Family benefits from hospice well after death of mother
Family benefits from hospice well after death of mother
Published for donors, volunteers and friends of Providence St. Peter Foundation SPRING 2014 • DONOR RECOGNITION EDITION Cornerstone N E W S L E T T E R Family benefits from hospice well after death of mother Sarah Kobernusz-Gibbs was a passionate quilter, genealogist, and scrapbooker. Her husband, Monte Gibbs, describes her as “a fiber artist,” who made and donated 60 quilts each year to non-profit organizations in the Olympia area such as Safeplace and homeless PANTONE PANTONE shelters. Together they children, ages 12 to 21, 288 had four 144 and Sarah homeschooled each of them. Monte, who teaches middle school in low-income Tacoma schools, says, “Sarah saw the best in people, always.” PANTONE 116 PANTONE 1797 PANTONE 2593 PANTONE 110 PANTONE 201 PANTONE 2622 Sarah Kobernusz-Gibbs with her son, Evan, at their home in Olympia In August of 2012, Sarah was diagnosed with breast cancer. Her husband describes her diagnosis as triplenegative breast cancer, which does not respond to many of the new targeted chemotherapies or tools which can reduce the risk of recurrence. Six months PANTONE PANTONE later, Sarah had a clean check-up, but by August 2013, Cool Gray 10 Black a scan revealed spots of cancer on her liver. “I felt anger, I felt sadness, I felt hate, Sophia, the youngest of the four children I felt like PANTONE I was a PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE says, “ShePANTONE was my hero 2665 299 3135 361 390 – I wanted to be like complete wimp because her so bad.” Sophia I couldn’t do anything. remembers, “Mom had this great smile. When I couldn’t save my she was laughing, it mom.” would just be this PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE PANTONE 668 2945 315 364 ~ Sophia, Sarah's383 youngest child big, wonderful smile.” When Sophia learned of the recurrence, she asked her older sister, Grace, “Is mom going to die?” Sophia says, “Grace just nodded. And I felt like my heart was ripped out.” Sarah enrolled in a clinical trial, hoping to buy time with her family. But by December, it was clear that Sarah was nearing the end of life. At the urging of Sarah’s physician and close friends, Sarah enrolled in hospice. Providence SoundHomeCare & Hospice (Continued on page 2) Inside this issue: • Survivorship services ramp up, pg. 3 • Save the date for Christmas Forest 2014, pg. 4 • Recognizing generous donors, pgs. 7-11 YOUR GENEROSITY CAN PROVIDE DIGNITY & COMFORT 1 (Continued from page 1) provides medical, emotional, and spiritual support to adults and children who are facing a terminal illness, as well as to their families, friends, and caregivers. Monte readily admits, “I was in denial. I wanted to stay in denial as long as I could, to keep the children hopeful.” Hospice began providing services immediately, and Monte says, “The benefits of hospice were broad, and we greatly benefited.” A bed was moved into the home near the fireplace. “It meant a lot to us that Sarah could choose to be where she was when she died. She was in the center of everything.” Meanwhile, Sophia kept many of her fears to herself. She says she didn’t want to talk about her feelings because she didn’t want to feel them. Looking back, she says “I felt anger, I felt sadness, I felt hate, I felt like I was a complete wimp because I couldn’t do anything. I couldn’t save my mom.” Monte had hoped to get counseling through hospice for the four children, but Sarah declined rapidly and passed away on December 16, 2013 at the family’s home. “She’s learned her grief is unique, but she is not isolated or alone.” ~ Monte Gibbs, Sophia's father The family began counseling following Sarah’s death, a benefit of hospice to guide the family through the long and difficult road of grief. Through the process, Monte and each of his children identified one word they each wanted from their family. They included “Time” and “Trust.” Time to adjust to their new reality; trust in each other to take care of things Sarah used to do. Monte appreciates the references, saying, “They have been helpful to me because it gave me the things I could carry forward with. They have become my mantra.” In January, Sophia began participating in SoundCareKids, a program offered through Hospice for children who are grieving the death of a loved one. Shell St. Onge, the program’s bereavement counselor and coordinator, says “in SoundCareKids, children have an opportunity to tell their stories, express emotions, and find acceptance.” Shell says, “We begin group nights with pizza and play, and then kids, teens, and the adults meet in separate peer groups for discussion and activities designed to explore