District 33K Lions Clubs
District 33K Lions Clubs
TOGETHER WE CAN. TOGETHER WE WILL! communi“K” VOLUME: WINTER 2016 District 33K Lions Clubs Together we make change. The 47 Lions Clubs that make up District 33K, are committed to bettering the lives of others through service. Together we can continue our great work and support those in need. Thank you for your efforts! A Message from District Governor Bill Donnellan Hello Lions of “Special K:” I take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation and a tremendous thank you to everyone who made our Mid Winter Conference a success this year at the Holiday Inn. There are so many Lions and friends who made this happen, and I know I will forget to thank someone, so a loud “ROAR” to everyone who had any part to make this a successful event for all the Lions in “Special K.” Thank you to our guests for the weekend, International Director Karla Harris and her husband, Lion Clarence. They told me that this a conference they will never forget. They enjoyed every part of it, and are now “secret Patriot fans.” I have to thank of course the Weymouth Lions for a spectacular “Sock Hop.” The food, the photo booth, the Villanaires, the root beer float station, candy station, the desserts, the servers, the contests and that music group, “Mary DISTRICT 33 MARK YOUR CALENDARS! 3rd Advisory- Mon., Mar. 14, 2016 Coachman Lodge in Bellingham State Convention - Apr. 30 - May 2, 2016. Holiday Inn Mansfield Cabinet Meeting: Mon., May 9, 2015 4th Advisory- Mon., Jun. 6, 2016 Randolph Elks and the Boys.” What a wonderful month for membership, we have inducted over 20+ new members in February. It is encouraging to see clubs are working on increasing membership for District 33K. This can only be done with the support of every Lion and the Clubs. “ WELCOME TO DISTRICT 33K ,“SPECIAL K”, and your CLUBS. With new members like you, we can bring new energy and ideas to your communities and to Lionism. Thank you to ” everyone who made our widwinter celebration a huge success Bill Donnellen District Governor Belmont- Lions James Jackson and John Murphy Franklin- Lions Jennifer Corey, Patricia Coughlin and Melissa Noe Holliston- Lion Joseph Waugh Marlborough- Lion Michael Babin Medfield- Lions Marjorie Cappucci and Mary Ellison Natick- Lion Gloria Vellve-Salazar Norfolk- Lions Geoffrey Cardner, Denise Ferreira, Michael Ferreira, Denise Flaherty, Marie McNeilly, Walter O’Hearn and Dennis Scofield. Sharon- Lions Ellen Dirgins and David Philips Somerville- Lions Daisy Obi and Kristin Thavenet Waltham- Lion Bob Gallagher Weymouth- Lion Wayne Dozier We have four months left to increase our membership, so I am asking that each club still try to add one new member by the end of June and maybe add more than one. Thank you once again to all the clubs who brought in new members. this month and any new members since July. Please get then involved in your clubs and the Blue Badge Program. REGION CONTEST FOR NEW MEMBERS I am going to ask the Region and Zone Chairs to work with their clubs to gain membership and that Region Chair and two Zone Chairs who the most READING ACTION PROGAM! Literacy -- the ability to read and write -- is the foundation for education and social development. Yet, hundreds of millions of adults lack minimum literacy skills and millions of schoolaged children are not attending school to obtain them. The Reading Action Program is a 10-year commitment to increasing reading and literacy rates. It’s a call to action for every Lions club around the world to organize service projects and activities that underscore the importance of reading and address