국별 EU기금 운영기관
국별 EU기금 운영기관
자료발간에 드리는 말씀 EU기금 지원을 받는 건설 플랜트 프로젝트 시장은 EU법규에 의해 공정한 입 찰절차와 투명한 자금집행이 보장되는 매력적인 시장입니다. 2007~2013년간 EU본부에서 지원되는 EU기금 규모는 3,474억 유로에 달하는 데 이의 대부분이 상하수처리장, 생활폐기물 소각장, 열병합발전소, 고속도로, 공항, 급행철도 등 우리기업이 경쟁력을 갖추고 있는 환경 및 인프라 건설에 집 중되어 있어 진출이 매우 유망합니다. 이러한 취지에서 KOTRA는 중동부 유럽 5개국의 건설플랜트 수주지원을 위하 여 지난 7월 폴란드 바르샤바에서 “EU기금 건설 플랜트 프로젝트 플라자” 사 업을 개최한 바 있습니다. 이의 후속조치로 당시 참여한 국내업체의 의견을 수 렴하여 이번에 “중동부유럽 EU기금 프로젝트 진출방안” 자료를 발간하게 되 었습니다. 동 자료는 EU기금이 가장 많이 배정된 폴란드를 중심으로 중동부 유럽의 EU 기금 소개와 프로젝트 진출전략 뿐만 아니라 향후 우리업계의 진출이 유망한 에 너지발전, 환경, 교통운송, 통신 등 총 59건 84억 유로에 상당하는 EU기금 프 로젝트 정보를 담았습니다. 앞으로 한-EU FTA가 정식으로 발효되면 우리기업들의 경쟁력이 더욱 높아질 것으로 예상됨에 따라 지원시스템을 더욱 강화할 계획이오니 향후 EU기금 프로 젝트에 대한 국내기업들의 많은 관심과 적극적인 참여 부탁드립니다. KOTRA 구주지역본부장 상임이사 조 병 휘 목 차 I. EU기금 소개 | 3 1. EU기금 개요 | 5 2. 2007-13년 각 국별 EU기금 배정현황 | 10 3. EU기금 집행 절차 | 20 4. EU기금 프로젝트 특징과 참여 전략 | 22 II. 응찰 단계별 참여 요령 | 25 1. 정보입수 | 27 2. 입찰명세서 입수 | 29 3. 입찰서류 준비 | 29 4. 입찰서류 제출 | 30 5. 제안서 개봉 | 30 6. 계약체결 및 납품 시작 | 30 Ⅲ. 입찰 성공, 실패 사례 | 31 Ⅳ. 건설관련제도 | 47 1. 건설업 면허 및 허가제도 | 49 2. 현지법인(지사) 설립제도 | 50 3. 입찰제도 (정부조달제도) | 54 4. 세제 | 59 •• 1 Ⅴ. 분야별 유망 프로젝트 | 63 1. 요약 | 65 2. 에너지 발전 | 71 3. 환경 | 125 4. 교통 운송 | 210 5. 통신 | 272 6. 기타 | 287 부 록 | 297 부록A:국별 EU기금 운영기관 | 299 부록B:EU기금 프로젝트 플라자 프로젝트 정보(폴란드 이외) | 317 2 •• Ⅰ. EU기금 소개 •• 3 Ⅰ. EU기금 소개 1. EU기금 개요 가. EU기금 EU기금(EU Fund)은 회원국간의 사회․경제적 결속을 강화하고 지역간 발전 불 균형을 해소하고 고용창출을 장려하기 위한 목적으로 EU집행위원회가 회원국에 제 공하는 무상원조(grant) 성격의 보조금이다. EU역사상 최대 규모인 3,474억 유로가 2007~13년간 회원국에 지원 중에 있으며, EU기금은 수혜국(recipient)의 책임능력 제고를 위해 프로젝트 소요비용의 100%를 지원하지는 않고 프로젝트 성격에 따라 최대 85%까지만 지원하고 있다. EU기금의 운용 목적은 크게 세 가지로 구분할 수 있는데 1) 개별 회원국의 제도 와 인프라가 EU기준에 수렴할 수 있도록 지원, 2) 낙후지역개발과 고용확대, 3) EU 회원국 간 국경개방협력이 그것이다. <EU기금 운영 개요> •• 5 앞서 언급한 세 가지 목적달성을 위해 EU기금은 세 개의 하위기금을 운영하고 있는데, 유럽지역개발기금(European Regional Development Fund, ERDF), 결속기금 (Cohesion Fund)과 유럽사회기금(European Social Fund, ESF)이 그것이다. 일반적 으로 EU기금은 이를 총칭하는 명칭으로 사용되며 간혹 EU기금이라는 명칭 대신 하위기금 명칭이 사용되는 경우도 있다. 나. EU기금 운용 EU기금(EU Fund) 운영에 대한 의사결정권한은 EU집행위에 집중되어 있지 않고 EU집행위, 회원국 중앙정부 및 지방자치단체에 나뉘어져 있다. 모든 회원국은 EU기금을 배정받기 위하여 국가결속전략(National Cohesion Strategy, NCS)을 EU집행위에 제출하고 EU집행위가 이를 승인함으로써 회원국별 수혜금액이 확정된다. 국가결속전략(NCS)는 회원국별 달성목표(폴란드 예: 350만개 신규 일자리 창출, GDP대비 1.5% R&D 투자, 도로 및 철도 인프라 3배 확충, 신재생에너지 도입율 8,5%달성, 1인당 GDP 유럽평균의 65% 달성 등)를 제시하고 이를 달성하기 위한 중 앙 및 지방정부 차원의 운용 프로그램(Operational Program, OP) 포함한다. 운용 프로그램(OP)은 대략적인 수행 프로젝트 리스트와 프로젝트별 소요예산 및 세부 수행목표를 포함하며 여기에 포함된 프로젝트는 세부 실행 프로젝트가 아닌 점에 유의해야 한다. 운용 프로그램(OP)내에 포함된 프로젝트 시행처는 EU기금 운용기관(중앙정부 및 지방정부)과 소정의 절차(타당성 조사, 환경영향평가, 목표달성 가능성 등)를 통해 세부 프로젝트 시행계획을 수립하고 이를 EU기금 운영기관 또는 EU집행위(프로젝 트 금액 2천5백만 유로 이상의 경우) 승인을 통해 최종적으로 프로젝트와 EU기금 지원예산이 확정된다. 따라서 국내기업이 참여 가능한 프로젝트는 시행처가 매 건별 프로젝트 실행계획 을 수립하고 이를 해당국 EU기금 운영기관으로부터 승인받은 이후에야 확정되고 시행된다. 따라서 국가결속전략(NCS) 및 운용프로그램(OP)내에 포함되어 있는 프로 젝트가 실제 시행되기 까지는 다소 시간이 소요되는 것을 이해해야 한다. 2007~13년간 EU 27개 회원국에서 총 423개의 운용 프로그램(OP)이 시행 중에 있 으며 OP별 세부정보는 EU집행위 웹사이트(http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy)에 서 확인이 가능하다. 6 •• 다. EU기금과 폴란드 2007-2013년 기간 중 폴란드에 배정된 EU 기금의 규모는 총 673억 유로이며, 회 원국 중 폴란드는 EU기금의 가장 큰 수혜국이다. 배정된 EU기금 중에서 유럽지역개발기금(ERDF)가 51%를 차지하고 있으며, 결속 기금(Cohesion)이 33%를 차지하고 있다. 유럽지역개발기금(ERDF)은 회원국 간 경제격차를 줄이는데 목표를 두고 주로 지 역개발, 경제체질개선 등의 관련 프로젝트에 지원하고 있으며, 결속기금(Cohesion Fund)은 주로 교통 및 환경 인프라 개선, 에너지 효율화, 신재생에너지 도입 관련 프로젝트를 지원한다. 따라서 폴란드에 지원되는 EU기금은 인프라 개선과 환경에너 지 분야에 집중되어 있다고 할 수 있다. 2007~13년 폴란드에 배정된 EU기금을 요약하면 아래와 같다. 구 분 금액 (억 유로) European Regional Development Fund 341 European Social Fund 97 Cohesion Fund 222 Performance reserve 13 총계 673 자료원: 폴란드 지역개발부 •• 7 현재 폴란드가 EU 집행위와 협의를 거쳐 2007-2013년 기간 중 시행하게될 운용 프로그램(OP)은 아래와 같다. 운용 프로그램 Regional Operational Programs (ROP) 운용기관 억 유로 지방정부 166 OP Infrastructure and Environment 279 OP Human Capital 97 OP Innovative Economy 83 OP Development of Eastern Poland 중앙정부 23 OP Technical Assistance 5 European Territorial Co-operation Objective 7 Reserves 13 TOTAL 673 자료원: 폴란드 지역개발부 폴란드가 수행하는 운용 프로그램(OP)은 총 21개로서 5개의 국가차원 프로그램 (OP)과 16개의 지방 프로그램(ROP - 16개 행정구역[道]을 대상으로 함)으로 구성되 어 있다. 가장 규모가 큰 운용 프로그램(OP)는 인프라 및 환경 관련 OP(이하 OPIE)로 배 정액이 279억 유로이며, OPIE내에서 프로젝트 지원여부를 결정하는 우선순위는 1) 상하수도 관리, 2)고체 폐기물 관리 및 지표 보호, 3)자원 관리, 4)환경요건에 대한 기업의 대응과 관련한 프로젝트, 5)자연환경보호, 6)친환경 수송, 7)수송 안전 및 국 가 수송망 네트워크, 8)폴란드 동부지역 도로 인프라, 9)친환경 에너지 인프라, 10) 에너지 안전, 11)문화 및 문화유산 등이다. 97억 유로가 배정된 OP Human Capital의 프로젝트 지원 우선순위는 고용 및 사 회통합, 인적자원의 개발, 고품질 교육체계, 기술 지원 등이고, 83억 유로가 배정된 OP Innovative Economy는 현대적 기술의 연구․개발, R&D 트 투자, 혁신 확산, 기술 지원 등을 우선적으로 지원한다. 8 •• 인프라, 혁신 프로젝 상대적으로 낙후된 폴란드 동부지역을 지원하는 OP Development of Eastern Poland는 해당 지역의 경제 현대화(대학 인프라, 정보사회 인프라 등), 道 개발센터, 수송 인프라, 기술 지원 등을 지원한다. 폴란드의 16개 광역 행정구역(우리나라 道에 해당)에 대해 166억 유로가 배정되어 해당 지역개발 관련 프로젝트를 지원한다. •• 9 2. 2007~13년 각 국별 EU기금 배정 규모 가. 회원국별 EU기금 배정 내역 2007~13년 기준으로 EU회원국 전체에 배정된 금액은 총 3,474억 유로(한화 약 615조)이며 폴란드, 헝가리, 체코 등 중동부 유럽에는 총 금액의 42%에 해당하는 1,499억 유로가 배정되었다. 【EU 회원국별 기금 배분현황 (2007-2013년)】 (단위: 백만 유로) 목적 국가명 Belgium Bulgaria Czech Denmark Germany Estonia Eire-Ireland Greece Spain France Italy Cyprus Latvia Lithuania Luxembourg Hungary Malta Netherlands Austria Poland Portugal Romania Slovenia Slovakia Finland Sweden United Kingdom Interregional Technical Assistance 합계 Convergence(수렴) 지원 Cohesion Fund 638 1,425 11,864 2,252 4,215 419 510 9,409 9,420 21,054 3,191 21,211 6,458 1,583 2,283 8,819 4,391 17,064 1,152 3,697 3,543 213 1,540 2,305 2,991 4,470 8,642 284 14,248 556 430 458 635 4,955 972 399 293 3,522 10,257 5,353 50 2,031 1,660 1,027 177 22,176 3,060 6,552 1,412 3,899 44,377 17,133 12,661 2,689 7,013 280 448 545 2,738 174 965 490 449 1,051 1,626 6,014 194 179 389 103 851 51 151 210 559 872 846 28 90 109 15 386 15 247 257 731 99 455 104 227 120 1665 722 445 합계 2,258 6,853 26,692 613 26,340 3,456 901 20,420 35,217 14,319 28,812 640 4,620 6,885 65 25,307 855 1,907 1,461 67,284 21,511 19,668 4,205 11,588 1,716 1,891 10,613 445 868 69,578 (자료원: EU집행위) 10 •• 지역 경쟁 및 고용 지원 회원국간 Phaseing- Phasing-in 지역경쟁 국경 협력 Convergence 지원 out (도입) 및 고용 199,322 13,955 11,409 43,556 8,723 347,410 각 국별 시행예정 프로젝트 리스트와 연도별 기금운용계획은 전 항에서 언급한 EU집행위 웹사이트(http://ec.europa.eu/regional_policy)의 회원국별 운용프로그램 (OP)에서 확인할 수 있다. 특히 운용 목적별 기금 배정현황을 살펴보면 유럽지역개발기금(ERDF, 2,142억 유 로)와 결속기금(CF, 696억 유로)의 28.3%인 803억 유로가 교통 인프라 개선, 18.7% 인 530억 유로가 환경보호, 4%인 11억 유로가 친환경 에너지 등에 배정되어 있는 등 환경 및 인프라 개선에 집중되어 있음을 알 수 있다. <ERDF(2,142억 유로), Cohesion Fund(696억 유로) 운용목적별 기금배정 현황> •• 11 <유럽사회기금(627억 유로) 운용목적별 기금배정 현황> 12 •• 나. 폴란드 연도별/분야별 EU기금 배정 현황 •• 13 14 •• •• 15 16 •• •• 17 18 •• •• 19 3. EU기금 집행 절차 회원국별 EU기금 최종 운용기관(폴란드의 경우 지역개발부)은 프로젝트 시행 희 망 기관(중앙정부부처, 지방정부, 공기업 등)으로부터 운용 프로그램(OP)에 포함될 예비 프로젝트를 신청 받아서 운용 프로그램(OP)을 작성하고 청문회 등을 통해 각 분야별 의견을 수렴한 후 이를 각료회의에 제출하고 각료회의는 주요 프로젝트를 선정, 승인한다. 단, 각료회의 승인 전에 EU집행위로부터 운용 프로그램(OP)에 대 한 사전 승인을 득해야 한다. 운용 프로그램(OP)에 포함된 프로젝트 시행기관은 EU기금 운용기관(중앙정부부 처 및 산하기관, 지방정부)과 프로젝트 시행에 관한 협약을 체결하고 프로젝트 시행 계획, 재무계획, 프로젝트 운영 및 감독에 관한 책무 규정 등을 제출하고 이를 승인 받음으로서 프로젝트를 확정한다. 사업시행기관은 입찰공고 등을 통해 프로젝트를 발주하고 수주처를 선정하여 프 로젝트를 수행한다. 프로젝트 완료에 따른 대금지급은 발주처 자금으로 수주처에 선지급하고 이에 대한 비용의 일부(최대 85%)를 EU기금 운용기관에 환급 신청하여 프로젝트 비용을 회수한다. EU기금 운용기관은 결격사유가 없을 경우 사업시행기관 에 관련 비용을 환급하며 프로젝트 금액이 2천5백만 유로 이상이 경우에는 EU집행 위로부터 환급승인을 받은 이후 이를 환급한다. 20 •• ☞ 운용 프로그램(OP)에 대한 이해 OP는 구체적인 프로젝트 정보를 담고 있는 게 아니라 프로젝트 개요 정 도에 해당하는 정보를 포함하고 있는데 그 이유는 EU집행위에서 2004~06 년간 EU기금 운영 이후 EU 회원국의 자율성과 개별 프로젝트의 신축성 을 부여하기 위해 프로젝트 세부내역 포함을 강제하지 않기 때문이다. EU집행위에서 제시하는 OP가 반드시 포함해야 하는 내용에 따르면 - OP 대상 영역(예: 환경, 도로 등)에 대한 강약점 분석 - 프로젝트 선정시 우선순위 영역(NCS에 연관하여) - 특정 영역(예: 도로)에 대한 세부 우선순위(예: 남부도로, 중부도로 순) - 기금사용계획 - 프로그램 실행계획(관리주체, 감독기구, 평가계획 등) - 주요 프로젝트 리스트(2,500만유로 이상 환경 프로젝트, 5,000만유로 이 상 기타 프로젝트) 등을 필수적으로 포함하도록 하고 있다. 따라서, OP에 포함된 프로젝트 리스트가 비록 최종 확정된 것이 아님을 이해하고 OP에 포함된 사업시행기관을 접촉해서 프로젝트 세부 정보 파 악을 위한 노력이 필요하다. •• 21 4. EU기금 프로젝트 참여전략 가. EU기금 프로젝트 특징 첫째, 운용 프로그램(OP)내에 포함된 프로젝트는 확정된 것이 아니며 일정 또한 연기될 가능성이 높다. 프로젝트별 EU기금 수혜여부 및 금액은 프로젝트 시행기관 이 해당국 운용기관으로부터 최종적으로 사안별로 승인받은 이후 확정되기 때문이 다. 둘째, 프로젝트 실행가능성은 사업시행기관의 자금동원력에 달려 있다. 사업시행 기관이 EU기금을 지원받는다 하더라도 동 기금으로 프로젝트의 모든 비용을 충당 할 수 없기 때문에 나머지 부분은 중앙정부나 지방 정부로부터의 재원 또는 외부 금융기관으로부터의 대출에 의존할 수밖에 없다. 셋째, 프로젝트의 대부분은 공개입찰을 통해 비교적 투명하게 진행된다. EU기금 을 지원받는 프로젝트들은 EU 정부조달지침 및 회원국 정부조달법의 규제를 받기 때문에 법규에 따라 투명하게 정보가 공개되고 공정한 절차에 의해 진행된다. 넷째, 입찰준비 시간이 충분하지 않다. EU관보에 대부분의 입찰공고가 영어로 발 표되기는 하나, 영어가 자국어인 입찰을 제외하고는 원공고의 요약본만 제공되고 정확한 공고내용은 현지어로 제공되므로 입찰공고일로부터 1~2개월 내에 현지어로 된 입찰서를 분석하고 제안서를 제출하기에는 준비 시간이 넉넉하지 않다. 나. 우리 업계의 프로젝트 참여 전략 폴란드 등 EU新가입국의 EU기금 프로젝트가 황금시장으로 부상하고 있지만 여 러 가지 이유로 인해 우리 기업의 참여도는 높지 않은 편이나 중장기적 전략을 갖 고 접근한다면 우리 업계의 진출도 충분히 가능하다. 첫째, 사전에 정확한 프로젝트 정보 파악을 위한 노력이 필요하다. 정식 입찰공고 전까지 프로젝트에 대한 공개된 정보가 제한적이고 입찰 공고 일정 또한 자주 변경 되기 때문에 외국기업이 입찰정보를 사전에 획득하기가 쉽지 않다. 이러한 정보를 파악하기 위해서는 사업시행기관(발주기관)과의 유대관계가 중요하므로 평소 주요 사업시행기관을 잘 관리하며 인맥을 구축하여 사전에 정보를 입수하는 것이 중요하 다. 22 •• 둘째, 하청 참여를 통한 현지 시장경험을 축적하는 것도 중요하다. EU법규 및 정 부조달시장에 경험이 부족한 우리기업이 초기에 EU기금 프로젝트 시장에 진출하기 위해서는 이미 프로젝트를 수주한 원청업체에 건설 기자재 및 서비스를 납품함으로 서 경험을 쌓아나가는 것도 향후 EU기금 프로젝트에 직접 입찰 참여에 유리하다. 셋째, 현지법인 설립 또는 유력업체와의 제휴를 고려하는 것이 필요하다. 입찰의 대부분이 일정기간 운영 및 사후지원을 포함하기 때문에 발주기관이 현지기업 및 EU소재 기업을 선호하는 것은 당연하다. 따라서 현지법인 또는 경험 많고 노련한 현지 파트너와 컨소시엄을 구성해서 입찰에 참가할 경우 수주에 유리하다. 아울러 현지 법인 및 파트너를 통해 현지 인맥관리 및 사전 정보입수도 용이하다. 넷째, 입찰서류 준비시 현지 법무컨설팅법인의 이용을 고려한다. 주재국 법규와 현지어에 대한 이해 부족으로 인한 사소한 서류상의 실수로 오랜 시간과 노력을 통 해 준비한 제안서가 발주기관으로부터 거절되는 경우가 빈번하다. 현지 전문가그룹 의 서비스를 이용하면 이러한 오류를 미연에 방지할 수 있다. 다섯째, 현지 합작투자법인 설립, 진출을 통해 EU기금을 직접 신청 가능한 프로 젝트를 개발, 수행하는 것도 가능하다. 태양광, 풍력 등 신재생 에너지 프로젝트의 경우 대형 발전회사 뿐만 아니라 소기업들의 진출도 늘어나고 있다. 이러한 기업들 과 합작투자법인 설립을 통해 EU기금을 지원받는 소규모 발전사업도 진출이 가능 하다. 아울러 지방정부에서 민자유치 방식으로 일정기간(통상 30년 내외) 운영권이 보장되는 열병합발전 프로젝트도 합작투자법인 설립 등을 통해 진출이 가능하다. 여섯째, 외부자금 조달방안도 함께 준비하는 것이 유리하다. 입찰 서류에 외부 자 금 조달 방안으로 수출입은행의 ECA (Export Credit Agency) 자금 지원 가능성을 언급하고, 입찰서류 제출과 동시에 수출입은행이 우리업체가 낙찰에 성공할 경우 장기 저리의 정책자금을 지원하겠다는 Letter of Interest를 발급함으로써 우리기업 의 수주능력을 제고할 수 있을 것이다. 마지막으로 수십 년 이상 경험과 인맥을 쌓아온 유럽계 기업들과 경쟁해서 EU기 금 프로젝트 시장에 진출하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 우리 기업들도 체계적인 시장조 사와 더불어 인맥구축, 현지투자 등 중장기적 전략수립 및 이행이 중요하다. •• 23 Ⅱ. 응찰 단계별 참여 요령 •• 25 Ⅱ. 응찰 단계별 참가 요령 1. 입찰정보 수집 EU집행위 에서는 회원국들에게 공개된 입찰정보는 회원국 공공조달회보(Public Procurement Bulletin)에 공시하고 일정금액 이상 입찰의 경우에는 EU관보(Official Journal of the EU)에도 함께 공시토록 하고 있는데 현실적으로 소액 물품구매를 제외한 거의 대부분이 EU관보에 함께 공시되는 점을 감안하면 정기적인 EU관보 검색만을 통해도 대부분의 중요한 입찰정보 검색이 가능하다. EU는 전자입찰공고 웹사이트(Tenders Electronics Daily, TED)를 통해 매일 평균 약 1,500건의 EU 및 회원국의 신규 정부조달 정보를 제공하고 있으며 무료로 검색 이 가능하다. <TED 웹사이트, http://ted.europa.eu> •• 27 일일 입찰정보뿐 아니라 과거 5년간의 입찰정보를 모두 제공하고 있으며 각종 검 색기준(지역, 공고일, 계약유형, 입찰품목 등) 및 키워드를 적용하여 EU 및 회원국 의 입찰 정보를 검색을 지원한다. 일례로 디렉토리 검색도 가능한데 화면 왼쪽의 Browse-By bisiness sector(CPV)를 누른 후 오른쪽 화면에 나타나는 디렉토리를 검색해 순차적으로 하위 디렉토리를 검색할 수 있다.(아래 그림은 국내기업이 관심 있어 하는 ‘발전소 건설 프로젝트’를 검색한 예임) <TED 웹사이트, 업종 디렉토리를 통해 발전소 프로젝트를 검색한 예> 상기와 같이 이미 공개된 입찰정보로 우리업계가 짧은 기한 내에 완벽하게 입찰 서류를 준비하기는 사실상 쉽지 않다. 따라서 발주처를 사전에 파악하고 정기적인 접촉을 통해 인맥을 구축하여 정보를 사전에 입수하는 것이 필요하다. EU기금 프로젝트의 경우에는 통상의 입찰과 달리 입찰공고 이전에 공개된 정보 를 활용하여 입찰예정 프로젝트와 발주처 정보를 파악하기가 비교적 용이하다. EU 회원국의 EU기금 운용 프로그램(OP)에 이미 이러한 정보가 공개되어 있다. 28 •• 현지 업체들은 관보에 입찰정보가 게재되기 전부터 이미 어떤 입찰이 언제 있을 것이라는 정보를 파악하고 있으며, 심지어는 응찰예정업체가 아예 입찰공고를 직접 작성하거나 프로젝트 실행계획을 작성해 주는 경우도 있다고 한다. 사전에 발주처 를 파악하고 인맥을 구축하지 않고서는 불가능한 일이다. 2. 입찰명세서 입수 입찰 공고는 회원국 모두 자국 언어로 실시하나 EU집행위가 입찰에 가장 필요하 다고 지정한 항목만을 발췌하여 영어 요약본을 EU관보에 게재하는 것이 일반적이 다. EU관보에 기재되는 영어 요약본은 발주기관, 발주목적물, 입찰서 제출시한, 입찰 서 제출언어, 입찰서 제출처 등 아주 기초적인 정보만 포함하고 있으므로 발주처의 자국어로 된 입찰공고 파악 및 스펙, 구매절차 등 추가정보 입수가 중요하다 할 수 있다. 특히 입찰 제안서를 작성하는데 반드시 필요한 정보들로 구성된 입찰명세서 (Specification of Essential Tender Conditions)는 발주처를 접촉해서 추가로 획득해 야 하는 경우가 일반적이며 이를 반영하지 않고 서류를 준비할 경우 지명입찰 등의 과정에서 발주처의 초청을 받지 못하는 경우가 발생할 수 있으므로 반드시 입찰공 고문에 기재된 발주처 연락처를 참고하여 입찰명세서 요청이 필요하다. 3. 입찰서류 준비 모든 입찰서류는 현지어로 준비되어야 하며 외국어로 된 서류는 공증 번역되어 함께 제출해야 한다. 입찰서류의 매 페이지마다 연번이 부여되어야 하고 서명이 필요한 서류는 입찰참 가자를 대표하는 모든 이의 서명이 포함되어야 한다. 입찰자가 콘소시엄을 구성한 경우에는 이를 대표하는 자의 서명이 포함되고 이를 증빙하는 위임장이 동반 제출 되어야 한다. 입찰서류에 포함된 가격정보는 반드시 입찰명세서(SWIZ)에 명시된 기준을 준수 하여 준비되어야 하며 부가세를 포함한 가격이어야 한다. •• 29 4. 서류 제출 입찰서류는 직접 방문하여 제출하거나 우편으로 발송할 수 있다. 입찰서류는 우편 발송시 실제 서류 도착시간이 마감시한을 넘기더라도 우체국 발 급 발송증명서에 찍히는 발송일시가 서류제출 마감시한 이전이면 유효하다. 이 경우에는 반드시 우체국 발급 발송증명서를 해당 입찰번호 명시된 서한을 함 께 첨부하여 입찰명세서에 기재되어 있는 팩스로 보내야 하며 발송증명서에 기재되 어 있는 일시가 입찰 마감시한 이전인 경우 발주기관은 통상 마감 이후 일주일까지 서류도착을 기다려준다. 5. 제안서 개봉 발주기관의 공공계약자문위원회는 대체로 마감시한 15일 후 입찰서류 봉투 공개 개봉식을 개최하며, 입찰참가업체는 모두 참가할 수 있다. 이때 입찰 참가업체가 누구인지, 몇 개사 인지, 모든 요구서류를 제출했는지를 발 표한다. 공공계약자문위원회는 정해진 평가표에 따라서 낙찰업체를 결정하게 되며, 결과는 각 입찰참가업체에게 결과를 개별 통지하고 관보에도 게재한다. 6. 계약체결 및 납품 시작 발주기관과 낙찰업체간에 계약이 체결되며, 낙찰업체가 다수 업체간의 컨소시엄 인 경우 컨소시엄 대표와 계약이 체결된다. 30 •• Ⅲ. 입찰 성공, 실패 사례 •• 31 Ⅲ. 입찰 성공 실패 사례 1. ENERGY SECTOR 1.1 Introduction The following case concerns a utility sector contract, which means that the award process is subject not only to general PPA rules but also to specific PPA provisions on utility sector contracts. 1.2 Awarding entity Vattenfall Heat Polska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw, a company operating in the energy sector (production, transmission and distribution of electricity and heat) 1.3 Contract object 1.3.1 Basic information Construction work to upgrade a heat accumulator in the Siekierki thermal power plant in Warsaw. 1.3.2 Brief description The economic operator chosen in the proceedings will be obliged to carry out for the awarding entity a (ready-for-use) heat battery installation in the Siekierki thermal power plant on the basis of and in accordance with the design provided by the awarding entity (tank capacity – 30,395 m3). The economic operator will specifically be obliged to: 1) carry out any demolition required 2) create the required links and connections •• 33 3) adapt the existing buildings and technical infrastructure to the new installation 4) provide the equipment required 5) build, install, start up and prepare the heat battery for use 1.3.3 Contract performance term 15 months from the contract awarding date 1.3.4 Contract value PLN 52,457,426 (excluding VAT) 1.4 Contract conditions 1.4.1 Security instruments 1) deposit – PLN 300,000 2) performance guarantee – 10% of contract value 1.4.2 Payment Payment will be made on the basis of partial/final acceptance report. 1.5 Conditions for participating in the proceedings 1.5.1 Economic operators’ characteristics The economic operator must fulfill the criteria indicated in the PPA, i.e. it must: 1) be authorized / hold licenses to perform the required activities – if under the law it must have such authorizations / licenses, 2) have the required expertise and experience as well as the technical capacity and human resources needed to perform the public contract or present a 34 •• statement made by a third party undertaking to provide technical capacity and human resources to perform the contract, 3) be in an economic and financial situation that will ensure proper performance of the public contract; 4) not be excluded from the proceedings under the PPA. The economic operator must submit documents confirming the above. The awarding entity assesses whether this condition is fulfilled on a yes/no basis. 1.5.2 Economic and financial situation The economic operator should have annual income of at least PLN 30,000,000 over the last 3 financial years (or throughout its operating term if less than 3 years). In confirmation of the above the economic operator should submit financial statements or equivalent documents to the awarding entity. The awarding entity assesses whether this condition is fulfilled on a yes/no basis. 1.5.3 Technical capacity The economic operator should, over the last 7 years (or throughout its operating term if less than 7 years), have performed at least one contract similar to that covered by the current proceedings (i.e. creation of a steel container of at least 8,000 m3 capacity). The economic operator should provide a list of the contracts it has performed fulfilling the above criteria. The awarding entity assesses whether this condition is fulfilled on a yes/no basis. However, in order to put the economic operators in initial order the awarding entity will grant 1 point for each contract performed. •• 35 1.6 Procedure 1.6.1 Procedure type Restricted tendering 1.6.2 Bid evaluation criteria Lowest price 1.6.3 Deadline for the submission of applications to participate in the proceedings 20 April 2007, 10.00 1.6.4 Language Polish 1.7 Additional information The awarding entity will invite 5 economic operators who submitted applications to participate in the proceedings and who fulfill the conditions mentioned in point 1.5 above to submit bids. If more than 5 economic operators fulfill these conditions the awarding entity will invite only the 5 economic operators who received the most points for fulfilling the requirement in point 1.5.3 above. If several economic operators (with equal points) are qualified in the fifth position on the list they will all be invited to submit bids. There is no application form. The economic operators should draft their applications in Polish ensuring that they are legible. Documents and statements as well as any powers of attorney required should be attached to the application. Any document copies must be certified by a person authorized to represent the economic operator. 36 •• 1.8 Notice publication The notice was published on 6 April 2007 in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union. 1.9 Awarding the contract 1.9.1 Applications to participate in the proceedings Seven (7) economic operators filed applications to participate in the proceedings. The applications were reviewed based on the criteria referred to in point 1.5 above. After the assessment the 5 economic operators with the most points (see point 1.5.3) were invited to submit bids. 1.9.2 Bids Only 4 economic operators submitted bids on time. 1.9.3 Choosing the best bid The awarding entity reviewed the bids looking for the lowest price. The bid submitted by Mostostal Zabrze Holding SA with its registered office in Zabrze quoting a price of PLN 63,998,059 (including 22% VAT) was chosen. 1.9.4 Date The contract was awarded on 22 November 2007. 2. RAIL TRANSPORT SECTOR 2.1 Introduction The case below concerns a utility sector contract, which means that the award •• 37 process is subject not only to general PPA rules but also to specific PPA provisions on utility sector contracts 2.2 Awarding entity PKP Polskie Linie Kolejowe SA Oddział Regionalny w Gdańsku, a company operating in the rail transport sector (railway manager) 2.3 Contract object 2.3.1 Basic information Construction work involving the modernization of railway line no. 131 Chorzów Batory-Tczew on the Nowa Wieś Wielka-Trzciniec section. 2.3.2 Brief description The economic operator chosen in the proceedings will be obliged to carry out for the awarding entity construction work relating to the investment indicated in point 2.3.1 above. The economic operator will specifically be obliged to carry out: 1) Basic works (tracks) - replace tracks, i.e. install new tracks (no-joint 60E1 type tracks) on string-concrete foundations (PS-94) with resilient attachments (SB4– in total 9.552 km of track - clean the old crosstie layer (30 cm thick) - regulate the plan and profile of tracks and junctions and supplement the crosstie - replace junctions (11 items) - modernize grade crossings and pedestrian ways (6 items) 2) Additional works - modernize railway signaling system - dismantle and re-install power lines during construction work 38 •• - install electrical junction heating devices - modernize power lines (replace the necessary elements in order to ensure safe use) - demolish an old building at Trzciniec station - test and move telecommunications cables 2.3.3 Contract performance term Contract to be completed by 30 November 2009 2.3.4 Contract value PLN 31,786,280.35 (excluding VAT) 2.4 Contract conditions 2.4.1 Security instruments 1) deposit – PLN 100,000 2) performance guarantee – 5% of contract value 2.4.2 Payment Pro forma invoices will be paid monthly up to 90% of the contract value within 30 days of delivery to the awarding entity together with detailed specifications. The final invoice will be paid within 30 days of delivery together with the final acceptance report. 2.5 Conditions for participating in the proceedings 2.5.1 Economic operators’ characteristics The economic operator must fulfill the criteria indicated in the PPA, i.e. it must: •• 39 1) be authorized / hold licenses to perform the required activities – if under the law it must have such authorizations / licenses, 2) have the required expertise and experience as well as the technical capacity and human resources needed to perform the public contract or present a statement made by a third party undertaking to provide technical capacity and human resources to perform the contract, 3) be in an economic and financial situation that will ensure proper performance of the public contract; 4) not be excluded from the proceedings under the PPA The economic operator must submit documents confirming the above. 2.5.2 Economic and financial situation The economic operator should have average annual net income of at least PLN 40,000,000 over the last 3 financial years (or throughout its operating term if less than 3 years). The economic operator should also be able to prove that it has financial means or creditworthiness of at least PLN 7,000,000. In confirmation of the above, the economic operator should submit to the awarding entity its financial statements or equivalent documents as well as a statement from the bank with which it has an account confirming the amount of available financial means or creditworthiness. 2.5.3 Technical capacity The economic operator must submit to the awarding entity documents confirming fulfillment of the requirements set out in points below. Experience The economic operator should, over the last 5 years (or throughout its operating term if less than 5 years), have performed contracts involving at least the following: 40 •• 1) construction or modernization of 5 km of track 2) construction or modernization of 6 junctions on string-concrete foundations, 3) construction or modernization of 5 km of track power lines. Staff The economic operator must employ or have at its disposal the following staff: 1) Construction manager The construction manager must have a higher technical education diploma and must be authorized in accordance with the Building Law and executive regulations thereto to mange construction work as regards railway lines, stations and junctions. The construction manager must have at least 5 years’ experience in managing such projects. He/she must also provide a civil liability insurance policy and must be a member of a District Chamber of Building Engineers (or equivalent body in another EU member state). 2) Manager for rail traffic steering and security works Manager for rail traffic steering and security works must be authorized in accordance with the Building Law and executive regulations thereto to mange construction work as regards rail traffic steering and security works. The construction manager must have at least 3 years’ experience in managing such projects. He/she must also provide a civil liability insurance policy and must be a member of a District Chamber of Building Engineers (or equivalent body in another EU member state). 3) Manager for electrical works The manager for electrical works must be authorized in accordance with the Building Law and executive regulations thereto to mange construction work as regards installation of electrical or electro-energy networks or devices. The electrical works manager must have at least 3 years’ experience in managing such projects. He/she must also provide a civil liability insurance policy and must be a member of a District Chamber of Building Engineers (or equivalent body in another EU member state). •• 41 Equipment The economic operator must have at its disposal at least 1 operating unit of each of the below or equivalent devices: 1) highly efficient crosstie cleaning device 2) crosstie profiling device 3) track profiling device 4) track lining device 5) track connecting device 6) train for removing and placing foundations 7) junction installing device 2.6 Procedure 2.6.1 Procedure type Unrestricted tendering 2.6.2 Bid evaluation criteria Lowest price 2.6.3 Deadline for submitting applications for tender documents (including terms of reference) and for submitting bids 4 March 2009, 12.00 2.6.4 Language Polish 2.6.5 Period for which the economic operator will be bound by its bid 60 days from the bid submission deadline 42 •• 2.6.6 Bid opening conditions Bids will be opened on 4 March 2009 on 12.30 in the awarding entity’s office. All interested parties are free to attend. 2.7 Additional information The awarding entity anticipates that additional contracts of no more than 20% of the basic contract value and for the same type of contract object may be awarded. These contracts will be awarded to the economic operator chosen under these proceedings using the free-hand procurement procedure. Terms of reference can be downloaded from the awarding entity’s website: www.przetargi.plk-sa.pl. 2.8 Notice publication The notice was sent for publication in the Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union on 23 January 2009. 2.9 Awarding the contract 2.9.1 Bids 9 bids were submitted: 1) Bid no. 1 made by “Konsorcjum Trakcja Polska”, a consortium of: - Trakcja Polska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw - Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Komunikacyjnych – 7 S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw - Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Komunikacyjnych w Krakowie S.A. with its registered office in Krakow Price offered – PLN 39,082,803.97 (including VAT) •• 43 2) Bid no. 2 made by a consortium of: - Maciej Kozłowski, Strabag sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw - Strabag AG with its registered office in Spittal/Drau (Austria) Price offered – PLN 44,089,168,03 (including VAT) 3) Bid no. 3 made by Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Krakow Price offered – PLN 29,683,701.73 (including VAT) 4) Bid no. 4 made by Skanska S.A. with its registered office in Warsaw Price offered – PLN 33,617,156.13 (including VAT) 5) Bid no. 5 made by Deutsche Gleis- und Tiefbau GmbH with its registered office in Berlin The bid was rejected 6) Bid no. 6 made by Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw Infrastruktury sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Warsaw Price offered – PLN 40,228,161.06 (including VAT) 7) Bid no. 7 made by Pomorskie Przedsiębiorstwo MechanicznoTorowe sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Gdańsk Price offered – PLN 38,380,975.45 (including VAT) 8) Bid no. 8 made by Feroco S.A. with its registered office in Poznań Price offered – 43,806,079.13 (including VAT) 9) Bid no. 9 made by a consortium of: - Schweerbau GmbH & Co. KG with its registered office in Stadthagen (Germany) 44 •• - Volkerrail Polska sp. z o.o. with its registered office in Wrocław Price offered – 35,895,560.52 (including VAT). 2.9.2 Choosing the best bid Formal evaluation The awarding entity rejected bid no. 5 on the grounds that the economic operator had not met the conditions mentioned in point 2.5 above and therefore had to be excluded from the proceedings. The awarding entity stated that: 1) the person indicated by the economic operator as the construction manager did not have the required education and qualifications (e.g. no higher education diploma) 2) the person indicated by the economic operator as the manager for rail traffic steering and security works did not have the required experience (only 1 year instead of the required 3 years) 3) the economic operator does not have the necessary equipment listed in point, i.e. it has neither a crosstie profiling device nor a track connecting device 4) the deposit offered does not fulfill all the criteria indicated in the PPA. Material evaluation The awarding entity reviewed the remaining bids looking for the lowest price. Bid no. 3 submitted by Przedsiębiorstwo Napraw i Utrzymania Infrastruktury Kolejowej w Krakowie sp. z o.o. was chosen. •• 45 Ⅳ. 건설관련제도 •• 47 Ⅳ. 건설관련제도 1. 건설업 면허 및 허가제도 가. 건설업 면허 폴란드 내에서 일반 건설업을 영위하는 데는 특별한 허가나 인가가 필요하지 않 은 것으로 파악된다. 폴란드에서 정부의 허가나 인가를 받아야 하는 업종은 법으로 정해져 있다. 폴란 드 법규에 따라 다음 사업을 영위하기 위해서는 관련 정부부서로부터 별도의 허가 나 인가를 받아야 한다. [표 4-1] 폴란드 내 허가/인가가 요구되는 업종 또는 사업활동 허가의 유형 이권 (concession) 업종 또는 사업 활동 - 광물 탐사 및 채굴 폭약, 무기 제조, 기타 군용 제품 및 기술 연료 및 에너지 제조, 가공, 유통, 거래 사람과 재산의 보호 항공 수송 라디오 및 텔레비전 프로그램 방송 등록 (register) - 통제되는 활동(예: 사설탐정, 외국환으로 상행위 등)의 경우 허가 (permit) - 주류 도매 주류 및 담배 제조 유독성/방사성 물질의 제조 및 판매 공항 관리 의약품 제조 및 판매, 약국 또는 의약품 창고 운영 특정 우편 및 택배 서비스 카지노 운영 은행 운영 보험회사 또는 중개회사의 운영 통신 서비스 도로 수송 상수 공급 및 하수 처리 폐기물 처리 투자펀드 또는 연금펀드 설립 •• 49 - 라이선스 (license) 비료 및 살충제 거래 부동산 중개 서비스 원양 어업 경제특별구역(SEZ)에서의 사업 활동 등 - 특정 물품의 수입 및 판매: 화장품, 일부 아동용품(크레용, 물감), 식수와 접촉하는 물품, 동물, 육류, 작물 등 - 공공 전화 네트워크 이용 및 라디오/텔레비전 방송용 공공 통신 네트워크의 이용 나. 건설 허가 폴란드 내에서 건설공사는 일반적으로 국가로부터 권한을 위임받은 국가관재인 (National Administrator) 또는 특별한 경우에 한 해 지방자치단체장이 부여하는 건 설 허가(Permit)를 사전에 취득해야 한다. 건설허가는 소정양식의 건설허가신청서와 폴란드 건설법에서 규정하는 부속서류 를 첨부해서 해당관청에 신청하며 서류내용 및 절차상 하자가 없으면 신청일로부터 65일 이내에 발급된다. 건설허가와 관련된 폴란드 관련법령은 건설법(1994.7.4), 지구단위계획개발법(2003.3.27), 환경영향평가에 관한 법(2008.10.3), 문화재보호법(2003.7.23), 공공도로법(1985.3.21) 등이 있다. 2. 현지법인(지사) 설치제도 가. 회사의 형태 외국인투자와 관련해서 먼저 '외국인'의 정의를 보면, 외국에 거주하는 개인, 본점 소재지가 외국에 있는 법인 등이다. 한국과 같이 EU 회원국이 아닌 지역의 외국인 투자가는 유한책임회사 (limited liability company), 주식회사 (joint-stock company), 유한합작회사 (limited partnership), 유한주식합작회사(limited joint-stock partnership) 등의 형태로 기업을 설립하거나 기업 활동을 할 수 있다. 또, 지사 (branch office)나 대표사무소(representative office)를 설립할 수도 있다. 50 •• 가장 보편적이고 법인 성격을 보장받는 회사 형태로는 유한책임회사와 주식회 사이다. 유한책임회사(limited liability company/sp.zo.o.)는 자연인 또는 법인에 의해 설 립될 수 있다. 법인성(legal personality)을 가지며, 이사회에 의해 대표된다. 최소 설 립자본금은 50,000 PLN이며, 주식의 최소 액면가는 50 PLN으로 되어 있다. 주식회사(joint-stock company/S.A.)의 최소 설립자본금은 50만 PLN이며, 주식의 최소 액면가는 0.01 PLN 이다. 주식회사는 최소 1인 이상의 자연인 또는 법인에 의 해 설립되어야 한다. 주식회사는 공개 거래될 수 있는 주식을 발행할 수 있다는 점 에서 유한책임회사와 다르다. 지사(branch office)는 법인성을 갖지 못하나, 비즈니스 활동을 수행할 수 있다. 단, 지사는 본사 영업범위 내의 상거래 활동만 가능하며, 국가법원등기부에 등록되 어야 한다. 대표사무소의 활동은 본사와 연락, 광고 및 프로모션 등으로 제한되며, 상거래 활동은 할 수 없다. 폴란드 경제부가 관리하는 대표사무소 등기부에 등록되 어야 한다. 나. 현지법인(유한책임회사, 주식회사) 설립절차 한국에서 준비할 서류는 대표이사 위임장, 이사회 결의서, 주주명부, 법인 등기부 등본 등인데 이를 영어로 번역하여 공증을 받은 후, 주한 폴란드 대사관의 확인(스 탬프)을 받아야 한다. 폴란드에 와서 영어본을 폴란드어로 다시 번역하여 공증을 받 게 되어 있다. 설립코자 하는 회사 형태(유한책임 또는 주식회사)를 결정하면, 정관(articles of association)을 작성하고 발기인들이 서명을 해야 한다. 단, 서명할 때에는 폴란드내 공증인(Notary Public)의 공증이 있어야 한다. 회사의 정관에는 회사명, 소재지, 사업내용, 초기 자본금 액수, 주식의 수량 및 액 면가 등의 내용이 들어가야 한다(주식회사의 경우 여기에다 등록전 자본금 납부액, 이사회 및 감사위원회 구성원의 수 등도 포함). 정관에 서명이 되면, 유한책임회사의 경우 이사회 구성원을 임명하고 설립자본금 (5만 PLN 이상) 전액을 납부해야 한다. 유한책임회사의 공식 조직으로는 주주총회 와 이사회가 있으며, 감사위원회는 자본금 50만 PLN, 주주 수 25명을 넘지 않을 경 우 선택사항이다 (주식회사의 경우 이사회와 감사위원회 구성원을 임명하고 자본금 •• 51 (50만 PLN 이상)의 최소 25%를 납부해야 함). 다음 단계는 회사를 국가법원등기부(National Court Register)에 등록하는 것이다. 즉, 회사가 설립되는 지역이나 주로 사업이 영위되는 지역을 관할하는 지방법원 (District Court)에 등기를 하는 것인데 등록시 필요한 서류는 다음과 같다. ○ 유한책임회사 - 신청서(소정양식) - 정관, 자본금납부 내역서(모든 이사회 구성원 작성), 주주 명단, 이사회 구성원 내역(이름, 주소, 무범죄 증명서 등), 이사회 구성원의 서명 견본(공증된 것), 임 대차 계약서 등 ○ 주식회사 - 신청서(소정양식) - 정관, 회사 설립 및 주식인수 관련 공증된 결의서, 자본금납부 내역서, 회사 경 영진 명단 및 인적사항, 이사회 구성원의 서명 견본(공증된 것) 등 등록 신청 후 중앙통계국(GUS)에 REGON 번호(statistical identification number) 를 신청할 수 있는데 이는 일종의 사업자등록증이다. 그리고 사업장 소재지에 가장 가까운 세무서에 납세자 번호(NIP; taxpayer identification number)를 신청하는데 등 록이 완료되기 전이라도 REGON과 NIP 신청이 가능하며, 등록 후 보완하면 된다. 폴란드 법에 의하면, 모든 기업은 폴란드 은행에 계좌를 가지고 있어야 한다. 은 행 계좌 개설시 필요한 서류로는 회사 정관, 서명 견본, 등기 관련서류, REGON 번 호를 부여하는 GUS의 서신, NIP 등이다. 법원에 등록신청을 하기 전에 자본금이 납부되어야 하므로(유한책임회사 전액, 주식 회사 25% 이상) 은행은 설립과정에 있는 회사에 이러한 결제 목적으로 예치계좌를 개설할 수 있고, 이 계좌는 회사의 정식 등록과 함께 일반 계좌로 바꿀 수 있다. 국가법원 등기부에 등록이 되면, 회사는 등록번호를 받고 정식법인이 된다. 한 편, 매출이 5만 즈워티(약 14,000 유로)를 초과할 것으로 추정되는 회사는 세무서 에 부가가치세 송금업체(VAT remitter)로 등록되어야 한다. 52 •• 다. 지사 설립 절차 한국에서 준비할 서류는 사업자등록증, 정관, 폴란드에 사무소를 설립하고 그 사 무소가 폴란드 법을 따를 것이라고 결정한 이사회의 결의서 등이다. 이러한 서류들 을 영어로 번역하여 공증 후 폴란드 대사관의 확인(스탬프)을 받아야 하며, 추후 영 어본을 다시 폴란드어로 번역(공인번역사)하고 공증받아야 한다. 지사를 설립하는데는 행정당국으로부터 특별한 허가가 필요하지 않다. 외국 기업 가는 폴란드 내 지사를 등록하기 위해서 신청서와 함께 다음 사항들을 첨부해야 한 다. 등록 절차는 비교적 간단하나, 자료 작성을 폴란드어로 해야 하므로 현지 법률 사무소를 이용하면 편리하다. - 지사에서 외국 기업을 대표하도록 위임받은 사람의 폴란드 내 이름 및 주소 공개 - 외국 기업을 대표하도록 위임받은 사람의 공증된 서명 첨부 - 정관 사본과 공증된 폴란드어 번역본 첨부 등 지사는 폴란드 회계법 규정과 합치하도록 폴란드어로 별도의 장부를 유지해야 하 고, 사실적인 또는 법적인 변경사항이 있을 경우에는 14일 이내에 이를 당국에 통 보해야 하는 등의 의무를 가진다. 지사는 현지법인과 마찬가지로 법원에 등기 신청을 한 후, 중앙통계국에 REGON 번호(일종의 사업자등록증), 관할 세무소에 납세자 번호(NIP)를 신청해야 한다. 지사 는 본사의 이름에 "branch in Poland"를 추가하여 등록된다. 지사의 경우 유한책임 회사와 마찬가지로 회계감사의 의무는 없으나, 장부 기록은 잘 유지해 두어야 한다. 라. 현지법인(유한책임회사)과 지사의 비교 [표 4-2] 구 분 권한의 범위 권한 측면에서 현지법인과 지사 간 비교 현지법인 지사 비고 (지사) 제한 없음 제한적 - 현지 계약 - 가능 - 원칙상 불가 - 위임장으로 계약 대리행위 가능 - 인보이스 발행 - 가능 - 원칙상 불가 - 원칙상 본사 발행 법인세 납부 납부치 않음 - 폴란드 발생소득에 대 해 과세될 수 있음 자본금 최소자본금 요건 없음 철수 관련 청산절차 간편 (신고로 가능) •• 53 - 지사는 영업활동에 제한이 있는데 생산, 용역 등 활동은 원칙적으로 할 수 없 음. 또한, 지사는 법적으로 계약행위를 못하게 되어 있음(원칙상 모든 행위의 주체는 본사가 됨). - 단, 위임장(power of attorney)을 가지고, 계약대리행위를 하는 경우가 있으나, 여기에는 리스크가 있다는 현지 회계사의 의견임. 3. 입찰제도 (정부조달제도) 가. 조달법규 폴란드의 조달관련 기본법은 공공조달법(The Act of 29 JAN 2004 Public Procurement Law)으로 2004년 3월 발효되었다. 이후 2006년 4월, 2007년 4 월 및 2008년 9월에 복잡다단한 정부조달 및 입찰제도의 간소화와 능률 제 고를 위해 조달법이 개정, 발효되었다. EU 차원에서는 EU 조달 지침(Directive 2004/18/EC 및 Directive 2004/17/EC) 이 있다. 나. 조달 발주부서 조달 발주기관, 즉 물품, 서비스 또는 건설공사를 구매할 때 공공조달제도를 이용 할 의무가 있는 기관으로는 중앙 및 지방정부를 비롯하여 공기관, 공기업, 단체 등 이 있다. 공공조달법은 중앙 및 지방정부 이외의 발주처를 “public law entity" 라는 규정 하는데 이는 공공의 이익 충족을 위해 설립되고, 중앙, 지방정부 또는 여타 공기관 에서 50% 이상 출자받는 기관이나 단체를 말한다. 다. 조달시장 구조 폴란드 정부조달시장은 다음과 같이 3개 분야로 구성된다. - 물품조달 부문 (supplies) - 서비스 부문 (services) - 건설공사 부문 (works) 54 •• 최근 조달시장 구조는 변화하고 있다. 즉, 전체 조달시장(금액 기준)에서 건설공사 분야의 비중이 증가세를 보이는 반면, 물품조달과 서비스 분야는 감소하고 있는 상 황이다. 특히, 2008년 금액기준으로 건설공사 부문이 전체 조달시장 금액 291억 즈 워티(PLN)의 47%를 차지했다. [표 4-3] 폴란드 조달시장의 구조 구 분 2008년 2007년 물품조달 부문 26% 23% 건설공사 부문 47% 51% 서비스 부문 27% 26% 주: 건수로는 물품조달 54%, 서비스 43%, 건설공사 3% 순서임(2008년) 자료원: 폴란드 조달청 라. 조달 및 입찰 절차 ○ 입찰 정보 획득 2007년 6월 공공조달법 개정시행에 따라 1만 4천 유로 미만의 조달은 입찰을 거 칠 필요가 없게 된다(종전 6천 유로). 중앙당국 발주의 경우 13만 3천 유로(지방당국 발주시 20만 6천 유로) 이상의 입 찰은 정부조달관보(PPB: Public Procurement Bulletin)에 공고하게 되어 있다. 관보 는 정부 간행물 판매점에서 구입하거나 정기구독이 가능하다. 또한 폴란드 조달청 웹사이트(www.uzp.gov.pl)에도 입찰이 공고되는데 책자 발간일에 게시된다. 인터넷 판 관보가 편리하고 비용도 들지 않아 최근 들어 인기가 상승하는 추세이다. 또한, 일정 금액 이상의 입찰은 EU 관보(Official Journal)에도 함께 공고된다. ○ 입찰 참가 자격 입찰 참가주체(‘Economic Operator")는 개인, 법인 또는 단체(非법인)가 될 수 있 으나, 업체(법인)가 대부분을 차지한다. 한 업체가 단독 참여하거나 다수 업체가 컨 소시움을 구성하여 참여할 수 있다. 통상 발주처가 입찰을 공고할 때 참가 요건도 같이 명시한다. 특정 분야에서의 사업경험 또는 EU 기금을 활용한 프로젝트 실행경험 등과 같은 요건이 요구될 수 있다. 입찰에 참가하기 위한 일반적인 자격으로는 ▶주어진 사업을 수행하기 위한 허가 •• 55 보유(법규에서 이를 의무로 규정할 경우), ▶필요한 노우하우, 전문지식, 기술력 및 스탭을 가지고 있을 것, ▶사업 수행을 보장할 수 있는 경제적/재정적 상태에 있어 야 할 것 등이다. ※ 과거 폴란드 교육부에서 실시하는 학교용 PC 입찰에 참여하기 위한 요건과 구 비서류는 다음과 같음. - 참가 요건 : 관련지식 보유, 건전한 재정상태, 과거 PC/노트북 공급 경력 보유(주변 기기 포함), 기타 결격사유 없을 것 등 - 구비서류 : 회사 등록증, 납세관련 문제가 없다는 증명서, 은행 신용 증명서(최소 100만 PLN - 약 3억원), 과거 계약실적 등 → 외국 기업의 경우 여기에다 자국에서 발급한 無파산 증명서, 입찰참여에 법적 결격사유가 없다는 증명서, 관련 공인번역 문 등을 제시해야 함. ○ 입찰 절차 ① 관보에 입찰 공고 - 폴란드 정부조달관보(PPB), 조달청 웹사이트(www.uzp.gov.pl) - 일정 금액 이상은 EU 관보에도 공고 - 발주처는 명세서(specification)에 발주할 서비스, 공사 및 물품에 대한 모든 중요한 요소를 명시해야 함. ② 입찰 참가 신청 및 접수 - 입찰 신청서와 기타 구비서류(회사 등록증, 납세 증명서, 은행 신용 증명서, 과거 계약실적 + 외국 업체의 경우 無파산 증명서, 관련 법적 결격사유 없다 는 증명서 등 추가)를 제출 - 신청서와 구비서류는 발주처에 마감시간 전까지 도착해야 함. ③ 낙찰자 선정 및 결과 공고 - 발주처는 명세서에 나타난 선정기준에 의거, 최상의 오퍼(best offer)를 선정 - 최저가 낙찰이 일반적이나, 가격이 항상 가장 중요한 기준이 되는 것은 아님 - 가격이 지나치게 낮을 경우 발주처는 응찰자에게 사유를 요청할 수 있고, 충 분한 설명이 없으면, 동 오퍼를 거부하게 되어 있음. ④ 계약서(agreement) 작성 - 서면으로 작성 56 •• - 계약의 기간을 한정해야 함. 기간을 한정하지 않을 수 있는 예외로는 상수 공 급 또는 하수 처리, 전력, 가스 공급을 위한 프로젝트가 있음. - 발주처는 계약 불이행에 대비하여 보증을 요구할 수 있음. ○ 입찰경쟁방식 입찰 방식으로는 공개입찰(open), 제한입찰(restricted), 지명입찰(negotiated), 단독 입찰(single) 등이 있다. 우선순위는 공개입찰과 제한입찰에 주어지는데 이는 발주처 가 대부분 경우에 아무런 조건 없이 이 2가지 방식중 하나를 이용할 수 있음을 의 미한다. 반면, 지명입찰, 단독입찰 등은 조달법에 규정된 특별한 조건을 만족할 때 만 선택할 수 있다. ▶ 공개경쟁입찰(Open tendering) : 관심 있는 업체는 누구나 발주처가 공고한 입 찰에 참가 가능 ▶ 제한입찰(Restircted tendering) : 공고된 입찰에 참가를 희망하는 업체중에서 발주처가 오퍼를 제출하도록 초청한 업체 만 입찰에 참여 가능 ▶ 공고 지명입찰(Negotiated procedure with publication) : 입찰 공고 후 발주처 가 재량으로 선정한 업체들과 계약 조건 등에 대해 협상하고, 오퍼를 제출하 도록 초청함. ▶ 非공고 지명입찰(Negotiated procedure without publication) : 발주처가 재량 으로 선정한 업체들과 계약 조건에 대해 협상하고, 오퍼를 제출하도록 초청함. 공고가 없음. ▶ 단독입찰(Single-source procurement) : 발주처가 단 1개 업체와 협상한 후 오 더를 내는 방식 ○ 이의신청제도 발주처가 조달법에 규정된 의무를 위반할 경우 참가업체는 이의를 신청할 수 있 다. 이의신청은 법규에 위반된 행위가 나타난 날부터 7일 이내에 하게 되어 있다. 발주처는 다른 참가업체에게 이의신청이 제기되었음을 알려야 한다. 발주처는 이의신청 접수일부터 5일 내에 검토하고 결과를 통보해야 한다. 그러 나, 발주처가 규정된 시한까지 검토 의견을 주지 않으면, 이는 발주처가 이의를 기 각한 것으로 간주된다. •• 57 이의신청 진행 과정에서 발주처는 이의가 최종적으로 해결될 때까지 어떠한 계약 도 체결할 수 없다. 최종 해결이란 이의절차를 끝맺는 결정 또는 중재인 패널의 판 정 또는 법원의 결정을 의미한다. 참가업체는 만족스럽지 않은 이의 결정에 대해 조달청장에게 항소할 수 있음. 조 달청장은 이를 중재인 패널에게 넘기고 패널은 15일내 판정을 내리게 된다. 중재인 패널의 판정에 불복시 해당 업체는 7일내 법원에 소송을 제기할 수 있다. 보다 자세한 EU차원의 정부조달 제도 및 관련 정보는 EU집행위 정부조달 포탈 사이트인 SIMAP(http://simap.europa.eu)에서 열람이 가능한다. 동 사이트는 조달 관련 제반 법규, 해설서, 법규 제.개정 동향, 입찰서 작성시 필요한 조달품목 분류 코드, 신규 입찰정보 등을 담고 있다. 58 •• 4. 세제 가. 법인세 (CIT; Corporate Income Tax) 폴란드는 외국인투자 촉진 등을 위해 2004년 1월부터 법인세율을 19%로 인하했 다. 과세대상 소득은 과세연도(tax year)에 벌어들인 모든 수익의 총합에서 공제대상 비 용, 추가적인 특정비용(예컨대 공제대상 기부금 등)을 차감한 소득이며, 이것이 과세 표준 산출의 기본이 된다. 본사가 폴란드에 있는 회사는 폴란드를 포함한 전역에서 발생한 소득이 법인세 대상이 되며, 본사가 해외에 있는 법인은 이중과세방지협정 에서 달리 규정하지 않을 경우 폴란드에서 발생한 소득이 법인세 대상이 된다. 법인세의 과세체계를 단순하게 표현하면 "총수익 - [공제대상 비용 + 이월결손금 (5년내) + 소득공제액]"으로 나타낼 수 있다. 공제대상비용은 일반적으로 수익을 창출하는데 들어간 비용인데 주된 항목은 다 음과 같다. - 각종 경비: 원자재 구입,에너지 사용, 수송비 등 - 종업원 급여 및 사회보장세 - 감가상각 - 리스 비용 - R&D 비용 - 공제 가능 기부금 등 공제가 되지 않는 비용(비공제 비용)의 주된 항목들은 다음과 같다. - 고정자산 취득, 창출 또는 개선을 위한 지출 - 벌과금 - 주식, 채권 구입비 - 일부 기부금 및 선물 구입비 - 수익의 0.25%를 초과하는 광고 선전비 - 회원가입비: 가입이 의무사항이 아닐 경우 고정자산과 무형자산은 감가상각 공제의 대상이 된다. 자산의 가액이 3,500 PLN 이하일 경우에는 취득시점에서 전액 상각 또는 임의의 상각률 적용이 가능하다. 토 지와 같은 특정한 자산은 감가상각의 대상이 되지 않는다. 주요 자산에 대한 감가 •• 59 상각률 (depreciation rate)은 다음과 같다. - 건물: 1.5% - 10% - 사무기기: 14% - 컴퓨터: 30% - 자동차: 20% - 플랜트 및 기계: 5% - 20% 한편, 배당금, 이자, 로열티 등에 대해서는 원천징수세가 적용되며, 과세방식은 다 음과 같다. ▶ 배당금에 대한 과세: 폴란드에 적을 둔 법인의 이익 분배를 통한 소득(배당 소 득 등)에 대해서는 19%의 세율로 과세된다. 이 세금은 원천징수되며 배당금을 지급하는 회사에 의해 송금된다. ▶ 이자, 로열티, 무형서비스에 대한 과세: 일반적으로 이자는 소득이면서 공제대 상 비용으로 간주된다. 즉, 이자는 채무자에게는 공제대상 비용이 되며 채권자 에게는 과세대상 소득이 되는 것이다. 이중과세방지협정 등에서 별도로 규정 하지 않으면, 해외에 있는 법인에 지급되는 이자는 20%의 원천징수의 대상이 된다. 로열티와 무형서비스(컨설팅, 회계, 시장조사, 법률서비스 등)의 경우에 도 20%의 원천징수가 적용된다. 개정 법인세법(2004. 11.18)은 이자와 로열티 에 대한 원천징수 세율의 점진적인 인하를 규정하고 있는데 구체적으로는 2005. 7.1 - 2009. 6.30중 10%, 2009. 7.1 - 2013. 6.30중 5%, 2013. 7.1일 이후 면제로 되어 있다. 폴란드는 한국과 이중과세방지협정을 체결했으며, 이에 따라 배당, 이자, 로열티 에 대한 원천징수 세율은 낮아지게 된다. 협정에 의거, 한국에 대한 원천징수 세율 은 현재 배당금 5/10%(수혜업체가 지급업체의 지분 10% 이상 보유시 5% 적용), 이 자 0/10%(정부/지방기관, 중앙은행에 지급시 0% 적용), 로열티 10%로 되어 있다. 나. 개인소득세 (PIT; Personal Income Tax) 폴란드 개인소득세법에 의하면, 개인은 유한 또는 무한 조세 책임을 갖게 된다. 특정 개인의 조세 지위(tax status)는 개인이 폴란드에 '거주지'(place of residence) 를 갖고 있는지 여부에 달려 있다. 폴란드에 거주지가 없는 개인(주로 외국인 임)은 비거주자로 인식되어 유한책임 납세자가 되며, 폴란드에서 발생한 소득에 대해서만 과세된다. 반면, 거주지가 있는 개인(주로 내국인 임)은 거주자로 인식되어 무한책임 납세자가 되며, 폴란드를 포함한 전역에서 발생한 소득이 과세 대상이 된다. 60 •• 일반적으로 개인이 받는 모든 소득이 과세대상 소득이 되는데 소득에서 공제되는 사항은 다음과 같다. - 기부금(자연인에 대한 기부는 제외, 2005년부터 소득의 6%까지 인정) - 폴란드 사회보장제도 관련 납부금 - 거주지에서 인터넷 사용비(2005년부터 연간 760 PLN까지 인정) 등 [표 4-5] 개인소득세 세율 (2009년 기준) 과세대상 소득 세 율 85,528 PLN 미만 소득의 18% 빼기 556.02 PLN 85,528 PLN 초과 14,839.02 PLN + 85,528 PLN 초과분의 32% 자료원: Doing Business in Poland, ERNST&YOUNG 또한, 과세액에서 공제(possible tax deduction)가 가능한 사항은 다음과 같다. - 폴란드 건강보험에 납부한 보험료(건강보험 산출표준의 7.75%까지) - 자선단체에 대한 헌금 (최종 과세액의 1%까지) 등 다. 부가가치세 (VAT) 폴란드의 EU 가입에 따라 부가세(VAT) 관련규정은 EU 규정에 기반하고 있다. EU 가입 후 부가세의 범위가 크게 확장되었고 EU 회원국과의 수출입은 역내 (intra-community) 공급 및 인수로 대체되었다. 부가세(VAT, Tax on goods and services)는 폴란드에서 물품과 서비스의 판매에 부과되는 광범위한 조세이다. 법인은 연간 매출이 5만 즈워티(약 14,000유로)를 초과 하면, 부가세 대상업체로 등록되어야 한다. 부가세의 기본세율은 22% 이며, 대부분의 물품과 서비스에 적용된다. 단, 일부 제 품이나 서비스에는 부가세율이 인하되어('reduced VAT rate') 과세되는데 그 내용은 다음 표와 같다. •• 61 [표 4-6] 물품/서비스별 부가세율 현황 세율 22% 물품 및 서비스 - 기본세율, 대부분 품목에 적용 - 일부 식품 - 약품 및 보건관련제품 - 일부 아동용품 7% - 호텔 및 케이터링(catering) 서비스 - 건설 및 주택관련 보수 서비스 - 일부 수송 서비스 - 도시 서비스(상수, 하수처리, 도로 유지 등) - 비료 0% - EU 역내 물품 공급, 제품 수출, 일부 국제운송 서비스 및 관련 서비스 - 일부 서적 및 잡지, 특정 선박 및 항공기용 일부 물품 자료원: How To do business, 폴란드 투자청/Deloitte Poland 부가세 납부대상 등록회사는 구입시 지불된 부가세(input VAT)를 매출시 징수된 부가세(output VAT)에서 공제하고 그 차액을 관할 세무서에 납부하게 된다. 부가세 납부업체 사이의 거래는 부가세 송장(VAT invoice)으로 처리되어야 한다. 등록된 부가세 납부업체는 매월 부가세 신고서를 관할 세무서에 제출해야 하며, 부가세 관 련 구매 및 판매 기록을 유지해야 한다. 수출기업은 수출통관 후 수출용 원자재에 부과된 부가세 환급을 요청할 수 있다. 또, 과도하게 지불된 구입 부가세(input)도 환급이 가능하다. 부가세 환급은 최대 180일 내에 이루어지게 되어 있다. 라. 기타 조세 지방세(Local tax)에는 부동산세, 차량세(트럭과 버스에만 부과됨), 증여세, 산림세 등이 있다. 지방자치체에서 이러한 세금들에 대한 세율을 정하도록 되어 있으나, 의 회나 재무부 명령에서 정한 최고치를 초과할 수는 없다. 인지세(Stamp duty)는 행 정행위 등에 부과되는데 여기에는 공적인 신청, 공적 행위, 증명서, 허가 등이 포함 된다. 62 •• Ⅴ. 분야별 유망 프로젝트 •• 63 Ⅴ. 분야별 유망 프로젝트 1. 요약 현재 우리 기업의 참여 가능성이 가장 높은 폴란드 주요 프로젝트는 OPIE 프로 그램에 속한 프로젝트, 즉 인프라 및 환경분야 프로젝트라고 판단된다. OPIE는 총사업비가 279억 유로로 폴란드 OP 중 가장 크고, 프로젝트도 다양하다. 인프라(도로, 철도, 항만, 공항 건설 및 현대화), 환경(상하수 플랜트 건설 및 현대 화 등) 분야는 우리 업계가 풍부한 경험과 경쟁력 보유하고 있다고 평가받고 있다. 이에 따라 OPIE에 포함된 인프라, 환경 및 에너지 분야의 주요 프로젝트와 바르 샤바 KBC가 조사한 프로젝트를 다음 표와 같이 정리했다. 보다 세부적인 정보는 Ⅴ-2~6절에서 확인할 수 있다. ① 에너지 발전 분야 프로젝트 프로젝트 명 총사업비 (백만유로) 수행기간 사업시행기관 (준비기한포함) (발주처) Construction of third interconnector link between 442 2008~2015 450 2012~2014 Poland and Lithuania Pipeline Brody-Plock oil from possibility of extension to Gdansk or in PSE Operator SA-LitPol LINK MPR Sarmatia Sp. Zoo the direction of West City of Lodz Geothermal Station- Lodz 54 2009~2013 Department) and University of Lodz Wind Power Kamieńsk Wind powerpark overview and renewable (Water Management 32 N/A Kamieńsk Sp.zo.o. sources of natural energy •• 65 Polygeneration Power Plant with CO2 Capture Demonstration Project - 1,091 2009~2015 PKE Tauron KEDZIERZYN Installation for capturing and storing carbon dioxide-PGE Power Plant Bełchatów Construction of Coal Powerplant Wroclaw Biodegradation Plant Termal waste utilization plant for City of Bydgoszcz 2010~2015 2 2009~2015 7 2010~2012 City of Wroclaw utilization plant-Olsztyn Bełchatów S.A. RWE Elektrownia Czeczott Sp. z o.o. City of Torun and 100 2008~2012 city of Bydgoszcz and City of Torun Construction of the waste PGE Elektrownia 180 commune Zaklad Gospodarki 129 2008~2012 Odpadami Komunalnymi Sp zoo w Olsztynie Construction of the thermal waste utilization 70 2009~2013 Koszalin commune plant-Koszalin ② 환경 분야 프로젝트 프로젝트 명 Complex flood security for GDANSK 총사업비 (백만유로) 121 수행기간 사업시행기관 (준비기한포함) (발주처) 2009~2015 City of Gdansk Miejskie The system of waste water transfer from Warsaw to the 64 2009~2013 Sewage Treatment Czajka. Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji Modernization and expansion Waste water Treatment Plant 45 2008~2011 City of Piotrkow Piotrków Trybunalski Przedsiębiorstwo Management of wastewater Barycz River 34 2009~2013 Gospodarki Komunalnej''Dolina Baryczy" Sp.zoo Water Treatment-In the 66 •• 53 2008~2013 Toruńskie agglomeration of Torun Stage II Developing and modernization of system of water supply and discharge plant in Lublin Waste wate treatment for Żywiecczyzna region Phase II Underground Water protection in Kilece agglomeration Construction and modernization water treatment system in Belchatow Waste economy in Łódż City Organic Waste Incineration Plant in Krakow Solution of problem sofwaste economy in Warsaw - Phase I Waste Management-Bialystok Waste management in Gdansk Waste management in Tricity Waste management (including two thermal plants) for cities of Upper Silesia Metropolitan Area Waste management economy for the City of Poznan Thermal waste utylisation in Szczecinski Obszar Metropolitarny Improvment of water and sewage system in Bielsko-Biała city Wodociągi Sp. Zo.o. 122 Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo 2009~2013 Wodociągów I Kanalizacjiw Lublinie Sp. Z o.o. 176 Zwiazek 2007~2013 Miedzygminny ds. Ekologii w Zywcu 157 2009~2013 32 165 176 Wodociagi Kieleckie Sp. Zoo Zaklad Wodociagow I Kanalizacji 2008~2011 „WOD-KAN’’ Sp. Zoo 2010~2013 City of Lodz Krakowski Holding Komunalny Spółka 2010~2014 Akcyjna w Krakowie 133 2011~2014 City 103 148 2008~2015 City of Bialystok Zaklad Utylizacyjny 2008~2011 SP. Zoo w Gdansku Zakład Utylizacyjny 2012~2015 Sp.zo.o. w Gdańsku 270 2012~2014 160 2008~2013 City of Poznan 75 2011~2012 Commute of the City of Szczecin 42 2009~2012 AQUA S.A. BIELSKO-BIALA 82 of Warsaw Upper Silesia Metropolitan Union •• 67 ③ 교통 운송 분야 프로젝트 프로젝트 명 Second Subway Line in Warsaw-construction of the central part of line II together with purchasing carriages Rapid Rail Metropolitan in Bydgoszcz-TorunareaBit-City Preparation for construction high-speed lines Development of Management of Air Traffic Control-Management of polish Air navigation system Airport in Gdańsk-construction of a second passenger terminal, together with the infrastructure and the development and modernization of airport infrastructure and port Developmen tand modernization of Katowice Airport Infrastructure Development of the passenger’s terminal at Krakow airport Modernization of Airport infrastructure-Warsaw Modernization and development of the Wrorclaw airport Modernization and development of Infrastructure at Poznan airport CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD BRIDGE IN TORUŃ ALONG WITH APPROACH ROADS 68 •• 총사업비 수행기간 (백만유로) (준비기한포함) 사업시행기관 (발주처) 1192 Metro Warszawskie 2007~2013 Sp.z o.o. and City of Warsaw 221 City of Torun, City of Bydgoszcz, City 2009~2013 of Solec Kujawsk I PKPS.A., PKP PLK S.A. 73 2010~2015 PKP PLK S.A. 188 2007~2015 PolskaAgencjaZeglu gi Powietrznej 109 2009~2012 Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp.z.o.o. 104 2010~2014 GTL S.A. 96 2011~2013 MPL Krakow Balice 125 2008~2012 PPL 78 2009~2011 PL Wroclaw SA 99 2008~2012 PL Poznan- Lawica 155 2009~2012 City of Torun ④ 통신 분야 프로젝트 프로젝트 명 WiMax network Optical fibre line to connect East and West Poland 총사업비 (백만유로) 수행기간 사업시행기관 (준비기한포함) (발주처) 18 2008~2011 EXATEL SA 300 2008~2011 HAWE S.A Minister of Regional Broadband Internet in Eastern Poland 307 2008~2015 Development in cooperation with 5 Provinces of Eastern Poland Building a framework network in Dolnośląskie Province (Województwo Dolnośląskie 40 N/A Province (Województwo Dolnośląskie) Dolnośląskie) Regional broadband Podlaskie Province telecommunications network 13 2009-2012 in Podlaskie Province Podlaskie) Wielkopolskie Broadband networks in Wielkopolskie Province 12 2009-2012 (Województwo Wielkopolskie) 18 N/A (Województwo Lubuskie) Internet for Mazowieckie Mazowieckie) (Województwo Lubuskie Province (Województwo Lubuskie) Province (Województwo Province Wielkopolskie) BroadbandInternet in Lubuskie Province (Województwo 125 N/A Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A. •• 69 ⑤ 기타 분야 프로젝트 프로젝트 명 총사업비 (백만유로) 수행기간 사업시행기관 (준비기한포함) (발주처) Constructing a new building for the Museum of Polish 87 N/A 73 N/A 41 2009-n/a 18 2009-n/a History in Warsaw Constructing the European Solidarity Center building in Museum of Polish History City of Gdańsk Gdańsk Constructing a new building for the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra City of Katowice Katowice Building the Center of Innovation and Advanced Technologies at Lublin Lublin University of Technology University of Technology Building the Convention Center in Lublin Lubelskie Province 22 2009-n/a (Województwo Lubelskie) Building the “Geo centrum” Research and Education Complex at the Wrocław 25 2009-n/a 41 2009-n/a 26 2009-n/a 19 2009-n/a 47 2009-n/a University of Technology Building the Aircraft Propulsion Research and Development Center Extending the Wrocław Opera building and Wrocław University of Technology WSK “PZL Rzeszów” S.A. Wrocław Opera constructing a summer stage Building a Biotechnology Research and Educational Center at the University of University of Wrocław Wrocław Modernizing and developing the infrastructure of the Kielce International Exhibition and Convention Center 70 •• Targi Kielce sp. z o.o. 2. 에너지 발전 1. Construction of third interconnector link between Poland and Lithuania. 1.1. Project Owner Name PSE Operator SA-LitPol LINK Activity Join stock company Address ul. Warszawska 165 , 05-520 Konstancin-Jeziorna WWW www.pse-operator.pl Contact Name Maryla Kukulka Position Manager of the Investment Department Department Investment Department Duty Manage of investmants Tel 022 242 25 88 Email 1.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location financing approximately 61 percent costs of establishing the Polish-Lithuanian electricity bridge should be in the form of grants to finance the European Union and other international financial institutions. The cost of the work in preparing the construction of power lines was estimated at 29 million, to modernize a power plant in Lithuania and Estonia would have cost 30 million, and upgrading of electricity networks in Poland and Lithuania and to prepare for their calls - 70 million for Lithuania, own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 1767,50 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 683,38 Period of a project 2008-2015 Estimated date of announcing tender End of 2009 •• 71 1.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: LitPol Link Sp. z o.o. was established by the Lithuanian and Polish Transmission System Operators (respectively Lietuvos Energija AB and PSE-Operator S.A.) as a Project Development Company to prepare Investment Plan of both countries energy networks connection. The subject of Polish Power Grid Operator SA services as the transmission of electricity, while maintaining the required safety criteria of the National Power System (NPS). Technological Overview: National electricity system consists of three subsystems: - generationofelectricity, electricity-transmissionnetworkofhighvoltageelectricity, - distributionandsupplyofelectricitydistributionnetworks,high,medium andlowtensions. Substations and transmission lines of the Polish National Power System 750 kV, 450 kV, 400 kV, 220 kV 72 •• Analysis of the sector: Selected Polish electricity market model belongs to a group of decentralized models. Decentralized market is a competitive game, not only among his players, but also between the segments and in different time perspectives. With the establishment and development aspirations of the Community in Europe there is also a need for a common and single European energy market. Historical circumstances the formation of national electricity system, unfortunately, led to many difficulties in the process of call transmission systems into a single European system. As a result, the advantages of a common European system are naturally limited. Restrictions arising from the differences between connecting systems, and due to lack of adequate interconnection. •• 73 This project is of great importance in the context of improving the adequacy and safety of the National Power System. This combination is essential for mutual energy trade between the Polish and the Baltic States. It will also be crucial for the Baltic States to participate fully in the Internal Energy Market (LEM). From the perspective of Polish foreign policy, the decision to build the connection will benefit the Polish relations with Lithuania, which for years has sought to obtain the possibility of access to the European transmission system. The project will also strengthen mutual economic relations between countries, especially in the energy sector, which will allow for successful integration of Lithuania and other Baltic States into the EU energy market and will provide a good example of regional cooperation in the EU. Impact on environment: Operation of transmission and distribution systems, mainly overhead lines high voltage, may cause some disturbance to the environment. Work-related to overhead lines electricity, should be in the presence of electromagnetic field around the line, noise and radio interference. Project model: It will consist of electricity lines and 400 kV transformer station, target of 1000 MW capacity, located on the Lithuanian side. Poland Lithuania has entered the list of projects that are essential for Europe guidelines for trans-European energy networks (TEN-E). The project is strategic in nature in 74 •• terms of socio-economic development of the country and is consistent with the second strategic priority: Improving technical and social infrastructure, the third goal horizontal framework: Construction and Modernization of technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for growth and competitiveness of the Polish goal Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program: Ensuring long-term safety of Polish energy supply through diversification, reducing the energy intensity of economy and development of renewable energy sources. Project will have an impact on achieving Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program index on the length of the network and power Polish electricity transmission system in cross-border mergers with EU countries. The project has impact on improving energy security in Poland especially in the north-east. It has a very large importance for the whole country. The project to build the Power connection between Poland and Lithuania that will cover 400 kV of lines between Elk - Alytus, plus the line that will allow its inclusion into the National Power System. In the case of a final decision on the project, the connection could be launched around 2015. Feasibility survey: conducted Scope of the investment: Lithuania, Poland and Baltic Countries Arrange Area: Northern Poland+ Southern Lithuania 2. Pipeline Brody-Plock oil from possibility of extension to Gdansk or in the direction of West 2.