different aspects of grief.” Before SoundCareKids, Sophia was not comfortable talking about the day her mom died. She also worried 2 Giving to hospice Donations make sure hospice and grief support are available to anyone in need. Gifts support the highest quality of care and a comprehensive range of services, including: • • • • • Emotional and spiritual support Grief support services Children’s programs Equipment purchases Education and staff training Donate online at or call (360) 493-7839. about what to say in the future when friends might ask about her mom. Monte agrees SoundCareKids has been a big benefit to Sophia. “She’s learned her grief is unique, but she is not isolated or alone.” Sophia is becoming more open about speaking about her mom. She shares that about a week before Sarah died, she was in and out of sleep, while Sophia was sitting by her. Sophia says, “I said, ‘Mom, I feel weak, I feel pathetic.’ And she said, ‘No, you are strong.’ And that was one of the last things she said to me. She kept repeating it to me before she went back into sleep.” When complimented about the strength of his children, Monte says without hesitation, “They’re a product of their mom.” C r e a t i n g a l e ga c y d e lli” Tistadt pass Walburga “Wa , t the age of 84 away last fall a ort us gif t to supp ro e n e g a g n leavi ank Providence. Th the mission of bers gacy Club mem Le r u o ll a to you e a provision who have mad er te plan or oth a st e n a h g u thro s on in our legacy live planned gif t. Y ed to te care provid a n io ss a p m co the day. ach and every our patients e W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G Survivorship services ramp up throughout 2014 One of the highlights of last year’s Christmas Forest was the community joining together to create a permanent Cancer Survivorship Clinic. The purpose of the clinic is to promote physical, psychological, spiritual, and social well-being for those diagnosed and living with cancer. One of the most important new pieces is the ability to provide survivorship care plans. These care plans include a personalized set of recommendations on how to stay healthy and care for yourself after having cancer. According to Kasia Konieczny, Director for Oncology Services, “Thanks to the many donors who supported this program, work has already begun on piloting survivorship care plans.” Clinicians and staff are testing the plans with a small group of patients, and will soon make them available to more patients. “We are also currently interviewing candidates for the clinic’s advanced registered nurse practitioner,” says Konieczny. “The nurse practitioner will help provide these new services to patients and their families, and we’re very excited about beginning to offer this enhanced level of services to our patients.” Andrea Potter, Patient Navigator, helps guide a patient Is It Time to Update Your Estate Plan? There are important times you should update your will or estate plan, such as changes to: Your family. With births, deaths, marriages or divorces, you may want to add or remove beneficiaries or increase or decrease their shares of your estate. Your property. Events such as growth (or decline) in the value of your estate, the acquisition of a new home, or the sale or gift of property may necessitate changes to bequest provisions. Your new location. Your estate plan should be updated if you move to a new state. Different requirements for the execution of a will or trust as well as different state inheritance taxes and probate laws may make revisions necessary. Contact an estate planning attorney in your new state. Your charitable interests. Will your good works continue after your lifetime? Consider including a bequest to Providence St. Peter Foundation by designating a percentage of your estate for our mission. Contact your estate planning attorney if you have additional questions on updating your will. If you are considering including a gift to Providence in your will, please contact Peter Brennan at (360) 493-7981 or Your gifts allow us to fulfill our mission of sharing God’s love for all, especially the poor and vulnerable, through our compassionate service. 