specific needs related to illiteracy within their own community.Whether you are an educator with a passion to help a child learn how to read, an entrepreneur ready to help develop a community-based literacy program, an information technology expert who can help introduce new technology to the visually impaired, or someone who simply enjoys reading to a child, no effort is too small to make a big difference. Project Ideas: Serve as a volunteer reader, Provide support to your local library, Promote Braille literacy, Organize a book drive or Donate books to local schools. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD RESOURCES PROJECT JUST BECAUSE 33K Lions, once again, we are working with Project Just Because and this will help your club with a Community Service Project. At our 3rd Advisory Meeting on March 14, 2016, we will be asking the clubs to bring additional school supplies for students in need. If you just want to bring in school supplies, that is fine too!!! Anything you can provide will be greatly appreciated. new members will receive a special award. Have Membership events, social events, club events, or be creative and do what you think is best for your Region!!! We still have many things to accomplish by June, and I know that each of you in “Special K” will do your best to make this a successful year. We have many events coming up, so please take a look at the rest of the bulletin to see what is happening in the Clubs and in 33K. Thank you to each of you for your commitment and dedication to our motto, “WE SERVE.” Yours in Lionism, DG Bill YIL, DG Bill WE SERVE. WE SERVE. WE SERVE. These Lions Clubs have Anniversaries this year. Please congratulate them. 5 years: BU Eye Associates and Cambridge 10 years: New England College of Optometry 30 years: Charlestown 35 years: Boston Host 55 years: Hull 60 years: Natick and Walpole 65 years: Bellingham and Marlborough 70 years: Plainville 75 years: Foxboro, Holliston, Norwood, Quincy and Wrentham Thank you to these Lions who participated: Bimal Nepal- Himalayan; Maurice Weiner- Norwood; Pat Kalicki -Medway Alexis Christopher- Greater Ashland Lions ( 2 photos) Roxana Camporeale- Framingham Peg Needre- Randolph and this years winner Holly Dono- Sharon Lions Club Congrats!!!! If you have any information, please contact Environmental Photo Contest Chair Ellie Torelli email: Elliet43@aol.com 1 2 3 4 A single act of service can change a life. But when 1.4 million members come together to serve, we can change the world. Can you rise to the CHALLENGE? ENGAGING OUR YOUTH Host service projects that help youth in your community, or inspire the next generation of volunteers by inviting Leos or local youth to serve on a project with you SHARING THE VISION Give the gift of sight by planning projects that help children or neighbors who are blind or living with low vision. RELIEVING THE HUNGER Build stronger families and communities by organizing a food drive or service projects to help feed the hungry PROTECTING OUR ENVIRONMENT Plan projects that protect and improve the environment to make your community a better place for everyone. Lions Day at the Paw Sox Join us for a day at the Paw Sox Sunday June 12th, game time 1:05 PM. Not only will your club and family members enjoy a fun day, but many of your friends can also. Many clubs have in the past purchased tickets and passed them on to local youth groups. What a great way to promote Lionism at it’s best. Can we count on your support again this year. PLEASE fill out the form below and enclose your check for the total number of tickets you wish to purchase. We are asking all clubs to consider