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact MPR Sarmatia Sp. zoo Government owned company ul. Wyszogrodzka 133, 09 – 410 Płock www.pern.com.pl Name Sławomir Stachowicz Position Director of Economy Department Board of Directors Duty Projects management Tel 22 50-40-770 Email •• 75 2.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Brody-Plock financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 1800,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 495,00 2012-2014 2012 2.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: MPR Sarmatia Sp. z oo - The task of this company is to carry out the necessary economic - financial and technical analysis of the feasibility of the project to build a new oil transport corridor Odessa - Brody - Płock - Gdańsk. Since 2002, PERN "Friendship" SA transports also, in addition to Russian oil and other species to be supplied by sea through Naftoport, Polish raw material mined in the vicinity of Dębna. Domestic crude oil will be sent to the western section of the Druzhba pipeline in the direction of Germany. In addition to oil PERN Przyjazn SA builts and operates the pipelines of finished products that run with PKN Orlen SA in three directions: Plock - Bydgoszcz - Poznan, Plock Warsaw and Plock - Czestochowa. Fuel are transported them traction with the largest Polish refinery storage of up to six bases located in Mosciska, Emilianow, Nowa Wies Wielka, Rejowcu, Koluszki and Boronowie. The first one (Plock Koluszki) was put into service in 1968. Two years later the first section of the route to Warsaw (Plock - Mościska) was built. In 1975, the pipeline is extended to the Mościska Emilianów. In 1983 to the fuel pipeline segment Bydgoszcz (Plock - New Country United) was made. In 1992, extended further towards Czestochowa Boronowo pipeline to Plock - Koluszki. Currently, together with fuelpipes szstem company operates approximately 2500 kilometers of pipelines. 76 •• In 2002, PERN"Friendship" SAIII threads have started building the Druzhba pipeline to the East section. Inmid-2005 to ensure national energy security PERNPrzyjazn SA, acquired a controlling stake in the company Naftoport Technological Overview: In general the infrastructure of PERN „Przyjazn” SA constitutes of three main section of pipelines: East Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline spans a storage depot in Adamowo, situated on the border with Belarus with a storage depot in Płock. This section is the most important one in the Polish system of oil transport. This section carries oil for the biggest Polish refinery PKN ORLEN SA and indirectly reaches for the remaining clients of PERN Przyjazn SA. East Section reaches a nominal capacity of 43 million tons of oil a year. In order to meet the demand for the company’s services, PERN is currently using a substance reducing hydraulic drag which enables them to pump more oil than it was specified in the technical design. New technologies allow for a periodical increase of capacity in the East Section up to 50 million tons per year. Western Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline connects a storage depot in Płock with an oil storage depot situated in Schwedt. This section of the network carries oil for the two German refineries: PCK Raffinerie GmbH Schwedt and Mittledeutche Erdoel-Raffinerie GmbH in Spergau. The Western Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline reaches the capacity of 27 million tons of oil per year. Pomorski Pipeline links the Storage Depot in Płock with a Handling Site in Gdansk. This is the route for the Russian oil destined for the refinery in Gdansk, which belongs to LOTOS SA Group and also for export through Naftoport. The Pomorski pipeline can transport oil in two directions. From Gdanskto Płock its capacity equals 30million tons of oil per year and in the opposite direction 20million tons of oil per year. Currently the company is investing into increasing the capacity of East Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline. Thanks to this investment it will be possible to optimize the remaining sections of the pipeline and also transit possibilities through Poland will grow. Analysis of the sector: The pipelines belonging to PERN "Przyjazn" SA play an important link of the Central European oil system Druzba, which is considered one of the biggest in the world. Apart form Poland, it supplies oil to •• 77 other Central and Eastern European countries like Belarus, the Ukraine, Lithuania, Latvia, Hungary, Slovakia, the Czech Republic and Germany. The Polish stretch of the pipeline plays a significant role in export of Russian crude oil. Currently it carries about 30 pc of all crude exported by Russia. Only part of this oil remains in Poland for the use of Polish refineries. The remaining lot of oil flowing through the system reaches German recipients and Naftoportin Gdansk where it is loaded onto tanker-ships and transported further to the final recipients. Impact on environment: A fault-free operation of the system requires a particular care given of to the storage tanks. A few years ago PERN Przyjazn SA started its extensive program of modernization of the tanks, which is currently approaching its completion. The storage tanks modernization program 78 •• included among other things also tightening of the floating roofs with the use of cutting edge technologies. The effectiveness of the new kind of sealing is by 90% higher than the one used before. Thanks to that, about 2 thousand tons of vapors a year can be stopped from emitting. This achievement was one of those which in 2000 got PERN Przyjazn SA the certificate of ‘The Company of Clean Production’ awarded by Federation of Scientific Technical Associations. Pro-environmental activities of the company make progress not only in the area of protecting the atmosphere against the emission of hydrocarbons. PERN Przyjazn SA is also very active in soil and water protection. Water from the areas of storage depots and pump stations is sent through modern water-treatment plants. The company uses biotechnology to utilize industrial contamination. Investments by PERN Przyjazn SA also concentrate on reduction of noise made by the pumps. Here, special noise absorbing isolation screens have been used. In 2004 at the International Eco Fairs POLEKO the company was awarded with ‘Pantheon of Polish Ecology’. The prize is granted to those companies who developed and introduced the systems of environmental management conforming with the requirements specified in ISO 14001. Project model: The project involves the extension of the Odessa-Brody pipeline to Plock. Construction of the pipeline is crucial in context of the diversification of oil supplies to the Polish. Odessa - Brody - Plock provide Polish refineries, oil supplies coming from the region Caspian Sea and will allow the transit of crude oil by Gdańsk or toward Germany. The project is strategic in nature in terms of country's economic and social development and is consistent with Shah Rukh the second strategic priority, "Improving technical infrastructure and social cohesion ', the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to Infrastructure and environment Operational program: "Ensuring long-term safety Polish energy supply through diversification, reducing the energy intensity of economy and development renewable energy sources. " Project has a very large significance for the entire country. Project will have an impact on achieving Priority indicator of product X Infrastructure and environment Operational program on the length of newly-built pipelines; product and quantity imported crude oil transported by new pipeline. Scope of the investment: The Western Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline reaches the capacity of 27 million tons of oil per year. From Gdansk to Płock its •• 79 capacity equals 30 million tons of oil per year and in the opposite direction 20 million tons of oil per year. Currently the company is investing into increasing the capacity of East Section of the ‘Przyjazn’ pipeline. Thanks to this investment it will be possible to optimize the remaining sections of the pipeline and also transit possibilities through Poland will grow. Arrange Area: Direction south - PERN Przyjazn SA, together with the Ukrainian Ukrtransnafta continues to work towards the pipeline Brody - Plock, where possible, will supply Caspian oil to the refineries located in the Central and Western Europe. Initially assumed that the pipeline Brody - Plock will be possible to transport up to 25 million tons of Caspian oil annually. Other future projects: 80 •• 3. Geothermal Station- Lodz 3.1. Project Owner Name CITY OF LODZ (Water Management Department) and University of Lodz Activity Local government Address 90-926 Łódź, ul. Piotrkowska 104 WWW www.uml.lodz.pl Contact Name Hanna Jezewska -Merc or Slawomir Turkowski Position Water Management Department of Lodz city, Director Department Water Management Duty Information Tel 426384912 Email s.turkowski@uml.lodz.pl Department projects management 3.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location University of Lodz financing own fund + University Funds Estimated amount ~214 mln PLN Period of a project 2009-2013 Estimated date of announcing tender 2010 •• 81 3.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Łódź is the third-largest city in Poland. Located in the central part of the country, it had a population of 753,192 in 2007. It is the capital of Łódź Voivodeship, and is approximately 135 kilometres (84 mi) south-west of Warsaw. The city's coat of arms is an example of canting: depicting a boat, it alludes to the city's name which translates literally as "boat". City of Lodz initiated preliminary work associated with the use of renewable energy already in 1995 while preparing to develop a "Plan of supply in the City of Lodz" (named after the statute "Energy Law" Guidelines of the plan for the supply of heat, electricity and gas fuels municipalities) . The analysis carried out showed that, in Lodz, deep drilling performance for Triassic deposits(4,000m) should be given the opportunity for the extraction of water with a temperature over 110°C and the efficiency of 200m3/h, providing economic justification for wide spread processing of geothermal energy derived from these sources of usable heat and electricity. Technological Overview: In addition to the interest of the City of Triassic geothermal reservoirs, in an area of Lodz are located underground geothermal water: * Dolnokredowy-5km3 of water at 20-30°C(the energy equal to 7million tons of conventional fuel.) * Upper Jurassic-7km3 of water at ca 40°C(energy equals 19million tons of coal equivalent.) * Doggerski-3km3 of water at ca 60°C(energy equals 19million tons of coal equivalent.) * Liasowy(d. Jurassic)-13 km3 of water at 80-90°C(the energy equal to 132million tons of coal equivalent.). Analysis of the sector: Polish Center - and especially of Łódź Agglomeration City is an area with particularly high levels of air emissions as a result of the environmental impact located in the region of large complexes, mining and energy: Belchatow Power Plant and Coal Mine and Power Team Patnow-Adamow-Konin, as well as urban plants and local heating. Lody has to adopt an environmental strategy, which, in relation to the protection of the atmosphere 82 •• requires to achieve in the period 2008-2012 the volume of greenhouse gas emissions 94% below the emissions of 1988 and meet the requirements of the Kyoto Protocol. It should also be reduced twice as compared to the situation of 1990 energy consumption in national income. Lodz has a chance to meet these requirements, drawing on renewable energy sources. In the area of the city promising energy source of such technical and economic success is geothermal, which confirmed the results of studies made on behalf of the City Council. The analysis shows that the implementation of deep drilling for Triassic deposits (4 thousand. M) should be given the possibility of extracting water at a temperature over 110 ° C to yield 200 m3 / h. These parameters ensure cost-effective processing of geothermal energy from these sources to usable heat and electricity. Impact on environment: It is anticipated that the annual electricity production will be 5680 MWh of heat (for what) - 42,730 MWh for heating and low temperature - 35,441 MWh. In addition, the project will deliver measurable ecological effects. Will be reduced CO2 emissions - 26,350 tons / year, NOx - 67 tons / year of SO2 - 225 tons / year and CO - 180 tons / year, and will •• 83 reduce particulate emissions to the atmosphere of 76.5 tons / year. Less coal is burned - 8200 tons / year. Project model: Location of stations in the University of Lodz is justified by the conditions resulting from the geo research.On the basis of a preliminary draft developed, geothermal drilling, it was found that out of, the area of the Lodz University offers the most favorable conditions for geothermal drilling. If it won't bet possible to obtain the most favorable thermodynamic parameters and the abundance of water sources, it will be necessary to make a drilling in the Triassic layer. By this, the geothermal energy from the lower decks of the jury period, where C is a certainty, ca 200 m3 / h) will be used for the purpose of obtaining the relevant parameters of water (70 and 80 heating). In such a case it will be limited in the economic merits to build a regional network of geothermal power, but the heat obtained from this source will be fully utilized by the Sports Center - Educational Technical University of Lodz. Visualization of sports and recreation center with swimming pool TUL, which will be heated with geothermal water. Feasibility survey: Implementing this approach will be essential in balancing supply and demand of energy. Experience with construction and geothermal work station can be disseminated in other regions, urban areas and towns where there are significant seasonal variations in the size of heat demand. If, however, failed to obtain the most favorable thermodynamic parameters and the abundance of water from the Triassic, borehole will be used for the abstraction of geothermal energy from the lower decks of the jury, which is sure to achieve the parameters of water(70-80°C, 200 m3/h) suitable for heating pur poses. And although in this case, the economic merits of building a network of geothermal power will be limited, gather the heat from this source will be 84 •• exploited Lodz. The project, which is to meet jointly with the university city, includesthe construction of a geothermal energy and sports complex with facilities for Physical Education and Sport University of Lodz. Planned at the Center for Olympic-sizes wimming pool can be used to organize the national sporting competitions, as well as for all residents of the city. The analysis carried out shows that, in Lodz, deep drilling performance of Triassic deposits(4,000m) should be given the possibility of extracting water temperatures over 110 200 m3/h, providing economic justification for widespread processing of geothermal energy derived from these sources of usable heat energy and electricity. Scope of the investment: Lodz agglomeration, population: 747 152, area: 293.25 ㎢ Arrange Area: The construction of the first geothermal station in town is planned together with the Technical University of Lodz. The correctness of the location of the station on the campus is confirmed by the results of research found that among the six readings in the area of Lodz agglomeration, it is within the University are the most favorable conditions for geothermal drilling. In addition, the University is the author of technical design of the geothermal power plant and the owner of property held for the construction of the station. In addition, the staff are trained in the use and conversion of energy from renewable sources. Other future projects: +Incineration plant +Geothermal station in the Technical University of Lodz +A sports complex with facilities for Physical Education and Sport University of Lodz, supplied with energy from the ECII or geothermal station + Reconstruction of the road system within the streets Wroblewski-red on the section of the street. Proletarian to st. Piotrkowska, including trams torowiskiem + Removal of existing housing and real estate business on the street. Wroblewski3,7and9 in Lodz •• 85 4. Kamieńsk Wind power park overview and renewable sources of natural energy 4.1. Project Owner Name Elbis Activity Private company Address , WWW www.elb2.pl Name Marek Wdowiak Position Management Board Member Department Board of Directors Duty Project’s realization Tel (044) 735 33 20 Email marek.wdowiak@elb2.pl Contact 4.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Kamiensk financing own fund + loan Estimated amount 32 mln euro. Period of a project N/A Estimated date of announcing tender 86 •• N/A 4.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: 'Wind Power Kamieńsk' Sp. z oo was established July 9, 2003 "Wind park has a capacity of about 30 MW" and is located on the top of the hill outside KWB Bełchatów, called Mount Kamieńsk. Kamieńsk is located in the municipality of Kamensk (District Radomsko) in mining "Field Bełchatów 6 km west of Warsaw-Katowice route and 1 km from the road-Kamieńsk Belchatow. Elevation of the top plateau is about 150 - 170 m (plateau 386 m above sea level - the foot of the mountain village - Huby Ruszczańskie 228.6 m; Koźniewice 225 m - 220 m Pytowice-Huta Brudzka 210.6 m). Wind power plant is owned by Kamensk-owned power Elbisu Bełchatów Sp. z oo and Pumped Storage Power SA, managed by the Polish Power Grid Company. Construction of the farm started in June 2006. Originally it was planned that it will be put into operation in June 2007. 3-month delay occurred because of faulty cables, which in some sections did not have adequate insulation coating. Technological Overview: The power plant is located on Mount Kamieńsk and consists of 15 wind turbines, E-70 2 MW each production of the German company Enercon a total peak power of 30 MW. •• 87 Specifications turbine E-70E4 used in EWK amieńsk: * Total height:125m * Hub distance from the ground:85m * Rotordia meter: 71m * Mass:229tons * Power:2MW * Turbine: bezprzekładniowa variable speed with adjustable til trotor * Number of blades: 3 Analysis of the sector: At the end of June, the installed capacity of wind energy in Poland was around 530 MW, The Polish Wing Energy Association (PWEA) reported, on the basis of data from the ERO. It added that there are 14 professional projects among the investments, most of them located in the seaside two provinces (Western Pomerania and Pomerania). It adds that there are also individual turbines or groups of a number of small turbines distributed among the whole country. The average capacity of a wind turbine located in Poland is approximately 1,52 MW. "Wind energy density in Poland is one of the smallest in Europe. Installed capacity per capita is 0.012 kW, whereas per km2 of land area the figure amounts to 1.44 kW,". Wind energy production growth (GWh) PSEW provides data on the production of wind energy in Poland (2004: 142.3 GWh; 2007: 494.2 GWh; 2008: 790.2 GWh) as well as on the share of wind generation in domestic consumption of electric energy (2004: 0.1%; 2007: 0.32%; 2008: 0.51%). It notes that according to the government's plans, in 2010, there should be 2,000 MW of installed capacity, while the share of wind generation in domestic energy consumption should rise to 2.3%. 88 •• The EU supports actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The most important feature of the activities in this area is the development of energy using renewable sources wind, solar, biomass, water and decrease the power of geothermal heat. If all Member States manage to achieve the stated objectives, it in 2010, renewable will provide 22% of the electricity in the European market. To sum up: Polish accession to the European Union brings with it many opportunities, but also threats for the Polish energy sector. The possibility of using EU funds will positively affect the transformation carried out and planned in the sector. Wind is becoming increasingly common source of energy in the world. In Europe, Germany is the undisputed leader, in which some of the lands covered in this way, nearly 40 percent. electricity demand. According to the ERO the end of June most of the installation (this may be a single wind turbines or wind farms) in the province. KuyavianPomeranian (94 installations, the power of 57.7 MW) and Lodz (35 plants, 44.5 MW). Largest installed capacity in the province, however. West (15 installations, the power of 212.4 MW) and Pomeranian (19 installations, 138.8 MW). In the forefront are also Poland (25 plant, 9.3 MW) podkarpackie (12 plant, 15.9 MW) warmińsko-mazurskie (7 plant, 47.1 MW). Renewable energy market development - by number of power plants Energy production structure projection for a year 2030 - by fuel kind (%) •• 89 Investments in Poland are part of plans for wind power development of European energy companies such as RWE Group wants operate 4.5thous and MW of wind power by 2012. In Poland, in mid-April, RWE has installed the first turbine in the Suwalki region-in the municipalities of Suwalki and Jeleniewo. Suwalki Wind Park is composed of a total of 18wind turbines, each 2.3MW. It produces annually, 80million kilowatt-hours of electricity per year-average annual electricity consumption of a bout 40thous and households. Legislation is favorable promoting renewable energy-resellers are required to purchase energy from renewable sources. In Poland by 2010 it is supposed that 10.4percent. Of energy will come from renewable sources. Impact on environment: Wind turbines can affect the local climate - higher concentrations can cause wind to reduce wind speed (Roy et al, 2004. Large amount of energy generated by wind may affect the climate in the continental scale, but have a minimal impact on the change temperature. One of the arguments in favor of building wind farms in the world was the problem of the need to reduce carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere. Wind farms also emit a noise. In Poland, an additional factor impeding the existence of this energy source are problems arising from energy policy-business energy consumers who demand to ensure a constant volume of supplies. Development of wind energy in Poland also does not seem to favor the legislation - it is estimated that expenditures targeting to seek permission to build wind turbines are often even 25% of the overall costs of wind power plant running while the possibility of obtaining loans for such construction in Poland is small. The construction site for the wind power plant depends primarily on weather conditions. The best sites, the Baltic Sea coast - the most central part of Koszalin to Hel, and the island of Usedom, Suwalki, piedmont and mountain areas - the Silesian and Zywiec Beskid, Bieszczady and Podgorze Dynowski. Contrary to 90 •• appearances, also offer good conditions of the lowlands - the middle part of the Mazowsze and Wielkopolska. Project model: Wind power park on the Kamieńsk Mount was placed in service in 2007. It consists of 15 turbines of 2 MW capacity each. Windmill is a tower with a height of 85 meters and equipped with turbine wing with of 70 meters height and 40m length, rotating at a rate of 21 revolutions per minute. The total power of windmills will be 30 MW and annual electricity production would be 75 thousand. MWh, which is enough for the city with about 80 thousand inhabitants. The turbines are at a height of about 500 m above sea level and are driven by the force of the wind (7.5 m / s). Kamieńk wind power park's fans are among the most modern in the world. Windmills can be seen from the highway route Warsaw - Katowice, which passes through the municipality of Kamieńsk. Scope of the investment: fifteen 85-meter wind turbines, whose blades will circle a circle with a diameter of more than 70 meters (one shovel is nearly 40 m in length). - The plant should produce 74 thousand megawatt of electricity per year, enough for 6 thousand households. Arrange Area: Kamiensk Wind Power plant is located in the Łódź Province Kamieńsku on Mount Kamieńska dumping ground on the top of the rehabilitated outside KWB Bełchatów, within Bełchatów mining field located approximately 6 km west from the national road No. 1 Warszawa - Katowice, 1 km from the provincial road No 484 Belchatow - Kamieńsk. Progress of Project: Wind power park on the Gora Kamieńsk was placed in service in 2007. Period:2003-2007 Other future projects: - Extension of Wind Power plant in Kamiensk - Two new Wind forms in different locations in Poland •• 91 5. Polygeneration Power Plant with CO2 Capture Demonstration Project KEDZIERZYN 5.1. Project Owner Name PKE Tauron Activity Private company Address ul. Lwowska 23 , 40-389 Katowice WWW www.tauron-pe.pl Name Barbara Jaskula Position CHIEF SPECIALIST of MANAGEMENT. Department Management Department Duty Projects implemantation Tel 077/4839261 Email barbara.jaskula@elblach.pke.pl Contact 5.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification financing Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 92 •• study under realization 01.01.2009-01.10.2009 Way of tendering location -feasibilisty 47-225 Kędzierzyn-Koźle, ul. Eneregtyków 11, four places, don’t know yet own fund + EU funds 20% - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 4 363,90 2009-2015 February 2011 5.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Poludniowy Koncern Energetyczny SA is the second largest energy producer in the country. The company has more than 14 percent. participation in the national installed capacity of electricity and 16 - percent. in heat production in the local market. Main sources of receiving heat is adjacent to the Power Plant's BLACHOWINA is chemical industry. Changes that forced the market economy - reducing production costs and the change in management caused the power plant has become plate shop likely to face new challenges. Technological Overview: The plant currently has plate shop installed capacity 158 MW and 174 MW thermal power. Electricity and heat produce a total of 3 turbine sets. Electric power is derived for the energy system, primarily through the 110kV switchgear. The main consumer of energy, heat is adjacent to the Power Plant's plate shop chemical industry. The power plant is an plate shop meeting stringent standards for environmental protection. Thermal condensation power block, with a closed cooling water system, as part of a holding company of PKE SA. It is located on the street: Energetykow 11 in Kedzierzyn-Kozle in Opole province. Analysis of the sector: The power polygeneration plant provides achieving macroeconomic benefits both nationally and across the Union European Union as a result of the implementation of technology CTA. Financial terms it is competitive compared to conventional technologies, especially in the case of the need for sequestration of CO2. The development of the proposed technology will lower the pressure price increases due to conservation climate and there by reduce the risk inflation. At present, the development of moderncoaltechnologiesisstrictly related to the necessity of energy efficiency improvement and decreasing theenvironmentalimpactespecially •• 93 including significant reduction of CO2emission. To improve the economic performance, power plants could be integrated with chemical s production based on coal gasification in poly generation systems. The concept of a poly generation plant for power, heat and synthesis gas production with CO2 capture is presented. The project is based on synthesis gas production via coal gasification combined with subcritical PC plant. The process and economic performance of poly generation plant consuming Polish bituminous coal using commercially ready technology fssimulated. For coal gasification the entrained flow gasifiers with slurry and dry coal feeding systems are selected. More over, the analysis of the effect of coal quality on plant performance is presented. The results of studies confirm the economic effectiveness of the technology for Polish conditions. The presented project demonstrates one of the possible options of repowering existing power plants allowing to improve the economics of power production and decreasing the environmental impact especially including the reduction of CO2emission. Today in Poland we have 55 professional thermal power plants that produce 90% of the energy of our country. Fired in the 60% coal and 38% lignite. The deployment of large thermal power plant depends on three factors: * Access to fuel, * Opportunities for easy collection of water, * Proximity to an outlet of energy. Electricity is of great importance for the Polish economy. Is supplied to all areas of industry. During the production of energy ejected in to the atmosphere are emissions from chimneys in the carbon and sul fur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. Coal-fired power plants pose a serious threat to the environment, therefore, seeks to reduce the production of energy in this way and convert it to green energy sources such as solar power, hydropower, or nuclear. However, due to the low efficiency of the first, the impossibility of construction of too many others, and significant cost and social prejudices to the third most energy in Poland continues to be obtained from the combustion of fossil fuels. Impact on environment: This project is one of the first EU investments consisting on the use of gasification processes coal to integrated production energy and chemical products. Used in conjunction with sequestration waste carbon dioxide may serve as a unique application modern technologies to solve current issues with green house gas emissions. Implementation This project 94 •• will contribute significantly to objectives of the Program's flagship apply ing a whole directory of moderntechnologiestosimilarpur poses. System will produce energy in the high-performance CHP is also there new able energy sources based on 20%--share of biomass in thechemical energy fuels. In addition to the reduction of CO2emissions which is subject to sequestration, power plant poly welders provide also drastically low emissions of SO2and NOx. Ultra-modern plant will not be introduced into the atmosphere of carbon dioxide. So produced electricity will be cheaper, such as due to lack of having to pay for greenhouse gas emissions. Energy from coal can be clean. It can also occur without harming the environment. In addition, the production of a positive influence on competitiveness and energy security of Poland. Project model: The Project aims at the construction in Kedzierzyn-Kozle of modern Polygeneration Plant (demonstration power and chemical complex), in which production of clean electric energy, heat and synthesis gas will be possible including CO2 capture and sequestration. The Polygeneration Power Plant will consist of following units: - Coal gasification plant followed by CO conversion and process gas purification, units including CO2 capture facilities producing finally synthesis and high-pressure steam for production of electric energy and heat - Coal gasification plant integrated with a system of gas-steam turbines system comprising CO conversion unit and process gas purification system, including CO2 removal before combustion process in a gas turbine - The system of transport and storage of CO2 produced in both of the above mentioned systems The demonstration plant is additionally integrated with conventional heat and power plant consisting of power unit comprising circulating fluidized bed boilers. The system is to ensure reliable supply of process steam for chemical processes in ZA Kedzierzyn and ZCH Blachownia and heat water for heating system of the municipality of Kedzierzyn-Kozle. The electric energy produced in this power unit is used for auxiliary services of the demonstration Polygeneration Power Plant. Synthesis gas production system: Carrying out the process of the synthesis gas production a CO2 separation is required in order to obtain gas composition adequate for its further processing. As a result of gas purification a by-product is obtained, being a carbon dioxide •• 95 of mass concetration 99%, which can be a commercial product or can be stored. In case of producing methanol from synthesis gas, so-called „chemical sequestration” takes place in the course of which a part of CO2 (about 23%), that would be otherwise emitted to the atmosphere, is stored in the final product i.e. methanol. IGCC system: CO2 formed in the process of gasification for IGCC system is separated from process gas before combustion process. Because of considerably smaller gas volume (and higher CO2 concetration) in relation to quantity of gas in a classic energy system, such separation takes place with considerably higher efficiency and relatively lower operating costs. Taking into consideration total amount of carbon brought with fuel into both gasification systems, planned CO2 separation degree will amount totally to more than 92%. This value comprises both carbon dioxide for underground storage and CO2 equivalent „stored” in final product of synthesis gas processing (methanol). CO2 separation sequestration and storage: Carbon dioxide that is to be sequestrated shall be separated both in the synthesis gas production system and in the electric energy production system. It is assumed that pumping CO2 underground will start directly after achieving full production capacity of separation facilities. The constant increase of pumped CO2 in subsequent years is anticipated. On the issue of storage, the Project shall make it possibile to store more than 2,3 mil t/a. However, the selection of places for CO2 underground resevoirs requires further detailed investigations of geological and hydrological conditions, geophysical investigations, modelling of pumping process and expected physical and chemical reactions, as well as extensive action in the field of social acceptance of the project. To sum up, Polygeneration Power Plant „KEDZIERZYN” is one of the first investments in the European Union that applies coal gasification processes to integrated production of electric energy and chemical products. In combination with CO2 sequestration it can constitute an unique application of new modern technologies for solving current problems connected with greenhouse gases emission. Apart from CO2 emission reduction, which is the subject of sequestration, Polygeneration Power Plany will also ensure radical reduction of SO2 and NOx emissions. The plant will produce energy highly efficient cogeneration also from renewable sources based on 20% share of biomass in chemical energy of fuels. Moreover, the integration of combined production of 96 •• synthesis gas allows to achieve high coefficient of primary energy of fuel’s utilization, as well as high economic effectiveness of the project, also when costs of CO2 sequestration are taken into account. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: The pilot project is an opportunity for the whole of Upper Silesia - the most polluted area in Poland, which emits more than 30 percent carbon dioxide on a national scale. The development of cutting-edge technology is combined with sustainable development and respect for the environment. Arrange Area: don’t know yet Progress of Project: under preparation Other future projects: - Major overhaul of boiler OP-650k of Block 9 in Łaziska Power Plant. 6. Installation for capturing and storing carbon dioxide-PGE Power Plant Bełchatów 6.1. Project Owner Name PGE Elektrownia Bełchatów S.A. Activity government owned company, Address Energetyczna 7, Rogowiec, 97-406 Bełchatów WWW Contact Name Bolesław Cirkos Position Strategy and Development Director Department Strategy and Development Department Duty Work on implementing and developing a projects Tel 044 735 12 49 Email •• 97 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage under planning, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, Poland, Lodz Region, September of 2009 seismic-geological survey to choose the location of underground storage. location Lutomiersk near Lodz or Budziszowice near Tomaszów Mazowiecki own fund + EU Funds financing - The plant received 180mln Euros from EU Funds for the Estimated amount new recovery package of investment projects (Recovery Action Plan). - Value of investment: 500-1 mld PLN Estimated date of announcing tender beginning of 2010 – 2015 6.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History and investor’s details: PGE Power Plant Bełchatów SA - Europe's largest thermal power plant (condensing) and the world's largest power station generating electricity from lignite. It is located in the municipality in the district Kleszczów, Łódź. Bełchatów Power Station is part of the company (holding company) PGE and BOT. Construction of a technical project developed Belchatow Power Plant in 70-years reflect the latest technology used in the energy of that period. They use the latest generation of technological devices and systems used by the world renowned manufacturers of power equipment. Cycle power generation starts giving coal from a nearby mine site, or the component(averaging the square). The coal power plant is supplied through the Conveyor belt and node distribution on the premises of the plant can bead ministered directly in to the slotted tray emergency orina land fill, where the gallery with three carburizing is transferred to the boiler and a system of pressure equipment. In the power plant steam boilers are installed production RAFA KORacibórz SA(licensed companies Sulzer). They are equipped with hydraulic installations skimming’s and hydraulicorpneumaticashremoval. Coarse-grained as hand slag are transported to a landfill waste furnace 98 •• wet"Lubień" an dash funnelintoelectrofiltersistransported to the mine, which, when mixed with the overburden, is deposited in excavation. Generated in the boiler over heated for the high flows by pipeline to the turbine production Zamech Elbląg(BBClicensed company). The couple turbine over heated slackness is accompanied by conversion of mechanical energy in heat. Mechanicalenergygeneratedinturbine is passed through the shaft to the generator production Dol mel Wroclaw, where the processing of mechanical energy in electricity. In order to make more effective use of heat resulting in the production of electricity, under the so-called. cogeneration, the last three blocks of energy work as a heating block. Heat from discounts blocks is used to heat the nearby city of Bełchatów, and industrial plants. Electric power is derived from the power of the national system by switching 220 and400 kV. Blocks Energy Power Plant Bełchatówworking in the National Electricity System. Declaration of National Power(KDM)presents, as part of frequency and power system, the signal power given to each of the blocks-in the range of 290-360MW. Installed in the Power Plant Bełchatów ERO control group(Chapter economic load)is given by the secondary location for distributing power throughout the power plant units for each section according to an economic burden. Control all devices power units shall be held in the control block(one to two blocks). Traffic Control Center provides the control power duty Movement Power Plant Engineer (DIRE). Install the trans former at 110 kVnetwork, linking the Bełchatów FROMLodz, allowed the transmission of energy directly to the local market. Technological overview: Coal is extracted from a nearby Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine. There are 12 power units with a total capacity of 4,440 MW maximum. The basic equipment units are steam boilers BB-1150, 18K370 turbines and generators GTHW360. Electric power is derived from the power to the national electricity system, by switching 220 and 400 kV. Annual energy production is an average of 27-28 TWh, accounting for over 20% of domestic production. Advanced exhaust gas purification systems allow for significant reduction of pollutants produced, which is at the level for carbon dioxide in 1080 kg / MWh of sulfur dioxide by 3.54 kg / MWh of nitrogen oxides, 1.50 kg / MWh, dust 0.15 kg / MWh . is sourced from a nearby Bełchatów Brown Coal Mine. There are 12 power units with a total capacity of 4,440 MW maximum. The basic equipment units are steam boilers BB-1150, 18K370 turbines and generators GTHW360. Electric power •• 99 is derived from the power to the national electricity system, by switching 220 and 400 kV. Annual energy production is an average of 27-28 TWh, accounting for over 20% of domestic production. Advanced exhaust gas purification systems allow for significant reduction of pollutants produced, which is at the level for carbon dioxide in 1080 kg / MWh of sulfur dioxide by 3.54 kg / MWh of nitrogen oxides, 1.50 kg / MWh, dust 0.15 kg / MWh .Today PGE Power Plant Bełchatów SA Poland is the largest in Europe and lignite-fired power plant. The power of the working power units is 4,440 MW and provides about 15% of installed capacity in the Polish professional power industry. The annual average energy production of 27-28 TWh, representing approximately 20% of domestic production. Bełchatów energy is the cheapest electricity in the country. The process of building 10-Investment CIU Install flue gas desulphurization (IOS), conducted in the years 1994-2007, to meet all standards and environmental requirements set by the European Union. - Boiler BB-1150-designed and constructed in Raciborska Factory Boiler RAFAKO-Racibórz in cooperation with companies and Sulzer evt. - Turbine 18K370-This is a condensing turbine, the reaction, unreported discounts to couples and couples overheating. Adjust steam turbine power: quantitative-qualitative implemented using four valves regulators. The turbine consists of three parts: High-HR, SPand NP. The turbine was made by Zamech Elbląg-based company licenses the BBCBaden. - Generator GTHW360 -This is a condensing turbine, reaction, a rolling, three hull penetrator’s unreported discounts to couples and between couples gradual overheating. Adjust steam turbine power: quantitative-qualitative implemented using four valves regulators. The turbine consists of three parts: High-HR, a double outlet of the average pressure SP and two outlet of the Low-NP. The turbine was made by Zamech Elbląg-based company licenses the BBCBaden. - Water supply pumps-BB1150 boiler is basically powered by a team of water pump with a capacity 1,150 t / h (up to 1300t / h), steam-driven turbines 1K12-1 power of 12MW. Power is carried out by a team of pump with a capacity 650t/h, driven by an electric motor powered by the 6.3MW.On blocks1-6 are installed pump units produced by Worthing ton, and the blocks produced by Weir7-12. 100 •• Analysis of the sector: (Energy sector): The implementation European energy of sector, investment through programs, privatization the and growing direct presence investment, of and increasing funds for investment will be by far the guiding themes for the sector. In 2009 European players defined Poland as a target market and made large sums for long-term investment plans in the central and eastern Europe. Players have the financial strength, expertise and experience to carry out major projects on the Polish market. In the countries of the European Union as the main energy policy goals declared competitiveness, security of supply and environmental protection. Reduce emissions from this sector can be done in several ways: through the development of clean, new forms of energy, by action taken at the plant (including, for example, fuel switching to those that are characterized by a smaller consumption. In recent Emission), years, and environmental by action conditions to reduce have energy become one important component of European energy policy. The EU supports actions to reduce emissions of green house gases and other pollutants. The most important feature of the activities in this area is the development of energy using renewable sources-wind, solar, biomass, water and decrease the power of geothermal heat. I fall Member States manage to achieve the stated objectives, it in 2010, renew able will provide22% of the electricity in the European market. To sum up: Polish accession to the European Union brings with it many opportunities, but also threats for the Polish energy sector. The possibility of using EU funds will positively affect the transformation carried out and planned in the sector. This will lead to the gradual development of infrastructure, which will increase the competitiveness of Polish enterprises. At the same time, the opening of European energy markets with the opportunity to enter new markets. On the other hand, that it is possible, it is necessary to increase the competitiveness of Polish enterprises. There is a possibility that is not prepared to compete under new conditions, not only will not be able to gain new markets, but will lose the existing national markets. Restructuring processes are always associated with high costs associated with adjustment to new conditions. It is inevitable to tighten responsibilities related to the protection of the environment. Todayin Poland we have 55professional thermal power plants that produce 90% of theenergy of ourcountry. Firedin the 60% coaland 38%lignite. •• 101 The deployment of largethermal power plant depend son three factors: * Access to fuel, * Opportunities for easy collection of water, * Proximity to an outlet of energy. Lignitefired power plants are located next to the open cast mines. These are the plants: Bełchatów, The Power Plant Pątnów-Adamow-Konin, turn-based. Coal fired power plants arelocated in Górnośląski Industrial District, for example, Rybnik(ROW), Jaworzno IIIandŁaziska. Several coal-fired power plants are located along the great rivers. They are : Połaniec, Kozienice, Dolna Odra, Ostroleka. Electricity is of great importance for the Polish economy. It supplies to all areas of industry. During the production of energy are emissions from chimneys in the carbon and sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide ejected in to the atmosphere. Coal-fired power plants pose a serious threat to the environment, therefore, it is aimed to reduce the production of energy in this way and convert it to green energy sources such as solar power, hydropower, or nuclear. However, due to the low efficiency of the first, and significant cost of most energy in Poland continues to be obtained from the combustion of fossil fuels. 102 •• Impact on environment: Bełchatów Power Plant has negative impact on the state environment. It invested over recenty ears around 2billion, thus keeping all existing limits on emissions of pollutants and is prepared for a much more stricter standards after the year 2009. It also invests in new environmental energy sources such as wind farm located in the vicinity of Kamieńska (Lodz), The volume of emissions created in 2009 as a result of burning fuels in PGE Power Plant Bełchatów SA * Rodzaj paliwa- Fuel type * Wegiel brunatny- coal brown * Razem-total amount In the next years, most all of the blocks will be upgraded, and the two oldest, the block 1 and 2, will replaced by built a new most modern in Europe with a power unit of 858 MW, which will further clear reduction in emissions of pollutants into the atmosphere. Project model: PGE Power Plant Bełchatów build a pioneering facility, which catches the gases carbon dioxide, which is then injected deep underground. CCS (Carbon Capture and Storage) will be installed on a new power plant unit with a capacity 858MW. Dioxide will be captured compressed, then transported by pipeline and stored underground. It reaches the underground solon water. Scope of the investment: PGE Bełchatów Power Station is one of the youngest and biggest in Poland and Europe Arrange Arrea: not yet known Other future projects: •• 103 . First sync block from the NaTL. El Syst. This will be the largest and most modern block of energy in Poland . The development of technology "clean coal" power was granted in 2009 180 million € of EU funds - Modernization of units 3-12 in the period 2007-2013 - Modernize IOS units 8,10,11,12 - Polish Energy Group wants to build two nuclear power plants, each with a capacity of 3 thousand. MW. 1 MW construction cost is estimated at 2.5 - 3 million 7. CONSTRUCTION OF COAL POWER PLANT by RWE Elektrownia Czeczott Sp. z o.o. 7.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact RWE Elektrownia Czeczott Sp. z o.o. Limited liability company Ul. Powstancow 30, 40-039 Katowice www.rwe.pl Name Iwona Jarzębska Position Manager in Development Department Department Development Department Duty Information about new projects Tel + 48 22 821 41 30 Email 7.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering restricted tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location It will be located in the former coal mine Piast Ruch II (formerly Czeczott KWK) in the village of Wola in Silesia. financing own fund + loan, Estimated amount 1,5 mld euro Period of a project 2009-2015 Estimated date of announcing tender 104 •• Don’t know yet 7.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: On 19.08.2009 RWE energy concern and Kompania Weglowa company created a special purpose company RWE Elektrownia Czeczott.RWE is one of the five largest energy companies in Europe. It specializes in the production, transmission, distribution and sale of electricity and gas. RWE employs 66 thousand people, supplies 14 million customers with electricity and 6 million customers with gas. RWE is the largest producer of electricity in Germany and third in Great Britain. It is also present in Central Europe. It works not only in Poland but also in the Czech Republic, Slovakia and Hungary.Kompania Weglowa is the largest coal producer company in Poland. The share of coal production in the country is 54% and 25% in Europe. Company has 16 mines and 5 specific plants. The company is one of the largest employers in Poland, employs more than 65 thousand people. Its production capacity is around 46 million tons of coal per year. Total Company grow in 2008 amounted to over 11.5 billion PLN in 2008. Analysis of the sector: Construction of new power plants will be the latest investment in Poland energy industry. This project would excellently fit into plans for development of the Polish energy sector until 2030 developed by the Ministry of Economy. Both strategies assume assuring energy supply security, improvement of energy efficiency and protection of environment by reducing the CO2 emissions. This kind of ideas in power station would make this investment a contribution towards achievement of these goals. Coal will be the fuel, which allows the plant to reach the power of 800MW. It is important to note, that the power plant will limit the CO2 emissions, as in comparison to Polish power plants being currently in operation, it will have higher efficiency. This investment is important from economic and also ecological point of view. Investment has also social meaning, as during its implementation and after completion it, it will ensure additional jobs in the region. In January 2007 European Commission adopted a proposal proposing an energy policy for Europe, with the goal to combat climate change and boost the EU’s energy security and competitiveness on the market. This set out the need for the EU to draw up a new energy path towards a more secure, sustainable and low-carbon economy, for the benefit of all users. Based on the European Commission’s proposal, EU has the following targets: •• 105 - reducing greenhouse gas emission by at least 20% by 2020, compared with 1990 levels - improving energy efficiency by 20% by 2020 - raising the share of renewable energy to 20% by 2020 - increasing the level of biofuels in transport fuel to 10% by 2020. The investment is of great importance for the region and contribute to the revival of socio - economic development. during its operation the plant will provide permanent employment to hundreds of people, and companies that will arise in its surroundings, In addition, a partnership with R WECoal Company will ensure long-term agreement to supply around2.5million tons of coal per year. Poland needs new generation capacity. Despite the current economics low down, in the long term the demand for energy will grow In order to avoid energy shortages in the years 2012-2015, Poland annually need about1,000additional mega watts. During the ten-year period about10000MW and investments of 16-19billion euros. Impact on environment: The implementation of investment programs, privatization and direct investment, and increasing funds for investment will be by far the guiding themes for the sector in 2010 European players defined Poland as a target market and made large sums for long-term investment plans in the central and eastern Europe.The EU supports actions to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases and other pollutants. The most important feature of the activities in this area is the development of energy using renewable sources wind, solar, biomass, water and decrease the power of geothermal heat. Restructuring processes are always associated with high costs associated with adjustment to new conditions. Project model: A low level of CO2 emissions will be the outcome of the emergence of the plant with the use of new technologies, there is a low level of CO2 emissions. The new power plant will reduce CO2 emissions, as itąs efficiency will be significantly higher than the average - up to 46 percent. Currently, the average efficiency of the Polish power plants is 33-35 percent. Annually, this gives the 1.3 million tons less CO2. Czeczott will be one of the most modern plant of this kind in the world and the most modern in Poland. 