3 Christmas Forest co-chairs Mick Phillips and Marisa Wulff DEC. 3 -7 Christmas Forest 2014 The 27th Annual Christmas Forest runs December 3-7, 2014! Last year’s Christmas Forest raised a record $631,000, which benefits the mission of Providence to provide health care to all, with special concern for the poor and vulnerable. During the five-day event, more than 4,100 visitors attended the public viewing to see the trees and wreaths that were decorated by tremendously dedicated volunteers. Mick Phillips and Marisa Wulff, this year’s Christmas Forest co-chairs, say they’re inspired to build on last year’s success. “The mission of Providence to serve the poor and vulnerable drives us in our efforts this year as co-chairs,” says Phillips, who has served on the Providence St. Peter Foundation Board of Directors since 2006. Through program and equipment support, the Foundation advances innovation in health care delivery and mission-driven programs such as the Sexual Assault Clinic, palliative care and hospice, and addictions recovery. Phillips adds, “At few times in your life are you more vulnerable than when your health, or the health of a loved one, hangs in the balance.” There are many ways to get involved in Christmas Forest: • Become a sponsor! Trees, wreaths, specialty items, and more are made possible by generous businesses and individuals. • Be creative! Designers (either individuals or teams) are needed to create the themed trees and wreaths that make the event magical. • Procure fabulous packages! Help secure great auction items and packages, which raise vital funds. • Be handy! Set-up and tear-down days go smoothly with volunteers that are good with power tools. If any of these volunteer areas are of interest to you, please contact Stacey Genzlinger, Special Events Manager, at or (360) 493-7985. About Cornerstone Cornerstone is published for friends of the Foundation. If you have suggestions or wish to have your name removed from the list to receive fundraising requests, please contact the Foundation at (360) 493-7981 or write: Providence St. Peter Foundation, 413 Lilly Road NE, Olympia, WA 98506. Archived newsletters and subscription to the electronic newsletter are available online at 4 Welcome to Stacey Genzlinger, Special Events Manager! Providence St. Peter Foundation is pleased to welcome Stacey Genzlinger as special events manager. Prior to joining Providence St. Peter Foundation, Stacey was the Director of Member Services with Olympia Master Builders for 13 years, responsible for overseeing large and successful events across South Puget Sound. Stacey brings with her a passion for philanthropy and wide and diverse community involvement with non-profit organizations including Saint Stacey Genzlinger, Martin’s University, Briggs Special Events Manager Community YMCA, Capital Playhouse, and United Way of Thurston County. Stacey is familiar with Providence, where she volunteered with her Bullmastiff named Peyton, in the Providence Animal Assisted Activities and Therapies program. Purchase a brick or paver by July 15! Celebrate a birth or anniversary, remember a loved one or honor a friend, while supporting the work of Providence. Bricks, pavers, and benches are available, starting from $150. time! fe li a st la to ft gi a e k a M de by calling Gifts can be ma r at (360 ) 493-7981 o .org /giving. ce n e id v ro .p w w w Bill Jones Pediatric Unit nurses Kim Rohr, Dorothy Walsh, Patty Harris, and Kari Rittscher show their support Providence employees give from heart Last fall, Providence employees throughout our five counties in Southwest Washington pledged $201,000 to Providence Foundations and United Way organizations, including $130,000 for Providence St. Peter Foundation alone. Thank you to all who pledged and contributed. You strengthen Providence and enrich our communities! “There are so many opportunities to help others with contributions to the employee giving campaign. I like the choice of directing where my gift is used, and feel a connection to the recipient by knowing where it is going.” ~ Becky Cant, Providence Southwest Washington W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G 5 Letter from the President Dan E. Davidson, D.D.S., Board President 2012-2014 The past year has been one to celebrate and reflect on the many accomplishments the Foundation has made possible throughout our history. It has also been a year to begin looking ahead and build the groundwork for continued success. It is our great pleasure to welcome our new executive director, Peter Brennan to the foundation and the region. The board has recently adopted a strategic plan that ensures that the mission the Sisters of Providence entrusted to our community will continue with vigor. Our focus continues to be improving access to health services for those who are poor and vulnerable. Education will be a high priority, both in growing our strong medical workforce in South Puget Sound, and in providing continuing education and specialized training for our nursing and clinical staff. As the delivery of health care in our country is transformed, we will see a focus on wellness and disease prevention, and move away from a fee-for-service model. Providence St. Peter Foundation will champion the continuum of care, especially palliative