July 27, 2016 - First United Methodist
July 27, 2016 - First United Methodist
Messenger The Mission of First United Methodist Church, Champaign is: • To introduce all persons to Jesus in loving ways • To grow as disciples through Wesley Covenant Groups • To relieve suffering. Volume XXIV, No. 15 July 27, 2016 What can I give Him? Give my heart. With the angels let us sing Alleluias to our King. 10:00 am Christmas Goodies and Handbells in Friendship Center Good Christian friends, rejoice! O come, let us adore Him. Let every heart prepare Him room. 9:00 and 11:00 am Carols in Worship VBS Kids Presentation Operation Christmas Child School Backpacks for empty tomb Kids The Local Outreach Ministry Team of FUMC would like to send many of the kids of the community that frequent empty tomb with their parents back to school with smiles on their faces and a positive start to the new school year. What better way than with a new backpack filled with all the supplies they need! Toward this end, we will be coordinating efforts with Good Shepherd Lutheran Church to collect and fill up to 100 backpacks—ready to go for the start of the school year. Empty tomb held a sign-up day on Monday, July 25, to collect names of kids needing backpacks. The backpacks will be distributed to those kids on August 12 at empty tomb. FUMC kids who need backpacks are welcome to sign up at empty tomb as well. Will you PLEASE help us in this most worthy effort? The basic supplies needed for each backpack are listed below. Members of the Local Outreach Ministry Team will be at a table in Friendship Center South between services on July 31 to receive your donations. The backpacks will be blessed at both services on August 7, and FUMC kids who already have backpacks may have them blessed at either service. During the week there will be a large orange tub in the Resource Room and Friendship Center South labeled “empty tomb school supplies” in the event Sunday drop-off does not work for you. Thank you in advance for your generosity in providing for those in your community. Requested Backpack Supplies 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. Basic backpack Kleenex - rectangular or square box - 85-120 count Ziploc bags gallon size - 10+/pkg. Black/white composition book WIDE RULED loose-leaf notebook paper Fiskars scissors - blunt or sharp Eraser - pink/large Papermate #2 pencil package - 8-10 count/pkg. Pencil sharpener 2-pocket PLASTIC folders - plain colors only Clorox disinfectant wipes in round plastic container - 35+/pkg. Ruler with inches and centimeters Expo dry-erase marker - 4-6/pkg. for student use Crayola crayons - 24/pkg. Crayola markers classic Colored pencils – Bic brand has 8-10/pkg. Elmer’s glue stick Ear buds for computer use – inexpensive at dollar stores 2 Please join us for Rally Day on August 21! There will be one combined service at 10:00 a.m. Faith Middleton has been singing with the Perceptions Praise Team for several years. She became a member on Sunday, July 24. Faith will be a junior at Anderson University in Indiana. She enjoys running, singing, photography, cooking, and blogging. Faith is interested in Austin’s Place, Vacation Bible School, Perceptions Praise Team, and Wesley Covenant Groups. Attention FUMC Students & Workers! There will be activities following the service in West Side Park at 11:00 a.m. and a Potluck Picnic Lunch. Please bring a side, salad, or dessert. All students and workers should bring their backpacks, book bags, briefcases, lunch bags, and gym bags to church on August 7 to be included in the blessing for the backpacks for empty tomb. Blessing an item that we carry with us every day will help us to remember to carry Christ’s light with us every day at school or work! Fundraiser Concert for empty tomb Paul Todd and Paul Todd Jr., father and son, will be in concert at Faith United Methodist Church on Tuesday, August 2, at 7 p.m. Tickets may be purchased online at www.champaignfaith.org or at the church office. The general admission tickets are $15 or $20 the night of the show. The concert will benefit empty tomb. The Todds, from Southwest Florida, entertain, inspire, and bring virtuosity to every show as they perform a combination of classical, gospel, Broadway, swing, pop, and many other styles of music. 