2013 First Quarterly Report - Lafayette County Health Department
2013 First Quarterly Report - Lafayette County Health Department
A community of safe, prepared and healthy people. March 31, 2013 CAPITOL DAY January 2013 Two Odessa High School students who are members of Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.), attended Tobacco Free Missouri’s Capitol Day in Jefferson City in January 2013. The students were accompanied by Glenda Bertz, RN, LCHD. The students participated in a rally at the Rotunda of the Capitol that morning. One of the students spoke at the rally on behalf of the Tobacco Free Missouri Youth Advisory Board regarding the burden of tobacco on Missouri. The youth then met with Senator David Pearce, and Representative Glen Kolkmeyer. The students showed their legislators the posters they created, which were signed by students and community members from Lafayette County of why they “stand up against tobacco”. The students gave the legislators information about S.W.A.G., and tobacco prevention activities taking place in Lafayette County. (In picture L to R: Alana Dowell, Senator David Pearce, and Alex Higginbotham) (2nd picture: Over 100 people attended Capitol Day, including youth from across the state. They created “walking billboards” to educate their legislators and visitors of the Capitol about why Missourians “stand up against tobacco”) SPEAK HARD CONFERENCE March 27, 2013 Odessa High School student, Alex Higginbotham, who is a member of Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.) received a Missouri Youth Adult Alliance Award (MYAA) on March 27, 2013 at the annual Speak Hard Conference held in Jefferson City, Missouri. MYAA sponsors the Speak Hard Conference for students to receive training on the issues of underage drinking, substance abuse, and bullying. Alex earned his award due to his tobacco prevention efforts in his community. LCHD is a cosponsor of the S.W.A.G. program, and Alex was accompanied to the conference by Glenda Bertz, RN LCHD. (Picture: Alex receives a resolution from Representative Glenn Kolkmeyer for receiving the MYAA Youth Advocate Award) Prevent. Promote. Protect. Presentations at Daycares/Preschools The Lafayette County Health Department staff visits child care facilities in the county to present educational health programs to the children. The purpose of this program is to increase children’s awareness of health issues. Programs that will be presented are healthy heart, poison prevention, and dental health. Programs/Services Environmental Health Communicable Disease Immunizations/Education School activities Emergency Preparedness Vital Records—birth/death certificates 2 Prevent. Promote. Protect. KICK BUTTS DAY Odessa High School promoted Kick Butts Day, a national day sponsored by Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids for youth to stand up against big tobacco, by making a public service announcement at KMZU radio which was aired on their station during Kick Butts Day week. The OHS Students With a Goal (S.W.A.G.) group also had a display at school for students to sign notecards about why they stand up against tobacco. (Picture: L to R Alana Dowell and Alex Higginbotham make psa at KMZU radio station) (OHS S.W.A.G. display in cafeteria at OHS) BASIC AID TRAINING March 2013 LCHD has done Basic Aid Training (B.A.T.) in four schools during the month of March. The curriculum is from American Red Cross, and 4th grade students learn basic first aid, fire prevention, poison prevention, how to make a 911 phone call, being prepared for disasters, rescue breathing, and first aid for choking. B.A.T. (Picture: Students at St Paul’s Elementary use mannequins to practice rescue breathing) (Students at Wellington Napoleon Elementary use 2L soda bottles to practice the Heimlich maneuver) Prevent. Promote. Protect. 3 TAR WARS LCHD presented Tar Wars to five schools, reaching 300 students, in Lafayette County during this quarter. Tar Wars is a tobacco education program for 5th grade students. The curriculum is provided by the American Academy of Family Physicians. The program educates students about the health effects of tobacco, the cost of tobacco, reasons people start using tobacco, ways to say no, and how tobacco companies market their products. The students are then able to participate in a poster contest to show how being tobacco free is part of a healthy lifestyle. (Pictures: Students use balloons to show the effects of second hand smoke, and the chemicals in tobacco smoke) (Odessa R-7 poster contest winners) SAVING SMILES The Saving Smiles dental program started up again this September with a licensed dental professional screening children’s teeth and a trained volunteer will apply a thin protective coating of fluoride varnish to their teeth as a preventive measure against tooth decay. SCHOOLS VARNISHED Concordia 233/262 Grandview Elementary 316/476 Higginsville Head Start 27/27 Immanuel Lutheran 44/60 Leslie Bell School 278/349 Lexington Early Childhood Center 57/69 Lexington Head Start 32/32 Santa Fe Elementary School 118/163 St. Paul’s Lutheran School 109/149 Trinity Lutheran School Wellington-Napoleon 80/98 171/210 Prevent. Promote. Protect. 4 POD VOLUNTEER TRAINING February 11, 2013 & March 11, 2013 Emergency Preparedness WIC 2013 Since January 2012 the Lafayette 150 148 146 County Health Department has had the 145 opportunity to provide WIC services both in the office and outreach clinics 140 under the WIC contract of Samuel U. 135 134 Rodgers Health Center. Since that time 130 we have had a steady increase in our number of clients seen per month. 125 Jan Mar May July Sept VITAL RECORDS January February March Totals Birth Certificate 43 69 87 199 Death Certificates 38 20 43 101 Nov
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