care and hospice services, increasing quality, as we respect the precious circle of life. The programs you see working throughout our community simply would not be possible without the support of donors. During my tenure as president of the board, I have witnessed a community that is vibrant and caring. Thank you for supporting the mission of Providence so that our residents continue to have access to the highest-quality of compassionate care. Gratefully, Dan E. Davidson, D.D.S. Board President 2012-2014 2013 Foundation Financial Results Raised Contributions $2,337,000 $1,821,229 $2,400,000 $2,200,000 $1,935,107 $1,665,384 $2,600,000 $2,000,000 $1,784,789 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Program Support Distributions $1,000,000 $2,600,000 $2,400,000 $2,200,000 $2,046,423 $1,706,000 $1,624,895 $1,500,566 $2,000,000 $1,800,000 $1,600,000 $1,323,531 $1,400,000 $1,200,000 2009 2010 2011 2012 An audit of 2013 figures was not complete at time of print. 6 2013 $1,000,000 Honor Roll We gratefully acknowledge the many donors that support Providence St. Peter Foundation. This list includes outright gifts and pledges committed from January 1 – December 31, 2013. This does not include payments made on pledges recognized in previous years. We make every effort to ensure accuracy. Please inform us of errors or omissions by contacting us at (360) 493-7981 or $1,000,000+ Hal and Inge Marcus $100,000 – $999,999 Nisqually Red Wind Casino Estate of Walburga G. Tistadt $50,000 – $99,999 Estate of William A. Ehlers, M.D. Theodore and Ruth Schmidt Estate Significance Foundation $25,000 – $49,999 Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation Nisqually Indian Tribe Sarah S. Reade, M.D. $10,000 – $24,999 Colonel (Ret.) Robert H. Campbell Estate of Larry C. Cardinal Dr. Dan and Shelly Davidson Anne M. Foster Trust Dr. William and Jacki Gavin Group Health Cooperative Dr. James and Michele Lechner Olympia Anesthesia Associates, P.C. Olympia Sheet Metal, Inc. Seattle Shellfish, L.L.C. Drs. Scott and Sheila Smitherman Laurie Sorensen and Carroll Bryan II South Sound Radiology, Inc. P.S. Thurston County Title Company Titus-Will Chevrolet-BuickGMC-Cadillac-Hyundai $5,000 – $9,999 Dr. Gareth and Heidi Adams Anchor Bank Anderson & Middleton Company Larry and Donna Brooke Jane C. Artz & Frederick J. Artz Fund – The Community Foundation of Southwest Washington Lucky Eagle Casino Elsie M. Friend Genentech, Inc. Dr. Patricia Gilmer and Hal Scogin Dr. James and Carol Hannum Dr. Annie Iriye and Steve Pogge Andy Johnson & Company, Inc. Fred Landeza Gladys E. Dvorak Larson Trust Dr. Barbara Lazio and Matt Scher Rich and Laura Lechner McKinney’s Appliance, Inc. MED-ED Edward and Louise Meyer Trust Rick and Ellen Middleton Millennium Pharmaceuticals, Inc. Olympia Emergency Services, P.L.L.C. Olympia Federal Savings Oral Surgery Associates Inc., P.S. Drew and Kylie Phillips Mick Phillips and Marisa Wulff Vera Lalie Price The Rants Group Dr. James and Diane Reus Dr. Jay and Carla Rudd Salmon Run Yelm Associates, L.P. Surgical Associates, P.L.L.C. University of Washington Drs. Mark and Kathy Wagner Sally and John Warjone The Frederick and Margaret L. Weyerhaeuser Foundation Linton L. Wildrick Howard S. Wright $1,000 – $4,999 Dennis and Carol Adams Sandy Adams and Greg Devereux Virgil Adams Real Estate Benita and Terry Akins Carol A. Albert Goldfinch Tom Allen Allwest Moving & Storage American Academy of Pediatrics Dan and Patricia Andersen Ken and Nancy Anderson Gary and Mary Lee Andrews Dr. Julia Anuras and Dr. Calvin Kuo Jodi Ashline Sylvia I. Barclift Bean, Gentry, Wheeler & Peternell, P.L.L.C. Dr. Darrel and Traci Bell Sarah Benson, R.N. David and Dorothy Bjornson Judy and Dick Blinn Thomas G. Bohon Scott and Renae Bond Merlyn Borden Susan Botka Paul and Bonita Bourgault Priscilla V. Bowerman Dr. James and Linnea Bremner Peter and Kelsey Brennan Dr. William and Jacqueline Brennan Dr. John Brottem and Susan Hettinger Patricia J. Brower Jackie Brown Dr. Robert and Lynn Brunton Alex and Tammy Bunn, M.D. Dr. Greg and Vicky Byrd Capital Electric, Inc. Caroline Manger Insurance Services, Inc. William L. Case III Kim A. Chase Gary and Lucille Christenson Clarus Eye Centre Coldwell Banker Evergreen Olympic Realty, Inc Medrice M. Coluccio Concrete Recyclers, Inc. Dr. William Conklin and Dr. Kathy Goble Jill and Steven Cooper Dr. Sam and Marissa Coor Joan and William Copeland Pat and Janis Corkrey Susan and Michael Covey Toni and Dennis Crisp Rebecca and Gerald Cross Dr. Diane Dakin and Stephen Bray Marcy Davis Lenna L. Davis-Dhuyvetter Donald R. Dawson Keith and Donna Deline Dempsey Financial Services, Inc. Dr. Gordon and Rashi Dhanda Dan and Jeri Donahue Ear, Nose, Throat