a purchase of 25 tickets, you may purchase more if desired. Tickets are $9.00 per ticket. After receipt of payment tickets will be mailed to you. Mass. Lions Eye Research will receive half of ticket donation ($4.50 and you get a great day at the ball game. “Mass. Lions Eye Research thanks you for your support.” per ticket) DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR CLUB BANNER FOR THE PRE-GAME PARADE. WE WOULD LIKE TO GET AS MANY CLUBS WITH BANNERS FROM DISTRICT 33S ON THE FIELD AS WE CAN. EVERYONE IS INVITED TO PARTICIPATE IN THE PRE-GAME ON FIELD PARADE. MEET AT GATE A ON FIRST BASE SIDE NO LATER THAN 12:25 _________ FILL OUT BELOW AND MAIL BACK ________________ Club Name_________________________________________________________ Address for Mailing__________________________________________________ Contact Person______________________________________________________ Tickets requested x $9.00 Per Ticket_____________________________________ Amount of Check____________________________________________________ MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: DISTRICT 33-K MAIL TO: DEBBIE HAYES 37 ISLAND RD. MILLIS, MA 020564 in the Memo: PAW SOX Upcoming Club Events If you club is having a special event, a fundraiser or any other event you think your fellow Lions would like to attend, please put on our District 33K calendar located on the District home page at lions-33k.org and post it to our Facebook page too. Also, please send this information to CST Victor at lionvictorboston@gmail.com and Region Chair Deb Hayes at debbieh1212@hushmail.com with the information too, so we can include it in our District Bulletin. NEWS FROM THE GLOBAL LEADERSHIP TEAM Happy Spring, Lion! Club Officer Training will be Saturday, May 7th, at the Perkins School Campus at the Grousbeck Building. 8 am - noon We strongly encourage all incoming club officers and any Lions interested to attend. We will be offering the following classes: President Secretary Treasurer Membership Chair Tail Twister $10. Per person. To ensure that we have enough materials, Please register early! At GLT33K@aol.com Any questions about the programs listed, please feel free to contact the Global Leadership (GLT) Team Coordinator, IPDG Pat Kalicki. Congratulations to the following Lions who received special recognition at our Mid Winter Conference on Saturday, February 20, 2016 Melvin Jones Fellowship Award 2nd VDG Margaret Menard International President’s Certificate of Appreciation CST Victor Ng Region Chair Debbie Hayes Zone Chair Peg Needre Zone Chair Lesley MacDonald District Governor Appreciation Medal Past District Governor Ned Merrick Lion Julio Fontecchio Lion Jose Mesmar Massachusetts Lions Eye Research Award Director Gino Angelone Past Director Eddie Lee *District “Special K”Award CT/PDG Joyce Hogan *District 33K Partnership Award Project Just Because President, Cheryl Lambert Walsh *Ken Lake Service Award Framingham Lion Peter Friel *(New District 33K Awards) – Xin Nien Kuai Le in Mandarin meaning “Happy New Year” The Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey will start on February 8, 2016 – the second New Moon after the Solstice. Positive and negative qualities of the Monkey Year 2016 culminate this year, where “anything can happen”. There is little point in storing up goods or planning one’s life. The influence of the Monkey puts everything into disorder. Things will get accomplished, but largely through personal and individual efforts. Group movements, such as political upheaval or revolutions, will NOT make a mark during this year. This mischievous animal bursts with energy, bringing