3 Youth News Recently, we’ve been reading through the book of Daniel at our weekly High School Bible Study. I was trying to speed the kids up, as we had been talking more than usual and now had less than half an hour to read all of Chapter 4, discuss it, and ask questions! Getting a little exasperated, I said, “Come on guys! We have to finish this chapter by the END OF TODAY!” Instantly, one of the youth said, “No! But I like this one!” I realized she had thought I said that we were finishing the whole book of Daniel that day, and I assured her we’d still be studying Daniel next week. Now, to be honest, she might have been enjoying Daniel because last week I planned a little throwback to their childhood days and let them watch the Veggie Tales episode that accompanied the reading of Daniel 3 (Shadrach, Meshach, and Abendego being thrown into the furnace by King Nebuchadnezzar. Or as Veggie Tales says: Rack, Shack, and Benny being thrown into the chocolate oven by Mr. Nezzer). However, no matter what the reason was, it was really great to hear her vocalize that she was enjoying this book of the Bible--that she wanted to keep reading and studying more from it. I’d say that means something right is happening in Bible study, even if it’s easier for me to remember all the times we may get off task! Meredith meredith@champaignfumc.org A Walk in the Garden “Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the Lord God as he was walking in the garden in the cool of the day, and they hid from the Lord God among the trees of the garden. But the Lord God called to the man, ‘Where are you?’” Genesis 3:8-9 LORD, I want more than anything to have a close walk with You. Help me to not forfeit that wonderful intimacy by being drawn toward the distractions of this world. Enable me to hear Your voice calling me so that I will answer without even a moment’s delay. Help me to never hide from You for any reason. I don’t want anything to separate me from all You have for my life. -- Stormie Omartian’s, A Little Book of Powerful 2016 Flower Calendar Coming Events: Friday, August 12, and Saturday, August 13 - End of Summer Lock-in! - Summer is winding down, so join us for a big lock-in to help end it in style! Come to the church on August 12 at 7:00 p.m. for games, faith activities, and tons of fun! We’ll finish up on August 13 at 9:30 a.m.! Sunday, August 21, 3:00 p.m. - Summer Olympics -The Summer Olympics are starting up in Rio, but the REAL deal this year is the Youth Group Summer OIympics! Compete for the gold in events designed to help you cool off from the summer heat! Meet on August 21 at 3:00 p.m. to join in the fun! The 2016 Flower Calendar is posted on the bulletin board across from the Church Office. If you would like to honor or memorialize someone, please sign up now. Questions - contact Melanie Paul at 3525973. Sunday, September 11 - First Youth Group of the School Year! Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.- High School Bible Study - Our high school Bible study meets on Wednesdays at Panera on Kirby from 6:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m.! Study the Bible and grab dinner while you get to spend time with friends! 4 If you have a need for prayer, please call the Church Office at 356-9078. Stock the Food Pantry Early & Often Champaign First UMC is invited to the 80th birthday party for Kay McClarey! Please celebrate with us on August 21, 2:00-4:00 p.m., at Primrose, 1145 West Arbor Drive, Decatur, IL 62526 No gifts please. Cards may be sent to: Kay McClarey, 4540 Sweetwater Court, Decatur, IL 62526 (Mom's actual birthday is August 10. But this is the day we are all able to gather to celebrate.) First United Methodist Church members are encouraged to bring non-perishable foods to the church on the first Sunday of each month to stock our own food pantry. These foods are used by the volunteers to provide food for the families in need. There is a strong need for these items currently: canned meat: ham, Spam, beef stew, chicken, ravioli; macaroni and cheese; canned fruit; cereal; mustard; and ketchup. To Our Guests and Visitors . . . Hymn Festival in Gibson City The popular Hymn Festival sponsored by Gibson Area Music Foundation will be held this year at 3 p.m. on Sunday, August 21, at the United Methodist Church of Gibson City. As always, attendees at the ninth annual event will enjoy singing selected hymns with background information given about each. The Rev. Jim Davis, pastor at the American Lutheran Church in Gibson City, will direct this year’s program, with Bill Ogg as organist. Rev. Davis has directed a past hymn festival which was very popular with attendees. This year’s festival will be dedicated to Betty Rost, long time organist (nearly 50 yrs.) of the Gibson City Bible Church. There is no admission charge for the event, but a free-will offering will be taken in support of the music foundation’s mission to bring quality musical events to area residents and summer music camp scholarships to high school students. Welcome to First United Methodist Church of Champaign. We