Associates, SW Inc., P.S. Patti A. Eder Dr. Wyatt Ehrlander and Dr. Lana Bur Kimberly and Charley Ellwanger Dr. Rik and Kris Emaus Susan L. Evans ExxonMobil Foundation Dr. Craig Fleming and Deborah Jayne Peter and Kathy Fluetsch Fred Meyer Public Affairs Frost & Company, P.S. Funeral Alternatives of Washington, Inc. Patrick and Colleen Gillespie Fred Goldberg and Carolyn Lakewold * Deceased W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G 7 Erika Gorgas Michele L. Green Green Cove Creek, L.L.C. Patricia M. Guerber Dr. Deborah Hall and Dr. Ronald Smith Chuck and Mary Hallett Diane and Dan Hamilton Dr. Jeffrey and Lorraine Hamilton Christine M. Hansen Vince and Tammy Hanson Richard E. Harrar Dr. Joseph and Arlene Hartman Dr. Kevin Haughton and Dr. Rachel Wood David and Dione Hayes Heritage Bank Dr. Thomas and Lisa Herrick Doug and Ann Howie John and Katie Hurley Betty J. Hutt Dr. Brian and Norah Iuliano Michelle A. James Dennis and Mary Jensen Dr. Rodney Joe and Barbara O’Keefe Keith and Mary Jane Johnson Dr. John and Mary Elizabeth Karpel Dale Keesee Dr. Erin and Michael Kershisnik Lorie Khorsand Kasia Konieczny LTC (Ret.) William and Catherine Koziar Michael D. Krake Dr. Richard and Darla Krug Dr. James Kruidenier and Susan Bryant Lacey Sunrise Lions Club Dr. George and Linda Lamb James and Patty Leonard Edward and Shirley Level Lenna and Andrew Lizberg Pam and Mark Long Robert and Mardel Lovely Douglas B. Mack Macy’s, Inc. Tony and Mary Mailhot Matt Marcus and Shelley VanWyck Marine View Beverage, Inc. Dr. Michael and Marybeth Matlock Pam and Bob May Chris and Jocelyn McCabe McDonald’s 8 McDonald’s Corporation Matching Gifts Program Dr. Trent and Mandi McKay Dr. Mike Menen and Dr. Phoebe Ashley Dr. Michael and Sandra Merchant Drs. Ben and Sarah Merrifield James L. Michaels Dr. William and Johanna Mitchell Ron Molitor, D.V.M. Ann and Tom Monaghan Larry and Kathryn Muhlhauser Mark and Cary Naubert Dr. Margo Newell-Eggert and David Eggert Dr. Tore and Bonnie Nielsen Patricia O’Neil Gill and Gordon Gill, M.D. The Firs Retirement Community Olympia Neurology Olympia Orthopaedic Associates, P.L.L.C. Olympic Dermatology and Laser Clinic, Inc. P.S. Panorama City Rick and Pam Panowicz John and Sandra Parry Dr. Dennis and Christine Peck Dr. Joe Pellicer and Dr. Kelvie Johnson Dennis and Joan Peterson Peggy M. Phillips Dr. Jennifer and Kurt Playstead Puget Sound Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure RadiantCare Radiation Oncology TRA Medical Imaging Dr. James and Susan Raymond Nancy J. Riordan and Charles Paeth III Dick and Violette Rokes Dr. Dean and Kathy Russell Saint Martin’s University Drs. Luis and Delmy Santamarina Dr. Devin and Cindy Sawyer Rob and Nancy Schmidt Victoria L. Schmidt Dr. Gary Scholes and Pamela Skene Kevin and Tammi Schreiner Jo Ann Scott Scottrade Dr. Richard and Laurel Seaman John and Susie Senner John and Mary Setterstrom Drs. Michael and Jennifer Shannon Frankie L. Shepherd Jean Sheridan Dr. Bruce Silverman and Dr. Courtney Nevitt Dr. Navneet Singha and Kuljit Bains Sarah and Eli Skillman Dr. Britt and Lorna Smith Deborah A. Smith, M.D. Dr. Jerald and Kaye Smith Tremaine and Linda Smith Smyth Landing, L.L.C. South Puget Sound Community College Wayne and Jeannie Staley Karen J. Stay Gloria and Leland Strait Elizabeth Stroup Sunset Air, Inc. Gerald and Elizabeth Swan Pat and Lisa Tagman Joyce Targus and Glenn Green Paul and Gail Taylor Thurston First Bank Dr. Scott and Stephanie Tibbits Timberland Bank Fred and Cherese Timmer Dr. Ian and Erin Timms Ralph and Nancy Munro Cheryl R. Trumbel Tucker Family Foundation Sally L. Turnbull Dr. Gregg and Lynette VandeKieft Dana and Stephen Vandewege Tammy Ventura Evert-Jan Verschuyl, M.D. Dorothy and John Walsh Dr. Hui Wang and Dapei Li Bonnie Warrington Washington State Combined Fund Drive Drs. Rich and Cobie Whitten Paul and Anita Wilkinson Joe and Leslie Williamson William and Martha Wittgow Angie Wolle Jocelyn and Kelly Wood Cynthia and Andrew Worth Edna L. Zeller Patricia Ann Zorn $500 - $999 Pam Arledge Judy and Michael Backhaus Ronald E. Bane Vera M. Barry Sue F. Beall Robert and Margaret Becker Carl and Arlene Beckett Danne Benson Andrea R. Bishop, Pharm.D. Dr. Maury Blitman and Amy Bloom Dr. George and Karen Bray Grace I. Brewer Henry and Jo Burns Dr. Dan Byrd and Jay Abplznalp The Cambia Employee Giving Campaign Dr. George Chappell and Lynne Alfasso Amy and David Coates Jordan and Alissa Coons Cooper Moss Advanced Dentistry, Inc. Sam Costello Diane M. Coulter Diane D. Cox Rachel E. Davis-Heintz Suzanne and Alonzo Dickinson Dr. Lowell and Ida Dightman Dr. Michael and Brigitte Ellen Tracey A. Engelke Maureen Fitzgerald-Krupke and James Krupke Brian and Julie Forth Marcia L. Fromhold