106 •• Feasibility survey: feasibility study of investment has been made, it also developed a detailed technical aspects of the consumption. Powered geotechnical studies necessary to identify the ground under the investment were made on the basis of test. Scope of the investment: Silesia region Arrange Area: don’t know yet Public tender: unlimited, The way of choosing winner: The best offer include price and experience, stability and lack of debt of the company Other future projects: - RWE Renewables Poland, belonging to the RWE Innogy, plans to build wind farms with a capacity of 300 MW by 2015. This will help Poland to meet the production requirement of 15% of energy from renewable sources by 2020, Contact data: Iwona Jarzębska Zbigniew Madej RWE Polska Kompania Węglowa + 48 22 821 41 30 +48 32 757 22 35 Karolina Tyniec-Margańska RWE Polska + 48 22 821 41 36 8. Wroclaw Biodegradation Plant 8.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Citz of Wroclaw local government, 50-032 Wrocław, ul. G. Zapolskiej 2/4 www.wroclaw.pl Name Wojciech Kaczkowski Position Vice director of the Development Department Department Development department Duty Implementation of the Projects Tel (071) 777-71-57 Email •• 107 8.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Wroclaw, szczecinska financing own fund, own fund + loan, PPP, etc. The plant cost 27 million zlotys and in part was funded Estimated amount by the National Fund for Environmental Protection and street Water Management. Construction period 2010-2011 8.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: In Wroclaw city, PSF,part of Alba group is the removal and recovery of recyclable materials. the company operates on Wroclaw's market for more than 50 years. Among its customers there are more than 600,000 inhabitants, 140 cooperatives and several thousand housing communities and more than 5,000 companies and institutions: Polar, LG Electronics, Electrolux Poland or Fagor, Mastercook. Technological Overview: It’s Poland's biggest argest municipal waste sorting.Its capacity is 210 thousand tonnes of municipal waste and recyclable materials annually. Building a modern plant for the recovery of waste is closely linked to the Council Directive 75/442/EEC on waste as amended by Council Directive 91/156/EEC, Council Directive 91/692/EEC and Commission Decision 96/350/EC. At national level, the objective of the project contributes to the objectives identified in the National Waste Management Plan, and meets local objectives set out in the Regional Waste Management Plan and the Waste Management Plan for the city of Wroclaw. In the latter document, the assumed level of reduction of landfill waste containing biological fraction in 2012 was determined at 30%, while reducing the overall amount of domestic waste going to landfill to 42%. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent of waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste 108 •• management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. in Silesia there is a modern plant for disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand tons), Poznan (200 thousand tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand tons). Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: this investment will reduce the burden on the local environment caused by waste disposal in landfills. Its main goal is the recovery of clean recyclable materials, and further separate their waste and hazardous waste problem. Project model: New sorting allows for the recovery of recyclable materials from municipal waste received from the inhabitants of Wroclaw and the entire province of Lower Silesia. Paper and glass are put into specialized installation,which re-produce their articles, paper and glassware. For example, the •• 109 processed plastic bottles can be reused for the production of popular fleece clothing and garden furniture. In turn, they find organic waste composting plant, and later will be used for the rehabilitation of degraded areas and even the former landfill and industrial sites. The rest of the waste, the so-called ballast waste can become an alternative fuel that can be used by plants. Yearly PSF Alba collects about 140 thousand tons of garbage. As a result of the implementation of the project, the recovery rate of all recyclable materials in successive 5-five years of operation, the plant is expected at the level of several percent of the recovery fraction of BIO at around 15%, while the inert waste at about 20%. Organic waste in the composting process, and inert waste will be used in landfills as a strengthening layer . Scope of the investment: Sorting plant will be serving and Wroclaw and its several surrounding communities. The main investor and landlord is a company in Wroclaw Enterprise Oczyszczania ALBA. Arrange Area: ul. Szczecińskiej, Wroclaw Other future projects: Company WPO ALBA is planning further investment and expansion of sorting. New project line for the production of alternative fuels and the installation for sorting debris and construction wastes. 9. Termal waste utilization plant for City of Bydgoszcz and City of Torun 9.1. Project Owner Name Activity City of Torun and city of Bydgoszcz commune local government, ul. Jezuicka 1, Bydgoszcz www.bydgoszcz.pl Name Address WWW Contact 110 •• Position Grzegorz Boroń Vice President of the environment and waste economy department Department environment and waste economy department Duty EU project’s implementation Tel tel. 052 58 58 913, 052 5858 394 Email , 9.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, analysis of the feasibility study Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location located in Bydgoszcz Industrial Park Street. Polish Army 65 in Bydgoszcz financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 400,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN)340,00 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 2008-2012 End of 2009 9.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: In Bydgoszcz, waste management belongs to a complex Intercomute Waste Utilization PRONATURA. In Torun for the proper functioning of the waste management sector for Municipal Enterprise Purification is responsible. Main method offered on the market for waste management services used in the present waste management system in Bydgoszcz and Torun is land filling. Bydgoszcz - Toruń (BTOM) includes besides the two major cities (Bydgoszcz and Torun) the municipalities comprising the districts of Bydgoszcz and Torun. 27 companies had permits to conduct activities collection of municipal waste from property owners, including 12 companies led activities collection of mixed waste. Parent company is Remondis Bydgoszcz, acquiring about 78% of mixed waste from the site of the city. Main element of the system of waste management in Bydgoszcz is a Intercomute complex .Utilization of Municipal Waste, managed by MKUO ProNatura sp z oo located Bydgoszcz Street Prądocińskiej 28. Waste from the site of Cities and Municipalities Solec Kujawski is deposited in the landfill located in the city of Bydgoszcz on the street Prądocińskiej 28, forming a part of Intercomute Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Complex in Bydgoszcz. Technological Overview: Kociewie in Torun, both cities are provided for the implementation of waste recovery facilities, including the sorting of waste management. Waste management in Bydgoszcz, Torun, as governed by the resolutions of the Council of Cities Regulations on Maintenance of Order and •• 111 the Order of Purity and Mayors on requirements to be met by businesses seeking to obtain authorization to receive wastes. Currently market services offered BTOM is available only to storage, composting, or sorting. Thermal treatment is not available as an alternative form of land use of waste. One of strategic action Environment on waste Program of management, the waste indicated and recommended management plan for Kujawsko by -- Pomeranian 2010 is the construction of 11 inter-Waste Complexes utilities, which should serve communities in Kujawsko - Pomorskie. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). 112 •• Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: The implementation of modern technologies is the introduction of a thermal formed conversion of waste. Moreover, within this priority project will be supported mainly aimed to create a comprehensive, effective and efficient systems or installations municipal waste management service for at least 150 thousand inhabitants. Project implementation will minimize the landfill, which would not be subjected to recovery or recycling, which is tantamount to fulfilling the standards recommended by the Council of Europe and the requirements of Directives 2006/12/EC and 1999/31/EC. Implementation of the project will affect the achievement of standards of EU member states, in particular for achieve recovery rates, reduce waste landfill. Investing is not related to the creation of an environmental risk. On the contrary, their implementation will contribute to reducing existing pressures on the environment and reduce existing threats. Project model: The project includes the development of coherent systems waste management for the city of Bydgoszcz, Torun and surrounding communities including the construction of installations for the thermal conversion of waste with a capacity of 180 thousand tons / year energy recovery, consisting of two independent technological lines and installations to exploit of slag. The project will contribute to effective implementation and technical solutions to environmental, required by Polish law and European Union. Project will contribute to the reduction of landfill and the quantity of waste going to landfill utilities. The project is part of the NWMP, the same is strategic project •• 113 is in line with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational program - in terms of ensuring and developing the infrastructure environment, the scale of the impact of supra-regional project for the purposes of NWMP. Scope of the investment: Bydgoszcz and Torun aglomeration Arrange area: four localizations were identified, - Energetyczna Street By d goszcz - In the current land fill Street. Prądocińskie j28in By d goszcz(map) - In By d goszcz Industrial Parkin By d goszcz(about 600meters north of the intersection)-5.5haarea - Perimeter road to the rail By d goszcz Emilianowo). - Utilization in the Department of Municipal Solid Waste in the Street Kociewie in Torun. Other future projects: * Upgrading the water supply station at Czyżkówku, * Construction of the last portion of the water bus Fordon, * Construction of main sewage pumping station in the northern part of By d goszcz * Renovation of the water bus, * Construction of new water supply networks, * Azbes to be tonu water pipe replacement, * Construction of news an itary sewer, * Continuation of construction of sewage treatment in Fordon, * Dredging and Brd a By d goszcz Canal. 114 •• 10. Construction of the waste utilization plant-Olsztyn 10.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Zaklad Gospodarki Odpadami Komunalnymi Sp zoo w Olsztynie local governmentowned company, ul. Lubelska 43D, 10-410 Olsztyn www.zgok.olsztyn.pl Name AnetaPłocharczyk Position Manager of The Projects Department Development Department Duty Implementation of the projects Tel /089/ 533 84 20 Email 10.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Warminsko-Mazurskie Region financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 517,64 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 305, 41 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 2008-2012 31.07.2009 10.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Department of municipal waste management Sp. z oo Olsztyn was founded in 1998 under the Department of Budget Act of transformation into a company with limited liability. ZGOK municipalities to perform the duties imposed by law to maintain order and cleanliness in the communities, residents in securing the possibility of selective waste collection. City of Olsztyn, the capital of more •• 115 than 174 thousand of Warmia and Mazury produces annually about 72 thousand. tons of solid waste. Most of them trafiłaby in a landfill if not for sorting recyclable materials at acting ZGOK. Technological Overview: Sorting equipment: * Alternating Line technology to sort waste paper, card board and plastic. It was produced by Makrumin By d goszcz. It allows there covery of various assortment spaper and plastics, which are then directed to press the baloty transport. * Line Technology ironing recycled materials. It consists of a horizontal press Persona(Sweden) and a conveyor belt Charging giving. Baloty have varied weight-scrap newspaper about 350kg carton 200-300kg. * Line technology to sort cullet. Establish a comprehensive system of waste management will be done by: * Adaptation of treatment technique, recovery and disposal of municipal waste to the new legal requirements in line with the directives of the European Union, Polish law, the requirements of the NWMP 2010, the Regional Waste Management Plan for the Warmia and Mazury in 2007-2011, * Reducing the flow of mixed municipal waste going toland fills, * Limit the amount of biodegradable waste going to landfill in accordance with Directive 1999/31/ECon the landfill * To achieve an appropriate level of recovery of packaging waste in line with the Directive on packaging and packaging waste(1994/62/EC, died. 1882/2003/EC, 2004/12/EC, 2005/20/EC) * Land use as many of the processes of waste treatment, recovery and disposal of waste, ie, for example poprocesowych slag, iron, etc. Analysis of the sector: Implementation of the project will result in waste management within the scope of full compliance with European Union legislation, particularly Directive 2006/12/EC on waste, Directive 1999/31/EC on the landfill of waste and the Polish law in relation to: the prevention of waste; materials recovery and reuse of waste or use waste as an energy source, environmentally safe final disposal of waste, reducing the amount deposited in municipal landfills, reducing the amount of biodegradable waste deposited in landfills, according to the levels imposed by the EU. National Waste Management Plan 2010 adopted by the Government of Poland in December 2006 116 •• sets specific guidelines and objectives of the municipal waste management. It involves the development of selective waste collection, construction of installations for the recovery of materials and energy and reduce landfill solely for waste processed. NWMP 2010 recommends the use of the agglomerations of more than 300 000 inhabitants of thermal methods of waste disposal with energy recovery in cogeneration, ie the generation of heat and electricity. Such a solution for the region over 500 thousand. people prefer used by the Ministry of Regional Development of evaluation criteria system for projects applying for financing from EU funds within the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, axis II, "Waste management and protection of the earth." Impact on environment: Incineration of waste is a secondary source of emissions of pollutants into the environment. This applies to both gaseous emissions and discharges of polluted water or the emergence of secondary toxic waste. The main concerns raised emissions of pollutants into the air. Combustion process as anon-homogeneous material which is waste, whether they are municipal waste, industrial, medical, or sludge, is a source of atmosphere ic emissions of many chemicals, some of which are often toxic, carcinogenic, etc. The main part of the waste is Usually, organic matter, hence it is plain that emissions of carbon dioxide and water vapor and carbon monoxide in the case of in complete combustion. Incineration of municipal waste is commonly used in the EU component of the waste management system. Demonstrated by the number of existing waste incinerators in Europe, and above all the entries in the Common EU legislation. In light of the directive on the landfill of municipal waste(particularly organic and biodegradablebiorozkładowi) going into land fill will be dramatically reduced. Polish legislation, in accordance with EU legislation, provides a good basis for the construction of modern waste incinerators and nieoddziaływającychnegativelyśrodowisko. ddziaływanie incinerators at all the elements of the environment is small, comparable to the impact of new power facilities, and significantly lower emissions. Project model: The main objective of the project is to organize the management of waste in the county Olszty n, including Warminskithe Association of Municipalities, Bartoszyckiego, Kętrzyńskiegodistrict, county Lidzbarski, Szczecinskidistrictand the Association of Municipalities' Clean Masuria"by creating a comprehensive system management of municipal waste generated within their ground. The resulting project •• 117 installations to a large limited extent, will be negative consequences for the environment and to human health arising from the need to waste management and operation of the installation. The implementation of the project have an impact on achieving standards of the EU member states, in particularly on the achievement levels of recovery, reduce landfill of waste(including biodegradable), and the use of waste as a source of energy. The project forms part of the KPGO, the same is strategy, the project is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program-in terms of ensuring and developing the infrastructure environment, the scale of the project in the trans-respect to the objectives KPGO. The construction of the Department of Municipal Solid Waste in Olsztyn, which will include: * Construction of the plant for thermal waste disposal with energy recovery, * Construction of the plant to exploit slags * Construction of composting green waste, * The construction of installations for bulky waste removal, including removal of waste electrical and electronic equipment, * Construction of the crushing plant for construction waste and the square of their storage, * Construction of the storage of hazardous waste, * Voluntary Organization Point Waste Collection. The proposed technology is based on modern European and global solutions, are consistent with the provisions of the National Waste Management Plan 2010, to satisfy the requirements of BAT and best long-term operation of thermal plants operating in the waste. In addition, the Project provides job."Rehabilitation of the landfills. For the area covered by the project will be reclaimed 19 land fills and 2quarters in a landfill, which is intended as a regional landfill, i e exudation and Linowo. 118 •• Financing plan: The Swedish company Rindi Energi wants to build a waste incinerator, committing to this investment of two hundred and fifty thousand zlotys. would be part of a modern waste processing plant, which will hit the processed waste from nearly 40 communities. Rindi Energi company already has similar heat generation plants conducive to environmental protection in Chojnice and Hajnowka. By the end of March. is to be signed an agreement to execute a business plan, which has the result that the investment will be profitable. The entire cost of the investment is worth half a billion zlotys, the very incinerator will cost 250million zlotys. The bulk of the money has come from EU subsidies. Swedes want to finance the construction of incinerators and earn produced from waste heat. Scope of the investment: bet will support 37 communities of Warminsko-Mazurskie Region Arrange Area:s don’t know yet Progress of Project : tender announcement-31.07.2009 Other future projects: - Construction of trans-shipment stations, together with voluntary Points Waste Collection: "Now y Dwor-Orneta," Polish Village" -Mrago wo, "Boiler Large-Write, "Linowo- Szczyt no, "effusion"-Bartoszyce and probably in the municipality Lidzbark Warminski. •• 119 - Waste Management Plant construction: ZZO"pleural"and ZZO"Linowo", which will include in each of the plants: * The construction of a trans shipment, * Construction of composting green waste, * The construction of installationsfordismantlingbulky waste, including waste electrical and electronic equipment, * Construction of the crushing plant for construction waste, and the square of their storage, * The construction of storage accommodation of non-hazardous and inert * Organization of Voluntary Collection Point Waste with hazardous waste inventory. 11. Construction of the termal waste utilization plant-Koszalin 11.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Koszalin commune local government, ul. Rynek Staromiejski 6-7 75-007 Koszalin www.koszalin.pl Name Joanna Bazylczyk Position Manager Department Department of Municipal Infrastructure Duty Information and surveillance Tel 094 34 88 600 Email 11.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Zachodniopomorskie region, Koszalin city financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 280,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 211,00 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 120 •• 2009-2013 2010 11.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Koszalin is the largest city of Middle Pomerania in north-western Poland. It is located 15 km south of the Baltic Sea coast. Koszalin is also a county-status city and capital of Koszalin County of West Pomeranian Voivodeship since 1999. Previously, it was a capital of Koszalin Voivodeship. Area: 84 km2 (32.4 sq mi), population:107,783. For many years waste management is carried out at a very high level. This is the result pursued by the Enter prise Municipal Management in Koszalin, to gether with multi-city local government waste management programs. In the region of Pomerania have long noted the benefits of a common, rational waste management. The result of this policy is a modern plant recovery in Sianowo PGK, which is produce dekokompost. Although land fill on land fills, even with selective collection does not provide the basic requirements of the EU. 60000 50000 40000 Mg 30000 zebrane odpady komunalne 20000 10000 0 2004 2005 2006 lata Amount of waste collected in the city of Koszalin. Technological Overview: In the city of Koszalin there is no disposal of solid waste. Installations operating in the city of Koszalin are: one medical waste incinerator Hospital in Koszalin, and one station dismantling of vehicles (AUTO SCRAP Dariusz Kotowski, ul. Szczecin 67, 75-950 Koszalin.). In addition, there •• 121 are five establishments, producing the basis the recovery of recyclable materials. In the city of Koszalin there is no landfill, and "wild dumps waste. Waste generated within the City of Koszalin (except for: medical waste, depleted of vehicles and fly ashes from incineration of coal) are targeted to the recovery and disposal facilities located outside the administrative city of Koszalin -- the Department of Waste Recovery Sianów, located in the municipality Sianów (from the landfill, sorting, composting). Operational activity Koszalin which is the administrator of the above. Plant recovery in Sianowo is used by the City of Koszalin. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan thousand. t). 122 •• (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: Modern technology allows for quick disposal of waste at high temperatures. The examination analysis of technology options for the system, the construction of installations for the thermal converting the residual fraction of mixed municipal waste together with the installation to exploit complementary slags and installations in the area covered by the system project is the best solution and condition for the further development of the region and cities in meeting environmental standards and legislation required by the European Union and will catch up in this area agglomeration of Europe. The construction phase will be related to noise emissions and emissions of air pollutants from working machines and perform demolition work, and the emergence of wastes. Stage the investment will be relatively short-lived and less burdensome. At the stage of operation of the installation occurs several types of emissions. It will be broadcast into the air, noise emissions, and waste will be generated waste and sewage. During the operation the largest possible impact of the investment has been identified in the sphere of influence on the air and on the acoustic. Many Polish cities face a problem of excess garbage. Therefore, waste management, requires new, more efficient and environmentally sound solutions. From the perspective of waste management is essential that the waste incineration plants contribute to the reduction of waste and thus complete the process of re-use. If Poland wants to meet EU requirements must build 10 waste incinerator within the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment. By the end of 2010, 75% of the waste recyclable will be able to be deposited in landfills. Until 2013, this amount must be reduced to 50%, then to 35%. For •• 123 failure to comply with these provisions terror heavy penalties. The largest share of incineration in waste management systems can be seen in EU countries such as Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Germany. Action incinerator will rely on technological solutions. Project model: The main objective of the project is the construction of the plant processing facilities, including the construction of the plant waste incineration. Implementation of the project will meet the requirements of the European Union to reduce the amount of waste going to landfill utilities, in particular in terms of achieving recovery rates and reduce landfill waste. Construction of incineration plant waste will be created in addition to the city system of selective waste collection. Implementation of the project will reduce the amount of waste going toland fill, which is not undergone the processes of recovery or recycling. The project is part of the NWMP, the same is strategic project is inline with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program-in terms of ensuring and developing the infrastructure environment, the scale of the impact of supra-regional project for the pur poses of NWMP. ZT PO is a modern factory, in which the burning is just one of many elements. Before the process of thermal waste is sorted to separate the raw materials are subject to recycling. The rest of themis put to high temperatures. The most widespread technology is the combustion stoker boilers. All the methods combine high temperature incineration. As are sult of the process and by the action of the exhaustgastreatmentinstallationcreatess mall amounts of by-products in the form of gases and particulates (oftensmallerquantitiesthanthose which arise from the combustion of coal). For this reason ZT PO are localized in the cities. Do not pollute the environment, so they are not burdensome to the inhabitants, and the heat generated goes to the urban heating network. Feasibility survey: on order Scope of the investment: Incineration plant in Koszalin contribute to significant improvement in waste management throughout the West region. Arrange Area: City of Koszalin. Progress of Project: plan, feasibility survey on order Other future projects: Installation of the equipment capable of processing significantly more biodegradable waste in the region. In the production of maximum quantities of waste exists the need for thermal 124 •• processing methods. Therefore, in the seven cities of Polish territory, it is recommended to build incinerators. One such area is Szczecin. 3. 환경 1. Complex flood security for GDANSK 1.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact City of Gdansk local government, ul. 3 Maja 9, 80-803 Gdańsk www.gdansk.gda.pl Name Danuta Zdziuch Position Head of Department of Water and Geology Department Environment Department Duty Environment Protection and Project’s Implemantation Tel +48 (058) 323 68 10 Email 1.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Pomorskie, warmińsko-mazurskie regions financing own fund, own fund + loan, PPP, etc. - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) Estimated amount 99,84+193,38+189,43 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 84,86+164,37+161,02 Estimated date of announcing tender 2011 Period: 2009-2015 History: Zulawy is a specific region, with170 thousand ha area located in the Vistula River. Gdansk lies in the centre of Zulawy It is now one of the largest •• 125 Polish cities. According to the Central Statistical Office it has about 455 581 inhabitants and is ranked sixth in terms of population, seventh in terms of surface area of 65.5 kilometers ². Technological Overview: Expansion of flood protection infrastructure in Gdansk is still one of the priorities of the city. In the years 2002 - 2005 at the expense of 37, 3 million was made or upgraded 15 storage reservoir were upgraded including the regulation of streams and drainage ditches Analysis of the sector: By decision of 7 December 2007 the European Commission approved the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment for the period 2007 - 2013. It is the culmination of months of work on the preparation of the largest in the history of the European Union program. The size of EU funds involved in the program amounts to nearly 28 billion euros, which represents approximately 42% of the total resources of cohesion policy in Poland. The primary purpose of flood protection is to reduce the risk of adverse consequences associated with floods, especially for human health and life, environment, cultural heritage, economic activity and infrastructure. Flood protection is the responsibility of bodies of government. The tasks of the regional director of the Management Board should coordinate the activities related to the protection against flooding in the region of water, especially running information centers of coordination flood protection (OIC) The main objective of Oki in the period between floods is to collect, analyze and share information related to flood protection. Poland has always had serious problems with flooding. Also in recent years, they caused many losses. In 1997, flooding on the upper Vistula and Oder Intermediate to 2.8 billion. In 2001, violent four-hour Gdansk has caused flooding in the 200-million - roof over his head, but fortunately no one died. Impact on environment: Large part of the Lower Vistula region's water covered the various forms of nature protection, including high-level (national parks, parks and reserves). Within the region there are two national parks: Slowinski National Park and National Park Tuchola Forest and parks: PK Słupia Valley, Zatorski PK, PK Wdydze, kashubian PK, PK Tucholski, Wdecki PK, PK Lower Vistula Valley, Tricity CP, Coastal CP , PK and PK Vistula Spit of Elbląg. 126 •• Complement system of protected areas are large areas of protected landscape, which often combine the higher forms of nature conservation area or a separate spatial units such as protected landscape area covering the western part of the Vistula Żuławy. Project model: The project aims at reconstructing and modernizing the system Zulawy flood protection, protection of people and economy from the losses, the degradation of nature and halt peryferyzation Zulawy area. The result of the project will improve safety flood protection of human life and property, increase of safety of embankments flood, securing a smooth functioning of the system in case of medium and high water and maintenance appropriate depth in the mainstream of the Vistula. The project is part of the RegionDevelopment Strategy Pomorski, Strategy and Social Development Economic Warmia and Mazury, Water Management Strategy, thus is strategy is consistent with the objectives of the SRK, the NSRF and Environment and Infrastructure Program- To improve the protection against the effects of natural hazards. The project has the effect of scale interregional and national level. The result of the project will improve safety through effective flood protection functioning of rivers and hydraulic engineering constructions, the the River Vistula (enabling the work of icebreakers and drain water into the bay Gdansk). An important objective of the project will be to achieve flood risk monitoring system, created is a tool for flood risk management area Zulawy. The project aims at reconstructing and modernizing the system Suława flood protection, protection of people and economy from the losses, the degradation of nature and halt peryferyzation Zulawy area. The result of the project will improve safety flood protection of human life and property, improving the security business business, increase of safety of embankments flood, securing a smooth functioning of the system in case of medium and high water and maintenance appropriate depth in the mainstream of the Vistula. The project is part of the Region Development Strategy Pomorski, Strategy and Social Development Economic Warmia and Mazury, Water Management Strategy, thus is strategy is consistent with the objectives of the SRK, the NSRF and Environment and Infrastructure ProgramThe project is to be carried around 250 investment works, including Channel reconstruction Radunia the modernization of existing storage reservoirs as well as building new reservoirs, streams adjustment, rebuilding and restoration of rivers and water modernization, reconstruction and modernization of flood embankments. •• 127 Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: Project include Gdansk agglomeration, with 1 235 000 inhabitants and area 265,50 km² Arrange Area: 265,50 km² Other future projects: Protection of waters of the Gulf of Gdansk - the modernization and construction of rainwater drainage system 2. The system of waste water transfer from Warsaw to the Sewage Treatment Czajka. 2.1. Project Owner Companies participating in the project : Name Investor-Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągówi Kanalizacjiwm.st. Warszawie Spółka Akcyjna, General Contractors investments-HYDROBUDOWA9, Przedsiębiorstwo Robót Górniczych"Metro"Sp.zo.o.,KWGS.A. Activity MiejskiePrzedsiębiorstwoWodociągówiKanalizacjiwm.st.WarszawieSpółkaAkcyj na-local government owned company Address 03-054 Warszawa ul. Czajki 4/6 WWW www.mpwik.com.pl Contact Name Antoni Wiktorowicz Position Director of the EU projects Department EUProject Department Duty Implementing and developing EU Projects Tel (22) 504 0802 Email jrp@mpwig.pl 2.2. Project in brief First Current Stage Stage is in realization, Second Stage (second section at the bottom of the Wisla River-The contractor will be selected by the end of 2009 Way of tendering Award procedure chosen location 128 •• open tender, price à qualification, Poland (Masovia Region)-City of Warsaw, From Burakowski collector (Marymoncka street) through a siphon at the bottom of the Wisla river to Czajka sewage (Czajki street), Masovia region, City of Warsaw financing own fund + EU Founds - Received founds from European Cohesion Found but is hard to estimate how many will be transferred to this investment. Estimated amount - The value of investments: 257 mln PLN (100-500 mln PLN) Part of the whole project: Waste and water management in Warsaw stage 4-Miejskie Przedsiebiorstwo Wodociagow I Kanalizacji 2007-2013. Financin plan: 1903,49 mln PLN, EU funds-683,34 mln Period of the project Estimated date of announcing tender PLN 2009-2013 May 2009 3.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Put into operation in 1991 in Warsaw, the first sewage treatment plant accepts sewage from the right part of the city. This is one of the largest treatment plant in Poland. The wastewater flow 200 thousand. cubic meters during the day. Situated in the north-east of the city in Białołęka municipality covers an area of 52.7 ha. The work of treatment plant control at all stages of a modern equipped laboratory. It also examines a sample of wastewater from collector sewers of Warsaw, as well as keep control of the industry. The work of purification is monitored by the system on-line, which was carried out with the PHARE funds in the years 1994-99. The facility is working effectively, meeting all the conditions resulting from water-legal permission. The whole project includes three phases warszawski greater implementation tasks: to improve the performance of water networks and treatment facilities. Part financed by ISPA covers two phases of the project implementation and preparation for Phase III. Phase III to the implementation of the modernization and expansion of Sewage Treatment "Czajka", together with the collector in accordance with the design documentation prepared under ISPA, the stage will be financed from the Cohesion Fund. Anticipated project completion date -to 2010 years. Purpose of Phase I - the creation of an effective system of collection and •• 129 treatment facilities in the south of Warsaw. The objectives of Phase II * To improve the water supply system in Warsaw is to provide water meeting the standards of the people and the Polish force in the EU for drinking water and improve system reliability. * This will be achieved by carry ing out tasks related to the development of investment in water and bus network of distribution pipes and refurbishing, renovation and replacement of the existing network of buses and water distribution pipes. * In addition, delivery of water treatment processes of modernizationintwoestablishments: the Department of the Northern pipeline, which is planned to be built and the installation of flotation devices, and pressure the Department of the Central pipeline, which will be built device intermediate ozonation and filtration on activated carbon. Technological Overview: The plant was put into operation in 1991 as the first in the right part of the city. It is one of the largest sewage treatment plants in Poland, has a surface area of 52.7 ha. Purification is carried out through four strings in technology, which consists of the initial settlers, the pools of aeration activated sludge and secondary effluent. Analysis of the sector: Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. At the same time, because the state of the environment the EU depends not only on the actions on the ground, but increasingly from the actions of third countries, is an active member ever expanding network of conventions, agreements and international agreements on environmental protection. Financing activities in the field of environmental protection takes place in the Community. The projects implemented by individual countries receive support from the EU budget of the Structural Funds and Cohesion Fund. Environmental pollution in the water, air, soil and forests. Water pollution is caused by a lack of sewage treatment plants. The most contaminated water are 130 •• the Wisla and Odra in the top gear. Many rivers has salted water, arising from the mines and contaminated waste water from chemical plants. Ground water are excessive amounts of nitrogen as a result of improper use of fertilizers in agriculture. Impact on environment: Expansion and upgrading of Sewage Treatment "Czajka" in Warsaw Białołęka is currently the largest investment in the security environment By 2015 it is necessaty will comprise the construction of more than a thousand water treatment plants, upgrading of old landfill sites or opening of new and modernization of many industrial plants, which from the point of view of environmental protection do not meet EU requirements. The number and type of sewage treatment plants in Poland in 2001 Type of treatment plant Municipal Industrial Mechanical 133546 Chemical 15135 Biological 1922826 The high erremovalofnutrients 48839 Total 25581546 Project model: Construction of water sewerage transmission pipeline from the left bank of Vistula river to the „Czajka” Waste Water Treatment in Warsaw Scope of work consists of the following elements: • construction of collecting chamber for the existing 2 collecting pipes of 200 and 300 cm diameter • construction of siphon under Vistula river of 2 x 160 cm diameter in protection pipe of 450 cm diameter, using the tunnelling method, together with the inlet and outlet chambers. The length of the siphon – 1,35 km • inflow and outflow pipeline to and from the siphon of 2 x 280 cm diameter and 1,2 km of total length •• 131 • Pumping station How the project is advanced (timetable): • Decision on location of the investment – under preparation • Environmental Impact Assessment Report – up-dated now • Ownership of the Land by the City – in progress • Construction design and construction permit – expected in September, 2009 • Tender opening – December, 2009 • Signing the work contract – 1 March, 2010 • Estimated total value of the contract – 80 million EURO • Time to completion – 24 months • the contract will be executed under FIDIC condition (red book) The project is co-financed with the use of EU funds. The level of EU co – financing is 60 % of the total eligible costs of the project. Scope of the investment: For North-West City of Warsaw. Arrange Area: The proposed over 8 km long route of transmission of collectors. Other projects: Waste and water management in warsaw stage 4-Miejskie Przedsiebiorstwo Wodociagow I Kanalizacji 2007-2013. Financin plan: 1903,49 mln PLN, EU funds-683,34 mln PLN Project information: Modernization and development of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment Plant Construction of the Waste Incinerator in the City of War saw, Poland. The project is a part of action planned by the City to develop a system of waste management that will meet the EU and local requirements. The project consists of the following elements: • development of a waste incineration system including: construction of two new waste incineration lines, with a system of fumes purification and heat and electricity recovery system • modernization of existing energy system and system of energy recovery • modernization of waste separation line and change of its location • relocation of existing compost plant for municipal wastes and its adaptation for composting of green wastes • modernization of existing buildings and roads in order to adopt those to requirements of new facilities 132 •• • Planned capacity of the plant: • processing ability of the plant–332 645 Mg/year mass of processed wastes • 195 000 MWh/year of electricity • 116 442 MWh/year of heat • Costs and implementation procedure: • total construction costs–700 millions PLN • the EU funds component–60 % of total construction costs • recommended model of execution–public private partnership under the concession scheme (design–build–finance–operate contract). The main assumption of the project execution: • the City sustains its right to take all strategic decisions regarding the provided services, such as system development and pricing level • all elements being part of the system will be owned by public sector • due to budgetary shortages the City will not financially contribute to the projec realisation, neither in the form of direct financial support or in form of loan guarantees which could enlarge its debt level • the concession for construction and operation of the investment is to be given for 30 years (acc. to the Law on Concession for work or services–of 9 June, 2009 How project is advanced: • Feasibility Study–at present up-dated • Tender Dossier–under preparation now • Local Spatial Development Plan–exists • Ownership of the Land by the City–yes Timetable: • Tender opening for the selection of the private partner (concessionaire), supervision and Technical Assistance to the City–June, 2010 • Contract signing–January, 2011 Time to completion–41 months (201 –2014) •• 133 3. Modernization and expansion Wastewater Treatment Plant Piotrków Trybunalski 3.1. Project Owner Name Activity City of Piotrkow Trybunalski, Urząd Miasta Piotrkowa Trybunalskiego local government, Pasaż K. Rudowskiego 10, 97-300 Piotrków Trybunalski www.piotrkow.pl Name Address WWW Contact Position Ewa Dobrowolska Office Manager for environmental protection and agriculture Department environmental protection and agriculture Duty Environment protection Tel (044) 732 77 33 Email piotrkow@piotrkow.pl 3.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location ŁódźVoivodeship,PiotrkowTrybunalski financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 181,57 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 118,83 2010 3.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Country: Poland Location: Lodz Region History: Piotrków Trybunalski is a city in central Poland with 80,738 inhabitants (2005). It is situated in the Łódź Voivodeship (since 1999), and previously was 134 •• the capital of Piotrków Voivodeship (1975-1998). It is the capital of Piotrków County. Company responsible for the collective waste is MZK. It is responsible for water is to the receipt and disposal of waste water to municipal sewage treatment, waste water and discharge treated wastewater Technological Overview: The city of Piotrków is occupying an area of about 68 km2 out is supported by: - Collectors, the network of sewage treatment plants, sewer connection, the local sewage pumping stations, - Mechanical-biological sewage treatment plant, - Meta static treated sewage pumping station, - Meta static branch pipeline for treated sewage. The existing mechanical-biological sewage treatment technology based on conventional activated sludge has a band width defined by the design assumptions in the average size of30.400 m3 /d The total length of operated sanitary sewage system is 193.49kilometers, including: - 140.13kilometers of sewerage collectors, - 53.36kilometers connections. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection are: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface - Ensuring the fire safety Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as •• 135 an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is the end of 2015, the agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. Sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants. Impact on environment: Implementation of projects contributes to the fulfillment of obligations by Poland under the Treaty of Accession in the field "Environment". The attainment of accession is achieved, inter alia, through the implementation of the National Program of waste water treatment Municipal (KPOŚK), which contains a list of cities in which driving is subject to municipal waste water treatment plant. Of the 299 projects selected in-depth analysis of up to 201 projects can be found in the list of cities included in the A-KPOŚK. The problem remains the lack of developed strategies for achieving the objectives of accession, or even a timetable for implementing the necessary investment for this purpose, in any way binding on individual investors. Ecological Effects improve the quality of surface waters will in turn lead to opportunities for development of tourism and recreation. Project model: Implementation of the Project is of strategic importance for the development of socio-economic development of the country. The project is being carried out in agglomeration of 123 550 people The project forms part of the KPOŚK is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program. The project will allow fulfillment of the obligations contained in the Treaty Polish Capital in terms of implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC. This project is a project within the meaning of the great Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006. The project is characterized by a high degree of readiness to implementation, and its implementation will make a significant contribution to reduce the load of nitrogen discharge from waste water. This project involving the ordering of water and wastewater in the city of 136 •• Piotrkow Trybunalski, covering the: - Modernization of water treatment plants-SUWSzczekanica. Predicted performance SUW"Szczekanica" is 12.000 m3 /d The proposed water treatment technology on the modernization is as follows: * Open-intensive aeration degassing, * The reaction chamber, * Filtration through the bed mixed with a speed of approximately 10m/h * Rinsing bed filtration: air, * Disinfection of water treated with sodium hypochlorite As a result of treatmenttechnologiespresented to obtain the parameters of water in accordance with Directive 98/83/EC. - Modernization and expansion of waste water treatment plants Feasibility survey: At the moment the project is awaiting the Commission's decision on co-financing funds for the implementation of the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment for the years 2007 - 2013 and is located on the Indicative List of Key Projects, and feasibility survey is under preparation. Scope of the investment: City of Piotrkow Trybunalski with population of 78 149, Arrange Area: area- 67,24 km² Period: 2008-2011 Other future projects: - Modernization of water treatment plants-SUWSzczekanica, water quality incompliance with the requirements of Polish law and the EU. - Modernization and expansion of waste water treatment plants The modernization processenvisagestomaintainatwo waste water treatment facilities for mechanica land biological re working of sediment in closed chambers separated digestion. - Renovation of the channel pressure An important element of the project is renovation of thebus fortreated sewage. Waste water discharged by pipeline discharge lines are about12.9kilometers in length and further channel length of6.7kilometers of the river Moszczanki. and further to below Pilica Sule jów Bay. •• 137 4. Management of wastewater Barycz River 4.1. Project Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej ''Dolina Baryczy" Sp.zoo Name local government owned company ul. Rynek 21, 56-300 Milicz Activity http://www.pgkdolinabaryczy.pl Address WWW Name Adriana Szlachetka Position Manager of the Strategy and Development Department Strategy and Development Duty Implementation and development of EU projects Tel Contact tel.: +48 (071) 38 40 987 tel.:wew.27 Email 4.2. Project in brief Current Stage preparation, application for funding, first Way of tendering open tender Award procedure chosen price → qualification stage Poland, Lower Silesia Region, The project "Order of sewage in location the river catchment Barycz" is located on the 3 communes located in the north-eastern part of Lower Silesia province, in the river catchment. financing Estimated Own amount Estimated date of announcing tender Fund+ EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 135,91 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 74,56 2009-2013 4.3. Project in detail Location: Barycz, a right tributary of Odra River. Areas through which the river flows Barycz, adjacent to it within a radius of 20-30 km, is a separate and specific region called the Valley Barycz. This is the heart-land of the oldest (established in the Middle Ages by Cistercian Order) and the largest clusters of fish ponds in central Europe. Forest ecosystems, ponds, swamps-field spirit and 138 •• remain in perfect harmony. History: Beginning preparations for the implementation of the project "Managemant of sewage in the river catchment Baryczy" took place in 2000 when the Association of Municipalities was founded and Districts Baryczy Valley. Originally intended to carry out investment 10 province of Lower Silesia. The aim of the Association was the brains behind the scenes in a combination of local activity on the value of the natural area through a comprehensive preparation and implementation of an investment hedge against further environmental degradation. Since 2004, the project is on the list, the Minister of the Environment, as a project for funding from the Cohesion Fund. At present, all documents created for the project application - on the implementation of a grant obtained from the technical assistance of the Cohesion Fund and the National and Provincial Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management. Since 2006 responsibility for the implementation of the investment is PGK "Baryczy Valley" Ltd. Currently, the project of Commons: Milicz, Żmigród, Cieszków. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments carried out by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface - Ensuring the fire safety The recipients of money from Cohesion Fund may only be public entities, or local authorities(municipalities, associations of municipalities) and utilities companies. A large part of the current EU financial perspective has been used for projects •• 139 that will help the sustainable regional development policy and are aimed at the rational use of environmental resources, to prevent their degradation and devastation. This is a fulfillment of accession commitments in the field of environmental protection and implementation of horizontal policies of the European Union. One of the conditions for its economic development is to provide a broader base of technical infrastructure, including environmental infrastructure. Expansion of waterandwastewaterinfrastructurehas an indirect impact on the fulfillment of the requirements under the directive of the European Union-Assumption Program of the National Urban Waste Water Treatment impose an obligation on Poland the construction, expansion or upgrading of sewage treatment plants in318cities over 15thous and(population) and the expansion or upgrading of se wage system network in 459cities with a total length of a bout 20thous and. km. The possibility of such investments Poland through Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, which was earmarked2.7billion euros. Overall, the implementation of the Program is over 36billion euros. Approximately27.9billion comes from the EU, which consist of 77 percent. funds from the Cohesion Fund(21511.06million) and in 23 percent. funds from the European Regional Development Fund(6337.2million). Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is to build systems and sewage treatment plants in agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. sewerage Impact on environment: The area of the project has outstanding natural significance. Varied landscape of the precious natural ecosystems of river basins, with most hatches in Europe 140 •• forests, soppy meadows, provides for the exceptional qualities of nature and landscape area. Interesting relief and a wide network of water, mixed substrate, and hence the wealth of habitats, have affected the quantity and diversity of plant communities and fauna of the area, which has decided to extend over large areas various forms of protection. In the Valley of Baryczy afforestation index is higher by 17% compared to the national average of 28%. The dominant flora of the forests is called in the classification of natural-forest management of forests Milicki. They represent the lives of many rare and protected species of animals and plants that are not exposed to adverse changes in the nature of natural ecosystems, due to the establishment of various forms of protection of nature and landscape. Project model: The aim of the project is to organize the economy water-sewage Barycz river in the catchment. The project forms part of the KPOŚK, the same is strategy. The project will be implemented in 5 cities Barycz river catchment. In addition, the project is consistent with the objectives SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program -as regards the provision and development environmental infrastructure, the scale of the project is in relation to regional KPOŚK. The proposal would have a significant magnet to reduce the quantity of pollutants discharged into waters and soil (nutrients) Order is divided into three parts, which includes the item: Part I Construction of sanitary sewer district in the belt path 1440 D-Postolin-Pracze, Part II Construction of sanitary se wage and rain water and channels for ul. Agriculture lands and in Cieszków, Rebuilding the inner part III of the sewerage treatment plant for water treatment in Milicz. Financing plan: - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 135,91 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 74,56 Investment Financing sources: •• 141 * Kapitalwlasny-equity * Krajow ywklad publiczny-National public contribution * Funduszspojnosci-Cohesion Found * Narodowy FunduszochronysrodowiskaIgospodarkiwodnej-National Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management Scope of the investment: Key locations: • Village of Przy godzice, • City of Odolanów, • City of Milicz, • Village of Sułów, • City of Żmigród, • City of Wąsosz, •Wyszanów village. Arrange Area: The project "Managemant of sewage in the river catchment Barycz" is located on the 3 communes located in the north-eastern part of Lower Silesia province, in the river catchment Barycz, a right tributary of Odra River. Areas through which the river flows Barycz, adjacent to it within a radius of 20-30 km, is a separate and specific region called the Valley Barycz. Progress of Project: - Projects in realization: · Construction of sewerage network Os Zduny · Expansion Os Milcz 142 •• · Modernization Os Sulow · Expansion Os Zmigrod · Construction of sewerage network Os Sulow Other future projects: - Modernization of sewage network in Milcz - Construction of sanitary sewer in Os Milcz Contact data: Manager of the Project Department- AdrianaSzlachetka e-mail: tel.: +48 (071) 38 40 987 tel.:ext.27 vice Manager of the Project Department- LilianaTrzeciak e-mail: ReferentJRP-GrażynaChwastek e-mail: tel.:ext.28 INFORMATION FROM: Official website: Ministry of Environment of Poland http://www.mos.gov.pl/?j=en Official website: Przedsiębiorstwo Gospodarki Komunalnej "Dolina Baryczy" sp. z o.o. http://www.pgkdolinabaryczy.pl 5. Water Treatment- In the agglomeration of Torun - Stage II 5.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. Zo.o. local government owned company, 87-100 Toruń, ul. Rybaki 31/35 www.wodociagi.torun.com.p Name Mieczyslaw Malinowski Position Project Implementation Manager Department Projects and Development Department Duty Implementation of projects Tel (56) 65 83 403 Email mmalinowski@wodociagi.torun.com.pl •• 143 5.2. Project in brief Current Stage Planning, application for UE funding, verification process Way of tendering open tender Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Poland,kujawsko-pomorskieregion financing own fund + EU Fund - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 213,50 Estimated amount - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 109,48 Estimated date of 2008-2013 announcing tender 5.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Technological Overview: Construction of water treatment plant on rainy Winnicy with two other stand on Wrzosach and Kaszczorku. Company responsible for the Project is Sanbud from Kalisz. As part of this contract with a consortium of companies with Sanmel’s company on the head, a new water main near Chelminska Street was build. Over one and a half years for almost 9 million Melbud 13 km of pipes were arranged in water and almost 3 km in a residential sewage: Pancernych, Bielawach, and Kaszczorku. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments carry out by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface 144 •• of water intended for human - Ensuring the fire safety Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is the end of 2015, the agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. Sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants. Impact on environment: Implementation of projects contributes to the fulfillment of obligations by to Poland under the Treaty of Accession in the field "Environment". The attainment of accession is achieved, inter alia, through the implementation of the National Program of waste water treatment Municipal (KPOŚK), which contains a list of cities in which driving is subject to municipal waste water treatment plant. Of the 299 projects selected after in-depth analysis of up to 201 projects can be found in the list of cities included in the A-KPOŚK. The problem remains the lack of developed strategies for achieving the objectives of accession, or even a timetable for implementing the necessary investment for this purpose. Most of these documents -- KPOŚK, the list contains only balanced the needs in this area, and NPR criteria for selecting projects to be funding. Examination of case studies showed that the effects of socio-economic interventions associated with improvement living conditions in areas is subject to direct impact of the investment. To build new water supply network and sewage systems in areas not yet settled will allow the construction of new housing. Ecological Effects improve the quality of surface waters will in turn lead to opportunities for development of tourism and recreation. Project model: The project aims to manage the economy water-sewage in the agglomeration of Torun. The project will largely contribute to reducing the volume of pollutants discharged into the waters and land (limited load of nitrogen). The project forms part of the KPOŚK and is consistent with SRK •• 145 objectives, and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program NSRF. Moreover, it is characterized by a high degree of readiness for implementation. The project is a continuation of the Project: Water and wastewater in the city of Torun Phase I, The overall objective of the planned investment is complementary to those carried out under the first phase of the project and a comprehensive solution to the problems of sewage in metropolitan of Torun. Object of the Contract provides the construction of the network for the connection of sanitary and health (about 2.9 km) and water (about 12.9 km) in the housing estates: Pancernych, Kaszczorek ,Bielawy and which will be carried out in three sections: Stage I-including the construction of water works and sewerage system in the armored housing, Stage II-including the construction of water supply in the housing Bielawy, Stage III-including the construction of water supply in the housing Kaszczorek. Project Owner: Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. Zo.o. Contractor to whom the contract is awarded: MELBUD S.A., ul. Składowa 4 86-300, Grudziądz Scope of the investment: City of Torun-population: 206 013 Arrange Area: Pancerni, Kaszczorek, Bielawy areas in City of Torun Progress of Project: verification of the request in European founds Other future projects: OM Glinki–Poznańska–Construction of water supply at Poznanska Street Daleka Street- The construction of the sanitary sewer system at the household waste water pump Polna Street- Construction of water supply network, channel, and sanitary sewers and rainy teletechnical The plan is to build a kiln incinerator and sludge in sewage treatment plants in the road Bydgoskiej. This will be the largest and the most expensive to the second stage of the program. It will absorb even one-third of all costs, or about 70 million €. Torunskie Wodociagi SP Zoo planned modernization of the water treatment plant in the Male Nieszawce, which will improve the quality of water in left part of the city. Another task will be the renovation of two collectors LUBICKI along the road leading from the water treatment station in Lubiczu to the city. The project will contribute to reduce the quantity of pollutants discharged in to the waters and the earth (limiting the load of nitrogen). In addition, the project is characterized by a high degree of read in essto carryout"-we read in the list of key projects is published nearly February. Resort by the regional development. 146 •• Contact data: Toruńskie Wodociągi Sp. z o.o. 87-100 Toruń, ul. Rybaki 31/35 Informacja, centrala:tel. 0566586400, 0566540151 Z-ca Prezesa ds. Techniczno-Inwestycyjnych - Ewelina Ruczkowska 6. Developing and modernization of system of water supply and discharge plant in Lublin. 6.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address Miejskie Przedsiębiorstwo Wodociągów i Kanalizacji w Lublinie Sp. Z o.o. local government owned company, al. J. Piłsudskiego 15, 20 - 407 Lublin www.mpwik.lublin.pl Name Position Malgorzata Malec Press Secretary Department WWW EU Projects Department Developing and implementation Duty Tel Contact Coordinator of EU Projects of EU Projects 081 532 19 10 081 532 42 81 wew. 386 malgorzatamalec@mpwik.lublin. Email pl 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage First stage of preparation of the project, in October they will apply for funding Way of tendering open tender Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Poland, Lubelskie region, City of Lublin financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 488,46 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 290,79 2009-2013 •• 147 6.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Municipal Water and Sewage Company Sp. z o.o. Lublin is owned by the municipality of Lublin. The main activity is the manufacture, distribution and sale of water and services in the field of wastewater collection and treatment. MPWiK also manages the municipal landfill of municipal waste Rokitnie. All actions taken by MPWiK Sp. zo.o. in Lublin, the idea of environmental protection which is our common heritage and which should be left to future generations in the best condition. Their purpose is to promote and strengthen the sustainable management of water and creating a confidence-inspiring brand customers in terms of both quality products and customer service. Technological Overview: The company first implemented an innovative solution for monitoring computer networks and water supply network has developed mathematical model. It can predict with great accuracy the consequences of failure and choose the most advantageous options for action, and take swift and appropriate operational decisions. Water distribution system is still being developed, based on the computer program checks of the water pressure in key points of the water supply and control of all pumping stations. - Sewage treatment plant "Hajdów" cleans all waste water from Lublin and Swidnik and surrounding communities. Sewage from both towns goes to a treatment plant collector "Z" with a diameter of 2.5 m. -Water supply system plants-7 in this region Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection are: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface 148 •• of water intended for human - Ensuring the fire safety Implementation of the whole project will significantly improve the overall health status of Lublin, and thereby the living standards of residents. The planned investment will help to improve the purity of surface waters, particularly river Bystrica and to protect groundwater resources. Today in the Lublin waterworks system covers by just over 96% of the population. Implementation of the Project will ensure the availability of water supply for 100% of city residents, or more than 8 thousand. More residents than ever before. Impact on environment: Implementing, coordinating and supervising the activities related to protection of the environment are fundamental tasks of the Department of Environmental Protection. Faculty performs many other tasks related to the wider environment, as defined in the Polish legislation, exercises supervision over the management of water and wastewater Lublin industrial plants. Employees of Unit, in cooperation with other cell companies, monitor the ongoing impact on the environment and create a database in this regard. The Company, with due regard to the natural environment, attaches great importance to the quality of services and advanced technology used at the facility. The degree of reduction of the main indicators of pollution is on average 95%. Project model: Implementation of the Project is of strategic importance for the development of socio-economic development of the country. The project is being carried out in agglomerations over 100 000 people. The project forms part of the KPOŚK is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and IEOP. Design will allow the fulfillment of commitments contained in the Polish Treaty of capital in terms of implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC. The project is a project within the meaning of the great Council Regulation (EC) No1083/2006. Implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to reducing the discharge of cargo nitrogen in the waste water treatment for water catchment. The scope of the project includes: 1. The construction of the sewerage and water supply, along with branches in the lanes, in the districts: Głusk, Abramowice, Liberation, Zadębie, Rudnik, Sławin, Wrotków, Zemborzyce, Lipniak, Czechs. The total network length is about 68.70 km, including a network of approximately 61.96 km sewerage, water •• 149 supply network of around 6.74 km, including the construction of the collector N II to the border with the municipality Głusk (about 2.54 km). 2. Alteration and construction of the sewerage and water supply in the districts : Down town, Bronowice, Tatary, Kośminek, Nałkowskich. The total length is about 57.32km, including the sewerage network of a bout23.83km, 33.49km water supply network. 3. Modernization of water supply stations"Zemborzycka", with an alteration of chlorination plant, two water tanks with a capacity of 5000 m3each, chamber bars at tank and the existingundergroundinfrastructure. 4. Sewage Treatment Modernization"Hajdów"(120tys. m3throughput perday) in the proportion of the mechanical treatment plant(the main pumping stations, indoor grilles, the chamber bars) of sediment, biogas economy, economy Energy and heat. (Data on the length of the network of water-se wage, as at 01.07.09) The project includes 18construction contracts, 23 contracts for services-including 18contracts for the execution of documentation, 3contracts forconstructionservicescontracts (a contract engineer) and 1 contract for the promotion of the whole exercise, and 1 contract for the delivery. Scope of the investment: Population of the City of Lublin- 350 462 Progress of Project: First stage of preparation of the project, in October they will apply for funding. Other future projects: - Execution of works covered by the contract 7.1.B. "The construction of sanitary sewers in the area. Lipniak" - Reconstruction of the venturi-type measuring Venturi KPV XI sewage to flow to the Sewage Treatment "Hajdów in Lublin and rebuilding Comoros K-1A for the closure of the collecting sludge and sewage into the channel building grids in Sewage Treatment" Hajdów in Lublin 150 •• 7. Waste water treatment for Żywiecczyzna region PhaseII 7.1. Project Owner Name Zwiazek Miedzygminny ds. Ekologii w Zywcu Activity local government, Address ul. Kabaty 2, 34-300 Żywiec WWW www.zmge.zywiec.pl Contact Name Wojciech Rzyczniak Position Director of the Implementing projects Department Development and Implementation EU Project Department Duty Management of EU projects Tel tel. (033) 861 28 98, 860 20 25 Email 7.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Silesia Region, Zywiec Region financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 703,50 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 563,60 2007-2013 End of 2009 7.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Żywiec County (Polish: powiatżywiecki) is a unit of territorial administration and local government(powiat) in Silesian Voivodeship, southern Poland, on the Slovak border In May 2000 the Association became a statutory Inter commute Association for Ecology and operates under that name until today. Relationship, in accordance with applicable Statute carries out Project No. 2000/PL/16/P/PE/023 "Wastewater Treatment for Zywiecczyzna Region", co-financed by the Cohesion Fund. From the standpoint of water resources, there •• 151 is currently no restriction in the supply of water throughout the city's population, Zywiec and neighboring communities. All devices provide full water supply stations to cover the current water needs of the city, and part of neighboring communities. The water distribution system consists of approximately 200.7 kilometers in water trunk lines, distribution and connections. The degree of the water supply area of the city is considered to be satisfactory. The water supply is currently used by about 92% of the population. Water tanks in quantities of 6 pieces and 6 others guarantee to provide the required water pressure. Extension of water mains in the district and construction of water supply Rendzina in Oczkowie requires modernization of water in the tank Moszczanicy. In order to ensure a constant supply of water for the district it will need to be build additional drinking water tank in hydrophore Lesnianka. No ring of water distribution networks in certain areas of the city will require further investment to ensure a reliable supply of water of appropriate quality. Technological Overview: Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant is located in the northern part of the town of Zywiec on Bracka Street. Sewage effluent is the recipient of water from areas of special protection areas such as Zywiec Landscape Park. Hence Sewage has been incorporated into "the comprehensive protection of waters of Lake Zywiec, wastewater treatment plant is mechanical-biological removal biogenic. Water treatment plant has a power generator using biogas to produce electricity supply of sewage facilities. Extra work effect generator is heat generated from cooling the engine, which is consumed for heating digesters and parts of the administrative and social facilities Sewage. Average length of sewerage network is: 184.9 kilometers, of which 127.0 kilometers is a sewer system, and the connection is 57.9 kilometers. Sanitary sewage in the municipality - the city of Zywiec has approximately 169.9 kilometers long and thus receives waste from approximately 27 886 inhabitants. The substantial increase in the length of the sewer system has been achieved through the implementation of investment from EU funds Analysis of the sector: Sewage Treatment Plant in Zywiec due to the discharge of sewage into the reservoir of stagnant water has the strictest limits for treated sewage rates in the Polish legislation. To meet the requirements City must invest heavily in expansion and modernization of Sewage Treatment Plant. This activity was planned for the years 2007-2009 in and will increase treatment capacity to32000 m3 /d. Technical 152 •• project forthemodernizationandexpansion of waste water treatment plants in Zywiec made by the Austrian SFCUmwelttechnikGmb H provides that after the modernization of WWTP, it will work in sequential SBR technology. An existing sewage treatment facility will be used to obtain there serves in the event of a flood water storage and spring thaws. Modernization and expansion of waste water treatment plant is to be completed in 2009. The final version will be determined after the final decision of the Commission of the European Union. Water resources in the country, per one capital slower than in neigh boring countries and significantly lower than the average in Europe(only approximately 36% European average). Polish hydro graphic network length, including: rivers, creeks, streams, canalsnavigableanddrainageisestimatedat98thous and.km. The biggest goals of Environment policy for Poland untinl 2010: - follow-up take in the views of those working on the rationalization - eliminating use of underground waters for the purpose of these industries - achieve reach out for all you water good condition (to 2015) - provide at least 75% of the bio removal the Oder and Vistula river - modernization, expansion and construction of municipal sewage treatment plant link, The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments carried out by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface - Ensuring the fire safety Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health-require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and •• 153 wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is the end of 2015, the agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. Sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants. Impact on environment: Project objectives that will be achieved: • improve the environment, primarily in the surface waters, • ground water and land pollution water, increasing the effectiveness of treatment in upgraded sewage treatment plants, • significantly improve the quality of water in the river and lake SolaŻy wiecki, • increase significantly the level of channel the land, in the case of sewerage to95%as are sult of the project, and in the case of water supply to 55%, • improve the region's image as an environmentally friendly, resulting in increased tour is mand migratory movement of thelarger, morepollutedurbanaccordance with notable trend in this area, • improve quality of life of communities covered by the project The objective of the Projec tis to improve the management of the wastewater in the above area and adapting it to the standards setout in European Union directives. Project implementation will allow for expansion of the sewage treatment system in cities located in Zywiec Lakesbas in and upper river Sola. This will significantly reduce the discharge of waste water directly in to water surface and ground water and soil, and consequently protect a quifers from contamination areas, and will help natural landscape of Zywiec Landscape Park. Project model: Implementation of the project is of strategic importance for the development of socio-economic development of the country. The project concerns the improvement of the quality of surface water, which will be achieved by a complex arrangement of water and wastewater in the greater Zory about the size of 64 702 people. To achieve the objective of reduction in discharges of untreated sewage and water rainwater. Improving the functioning of waste water treatment system will be limited, as well as the infiltration ground water and 154 •• rain water flow into the system sanitary sewer. The project forms part of the KPOŚK and will contribute significantly to the objectives of KPOŚK is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program. The project will allow fulfillment of the obligations contained in the Polish Accession Treaty as regards the implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC. Implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to: the protection and improvement of river water Rudy, by including water and sanitary sewer system to remove them to an existing sewage treatment plant Żorach; indirect protection of groundwater; behavior existing environmental values and virtues Cities and landscapes Żory neighboring municipalities, in particular reference to landscape and coatings -- Park Cistercian Landscape Compositions Rud Great, a ranking of sewage elements(reducing the amount of sewage sludge), the use of biogas to produce electricity and heat (reduction of emissions of biogas to air). The program was created through the initiative of local authorities, in order to improve the environmental situation in the municipalities covered by the project. The project aims to extend the sewer system / in the village, which will be through the expansion and modernization of three wastewater treatment plants, namely in Zywiec, Cięcinie (municipality Hungary Hill), and the construction Zwardoniu water and sewerage networks in the municipalities. To achieve its objectives, municipalities, grouped in the Association have decided that the tasks of waste water shall carry through two companies: 1. Municipal Water and Sewage in Zy wiec 2. Be skid Ecosystem Sp.zooin Cięcinie. Beneficiary of EU funds is U Inter commute Association for Ecology in Zywiec. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: It is expected that as a result of the project, approximately 95% of the inhabitants of both areas to gain access to the mass of the sewer system, and approximately 55% of the population of municipalities in which the investment will be realized, will have access to the network of collective drinking water supply. The target population also connected to the sewerage system will serve about 80 191 inhabitants and about 2 825 visitors. Population in addition connected to the system of collective water supply in the municipalities where the project will be implemented with total 16 525 inhabitants and about 1 878 tourists. Zywiec area is 50.57 kilometers ², population: 32 132. Living area in the district is1039,96 square meters with 149 391inhabitants, •• 155 Arrange Area: Project is located within the county Zywiec and cover eleven municipalities Gilowice, Jeleśnia, Koszarawa, Lipowa, Łodygowice, Milowka, Radziechowy Pig, Rajcza, Ujsoły, Hungary Hill, and Zywiec. These municipalities have been divided into two sub-basins: Zywiec catchment, which includes municipalities Gilowice, Jeleśnia, Koszarawa, Lipowa, Łodygowice, Radziechowy Pig, Zywiec and Catchment Hungary Hill, which includes municipalities Milówka, Rajcza, Ujsoły and Hungary Hill. Other future projects: The investment plan envisages the construction of Phase II of the sewerage network with a total length of approximately 786 km, construction of 181 pumping stations and construction of sludge drying plant for sewage treatment plants in Zywiec. In addition, it is assumed the construction of water mains in five municipalities: Gilowice, Jeleśnia, Lipowa, Milowka and Zywiec, a total length of 124 km and the construction of 7 pumping stations. The project also plans to seal the sewerage and water supply in Zywiec, and research necessary for the upgrading and sealing of existing networks outside the city. To channel the remaining areas of the city, Zywiec should build around 106 km of sewerage network, pumping stations, about 23 pieces (not counting the small, local pumping stations), the planned cost is about 50.7 million. This task has been entirely covered by the program and to be financed by the Cohesion Fund. 8. Underground Water protection in Kilece agglomeration 8.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact 156 •• Wodociagi Kieleckie Sp. Zoo local government owned company, ul. Krakowska 64, 25-701 Kielce www.wod-kiel.com.pl Name Danuta Brymerska Position Investment and logistic Director Department Investment and Logistic Department Duty Implementation of new projects Tel + 48 41 365 31 00 Email 8.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparation, apply for funds Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Poland, City of Kielce financing Own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 629,76 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 390,52 2009-2013 8.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Kielce - a town in south-central Poland, capital of Świętokrzyskie Province. The town is situated in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains, and an economic and tourist center of the region. The object of the Company's business is to conduct Waterworks Kielce service and commercial activities in the field of sanitary engineering, particularly in the areas of: * collection and water distribution, * sewage collection and treatment, * water supply and sewerage services, * laboratory tests of water and wastewater. Regional Fund for Environmental Protection and Water Management in Kielce in 2009-2012 plans to support projects resulting from the implementation of the objectives set out in the national environmental policy and Świętokrzyskie, by providing financial support for the tasks in environmental protection and water management, consistent with the lists of priority projects, in the form of concessional loans, grants and the transfer of funds and interest subsidies for concessional loans. Świętokrzyskie Region belongs to regions with relatively low degree of pollution and environmental degradation. Nevertheless, multi-economic activities, development of a range of industries, including those based primarily on the rich natural resources found there, caused adverse effects, which must remain in the center of attention in the course of environmental actions. This applies mainly to restore the value of the revised performance components of •• 157 the environment, rational and proper use of natural resources and their protection against pollution. Technological Overview: The monitoring network in the local Świętokrzyskie includes dozens of objects. Currently monitoring local groundwater quality are covered, among others. 12 municipal waste landfills and 6 industrial, 10 stations (including 3 new stations), 17 industrial sites with databases and the transport company's stations, which is carried out reclamation of contaminated land and groundwater. Analysis of the sector: The main objective of Infrastructure and Environment Operational IS: Increasing the investment attractiveness of Poland and its regions through the development of technical infrastructure, while protecting and improving the environment, heal th, preserving cultural identity and developing territorial cohesion AIMSOF THE PROJECT" COMPLEX GROUND WATER PROTECTION AGGLOMERATION Kielce" * Implementing the findings of the Accession Treaty, which requires that by 2015 urban agglomerations of more than 15 thousand people in Poland were equipped with a system of sewerage and sewage treatment plants, in accordance with the requirements of EU Directive 91/271. * restore the quality of surface and ground water to the state resulting from the expected manner of use, and needs related to their ecological functions; * Direct protection of surface and ground water used as drinking water source and the indirect protection by reducing their use for industrial purposes; improve the quality of life of the inhabitants of the region by providing adequate technical in frastructure; * development and eliminating regional disparities. From 1990 Groundwater in Kielce improved by permeating to increase the participation of water samples with the highest and high quality (about 50% to 66%), while decline in water samples of low quality (from about 40% to about 17%). This applies especially to water shallow circulation of the water that is groundwater, where the share of the water samples of low quality (Class III) fell in the period about 25.6%, while for deep water circulatory system (water 158 •• plunge) of 12.7% . The content of nitrate in groundwater in 1999-2003 in the vast majority of respondents Water samples (from 75% to 84%) was low and not exceed 25 mg / l. Since 1998, it can be observed systematic decline in the number of times the water in which observed concentrations of nitrate was above 50 mg / l, which is the limit for drinking water. This decrease is particularly evident for groundwater, poorly insulated from land, which amounted to 11.5%, which is very important due to the fact that the ground water is more vulnerable to pollution. By contrast, invariably only a small part of the water samples pits (from 1 to 3%) showed a higher concentration than 50 mgl / l. In 2003, 91.9% of tested samples water had nitrate content that meets the standards of drinking water. Impact on environment: The overriding aim of the provincial environmental policy is sustainable development region in which the natural environment and its protection have a significant impact on the future character of the area and also support its social and economic development. Very important issue is the need to protect against pollution of groundwater reservoirs, most of which are not isolated from the surface layer of impermeable tracks. This results in continuous exposure to anthropogenic influences, which clearly points to the example of the tank Kielce, located within the highly industrialized city. In situations where groundwater is the main source of water supply, pollution prevention requires a lot of preventative action relating to, inter alia, appropriate planning, including the use of effective safeguards to ensure no pollutants to escape into the land (including in cases of emergency events). Groundwater fed by rainfall directly on the number of tracks aquifers or indirectly by the permeable cover or Quaternary sediments (sand, gravel, loess, clay, glacial origin and river). Groundwater is the primary source of supply for the population and industry in the water. Project model: Implementation of the project is of strategic importance for the development of socio-economic development the country. The project is being carried out in agglomerations over 100 000 pe. The project forms part of the KPOŚK is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program. Design will allow the fulfillment of commitments contained in the Polish Treaty of capital in terms of implementation of Directive 91/271/EEC. The project is a project within the meaning of the great Council Regulation (EC) No 1083/2006. Implementation of •• 159 the project will make a significant contribution to reduction of nitrogen load discharge from waste water to the municipal sub-basin. PROJECT SCOPE: - Construction of the water mains-about 19km - Construction of sewage system-about 193 km - Construction of sewage pumping stations-54pcs - The modernization of sewage system-about 44 km - Themodernization of the water-about 87k - Monitoring and management water-sewage system Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: PROJECT SCOPE: - Construction of the water mains-about 19km - Construction of se wage system-about 193 km - Construction of se wage pumping stations-54pcs - Themodernization of se wagesystem-about 44 km - Themodernization of the water-about 87k - Monitoring and management water-se wage system Arrange Area: Kielce agglomeration, population- 348 000, area- 109,65 km² Other future projects: - reconstruction of roads 7 and 74 to standard expressways and upgrading the railway line Warsaw - Radom – Kielce - 87 million PLN for construction and modernization of sewage in Skarzysko - construction of the building Kielce Philharmonic - development of communication system Kielce Metropolitan Area (199 million) 160 •• 9. Construction and modernization water treatment system in Belchatow 9.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Zaklad Wodociagow I Kanalizacji „WOD-KAN’’ Sp. Zoo local government owned company, 97-400 Bełchatów ul. Św. Faustyny Kowalskiej 9 http://www.bip.wodkan-skierniewice.com.pl/ Name Ewa Skorupa Position Project Manager Department Investment Department Development dep. Duty Project’s Implementation Project’s Implementation Tel (+48)44 tel.: (+48) 44 633 83 08 6338309 Measure Authorising Officer-MAO Email 9.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering Open tender,. Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Piotrkowska 110, Citz of Belchatow, Lody aglomeration financing own fund + EU FUnd Estimated amount Period Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 126,02 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 72,57 2008-2011 End of 2009 9.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Belchatow is a city in central Poland, with 62,437 inhabitants (2004). It is located in Łódź Voivodeship. 160 km from the capital of Poland. Department of Water Supply and Sewage "WOD-KAN" Ltd., whose core business is mining is responsible fir distribution of water, and the receipt and treatment of sewage. Technological Overview: In August 2000, Bełchatów Town Office announced •• 161 in the bulletin of public procurement tender for the modernization project and constructing sewage treatment plants. The tender was conducted in two stages. Selected consortium composed Widuch - Hydrolemna from / sw Kielce, PI-P "Inkom" Bełchatów and Lemna International represented by Widuch - Hydrolemna as Chief Engineer Investments. In the course of the task has changed, and the leader of the consortium in May 2003 assumed the role of PI P Inkom. Designs implemented the Municipal Construction Office in Katowice. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments carried out by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection: - Improving thequality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - Toprotect the earth's surface - Ensuring the fire safety Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is the end of 2015, the agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. Sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants. Impact on environment: Predicted ecological effects is ordering water and wastewater by: - Tight complex construction of sewage drainage system; depopulation tanks 162 •• (septic tanks); - Elimination of uncontrolled sewage outlets to the existing watercourses; - Field-Rakówkiriver, ditches or directly in to the ground; - Transporting sewage to the existing drainage system, and continue to waste water treatment plant in Belchatow; - Protection of water resources of the river Rakówka; - Ground water protection; - Environmental protection; - Raising the standard of living inhabitants Belchatow; - Increasing the investment attractiveness of the city Belchatow; - Strengthening local capacity to create jobs; Implementation of projects contributes to the fulfillment of obligations by Poland under the Treaty of Accession in the field "Environment". The attainment of accession is achieved, inter alia, through the implementation of the National Program of waste water treatment Municipal (KPOŚK), which contains a list of cities in which driving is subject to municipal waste water treatment plant. Of the 299 projects selected in-depth analysis of up to 201 projects can be found in the list of cities included in the A-KPOŚK. The problem remains the lack of developed strategies for achieving the objectives of accession, or even a timetable for implementing the necessary investment for this purpose, in any way binding on individual investors. Most of these documents - KPOŚK, the list contains only balanced the needs in this area, and NPR criteria for selecting projects to be funding. Examination of case studies showed that the effects of socio-economic interventions associated with improvement living conditions in areas subject to direct impact of the investment. To build new water supply network and sewage systems in areas not yet armed settlements will allow the construction of new housing. Ecological Effects improve the quality of surface waters will in turn lead to opportunities for development of tourism and recreation. A revamped modern sewage purification is giving great potential for development of the city. Meets all the parameters specified in the applicable provisions of Polish and EU for this type of object. Project model: The project aims to manage the waste economy agglomeration in the Bełchatów (under City Administrative Bełchatów). The project forms part of the KPOŚK is consistent with the objectives of the Strategy Development of the •• 163 country, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program - in terms of ensuring and infrastructure development, the environment, the scale of impact transregional project in relation to the objectives KPOŚK. implementation of the project will make a significant contribution to reduction of nitrogen load discharge from waste water to the municipal sub-basin. The project aims to organize a comprehensive water and wastewater in urban Belchatow by equipping it with technical infrastructure to ensure: - Receive and purification of urban waste water in accordance with the requirements of the Directive 91/271/WG on urban wastewater treatment and the Decree of the Minister of Environment of 24 July 2006. - Compliance by the agglomeration of the size of Belchatow - Providing residents Bełchatów enough and the quality of drinking water of appropriate quality in accordance with EU legislation and Polish Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: City of Belchatow with 61 418 inhabitans, and area 34,64 km² Arrange Area: Project Modernization through the construction and reconstruction of existing water mains, hydrophore, construction of water supply pins, modernization through the construction and reconstruction of the existing network of sewage and stormwater in the City of Belchatow includes sewage network for whole city of Belchatow Other future projects: +construction of the bypass around Belchatow +Modernization through the construction and reconstruction of existing water mains, hydrophore, construction of water supply pins, modernization through the construction and reconstruction of stormwater in the City of Belchatow 164 •• the existing network of sewage and 10. Waste economy in Łódż City 10.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact City of Lodz local government, 90-926 Łódź, ul. Piotrkowska 104 http://bip.uml.lodz.pl Name Elzbieta Famulska Position Manager of the Project Department Developing and Implementation of the UE Projects Duty Management of projects Tel (42) 6384985 Email E.famulska@uml.lodz.pl 10.2. Project in brief Current Stage Way of tendering under preparation, feasibility study, environment reports open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, Project’s location will be developed in the project feasibility study, in which the analysis of multi-(in terms of technological, environmental, social and economic) will be subject to three potential locations to install. One of them is in a restricted area around the use of Group Wastewater Treatment location Plant City of Łódź Agglomeration, in the vicinity of other objects of municipal economy, including a newly built plant incineration of sewage sludge. Two other locations are areas closely linked to energy city and easy access to the heat distribution network (EC 4 Power Station site and the site of the former Thermal Power Plant "Ustronna). For all locations reports will be developed on the environmental impact of investments on financing Estimated amount Period Estimated date of announcing tender which the best location will be chosen. own fund + EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 660,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN)363,00 2010-2-13 2011 •• 165 10.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Łódźisthethird-large stcity in Poland. Located in the central part of the country, it has a population of 753,192 in 2007. It is the capital of Łódź Voivodeship, and is approximately 135 kilometers (84 mi) south-west of Warsaw. City of Lodz initiated preliminary work associated with the use of renewable energy already in 1995 while preparing to develop a "Plan of supply in the City of Lodz" (named after the statute "Energy Law" Guidelines of the plan for the supply of heat, electricity and gas fuels) . Geosynoptical analysis carried out, showed that, in Lodz, deep drilling performance for Triassic deposits (4,000 m) should give the opportunity for the extraction of water with a temperature over 110 ° C and the efficiency of 200 m3 / h, providing economic justification for widespread processing of geothermal energy derived from these sources of usable heat and electricity. City of Lodz, as one of the first in the country have received non-repayable financial assistance from the European Union - the Cohesion Fund for the implementation of major infrastructure projects aimed at environmental protection in the field of wastewater treatment and waste management: 1) Waste water treatment in Lodz(Phase I) 2) Water Supply and Wastewater Treatment Plant-Phase II 3) municipal waste management in Lodz City of Lodz continue to expand municipal waste management system. In the near future it intends to complete installation of the incineration of municipal waste, which is intended to implement the new project" Economics in Lodz municipal waste" Phase II, located on the indicative list of key projects Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment. 166 •• Technological Overview: In Lodz agglomeration of about 800 thousand. population over 350 thousand of tones of municipal wasteis produced annually. "Multi-waste management program for the city of Lodz developed in 1999. " contains the following elements: • construction of waste composting, • 2 construction of waste sorting, • construction of a land fillsite, • construction of waste incinerators. Implementation of the program(approved by Resolution of the City Council), whose initial costs estimated to be approximately EUR280million, would allow the arrangement in the multi-period problem of municipal waste, and proposed solutions will be compatible with a functional"models"in the European Union. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' •• 167 offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: Waste incinerators are not only harmless but even contribute to environmental protection as an alternative source of electricity and heat. Currently, the city implemented Phase II of the project "Economics in Lodz municipal waste", which aims to develop municipal waste management system based on recycling, material recovery and disposal of heat. The project involves the construction of safe organic mixed waste incineration plant with a capacity of 250 thousand tons per year, which will be able to use outside Lodz also its neighboring counties Pabianice, Zgierz, Łódź East and brzeziński. Action incinerator will rely on technological solutions and experience of similar facilities, including France, Sweden, Japan and Austria. This modern plant will meet the highest standard of safety and health of residents and the environment. Construction of waste incineration installations contribute to protecting the most precious values of the natural-landscape of Lodz Upland. Residents need not fear that the incinerator will poison the air, since the combustion occurs with 168 •• the disposal process of dust and gas. The EU survey shows that there has been no negative impact on the environment incinerators. Project model: The main objective of the project is to organize the waste management in the City of Lodz. As part of the City of Lodz project intends to achieve the 2 tasks: installation of municipal waste boats in large-scale impact and significantly complexity because of its impact on natural and social environment. The efficiency of the installation provision is in addition to service the city of Lodz and residents of neighboring cities - Pabianice, Zgierz, Ozorków, Aleksandrów, Lask, Konstantynów, Brzeziny, and Tuszyn Stryków. The second task concerns the management of 3 inactive landfills for municipal waste near Lodz, which will be used for a typical the recreation and sports management or in a forest park with strings pedestrians, sewage bicycle (in conjunction with the Landscape Park Łódzkich hills). The project forms part of the KPGO, the same is strategy, the project is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program -in terms of ensuring and developing the infrastructure environment, the scale of the project in the trans is in respect to the objectives KPGO. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: Lodz agglomeration, population: 747 152, area: 293.25 km2 Arrange Area: don’t know yet, they are choosing location for the plant. Other future projects: +Geothermal station in the Technical University of Lodz +A sports complex with facilities for Physical Education and Sport University of Lodz, supplied with energy from the ECII or geothermal station + Reconstruction of the road system within the streets Wroblewski-red on the section of the street. Proletarianto st. Piotrkowska, including trams to rowiskiem + Removal of existinghousingandrealestatebusinesson thestreet. Wroblewski3, 7and9 in Lodz •• 169 11. Organic Waste Incineration Plant in Krakow 11.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Krakowski Holding Komunalny Spółka Akcyjna w Krakowie Joint Stock Company 30-347 Kraków, ul. Jana Brożka 3 www.ekospalarnia.krakow.pl Name Jarosław Gurbiel, Tomasz Sałęga Position Head of New Development Department Department Development Department Duty Implementation of new projects Tel Email 012 269 15 05 , 11.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification Poland, City of Krakow->Krakow Waste Incineration Plant will be located on the city parcel located at Giedroyc location Street in District XVIII Nowa Huta. In the analysis of multi-location has been identified as the most advantageous. financing Estimated amount Period Estimated date of announcing tender own fund + EU Fund -Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 703,00 -Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 385,55 2010-2014 2010 11.