Behavioural Insights into the Vaper Subculture
Behavioural Insights into the Vaper Subculture
Behavioural Insights into the Vaper Subculture 2007 ABOUT E-CIGARETTE FORUM (ECF) • 3 million visits a month • 1.5 million unique visitors per month • 8 minutes per visit • Over 12 million posts • 80% traffic increase 2013-2014 • World’s oldest & largest vaping community, founded in 2007 2009 2011 2014 “E-smoking is a bit of a handful… “vaping” has drug connotations. There must be a better word for my new hobby! Suggestions?” * SMOKEYJOE 18 December 2007 *OLIVER THE RISE OF VAPING GOOGLE SEARCH TRENDS BY VOLUME Electronic Cigarette Vaping 2007 2009 2011 2013 APR 2014 TAKING IT TO THE NEXT LEVEL The world’s first mod, the screwdriver, was designed by ECF member Trog. December 2008 “There is nothing special about it really, except the manual switch and the decent sized battery.. the way it looks.. and the fact it shouldnt wear out… and it doesn’t look like a bloody tobacco product..” ! Trog 9/12/2008 30 MINS Our research shows that every visitor to ECF who is at an advanced stage in the buying cycle will spend an average of 20 minutes browsing threads. However, if they directly proceed to make a purchase, this length of time increases to 30 minutes. $5.19 We have calculated the average value of an outgoing click to an online e-cigarette vendor to be worth $5.19. This doesn’t take into account repeat custom or customers who don’t purchase directly after that initial click. “A friend recommended me to those [disposable brand] and I completely regret buying them… I’m looking for a new vape… please have patience with me and explain things thoroughly”* NOOBTUBER88 26 APRIL 2014 *39 REPLIES SURVEY Annual April Survey 10,120 Responses 04/18/2014 - 05/02/2014 ECF DEVICE LANDSCAPE 2014 34.78% 32.46% 26.41% 03.72% 02.11% 0.61% Mid-sized (ego/equivalent) Large/APV Mechanical Mod Rechargeable mini Other Disposable ECF DEVICE LANDSCAPE 2013 - 2014 60.38% 34.78% 2013 2014 32.46% 26.41% 24.76% 0.15% 0.61% DISPOSABLE 3.77% 3.72% RECHARGEABLE MINI 3.25% MID-SIZED G2 MID-SIZED MECH MODS LARGE G3 24.76% 3.25% MECHANICAL MOD 7.69% 2.11% OTHER 34.78% 26.41% WHAT’S A MECH-MOD YOU ASK? ECF ATOMIZER LANDSCAPE 2014 43.36% Generation 2 tank (atomizer head) 36.97% Re-buildable tank 10.08% Re-filled cartomizer 6.19% Generation 1 tank (cartomizer) 1.86% Disposable 1.54% Pre-filled cartomizer ECF ATOMIZER LANDSCAPE 2013 - 2014 43.25% 2013 2014 36.80% 10.25% 0.15% 1.92% DISPOSABLE 0.88% 31.18% 29.93% 29.87% 6.23% 1.54% PRE-FILL CART RE-FILL CART REFILLED CARTS TANKS TOTAL TANK GEN 1 29.87% 65.69% 4.48% TANK GEN 2 REBUILDABLE TANK 10.25% 86.28% DO YOU CURRENTLY SMOKE CIGARETTES (IN ADDITION TO VAPING)? 49.15 50.85 28.86 71.14 16.71 83.83 Disposable Rechargeable mini Mid-sized 7.71 92.29 Large/APV 7.29 92.71 Mechanical mod Yes No NICOTINE STRENGTH 2013 -2014 2014 2013 0 1-3 4-8 9-12 13-18 19-24 25-34 34+ MILLIGRAMS PER MILLILITER NICOTINE DROP We have seen a downward shift in nicotine strength. Driven by trends in vaping and rapid improvement of both devices and atomizers. E-LIQUID CONSUMPTION 21.28% How much e-liquid do you consume on a daily basis? 