James M. Frost Jim and Pat Gabrielse Dr. David and Gretchen Gacetta Jack Gagnon Bill and Dana Garson Gastroenterology Associates, P.L.L.C. GBJ Architecture Dr. Jerry and Gayle Giddings Kate Gormally David and Ruthann Goularte Dr. Harry Griffith and Shelly Johnson Sharon A. Griffith Tom and Laura Hackstadt Robert L. Hake Jeffrey D. Hamilton, D.D.S., P. S. Phyllis Harnish Hawks Prairie Veterinary Hospital, L.L.C. Elizabeth and Gerald Hayes Judy and Stephen Henderson Brenda Hicks Wickersham and David Wickersham Stacey L. Hopkins Hospital Dental Services of Olympia, Inc. Denise Inglin Dr. Brian and Renee Jackson Bill and Pat Jacobs John L. Scott Real Estate Edmund E. Keck Carole J. Kiewicz Kiley Juergens Wealth Management, L.L.C. Dr. Sung-Won Kim and Dr. Meghan Duffie James Krupke and Maureen Fitzgerald-Krupke Kaylene M. Lahn Valda J. Lance John P. Lanning Timothy J. LaRocque Elaine and Robert Lewis Janet A. Lewis Karen M. Lindsey and Milton Swecker Joyce L. Linn Ronald and Marsha Lorentson Lee Lovrien Dr. Thomas and Mary Luetkehans Phyllis J. Mandel Nathan C. Marcantel Denise and Jeff Marroni Kathy and David Martin Dr. Cole and Holly Mason Lisa and Michael Matson Chester K. Maxwell Dr. James and Kathleen McDowell Gary McIntosh and Sarah Smyth McIntosh Mended Hearts of Thurston County Chapter 130 Karla L. Meyer Lisa and Dwight Midles Dr. Ron and Kai Mikkelson Mikkelson Family Dental Allen Miller and Maureen Callaghan, M.D. Lisa Minter Donna R. Moore Dr. Heather Muehler and Dr. Kirk Krueger Kat and Brian Nurmi Peggy S. Nystrom Edward and Patricia O’Brien Robert and Carol O’Brien Edward and Emily Odegard Pacific Lutheran University Lisa M. Parchem Marjorie G. Parker Philip E. Paroian Port Blakely Tree Farms, L.P. Providence Health System Federal Credit Union Joe and Kathi Reder Doug and Diana Rees Kady and Rob Rensel Karen Replogle Evelyn J. Reynolds* Kimberly Riano, A.R.N.P. Jeff and Debra Robert Dr. Paul and Teresa Robertson Kim and John Rohr Danni Sabia Helen Sabia Dr. Donald and Alice Sampson Dr. David and Chris Schoening Dr. Timothy and Judith Scholes Dr. Terrence and Camille Schulte Small to Tall Pediatric Dentistry Steamboat Animal Hospital Dr. Xingwei Sui and Jie Wang Dr. Lavanya Sundararajan and Shivkumar Chandrasekaran Kathleen A. Swain Jill V. Tokarczyk Truist Dr. Jessica Van Fleet-Green and Dr. Levi Green Washington Business Bank Washington State Patrol Janis Rae Weiks Kathy and Doug Whitlock Bret and Monica Wilhelm, M.D. Worker Bees, Inc. Worth Law Group Craig S. Wynn Susan Zuelke and Rick Antles $250 – $499 Dr. Greg and Lahni Allen Jim and Leanna Allen Debra and Robert Anderson Sandra and Darrin Anderson Joan F. Ashcraft George W. Baker Dr. Vidvuds and Sharon Bandrevics Bank of America Matching Gifts Program Nancy and Stephen Bean Bobbi G. Bensley Bob Blacketer Ruby S. Boyer Tracy L. Brown Reid Buker Duane H. Burgeson Angela D. Cannady Lisa C. Carley Kenneth R. Carlson* Alma L. Carter John and Susan Clees Howard and Marilyn Coble Kim Cook Renee and Dennis Cox Linda M. Davis Mi-Na M. Davis Jeffrey and Stacy Deuel Dave and Val Deyette Carol F. Dolliver Tom and Diane Dozal Shelley S. Earing Judy Evans Evergreen Veterinary Hospital Elizabeth Findlay Jack and Gail Fisher Alan Fitzthum Carey A. Flannery Mari Fleetwood Larry Fluke Shelley Foltz and Marvin Kaufman Tamara and Mart Francis Sharon C. Furrer GCI ConnectMD Geoff and Sara Glass Wayne Godwin Jodie Goodwin Patti Grant Mitchell L. Graves Robert Grey and Kathryn Guykema Matthew Grohne Dr. Scott and Michele Harriage Barbara Hazelton Healthy Pets Animal Hospital, L.L.C. Dr. Roy and Kathleen Heynderickx Brady and Carolyn Hill Nicole D. Horn Julie V. Hosford Kathy Hughes IMSHealth Shared Business Services Mary and Charles Isaacson, Jr. Jesse and Marjorie Jackson Lora I. Jackson Philip Jackson Jeanette M. James Keely A. Janway Daryl and Judy Jensen Tamara Jerome Jinjor Boutique Dan Johnson and Kimberly Karaman Johnson Denise Kennelly Stephanie A. Kerr Vonnie King Knight Fire Protection, Inc. Elaine and Glen Kuhnau Robin and Roy Kus Nancy Lancaster Jodi L. Larsen Milton and Mary Lou Lebsack Daun Lenz Laurie A. Lippincott Amy and Eric Luken Lutheran Church of the Good Shepherd Ute M. Macuk Mason County Historical Society Daniel and Lynnette McCarty Grace I. McDermott Laura and Thomas McKenna Susan and Robert Meenk Dick Merchant Heidi Merriman-Davis Kurt S. Miller Dr. Raymond Moeller and Kernie Holmann-Moeller Patrick E. Morin Mountain View Veterinary Hospital Sara J. Murdoch, M.D. Arlene and Paul Oliver James and Jean Olson Anita and David Olszyk Olympia Veterinary Hospital Orca Books, Inc. Providence Animal-Assisted Activities & Theraphy Program Dr. Kenneth and Marianne Partlow Cari S. Pearson Phillips