a lightning fast pace and extraordinary motivation. The Monkey increases communication, humor and wit, helping us get through stressful times with grace and ease. Business flourishes and risks tend to pan out. The Monkey’s gift is the ability to find unconventional solutions to old problems. Daring to be different can lead to success. On Friday, January 15, 2016, the Boston Chinatown Lions celebrated with visitors from many 33K and 33S clubs totaling over 300 guests – the highest attendance of our annual January fundraiser ever. From all of our Chinatown Lions Members – Thank you. Next year will be our 30th Anniversary. We hope you can join us January 20, 2017, for an enormous celebration! - Gong Xi Fa Cai meaning “Wishing you Good Fortune !” "#$%&'!(!")*)+%,!-.#/! 0+1&)'2!34+15!62!7869! :!4;$;!<1==%+! >!4;$;!-.#/!! ! -4#=?#+%&!*'!,.%!! @+%),%+!3?.5)=&!A1#=?! ! -,)++1=B!3?.5)=&C?!D%+'!#/=!E#$%&1)=! F+1E!</1==%55?!45G?!#,.%+?!)=&!! -1=B%+!3$)=&)!")?)5%! ! 3$%+1E)=!A%B1#=!H)55! -G$$%+!-,+%%,! 3?.5)=&2!I3!86:76! ! J1EK%,?!L78!4%+!4%+?#=!! "#=,)E,!A1#=!I)+'!M!N8>O>>6ONN6N!#+! A1#=!F551%!M!N8>O>:NOPN6Q! ! ! 355!4+#E%%&?!&#=),%&!A1#=?!E.)+1,1%? ! The Bowling Challenge is coming soon! April 2nd, 6-9 at Ryan's Amusements Bowling Center in Millis (route 109) We have heard from several clubs - but we want to make this a huge success! Please reach out to your clubs and encourage them to participate! There will be lots of fun and fellowship. Raffles, light refreshments and Fun - raising money for MLER. We are looking for sponsors - but whatever they can get is fine. $!5 covers 3 strings and shoes! We will have awards for "Best Bowler", "Best Team" and "Biggest Club Donation". I will have more sheets at our 4th advisory...I believe they are on the District K website too...or just email me and I will send it along. Thanks for your help! YIL, Pat Kalicki The Pennies for Pins Bowling Challenge is Back!!! At: ZLJĂŶ͛ƐŵƵƐĞŵĞŶƚƐŽǁůŝŶŐ>ĂŶĞƐ͕1170 Main St, Millis, MA ʹ Saturday, April 2, 2016 ALL PROCEEDS TO BENEFIT THE MASSACHUSETTS LIONS EYE RESEARCH FUND Lions Clubs in District K and other Districts will create teams of Lion Members for a fun evening of friendly rivalry between the districts. All monies raised by your club will be donated in your ůƵď͛ƐŶĂŵĞƚŽMassachusetts Lions Eye Research Fund. There will be prizes, raffles and lots of fun! For questions, please contact the event coordinator: PDG Pat Kalicki, pak331@aol.com. BOWLING INFORMATION There will be 5 bowlers per team. Each bowler will bowl three strings of bowling. A ($15.00) entrance fee per bowler, covers shoes and three strings. (If you cannot make a team of 5, we will assign bowlers to complete your team.) Bowlers are asked to get sponsors to donate. Register your club team ($15.00 per bowler) with: PDG Pat Kalicki, 4 Thayer Rd, Medway, MA 02053 No later than March 20th. When: Saturday, April 2, 2016 Time: 6 pm ʹ 9 pm WŚĞƌĞ͗ZLJĂŶ͛ƐŵƵƐĞŵĞŶƚƐŽǁůŝŶŐĞŶƚĞƌ͕1170 Main St (Rte 109), Millis, MA 02053 Wine and Beer are available for purchase. Feel free to bring your own snacks too! There will be Prizes, Raffles and Light refreshments! ͞dŚĞWĞŶŶŝĞƐĨŽƌWŝŶƐ͟ŽǁůŝŶŐŚĂůůĞŶŐĞ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ^ŚĞĞƚ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 ^ƉŽŶƐŽƌ͛ƐEĂŵĞ Address Phone Total Pledge Total Total $ collected ____________________ Per Pin Pledge The Pennies for Pins Bowling Challenge is Back! District K is challenging other Districts to see who can get the most sponsorships and donations for Mass Lions Eye Research. This year all pledge sheets (or a copy of the same) will be turned in to: PDG Pat Kalicki 4 Thayer