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Krakowski Holding Communal SA was established in 1996 as a parent holding company tax utilities. The group also includes Urban Heating Company SA Municipal Communication SA and Municipal Water and Sewage. The owner of the KHK SA Krakow is a municipality. KHK activity SA focuses on providing 170 •• services holding companies of the group (eg, conducting tax compliance), training, consulting and promotion activities of subsidiaries. Since 2008, the Holding is responsible for developing investment waste incineration plant. Technological Overview: Currently, the waste management system implemented by the Krakow: - Selective collection of municipal waste at source - Additional separate collection of municipal waste in public-type containers bell - Collection of recyclable materials as part of the educational - Department of segregation of municipal waste-sorting Barycz - Composting waste fraction "wet" - Municipal waste land fill Barycz - Collection of bulky waste - Collection of obsolete drugs in pharmacies - Collection of used batteries Analysis of the sector: In Krakow, annually around 327 000 tones of solid waste is produced. Currently, approximately 10% of them are in a different way of separately collected, 4% composted, and more than 86% are still stored. Waste accompany us every day, almost every product used, sooner or later become waste in the end. To safely manage them, Krakow leads various activities in the field of waste management. Impact on environment: Plant emergence waste incineration with the expansion of the recycling system is apparent from the records in the EU directives on the need to reduce waste deposited in landfills. Land filling is considered the least environmentally friendly because it is constrained by the EU, which recommended the construction of incinerators in cities of more than 300 thousand inhabitants; (Law dated 21.04.2001 on waste; regulation of the Minister of Economy and Labor 7.09.2005r. the admission criteria and procedures for the storage of waste in landfills of the type), provincial authorities (Provincial Waste Management Plan 2010, which recommended the construction of waste incinerators in Krakow).Already in 2013 (Decree of the Minister of Economy and Labor on 7.09.2005), municipal waste the calorific value of more than 6 MJ / kg. may not be stored. As is apparent from studies in Krakow waste of calorific value is 7.93 •• 171 MJ / kg. According to the EP and Ray Directive 94/62/EC on Packaging and Packaging Waste, Poland will achieve in 2014r 55% of the overall level of recycling and 60% of the recovery of packaging. ZTPO will secure facility. Emissions will be lower than specified in strict European standards. Their number created by the combustion process is less than the soot domestic chimneys, internal combustion engines for cars or cigarette smoke - stringent rules assume that this number may not exceed 0.1 nano gram per m3 in the case of Krakow Waste Incineration Plant will only be 0.01 nano gram per m3 . There work will be monitored around the clock and controlled by the EU and Polish environmental protection departments. Installations for municipal waste incineration are decades commonly used in the EU-15 countries. Their rapid development began in the mid 60 -- of the last century, when their use was a response to a sharp increase in waste resulting from the rapid development of industry and consumption in most industrialized countries of Western Europe. Since that time, these objects indeed changeditstechnologicalandecological standards and with the parallel occurring growth requirements of Communitylawonenvironmentalimpact systematically raised the standards of ecological security, reaching from the entry into force on 28 December 2005, Directive 2000/76/ECon the incineration of waste the level of impact, which in the opinion of recognized authorities is absolutely safe for environment and human health. Project model: The main objective of the project is to provide for Krakow and the adjacent municipalities the possibility of further, multi-disposal of municipal waste an environmentally sound manner and to meet requirements of the national and the EU. The project concerns the construction of thermal waste disposal plant for large scale impact and complexity significantly. Design is a follow-up carried out by the municipality Krakow project mo. "Solid waste in Krakow, stage I '. The project forms part of the KPGO, the same is strategy, the project is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and environment Program - in terms of ensuring and developing the infrastructure environment, the scale of the project in the trans - respect to the objectives KPGO. • Plant emergence waste incineration in Krakow is included to the ecological waste management system. Will be used to incinerate only those wastes which can no longer be recovered through segregation and composting. • Performance ZTPO reach 220-240thous and tons per year. In Krakow, every 172 •• resident produces about 300kg waste making a total of327thous and tons. According to the forecasts in 2020 will be 420thous and tons per year. Incinerator, with a capacity of 220-240 thousand tons per year will be a source of renewable energy, giving the possibility of getting "green certificates". With 80% of waste will be produced by combustion heat, and 20% of the electricity. This modern, clean facility will meet the very strict emission requirements. Their number created by the combustion process is less than the soot domestic chimneys, internal combustion engines for cars or cigarette smoke (stringent rules assume that this number may not exceed 0.1 nanograma per m3) Financing plan: Estimated cost of construction of modern technology the thermal processing, together with the construction of supporting infrastructure and other elements of the project is estimated at 703 million zlotys. 385.55 million will come from grants from the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, the remaining amount of the KHK SA. The project is included on the indicative list, as well as 11 other incinerators in the largest Polish cities. Scope of the investment: City of Krakow Arrange Area: don’t know yet Progress of Project: Schedule of activities: - obtaining a decision environment is planned for the III quarter 2009 - European Commission decision on co-financing of investment half of 2010 - design, construction and commissioning by the end of 2013 - Plant waste incineration should start activity at the turn of 201 3/2014 •• 173 Public tender: unlimited, The way of choosing winner: The best offer include price and experience, stability and lack of debt of the company Other future projects: - Recycling Centers (Waste Collection Points) - Waste Processing Plant 12. Solution of problems of waste economy in Warsaw - Phase I 12.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact City of Warsaw local government,. 00-901 Warszawa, Plac Defilad 1 www.um.warszawa.pl Name Pan Kazimierz Sender Position Deputy Director of European Funds Office in Warsaw Department European Funds Duty Management of EU Funds Tel (+48 22) 656-76-08 Email inteuro@um.warszawa.pl <inteuro@um.warszawa.pl> 12.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Zakład Unieszkodliwiania Stałych Odpadów Komunalnych w Warszawie przy Gwarków 9 Street, targowek district financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN)533,42 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 293,38 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 174 •• 2011-2014 July 2011 12.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Warsaw, as well as the entire country, is in a phase of accelerated development. The dynamics of socio-economic changes and their wide variety of needs to modify attitudes and behavior in their everyday lives to reduce human pressure on environment. Project Capital Cleaning has been recommended for funding from the Financial Mechanism of the European Economic Area, a unit that supports and conducts all activities falling within part of the project is Environmental Bureau of the Office of Warsaw. Technological Overview: Currently one facility thermally inactivating the municipal wastes operates. It works since 2001. ZUSOK is located at ul. Gwarków 9 This plant is also a modern composting plant in Warsaw and the first power plant producing electricity and heat. It burns to around 60 thousand tons of waste per year: * Wastes containing secondary raw materials are delivered to recycling; * Bulky wastes are shredded; * Hazardous wastes are separated; * other wastes are disposed of by incineration. These wastes burn at temperatures up to 1150°C. During the combustion volume decreases, and some of the resulting slag is used as material for hardening of roads and paving production, soles waste goes to land fill. Electricity is produced during combustion is, approximately 11,563MW hof electricity annually, which equals the energy consumption in6000dwellings. Department is also designed to provide heat, which will be used for heating homes in Warsaw. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology •• 175 Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: Today there are modern incineration plants, which greates no threat to the environment. Thermal waste disposal is one way of waste management that are recommended by the European Union. Requirements for such establishments are made to ensure the safety of the environment and health. Rules for incinerators are much stricter than in the case of coal fired power plant. This mainly concerns air emissions, and thus the use of better filtering of devices manufactured gases. Are being built in major cities of Europe. In Vienna, the waste incineration plant is located in the city center. In Switzerland, up 78% of all waste is disposed of in incinerators, Denmark - 65%, Sweden - 45%, and in Warsaw - only 5%. Project model: The main objective of the project is to harmonize municipal waste management in the emerging City of Warsaw with the principles laid 176 •• down in EU directives, in order to achieve the appropriate level of recycling and recovery of waste, while maintaining efficiency of the system. The project concerns the construction of the thermal disposal of waste plant by large scale effects and significantly complicated. Project forms part of the KPGO and thus has a strategic nature the project complies with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and - Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program in ensuring the provision of infrastructure and development environment, the scale of the project for trans - for the purposes of KPGO. Objectives: 1. Radically reduce the landfill of biodegradable waste in landfills. 2. Processing of material and energy recovery, as many mixed household waste. 3. Increasing levels of material recovery by conductingintensiveseparatecollection of household waste. 4. Expansion and modernization of active recovery and disposal of solid waste. 5. Construction of newinstallationsforacomprehensivesolution of the problem of recovery and disposal of municipal waste arising in the Warsawagglomeration. Feasibility survey: Feasibility Study for the project assumes modernization and expansion of the Department of Municipal Solid Waste (ZUSOK), primarily on-line thermal waste disposal with energy recovery, as well as the creation of a new plant, which will increase the recovery of waste material that is derived from the dry fraction selective collection and metals from the slag and valorization of slag remaining after the process of thermal disposal of waste and the possibility of their use in road constructions. ItisassumedthatthemodernizationandexpansionZUSOKshould: * Retrieve and dis posed of a bout 38% harvested in the City Warsaw mixed municipal waste; * Subjected to thermal disposal of waste with energy recovery of more than320000Mg of waste per year; * To provide heat and electricity to the urban network-enough to heat more than an estimated 11thous and housing and to provide electricity to about43thous and housing; * Recover the metals contained in waste; * Slagtrial phases used as material for road construction; •• 177 * To achieve optimum cost of dis posing of waste, which will not be higher than the costs of storage; * Put an end to mixed municipal waste to distant land fills of municipal waste in the Mazowieckie Province or beyond its borders. Themostimportantimmediateeffect of the implementation of the Project willmeet.requirementstoreduceland fill of biodegradable waste, while increasing the level of material recovery and energy from municipal waste, which is required by EU norms and acts of the Polish law. Scope of the investment: In Warsaw, nearly 2 million people within 517 km ² live with their pets. At this density there are- an average of about 3325 people per km ². At the same time almost 2 million inhabitants create hundreds of tons of waste per year. Arrange Area: located in the Warsaw district Targowek, at ul. Gwarków (Zabranieckiej) and is part of the Department of Utilization of municipal solid waste (ZUSOK). Other future projects: - Modernizing the electricity system - modernization will rely on delivery of new machinery and power equipment that will allow for maximum utilization of energy. Expected energy production estimates by the new lines are: about 148 200 MWh / year of electricity and cogeneration mode of about 101 400 MWh / year of electricity and 195 000 MWh / year of thermal energy. Implementation of the new facility in the area: thermal waste treatment plant with a capacity of390thous and. Mg per year, - Implementation of land fills, 178 •• 13. Waste Management-Bialystok 13.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact City of Bialystok local government, ul. Słonimska 1, p. 508, 15-950 Białystok, http://www.bialystok.pl Name Alina Piesiecka Position Dyrektor of EU Projects Department Development and Implementation of EU Projects Duty Surveillance and managemant Tel 085 869 6119 Email Alina.piesiecka@umb.pl 13.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location City of Bialystok financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 413,89 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 333,04 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 2008-2015 2010 13.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Location: City of Bialystok is the capital of the Podlaskie region and one of three cities in the county rights. The city covers an area of 94 km2 and is inhabited by 291 660 persons. History: Bialystok Podlasie Lowland is located in the western part of the plateau called •• 179 Mazowsze Bialystok. It is the largest city in the north-eastern Polish capital and Podlaskie. Among the provincial Polish city, Bialystokis 2city in terms of population density, 11 in terms of population and 13 in terms of surface area. Bialystok serves as theadministrative, economic, scientific and cultural center of the region. Location of Cities in the vicinity of Belarus, Lithuania and Russia, and convenient transport links, create excellent conditions for economic development and cultural city. Geographical and historical circumstances meant that Bialystokis a place where for centuries lived to gether people of different cultures, religions and nationalities. This is what has shaped the specific nature of the city-the openness, friend lines sand hospitality. Technological Overview: Three-step project aimed to: 1.development processes in the Water Treatment Plant "Wasilków - Pietrasze" 2.construction of preliminary ozonation plant for the treatment of underground water in the SUW "Jurowce", and 3 upgrading digester effluent in Bialystok. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection are: Improving thequality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve air quality - Rationalization of waste management - To protect the earth's surface - Ensuring the fire safety According to data of Central Statistical Office(Environment 2003), in 2002 in the city Bialystok collected approximately 134.1thous and of municipal solid waste(about 5 15.8thous and), which representing approximately 39.1% of the amount of municipal waste collected in the Podlaskie Province. In this terms of 180 •• the city, Bialystokis has first position among the cities and rural districts province Podlaskie. Lower by about 9.6% of the amount of exported waste were recorded in the year 2001, while in 2000 the number was about 17.6%lower over the year 2002. Amount waste per capita of the city developed in 2002at460kg, as in the case of the absolute size of the waste deposited, gave the position no. 1 among urban and rural districts Podlaskie region. Impact on environment: Environmental program is one of the programs development strategy Bialystok(document produced in 1996-covers the period up to 2010), which means that records of environmental strategies provide guidance for the formulation of the objectives environmental policies and concrete projects. The guiding principle adopted in the Program is the principle of sustainable development, enabling harmonization of economic and social development with the protection of environmental amenities. These benefits indicate that the environmental program is not only fulfilling statutory requirements, but also can mobilize the administration and the various institutions/organizations the joint implementation of activities/projects as defined in the Program. Project model: The main objective of the project is to provide the city Bialystok and its neighboring municipalities with opportunities to handle waste in a manner that is safe for residents and the environment by creating comprehensive waste management system including: construction of a thermal waste disposal, construction of a new field component, the remediation of closed storage boxes, modernization and expansion of the existing Department Utilization Municipal Solid Waste in Hryniewiczach. The project forms part of the KPGO, the same is strategy and is consistent with the objectives of the SRK, the NSRF and the Infrastructure and Environment Program - As regards the provision and development of infrastructure environment. The scale of the impact of the project is supra-regional objectives in relation to the NWMP. The project is to provide the city of Bialystok and the neighboring municipalities with waste management opportunities in a safe environment for residents and by creating a comprehensive system of waste management. The scope of the Project includes: - The construction segment, waste and bulky waste household appliances, •• 181 - Construction materials segment, grinding type of building demolition debris concrete bricks - Closure and rehabilitation of existing components in the field swith their Hryniewiczach degassing, - Anew component of the field area of approximately 7HA in H ryniewiczach, - Construction of the segment with the separation of the mechanical segregation fraction of waste incineration, - Creating asegment for the final disposal of wastes through thermal destruction. The investment programmer revealed by the municipal government authorities of the western Polish city of Bialystoken visages investment of PLN2.3b n(EUR 596.27mn USD 771.89mn) in a wide range of areas. One of the largest projects will be the integrated waste management programme, to be funded from the EU's Infrastructure and Environment programme, which is to receive funding of PLN400mn, and this will include the construction of a waste incineration facility. It also includes investment in the construction of the so-called Bialystok Science and Technology Park, which is due to receive PLN140mn of the total funds. There will be a total of PLN133.6dedicated to transport projects, including the purchase of 100 new buses. Two road improvement projects are planned, costing PLN103.6mn and PLN64.9mn. Finally, the construction of a sportsstadiumandexhibitionhallis planned, at a combined cost of PLN210mn. The entire investment project is to be backed by EU funds, with PLN1. 2b n of the total expected to come from the EU. Scope of the investment: City of Bialystok-population: 294 153,area: 102,12 km² Arrange Area: City of Bialystok Other future projects: - Improving the quality of public transport system of the city of Bialystok 182 •• 14. Waste management in Gdansk. 14.1. Project Owner Zaklad Utylizacyjny SP. Zoo w Gdansku Name local government, 80-180 Gdańsk Szadółki, ul. Jabłoniowa 55 Activity www.zut.com.pl Address WWW Contact Name Kazimierz Kuncewicz Position Environment Manager Department Environment Department Duty Environment Protection and Waste Treatment Tel (0-58) 326 01 00; 303 99 51; 322 14 27; 322 15 75 Email , 14.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Pomorskie Region , City of Gdansk financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN)328,58 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 226,21 Period of a project 2008-2011 Estimated date of 2010 announcing tender 14.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Rendering plant limited liability company commenced operations in July 1992 as a distinct entity by way of privatization of municipal enterprises. As a result, in the Gdańsk Municipality separated waste management and disposal of the function of cleaning the city and the transport of waste. The owner of the company is City of Gdańsk. Total rendering plant site occupies approximately 72 hectares, which accounts for the bulk of the existing since 1973 municipal waste landfill. Establishment is situated outside the city, with •• 183 peripheral Tricity, 10 km from Gdansk city center. The undoubted advantage of such a situation is extremely short distance and easy access from all parts of the city, which affects, inter alia, the cost of exporting waste. Today, Gdańsk is the largest center of economic, scientific and cultural Polish coast, the capital of over one million urban area and inhabited by over 2.2 million inhabitants of the Pomeranian region, which according to the latest sociological research is one of the wealthiest regions in Poland. The volume of GDP per capita is 1 more than 7 thousand EURO and is much higher than the average of this indicator in Poland. Technological Overview: Every year there are more than 200 000 Mg of waste. The vast majority of municipal waste are disposed of by landfill. Accommodation blocks currently occupy the area of 29.4 hectares. It currently operates on a plot measuring approximately 50 x 60 meters, surrounded by additional guards. Organic separate collection at source and care of green waste from urban areas are intensively composted in a composting container type KNEER. Analysis of the sector: In European countries, operates about 440 installations similar to that which is to be built in Krakow. In most cases, they are entered in the system of waste management. In Franceit is up to 128 incinerator are cord in terms of quantity of waste incinerated in Den mark, where the 40 waste incineration Plant utilizes a 54per cent waste. In Germany, operates66facilities of this type. Among the new Member States of the European Union are leading the Czech Republic, which have a modern plant in Liberec and modernization of incineration plants in Br no and Prague. From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 184 •• other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: To implement the fundamental principles and objectives of the European Union's environmental policy (enshrined in the Treaty on European Union - EC) and directly from their records under the Polish law, the city of Gdańsk has developed a comprehensive project "Modernization of municipal waste management in Gdansk," which implies a comprehensive, compatible with the BAT (best available technology) implementation of waste management strategies, taking into account all the requirements imposed by the EU. These are mainly: - Minimization of waste production, - Conducting recovery - Disposal of waste outside the landfill, - The principle of "polluter pays"(polluter pays) Project model: The main objective of the project is to organize waste •• 185 management in Gdansk and the neighboring municipalities, the area inhabited by about 500 thousand. individuals and ensure the disposal of municipal waste environmentally safe way. City Gdańsk, without implementation of the modernization investments since July 2009 will not meet the requirements of Polish and EU regarding collection and disposal of municipal waste, the aims of Council Directive 1999/31/EC and national acts legislation. The draft was forwarded to the European Commission, but due the exhaustion of resources did not receive a decision. On 14 May 2007 the European Commission has registered its update under Art. 5, paragraph. 2 of Regulation 1084/2006. The project is part of the NWMP, the same is strategic. Is consistent with the objectives of the SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Program, as regards the provision and development of infrastructure environment, and the scale of the impact of the project is supra-regional objective in relation to the NWMP. For Gdansk implementation of EU directives means the modernization of the existing landfill in Szadółkach and transform it into a modern "Waste Treatment Plant, including, inter alia, the following technology segments: 1. Poland's largest sorting mixed waste, with the capacity of 140.000 tons of waste per year, with a maximum recovery of waste raw materia land separating: ferrous and nonferrous metals, colorless and colored glass, paper newspaper, called the paper. de-inking, card board, textiles, plastics of chapter on soft plastic, hard plastic and PET. The sorting will be possible to separate and Further treatment proceed sto the fraction of biodegradable and compost able fraction and high-energy, fuel for the production of RDF. 2. Head quarters complex components including the modernization of existing accommodation land fill operated in the system double sectors and the newly built head quarters building block: the wastes containing as bestos. Accommodation will be equipped with a system of sealing the bottom, drainage and leachate collection and degassing. 3. Biogas disposal of a segment consisting of a network of vacuum(biogas wells, wells Drainage, bulk stations, the transmission network)and biogas plants of the target parameters: 2MW of electricity and 3MW of heat. 4. Complex composting plant with a capacity exceeding 40,000 tons of waste, including composting plant retrofitted container KNEER, intensive segment of composting, compost maturation square and the segment of its operations and distribution. Will be sent for composting organic waste from the sorting of mixed waste and green waste and 'bio' from selective collections conducted in 186 •• the area of operation. 5. Segment of the fuel, which separated in sorting fraction High energy waste will beused to produce alternative fuel. The fuel will be used as feed stock for the boiler heating(burning on the grill or in a fluidized bed), or rotary kilns used in the construction materials industry. (2-stage of the investment) 6. Segment of the bulky waste removal, which will bedis posed of by dismantling and shred ding, waste such as furniture, household appliances, waste electrical and electronic equipment. 7. Segment of construction waste, consisting of the temporary accommodation of construction waste collection and square, on which the waste will be crushed using a jaw crusher, the pur pose of separating fractions of performance(metals, aggregates, soil) and the ballast. This segment will be protected against dust and noise emissions. 8. Collection system and sewage treatment effluents and technology, whose main component is sewage treatment, working in two-stage system using the method of reverse osmosis. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: City of Gdansk, population: 455 581, area: 265,50 km² Arrange Area: Total rendering plant site occupies approximately 72 hectares, which accounts for the bulk of the existing since 1973 municipal waste landfill. Establishment is situated outside the city, with peripheral Tri, 10 km from Gdansk city center Other future projects: +Rendering plant Sp. z oo Gdansk, +EcoValleySp.zooinŁężyce, +Waste Treatment Plant Permanent +Municipal Waste Treatment Plant "Old Forest" in Starogard Gdansk +Construction of the plant thermal management(fuelformed) fractions municipal waste energy from above. Waste management facilities municipal. •• 187 15. Waste management in Tricity 15.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Zakład Utylizacyjny Sp.z o.o. w Gdańsku local government owned company 80-180 Gdańsk Szadółki, ul. Jabłoniowa 55 www.zut.com.pl Name Kazimierz Kuncewicz Position Environment Manager Department Environment Department Duty Environment Protection and Waste Treatment Tel (0-58) 326 01 00; 303 99 51; 322 14 27; 322 15 75 Email 15.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, Pomorskie region->Tricity, out of 6 subjects selected two locations most optimal. location Currently under public consultation for the proposed location, the planned completion of the consultation break through November/December financing Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender own fund + EU FUNDS - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 593,03 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 294,46 2012-2015 2013 15.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Tricity (in Polish Trójmiasto) is an urban area consisting of three Polish cities: Gdańsk, Gdynia and Sopot. They are situated adjacent to one other, in a row, on the coast of the Gdańsk Bay, Baltic Sea, in Eastern Pomerania (Pomeranian Voivodeship), northern Poland. The Tricity metropolitan area has a population of 188 •• over 1 million people. Area - Total 414.81 km2 (160.2 sq mi) It seems that when it comes to waste management, in the Tri-everything is perfectly organized. What we see everyday on the Tricity settlements, however, shows that the disposal of unwanted things are not handled the best, nor the inhabitants of the companies export. The latter do not always keep pace with the export of small impurities and those of large size. Tricity settlements appear on the wild dumps. You may even encounter them in the city center. Technological Overview: Gdansk: Every year there are more than 200 000 Mg of waste. The vast majority of municipal waste are disposed of by landfill. Accommodation blocks currently occupy the area of 29.4 hectares. It currently operates on a plot measuring approximately 50 x 60 meters, surrounded by additional guards. Organic separate collection at source and care of green waste from urban areas are intensively composted in a composting container type KNEER. Gdynia: Gdynia was able to quickly complete the many tasks related to waste management and improving the health status of the city - including the choice of the location of new landfills and municipal waste management system option, complementary to a landfill for other methods of rendering. Afforded an appropriate level of service, sanitary and bathing beaches. It is an advanced progress on reducing emissions through the elimination of the heating boiler fired by solid fuel and upgrading existing systems. Put to use air monitoring network in Gdynia. - Waste Treatment Plant Ekodolina Sp. z oo Sopot: The primary object is to waste Sopot Waste Treatment Plant being built in Łężyce. The existing system for the collection and export of mixed municipal waste collected separately and is not suitable for a city which requires the status of a spa.rea of the city has many operators that have received decisions authorizing activities for the collection, transport, recovery and disposal of waste. This activity refers to municipal waste, hazardous and other wastes. Analysis of the sector: Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment (POIiŚ) is the largest in terms of available resources and scope of the program operational throughout the European Unionand most importantly source of financing for investments related to environmental protection in Poland. At its •• 189 source of funding for the implementation of investment related to environmental protection in Poland. On its implementation in 2007-2013 Poland will receive from the EU budget of around€27.9billion, of which investment for environmental protection will be nearly 5billion. The basic assumption functioning of the municipal waste management in Poland is a system of regional solutions HR 2010 The PGO 9 objects identified as a regional waste management facilities based on the method of the mechanical - biological treatment (MBP)To obtain the maximum degree of reduction of waste targeted for storage, an essential component of the target, a comprehensive integrated system of municipal waste management is becoming Heat use, - Recovery (under the new directive) fraction of energy waste, which is complementary to other methods of management Devoid of plant waste incineration waste management systems for large cities or regions is notable to meet the requirements of Community law. The aim of the projects underway or envis aged to implement in Pomerania in waste management is to create a comprehensive system of municipal waste a rising in it sterritory. Frame work This will meet the objectives and requirements set by the EU and Polish law, as well as fell within the established National and Regional Waste Management Plan for Pomorskievoivod ship2010. To maximize recovery and reduce the biodegradable waste storage biodegradable NWMP 2010 as the need for the construction of lines for their processing, both thermal methods, as well as biological and biomechanical. The basic assumption functioning of the municipal waste management in Poland is be a system of regional solutions, which are included all the necessary elements of the economy in terms of local data(eg, the transformation thermal). It is important that the proposed facilities, in particular to the thermal waste treatment meet the criteria of BAT, and applied technologies have been tested the long and varied experience. Impact on environment: At each stage of the operation of the plant several kinds of interactions occur. This will emissions to air, noise emissions, will be generated waste and sewage, waste created technological and operational. As the environmental impact should al so consider the demand for water and energy(including energy for the preparation of waste) and indirectly-the amount of energy produced, which will save resources traditional energy resources. Acon sequence of the application of combustion technology for the creation of a large exhaust stream (which can be cleaned), in the absence of water(optional), large 190 •• quantities of materials for recovery high quality and large quantity of energy are produced. Consequence of the use of pyrolysisis the formation of a small stream off umesorits absence, large amounts of solid and liquid waste requiring further planning, symbolic quantities of materials for recycling and produced large quantities of energy. Consequence of the application of gasification is the formation of a small stream of exhaust or lack there of, as mall amount of solid waste requiring further management, the average amount of material for recovery of average quality and average amount of produced energy, lack of water(optional) Council Directive of the European Union in April 1999 on the landfill requires Poland to reduce the amount of biodegradable waste to be deposited into the following levels: - Up to 75percent. weight in2010(compared to the amount of the base year 1995), - Up to 50percent. weight in2013, - Up to 35percent. weight in2020. Project model: The main objective of the project is to complement local (municipal and / trans regional) management systems waste in the form of a comprehensive management system municipal waste Pomerania. Chosen installation of pyrolysis of waste associated will now be operating in the metropolis Tricity municipal waste management systems (in Gdansk, Gdynia, Tczew, Starogard Gdansk). The main objective of the project is resulting from the national and EU need to reduce the amount of stored biodegradable waste, and obtain appropriate levels of recovery of packaging waste. The project forms part of the KPGO, the same is strategy. This is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program - in ensuring the provision of infrastructure and development environment, and the scale of the project is in the trans - respect to the objectives KPGO. The purpose projects "waste management system for the Tri-cities is complement to the local (municipal and / or inter-) waste management systems in form a comprehensive system of regional municipal waste management Pomeranian by building: 1. segment/segments of the production of fuel formed from the fraction of energy waste municipal waste plants Urban : •• 191 • rendering plant Sp.zoo Gdansk, • Eco Valley Sp.zooinŁężyce, • Waste Treatment Plant Permanent Sp.zooin Tczewando ther Pomerania, in particular: • Municipal Waste Treatment Plant" Old Forest"Sp.zooin Starogard Gdansk 2. Construction of the plant thermal management(fuel formed) fractions municipal waste energy from above. Waste management facilities for the pur pose of implementing the project Stage I. - Modernization of exist in grendering plants with modern plants for Waste Management, II. Stage - onstruction of a modern Thermal Waste Treatment Plant. Scope of the investment: The Tricity metropolitan area has a population of over 1 million people. Area - Total 414.81 km2 (160.2 sq mi) Arrange Area: Project includes: Gdansk, Gdynia, Tczew, Starogard Gdansk Other future projects: - Metropolitan railway - modernization of the Hippodrome. - flood protection of Gdansk 192 •• 16. Waste management (including two thermal plants) for cities of Upper Silesia Metropolitan Area 16.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Upper Silesia Metropolitan Union Local government ul. Barbary 21a, 40-053 Katowice http://www.gzm.org.pl/pol/ Name Filip Helbig Position Plenipotentary - Investments Department Department Investments Department Duty Information, project management Tel (32) 253 0425 Email helbig.f@gzm.org.pl 16.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Upper Silesia Region-Ruda Slaska City and Katowice city financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Budget: 1081,16 mln PLN, including 592,93 EU funding Period of a project 2012-2014 Estimated date of announcing tender 2013 16.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: The Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia lies within the largest urban area in Poland. Its population is 2,039,454 (2008), within a conurbation of 2.7 million - the Katowice urban area. It is also part of the wider Silesian metropolitan area, with the population of 5,294,000. The union's share of •• 193 Poland's Gross Domestic Product is 8% and the combined budget of the union's participants exceeds 6 billion PLN. The aim of the union is the creation of a strong metropolitan center with pooled resources, an internationally competitive profile and unified management of common infrastructure. The Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia spans urban communities in the historical regions of Upper Silesia (south part of Silesia) as well as Lesser Poland's Zagłębie Dąbrowskie in Silesian Voivodeship in southern Poland, within the northern portion of the Upper Silesian Coal Basin, between the Vistula and Oder rivers. Technological Overview: As a rule, such plants are designed to accept waste from several hundred vehicles per day. Imported waste goes to the so-called bunkers, where remote-controlled grippers give garbage directly on oven rack. There are progressively displaced by passing the different phases of combustion - dry first, then the partial gasification, and eventually burned. In the installation there is a vacuum, which produces the main exhaust fan. Other fans input properly controlled air into the chamber furnace, as well as from the bottom in different parts of the grate, optimizing the combustion process. The air is usually drawn from the bunker, which prevents the escape of gases and odors from there in the vicinity of incinerators. Effects of combustion gases and ash and slag, which is about 10 percent is the initial volume of raw material. These wastes can be processed such as the construction material. The exhaust gas temperature is about 1100 degrees. Heat it in the proper installation can be converted into heat, electricity or both, allowing the recovery to 80 percent of energy. Grate furnaces allow the spontaneous combustion of municipal waste, which in Polish conditions usually have to 8MJ/kg calorific value, In order to efficient combustion, it is necessary to apply effective control systems that process. Proper control of the combustion process can include achieve high purity gases. Their treatment devices are generally large part of the installation and use of some technologies used include coal-fired power plants - for example, use milk of lime to remove sulfur oxides from the flue gas. Much less used in incineration technology is the installation of fluidized bed furnace, where the air is injected at high speed under the grater is espreviously fragmented fuel. Other elements of the installation of fluidized bed furnace is usually similar to those used in the grate. The disadvantage of this method is that pre-waste. An other technology that canneutralizearelativelysmallamount of waste, is a coincineration of waste selected high-quality fuels in power boilers. Co-application 194 •• of the planned unit energy in a power Halemba" Poland is considering Southern Energy Concern Group Tauron. Production of waste is one of the key problems to solve in the contemporary world. Each of us produces garbage daily, which should get rid of. To protect the environment and reduce the space needed for waste storage, try to be as far as possible re-use or process. If garbage not be recycled, they must be removed by burning or burying in the ground. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). •• 195 Map of the sewage plants in Poland. Impact on environment: Modern technology allows for quick disposal of waste at high temperatures. The examination analysis of technology options for the system, the construction of installations for the thermal converting the residual fraction of mixed municipal waste together with the installation to exploit complementary slags and installations in the area covered by the system project is the best solution and condition for the further development of the region and cities in meeting environmental standards and legislation required by the European Union. The construction phase will be related to noise emissions and emissions of air pollutants from working machines and perform demolition work, and the emergence of wastes. At the stage of operation of the installation several types of emissions occurs. It will be broadcast into the air, noise emissions, and waste will be generated waste and sewage. During the operation the largest possible impact of the investment has been identified in the sphere of influence on the air and on the acoustic. Project model: The aim of the project is to create a waste management system for 14 cities of Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union, which will include the: sorting of municipal waste, waste lines for dismanting large size wastes, the waste processing stations, installations for the disposal of waste isolated from the hazardous waste stream, municipal composting of biodegradable waste, thermal plants and the disposal of waste. The leading goal is to build a thermal plant, guaranteeing the possibility of disposing of waste disposal of biodegradable waste on a scale in order to meet standards under the regulations national and 196 •• EU level. The tender for the development of Upper Silesian Metropolitan Waste Management was declared, under which may arise two garbage incinerators. Silesia is planned for a large garbage incinerator. Due to the size of agglomeration, which would have the support they will be two separate’s facilities with a capacity over 500 thousand tons of waste per year. Locating incinerators in their area interested in Ruda Slaska. The second object is likely to rise in Katowice. Scope of the investment: The Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia lies within the largest urban area in Poland. Its population is 2,039,454 (2008), within a conurbation of 2.7 million Arrange Area: Upper Silesia Region, Sewage Plants-Katowice and Ruda Slaska Progress of Project: plan, feasibility survey on order Other future projects: - Liquidation of waste water treatment plant in Ruda Slaska, - Silesia City Center - DK 94, overpass in Strzemieszyce - Power plant of Fortum Czestochowa •• 197 17. Waste management economy for the City of Poznan 17.1. Project Owner Name Activity City of Poznan local government, Plac Kolegiacki 17, 61-841 Poznań http://www.poznan.pl/ Name Address WWW Contact Position Bożena Przewoźna Director of the Department of Municipal and Housing Administration Department Department of Municipal and Housing Administration Duty Project’s implementation Tel (061) 878-52-00, (0-61) 878-5541 Email gkm@um.poznan.pl 17.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, Multi-variant analysis of the location of the installation showed that the best place for the construction of a district CHP plant Karolin. Analysis of options was performed at the location level of the whole system so as to make the assignment each element of the system in each variant. The land for the planned investment is located in the eastern part of Poznan, near the border administrative areas of the city from villages flamingo (town Koziegłowy). Located On the south - western part of the land Karolin Power Plants. financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 640,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 352,00 Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 198 •• 2008-2013 2010 17.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: The city of Poznań has acceded to the project of building a modern meeting legal and technical standards of the EU's system of municipal waste management. Design "The system of waste management for the city of Poznan will include the modernization of existing installation and construction of new development activities in environmental education population and activities in the field of organizational and institutional. The examination analysis of technology options for the system, the construction of installations for the thermal converting the residual fraction of mixed municipal waste(ITPOK) in Poznan together with the installation to exploit complementary slags and installations in the area covered by the system project is the best solution and condition for the further development of the region and cities in meeting environmental standards and legislation required by the European Union. ITPOK should be the large stand most important element of the system. Technological Overview: - The landfill is located within the administrative boundaries Suchy Forest, north of Poznań, close to reserve Morasko. Distance from the landfill to the center of Poznan is about15 km. - Team sewage effluents was builtin 1996 and consists of from sewage effluent, two retention ponds collecting water leaching and one pond leachate in filtration of water purified. - Biogas power plant in the municipal landfill in Suchy Las was commissioned on27 May 1996 - Czmoń is the second largest landfill in the vicinity - Cognition, managed by Sater Kórnik(20% of the shares is owned by the municipality Kórnik, while the remaining 80 %belongs to the French group SAGED). Land fill waste is located in the administrative boundaries of municipalities Kórnik, at a distance about 30km south west of Poznan. Analysis of the sector: From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste •• 199 management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). Map of the sewage plants in Poland Impact on environment: Construction IT POK using the method of waste incineration: - ensure the reduction of waste entering the mass> 90%. - allows disposal of large quantities of municipal waste and to optionally Sewage Sludge - enables compliance with Directive 1999/31/EC concerning the limitation of land filling of biodegradable waste, - enables compliance with Directive 94/62/EC and its amendment, the and 200 •• packaging waste down 60%recovery, - allows the production of energy from waste, found in the Directive adopted by The European Parliament 17 June 2008 as potential energy resources, combustion. - allows the production of energy in meeting the requirements of the Directive 2004/8/EC, reduce C02emissions, - ensure that waste recycling after process slag as raw material for roads, the recovery of ferrous and nonferrous metals, - provides comprehensive solution for the disposal of municipal waste of different type., - hygienization solves the problem of waste. Project model: The main objective of the project is to create a modern system that will, in a comprehensive manner, to organize waste management problem in Poznań. The project concerns the construction of a thermal plant disposal of waste and the impact of large scale largely due to the complexity of their impact on the environment and social conditions. The project entered in KPGO, the same is a strategic project is consistent with the objectives of SRK, the NSRF and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program - in terms of ensure the development of infrastructure and the environment. The best variant of the investment is the construction of the following ITPOK elements of the waste management system: - installation for incineration of mixed waste fraction of residual treatment with energy recovery, - installation to exploitslags - accompanying infrastructure, including installation of solidification and chemical stability, ashes and solid residues from gas cleaning process, connecting to the network heating and electricity, handy shop, hardware store and maintenance materials, the position of receiving and weighing, etc. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: Poznan city agglomeration is the administrative center of the region Wielkopolskie. It is formed by 23 commutes. Its area is constituting 11% of the Wielkopolska province, with population of 1 million, which is about 30% of the population of Wielkopolska. •• 201 Arrange Area: Land for investment is located in the south - western part of the land Power Plants Karolin. Immediate environment of the planned investment area are operated by EC Karolin, and the company EKO-ZEC, whose principal activity is the management industrial waste arising in the course of combustion of coal stone, solid waste from the semi-calcium flue gas desulphurization methods, trade slag, as well as transport and recycling of construction materials. Other future projects: - Western Bypass of Poznan - Modernization of the Poznan Railway Node It is now one of 4 regional cities characterized by high investment attractiveness and the lowest degree of investment risk. 18. Thermal waste utylisation in Szczecinski Obszar Metropolitarny 18.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Commute of the City of Szczecin local government, Plac Armii Krajowej 1, Szczecin www.szczecin.pl Name Position Manager of the implementation of EU Funds Department Investment Development Department Duty Management Tel 0-91 424-57- 61 Email plandow@um.szczecin.pl <plandow@um.szczecin.pl> 18.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location financing Zachodniopomorskie region, Ostrow Grabowki k/Szczecina ul. Przejazd own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 300,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 255,00 Period of a project 2011-2012 Estimated date of announcing tender 2011 202 •• 18.