22.6% 15.99% 12.69% 10.56% 4.84% 4.33% 2.79% 2.13% 0-1 1-2 2-3 4-5 5-6 6-7 7-8 8-9 MILLILITERS CONSUMED PER DAY 9-10 2.13% 10-15 0.44% 0.22% 15-20 20+ “All the hype surrounding Radiator Pluid sucked me in, and it totally lived up to the hype. It got me off of cigarettes. The flavor and the kick are perfect!” TYOUNG 10 MARCH 2014 WHAT FLAVOR DO YOU USE MOST 30.55% 22.3% 18.86% 7.10% 6.50% 4.91% 3.98% 2.66% 2.61% 0.55% Fruit Tobacco Bakery/Dessert Other (inc. Flavorless & DIY) Menthol (Menthol/Mint/Peppermint etc...) Savoury/Spice Candy Menthol Tobacco Beverage flavors Whole Tobacco Alkaloid TOBACCO FLAVOR TRENDS 15% ONLY 15% OF CUSTOMERS WHO PURCHASE THEIR E-LIQUID IN A B&M VAPE STORE USE TOBACCO AS THEIR MAIN FLAVOUR Our data shows that customers who purchase their e-liquid in bricks and mortar, dedicated vape stores are 7% less likely to use tobacco flavoured e-liquid. Only 22% of vapers stick to one flavor. So, even when tobacco is a vaper’s main flavor there is a strong chance they use others alongside it. 65.5% 65.5% OF NON-SMOKING VAPERS CONSIDER FLAVORS OTHER THAN TOBACCO TO HAVE BEEN IMPORTANT OR VERY IMPORTANT IN HELPING THEM QUIT TOBACCO SMOKING Focus on gender - Females only • • The above figure rises to 71% Tobacco as most used flavor drops to 16% THE RISE OF THE VAPESTORE A FRIEND GAVE IT TO ME Where did you purchase your first e-cigarette? 4.64 IN A CONVENIENCE STORE, GAS STATION OR PHARMACY FROM A KIOSK/CONCESSION OR AN INDIVIDUAL SELLER IN A VAPE STORE (BRICKS & MORTAR) 9.48 13.19 6.19 16.78 5.33 8.85 34.12 36.77 ONLINE FROM A VENDOR SELLING ONE BRAND 25.26 ONLINE FROM AN ECIG STORE SELLING MULTIPLE BRANDS OTHER (EBAY, TOBACCONIST, AMAZON) 5.11 12.46 13.47 8.36 Vaping 24 months plus Vaping 0-3 months “Every time I vape, someone brings up a new stupid horror story they heard on the news. Even if e-cigs wound up being unhealthy how the hell can they be banned when cigarettes are still legal?” PARTYPANTS 25 APRIL 2014 VAPERS FEARS ARE YOU MORE LIKELY TO SPEND MORE TO BUY BATTERIES FROM BIGGER, WELL KNOWN COMPANIES? ARE YOU MORE LIKELY TO SPEND MORE TO BUY E-LIQUID FROM BIGGER, WELL KNOWN COMPANIES? 65% YES 57.4% NO 92% of vapers are worried that government regulations with remove products they use from the market WOULD YOU KNOWINGLY PURCHASE A DEVICE MADE BY ONE OF THE MAJOR TOBACCO COMPANIES? 29.45% Yes 70.55% No Current smokers vs quitters. The dual user group are 53.85% unlikely to knowingly purchase a product from a tobacco company. How important is it to you that the vendor(s) you purchase from support the long-term interests of the industry and consumers' access to vaping products? It is very important to me, I only purchase from vendors who explicitly work in the long-term interests of keeping e-cigarettes available to consumers 43.2% It matters to me, but I don't know which suppliers support the long-term interests of consumers, and am therefore not able to make purchases on this basis 31.31% It is quite important to me, but I purchase some of my supplies from vendors who don't support the long-term interests of consumers 14.38% It doesn't matter as I can get the devices which meet my needs - but I would prefer to buy from a supplier who had the long term interests of consumers at heart It doesn't matter to me whether or not my vendor supports the long-term interests of e-cigarette consumers 9.6% 1.5% JUST ONE MORE THING… VAPING.COM Full ECF survey results will be released on Coming May 2014 Thanks! e-cigarette forum Behavioural Insights into the Vaper Subculture
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