Rd Medway, MA 02053. ŚĞĐŬƐƐŚŽƵůĚďĞƉĂLJĂďůĞƚŽ͞D>Z&͟- ŵĞŵŽ͞WĞŶŶŝĞƐĨŽƌWŝŶƐ͟ We will be submitting an accounting to MLERF for the event. ALL DONATIONS WILL BE MADE IN THE NAME OF THE CLUB WHO GOT THE DONATION. An event summary will be sent to each and every club participating, so that you may know how much was donated. THANK YOU for supporting the Massachusetts Lions ͞WĞŶŶŝĞƐĨŽƌ^ŝŐŚƚ͟ Campaign. ŽǁůĞƌ͛ƐEĂŵĞ͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺŽǁůĞƌ͛ƐůƵď͗ͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺͺ Each Club is asked to donate $150 to support this prgram 40-50 volunteers needed to help pack 10,000+ meals Contact 2nd VDG Margaret for more information mrimbeau@yahoo.com or 508-264-6555 Saturday April 23, 2016 St. Thomas Large Hall 974 Main St., Millis 12:00pm - 2:00pm EVENTS AROUND THE DISTRICT 3/5 – Norfolk Lions – Chili Fest Hoe Down, 7–11pm, The Grange, Rt. 115 Norfolk 3/5 – Blackstone Lions – Irish Fest, 5pm, St. Paul’s Church, St. Paul St., Blackstone 3/5 – Ashland Lions – Meat Raffle at TJ's Spirits, 12–noon, Rt, 135, Ashland 3/6 – Medway Lions – Father/Daughter Dance, 1–4pm, Medway HS, Rt. 126 3/12 – Wrentham Lions – Woodchopper's Ball, Am. Legion, Rt. 1A, Wrentham. RSVP required 3/13-3/17 – Stow/Marlboro Lions Vision & Hearing Screening with the District EyeMobile at Assabet Valley Regional Technical High School 3/13 – Stow Lions – Easter Bunny Breakfast, 8–11:30 at Hale HS, Hartley Rd, Stow 3/13 – Canton Lions – Pancake Breakfast, Am. Leg. Washington St., Canton 3/14 – 3rd Advisory Meeting – Coachmen's Lodge, Bellingham 3/15 – Somerville/Chinatown – 6:30pm Irish Dinner and Singers 3/18 – Perkins International: Educational Leadership Program 3/19 – Natick Lions – 5:30–7 – Ham and Bean Supper 3/19 – Ashland Lions – Meat Raffle at TJ's Spirits, 12–noon, Rt, 135, Ashland 3/19 – Holliston Lions – Lions Big Raffle. St. Joseph’s Center, Holliston St., TICKET REQUIRED 3/20 – Medway Lions – Pancake Breakfast 8am–12noon, Medway HS, Rt. 126 3/24 – Ashland Lions – Pochetta Night at VFW, 311 Pleasant St., Ashland, Contact Izzy Assencoa, iassencoa9@yahoo.com 3/31 – Quincy Lions – 75th Anniversary Celebration at Neighborhood Club, 27 Glendale Rd, Quincy. TICKET REQUIRED 4/1 – Medway Lions – Grown up Prom Party, 7:00 pm, Franklin Elks. Pond St., Franklin TICKETS REQUIRED. Lion Alissa at(617) 270–0111 or email her at Alissa.rodenhiser@gmail.com 4/1 – Greater Ashland Lions – 7pm – Comedy Night 4/2 – MLERF Journey for Sight Bowling, 4/2, 6:30pm, Ryan Amusements, Rt. 109, Millis Teams welcome. Donation form required. 4/5 – Framingham Lions – 6:30pm – Porketta. Columbus Club, Rt. 135, Framingham 4/8 – Marlboro Lions – Father/Daughter Dance, 6:00 – 8:00pm, contact Laura Koester –ljkoester@comcast.net 4/16 – Randolph Lions– Pasta Dinner – 4:30 – 7pm – Randolph Senior Center, 16 Fencourt Avenue Randolph 4/20 – Sherborn Lions – Tour of Jack Abby’s, 6:30pm, 100 Clinton St, Framingham 4/23 – Stop Hunger Now, 12–noon, St. Thomas Lg Hall, 974 Main St., Millis EVENTS AROUND THE DISTRICT 4/23 – Bellingham Lions – Porchetta, 7pm, VFW, 940 S Main St, Bellingham 4/29–5/1 – State Convention at Mansfield/Foxborough Holiday Inn 4/30 – Sharon Lions – White Cane Day – 9:30am 12:30pm in Sharon Center 5/6 – Needham Lions – 3-4 Music Groups to entertain at Olin College 7:00 p.m. Free program. Donations can be made to benefit Eye Research. 