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Szczecin is the capital city of West Pomeranian Voivodeship in Poland. It is the country's seventh-largest city and the largest seaport in Poland on the Baltic Sea. As of the 2005 census the city had a total population of 420,638. In 2007 its population was 407,811.Szczecin is located on the Oder River, south of the Lagoon of Szczecin and the Bay of Pomerania. The city is situated along the southwestern shore of Dąbie Lake, on both sides of Oder and on several large islands between western and eastern branch of the river. Szczecin borders with town of Police, seat of the Police County, situated at an estuary of the Oder River.Waste Management Plan 2003-2006 was the first edition of the planning activities short and long-term in this field, in parallel at the municipal, county and the county. Thus, the implementation of this plan was carried out in a way which can be significantly improved bothat the stage of coordination and supervision of the planned operations, asalso in the consistent and reliable reporting. High level of municipal waste is collected (65 thousand. Mg) and unit municipal waste collection rate is close to 300 kg per capita accounts for an annual province. Technological Overview: - Waste transfer station with an area of 12.600 m2 building is located atul. Princess Anne in Szczecin9-at the least burdensome to the people and places in close proximity to reception facilities. - Sorting of waste was builtin the technical and operational base of the Company in the immediate vicinity of a transshipment point(technically it is linked). According to the assumptions of technology, the plant may be subjected to a sorting day, 400Mg of mixed municipal waste and waste from selective collection. This is about 120,000Mg per year. Szczecin city currently has in its area of active municipal waste landfills. All waste is disposed of in landfills outside the city limits. - four active plants suitable for composting waste with a total annual capacity of at 46 000 Mg Analysis of the sector: In European countries, operates about 440 installations similar to that which is to be built in Krakow. In most cases, they are entered in the system of waste management. •• 203 In Franceitisup to 128 incinerator are cord in terms of quantity of waste incinerated in Den mark, where the 40 waste incineration Plant utilizes a 54 percent waste. In Germany, operates66facilities of this type. Among thenew Member States of the European Union are leading the Czech Republic, which have a modern plant in Liberecand modernization of incineration plants in Brno and Prague. From 75 to 100 percent. waste incineration plants operating in different countries of the European Union are used in furnaces grate. In the near future, it appears that technology for waste incineration will be selected by Polish governments. The construction of incinerators in Poland is the only opportunity in 2015 to meet EU standards for municipal waste management. Plants will built in Warsaw and the Silesian agglomeration, one in Szczecin, Gdansk, Krakow, Lodz, Poznan and Bialystok. Most of these investments are still at the stage of expertise and planning. Most common type of incinerator plants in the European Union are based on the grate. Modern plant in Silesia disposal of hazardous medical waste stands at the Oncology Center, but also burns waste from 400 other hospitals, clinics and physicians' offices. - It's the most modern incinerator in the region, meets all environmental standards. In Poland, incinerators are to be created (in the order of inclusion in the list) in Lodz (250 thousand. Tons), Krakow (250 thousand. Tons), Warsaw (265 thousand. Tons), the agglomeration of Bialystok (100 thousand. Tons), Tri-City conurbation ( 250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Ruda Slaska (250 thousand. tons), the Silesian agglomeration - Katowice (250 thousand. tons), Poznan (200 thousand. tons) and Szczecin Metropolitan Area (180 thousand. t). Map of the sewage plants in Poland 204 •• Impact on environment: Modern technology allows for quick disposal of waste at high temperatures. The examination analysis of technology options for the system, the construction of installations for the thermal converting the residual fraction of mixed municipal waste together with the installation to exploit complementary slags and installations in the area covered by the system project is the best solution and condition for the further development of the region and cities in meeting environmental standards and legislation required by the European Union and will catch up in this area agglomeration of Europe. The construction phase will be related to noise emissions and emissions of air pollutants from working machines and perform demolition work, and the emergence of wastes. Stage the investment will be relatively short-lived and less burdensome. At the stage of operation of the installation occurs several types of emissions. It will be broadcast into the air, noise emissions, and waste will be generated waste and sewage. During the operation the largest possible impact of the investment has been identified in the sphere of influence on the air and on the acoustic. Many Polish cities face a problem of excess garbage. Therefore, waste management, requires new, more efficient and environmentally sound solutions. From the perspective of waste management is essential that the waste incineration plants contribute to the reduction of waste and thus complete the process of re-use. If Poland wants to meet EU requirements must build 10 waste incinerator within the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment. By the end of 2010, 75% of the waste recyclable will be able to be deposited in landfills. Until 2013, this amount must be reduced to 50%, then to 35%. For failure to comply with these provisions terror heavy penalties. The largest share of incineration in waste management systems can be seen in EU countries such as Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, France and Germany. Action incinerator will rely on technological solutions. Project model: The present investment remains consistent both with the Strategic Community Guidelines on Cohesion, the NSRF and is part of the SRK. Project will allow the thermal disposal of municipal waste generated within Bristles in the amount of 150 thousand tons per year and provide readiness to accept more waste from municipalities neighboring operating under Haff Metropolitan Area. In addition, ordering waste in the Municipal City of Szczecin by implementing modern technology, recovery and municipal waste (including waste incineration) will be implementing accession commitments in the economic waste. •• 205 Scope of the investment: Szczecin Aglomeration, population- 406 941, area300,53 km² Arrange Area: The investment will be located on the plot of 173 ha, of which, this investment will underpin 6HA. Plot is located in the municipality of Szczecin, zachodniopomorskie province, Przejezd Street. Other future projects: - construction of plants to exploit slags - system of energy recovery and energy production, - installation of aftertreatment - roads, pavements, squares maneuvering 19. Improvment of water and sewage system in Bielsko-Biała city 19.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact AQUA S.A. BIELSKO-BIALA Join stock company , www.aqua.com.pl Name Jadwiga Halka Position Director Department Investment Department Duty Information management Tel 00 48 33 / 82 80 242 Email jadwiga.halka@aqua.com.pl 19.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, waiting for government decision Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Bielsko Biala City, financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of 169,46 mln PLN (EU Funds-96,94mln PLN) 04.12.2009 - 7.11.2012 announcing tender 206 •• Beginning of 2010 19.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Aqua SA operates water supply and sewerage in Podbeskidzie and neighboring communities. Company serves 300 thousand of residents, and receives and cleans the wastewater of over 166 thousand. residents. Aqua provides annually about 16 million m³ of water and removes and cleans about 11 million m³ of sewage. The services offered by Aqua benefit households, housing associations, public institutions and industrial and service companies. The company has two large and several smaller water treatment plants and two mechanical-biological sewage treatment plants. City of Bielsko-Biala is actively involved in raising European funds, , which became available after the Polish accession to the European Union. Technological Overview: The company has two large and several smaller water treatment plants and two mechanical-biological sewage treatment plants. Aqua has a few shots of water. The biggest shots are: the River Kobiernicach salts in the river valley and the river Wapienica Żylice in Szczyrk. Water supplied to customers goes via system of pipes with a total length of over 2000 km. Aqua recognizes wastewater discharged by the population and industries to the sewerage network, which counts more than 1000 km long. Analysis of the sector: The objectives of the Cohesion Fund for the protection of the environment .The main objective of the environmental strategy of the Cohesion Fund in Poland is to support investments by public authorities on environmental issues, arising from the implementation of European Union law which priorities are carried out with support from the Cohesion Fund for environmental protection are: - Improving the quality of surface water - Improve the quality and distribution of water intended for human consumption - To improve airquality - Rationalization of wastemanagement - Toprotect the earth's surface - Ensuring the firesafety Protection of the environment is today considered by the European Union as an integral part of policy for the sustainable and balanced development. The further growth of the Member States, as well as the good of its people - in the •• 207 care of their health - require constant care for the environment and take all possible measures to protect them from degradation. Financing of water and wastewater in the new term 2007-2013 is targeted to support the activities of local government units and their relationships, agreements and associations, as well as commercial companies, where the majority of shares have a regional or local authorities or their associations. The main objective of OP Infrastructure and Environment in the area of water and wastewater facilities is the end of 2015, the agglomeration of more than 15 thousand. Sewerage systems and sewage treatment plants. Impact on environment: In its work, the Company shall label solutions through use of renewable energy. These solutions are universal for the entire industry of water and sewage, and are an example of an effective, efficient and economically-viable solution to the ecological. Implementation of projects contributes to the fulfillment of obligations by Poland under the Treaty of Accession in the field "Environment". The attainment of accession is achieved, inter alia, through the implementation of the National Program of waste water treatment Municipal (KPOŚK), which contains a list of cities in which driving is subject to municipal waste water treatment plant. Of the 299 projects selected in-depth analysis of up to 201 projects can be found in the list of cities included in the A-KPOŚK. The problem remains the lack of developed strategies for achieving the objectives of accession, or even a timetable for implementing the necessary investment for this purpose, in any way binding on individual investors. Most of these documents -- KPOŚK, the list contains only balanced the needs in this area, and NPR criteria for selecting projects to be funding. Examination of case studies showed that the effects of socio-economic interventions associated with improvement living conditions in areas subject to direct impact of the investment. To build new water supply network and sewage systems in areas not yet armed settlements will allow the construction of new housing. Ecological Effects improve the quality of surface waters will in turn lead to opportunities for development of tourism and recreation. On October 22 Aqua SA award Leader of Polish Ecology 2008. The prize was awarded by the Ministry of Environment, Mr. Professor Maciej Nowicki. Bielsko company was a leader in the enterprise category for "green investments with the high quality of service." 208 •• Project model: Contract 1 - Construction of sanitary sewer and water pipe construction in Old Bielsko-districts and the construction of sanitary sewers and water exchange in the Silesia Komorowice in Bielsko-Biala Contract 2. Construction of sanitary sewer and water pipe replacement in the Komorowice Krakow in Bielsko-Biala Contract 3. Construction of sanitary sewer and water pipe construction in the Lipnik. Construction of sanitary sewer and water pipe construction in the buildings. Construction of sanitary sewer and water pipe construction in the Olszowka. The construction of sanitary sewers in the district of Silesia Mikuszowice. "Improving water and sewage systems in the districts of the City of Bielsko-Biala through construction of sewerage and water supply", aims to organize a comprehensive water and wastewater of the city. The project will be implemented in out lying districts of the City of Bielsko-Biala: Olszówki, tenement, Mikus zowic media-in the area of Early Spring Street, Old Bielsko, Komorowice Slaskie, Komorowice Krakow, Lipnik(called Catchment Niwka). In addition to the construction of se werage system it planned to construct water supply and exchange in the districts of House and Ols zow ka. Planned investment cost is about 174.3million PLN, and the possible amount of assistance is PLN 96.9 million, representing 57.2% of eligible costs. The project was placed on the so-called." Indicative list of individual projects"(published on 08.04.2008 in the Polish Monitor No. 30, item.269). Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: The project will be implemented in outlying districts of the City of Bielsko-Biala: Olszówki, tenement, Mikuszowic media - in the area of Early Spring Street, Old Bielsko, Komorowice Slaskie, Komorowice Krakow, Lipnik (called Catchment Niwka). In addition to the construction of sewerage system is planned to construct water supply and exchange in the districts of House and Olszowka. Arrange Area: Within the project planned to build 143.5 kilometers of the sewer system and 5 sewage pumping stations. In addition, it is planned construction of new water supplies to 8.5 km in length, and replacing old water •• 209 pipes with a length of 16.6 kilometers. Other future projects: In the case of Bielsko-Biala, where the functioning heating system is based on heat generation in combination with the production of electricity, which ensures the most efficient use of chemical energy contained in the fuel for the benefit of environment, the system should be maintained in a central supply customers heat, In the case of CHP and district heating would be desirable to bring them gas. In the year 2010 should consider the possibility of wider use renewable energy resources (as set out in the Second Ecological Policy in 2010 years the use of renewable energy in Poland should be double higher than in 2000, while in 2025 - should be comparable with the average indicators in the European Union). - The exchange of existing and non-coal-fired boilers Ecological sources of heat (the owner of the building will be able to choose a heating Gas, oil, electric or coal-fired furnace with a new generation retort and combustion); - Undertaking No.9" Theuse of land fill gas for energy production electricity; - Undertaking No 10" Modernization of energy-Waste Sewage AQUASA Komorowice using biogas for produce electricity and heat; 4. 교통 운송 1. Second Subway Line in Warsaw - construction of the central part of line II together with purchasing carriages 1.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact 210 •• Metro Warszawskie Sp.z o.o. and City of Warsaw local government, ul. Wilczy Dół 5, 02-798 Warszawa http://www.metro.waw.pl Name Dorota Papinska Position Financial and Commercial Director, Member of Management Department Financial Department Duty Financial and Commercial issues Tel (0-22) 643 63 79, 643 93 69 Email info@metro.waw.pl 1.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Masovia Region financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 4 768,80 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 2 954,91 2010 1.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Period: 2007-2013 History: Warsaw Metro is urban underground rail line system. Currently consists of one north-south line, designed to connect major settlements with the Warsaw city center. Current plans include construction of three lines now in use is only one route Kabaty - Młociny. After 25 years of construction, 25 October 2008 first line was completed. Thus, in 25 years, 22 stations were built (along with the technical station Kabaty). And the line is in the near future (2010/11) to be expanded in the center of town to additional stations, Constitution Square and Muranow. •• 211 . CityofWarsawis the owner of the Metro Warsaw Sp. z oo In 2008, Metro Warszawskie completed the construction and handed over for passengers four station The opening of four stations in the northern area of Warsaw extended the route of the first line to almost 23 kilometers. The construction of the Bielany section of the metro was subsidized from EU funds in the amount not exceeding 50%. 5 international consortiatook part in the tender: CHINA OVERSEAS ENGINEERING GROUP CO.LTD located in Beijing, ALPINEBAU Gmb HAlte Bundesstraβ e10,5071 Wal sbei Salzburg, Austria, ASTAL DISp A, st. Giulio Vincenzo Bona6500-156Rome, Mostostal Warszawa SA-leader, Warsaw, DRAGADOSSA-Leader of the consortium, Avda, de Tenerife, 4y6, San Sebastiandelos Reyes(Madrid), 28,700, Spain. Astaldi company won the tender. 212 •• Technological Overview: Warsaw's subway line has 21 stations over a distance of about 23.1 km. Each station is monitored and equipped with two clocks showing real time. At each stop is also a lift for the disabled. Currently, out of the 40 trains running, 15 consist of the older Russian-produced carriages, 7 of the newer Russian-produced carriagesand 18 of Alstom-produced carriages. The Russian and Alstom carriages are incompatible and cannot be used in the same train. - Number of stations: 21 - Length of the platforms:120m - Number of passenger elevators for the disabled:59pcs - Number of escalators: 59pcs - Hollow platform below ground level : 6,2-12, 2m - Average distance between stations:> 1000m - Wi th of the track: 1435mm - Minimum curveradius of the track:300m - Maximum slope: 3.1% - Type of rail surface :paved - Power system: the thirdrail, 750V - Secure movement of trains: asystem of remote control and dispatching - Secure movement of trains: automatic system - Reducing the speed of traffic cabin - Frequency of the circulation:3-4minutes during peak hours - Communication speed:36 km/h - Permissible maximum speed: 60 km/h - Time travel all over the Metrosection: 38min - Size of transport:280-500thous and passengers per day Analysis of the sector: A metro system is a rapid transit train system. In some cases, metro systems are referred to as subways or undergrounds. The first metro system, the London Underground, was opened in 1863. As of 2009[update], there are approximately 140 metro systems in the world. Warsaw's subway line only has 21 stations over a distance of about 23.1 km. Currently, Metro is preparing an investment Warsaw central section II of the construction of metro line linking the station with the Rondo Daszynskiego and Vilnius Station. Its length will be about 6 km,with 7 stations: Rondo Daszynski, Rondo ONZ, Holy Cross, New World, •• 213 Powisle, Stadium and Old Town. The whole length of subway lines will be about 31 km. Impact on environment: This investment associated with negative effects in terms of vibration and noise. Construction work is associated with discomfort in terms of the acoustic area.. Execution of the investment is also associated with the occurrence of increased air pollution. Project model: Subway line II in Warsaw, From Rondo Daszyńskiego to Vilnius Train Station (section central) and the purchase of 15 trains for the central section of Subway line II. The project is strategic in nature because of the large the number of transported passengers and is consistent with the second strategic priority SRK: "Improving the technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal NSRF: "The construction and modernization technical and social infrastructure essential to importance to increase the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program: "Increasing the attractiveness of investment Polish and its regions through the development of infrastructure technical while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and developing territorial cohesion. " The project is in the scale of the impact of supra-and national. Implementation of the project will affect the achievement of Infrastructure and Environment Operational Programindicators, as well as SRK in terms of the NSRF and passengers of public transport. The project has a direct relationship with the EURO 2012 in the field maintenance of fans and tourists who will be present in Warsaw. 214 •• Second subway line, provides routing path from the western part of town, to Mor, on the Prague side of the Vistula and the end of the line in the northern part of the settlement Bródno and Southern Gocławiu. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: improvement of traffic in the whole city Arrange Area: Currently, Metro is preparing an investment -the construction of metro line linking the station Rondo Daszynskiego with Vilnius. Station is length is about 6 km, which built the station will be 7: Rondo Daszynski, Rondo ONZ, Holy Cross, New World, Powisle, Stadium and Old Town. The whole length of subway lines to be about 31 km. Other future projects: - Construction of the Muranow and Plac Konstytucji stations - Underpass at the station Dw Gdanski Station •• 215 2. Rapid Rail Metropolitalna in Bydgoszcz-Torun area Bit- City 2.1. Project Owner City of Torun, City of Bydgoszcz, City of Solec Kujawski PKP S.A., Name PKP PLK S.A. government, local government, Activity Wały gen. Sikorskiego 8, 87-100 Toruń www.torun.pl/ Name Address WWW Contact Position Assistant of the Department of Communication and Promotion Department Department of Communication and Promotion Duty Promotion of the cities Tel 056 6118651 Email Beata.krzeminsk@umtorun.pl 2.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location kujawsko-pomorskie region financing own fund + EU Fund Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 884,12 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 338,40 2010 2.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Period: 2009-2013 History: BiTCity - designed suburban train connect the capitals of the Kuyavian-Pomeranian: Bydgoszcz and Torun. Projects assumptions are: * integrating the two largest population of the city, * Lead to faster development of the two capitals of the region, * Speedup the creation of the Bydgoszcz-Torun, 216 •• * Create an investment magnet and motor development for other cities in the region by creating a 700-strong urban agglomeration. BIT CITY will be built by the provincial government of Bydgoszcz, Torun and Solca Kujawski and the state railway company, PKP and PKP Polish Railway Lines. Project will be worth 882 million project creates the conditions for fast and convenient travel between Bydgoszcz and Toruń, but also the integration of rail and rail transportation in both cities in a single integrated public transport system. Technological Overview: Currently, the route from Bydgoszcz to Torun takes 45-60 minutes with average speed of 50 km / h. With BIT CITY average speed will be \120 km / h, will shorten the journey time by half. Impact on environment: Road transport emits 30 times more polluting than rail transport. At the moment, using rail transportation is in country’s interest, by liquidating a number of unprofitable sections of railway lines. Trains themselves are still evolving, becoming less harmful to the environment, even operate on environmentally friendly electricity. Analysis of the sector: Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. This translates into easier life for transportation companies – with additional boost coming from the continuous deregulation of the markets. The recent step on the path for streamlined transportation is the country’s entry into the Schengen zone, facilitating movement across borders. The fast-train operator PKP Intercity from the Polish state railways group PKP has been holding talks with French and Spanish companies on its participation in a consortium that would build high-speed railways in Poland. The railway companies from Poland, Russia, Belarus and Germany have agreed to strive for launching a high speed railway connection between Berlin and Moscow, the state railway group PKP announced in early February. The goal of the project, which is in very early stages, is to reduce the time of such a journey to 18 from 27 hours. Last August, Russian RZD, German DB, Belarusian BC and Polish PKP signed a statement on their joint setting up of a •• 217 joint venture designed for cargo shipments, EuroAsia Rail Logistics. The company, based in Moscow, is due to become operational this year.Impact on environment: The investment has already been officially entered into the 17 operational program in the National Development Plan 2007-2013. This means that the project has a very high chance of success in the coming years. The whole project fits perfectly in our country offered aid from the European Union to develop routes. In the past ten years in most developed countries the volume of rail passenger steadily increased, while the share of railways in the modal structure of the domestic passenger traffic decreased or remained at the same level. Currently this share is highest in Japan, in 2002 was 27% (calculated according to passenger). The movement of goods only 4% (by tonne-kilometers). Project model: Bydgoszcz and Toruń, they are part of the Bydgoszcz - Torun Area Metropolitan, by public transport with rail in the bit-City, improving the efficiency of operation and the attractiveness of collective transport. Implementation of the project will help to create factual basis for the integration of communication of both cities .Main investment projects: 1) Investments related to the acceleration of tram lines in Torun, 2) Rehabilitation and reconstruction of station objects in Torun, together with the infrastructure nodes, 3) Rebuilding the two together with the infrastructure 353, 4) The building of tram lines from the region of Node East in Bydgoszcz tram loop located in the district, together with the integration of Fordon means of rail transport, 5) Construction of a connection fail Bydgoszcz Main- Airport Bydgoszcz, 6) Rebuilding and expansion of station and rail infrastructure in Solec Kujawski, 7) Purchases of stock for the operation of individual tram and rail connections, including EZT dedicated connection Torun East - Bydgoszcz Main, 8) providing equipment and systems integration means of transport in the agglomeration. Implementation of the project will provide a basis for the actual integration communication of both cities which will allow for significant shorten the journey time between the cities. 218 •• Feasibility survey: Study was prepared byBureau Engineering Laboratory Design Studio Cejrowski & of Transportation Krych. The document contains five basic solutions for rail between Bydgoszcz Torun. Four of them connect the capitals of province Solec, using on existing tracks, one assumes the track arrangement on th eright bank of the Vistula, and by Przysiek Fordon. Option determined by the studio as the primary route is to use existing Bydgoszcz Index-Solec-Torun East, after it will be upgraded to a standard enabling reaching the speed of up to 160 kilometers per hour. Feasibility study and ordered them jointly contribute to the provincial government, local Bydgoszczand Toruń, and the public Polish Railway Lines. Documentation had already been presidents of both cities. The study is the first step to creating Bi TCity. Another is the application of EU support to the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment 2007-13. We have achanceat the money, because the program involves, among others. financing of environmentally friendly public transport in metropolitan areas. Scope of the investment: Bydgoszcz-Toruń metropolitan area- has a width of about 30 km (to the north-south) and a length of about 70 km (on the east-west line). * Adjustment of track to 120 km/h on the route BiT City - from Torun, Bydgoszcz East to the Main * Construction of fast tram connections, linking the city center and the district Fordon in By d goszcz; * Constructionnode platform for communication and connecting in Bydgoszcz, * Construction of a railway line linking the main train station Bydgoszcz air portin Bydgoszcz; •• 219 * Construction of Torun City hubnode and the second tunnel and the rail road tracks at the Square of Peace of Torun; * The revitalization of railway stationsin Torun; * Construction of a railway viaduct in SolecKujawski ; * The creation of an electronic toll collection system; * Expansion and modernization of the tramnetwork in both cities, the purchase of modern low-floor trams; * Purchase of 7 modern trains ETA; Arrange Area: high speed railway from City of Bydgoszcz to City of Torun Other future projects: - rehabilitation of railway lines Torun East-Grudziądz and Grudziadz - suburban train to Torun. - High speed railway Warsaw-Lodz-Wroclaw-Poznan 3. Preparation for construction high-speed lines 3.1. Project Owner PKP PLK S.A. Name government owned company, ul. Jagiellońska 78, 03-301 Warszawa Activity www.plk-sa.pl Name Jan Telecki Position Director of the Project Department Development Department Duty Implementation of the projects Tel tel. (0-22) 473-33-00 Address WWW Contact Email 220 •• 3.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Masovia Region, Lodz Region, Lower Silesia Region financing own und + EU Fund Estimated amount Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 290,98 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 247,33 2011 3.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Period: 2010-2015 History: PKP Polish Railway Lines SA is the manager of the national railway network. The main tasks of the Company are: * Provision of railway lines carriers, , * Upgrading of railway lines adapting them to European Union standards, * Development of train schedules, * Operation of the trains on railway lines, * Maintenance of railway infrastructure for safe operation of the railway, * Cooperation with the neighboring railway infrastructure managers. Technological Overview: The network of railway lines which is under the management of PKP Polish Railway Lines SA includes over 19 thousand km of railway lines. Lines covered by international agreements are being gradually upgraded to achieve the target standards and ensure interoperability of the rail network on Polish territory in the trans-and high-speed trans-European conventional rail system. Modernization of th line is run from the budget and EU funds. The network of PKP Polish Railway Lines SA operates about 1600 stations. The sequences of railway lines in operation with more than 14200 circularinter sections with roads and pedestrian crossings of which about 2700 are guarded by employees. PKP Polish Railway Lines SA maintain over 26 thousand engineering facilities in the nearly 7000 bridges and via ducts. •• 221 Analysis of the sector: Modernization of railway lines do not solve the fundamental problems of Polish transport. The only solution already proven in other countries is a fundamental restructuring of the railway network by constructing new lines of large speed connections between major population centers. Already there are problems with the preliminary estimate of construction costs of large-speed line from Warsaw to Poznan and Wroclaw - the initial feasibility study carried out in 2005 showed that the volume of investment has been set at 9 million per kilometer. The whole construction of the necessary cost was estimated at 16-17 billion zlotys. Two years later - at the first meeting of the Scientific Council of Railways large speeds - the cost of building one kilometer large line speed is valued at 10-15 million on the flat and 15-20 million in hilly area. Planned investment in rail infrastructure in the period 2007-2013 (railway lines belonging to TEN-Tnetwork). 222 •• Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. This translates into easier life for transportation companies – with additional boost coming from the continuous deregulation of the markets. The recent step on the path for streamlined transportation is the country’s entry into the Schengen zone, facilitating movement across borders. The fast-train operator PKP Intercity from the Polish state railways group PKP has been holding talks with French and Spanish companies on its participation in a consortium that would build high-speed railways in Poland. The railway companies from Poland, Russia, Belarus and Germany have agreed to strive for launching a high speed railway connection between Berlin and Moscow, the state railway group PKP announced in early February. The goal of the project, which is in very early stages, is to reduce the time of such a journey to 18 from 27 hours. Last August, Russian RZD, German DB, Belarusian BC and Polish PKP signed a statement on their joint setting up of a joint venture designed for cargo shipments, EuroAsia Rail Logistics. The company, based in Moscow, is due to become operational this year.Impact on environment: The investment has already been officially entered into the 17 operational program in the National Development Plan 2007-2013. This means that the project has a very high chance of success in the coming years. The whole project fits perfectly in our country offered aid from the European Union to develop routes. In the past ten years in most developed countries the volume of rail passenger steadily increased, while the share of railways in the modal structure of the domestic passenger traffic decreased or remained at the same level. Currently this share is highest in Japan, in 2002 was 27% (calculated according to passenger). The movement of goods only 4% (by tonne-kilometers). Impact on environment: Road transport emits 30 times more polluting than rail transport. Trains themselves are still evolving, becoming less harmful to the environment, even ran through environmentally friendly electricity. Project model: Analytical work and preparation for the construction of new lines high-speed railway between Wrocław, Poznań, Łódź and Warsaw. High-speed line will be creating the characteristic shape of the letter "Y". •• 223 Trackway is to be built so that trains can scamper at a speed of 350 km per hour. Preparatory works of investment and construction of the line itself will take at least 10 years. Feasibility survey: Preliminary feasibility study of building a line of large speed Wroclaw / Poznan - Lodz - Warsaw "was established in Scientific and Technical Center (CNTK) already in September 2005 on behalf of PKP Polish Railway. In the initial analysis seven variants of the course of high-speed lines connecting Warsaw with Lodz, Poznan and Wroclaw - the three options provided for the adaptation of existing lines increased speed, and fourth assumed the construction of new railway lines. Then, the method of analysis involving financial criteria, formal and legal, social, environmental, technical and transport selected two variants recommended for further analysis. Scope of the investment: Implementation of the project will connect major Polish cities: Wroclaw, Poznan and Lodz to Warsaw. Arrange Area: The project will cover the region: Warsaw, Lodz, Poland and Lower Silesia. 224 •• Other future projects: - Modernization of the railway line linking the E20 Poznan to Warsaw and the section to the border with Germany (Pan-European Transport Corridor II) - Modernization of the railway line E 30, stage II. Episode Bielawa Dolna Horka: building a bridge Łuzycką and the Neisse line electrification (Pan-European Transport Corridor III) - Construction of telecommunications networks and GSM-R in accordance with NSW (National Plan for PIP) ERTMS (European Rail Traffic Management System) 4. Development of Management of Air Traffic Control-Management of polish Air navigation system 4.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact Polska Agencja Zeglugi Powietrznej government owned company, ul. Wieżowa 8 , 02-147 Warszawa www.pata.pl Name Maciej Rodak Position Vice President of the Air Navigation Department Office of Development and Implementation Duty New projects implementation Tel (+ 48 22) 574 61 01 Email •• 225 4.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location financing own fund + EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 751,40 Estimated amount - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 304,23 Period of a project 2007-2015 Estimated date of 2009 announcing tender 4.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: The Agency was established under the Act of 8 December the Polish Air Navigation Services Agency (PANSA), as an independent entity acting as a state of air traffic management. This institution is to ensure the implementation of the maximum safety requirements, the capacity of airspace and sovereignty of the country. Was occupied, on the basis of resource personnel and assets of the Air Traffic Control - OU PP Polish Airports (PPL), implementing the international obligations arising from membership in EUROCONTROL (European Organization for Safety of Air Navigation) and exercising the right of the EU Single European Sky. The Agency provides a safe, continuous, smooth and efficient air navigation in the Polish airspace, by carrying functions of the air navigation service providers, space management air and air traffic flow management Technological Overview: Polish Air Navigation Services Agency is responsible for controlling of air traffic, flight information service, alerting service, planning of traffic flows on the Polish, the coordination of the busy airspace, conducting checks of crews and agencies to update and issue of aviation publications. Area of activity of the Polish Agency for Air Navigation Services is the Flight Information Region Warszawa - known as the English acronym FIR WARSZAWA. Its boundaries coincide with the state on land and in the north, it goes beyond territorial waters, adjacent to the borders of the FIR-s. 226 •• Airspace FIR is divided in to controlled and uncontrolled AMC Poland that occupies air space management Ii is necessary to use Aeronautical Information Service(AIS), which develops, publishes and distributes various types of documents necessary for air navigation safety. Trouble-free operation of all systems and equipment is provided by technical services. Analysis of the sector: In 2007-2013, under the Operational Program "Infrastructure and Environment (OP IIS) on the road and rail, passenger rolling stock for international and interregional transport, airports, seaports and inland waterways, urban transport and intermodal transport, the Commision will spend approximately 27 billion. By 2015 will be 8 airports will be rebuilt within TEN-T, and 11 airports will be covered by investments aimed at the improvement of safety and security. There are airports with international traffic. Apart from key projects there will be projects selected by a public tender. Reviewed the list of individual projects for Infrastructure and Environment Program for 2007-2013 can be found on the website of the Ministry of Regional Development. Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. In the air transportation segment, competitors are cutting out bigger and bigger slices of the market, which prompts Poland’s regional airports to upgrade their services so as to lure more low-cost airlines. Local governments also tend to compete with plans on constructing new airports. Poland’s airports absorbed 19mn passengers in 2007. •• 227 More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. The current opportunity to development increase of aviation the number of market regional in Poland would be an airports in the country. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), in Poland should be 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year 228 •• Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice Wrocław – Strachowice 2 426 942 1 486 422 1926/1966 1914/1932 G ó r n o ś l ą s k i e Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A. Port Wrocław Lotniczy S.A. Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. Airports in Poland: Airports included in Environment and Infrastructure EU’s operational program •• 229 Impact on environment: The Agency shall perform the duties provided by EUROCONTROL (eg in the European Convergence and Implementation Plan ECIP) for reduce the harmful effects of air operations on the environment, in particular, air emissions and noise while the conduct of air traffic. Since July 2007, occupied, began operations related to the implementation Environmental Management System. Made the identification and evaluation environmental aspects of activities has been developed, occupied, and the program Environmental occupied, "in 2008. To determine the impact of the proposed investment and upgraded devices performed environmental impact reports for the facilities ACC Grudziadz, OKRL Rzeszow, Lodz-Lublinek ACC. In accordance with the requirements of the Act of April 20, 2004 Substances Deplete the Ozone Layer was developed by the record of PANSA all equipment containing controlled substances. Project model: Construction of Polish Agency for Air Navigation and technical infrastructure and communications, navigation and surveillance. Project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second strategic priority SRK: "Improving of technical and social infrastructure ", the third horizontal to the framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environment operational program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. "The design and organization responsible for implementation (the Polish Agency for inland Air) are eligible for under this Infrastructure and environment operational 230 •• program priority. The project has the effect of scale interregional and national level. Project in intermediate degree of impact on the achievement indicators Infrastructure and environment operational program to increase capacity at air ports l. Project important from the stand point of EURO 2012 for all airports to improve their band width. Object infrastructure development, including expansion and modernization of facilities air traffic control centers, radio communications, radio navigation and radar. Infrastructure Development · Surveillance (SUR), including the expansion and modernization infrastructure and the construction of a single radar expansion and transponder in the field for Polish airspace. · PANSAATM infrastructure development, including modernization of systems ATM: the system of recording and analyzing data, and apan-European ATM project Flight Plan Processing System-iTEC. · Infrastructure development navigational(NAV), including the extension of coverage radio navigation in the FIRWarsaw, areas ofair ports and creating a airport hubs. · Infrastructure development communications (COM), including the expansion of communication sinfrastructure radio ACC, APP, TWR, FISand OAT. Construction of communications system in accordance EUROCONTROL guidelines and objectives of the SES inter operable. Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: The project has the effect of scale interregional and national level. Project in intermediate degree of impact on the achievement indicators of Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program to increase capacity in airports. Project important from the standpoint of EURO 2012 for all airports to improve their bandwidth. Arrange Area: Airports included in Environment and Infrastructure EU’s operational program •• 231 Other future projects: Due to the limitations of solutions beyond conventional CNS infrastructure development in Poland the new technologies of communication (data link), navigation system (GNSS - Global Navigation Satellite System) and surveillance(ADS-B) will be implemented. In the future, the role of supplemental navigation system(and for regional air ports even basic) solutions will be served with there commendations of the ICAOGNSS. Implementation started of regional systems to extend the GPS, in order to ensure constant monitoring of the GPS and to increase its accuracy by Correction data. In Poland, just like in other European countries started work on the implementation of EGNOS(European Geostationary Navigation Overlay Services). Due to the dynamic grow th of air transport, we face Poland prior to development of aviation infrastructure ensures the possibility of its service. In subsequent years will be necessary to implement innovative solutions to further increase capacity and achieve more efficient airspace management. 5. Airport in Gdańsk-construction of a second passenger terminal, together with the infrastructure and the development and modernization of airport infrastructure and port. 5.1. Project Owner Name Port LotniczyGdańskSp.z.o.o. Activity government owned company Address 80 – 298 Gdańsk, ul. Słowackiego 200. WWW WWW.airport.gdansk.pl Contact Name Ms. Elżbieta Stangret Position Chair the tender committee Department Department of the implementation of the projects Duty Work on the project implementation Tel Email 232 •• Tel. +48 58 3481154. Fax+48583452283. 5.2. Project in brief Under preparation-October to November the tender should Current Stage be completed. First stage is finished and companies were invited for second stage, the tender will be awarded in autumn. Way of tendering restricted tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. 80–298 Gdańsk, ul. Słowackiego 200.( population and area overview) one of location key importance for the functioning of the airport is its location. Airport in Gdańsk is located about 13 km from the city center 18 km from the center of Sopot and about 23 km from the center of Gdynia. financing own fund+ EU Founds - The indicative total cost of the project (mln PLN): 436,15 Estimated amount - The estimated amount of funding from the EU (mln PLN): 74,74 Period of the project Estimated date of announcing tender 2009-2012 2010 5.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Country: Poland History: Area of land occupied by the airport is approximately 232 ha, of which: drained area of 65.7 ha, solid surfaces are 24 ha, building cubature -0.73 ha. Main building facilities management and airport are: runway, roads taxiing aircraft, aircraft parking plates, passenger terminal, a warehouse fuel and lubricants PETROLOT, CARGO magazine, fire tower and workshops, building off the technical service, hangar, storage buildings, and control tower traffic building Gdansk airport, car parks, green areas. Technological overview: - Passenger Terminal is a modern building with full 4 storey’s infrastructure, which is designed in the spirit of contemporary architecture. It has three floors and one underground. Cubic capacity building is 38,500 m³. Area7260 m2. Terminal capacity is calculated at 3,000,000 individuals per year. The whole •• 233 building is designed very functionally and has efficient control of personal baggage as well as a convenient and rapid transportation of baggage, 660 parking spaces surveillance. An essential element of the airport runway is asphalt-concrete runway, measuring 2.800m in length and 45m width. A modern lighting system. At night all the operations associated with aircraft traffic are supported by of Finnish navigation company IDMAN OY. Remotely controlled from the air traffic control tower has a reserve power in accordance with the requirements of ICAO. Analysis of the sector (air transportation): The airport has favorable topographical location and the possibility of further development and set-up. The abandonment of the expansion of airport facilities and improve Traffic safety might cause increase in accidents involving dangerous aircraft and the threat of human life and environmental consequences of the accidents. The increase in the burden due to an overshoot and possible acceptable levels of nitrogen dioxide will not be the only consequences of resignation from the expansion of the airport. The consequence will also be worsening the conditions of communication traffic in the area of the airport, travel time, and consequences of the deterioration of the attractiveness and competitiveness of cities of the Tricity. Expansion of the airport and the expected approximately 3-fold increase in the number of passengers in the year 2015 means in the coming years, over a period of maximum day exceeding the number of 10 000 passengers a day, further aggravating the system communication. Slowacki and Bundesstrasse 6. In the case of Slowacki Street will cause significant disruption No to communication in the absence of provisions for the motor and access routes. Exclusion of the western extension of Slowacki Street after Airport expansion will mean more disruption in the crossings between the lower terrace and Banina settlements, Rebiechowa, among other things, and Pepowo in the vicinity of national road No. 20 in the section Sukowo - Gdynia. The period of rebuilding of the road will cause considerable difficulties in communication with the airport and crossings along the route and place of residence work or school. The period of operation of the communication system after construction partially improve the communication situation, which will be a corollary of increased noise emissions communication and pollution in the vicinity of roads, and the deterioration of living conditions inhabitants. The planned expansion of the Port 234 •• of Gdansk Airport is essential to improve operation of the airport, to increase its capacity and improve safety of air transport. Expected benefits from the implementation of this investment will have an economic dimension, economic and social development, exerting a significant influence on the development of and competitiveness of the region. The most important is to use a modern airport for the economy and the people of Gdansk and the Tri-metropolitan area Pomorskie region and its environment and for environment development. The system of civil airports in Poland is used to transport passengers. There are 12 airports - the dominant port of the capital and 11 regional ports. In 2008 Polish airports have less than 20.77 million passengers, an increase of 8% in compare to 2007. The average increase in passenger transport in Europe in 2007 amounted to around 7%. The apparent change in the structure of air transport in Poland: Warsaw Okecie lost priority in market share for the year 2008. Regional ports handle 54.47% of the total air traffic in Poland, and the Frederick Chopin Airport in Warsaw, 45.53%. The change is visible since 2005 in which the Warsaw Okecie handles 61% and in 2006-48%. Polish aviation market continues to grow quickly, since the Polish entry in to the European Union and the full opening of the Polish sky, which led to higher activity of carriers already operating in Poland. The current development of aviation market in Poland would be an opportunity to increase the number of regional airports in the country. In Germany, there are 502 airports operating, in France - 460, in Great Britain – 390. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland should have 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports during the 2008 Year •• 235 Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy Jana Pawła im. II Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 G ó r n o ś l ą s k i e Towarzystwo Lotnicze Lotniczy Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 S.A. Port Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Wrocław S.A. Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. Impact on environment: City identified areas where the levels are exceeded threshold where is the noise and one is a map of the effects of airplane noise. In 2005 one of the company performed the periodic service machine noise measurements for the air Gdansk Airport. The results of measurements and calculations was creation of a map containing izofon for long-term average sound level values for 55, 50 and 45 dB. In order to minimize the negative impact primarily on the airport health and living conditions around the airport Limited Use Area are scheduled, which excludes, among others construction of new dwellings. Radio and radar devices that support airport fields cause electromagnetic fields but values in excess of the limits appear on areas inaccessible to humans, so this type of impacts is considered as ignored. The area around the airport is not well-provided with technical infrastructure, development of water supply system and discharge of waste water, construction of drains rainwater collectors, the implementation of bus heating of the heat "evasion", supplementing the existing network of pipelines is planned. The results of studies indicate no adverse impact on water quality airport groundwater. 236 •• Project model: Construction of a new terminal with the infrastructure at the airport in Gdansk. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second strategic priority SRK: "Improving the technical and social infrastructure", the third objective of horizontal NSRF: "The construction and upgrading of technical and social infrastructure essential to increase the competitiveness of Polish and IEOP main goal:" Increasing investment attractiveness of Polish regions and through the development of technical infrastructure while protecting and improving the environment, health, preserving cultural identity and developing territorial cohesion. “The project and the institution responsible for implementation (airport Gdańsk Sp. Z.O.O.)IEOP to qualify for this priority. The project is the impact of scale and supra-national. Implementation of the project will have a considerable impact on the achievement indicators IEOP, as well as SRK and NSRF to improve airport capacity. Designed important from the point of view of EURO 2012, will provide better service and increase the throughput of the airport in Gdansk. Air portin accordance with the adopted concept of pursuing the development of the investment project, in which the new terminal will be built, road-block and the record stops. Gdansk airport needs expansion due to excessive overcrow dingreigning in the terminal. Expansion requires as well UEFA in connection with the organization of EURO 2012. Finnancing plan: - The indicative total cost of the project (mln PLN): 436,15 - The estimated amount of funding from the EU (mln PLN): 74,74 Pomerania has no plans to participate financially in the project of modernization and expansion of the Gdansk Airport. The project will be financed entirely from its own resources, the EU funds and bank loans. The company submitted its initial financial investment, "Expansion of the airport in Gdansk, where the cost of total investment estimated at EUR 525 million. The volume of EU funds allocated to finance the investment amounts to 133 million (under the Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment). The maximum amount of support from the EU funds for infrastructure projects in the airport is up 50%. Scope of the investment: Gdansk Airport is the only international airport in the region and one of the four most important in the country (next to Warsaw, Krakow and Katowice). In the vicinity of the airport in the metropolitan area, tricity lives more than 1 million inhabitants. Due to the number of offered air •• 237 services and convenient communication conditions, the extent of the impact of the Port Air Gdansk go beyond the boundaries of the region and other regional centers include: Elblag, Torun, Słupsk, Koszalin. Each year, demand for transportation business and tourism is increasing. The number of passengers in 1999 amounted to 350 thousand., and in 2007 it was 1.7 million passengers. Other future projects: http://www.airport.gdansk.pl/UserFiles/file/rozwoj_lotniska/planowane_inwestycj e.pdf - Fuel Base Petrolot - Fuel Base LOTOS - Technical way to the base fuel - Power station SN / nn - Parking slabs - Car parks - The position of the aircraft de-icing system - Rainwater drainage system 6. Development and modernization of Katowice Airport Infrastructure. 