. They also will be having a Special Event with Darren Hunter, a property manager from Australia, speaking on Nov. 13th 2015 from 10-1pm at the Norris Conference Center ($35), for more information and RSVP contact the Local Chapter President Gregg Birdy, RMP®. For information of how to get involved with this great group of Property Managers, call 210-289-3428 or visit or send an email to 20 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 During a recent company luncheon, Craig Hall, Sterling Group Property Management is congratulated by Tony Forchione and Judy Hickman, for being Top Producer in 2014. The Browns, Tim Brown and Nancy Brown, both RE/MAX Corridor and Chip Brown, Key Realty at the GRI Meeting at the Petroleum Club. RE/MAX Balloon at the Klein Road Elementary. Marian Knowlton, Keller Williams Heritage and Maudel Hardie, Hardie and Associates. At the October GRI Breakfast. Cendera Funding is a Texas Mortgage Banker headquartered in Fort Worth, Texas. Founded in 1998 by Brian Collins as a privately held company, Cendera Funding has since grown to be one of the most successful mortgage companies in Texas and has recently expanded to other areas of the country. A high priority for the company is that all employees always act in the best interest of the client to help them achieve their financial goals and, as a result, the majority of Cendera business comes in the form of referrals from real estate professionals and past clients. Ninety-nine percent of their customers have said they would refer a friend to Cendera Funding. Cendera Funding is a Fannie Mae, Freddie Mac and Ginnie Mae direct seller and can originate, process, underwrite, close, fund and service all of their loans, all within house. Cendera Funding’s sister company Cendera Bank, also owned by November 1, 2015 Brian Collins, offers Interim Construction Loans, Purchase Plus Improvement Loans, Lot Loans / Raw Land (Acreage) Loans, Residential Investment Property Loans, Home Improvement Loans, Asset-based Programs and Portfolio Loans. According to the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau (CFPB) in 2013 Cendera Funding had an originated volume of almost $479 million, most of which was used for home purchases. That Cendera Funding loves what they do is evident in the way they fully support their loan officers so they are able to close loans quickly, usually within 22 days. There is a strong commitment to building trusting relationships with referral partners through corporately supported sales and marketing programs. Cendera recognizes that each individual has specific needs, so they will strive to meet those needs by providing them the REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE mortgage information, loan options and convenient assistance they will need. Cendera Funding prides itself on being able to offer their customers a world class mortgage planning service. While lending rates are pretty uniform throughout the industry the fees charged will vary among the mortgage companies. Cendera Funding, however, does not charge any lending fees. So, should customers wish to negotiate a rate different than the prevalent rate they will be charged a discount which will be tax deductible, whereas fees paid to lower the rate may not be deducted. The company feels that by not charging lending fees there is more clarity for the customer as to what their true costs are. Cendera Funding has a Better Business rating of A+, and they feel that how their employees conduct themselves has the single greatest and most influential impact in building relationships. They enjoy and have fun working together in a culture where honesty, integrity, mutual respect, trust, responsiveness, and self-management are among the most highly regarded qualities expected of each employee. They are dedicated to giving back and investing in the communities they serve. This would include Safe Haven of Tarrant County, Habitat for Humanity, Relay for Life, Tarrant Area Food Bank, Christian Relief Fund, Punching Out Parkinson’s and 21 New Day Services for Children and Families. Cendera Funding’s newest branch is now located in San Antonio at 4040 Broadway, Suite 405 where you will find Manager Susan Ferris at (210) 8256794 - and Loan Officer Tracee Krahn at (210) 853-2325 – Cendera is always looking for qualified loan officers who enjoy making life a little easier for those