Burgess, P.L.L.C. Stephanie A. Pitzel Jane L. Porter Providence Medical Group Qualis Health Drs. Mircea and Corina Rachita Peggy Ratcliffe Allen and Carrolene Reid Kathleen Rubida Rodney and Jill Sartain Kristine Schmidt Pamela K. Schuchmann Nesrine Shatila Dr. Charles Shen and Wenjing Yan Jill L. Smith Molly Smith Allen and Barb Snyder Patricia Soloy South Bay Veterinary Hospital South Sound Bank Connie and Patrick Storedahl Larry and Marlene Stranz Deborah J. Stucker Serene A. Subia Tumwater Veterinary Hospital, Inc., P.S. Ans Van Uffelen Heidi A. Vasilauskas Caryn D. Vaughn Greg and Angie Wallace Holly Wallace W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G 9 Dr. Lawrence and Daidre West Emily Wezenberg Mike and Brenda Williams Dr. John and Hazel Willmarth Jim and Katie Wojki Amy R. Wolf James and Sin Woo Kyle K. Wood Mary Zozaya-Monohon and Todd Monohon Victor and Gloria Zvirzdys Special Tributes Thank you to the individuals and families who made gifts in honor or memory of loved ones. In Honor of: Sandy Adams Hildegard E. Bane Doris Bjornson Heather Brison Wanda Buckner Ralph E. Chase Tracy Clark and Ginger Lea Andrews and Justin Clarno Medrice Coluccio Lynn Damiano Joanne Davis Norma Dickson Sister Rita Ferschweiler, S.P. Shirley Hermann Gardebring Betty Gill Pat Gill Matthew Dane ‘Matt’ Hardy Tom and Jeannine Harrington Elizabeth and Gerald Hayes Elizabeth C. Hayes Gerald H. Hermanson, Ph.D. Tiffany Holcomb and Arwen Barbara Inglin Cole and Lillian Jacobs Joe and Helen Jochim Daniel ‘Dan’ Johnson Catherine A. ‘Cathy’ Johnston John T. Karpel, M.D. Sally Kauffman Thomas Joseph Kerrigan Kristi Lindberg James R. McDowell M.D. Bonny Melby Providence Animal-Assisted Activities and Therapy Volunteers 10 Providence Animal-Assisted Activities and Therapy Volunteers Class of 2013 Morena R. Pascua Katie Pauley Julie Peeples Val Pollet Sara Polmueller James Reus, M.D. Silas Riano Nancy J. Riordan Landon Kent Roberts Danni Sabia Riley Bliss Schade Kelle J. Schalin John and Ann Shepard Libby and Max Shiner Nancy Sladek Julie Sokolik Carolyn St. Charles Sherry Stacy Providence St. Peter Foundation Staff Providence Hospice Staff Dorothy Wade Kathy Whitlock and Flash Women & Dogs Jocelyn Harris Wood In Memory of: Aunt Pete Helen L. Abetz Betty Nell Adams Terry Adams Barbara Ruth Alfers Daniel Amesquita Cynthia Ashcraft Wilbur Carr ‘Will’ Ashcraft Joyce M. Baker John A. Balcom Valentine Uzans Bandrevics Ann Bariekman Marvin R. Bartholomew Charles D. ‘Chuck’ Battin Bonnie A. Benson Anne B. Bertolin Peggy A. Bettine Lyman Black Tamara Lynne Bolin, M.D. Wendy Borden Marilyn Jean Boze Aurora Brennan John L. Brennan Adrian L. Brown Howard R. Brown Nancy H. Brown John Brunetti Vernon F. ‘Vern’ Bullpitt Marvin Eugene ‘Marv’ Burggraaf Mary Kay Burns Eva C. Campbell Marian Edith Campbell Judith Ann Capps Marjorie Carignan Kenneth R. Carlson Hilary M. Carman Edith and Francis Carney Harvey C. Childs Jesus Christ Ernie Clark Kathleen Clauson Edson W. ‘Bill’ Clocksin John R. Cole B. Dayle Collison Wilburn Lee Cook Carol Mae Cooper Kenneth Countryman Merle A. Cowan Gordon Craig Ben B. Dahl Evelyn Dahl Harold J. Darby Merle E. Davis Sally Ogle Davis Stella DeBiose Stephen G. DeBow John J. Dempsey Dorothy M. Denison Lon Deyette James ‘Jimmy’ Dowdell Joyce Doyle Francis Duval Leona M. Dye Curtis R. Eaton Del A. Edgbert Eldon Bruce Edgbert Mary I. Edwards Robert J. Edwards Robert Ellen Leonard A. ‘Len’ Esteb Kirk Edward Evans, M.D. Carol Leona Evans Randy G. Evans Robert ‘Bob’ Evans Hazel Evey Mary Alice McGee Fenno Father Urban Carl Feucht Randolph Fitzthum Gladiola Flowers Harriet L. Fuller Jessie B. Gablehouse Bill Gillespie Eva Goldberg Daniel Gorgas Vonda S. Grosshans Dean E. Haaby James G. Halbert Deborah Lee Hall Richard M. Hanson Barbara Hart John W. Hayden, Jr. Kenneth E. Hedden Carole Jane Heston Bernetta Beatrice ‘Bea’ Hillis Victor Hirsch Donna Davidson-Hodgkinson Dorothy A. ‘Dotty’ Honeycutt James C. Hood Dr. Sam Hoshizaki Lorraine Huddleston Deadre Hughes Eugenia Hughes Leonard ‘Len’ Hunter Terri Huntley Lundy Hurley Robert William ‘Bob’ Hutt Mark A. Iverson Henry and Meryl Jackson Deborah Diane Johnson Harry Timothy Johnson Marjorie Francis Johnson William Albert Johnson Wendy W. Kearin Edith R. Keck Joseph C. ‘Joe’ Keeley Nina L. Kennedy Ralph B. Kennedy Patricia Kennel Jay Kenney Ronald ‘Ron’ Kish Glen B. Kittelman Mila Marie Kivela Eileen C. Knuckey Anna C. Koepke Joseph and Ellen ‘Nell’ Koziar Sheila A. Kracke Kenneth Scott ‘Ken’ Kurtz Aliya and Bennett Lagerquist Mrs. Ola Lamberson Judy M. Lamm Judith ‘Judy’ Lazarus Sandra Mae ‘Sandy’ Leal Andrew John ‘Andy’ Lechner Genevieve M. ‘Jean’ Lechner Remigio P. ‘Bud’ Ledesma Glenda L. Lee David Lehew Camilla Leung Cheuk Leung Alice