5/15 – Sharon Lions – 6th annual Walk for Sight 9–12noon, Sharon High School, 181 Pond St., Sharon 5/15- Marlborough Lions – Spring Sprint – contact Mark Gibbs gibby_home@hotmail.com 5/22 – Stoughton Lions – Golf Tournament at Cedar Hill Country Club – 9 and Dine $99 for golfers (May 15 deadline) Contact Walter Parshley (781) 344-8913 5/23 – Bellingham Lions – Scholarship Golf Tourney at NECC at 8am 5/23 – Ashland Lions – Golf Tournament – contact either Tom Heguy – heguyt@comcast.net or Paul Ciccolo – james146@comcast.net 6/4 – Stow Lions– Flea Market 6/6 – 4th Advisory – Randolph Elks, 21 School St, Randolph 6/11 – DG Bill’s Testimonial – Hajjar's Restaurant, Weymouth 1pm–5pm, 969 Washington St, Weymouth 6/20 – Randolph Lions – Golf Tournament at Wampatuck Golf Course in Canton $125.00 golfers – Contact tsabbett@comcast.net 6/20 – Waltham Lions – Golf Tourney. Marlborough CC. 10am Shotgun. The Franklin Lions are currently selling tickets to win an official Patriot football signed by Juliann Edelman. Tickets are $5 each or 3 tickets for $10. We will have tickets available at advisory, our zone/region meeting. The ub Cl 00 0 , $10 ing w a r D lliston Lions o H presents $10 Dra ,000 win g 10th Annual Winning O’ the Green Big Raffle PRIZES, SILENT AUCTIONS AND LIVE AUCTIONS $100 per Ticket Only 300 will be sold! Includes a buffet dinner for two catered by Restaurant 45 Cash Bar Saturday, March 19, 2016 St. Joseph’s Center 145 Holliston Street, Medway, MA 7:00 p.m. To purchase a ticket contact Ged Gove at 508-429-3984 or ged.gove@gmail.com Or talk to any Holliston Lion! How would you spend $10,000? Sharon Lions Club 6th Annual Walk for Sight! Sunday May 15, 2016 9:00 am 12:00 pm Our annual Walk for Sight takes place at the Sharon High School track, 180 Pond Street in Sharon. This event is a fun and fit activity for students, parents, and community members, with all participants learning what it is like to walk blind. Walkers who wish to be blindfolded and guided around the track will have the opportunity to do so. If you are uncomfortable walking blindfolded, and would like to just walk around the track, you can do that, too. Light refreshments will be provided. Walkers are asked to gather sponsors to make donations in support of their event phone number participation. or email address on the form provided here (email erc1@comcast.net for more forms). If you would rather not solicit sponsors, you are instead asked to make a minimum $10 donation to participate in the event. All walkers with individual donations and/or who provide sponsor donations totalling $10 or more will receive an event T-shirt from the Sharon Lions Club. Please return completed sponsor sheets with all donations to the Sharon Lions Club no later than April 15, 2016 so we know how many participants to expect and how many T-shirts to order. Completed forms and donations should be sent to: The Sharon Lions Club 10 Barefoot Hill Road Sharon, MA 02067 For questions or concerns, contact Sharon Lions President Elif Birkok at elif.birkok@yahoo.com or Secretary Eileen Cohen at erc1@comcast.net. ATTENTION STUDENTS: This is a great community service activity! All students participating will receive a Community Service Certificate on the day of the event. ALSO, please collect any old eyeglasses no longer in use and bring them with you to the Walk for Sight!! The Sharon Lions Club refurbishes them and sends them overseas to third-world countries where they are needed. THANKS! !"#$%&'()&*"#&+*%,&+-.(/012+*%,&+-(3"+0"#'4%5(!#,6#+7( /8"#9(:+--(+('"-"2*(6#,15(,:("012+*,#'(:#,7(+2#,''(*4"(6-,;"(%'(%&8%*"0(*,( !"#$%&'(<24,,-(:,#(*4"(=-%&0>'(4%'*,#%2(2+751'(*,(*+$"(5+#*(%&(*4"( /012+*%,&+-(3"+0"#'4%5(!#,6#+7(?/3!@A(/8"#9('5#%&6(*4"9("7"#6"(#"+09(*,( 7+$"(+(0%::"#"&2"A( B4"(/3!(,::"#'(+08+&2"0(*#+%&%&6(*,(*"+24"#'(,:(*4"(8%'1+--9(%75+%#"0(+&0( ,*4"#(5#,:"''%,&+-'(:#,7(0"8"-,5%&6(&+*%,&'A(!