6.1. Project Owner Name GTL S.A. Activity Join stock company Address ul. Wolności 90, 42-625 Ożarowice WWW www.katowice-airport.com Contact 238 •• Name Mr. Porebski Position Marketing Manager Department Marketing Departament Duty Information management Tel 0048 32 201 06 33 Email , 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Silesia Region financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 416,24 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 157,22 2010-2014 2011 6.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Upper Silesia had to be connected by air to the rest of the country and to the world, so the Voivodeship authorities proposed that a company will be established in order to develop the air industry, which was so important for the region. In the first quarter of 1991, Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A. (Upper Silesian Aviation Group, joint stock company) was created. In 2000, the first stage of works started with the aim of extending the aprons, the taxiways and the runway strip. The extension of the runway strip by 420 metres was concluded in July 2001. The strip is currently 2800 metres long. In 2004, the Hungarian low-cost carrier Wizz Air started flying from Pyrzowice. In August 2004, extension of the passenger terminal was concluded. Its surface was increased to 7600 m2, which helped increase its throughput to 1.7 million passengers. The big increase of passenger traffic at Katowice airport, caused by Poland's accession to the European Union and the arrival of low-cost carriers to Poland, brought about the necessity of intensifying works to develop the airport infrastructure. One of the most important issues was the improvement of the road network to connect the airport to the centre of the Silesian conurbation. The S1 expressway was built for this purpose. It was put into operation on November 20th, 2006, connecting the airport in Pyrzowice to the Podwarpie interchange, and ensuring easy, fast and comfortable access to the airport. Passenger Terminal B, officially put into operation on July 30th, 2007, has been the biggest investment so far in the 16 years of operation of Górnośląskie •• 239 Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A. It has enabled handling up to 3.6 million passengers annually in comfortable conditions. This port is 3 Polish busiest airports. In 2003 and 2004, he managed to attract low cost airlines. Thus the number of routes abroad has increased significantly. Number of passengers in 2003 amounted to 257 thousand in 2004: nearly 0.58 million, in 2005: 1.08 million, in 2006, more than 1.4 million. While in 2007 the number of passengers increased to 1 980 358. After the Warsaw Okecie, Pyrzowice have the largest number of charter flights. Technological Overview: Pyrzowice airport has two passenger terminals with a total area of 21,300 square meters and a throughput of more than 3.6 million passengers per annum (hourly capacity: 1170 passengers). Openly and publicly accessible parts of the arrivals area of Terminal B was held on July 9, 2007, and the departures area - July 30, 2007. Airport has one cargo terminal. Its total area is 5378 square meters. The main users include warehouses DHL Customs Chamber in Katowice, TNT Express and UPS. In terms of tonnage of cargo transported per year of airtraffic, air port Pyrzowice occupies second place in Poland after Warsaw's Okecieair port. According to statistics ULC transported 3290 tonnes in 2005,3243 tonnes in 2006,6113 tonnes in 2007and 7782 tonnes in 2007. Analysis of the sector: Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. In the air transportation segment, competitors are cutting out bigger and bigger slices of the market, which prompts Poland’s regional airports to upgrade their services so as to lure more low-cost airlines. Local governments also tend to compete with plans on constructing new airports. 240 •• Poland’s airports absorbed 19mn passengers in 2007. More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. The current opportunity to development increase of aviation the number of market regional in Poland would be an airports in the country. •• 241 According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland should have 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Lotniczy Pawła II im. Port Jana Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 G ó r n o ś l ą s k i e Towarzystwo Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 Lotnicze S.A. Port Lotniczy Wrocław S.A. Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy Airports in Poland: 242 •• 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Lotniczy Sp. z o.o. Gdańsk Impact on environment: The consistently increasing number of passengers and aircraft operations at Katowice International Airport is resulting in an increase in the expectations of it being able to meet the requirements regarding the protection of the natural environment. Environmental protection at the airport is an extremely difficult, costly and arduous task, owing to the specific workings of the airport, which can create environmental problems such as noise pollution, air-borne particles, problems arising from the pollution of the water table and the treatment of waste at the airport. The Katowice International Airport management board has no intention of resting on its laurels and plans for the expansion of the airport's infrastructure relating directly to environmental protection. Currently, work on improving the water-sewage utilities is being carried out and the GTL management board is waiting for project approval. Upon authorisation, work will commence on the airport drainage project which will include the fitting of further safety installations (oil derivative separators) protecting sewage collection equipment from the potential consequences of leakages. This project has been granted European Union funding - or, more specifically - the TEN-T Programme. Katowice International Airport is the only airport in Poland to be awarded funding under this programme, and one of only four in the whole European Union. Owing to the fact that GTL is giving issues relating to environmental protection the highest priority, further investments are planned to involve energy-saving and BAT (Best Available Techniques) technologies. Project model: Expansion and modernization of airport infrastructure and port at the airport in Pyrzowice. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second SRK a strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environmental Operational program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. " the project has the effect of supra-regional scale and national. Implementation of the project has a considerable impact of the Infrastructure and environmental Operational program indicators of achievement, as well as SRK and National Strategic Reference Framework to increase airport capacity. •• 243 Feasibility survey: under preparation Scope of the investment: This port is the central airport of Upper Silesian Metropolitan Union, and supports all of the Katowice conurbation. There are direct bus connections, inter alia, Katowice, Kraków, Gliwice, Częstochowa. Located in two municipalities: Ożarowice and Mierzęcice, yet on the border of two districts: tarnogórskiego and Będzin. In the area of the airport is approximately 11 million residents, including residents of neighborhoods of Ostrava in the Czech Republic. Arrange Area: The international airport is located near the village of Pyrzowice about 30 miles north of downtown Katowice. Passenger terminals have a total area of 21,300 square meters Other future projects: The International Airport in Katowice is constantly developing. In the very neare future, further extension of the aprons is planned, as well as the construction of a third passenger terminal and a new runway strip. It is planned to rebuild the railway siding from Tarnowski Gory allowing run a rail line connecting the airport to the train station in Katowice, an additional passenger terminal building (with the working title Terminal 3) and the new 3600-meter runway, parallel to 2800 meters currently existing. After building a new runway will be renamed the old road-block. 7. Development of the passenger’s terminal at Krakow airport. 7.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact 244 •• MPL Krakow Balice Local government ul. Kpt. M. Medweckiego 1, 32-083 Balice www.krakowairport.pl Name Justyna Zajączkowska Position Press Secretary of The Krakow airport Department Information development dep. Duty Information managemant Tel +48 (0) 12 639 34 Email 21 7.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Lesser Poland financing own fund + EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 384,35 Estimated amount - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 92,08 Period of a project 2011-2013 Estimated date of 2011 announcing tender 7.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: On the 5th of July 1996, by notarial deed, a limited liability company named “Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy Kraków-Balice” (Kraków-Balice International Airport) was set up in the area of Balice. Kraków International Airport is activity are related to managing passenger and cargo air traffic, including the international border checkpoint at the airport, in order to promote Kraków and the region, facilitate tourist traffic and, in more general terms, to perform public utility tasks (in accordance with the regulations of 8th March 1990 concerning self-governmental authorities - Dz. U. Nr 142 z 2001r., poz. 1591 z póź. zm. (Journal of Laws Number 142 of 2001, Item 1591 with later amendments). Technological Overview: In late January, the EGM of shareholders in the international airport Krakow-Balice approved of the 2007-2015 investment plan stipulating for outlays reaching PLN 1bln. The main target of the investment scheme is to increase the airport’s capacity so as to meet rising demand for passenger services and to improve the airport’s conditions. Apart from on-site investments (e.g. new runway), non-core services are to be developed (e.g. a hotel and a multi-level parking lot). According to its operator, the Krakow-Balice airport is expected to service 3.4mln passengers in 2008 (3.1mln in 2007), over 4.0mln in 2010 and 4.7mln n 2012. The new terminal would boost the capacity to as many as •• 245 9.0mln passengers annually. In Kraków, there is one hardened runway, which is 2,550 metres long and 60 metres wide. The runway has a concrete surface of PCN 52/R/B/W/T strength and enables the operating of most types of passenger and cargo aircraft. Aparallel emergency runway with a grass surface is located on the north side of the main runway. On the south side of the runway, there is a parallel taxiway of the same length as the runway and 38/23 metres width. It is connected to the runway by 5 links. Two exits (A, F) from the runway are located at its ends. Moreover, two taxiways provide a link between the runway and the airport building which is situated near the end of the runway. The airport covers a total area of 426 hectares Analysis of the sector: The current opportunity to development increase of aviation the number of market regional in Poland would be an airports in the country. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland shouldbe 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 Górnośląskie T o w a r z y s t w o Lotnicze S.A. Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 Port Wrocław Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Gdańsk Sp. 246 •• Lotniczy S.A. Lotniczy z o.o. Poland’s airports absorbed 19mln passengers in 2007. More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. •• 247 Impact on environment: John Paul II Kraków-Balice International Airport Ltd. is cautious about meeting the regulations of environmental protection which apply to the functioning of the airport on the basis of the current decisions, permits and guidelines of. Marshal’s Office of Małopolska Voivodship in Kraków, within the range of: · Water and legal permits · Permits for discharge of hazardous materials and other waste · Permits for gas and dust emission · Suitable fees for utilisation of the environment. With a view to improve and increase the safety of flight operations, including take-offs and landings, in September 2003 a control unit for the functioning of the airport was created, which has since been responsible for monitoring and controlling existing obstacles and those emerging within the operative area of the airport. Considering the preventive nature of the control unit to the functioning of the airport, the Kraków Inspectorate of PZU Życie (Public Life Insurance Company) partially subsidised the purchase of computer equipment indispensable to its functioning. Project model: Expansion of passenger terminal in the hall of arrivals and departures at the airport in Krakow. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second SRK a strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environment operational Program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. " The project has the effect of supra-regional scale and national. Implementation of the project have a considerable impact Infrastructure and environment operational Program indicators of achievement in upgrading airports and increase capacity. Expansion of airport infrastructure at the airport in Krakow has second strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environment operational Program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of 248 •• technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. "impact of the project is the interregional and national scale. Project in considerable impact on the achievement indicators Infrastructure and environment operational Program, and SRK and the NSRF to improve airport capacity. Scope of the investment: Increased capacity of infrastructure, and thus increase the number of connections and serviced passengers will be of great significance for the whole Małopolskie region. Thus should be stressed that these investment activities within the airport are part of the establishment of Malopolska Region Development Strategy for 2007-2013. Population of the malopolskie Region- 3 279 036, area- 15 182,87 km² Arrange Area: ul. Kpt. M. Medweckiego 1, 32-083 Balice Progress of Project: I stage – w I Q2012 r. IIstage–2013r. Other future projects: development of existing infrastructure- stage II, 2011-2015 The project includes the implementation of infrastructure investment an airport operations (supporting infrastructure), necessary for the proper functioning of the airport and redevelopment of existing terminal. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second SRK a strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance •• 249 for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environment operational Program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. " The project has the effect of supra-regional scale and national. Implementation of the project has a considerable impact Infrastructure and environment operational Program indicators of achievement in upgrading airports and increase capacity. 8. Modernization of Airport infrastructure-Warsaw 8.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact PPL government, ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1, 00-906 Warszawa, Polska www.lotnisko-chopina.pl Name Jakub Mielniczuk Position Dyrektor Biura Public Relations Department Public Relations Duty Information management Tel tel.: +48 22 650 1111 Email - +48 22 650 19 54 8.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location ul. Żwirki i Wigury 1, 00-906 Warszawa, Poland financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 250 •• - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 501,66 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 114,99 2008-2012 2010 8.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Chopin’s airport is located in the south-west of Warsaw, at a distance of about 10 km from the city center. State Enterprise "Polish Airports (PPL) was founded under the Law of 23 October 1987 (Journal of Laws No. 33 item. 185). Is the heir and successor of the existing since 1959 the Air Traffic and Communication Aerodromes. As part of its activities PPL manages three airports in Warsaw, Rzeszów and Zielona Gora. In other airports in Bydgoszcz, Gdansk, Katowice, Krakow, Poznan, Szczecin, Szymany near Szczytno and Wrocław, converted in the nineties in a commercial law company, PPL has an interest. PPL is the flag ship Airport. Frederic Chopini n Warsaw, the largest Polish airport connecting the capital withmore than 80 cities in the country and the world. Recent years area period of steady grow thin passenger traffic. In2007, the services of the Warsaw air port benefited 9.27million passengers. Compared to 2006 there was a compared to 2005. 14-percent increase in passenger numbers, as in 2006 By contrast, there were only 4% growth off reight transport(English: cargo) in 2007, to63.3thous and. tonnes, have noted the 25%grow thin 2006 compared to 2005. [1]. Currently the airport has three passenger terminals, designated as Terminal 1, Terminal 2and Terminal VIP Aviation Technological Overview: Airport was opened in July 1, 1992. Its initial capacity is about 3.5 million passengers per year, plus now with the reconstruction of the station is about 5.5 million passengers. Terminal 2, the newest airport terminal in Warsaw. Is designed to handle 6.5 million passengers per year. Terminal VIP Aviation-corporation flights The old departure hall was built in 1992. Was initially designed to support 3 and a half million passengers. •• 251 Specifications Passengers terminal T1 Bandwidth (pas. / year) 3,5 mln User space. (m2) 50 960 (beforereconstruction) T2 T1+T2 6,5 mln 10 mln 94 082 140 000 Originally, Terminal 2 was to be operational in November 2005. The terminal’s contractor was the consortium of Ferrovial Agroman-Budimex-Estudio Lamela, which failed to live up to its contract. PPL deemed the contractor to be unable to fulfil its obligations and cancelled the contract last October. Thanks to the new terminal, Warsaw’s only airport will be able to service 12mln passengers annually compared to 7.1mn passengers cleared in Terminal 1 in 2005. The project was finished in 2008. Analysis of the sector: Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. In the air transportation segment, competitors are cutting out bigger and bigger slices of the market, which prompts Poland’s regional airports to upgrade their services so as to lure more low-cost airlines. Local governments also tend to compete with plans on constructing new airports. Poland’s airports absorbed 19mn passengers in 2007. 252 •• More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. The current development of aviation market in Poland would be an opportunity to increase the number of regional airports in the country. In Germany, operating 502 airports in France - 460, in Great Britain - 390, in the United States - 19.5 per thousand. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland would be 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year •• 253 Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze S.A. Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 Port Lotniczy Wrocław S.A. Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. Airports in Poland: 254 •• Impact on environment: Airport, even the smallest, a project adversely affecting the environment. In Warsaw Airport SA implement technologies to minimize the negative impact on the environment. Heating systems, air conditioning and lighting is controlled by a computer program that allows to minimize energy losses. To illuminate the terminal building are energy efficient light bulbs and fluorescent lamps. Technical equipment purchased complies with EU environmental standards for exhaust emissions. Project model: The project includes modernization of the existing Terminal 1 and integration of the two operating facilities in a consistent technologically and functionally facility modernization existing runways and adjacent taxiways and expansion Airfield. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second SRK a strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and environment operational program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion ". The project is the impact of the interregional and national scale. Implementation of the project significantly affect the achievement indicators for the reconstruction Infrastructure and environment operational program airports and increase capacity. Design important from the perspective of Euro 2012, will provide a better passenger service airport in Warsaw. Scope of the investment: mazovia region, population- 5 188 488, area- 35 558,18 km² Arrange Area: include most of the airport’s infrastructure Progress of Project: feasibility survey under preparation. Other future projects: - Light system will be expanded - fuel base - railway line •• 255 9. Modernization and development of the Wrorclaw airport 9.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact PL Wroclaw SA Join Stock Comapny 54-530 Wrocław, ul. Skarżyńskiego 36 www.airport.wroclaw.pl Name Jarosław Sztucki Position Vice President of Marketing and Organization Department Marketing Department Duty Projects management Tel (071) 35-81-100 Email jsztucki@airport.wroclaw.pl 9.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification The planned project will be executed in the Lower Silesia province, in location municipalityofWroclaw(south-westerndistrictofthecity)andpartl yinthemunicipalityofWroclawangles,withintheAirportWroclaw -Strachowice. financing Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender own fund + EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 312,59 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 128,11 2009-2011 2010 9.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Wroclaw international airport is located 10 km southwest from the center of Wroclaw. The airport has one concrete runway 11/29 at the direction 256 •• of dimensions 2500 × 60 m, one national and one international airport terminal and one cargo terminal. In terms of number of passengers is currently 5 liveliest Polish airport, but in terms of air operations is located in the 3 place for Warsaw's Okecie and Balice in Cracow. In 2007, the first time, as the fifth Polish airport at airports in Warsaw, Krakow, Katowice and Gdansk crossed the threshold of support of 1 million passengers a year, serving 1 270 825 persons . Wroclaw Airport is currently served by 8 scheduled airlines. In summer, it supports a number of charter flights. Technological Overview: - Terminal 1 with a total useable area of 8861m2(after reconstruction+ 2150m2) - one concrete runway 11/29 at the direction of dimensions 2500 × 60 m - onecargoterminal Analysis of the sector: Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament. In the air transportation segment, competitors are cutting out bigger and bigger slices of the market, which prompts Poland’s regional airports to upgrade their services so as to lure more low-cost airlines. Local governments also tend to compete with plans on constructing new airports. •• 257 Poland’s airports absorbed 19mn passengers in 2007. More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. 258 •• The current development of aviation market in Poland would be an opportunity to increase the number of regional airports in the country. In Germany, operating 502 airports in France - 460, in Great Britain - 390, in the United States - 19.5 per thousand. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland would be 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Jana Pawła II Kraków - Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 Lotnicze S.A. Port Lotniczy Wrocław S.A. Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. •• 259 Airports in Poland: Impact on environment: Wroclaw Airport limits the negative impact on the local community and environment by: * Constant monitoring of noise around the airport- the appointment of new opportunities for noise reduction. * Construction of the acoustic screen near the existing terminal-to reduce the noise emitted during all ground operations. * Constant monitoring of land and water in the area of the air port Wroclaw Airport Expansion: * DO NO T constitute a threat to flora and fauna, occurring in the vicinity of the investment. * DO NOT adversely affect separated by about1 km Bystrica Valley Landscape Park and the proposed Special Area of Conservation of Habitats forest s Bystrica. * DONOTadversely affect the aquatic environment in the area of its work. * NO will lead to theoutsideairemissionstandards in the area of the investment. * DO NOT hinder proper policy on waste management during the work. 260 •• * not potential threat to protected monuments located in the area of investment. * will not increase exposure to electromagnetic radiation within the air portorinits surroundings. Project model: Expansion and modernization of port infrastructure and airport to airport in no Wrocławiu. Project strategic nature and is consistent with the second priority Strategic SRK: "Improving the infrastructure technical and social ", the third order horizontal NSRF: "The construction and modernization of technical infrastructure and social of fundamental importance for growth competitiveness of Polish "and the main objective Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness of Polish and regions through the development of technical infrastructure in while protecting and improving the environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development territorial cohesion. "The design and organization responsible for implementation (PL Wroclaw SA) are eligible to Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program under this priority. The project has the impact of the interregional and national scale. Implementation of the project significantly affects the achievement indicators for the reconstruction Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program airports and increase capacity. Motion for Euro 2012 in Wroclaw airport will be implemented basing on two main tasks: TaskI: Constructionoftheterminaltogetherwithinfrastructureandequipment. •• 261 TaskII: Construction and expansion of the airport for airplanes planes Class C : board air craft parking, road repairs and quick exit south stationary plate, the construction of surface de-icing of aircraft. Scope of the investment: Lower Silesia province, in municipality of Wroclaw (south-western district of the city) Arrange Area: One of the largest cubic meters - 330 429.81 m3 * 3storey’s * 1 floor underground * The length of the facade from the front-199.30m * Parking for 1,000cars * 8 security check points * 21 positions of check-in * Meeting/Banquet Facilities * Barsandcafes * Pharmacy * Bank * Commercial Gallery The planned project will be executed in the Lower Silesia province, in municipality of Wroclaw (south-western district of the city) and partly in the municipality of Wroclaw angles, within the Airport Wroclaw - Strachowice Progress of Project: 2009-08-25 Tender for the designer announced planes On August 31, 2009 the general contractor Hochtief Poland, Hochtief Construction began construction on a new terminal building. Current activities are primarily work on the ground and humus area. Other future projects: 262 •• - construction of a new Terminal 2 on the proposed area of 38598m2 with a useable parking on 1095 car parking spaces, which will increase the total number of seats parking from the existing 918 in the 2013 state target - construction of parking plates Aircraft (PPS) for 14 positions, call the PPS modernization, upgrading taxiways (DK),construction of planes de-icing of aircraft, road building fast descent, the adjustment navigation systems for traffic safety, storm water sewer system expansion, extending the existing runway 500meters, - Construction of a modern service station - Construction of new airtraffic control equipment - Building screen sound - Creating a system of continuous monitoring of noise. 10. Modernization and development of Infrastructure at Poznan airport 10.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact PL Poznan- Lawica Government company ul. Bukowska 285, 60-189 Poznań www.airport-poznan.com.pl, Name Position Kierownik Biura Zarządu Department Board of Directors Dep. Duty Information, projects management Tel (061) 849-22-51,849-22-59, +48618492251,+48618492254 Email , 10.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Wielkopolskie financing own fund + EU Funds - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN)394,61 Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender region - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 88,04 2008-2012 End of 2009 •• 263 10.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Full name: Henryk Wieniawski Lawica Poznan Airport, Bukowska 285 Street It is one of the oldest airports in Poland, but is dynamically developing. From the airport, operatedomestic flights, international and charter flights Ławica airport in Poznan is expanding its network of flights each year. The international airport in Poznań is one of the oldest airports in Poland. In 1913 he began functioning as a German military airport as a result of a surge in insurgent Lawica January 6, 1919 it became a Polish airport. Poznan international airport is one of the oldest airports in Poland, located 7 km west from the center of Poznan on routes between Berlin and Beech. This is now the busiest Polish airports. AIRPORT Poznań-Ławica is is based in Poznan, created under the commercial law of 11 July 1997, the rate of capital is EUR 178,278,000.00, Year 264 •• pas sengers cargo Air operations 2003 263,551 1,231 14,174 2004 351,036 1,512 9,202 2005 399,255 2,166 8,983 2006 637,021 2,156 10,722 2007 863,018 2,454 12,062 2008 1,274,679 n/a 23,609 Technological Overview: Analysis of the sector: Poland’s infrastructure has inevitably been changing after the country joined the EU in 2004, and even more dynamically – since it was granted the right to co-host Euro 2012 football tournament.In the air transportation segment, competitors are cutting out bigger and bigger slices of the market, which prompts Poland’s regional airports to upgrade their services so as to lure more low-cost airlines. Local governments also tend to compete with plans on constructing new airports. Poland’s airports absorbed 19mn passengers in 2007. More than half of them used regional airports, which cleared a total of 9,898,000 passengers last year (a rise of 36% y/y). Warsaw’s Okecie airport was used by 9,268,000 passengers (a rise of 14%). The leader of the regional airports was Krakow’s Balice facility, with 3,042,000 passengers, followed by Katowice’s Pyrzowice (1,980,000 passengers), Gdansk’s Rebiechowo (the Lech Walesa Airport, with 1,741,000 passengers) and Wroclaw’s Strachowice (1,270,000). The expansion of low-cost airlines gained further momentum last year. Increased competition in this segment led to lower ticket prices and higher demand for such services, the office noted. •• 265 The current development of aviation market in Poland would be an opportunity to increase the number of regional airports in the country. In Germany, operating 502 airports in France - 460, in Great Britain - 390, in the United States - 19.5 per thousand. According to standards of the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), Poland would be 170 airports. The number of passengers handled and the operations performed in regular and charter traffic in the Polish ports air during the 2008 Year Name of the airport Warszawa im. F. Chopina Passengers 9 460 594 Established 1920/1934 Owner Przedsiębiorstwo Państwowe "Porty Lotnicze" Kraków im. Jana Pawla II 2 923 961 1923/1964 Międzynarodowy Port Lotniczy im. Pawła Kraków II Jana Balice Sp. z o.o. Katowice – Pyrzowice 2 426 942 1926/1966 Górnośląskie Towarzystwo Lotnicze Wrocław – Strachowice 1 486 422 1914/1932 S.A. Port Lotniczy Wrocław Gdańsk im. L. Wałęsy 1 954 166 1919/1974 Port Lotniczy Gdańsk Sp. z o.o. 266 •• S.A. - Airports in Poland: Impact on environment: Airport, even the smallest, is adversely affecting the environment. It also has a significant impact humans, mainly due to acoustic disturbance. All port activities take care of humans and the environment, and the planned investments are optimally adapted to the environmental, communications capacity and geographic location of the airport. Project model: Expansion and modernization of airport infrastructure and port at the airport in Poznan. The project is strategic in nature and is consistent with the second SRK a strategic priority, "Improving technical and social infrastructure ", the third goal horizontal framework: "Construction and Modernization technical and social infrastructure of fundamental importance for the competitiveness of Polish "and to main Infrastructure and Environment Program: "Increasing the investment attractiveness Polish and its regions through the development of technical support while protecting and improving the state of environment, health, preserving cultural identity and development of territorial cohesion. " Project and the institution responsible for implementation (EN Poznan - Ławica) are eligible under this Infrastructure and Environment Program priority. The •• 267 project has the effect of scale interregional and national level. Project in considerable impact on the achievement indicators Infrastructure and environment Program, and SRK and the NSRF to improve airport capacity. Motion important from the perspective of Euro 2012, will provide better service and increase airport capacity in Poznan. Scope of the investment: Wielkopolskie region, population- 3 386 882(2008), area29 826,51 km² Arrange Area: don’t know yet Other future projects: Over the next few years it is planned to further expanded the airport and bring it into force, or about to put standards. The investment program for the airport in the next four years amounts to more than 200 million. According to the forecasts in 2010 Poznan airport will be visited by 1.7 million passengers (the present capacity of the passenger terminal is a maximum of 1.5 million passengers). Currently, the airport is striving for a means to increase the terminal, taxiway extension and extension of runway from 2504 m to 2800 m. 11. CONSTRUCTION OF THE ROAD BRIDGE IN TORUŃ ALONG WITH APPROACH ROADS 11.1. Project Owner City of Torun Name local government, Wały Gen. Sikorskiego 8, Toruń Activity www.um.torun.pl Name Andrzej Glonek Barbara Tyrankiewicz Director of Road Management in Manager of the Bridge Torun Department Department Road Management Department Bridge Department Duty Implementation of new projects Surveillance Tel 0-56/6693100 0566693153 Email wgk@um.torun.pl Address Position WWW Contact 268 •• 11.2. Project in brief Current Stage planning Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location Torun, Kujawsko-Pomerania Voivodeship financing own fund + EU Funds Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender - Indicative cost of Total project (mln PLN) 620,00 - Estimated amount founding EU (mln PLN) 327,01 2009-2012 End of 2009 11.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Country: Poland , Kujawsko-pomorskie Region History: The only existing way across the Vistula River - J. Piłsudskiego bridge- it is not able to smoothly handle the local traffic in a city situated on both sides of the Vistula River, and passing by Torun national and international traffic. Congestion on the road to the J. Piłsudskiego Bridge currently an excerpt from the national road No. 1 and 15 - the level has exceeded a critical and often causes paralysis of the city traffic. Bridge them. Piłsudskiego, was built in the year 1916, is in very poor condition and requires urgent renovation. The current congestion on the Piłsudskiego bridge in excess of 40 thousand vehicles per day, are a threat to historic buildings team and the Old bridge itself. No new access bridge is deteriorating more than 1.5 million tourists per year to Torun - one of the most important tourist cities in Poland. A new bridge in Torun, in which the so-called option connects the eastern ul. Łódź with Sz. At the height of Lubicką ul. Eastern Europe, provide a coherent link between the national and provincial roads, industrial activity areas of the north-east of Toruń, activation of new investment areas, improving safety and capacity in the city. Technological Overview: To built new bridge is needed because: •• 269 A new bridge in Torun, connects the easternul.Łódźwith Sz. At the height of Lubicką Street, provide a coherent link between the national and provincial roads, industrial activity areas of the north-east of Toruń, activation of new investment areas, improvings afety in the city. Analysis of the sector: There are big needs for bridge construction in Poland. The program of motorway development requires about 1500 new structures. Furthermore, about 50 other medium and large bridges sgould be built in the following years as well. During the last 8 years, a few large, interesting bridges were built, including 3 cable-stayed structures of spans exceeding 200m. The biggest span-375m long-belongs to a bridge which was completed last year. Membership in the European Union combined with the need to increase the capacity of international routes to 115 kN / axle. Projects of European standards assume the burden of bridges 400 kN per axle, which corresponds to increasing pressure from the more usual oversize vehicles. This implies a need to increase the capacity of newly-built and retrofitted bridges located in the sequences of these routes. Study with preliminary work indicates that the program of construction of motorways and expressways and bypasses, cities will be necessary to build about 1,500 units of various sizes bridges. This number is roughly 50 facilities by the larger rivers, where the total length is estimated at about 25 km. Impact on environment: As reported MZD's proposed investment is to be carried out on a very sensitive from the environmental point of view of the ground, partially covered by a system of protected areas Natura 2000. After the release on 4 March 2009 decision approving the construction project and granting a building permit to MZD was made. This has triggered the investment research, inventory, and made a series of complementary expertise and opinions arising from the environmental records of decision. Through the use of innovative design solutions - bridge and minimally interferes with the natural environment Project model: At the beginning of February 2009 the investment was transferred to a basic list of key projects Operational Program Infrastructure and Environment, and thereby ensure the EU has obtained a grant of 327 million zlotys. Construction of a new bridge and access roads. The project is consistent with 270 •• the second strategic priority SRK: "Improving the technical and social infrastructure", indirectly with the third objective of the NSRF horizontal: "Construction and modernization of technical and social infrastructure to essential to enhancing the competitiveness of Polish " and Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program main goal: "Increasing the attractiveness of Polish investment and its regions through the development of technical infrastructure while protecting and improving the environment, health, preserving identity cultural development and territorial cohesion ". Design and implementation of an institution responsible for the (City Torun) Infrastructure and Environment Operational Program to qualify for this priority. The project is in the scale of the impact of supra. Scope of the investment: Population of the City of Torun -206 013 thousands Arrange Area: - length of the bridge: 540 meters(two bays on the 270 m) - Bridge wid th:30meters - number of lanes:2/2 (two lanes to two lanes in each direction) - complete infrastructure: busbays, side walks, bike path, lighting, drainage - arch height:50meters - Load capacity:50tons Other future projects: - via duct over the railway line - passage for pedestrians in the area of ul.RY PIŃ SKI - tunnel under the Place Daszyńskiego - squadron under the Daszyński Palace - squadron to the b ridge with a length of about 1.5km •• 271 5. 통신 1. WiMax network-EXATEL SA 1.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address WWW Contact EXATEL SA Join stock company ul. Perkuna 47, 04-164 Warszawa www.exatel.pl Name Piotr Szafran Position IT Manager Department IT Department Duty Information and implementation of the projects Tel (022) 3406828 Email piotr.szafran@exatel.pl 1.2. Project in brief Current Stage under preparation, limited, The way of choosing winner: The best offer Way of tendering include price and experience, stability and lack of debt of the company Award procedure chosen price à qualification location Malopolska region financing own fund Estimated amount Period of a project Estimated date of announcing tender 272 •• 60-70 mln zł. 2008-2011 end of 2009 1.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Poland's first WiMAX equipment manufacturer company Ente was established in Gliwice. Poland's first non-commercial network of technology-based regional preWiMAX (Worldwide Interoperability for Microwave Access), was built by Crowley Data Poland, solutions provider data and voice. In May 2005, the company completed the implementation within the municipality Zielonka near Warsaw. City Office uses a workflow system, children in schools - the Internet, and the police - with video monitoring system of the city. Video monitoring center is located at the local police station. On the basis of licenses issued by URTi Pin Poland, this technology is commercially launched in Octo ber 2005 by NASK. At the end of 2006 NASK had stations in 5 cities including in Warsawa nd Poznan. Netia plans to start building a nation wide wireless data network, but its plans in late 2006 were verified by reducing the scale of investment. At the end of 2006 the service, wasal sotestified Exatelin Gdanskand Warsaw. Netia hast he most extensive Wi MAX infrastructure in Poland. Netia is in possession of more than 70 base stations across the country(such as Lublin, Bialystok, Olszty n, Koszalin, Now y Sacz, or Mine) and provide s access to the Internet more than 12000 customers. The first music and acting within the big city wireless network based on WiMAX 802.16-2004 standard, launched in Bielsko-Biala, August 4, 2005 the company SferaNET WiMAX project in the South. The solution provides wireless Internet access within a radius of 30 km from the transmitter. The equipment has been certified( "WiMAX Certified"). The company plans to create a further 13 transmitters. In 15 January 2009 its Wi MAX wireless network was launched by Poland Tele fonia Cy frowa, Era. In June 17,2009the company, Alcatel-Lucent, in cooperation with the Municipality of Gdansk, Gdansk University of Technology, and Intel launched the pilot, the first Polish radio access network to broadband Mobile Wi MAX. In2008, the Office of Electronic Communications announced a nation wide series often ders for frequency range of3600-3800GHz for Wi MAX. Tenders were •• 273 addressed to local governments and small businesses. This metwith great interest of local governments. Until now, decisions on the reservation off requencies obtained Kuyavian-Pomeranian(in all three areas of procurement) and the Silesian province. These frequencies will be the basis forthe construction of the structure of broadband, which wil leliminate the effect of the digital divide in the seregions. Technological Overview: EXATEL manages most modern fiber-optic network in Poland backbone length of nearly 20 thousand. km, with a throughput of up to 320 Gb / s and points of contact with networks of more than 30 global operators Polish borders, enabling datatransfer, transit and apprenticeship voice traffic passing through Central Europe. Cooperation with international operators can offer fast access to the resources of the global Internet. More than500 nodes gives"coverage" of the country corresponding to the key areas in terms of business needs (about 400cities and towns). This translates in to competitive tender in terms of :network capacity, speed transfer, availability and flexibility. Sector in Poland · the most modern backbone fibre-optic network in Poland, with a length of 20,000 km · throughput reaching 320 Gb/s · interconnection points with networks of more than 30 global operators at the borders of Poland, allowing for data transfer as well as the transit and termination of voice traffic over Central Europe · cooperation with international operators, which enables the Company to offer quick access to resources of the global Internet · more than 500 network nodes provide “coverage” of Poland as regards key business areas (approx. 400 cities and towns) · proven technologies and solutions in the field of data and voice transmission · guaranteed utmost quality of services and optimal safety of solutions · guaranteed reliability of services and a flexible approach to even the most specialised demands of Customers 274 •• Analysis of the sector: The increase in user demand for the transport of large data files is increasing steadily, the demand for mobile WiMax and LTE. The analysis shows that for 2013. number of subscribers to WiMax and LTE in Western Europe is expected to reach 22.4 million and the amount of revenue from these services may be up to 10 million. Implementation of universal broadband access now requires operators of a major modernization of nodes, feeder roads and ring in the backbone of the existing base stations komówrkowego system. The increase in interest in a wider band of subscribers has led to increased access to alternative technologies, such as WiMax, Wi-Fi and CATV.In the Eastern Europe mobile communications sector has grown significantly in terms of volume and revenue urzytkowników that identifying these countries as emerging markets is inappropriate. Mobile communications in Poland has become a market already fully mature. Greatest expectations now associated with the activities of mobile operators, especially after the Office of Electronic Communications has opened a market for mobile TV services and WiMax. Impact on environment: All radio transmitters have a certain impact on humans and the environment. The widespread use of devices such as mobile phones led to get used to the presence of radio transmitters in our environment. Overall, consumer equipment is so designed that it should not harm our health. On the other hand, scientists and engineers are not always able to predict the end of all the consequences. In the case of radio equipment installed by professionals, as is the case, for •• 275 example in the case of Wi MAX base stations or radio-, the effect of transmittersmaybehigherbecause of the considerable power which can be radiated by the antenna. In such cases, it may be necessary to document the parameters of the equipment and antennas and their impact on the environment. Project model: Exatel will have an important role in the construction of the network in Malopolska with a length of more than 19 thousand. k. Exatel has great facilities in the area of technical-organizational measures. The agreement with Malopolskie Regionprovides for Exatel important step in the implementation of the project, which is to build a wireless network access in the band 3.5 GHz (WiMax) in the 50 largest Polish cities. Scope of the investment: 3 279 036 population of the region (7cities) Arrange Area: The first network will be built in 20 cities, including Katowice, Lublin, Olsztyn, Gdansk, Szczecin, Torun, Plock, Czestochowa and Zielona Gora. The networks are already in Małopolska in Cracow and Nowy Sacz and Tarnow. Progress of Project: So far, pilot tests have been performed, performed technical analysis, the choice of location, signed framework agreements with hardware manufacturers and contractors for the construction of base stations. Developed a concept of local connectivity to a nationwide network backbone Exatel. Adopted schedule assumes a phased launch of the network in various cities. First, the network will be built in 20 cities, including Katowice, Lublin, Olsztyn, Gdansk, Szczecin, Torun, Plock, Czestochowa, and Zielona Gora. In Małopolska work networks already in Krakow, in Nowy Sacz and Tarnow Other future projects: - implement the latest version of Intec products as regards mediation systems ((Total Service Mediation), and inter-operator settlements (InterconnecT). - The Office of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority has concluded a contract with the EXATEL SA (leader) and Touch Partner Sp. z o. o. consortium to implement the IP telephony system and maintain the system for the period of 48 months. 