Crawford Levold Frances ‘Fran’ Lewis Barbara Ann Lindholm Viola ‘Vi’ Linnane Edward A. Linstrom Lila Rea Lovrien David W. Mack Gary L. Mack Robert W. Mack Ruth A. Mack David S. Madison Jake Maki Diana M. Malmin Norma M. Marinello Ben and Clem Marquart Coralie Matthews Louise Mayes Patricia McAll Donald Virgil McArthur Dorothy McArthur Mary F. McCammant John E. McCarthy Patricia McCoy Rodney James ‘Rod’ McDermott Shelly Marie McElwee John E. McHugh Charlotte Anne McKinlay Abbie and Charles Meach Linda J. Melton Judith M. ‘Judy’ Merchant Barbie Metcalf Albert Lee ‘Bert’ Miller Mary L. Miller Patricia J. ‘Pat’ Mills Lillian Millsap Max Ellis Millsap Gayle Mincher Tom Misener Dorothy Mitchell Dan Moore Jessie Harris Moore Joan Marie Logsdon Morrison Dora Morton Lore Schock Muench Allan G. Munro Violet ‘Betty’ Munro Janet E. Napoleon Pauline C. Nasmyth John P. Neff Karen Norris Sophia R. Noski Jack W. Olson George Brian O’Neil Robert O’Neil Zillah Paeth Austin D. Paulson Richard Charles ‘Dick’ Payne Sheila Ann Payne Edward William Penhale Barbielee Peters Norma Ingeborg Petersen William R. Peterson Jenny Pettyjohn Jeffrey Thomas Philpott Thomas M. ‘Tom’ Philpott Edward J. ‘Ed’ Plapp Betty Jane Powell Marjorie J. Propes John ‘Jack’ Raleigh F. Allan Ray Gingie Reder Glen Rediger Becky Perry Reiskamp Vernette Remmen Glenda Renn Evelyn Jean Reynolds Loyal Reynolds Nola Fay Rickert Richard Ross Riddle Cheryl Rieper Rosemary Riness Jim Roach Phyllis Jane Ross Raymond Stewart Ross William Ross Peter Rumble Grace Ryan Melody Lee Sand Teofilo Juan Sandoval Fay M. Saxton Elsie M. Scheel Brian Joseph Schmaltz Harry Senn Hassan Shatila John Shumway Cindy Kay Shurtz Elma Siese Theodore E. Simmons Elsie M. Simpson Karen Lee Skanse Marian J. Slater Donald J. Smith Robert M. Smith Joe I. Soloy Edith Alice Sowray Margaret Sparks Brenda Ann Specht Olive Sterner John F. Strathdee Warren C. Sullivan CWO-3 Glen Summers Ronald Ralph ‘Ron’ Sundberg Viola H. Swartz Dale E. Swenson Ilene Taylor Meryl Taylor Shirley Ann Taylor Kay H. Thomas Mary P. Thomas John B. Thompson Clyde Tibbatts Warren C. Tietz Helen Trivelli Joanna Catheryn Tucker Donna Faye Unwin Peter Van Hess Gary E. Vango Lucy Vazquez Delbert W. Voss Connie Walker Munro P. Ware Clifford J. Warle William Hollis ‘Bill’ Warrington, Jr. JoAnn Waters David R. ‘Doc’ Watson Else Watson F. Parks Weaver Bob Weddle A.J. Weiks Dorothy Helen Weiks Ruth B. Wells Robert ‘Bob’ Welsh Thomas R. ‘Tom’ Weston Bill Whitsell Elizabeth K. Wildrick Vic Williams O’Dean ‘Dean’ Williamson George Winkelmaier Anna Bergitha Winslow Florence Lucille ‘Lucy’ Wintermute Helen Wolle, Ed.D. Dee Merrill Wolslegel Clinton Westley Womack Verna Jean Wonderly Meyer Ivy Woods William Edward Workman Delia E. Zillyett Richard Walter Zukowski Animal Tributes Legacy Club We gratefully recognize members of Legacy Club who have made provisions through estate plans, charitable gift annuities, or other planned gifts. Anonymous Marite M. Butners Medrice M. Coluccio Diane M. Coulter Dan Cushman Dr. Thomas and Suzanne Fell Judy and Stephen Henderson Edward Hulbert Dr. James Kruidenier and Susan Bryant Dixie Linnenbrink Robert and Mardel Lovely Dr. James and Kathleen McDowell Dr. Michael and Christine Murphy Mary C. O’Leary Rick and Pam Panowicz Vera Lalie Price Dr. Britt and Lorna Smith Dr. Sherwood and Judith Smith William and Feodora Stedman Bertha K. Stoerchli* In Honor of: Caper Finley In Memory of: Baxter Bella Casper Charlemagne Charles Cruzer Gator Gina Henry Isis Jake and Daisy Jasper Katie Lulu Penny Lane Renegade Sassy Sherlock Snarf Sunny Tucker Ulysses W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G 11 413 Lilly Road Northeast Olympia, WA 98506-5166 CORNERSTONE: NONPROFIT ORG US POSTAGE PA I D OLYMPIA, WA PERMIT NO 490 DONOR RECOGNITION EDITION Many generous acts supporting one mission Serving: Providence St. Peter Hospital, Providence Mother Joseph Care Center, Providence SoundHomeCare & Hospice, Providence St. Francis House, and Providence Medical Group Special Guest Speaker: Gregg VandeKieft, M.D., M.A. Medical Director, Providence St. Peter Hospital Supportive & Palliative Care Service Providence Society Reception Wednesday, May 28, 2014 Indian Summer Golf & Country Club The Providence Society Reception is held to honor and recognize donors who contribute $1,000 or more in non-event gifts to Providence St. Peter Foundation, as well as generous individuals who have made a provision in their estate plan. Invitations will be sent in the spring to qualifying donors. To join Providence Society, contact the Foundation at (360) 493-7981 or make a gift online at 12 W W W . P R O V I D E N C E . O R G / G I V I N G
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