seeking a home, and at the local office they are seeking another underwriter. In addition to generous benefits Cendera provides access to their mobile app (MORTGAGEMAPP) which will keep you in easy contact with your referral base and your customers while it facilitates online applications and manages a lead manager dashboard. Your local Cendera loan officers are willing to share this unique app with REALTORS®, so you may want to contact one of them to obtain it. Additional perks include numerous marketing materials to make your presence known and you will have your personal website, plus an online house flyer generator to offer your REALTOR® contacts. Whether you are a REALTOR® looking for a personalized super competent lending source (with no lending fees) for your clients, or are a lending professional seeking a friendly work environment, Cendera Funding is the place for you! 1 SABOR Keeping Posted November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 SABOR Keeping Posted 2 3 SABOR Keeping Posted November 1, 2015 November 1, 2015 SABOR Keeping Posted 4 26 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 Sitterle Homes Touts November Realtor Bonus Sitterle Homes is gifting Realtors a little early this year by extending its special bonus on inventory homes through November. The bonus, which is up to $3,000, is valid on the sale of any Sitterle completed inventory home, with an array of choices available. Home buyers can select from elegant garden homes to impressive luxury homes in several of San Antonio’s most popular and well-located developments. There are four move-in ready homes in Campanas at Cibolo Canyons. These lowmaintenance, luxury garden homes feature the builder’s well-designed living spaces such as light-filled open floor plans, studies, gourmet kitchens and extensive outdoor living areas. Also available in Cibolo Canyons are two garden homes in the Amorosa neighborhood. Lawn and exterior home maintenance are included in homeowner association dues at Amorosa, allowing residents to enjoy the community’s many amenities and take extended vacations without worry. There is only one single-family home available in Cielos at Cibolo Canyons, a community of stylish luxury homes. Residents have access to Cibolo’s many amenities including a resort-style pool, fitness center and water park. Two homes are available in Stately Oaks in the Heights, located within prestigious Stone Oak. Sitterle Homes also has one home available in Balcones Creek Estates, a beautiful community of acreage homesites in Boerne. In north San Antonio, Sitterle Homes has one home available in Salado Canyon, part of the planned community of Rogers Ranch. Residents of the community enjoy multiple amenities including a fitness center and a pool. One stunning home is available in the 65-foot neighborhood of Prospect Creek in Kinder Ranch. Prospect Creek is a secluded, gated community nestled amongst the beautiful natural surroundings of the Texas Hill Country and offers numerous amenities. One home also is available in San Miguel in Canyon Springs. Canyon Springs is a gated community near beautiful Balcones Canyonlands Preserve. Learn more of Sitterle’s available homes at Simmonds Real Estate Welcomes Ten New Realtors Royce and Debra Simmonds, Owners and Brokers at Simmonds Real Estate in Schertz welcomes 10 New Realtors to their I-35 office. Barbara Weyel, Mark Windham, Annette Kimmell, Tracy Coker, Georgia Jackson and Stan Baker have all moved to the Simmonds office as experienced Realtors. Beginning their real estate careers are Tony Mason from residential contracting, Emily Roxas as a reg istered pharmacist, Michel Cox from restaurant management and Bradley Marshall from public service in the fire department/EMS. All of the new Realtors both live and work in the San Antonio, Schertz, New Braunfels, Cibolo and Garden Ridge areas. Baumann Earns TRPM Designation Lesley Baumann, property manager for Moran Property Management recently earned the Texas Residential Property Manager (TRPM) designation from the Texas Association of REALBAUMANN TORS. In order to earn the designation, the candidate must first complete the requirements for the TRLS (Texas Residential Leasing Specialist) designation which includes four 3 hour courses including: Essentials of Residential Leasing, TAR Residential Lease Agreement, Agency Issues Impacting Property Managers and