276 •• 2. Optical fibre line to connect East and West Poland-HAWE S.A. 2.1. Project Owner HAWE S.A Name Join Stock Company ul. Chałubińskiego 8, 00-613 WARSZAWA, Al. Jerozolimskie 162, 02–342 WARSZAWA Activity http://hawesa.pl Name Tomasz Dera Position Manager of the Projects Implementation Department Development and Investment Department Duty Implementation of new projects Address WWW Tel Contact +48 22 501 55 00, +48 (22) 501 67 50, Email 2.2. Project in brief Current Stage contract & implementation III stage is under planning, Way of tendering Restricted tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location East Poland financing own fund + loan, Estimated amount 300 million Euros Period of a project 2008-2011 Estimated date of announcing tender 2010 (III Stage) •• 277 2.3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) History: Company PBT Hawe Sp. z o.o. (100% subsidiary of HAWE SA) is active since 1990 in the construction of telecommunications and electricity. Company is specializing in the design and construction of telecommunications networks, cubature objects, spatial and network together with a complete infrastructure. PBT Hawe Sp. z o.o. also has its own extensive network of waveguides. Among the largest customers include: Netia Telekom SA Telmedia, Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAS, Exatel SA, Telekomunikacja Polska SA, Telefonia Dialog SA, Polkomtel SA, Polska Telefonia Cyfrowa Sp. z o.o., Poland KGHM SA copper. Since 2003, PBT Hawe Sp. z o.o. cooperates with the Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry PAN Poznań Supercomputing Center - Network (PAN IChB PSNC), which carries out the contract for the construction of a nationwide bus fiber of length 2445 km. Technological Overview: HAWE has its own infrastructure, which today is one of the leading network in the country - a considerable part of western and northern Polish. Modern network backbone with high throughput is currently around 2,300 kilometers, including approximately 1,200 km under phase I and about 1100 km in the second stage. The investment in its bus waveguides is one of the most important elements of corporate strategy. By the end of 2012 years HAWE plans to have the infrastructure with a length of nearly 4,000 km, which will link the largest metropolitan areas and key economic and administrative centers. From the end of July 2007 HAWE fiber optic network system is ready for commercial service. The company completed also working on launching the first stage of the Network Surveillance Center, where there are endings to the management all systems are installed on the network. Network Surveillance Center was put into commercial work. In key nodes of the network operator has installed IP equipment (router / switch). Also takes in the implementation of the IP system other nodes and thereby obtain complete readiness to provide comprehensive IP services (VPN operator Internet access, MPLS, implementation process is planned for late 2007. Analysis of the sector: Fiber network in Poland: 278 •• etc.) Completion of the Red-built Green-in realization Yellow-plans 2010 Five Polish eastern provinces have entered into an agreement with the Ministry of Regional Development and Internet operators in to implementation of the "Eastern Polish broadband network." With about 300 million euros year access will be ensured by the end of 2013 to broadband services for 90% of households, and 100% of public institutions and businesses. Key challenge for the Polish market are investing in the line, preferably fiber. Impact on environment: By implementing the latest technology significant energy savings can be done. It will record a positive impact on the environment on a global basis. Modern technology allows data transmission at an increased data transfer at similar energy requirements per unit of transmitted data. Repeated increases data transfer speeds provide significant energy savings. Project model: Land provinces of Lubelskie, Podkarpackie, Podlaskie, Swietokrzyskie Warmia and Mazury are the poorest regions in terms of infrastructure to run an efficient telecommunication network and cable television. •• 279 Conscious this problem, the Ministry of Regional Development (MRR) has developed a project entitled Polish broadband network Eastern Europe (SSPW), to provide access to broadband services for 90% of households 100% of households and public institutions and enterprises in the eastern Polish regions 5 (warmińsko-mazurskie, Podlaskie, Lubelskie, Swietokrzyskie and Podkarpackie) by the end of 2013. In accordance with the objectives of the project SSPW ICT structure will be built to supplement the resources of different operators. The first will be built required for installation and operation of broadband internet, which drains teletechnical, wires, fiber, poles, wells and locations telecommunications nodes. The SSPW separately for each of the five provinces will be selected for the infrastructure operator, whose task will be to maintain, maintenance and repair of infrastructure. HAWE, modern fiber optic network for data transmission allows for very high bandwidth (SDH interfaces: STM-1, STM-4, STM-16, STM-64, 100BTEthernetinterfaces, Gethernet, interfaceslam da2,5Gandlam da 10G) as well as the operator access to the Internet via the Ethernet interface with support for BGP protocol with the possibility of assigning fixed IP addresses of company resources HAWE. This allows local operators to be able to offer Internet accessservices Internet users from around the area of the east wall. HAWE al so provides telecommunication services using Vo IP technology. It is a comprehensive offer for resellers, including possible connections to terminal operators, domestic mergers and foreign, have their own Vo IP systems. The inhabitants of the east wall will also be able to count on access to digital television. Digital television services will be offered by local operators offeras a wholesale purchase is intended for further distribution to individual customers. Financing plan: The budget proposal is based almost entirely on funds from the European funds. The total project cost will be approximately 300 million Euros, of which funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) for about 255 million. Ministry of Regional Development is assumed that the measures comparable with the total project budget will be invested by commercial operators who involve in the development of access networks, complementary to those built with public funds. Scope of the investment: Eastern Poland 280 •• Arrange Area: Fiber-optic ring 4000km (2400km already exist) Progress of Project: Second stage of the project has 1650 km, and 1100 km already exist. Until the end of this section it is necessary to build networks between Bialystok and Biala Podlaska and Olsztyn and Suwalki, and to Krakow Wieliczka. Future Projects: In 2010 Hawe will built next sections of the optical fibre network: Krakow-Katowice-Wroclaw-Poznan-Sochaczew-Warszawa-Biala Podlaska 3. Broadband Internet in Eastern Poland 3.1 Project Owner Name Minister of Regional Development in cooperation with 5 Provinces of Eastern Poland Activity Central government and regional local government units Address Website ul. Wspólna 2/4, 00-926 Warszawa www.mrr.gov.pl Contact Name Mr. Maciej Koziara Position N/A Department Interregional Programs Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (22) 536 7358 Email N/A 3.2 Project in brief Current Stage Tender method Award procedure chosen Location Introducing amendments to a feasibility study of 2009) Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering N/A Eastern Poland Financing EU funds Estimated amount PLN 1,226,000,000 (approx. EUR 300,000,000) Expected tender announcement date (by the end and own capital Probably second half of 2010 •• 281 3.3 Project in detail The aim of this project is to provide broadband internet access to 90% of households and 100% of public institutions and entrepreneurs in 5 provinces in Eastern Poland by the end of 2015. Initial research has shown that optic fiber cables would be the optimal solution. Therefore, the investment will concentrate on creating optic fiber networks in order to bring optical hubs closer to the end user. The project will mainly involve constructing passive elements such as telecommunications pipelines, fiber cables, masts, technical wells and hubs. The exact investment scope will be determined based on the feasibility study. 4. Building a framework network in DolnośląskieProvince(WojewództwoDolnośląskie) 4.1. Project Owner Name Dolnośląskie Province (Województwo Dolnośląskie) Activity Regional local government unit Address ul. Wybrzeże Słowackiego 12-14, 50-411 Wrocław Website www.dolnyslask.pl Contact Name N/A Position N/A Department N/A Duty N/A Tel N/A Email N/A 4.2. Project in brief Current Stage N/A Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Dolnośląskie Province (Województwo Dolnośląskie) Financing EU funds Estimated amount PLN 160,500,000 (approx. EUR 39,000,000) Expected tender announcement date 282 •• N/A and own capital 4.3. Project in detail The aim of this project is to create a framework network in order to eliminate informational exclusion, particularly in rural areas and small towns. Due to organizational difficulties on the side of the Office of Dolnośląskie Province it was impossible to determine who is responsible for the project and to obtain any detailed information. However, as the project is earmarked for individual financing it can be assumed that it will be carried out. Tender announcements should therefore be monitored. 5. Regional broadband telecommunications network in Podlaskie Province 5.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address Website Contact Podlaskie Province (Województwo Podlaskie) Regional local government unit ul. Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego 1, 15-888 Białystok www.wrotapodlasia.pl Name Mr. Szczebiot Position N/A Department Informational Society Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (85) 749 7606 Email N/A 5.2. Project in brief Current Stage Completing documentation (until December 2009) Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Podlaskie Province Financing EU funds Estimated amount PLN 50,000,000 (approx. EUR 12,000,000) Expected tender announcement date and own capital February 2010 •• 283 5.3. Project in detail The main objective of the project is to create infrastructure for local broadband networks, using both optic fiber cable and wireless technology. The project also includes the creation and opening of public internet access points. 6. Broadband networks in Wielkopolskie Province (Województwo Wielkopolskie) 6.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address Website Contact Wielkopolskie Province (Województwo Wielkopolskie) Regional local government unit ul. Strzelecka 49, 61-846 Poznań www.umww.pl, szerokopasmowawielkopolska.pl Name Mr. Krzysztof Wrześnik Position N/A Department Funds Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (61) 8581223 Email wss@umww.pl 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Wielkopolskie Province Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 47,000,000 (approx. EUR 11,000,000) Expected tender announcement date 284 •• Probably II quarter of 2010 6.3. Project in detail The aim of this project is to create local broadband telecommunication networks (framework and distribution networks) in order to supplement the existing infrastructure. The networks will be based on optic fiber cable technology and will bring optical hubs closer to the end user. The following detailed information is available: - number of hubs in the framework network – 31, - aggregate length of framework network connections – 1,716km, - number of hubs in the distribution networks – 1991, - aggregate length of distribution network connections – 6,785km, - framework network transmission technology – DWDM and MPLS, - distribution network transmission technology – MPLS. 7. Broadband Internet in Lubuskie Province (Województwo Lubuskie) 7.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address Website Contact Lubuskie Province (Województwo Lubuskie) Regional local government unit ul. Podgórna 7, 65-057 Zielona Góra www.lubuskie.pl Name Mr. Andrzej Ogłoziński Position Director of Informational Society and IT office Department Economy and Infrastructure Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (68) 456 5442 Email dg@lubuskie.pl 7.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing feasibility study Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Lubuskie Province Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 72,000,000 (approx. EUR 17,500,000) Expected tender announcement date N/A •• 285 7.3. Project in detail The aim of the project is to ensure universal and easy access to broadband internet in Lubuskie Province, particularly in rural areas and small towns. In order to achieve this objective framework and distribution networks as well as regional and local network management centers will be created. 8. Internet for Mazowieckie Province (Województwo Mazowieckie) 8.1. Project Owner Agencja Rozwoju Mazowsza S.A. Name Activity Address Website Contact A company Mazowieckie) owned by Mazowieckie Province (Województwo ul. Smolna 12, 00-375 Warszawa www.idm.org.pl, www.armsa.pl Name Mr. Marek Ogonowski Position N/A Department N/A Duty Responsible for the project Tel (22) 566 4769 Email N/A 8.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Mazowieckie Province Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 500,000,000 (approx. EUR 121,000,000) Expected tender announcement date I quarter of 2010 8.3. Project in detail The project concerns the development of an existing optic fiber cable network to reach areas where creating such network is unprofitable for telecommunications businesses. If creating a cable network in a given location turns out to be impossible or unnecessary (e.g. low population density), wireless technology will be used (e.g. WIMAX). 286 •• 6. 기타 1. Constructing a new building for the Museum of Polish History in Warsaw 6.1. Project Owner Name Museum of Polish History Activity Legal person controlled by the State Address ul. Hrubieszowska 6A, 01-209 Warsaw Website www.muzhp.pl Contact Name Mrs. Aleksandra Emmerling Position N/A Department N/A Duty Responsible for the project Tel (22) 211 9031 Email biuro@muzhp.pl 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage Competition for the best architectural design (until December 2009) Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Warsaw Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 348,000,000 (approx. EUR 85,000,000) Expected tender announcement date Probably II quarter of 2010 •• 287 6.3. Project in detail The project involves the construction of a new building and supplying equipment required for the Museum of Polish History. The Museum building will be located on a special platform covering part of a busy expressway (Trasa Łazienkowska). More information will be available when the design is ready. 2. Constructing the European Solidarity Center building in Gdańsk 2.1. Project Owner Name City of Gdańsk Activity Local government unit Address Website ul. Nowe Ogrody 8/12, 80-803 Gdańsk www.gdansk.pl, www.gikeuro2012.pl Contact Name Mr. Jacek Kobiela Position N/A Department GIKE 2012 sp. z o.o. Duty Responsible for the project Tel (58) 722 0100, 504 478 480 Email biuro@gikeuro2012.pl 2.2. Project in brief Current Stage Awaiting the European Commission’s decision on project acceptance Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Gdańsk Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 292,800,000 (approx. EUR 72,000,000) Expected tender Probably I quarter of 2010 (depending on when the announcement date decision is issued) 288 •• 2.3. Project in detail The competition for the European Solidarity Center’s design has finished and the project is ready. The Center building is to house numerous institutions and initiatives: a library, educational facilities, archives, exhibition rooms as well as creativity workshops for children. The overall usable area will be approx. 26,000 sqm. The building is of irregular shape, consisting of 2 basic parts (20mand30mhighrespectively). 3. Constructing a new building for the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra Katowice 3.1. Project Owner Name City of Katowice Activity Local government unit Address Website ul. Młyńska 4, 40-098 Katowice www.katowice.eu Contact Name Mrs. Marzena Szuba Position Supervisor Department European Funds Office Duty N/A Tel (32) 259 3513 Email BFE@um.katowice.pl 3.2. Project in brief Current Stage Obtaining a construction permit (by the end Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Katowice Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 163,000,000 (approx. EUR 40,000,000) Expected announcement date tender of 2009) III or IV quarter of 2010 •• 289 3.3. Project in detail The competition for the design of the new building for the National Polish Radio Symphony Orchestra has finished and the project is ready. The new building is to have a usable area of approx. 13,445 sqm and 2 concert halls (for 1,800 and 350 spectators respectively). 4. Building the Center of Innovation and University of Technology Advanced Technologies at Lublin 4.1. Project Owner Name Lublin University of Technology Activity University Address ul. Nadbystrzycka 38d, 20-618 Lublin Website www.pollub.pl Contact Name Mr. Piotr Gorgol Position N/A Department Center of Innovation and Advanced Technologies Duty Responsible for providing information on the project Tel (81) 538 47 22 Email p.gorgol@pollub.pl 4.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation (until December 2009) Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Lublin Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 73,589,000 (approx. EUR 18,000,000) Expected announcement date 290 •• tender I quarter of 2010 4.3. Project in detail The Center will have approx. 16,000 sqm of usable area and is to house 32 highly specialized laboratories and workshops. A parking lot for 180 cars will also be built. 5. Building the Convention Center in Lublin 5.1. Project Owner Name Lubelskie Province (Województwo Lubelskie) Activity Regional local government unit Address Website ul. Spokojna 4, 20-074 Lublin www.lubelskie.pl Contact Name Mrs. Magdalena Banach Position Investment Supervisor Department Property, Infrastructure and Investment Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (81) 441 6801 Email mienie@lubelskie.pl 5.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Lublin Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 88,000,000 (approx. EUR 21,500,000) Expected tender announcement date III or IV quarter 2010 •• 291 5.3. Project in detail The Convention Center will have 8,500 sqm of usable area and is to house conference and display halls as well as offices. It will have 5 or 6 floors above ground level and 3 underground (including a parking lot). 6. Building the “Geocentrum” Research and University of Technology Education Complex at the Wrocław 6.1. Project Owner Name Activity Address Website Contact Wrocław University of Technology University ul. Wybrzeże Wyspiańskiego 27, 50-370 Wrocław www.pwr.wroc.pl Name Mrs. Sylwia Urbaniak Position N/A Department Investment Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (71) 320 2115 Email N/A 6.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Wrocław Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 98,000,000 (approx. EUR 24,000,000) Expected tender announcement date 292 •• 2011 6.3. Project in detail No detailed information is currently available. 7. Building the Aircraft Propulsion Research and Development Center 7.1. Project Owner Name WSK “PZL Rzeszów” S.A. Activity A private commercial company Address Website ul. Hetmańska 120, 35-078 Rzeszów www.wskrz.pl Contact Name Mr. Jerzy Falicki Position N/A Department N/A Duty Responsible for the project Tel (17) 854 6089 Email N/A 7.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation (until May Tender method N/A Award procedure chosen N/A Location Rzeszów Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 165,000,000 (approx. EUR 40,000,000) Expected tender announcement date 2010) III or IV quarter of 2010 7.3. Project in detail The project involves the construction of a number of buildings destined for design workshops, prototype construction rooms, laboratories and specialist research stations. •• 293 8. Extending the Wrocław Opera building and constructing a summer stage 8.1. Project Owner Name Wrocław Opera Activity Legal person owned by the State and Dolnośląskie Province Address ul. Świdnicka 35, 50-066 Wrocław Website www.opera.wroclaw.pl Contact Name Mr. Kazimierz Budzanowski Position Chief Project Documentation Specialist Department N/A Duty Responsible for the project Tel (71) 370 8800, 506 191 951 Email N/A 8.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing project documentation Tender method robably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Wrocław Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 103,440,000 (approx. EUR 25,000,000) Expected tender announcement date Probably by the end of 2009 8.3. Project in detail No detailed information is available. 294 •• 9. Building a Biotechnology Research and Educational Center at the University of Wrocław 9.1. Project Owner Name University of Wrocław Activity University Address pl. Uniwersytecki 1, 50-137 Wrocław Website www.uni.wroc.pl Contact Name Mrs. Beata Kawińska Position Deputy Chancellor for Investments Department Central University Administration Duty Responsible for the project Tel (71) 375 7155 Email inwestycje@adm.uni.wroc.pl 9.2. Project in brief Current Stage Completing project documentation Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Wrocław Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 75,200,000 (approx. EUR 18,500,000) Expected tender announcement date October / November 2009 9.3. Project in detail The project involves the construction of the Center building together with the required infrastructure. The building is to house conference and practice rooms, computer workshops, a library and laboratories. •• 295 10. Modernizing and developing the infrastructure of the Kielce International Exhibition and Convention Center 10.1. Project Owner Name Targi Kielce sp. z o.o. Activity A company controlled by the city of Kielce Address Website ul. Zakładowa 1, 25-672 Kielce www.targikielce.pl Contact Name Mrs. Małgorzata Wiernik Position Specialist Department Investment Department Duty Responsible for the project Tel (41) 365 1222 Email biuro@targikielce.pl 10.2. Project in brief Current Stage Preparing to publish tender notices Tender method Probably restricted or unrestricted tendering Award procedure chosen N/A Location Kielce Financing EU funds and own capital Estimated amount PLN 188,000,000 (approx. EUR 46,000,000) Expected tender announcement date October/November 2009 10.3. Project in detail The project involves modernizing and expanding the infrastructure of the Kielce International Exhibition and Convention Center, including the construction of an exhibition hall (12,000 sqm, height – 10m), a service hall with an under ground parking lot for 400 cars, an administration and conference building for 1,000 guests with a tower, a banquet room an dapavilion(10,000sqm, height– 15m). The project owner has divided the investment into parts and will be a warding separate contracts for specific buildings. 296 •• 부 록 •• 297 <부록 A> 국별 EU기금 운영기관 ≪폴란드≫ Council of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship Marshal's Office of the Kujawsko-Pomorskie voivodship Plac Teatralny 2 PL-87-100 Torun Marshal Piotr, Calbecki Tel.: +48 56 62 23 131 Fax.: +48 56 62 18 553 E-mail.: marszalek@kujawsko-pomorskie.pl Operational Programme 'Kujawsko-Pomorskie' Council of the Lubelskie Voivodeship Marshal's Office of the Lubelskie Voivodeship Marshal Jaroslaw, Zdrojkowski Tel.: +48 81 4416600 Fax.: +48 81 4416602 E-mail.: marszalek@lubelskie.pl Operational Programme 'Lubelskie' Council of the Mazowieckie voivodship Marshal's Office of the Mazowieckie voivodship ul. B. Brechta 3 PL-03-472 Warszawa Marshal Adam, Struzik Tel.: +48 22 597 9104 Fax.: +48 22 597 9275 E-mail.: a.struzik@mazovia.pl Operational Programme 'Mazovia' •• 299 Council of the Podkarpackie voivodship Marshal's Office of the Podkarpackie voivodship Grunwaldzka 15 PL-35-959 Rzeszów Marshal Zygmunt, Cholewiński Tel.: +48178501780 Fax.: +48178606702 E-mail.: z.cholewinski@podkarpackie.pl Operational Programme 'Podkarpackie' Council of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal's Office of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Marshal Dariusz, Piontkowski Tel.: + 48 85 7485 100 Fax.: + 48 85 7485 101 E-mail.: marszalek@umwp-podlasie.pl Web: Council of the Podlaskie Voivodeship Operational Programme 'Podlaskie' Council of the Pomorskie voivodship Marshal's Office of the Pomorskie voivodship Okopowa 21/27 PL-80-810 Gdańsk Marshal Jan, Kozłowski Tel.: +48 58 32 61 500 Fax.: +48 58 32 61 503 E-mail.: marszalek@woj-pomorskie.pl Operational Programme 'Pomerania' Council of the Łódzkie Voivodeship Marshal's Office of the Łódzkie Voivodeship al. Piłsudskiego 8 PL-90-051 Łódź 300 •• Marshal Włodzimierz , Fisiak Tel.: +48 42 663 3000 Fax.: +48 42 663 3002 E-mail.: marszalek@lodzkie.pl Operational Programme 'Łódzkie' Council of the Świętokrzyskie voivodship Marshal's Office of the Świętokrzyskie voivodship Al. IX Wieków Kielc 3 PL-25-516 Kielce Marshal Adam, Jarubas Tel.: +4841 342 15 49 Fax.: +4841 344 52 65 E-mail.: marszalek@sejmik.kielce.pl Operational Programme 'Świętokrzyskie' Department of the regional development Marshal's Office of the Dolnośląskie voivodship ul. Wybrzeże Słowackiego 12-14 PL-50-411 Wrocław Ireneusz, Ratuszniak Tel.: + 48 71 776 9335 Fax.: + 48 71 776 9003 E-mail.: ireneusz.ratuszniak@umwd.pl Web: Operational Programme Lower Silesia Operational Programme 'Lower Silesia' Lubuskie Region Management Board Marshal's Office of the Lubuskie Region ul. Podgórna 7 PL-65-057 Zielona Góra Marshal Krzysztof, Szymański Tel.: +48 684 565 274 •• 301 Fax.: +48 684 565 296 E-mail.: gabinet@um.lubuski.pl Web: Lubuskie Region Management Board Operational Programme 'Lubuskie' Marshal's Office of the Opolskie voivodship ul. Piastowska 14 PL-45-082 Opole Marshal Józef, Sebesta Tel.: +48 77 54 16 510 Fax.: +48 77 54 16 512 E-mail.: marszalek@umwo.opole.pl Operational Programme 'Opolskie' Marshal's Office of the Warminsko-Mazurskie voivodship Ul.Emilii Plater 1 PL-10-562 Olsztyn Jacek, Protas Tel.: +48 89 521 91 00 Fax.: +48 89 521 91 09 E-mail.: marszalek@warmia.mazury.pl Operational Programme 'Warminsko-Mazurskie' Małopolska Region Management Board Marshal's Office of the Małopolska voivodship Basztowa 22 PL-31-156 Kraków Marshal Marek, Nawara Tel.: +48 12 61 60 124 Fax.: +48 12 43 00 394 E-mail.: marek.nawara@umwm.pl Operational Programme 'Lesser Poland' 302 •• Ministry of Regional Development Department for the Management of the Competitiveness and Innovativeness Programmes ul. Wspólna 2/4 PL-00-926 Warszawa Anita, Wesołowska Operational Programme 'Innovative economy' Ministry of Regional Development Department for the Management Coordination of Infrastructural Programmes Wspólna 2/4 PL-00-926 Warszawa Director Monika, Pałasz Operational Programme 'Infrastructure and Environment' Ministry of Regional Development Department of Aid Programmes and Technical Assistance Ul. Wspólna 2/4 PL-00-926 Warszawa Director Małgorzata, Wierzbicka Tel.: +4822 461 39 18 Fax.: +4822 461 33 21 E-mail.: Malgorzata.Wierzbicka@mrr.gov.pl Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance' Ministry of Regional Development Wspólna 2/4 PL-00-926 Warszawa Secretary of State Ortyl, Władysław Tel.: +48 225367310 Fax.: +48 225367311 •• 303 E-mail.: wladyslaw.ortyl@mrr.gov.pl Web: Ministry of Regional Development Operational Programme 'Development of Eastern Poland' Ministry of Regional Development ul. Wspólna 2/4 PL-00-926 Warszawa Tel.: +48 022 501 51 05 Fax.: +48 022 501 51 56 Web: Ministry of Regional Development The Board of the Wielkopolska Region Marshal’s Office of the Wielkopolska Region al. Niepodległości 18 PL-61-713 Poznań Marshal Marek, Woźniak Tel.: + 48 61 854 19 88 Fax.: + 48 61 854 17 17 E-mail.: marszalek@umww.pl Operational programme 'Greater Poland' Zachodniopomorskie region Management Board Marshal's Office of the Zachodniopomorskie voivodship ul. Korsarzy 34 PL-70-540 Szczecin Marshal Norbert, Obrycki Operational Programme 'Zachodniopomorskie' Śląskie region Management Board Marshal's Office of the Slaskie voivodship ul. Ligonia 46 PL-40-037 Katowice Marshal Janusz, Moszyński 304 •• Tel.: +48 (32) 20 78 290 Fax.: +48 (32) 25 19 999 E-mail.: marszal@silesia-region.pl Operational Programme 'Silesia' ≪헝가리≫ Managing Authority for Coordination National Development Agency Directorate-General Pozsonyi út 56 HU-1133 Budapest Tel.: + 36 1 237 4400 Fax.: +36 1 239 4353 E-mail.: nfu@meh.hu Web: National Development Agency Operational Programme 'Implementation' Operational Programme 'West Pannon' Managing Authority for Environmental Programmes 56 Pozsonyi út HU- Budapest Andrea, Ambrovics Tel.: +36 1 237 44 00 Operational Programme 'Environment and Energy' Managing Authority for Human Resources Programmes National Development Agency Directorate-General Mozsár u.16 HU-1066 Budapest Tel.: +36 1 354 3860 Fax.: +36 1 354 3911 Operational Programme 'Social Infrastructure' Managing Authority for Regional Development Programmes (ROP) Pozsonyi út 56 •• 305 HU-1133 Budapest Tel.: +36 406 812 812 Fax.: +36 144 171 64 E-mail.: rop@meh.hu Operational Programme 'Central Hungary' Operational Programme 'South Transdanubia' Operational Programme 'North Great Plain' Operational Programme 'Central Transdanubia' Operational Programme 'North Hungary' Operational Programme 'South Great Plain' National Development Agency Pozsonyi út 56 HU-1133 Budapest Mihály, Galovicz Tel.: +36 1 237 4400 Fax.: +36 1 349 5751 Operational Programme 'Transport' Nemzeti Fejlesztési Ügynökség Wesselényi u. 20-22. HU-1077 Budapest Andrea, Ambrovics Tel.: 0036-1-474-9542 E-mail.: andrea.ambrovics@nfu.gov.hu ≪체코≫ City of Prague Department of EU funds Jungmannova 35/29 CZ-110 01 Praha 1 Director Patrícia, Tiso Ferulíková 306 •• Tel.: + 420 2 360 02 552 E-mail.: patricia.tiso@cityofprague.cz Web: Prague City Hall Operational Programme 'Prague' Ministerstvo školství, mládeže a tělovýchovy Karmelitská 7 CZ-118 12 Praha 1 Director Jan, Vitula Tel.: +420 257 193 340 E-mail.: jan.vitula@msmt.cz Web: Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports Operational Programme 'Research and Development for Innovations' Ministry for Regional Development Staroměstské náměstí 6 CZ-110 15 Praha 1 Director Lumíra, Kafková Tel.: +420 224 861 365 Fax.: +420 224 861 560 E-mail.: lumira.kafkova@mmr.cz Web: Ministry for Regional Development Operational Programme 'Integrated Operational Programme' Ministry for Regional Development Managing Authority of OPTA Staroměstské náměstí 6 CZ-110 15 Praha 1 Director Olga, Letáčková Tel.: +420 224 861 123 Fax.: +420 224 861 522 E-mail.: olga.letackova@mmr.cz Web: Ministry for Regional Development •• 307 Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance' Ministry of Industry and Trade Na Františku 32 CZ-110 15 Praha Miroslav, Elfmark Tel.: +420 224 221 552 E-mail.: elfmark@mpo.cz Web: Ministry of Industry and Trade Operational Programme 'Enterprises and Innovations' Ministry of Transport Nábřeží L. Svobody 12 CZ-110 15 Praha 1 Tomas, Cocek Tel.: +420 225 131 103 Fax.: +420 225 131 560 E-mail.: tomas.cocek@mdcr.cz Web: Ministry of Transport Operational Programme 'Transport' Ministry of the Environment EU Funds Department Vršovická 65 CZ-100 10 Praha 10 Tel.: +420 267 122 530 Fax.: +420 272 744 944 Operational Programme 'Environment' Regional Council of the Central Moravia region Jeremenkova 1211/40b CZ-779 00 Olomouc Director Ivan, Matulík Tel.: + 420 587 333 301 E-mail.: ivan.matulik@kr-zlinsky.cz Web: Regional Council of the Central Moravia region 308 •• Operational Programme 'Central Moravia' Regional Council of the Cohesion Region Central Bohemia Zborovská 11 CZ-CZ 150 21 Praha 5 Director Marek, Kupsa Tel.: +420 257 280 642 Fax.: +420 257 280 643 E-mail.: kupsa@kr-s.cz Web: Regional Council of the Cohesion Region Central Bohemia Operational Programme 'Central Bohemia' Regional Council of the Cohesion Region South East Kounicova 271 CZ-602 00 Brno Director Marta, Sargánková Tel.: +420 532 193 500 Fax.: +420 532 193 599 E-mail.: sargankova@jihovychod.cz Web: Regional Council of the Cohesion Region South East Operational Programme 'South-East' Regional Council of the Cohesion Region South-West Jeronýmova 1750/21 CZ-370 01 České Budějovice Director Jiří, Trnka Tel.: +420 389 058 601 E-mail.: trnka@rr-jihozapad.cz Web: Regional Council of the Cohesion Region South-West Operational Programme 'South-West' Regional Council of the Moravia Silesia region Hrabákova 1/1861 CZ-70200 Moravská Ostrava •• 309 Director David , Sventek Tel.: + 420 552 303 500 E-mail.: david.sventek@rr-moravskoslezsko.cz Web: Regional Council of the Moravia Silesia region Operational Programme 'Moravia Silesia' Regional Council of the Northeast region Velké náměstí 1 CZ-500 03 Hradec Králové Director Zdeněk, Semorád Tel.: + 420 495 510 177 Fax.: + 420 495 518 719 E-mail.: z.semorad@rada-severovychod.cz Web: Regional Council of the Northeast region Operational Programme 'North-East' Regional Council of the Northwest region Mírové náměstí 3097/37 CZ-400 01 Ústí nad Labem Petr, Vráblík Tel.: +420 477 011 701 Fax.: +420 477 011 752 E-mail.: petr.vrablik@nuts2severozapad.cz Web: Regional Council of the Northwest region Operational Programme 'North-West' ≪슬로바키아≫ Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Prievozská 2/B SK-825 25 Bratislava Director 310 •• Renáta, Pečová Tel.: + 421 2 5831 7510 Fax.: + 421 2 5831 7585 E-mail.: pecova@build.gov.sk Web: Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Web: Unit for Structural Funds Operational Programme 'Bratislava' Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Prievozská 2/B SK-825 25 Bratislava Michal, Santai Tel.: +421 258317390 E-mail.: santai@build.gov.sk Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance' Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Prievozská 2/B SK-825 25 Bratislava Radoslav, Behúl Tel.: + 421 2 5831 7473 Fax.: + 421 2 5831 7583 E-mail.: behul@build.gov.sk Web: Ministry of Construction and Regional Development Web: Unit for Structural Funds Operational Programme 'Western Slovakia, Central Slovakia and Eastern Slovakia' Ministry of Economy Mierová 19 SK-827 15 Bratislava Jan, Ježo Tel.: +421 2 4854 7021 Fax.: +421 2 4854 5010 E-mail.: jezo@economy.gov.sk Operational Programme 'Competitiveness and Economic Growth' •• 311 Ministry of Health of the Slovak Republic Unit for Structural Funds Limbová 2 P.O. Box 52 SK-837 52 Bratislava Richard, Krchňák Tel.: +421 2 59373 306 Fax.: + 421 2 59373 205 E-mail.: richard.krchnak@health.gov.sk Web: Ministry of Health Web: Unit for Structural Funds Operational Programme 'Health' Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications Námestie Slobody 6 P.O. Box 100 SK-810 05 Bratislava Dušan, Rizek Tel.: +421 259494111 Fax.: +421 252494794 E-mail.: dusan.rizek@telecom.gov.sk Web: Ministry of Transport, Posts and Telecommunications Operational Programme 'Transport' Ministry of the Environment Námestie Ľ. Štúra 1 SK-812 35 Bratislava Katarína, Šašková Tel.: +421-2-5956 2350 Fax.: +421-2- 5956 2508 E-mail.: saskova.katarina@enviro.gov.sk Web: Ministry of the Environment Operational Programme 'Environment' Office of the Slovak Government Námestie Slobody 1 312 •• SK-813 70 Bratislava Marek, Canecky Tel.: +421 257295552 Fax.: + 421 257295553 E-mail.: marek.canecky@vlada.gov.sk Web: Office of the Slovak Government Operational Programme 'Information Society' ≪루마니아≫ Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing 17 Apolodor Street RO-Sector 5 Bucharest Director General Gabriel, Friptu Tel.: +40 21 301 15 91 Fax.: +40 21 301 15 13 E-mail.: gabriel.friptu@mdlpl.ro Web: Ministry of Development, Public Works and Housing Operational Programme 'Regional Operational Programme' Ministry of Economy and Finance Managing Authority for the OP TA (at the level of directorate general) 17 Apolodor Street RO-Sector 5 Bucharest Director General Livia, Chirita Tel.: +40 21 302 52 00 Fax.: +40 21 302 52 64 E-mail.: livia.chirita@mfinante.ro Web: Ministry of Economy and Finance Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance' •• 313 Ministry of Economy and Finance 152 Victoriei Street RO-Sector 1 Bucharest Director General Catalina, Melita Tel.: +40 21 202 52 72 Fax.: +40 21 202 52 75 E-mail.: catalina_melita@minind.ro Web: Ministry of Economy and Finance Operational Programme 'Increase of Economic Competitiveness' Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Managing Authority for the OP ENV (at the level of directorate general) 12 Libertatii Blvd. RO-Sector 5 Bucharest Director General Silviu, Stoica Tel.: +40 21 300 77 77 Fax.: +40 21 316 07 78 Web: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development Operational Programme 'Environment' Ministry of Transport Managing Authority for the OP T 38 Dinicu Golescu Blvd. RO-Sector 1 Bucharest Director General Liliana, Barna Tel.: +40 21 319 61 27 Fax.: +40 21 319 61 27 Web: Ministry of Transport Operational Programme 'Transport' 314 •• ≪불가리아≫ Ministry of Economy and Energy Directorate "European Funds for Competitiveness" Slavianska 8 BG-1046 Sofia Director of Managing authority Ivet, Jablyanova Tel.: +359 2 940 75 00 Fax.: +359 2 981 17 19 E-mail.: i.jablyanova@mee.government.bg Operational Programme 'Development of the Competitiveness of the Bulgarian Economy' Ministry of Environment and Water Directorate 'Cohesion Policy for Environment' 22, Maria Luiza Blvd. BG-1000 Sofia Director of the Managing Authority Vasil, Margaritov Tel.: +359 2 940 61 57 Fax.: +359 2 980 67 29 E-mail.: margaritov@moew.government.bg Operational Programme 'Environment' Ministry of Finance 102, G.S. Rakovski Str. BG-1040 Sofia Director of the Managing Authority Galina, Mihailova Tel.: +359 2 9859 2950 Fax.: +359 2 9859 2929 E-mail.: g.mihailova@minfin.bg Operational Programme 'Technical Assistance' Ministry of Regional Development and Public Works •• 315 Directorate General 'Programming of Regional Development' 17-19 Kiril and Metodii Street BG-1000 Sofia Boyana, Chavdarova Tel.: +35929405439 Fax.: +35929877450 E-mail.: BChavdarova@mrrb.government.bg Operational Programme 'Regional Development' Ministry of Transport Coordination of Programmes and Projects Directorate Djakon Ignatii 9 BG-1000 Sofia Nelly, Yordanova Tel.: + 359 2 9409 422 Fax.: + 359 2 9409 795 Web: Ministry of Transport Operational Programme 'Transport' 316 •• <부록 B> EU기금 프로젝트 플라자 프로젝트 정보 (폴란드 이외) 헝가리 Tapolca water purifying project and water base protection project (KEOP 1.2.0) 1. Project Owner Name Miskolc holding company local government owned company which is in charge of investment Activity and development Address H-3530 Miskolc, Hunyadi u.50., I.em WWW www.miskolcholding.hu Name Mr.Vojtilla Position - Laszlo Department Contact Duty information Tel (36-46) 516-450 Email Vojtilla.laszlo@miviz.hu 2. Project in brief First Stage is in realization, Second Stage (second section at Current Stage the bottom of the WislaRiver- Way of tendering Thecontractorwillbeselectedbytheendof2009 open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location financing own fund (15%)+ EU Estimated amount -The value of investments: 2million euro Period 2009-2010.09 of the project Estimated date of announcing tender Founds(85%) September 2009 •• 317 3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) The detailed feasibility study and the whole tender documentation is being made Mineral particles of the substance, bacteria, viruses have to be strained out water by ultrafiltration process. The substance of the membrane has to resist strong acidic and alkaline reaction. Within the framework of the project the length of the sewage network will be increased by 46 km, and will be connected to the network those areas, which presently are not linked to the sewage network system. According to present environmental regulations the sewage water treatment site of Miskolc is not suitable to store and recycle the sludge generated from sewage treatment. Also the security of operation is not secure nowadays. In the project there is suggested an anaerobic sludge digestion technology to be implemented, which would make also possible to use the produced biogas for energy production. This goal will be reached by connecting to the present technology the new technology, which will be further improved. As a result of development the site will be able to receive 4000 kg/d sludge from outside and will be able to treat the 32,000 kg/d own sludge produced by the site itself. The final volume of sludge that should be stored will decrease by 30% which means the site will be stable. The new technology also will produce biogas which can be used for energy production, in this way the operation cost of the site will be reduced. The third component of the project is the construction of the 3rd purification level by removal of nitrate and phosphor content of water by biological treatment, followed by artificial phosphor content reduction. This goal will be achieved by combining the present technology with new one, improving further the mechanical and biological purification level. As a result of the development, the sewage water in Miskolc city and its agglomeration will be purified mechanically, biologically and in the 3rd purification level. The development will be connected to the present technology, which is functioning presently. The whole project can be finished within three years. The financial estimation of the projects have already been made and the certification and design plans will made by a company selected on public tender. 318 •• According to plans the project will have four sub-projects: 1. design/service 2. construction 3. technology 4. engineer supervision Financial Breakdown of the Project: Denomination Deductible Costs (HUF) Sewage water network expansion 2 160 000 000 Anaerobic sludge digestion technology with biogas recycling 1 600 000 000 Construction of 3rdlevelpurificationbase 1 100 000 000 Preparation costs Service costs including physical and price reserves 60 000 000 360 000 000 TOTAL 5 280 000 000 Of which deductible costs 5 280 000 000 Own contribution 15% 792 000 000 EU fund 85% 4 488 000 000 Total Finance Amount 5 280 000 000 •• 319 Budapest city hall project 1. Project Owner Name Budapest city Address Budapest, 5 district,DeakSquare WWW www.budapest.hu Activity Contact th Name Mr.Gabor Karpati Position Department Leader Department Project Executive Department Duty information Tel (36-1)318-8689 Email karpatiq@budapest.hu 2. Project in brief the design plans will be completed by Netherland based Current Stage Erik van Egeraat, world-wide known architect designer at the end of November Way of tendering open tender, Award procedure chosen price à qualification, location financing own fund + EU Founds Estimated amount - The value of investments: 1.3-1.5million euro Period 2010-2013 of the project Estimated date of announcing tender November 2009 3. Project in detail (more than 1 page) Step 1:Erick van Egeraat has won the international competition to design the City Hall in the centre of Budapest. From a field of 18 participants, an international professional jury selected his proposal, which combines restoration of the existing 18th century baroque building and new, futuristic wings to create a contemporary Main Square. This proposal makes an end to a period of almost three centuries of uncertainties at this unique plot in the Heart of Budapest. In accordance with the objectives of the competition, this New City Hall, with its open courtyards and flexibility of use, will reflect transparency and democracy will act as a Forum for the people of Budapest and will attract 320 •• tourists. It will at once re-introduce pedestrian flow from the boulevard to the river Danube and offer a spectacular view of the city from the platform on top of the entrance gate. “This project provides a unique opportunity to both boost the economy of the city of Budapest and create an attractive new city centre for all”, says Erick van Egeraat. The new City Hall will comprise 118.000 square meters of gross floor area, 40.000 square meters of which will be newly built. The project’s completion is scheduled for 2013. Step 2: Currently the design plans are being developed by Netherland based Erik van Egeraat, world-wide known architect designer, who won the tender. After the design is ready and the binding construction permissions are available the project will be published in the procurement gazette. Step 3: According to plans the tendering procedure can start in the second half of this year. The subject of the tender will as follows: • Renewal of the present old City Hall and construction of new building on the present empty fields • The winner investor should renew the old City Hall, which will be owned in continue by Budapest Mayor Office, and the new building immediately will be owned by Budapest City as well, the construction is finished • The old and new City Hall partly will be used by Mayor Office, meanwhile the investor will use and utilize those part of construction, which are not claimed by Mayor Office •• 321 프라하 프로젝트 개요 Overall reconstruction and extension of the Central Waste Water Treatment 프로젝트명 Plant Prague on Cisarsky Island 발주처명 City of Prague 현장 위치 Prague At present the CWWTP does not comply with the very strict requirements 프로젝트 추진배경 발주방식 규모 for discharged pollution in indicators of total nitrogen and total phosphorus pursuant to the new OG No. 61. Therefore the City of Prague has been preparing a vast retrofitting of the CWWTP 기 FIDIC 기타 타 340.75 (phase 1) 333.34 (백만유로) (phase 2) 진행 상태 P/Q 단계 예상 공기 기 타 사업자 선정 방식 재원조달 방식 입찰 (예정)일 2013년(Phase 1), 정보 입수 2015년(Phase 2) 경위 기타 발주처 자체 Funding 기타 기타 FIDIC criteria EU기금 70% 2009년 12월 Prague City Hall The total target capacity of the plant is 1 650 000 p.e., The objective is to treat waste water to the level complying with Council Directive 91/271/EEC and Czech regulations on the discharge of waste water into surface water. The project is divided into several stages and shall be completed by the retrofitting of 프로젝트 the sludge management. 상세내역 - after reconstruction average inflow of waste water should be 40.1 m3/sec + rain water 3m3/sec. - by using vitrification electric energy will be produced - gas management by algae - WWT facilities will be situated uderground; the area itself will be used as recreational area for Prague citizens 담당자 정보 이름 전화 322 •• Mr. Jan 직 Head of Boucek. 위 Division 420 236 004 653 부서명 이메일 City Investor 담당 Dept 업무 CWWTP preparati on 기타정보 기타 첨부 [시공전] [시공후] 불가리아 프로젝트 개요 프로젝트명 한국산 선박 구매 발주처명 Navibulga (불가리아 해운협회) 프로젝트 추진배경 발주방식 프로젝트 규모 진행 상태 예상 공기 현장 위치 Burgas (Bulgaria) *한국산 선박구매를 통한 동사의 물동량 확대를 목적으로 시행예정. 기타 기타 FIDIC 계 선정방식 재원조달 6억 유로 세부계획단 사업자 방식 기타 2009 - 2012 입찰(예정) 일 정보 입수 경위 기타 기타 FIDIC criteria 기타 기타 2009년 연중 Navibulga (발주처) *동사는 불가리아 독점해운사로 2008년8월에 민영화된 해운회사임. 동사는 현재 약 75척의 화물선을 보유하고 있으나 대부분의 선박이 노후화 되어 교체가 시급한 상황임 프로젝트 상세내역 *현재 동사는 신규선박 구입자금으로 약 2억유로의 현금을 확보하고 있으나 세계적인 경기불황과 해운물동량 감소로 신규선박 구매시기를 약간 연기하 였으며 적정 구매시기를 탐색하고 있음. *동 프로젝트는 원래 한국의 현대종합상사를 에이전트로 선정하고 한국조선 소로부터 약 3만5천톤급 화물선 30척 정도를 건조할 예정이었으나 경기불 황과 구매자금조달에 어려움이 예상되어 1-2년 된 중고선박과 신규선박을 •• 323 혼합하여 구매할 예정임 *동 사는 동 구매프로젝트를 위하여 자체보유자금 2억 유로 이외에 유럽은 행들로부터 3억 유로의 차관을 들여올 예정이며 한국의 수출입은행으로부터 도 약 1억유로 상당의 전대차관의 제공을 요청하고 있음. *구매시기는 이르면 09년부터이며 향후 3년간에 거쳐 분할 구매할 예정임. 특히 금년에는 1-2년된 2만-4만톤급 벌크화물선 구매를 희망하고 있으며 공사의 지원을 요청하고 있음 담당자 정보 이름 Mr. Kallin Damianov 전화 직위 Sole Agent 359 888 060 604 부서명 이메일 Agen 담당 CWWTP t 업무 preparation N/A 선박사양 : 1) 제 1 유형의 선박사양 SINGLE-DECKER, STEEL FLOORED, BULK CARRIER (BETTER SELF-TRIMMER), WITH NO OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE HOLDS GRAIN FITTED WITH POSSIBLE SAILING WITH 1 OR 2 SLACKS NOT BUILT IN CHINA IF POSSIBLE - SISTER SHIPS AGE - BEST NEW, IF 2-ND HAND - BETTER NOT OLDER THAN 10 YRS SUMMER DWT 27-30'000 DWT ON 8.00 M FW 19-20'000 GRAIN CAPACITY 1,2 - 1,4 MIO IFO 380 BURNER, CONSUMPTION 20-21 MTS ENGINE 9'500 - 12'000 HP SPEED MIN 12.5 - 13.0 KN LOA MAX 179.99 M (BETTER UPTO 170 M) BEAM MAX 23.20 M (23.70 M WITH EXEMPTION) - SEAWAY LIMIT SUMMER SW DRAFT MAX 32' BULBOUS BOW SINGLE PITCH PROPELLER HOLDS / HATCHES 5-6, ONE HATCH PER HOLD, FOLDING TYPE HATCHES BETTER MORE THAN 14 M LENGTH TT STRENGTH 20 MT / SQ.M (IN ANY CASE NOT LESS THAN 15 MT / SQ.M) STRENGTHENED FOR LOADING OF HEAVY CARGO 324 •• BALLAST HOLD WLTOHC 10.00 M ICE CLASSED LLOYD'S "1C" OR EQUIVALENT SEAWAY FITTED (PREFERRED) IMO MHB FITTED ALTERNATIVE LOADING WORLD TRADER ABT 50 PCT GEAR-LESS AND ABT 50 PCT GEARED FOR THE GEARED VSLS ADDITIONALLY: CO2 FITTED ARTIFICIAL VENTILATION MIN 6 AIR-CHANGES FITTED FOR IMO CL. 4.1, 4.2, 5.1, 9 3-4 ELECTRIC-HYDRAULIC CRANES MIN 30 MTS BOW TRUSTIER WILL BE AN ADVANTAGE 2) 제2 유형의 선박사양 SINGLE-DECKER, STEEL FLOORED, BULK CARRIER (BETTER SELF-TRIMMER), WITH NO OBSTRUCTIONS IN THE HOLDS NOT BUILT IN CHINA IF POSSIBLE - SISTER SHIPS DWT ON 8.00 M FW 14-20'000 MAX DRAFT 8.00 - 8.50 M SPEED 12.0 - 13.0 KN IFO 380 BURNER HOLDS / HATCHES 3-5, ONE HATCH PER HOLD, FOLDING TYPE HATCHES BETTER MORE THAN 14 M LENGTH TT STRENGTH 20 MT / SQ.M (IN ANY CASE NOT LESS THAN 15 MT / SQ.M) STRENGTHENED FOR LOADING OF HEAVY CARGO BALLAST HOLD WLTOHC 10.00 M ICE CLASSED LLOYD'S "1C" OR EQUIVALENT IMO MHB FITTED PREFERRED GEAR-LESS EVENTUALLY ALTERNATIVE LOADING •• 325 프로젝트 개요 프로젝트명 불가리아 화력발전소 황산 및 질산 배기가스 처리시설설치 발주처명 Hero Corp. 프로젝트 추진배경 발주방식 프로젝트 규모 진행 상태 예상 공기 현장 위치 Starazagora (Bulgaria) *유해배기가스 제거시설 설치를 목적으로 함. 공개입찰 기타 FIDIC 선정 방식 재원조달 2천5백만유로 입찰단계 사업자 기타 방식 입찰 (예정)일 정보 입수 기타 기타 기타 기타 FIDIC criteria 2009년 NEK 경위 * 불가리아는 2012년까지 EU가입조건으로 제시된 Co2배출량을 4,230만톤 2009 - 2012 으로 감축해야 하며 주된 Co2 배출 시설물인 화력발전소에 공해방지 시설 을 설치해야 하는 의무를 갖게 되었음 * 불가리아의 대표적인 화력발전소인 Maritza Eztok 화력발전2호기에 탈황 및 질산함유물 처리시설을 설치하는 프로젝트를 추진하고 있으며 1차적인 입찰은 지난 3월27일에 마감하였으나 현재 입찰참가신청서를 낸 한국업체 의 교체가 필요한 상황임 (기 참가업체의 미온적인 태도로 컨소시엄의 재구 성이 필요한 상황임) * 이 공사는 대표적인 공해물질인 SO2, NO, NO2가 함유된 배출가스를 과 프로젝트 학적인 공법으로 처리하여 대기 중에 공해물질이 배출되지 않도록 특별한 상세내역 시설을 설치하는 프로젝트 임 * 현재 입찰이 진행중인 Maritza Ezotok 2호기는 습식석회석고법(석회를 사 용하여 배기가스중의 이산화황을 흡수,부산물로 석고와 폐수를 발생하게 하 는 처리기술)이 선호되고 있으나 전자빔을 활용한 탈황시설도 무방한 것으 로 나타남. * 동 프로젝트는 불가리아 정부와 EU에서 이미 프로젝트 추진자금을 확보 한 상태이며 2012년까지는 공사를 마무리해야 동 발전소가 향후로도 가동 할 수 있어 신속한 공기진행이 필요한 상황임. * 동분야에 전문기술을 보유하고 있는 회사는 한국코트렐, STX, EB Tech 등이며 기타 국내업체들의 참가도 적극적으로 요청되고 있음 담당자 정보 이름 전화 326 •• Mr. Kallin Damianov 직위 Sole Agent 359 888 060 604 부서명 Agent 이메일 N/A 담당 CWWTP 업무 preparation 루마니아 프로젝트 개요 프로젝트명 발주처명 프로젝트 추진배경 발주방식 프 로 젝 트 규모 진행 상태 BRASOV COUNTY 물 및 하수처리 프로젝트 APA Brasov (루마니아 환경부 현 프로젝트 승인기업) 위치 장 Compania APA Braşov(CABv)는 브라쇼브시 및 인근 지역의 물 공급 및 하수처리 프로젝트를 승인받은 기업으로 연간 매출은 수천만 유로, 종업원 780명의 규모가 있는 기업임 공개입찰 기 타 입찰단계 사업자 최저가격 선정 +기술심 방식 사 재원조 (EUR 백만)161 예상 공기 달 방식 상세내역 기타 E U 기 금 : 발주처 자체 기타 Funding 85%, 중앙 및 지방정부 예산: 15% 입찰 기 (예정) 타 일 정보 입수 경위 프로젝트 Brasov county 2009-2010년 사이 루마니아 환경부에서 추천한 프 로젝트 급수 시스템 (집수, 가공, 공급, 분배) 및 하수처리 시스템(저수, 처리 등) 담당자 정보 이름 전화 Mr. Doru Sopterean 직위 Head of 40-268-408-602 PIU Project 부서명 Investme nt Unit 담당 프 로 젝 트 업무 관리 이메일 •• 327 프로젝트 개요 프로젝트명 발주처명 프로젝트 추진배경 발주방식 프로젝트 규모 CLUJ 및 SALAJ 카운티 상하수도 처리 시스템 현장 APA Somes (루마니아 환 위치 경부 프로젝트 승인기업) APA Somes SA (CASSA)사는 Cluj 및 프로젝트를 승인받은 기업임. 사업자 선정 공개입찰 방식 Cluj및SalajCounties Salaj 카운티의 물공급 및 하수처리 최저가격+ 기술심사 기타 기타 EU기금: 74%, 중앙정부:11.3%, 지방정부:1.9%, 금융지원:12.5% (EUR 백만)197 재원조 달 방식 발주처 자 체 Funding 진행 상태 입찰단계 입찰 (예정)일 2009-2010년 사이 예상 공기 정보 입수 경위 루마니아 환경부에서 추천한 프로젝 트 A. Water supply Rehabilitation of water sources 3 Water treatment station 1 New chlorination stations 2 프로젝트 상세내역 Rehabilitation of water networks 92 km New water networks 85 km Rehabilitation of pumping stations 2 New pumping stations 8 Rehabilitation of water tanks 11 New water tanks 3 SCADA system B. Intake/purification of sewage waters Rehabilitation of sewage networks 47 km Extention of sewage networks 73 km Rehabilitation of pumping stations 5 New sewage water pumping stations 18 Rehabilitation of sewage stations 8 담당자 정보 이름 전화 328 •• Mr.Calin 직 Neamtu 위 40-264-430-925 Director 부서명 이메일 Technical 담당 Dep 업무 프로젝트 관리 아테네 프로젝트개요 프로젝트명 초고속 인터넷 광케이블망 설치 국제입찰 (Fiber To the Home ) 그리스 교통통신부 발주처명 (Ministry of Transport and Communications) 현장위 치 아테네, 데살로니끼 o 사업목표 - 그리스 “디지털 전략 2008-2013” 프로젝트 사업의 일환 - 각 사용자 당 인터넷 속도 최소 100mps 이상 확보할 수 있는 광케이블 설치 목표 o 공사계획 - 그리스 전역에 시행될 예정이며, 1단계 공사는 2012 ~ 2013년까지 아테 네와 데살로니끼 지역을 중심으로 진행 (향후 50개 시 군 지역으로 확대 프로젝트 추진배경 계획) - 설치될 광케이블은 차세대 통신망으로 여겨지는 Dark Fiber로 설치될 전망 - 설치 기간은 약 7년 소요 예상. - 예상되는 3개 추진 지역은 (공사가 신속히 이뤄지도록 하기 위해 공사를 3개 지역군으로 분할 추진 예정) 데살로니끼와 북부 그리스 지역군, 수도 권 (아티키) 절반과 펠레폰네소스 지역군, 나머지 아티키 절반과 나머지 그리스 지역군 임. - 동 광케이블이 설치될 경우, EU 내 디지털 환경이 최하위에 속하는 그 리스 통신 사정이 많이 개선될 전망 발주방식 프로젝트 규모 진행 상태 공개입찰 기 타 사업자 재원조 달 방식 기 타 기 최저가격 타 방식 21억 유로 기본계획단계 선정 입찰 (예정)일 EU기금 1/3 민 자 유 치 2/3 기 타 2010년 상반기 정보 예상 공기 7년 입수 정보통신부 해당부서 접촉 경위 프로젝트 ㅇ Project Requisites 상세내역 - “Open Access” network model –Point to Point Architecture. •• 329 - Optical fiber to cover the increasing needs for bandwidth of at least 100Mbps per user. - Infrastructure Provider Modelfor the construction maintenance and supply of the passive infrastructure (dark fiber) to telecom providers. - The same Passive Infrastructure provider may not offer telecom or ISP services. - Totalrollout duration for the network: 7 years. ㅇ Project Funding - Indicative project budget:2,100,000,000 €. - There is a decision for project co-funding by the state and private investment. - The direct state involvement will be via implementation of the law for (1) Public Private Partnerships (SDIT) in such a way that competition terms are fully observed. Up to 3 Special Purpose Companieswill be established. - The duration of the partnership will be 30 years. - The state will pay availability dividends that will correspond to a percentage of the total investment budget, while the proportion of public-private participation will be fixed following delegation with the EC. - Revenues via the availability and use fees of the passive infrastructure by the telecom and content providers. - Potential forfinancing on competitive terms, via the European Investment Bank. - Possibility forstate aidof theend users covering costs for vertical wiring via the EU’s National Strategic Reference Framework . ㅇ RegulatoryFramework The Regulatory Framework will include legislative and regulation aspects to facilitate implementation of the optical fiber network. 프로젝트 상세내역 (2) ㅇ Indicatively: - Rights-of-Wayfor new and existing infrastructure - Development Requirementsfor new - Rights-of-Way for public use - Development of infrastructure networks aerial-wiringnetworks - Rights-of-Way fees - Access regulationsto private 330 •• buildings public places etc. ㅇ Technical Requirements A common ministerial decision which will cover Technical Specifications for indoor networks of electronic communication networks is being prepared. Establishing technical specifications includes a full installation guide for indoor optical fiber networks and assures the non-restriction of fiber network installations in new and existing buildings. In addition it describes all technical specifications regarding issues of: - access to sites - expansion potential - installation and maintenance - operational efficiency etc. 담당자 정보 Mr.Leo Kanellos 이름 (Chairman of FTTH 부서명 Committee) Secretary General for Communication 30-210-884-7718, 전화 모바일: 이메일 30-697-799-8877 •• 331 중동부유럽 EU기금 프로젝트 진출 방안 ❚ 발 행 일 / 2009. 10 ❚ 발 행 인 / 조 환 익 ❚ KOTRA 서울특별시 서초구 염곡동 300-9번지 Tel : 02-3460-7114 ❚ 인 쇄 처 / 경안인쇄 Tel : 02-2274-1726 Fax: 02-3460-7777