+#*%2%5+&*'(,:(*4"(/3!(+#"( %77"#'"0(%&("C5"#*(%&'*#12*%,&(+&0(4+&0'D,&(-"+#&%&6("C5"#%"&2"'E(;,*4( %&'%0"(+&0(,1*'%0"(*4"(2-+''#,,7A(B4"9(+**"&0(-"2*1#"'E(2,&:"#"&2"'(+&0( F,#$'4,5'E(+&0(8%'%*(51;-%2('24,,-'A(B4"9(,;'"#8"(+&0(*"+24(%&(!"#$%&'>( 2-+''#,,7'(+&0(+''%'*(#"'%0"&*%+-('*10"&*'(F%*4(0+%-9(+2*%8%*%"'A( B4"(#"'1-*(%'(*#+&':,#7+*%,&+-A(G#+01+*"'(0"5+#*(:,#(*4"%#(4,7"(2,1&*#%"'E( "+6"#(*,('4+#"(*4"%#(&"F($&,F-"06"(+&0("&+2*(7+H,#(%75#,8"7"&*'(*,( '"#8%2"'(:,#(24%-0#"&(+&0(9,1&6(+01-*'(+--(,8"#(*4"(F,#-0(F4,(+#"(8%'1+--9( %75+%#"0E(0"+:;-%&0(,#(;-%&0(F%*4(71-*%5-"(0%'+;%-%*%"'A( I'(+(5+#*(,:(*4%'(*#+%&%&6(5#,6#+7E(%*(%'(%75,#*+&*(:,#(5+#*%2%5+&*'(*,(2,&&"2*( F%*4(+6"&2%"'(*4+*('155,#*(*4"('"#8%2"'(,::"#"0(*,(24%-0#"&(+&0(9,1&6(+01-*'( F4,(+#"(;-%&0(,#(8%'1+--9(%75+%#"0A(<%&2"(*4"(3%,&'(J-1;(%'(+(7+H,#('"#8%2"( ,#6+&%K+*%,&E(%*(%'(5#"'"&*(%&(+-7,'*("8"#9(2,1&*#9(F4"#"(/3!'(2,7"(:#,7E(%*( %'(%75,#*+&*(*4+*(*4"9(-"+#&(7,#"(+;,1*(4,F(*,(7+$"(*4%'(2,&&"2*%,&(F%*4( *4"%#(-,2+-(24+5*"#'A(!-"+'"(L,%&(M%'*#%2*(NNO(3%,&'(:,#(*4%'("C2%*%&6("8"&%&6( +*(!"#$%&'(<24,,-(:,#(*4"(=-%&0(PQR(OA(="+2,&(<*(S+*"#*,F&E(TI(UVWQV( X%-*,&(=1%-0%&6(T+#24(PYE(VUPZ(Z.NU57(:#""(5+#$%&6(2,::""[(*"+(+&0(-%64*( #":#"'47"&*'(F%--(;"('"#8"0(\<]!(*,(3%,&(T+#6%"(J+#&"9( 7+#6%"A2+#&"9^5"#$%&'^5"#$%&'A,#6( ! ! MIDWINTER MEMORIES KUDOS TO WEYMOUTH CHINATOWN & HINGHAM Happy Anniversary That “girl” is everywhere Mama Joyce & Lion Tom Mary & The Boys more cougers? Bill’s “date” “Like a hula, hula hoop, hula, hula hoop” Tomorrow’s Leaders ID Karla Harris The power of prayer in living color 1st VDG Andy Best wishes to PDG Joyce Middleton on her bid for ID PID John Pettis 2nd VDG Margaret ID Karla Harris speaking to Lions about Lions Special “K” Award for PDG Joyce Hogan DG Bill Best wishes to RC Deb Hayes on her bid for 2nd VDG ID Karla Harris & Chinatown President Ken Chia Melvin Jones Fellow presented to 2nd VDG Margaret DISTRICT GOVERNOR’S MEDAL WINNERS Stow Lion Jose Mesmar Millis Lion Julio Fontecchio INTERNATIONAL PRESIDENT’S AWARD WINNERS ZC & Randolph Lion Peg Needre RC & Millis Lion Debbie Hayes ZC & Ashland Lion Lesley McDonald CST & Chinatown Lion Victor Ng SIGHT AWARD WINNERS Plainville Lion PDG Ned Merrick “KEN LAKE” AWARD WINNER MLERF Directors Gino Angelone and Eddie Lee FRAMINGHAM LION Peter Friel Click here to see all the pictures from midwinter DISTRICT CLUB PICTURES Sharon Lions Club with the Eyemobile. They took part in Sharon's 250th anniversary parade. This group made a great presence in the parade. Randolph Lions hand-made blankets for Project Just Because Belmont Lions Club new members being installed by 1st VDG Andy January 2016. Millis Lions Club hosts their annual “Bowling for Blindness” night. Top Left: Blacktone Lions, Tony Catalano bowling the “oven mit” challenge.” Bottom Left: Braden Sherry going for the “strike!” and Stow Lions Jose Mesmar. Hingham Lions Club new members being installed by 2nd VDG Margatet Randolph Lions Ted Abbett and Bill Cahill at the annual Franks and Beans supper on October 3rd. LIONS DAY AT NATIONAL BRAILLE PRESS: two trips have been made into Braille Press to assemble two different children’s books. More than 10 different clubs have participated. In late fall we assembled Pete The Cat Saves Christmas. This was a very challenging sticker book, where the Braille stickers had to be affixed to paper pages. Most recently Miss Moore Thought Otherwise was assembled by collation, walking around a long table filled with print and Braille pages and gathering a single page from each pile into a packet of (hopefully) just the right number of pages. Also challenging!