Leasing Agents, Marketing and Leasing Residential Properties. After Baumann earned the TRLS she went on to complete the six 3 hour courses with topics including: TAR Residential and Leasing Property Management Agreement, Residential Evictions, Tenant and Owner Relations, Maintenance and Habitability of Residential Rentals, Statutory Acts and Contingency Planning, and Property Management Business Issues. Upon completion of the 6 courses the candidate must then make application for the designation which includes verification of 500 unit-years of experience over at least five years. Sheila Moran, Broker said, “We are fortunate to have a property manager of this caliber managing our operations. Lesley’s commitment to continuing education, professionalism and the industry is second to none.” “Realtor LLC vs. Sole Proprietor A Major Difference in Taxes” 4th Friday of the Month at Pericos Sonterra 508 W. Rhapsody San Antonio, Texas 78216 November 1, 2015 Brymer Joins Limestone Country Properties Limestone Country Properties is proud to welcome agent Ruth Brymer to the team. She will work from the New Braunfels office located at 2302 Gruene Lake Drive, BRYMER Suite A, at the end of Gruene Lake Village. Ruth is eager to help people achieve their dream of living in the Texas Hill Country. She says, “I chose Limestone because it is a small company. I wanted a one-on-one atmosphere to expand my knowledge of real estate and provide a true personal experience for my clients.” Her love of customer service and the surrounding area led her to a career in real estate. Ruth has also worked as a bilingual secretary for one of the biggest banks in Mexico. She is fluent in Spanish and has experience translating. Ruth can be contacted at the New Braunfels office, 830-438-4385. If you are looking to buy, sell or have a need for property management services, Ruth can certainly guide you through Texas Hill Country real estate and bring your investment goals to life. Alamo Title Fee Office Now Open in Boerne Allen & Associates, LLP has opened a Fee Office for Alamo Title Company, located in Boerne, Texas, just off of IH-10 West and SH 46 on Upper Balcones Road. The large, luxurious office is a high-end, professional option for Hill Country clients. This law firm brings another level of expertise to the table, with over 50 years of collective experience in title. Having 10 attorneys, 3 escrow officers, and 30 landmen, provides a knowledge base that offers a valuable resource to buyers, sellers and lenders with complex title issues and curative matters, including commercial, residential, raw land and ranch properties. While the firm represents the title company, Allen & Associates, LLP can represent one or more parties to a transaction, if no conflict exists and all parties consent. Alamo Title is an agent of Alamo Title Insurance, a wholly owned subsidiary of Fidelity National Title Group (FNTG), the largest and most respected provider of title insurance and escrow in the world VanDyk Mortgage Is Proud To Provide First Texan Realty With Their “Purchase-Centric” Fast Close Service For Our Buyers Melinda Hipp (r), VanDyk Mortgage with Misty Carbo and Amber Gilbert both with First Texan Realty. Melinda Hipp, Branch Manager, NMLS# 219085 Office: 210-493-7332 • Fax 210-247-9413 17721 Rogers Ranch Pkwy., Ste. 215, San Antonio, TX. 78258 Branch NMLS# 866803 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE 27 New Agents Join Rigel Realty BAQUERO CROMER HUSTON SCOTT Rigel Realty is pleased to announce six new agents. Miguel Baquero, Lenora Cromer, R.J. Huston, Stephanie Scott, Janell Peterson, and Larry Wright have joined our office. Welcome and best wishes! PETERSON WRIGHT Read Us Online At: 28 REAL ESTATE NEWS SOURCE November 1, 2015 WCR October Luncheon at Sonterra Barbara del Amo, Keller Williams Legacy and Carolyn Rhodes, Kuper Sotheby’s International Realty. Terry Jeffords and Matt Martin, both Gehan Homes. JR Troy, ERA Troy, Carolyn Hegranes, Retired and Charles Bamford, Alamo ZippyShell. Gwen Derry, Trinity Title and Cindy Cox, RE/MAX Access. Cathy Heshmat, ERA Troy and Debbie Blackerby, American Home Shield. Scott Jauregui and Elizabeth Lopez, both Keller Williams Heritage. Rick Hoenninger, Directions Equity. Mary Esther Carrasco, RE/MAX North San Antonio and Diane Lauer, Keller Williams City View.
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