are honored that you have chosen to worship with us, and we invite you to visit the Hospitality desk in the Friendship Center, adjacent to the Sanctuary. Or you can visit us on our website, www.champaignfumc.org, to learn more about the many opportunities for worship, study, fellowship, and service available through the ministries of our congregation. How do I become a member…? If you are considering membership in the congregation of First United Methodist Church, you are invited to attend an orientation group: “Connecting@ First.” This is an opportunity to learn more about the ministries of the Church. If you would like to register for the next group, please contact Sharon Johnson, Administrative Assistant to the Directing Pastor, sjohnson@cham paignfumc.org, or 356-9078. 5 Congregational Life of FUMC August 16-31, 2016 16 16 17 17 17 17 17 17 18 18 19 20 20 21 Don Gerber Virginia Lawler Sarah Butt Leah Fields Donna Huls Nancy Nichols Elizabeth Rients Kristin Wise Riley Berner John Jones Matthew Bodony David Frerichs Olivia Geis Bennie Barham Hospital Report Hospitalized in the past two weeks: Thelma Berbaum and Frank Bernhart. 21 21 21 22 22 22 22 22 24 25 26 26 27 27 27 28 28 29 29 29 29 29 29 31 31 31 31 Layla Chapman Sara Chapman Maleah Morrow Nicholas Cravens Martha Finney Frances Good Tim Morrow Vernell Myers Barb Alsup Carolyn Schaefer John North Monica Rose Tim Bachman Helen Hites John McKay Rob Beldon Kyle Robeson Sue Bachman Teresa Ford Liam Patterson Allison Perry Ann Tate Ray Wiggs Anna Benson Steve Burgener Brenda Edgar Mirabelle Hershenson 16 16 16 17 18 19 22 23 26 29 Jason & MaryBess Gordon Elmer & Sharon Lash Jasper & Anne McKenney Brandon & Lori Kauffmann Carlyle & Judy Johnson John & Betty Alsop Aaron & Kristine Brown Carter & Donna Jones Jim & Melanie Paul Rodney & Shelly Kuykendall Deaths Our sympathy and prayers are extended to Chris Brademas and family at the passing of Chris’s uncle, John Brademas, on July 11, 2016, in New York. Going Into the Hospital? If you are scheduled by your physician to be hospitalized, please indicate “Champaign First United Methodist Church” on your admission form. Privacy guidelines will not allow hospitals to notify the Church without your permission. If you can, call us before you are admitted, or have a family member or friend let us know. We don’t want to miss you when we visit. Rev. Tom & Rev. Jerry 6 NEXT Do YOU need a ride to 11:00 Sunday Morning Worship Service? Messenger Deadline, August 4, 2016 published on August 10 Articles may be submitted by e-mail to: bberner@champaignfumc.org or brought to the Church. We want you here to worship!! Call 352-6943, and let Al Boehm know of your need. He will be happy to assist you. Congregational Life of FUMC Church Calendar Thursday, July 28 8:00Quilters 6:00 Vacation Bible School Sunday, July 31 Christmas in July 8:15 Coffee Fellowship 8:45 ARK Child Care 9:00 Perceptions Worship 11:00 Classic Worship Monday, August 1 Building Closed Tuesday, August 2 Building Closed 7:00 Worship Ministry Team Wednesday, August 3 7:30 Venturing Crew 1 Thursday, August 4 8:00Quilters 8:30 Messenger Deadline 10:00 Minds in Motion 5:30 Local Outreach 6:30 Perceptions Praise Team Sunday, August 7 Backpack Blessing 8:15 Coffee Fellowship 8:45 ARK Child Care 9:00 Perceptions Worship 11:00 Classic Worship Monday, August 8 8:00Quilters 7:00 Staff-Parish Relations Committee Tuesday, August 9 10:30 Staff Meeting 6:45 BSA Troop #1 Wednesday, August 10 8:30 Messenger Assembly 7:30 Venturing Crew 1 Thursday, August 11 8:00Quilters 6:30 Christian Formation Team 6:30 Perceptions Praise Team Friday, August 12 7:00 Youth Group End of Summer Lock-In Saturday, August 13 2:00 Wilson Zaring Visitation 3:00 Wilson Zaring Memorial Service 4:00Reception Sunday, August 14 8:15 Coffee Fellowship 8:45 ARK Child Care 9:00 Perceptions Worship 11:00 Classic Worship Monday, August 15 8:00Quilters 5:15 Board of Trustees Tuesday, August 16 9:30 Program Staff Meeting 6:45 BSA Troop #1 7:00 Finance Committee Wednesday, August 17 7:30 Venturing Crew 1 Thursday, August 18 8:00Quilters 8:30 Messenger Deadline 6:00 Fellowship Committee 6:30 Perceptions Praise Team Sunday, August 21 Rally Day 8:45 ARK Child Care 9:30 Chancel Choir 10:00 Worship Service 11:00 Rally Day Activities and Potluck Picnic Lunch 3:00 Youth Summer Olympics 4:30LIFT Monday, August 22 8:00Quilters Tuesday, August 23 10:30 Staff Meeting 5:00Nominations 6:45 BSA Troop #1 Wednesday, August 24 8:30 Messenger Assembly 1:30 NDFL Committee 7:30 Venturing Crew 1 Thursday, August 25 8:00Quilters 6:30 Perceptions Praise Team Sunday, August 28 8:15 Coffee Fellowship 8:45 ARK Child Care 9:00 Perceptions Worship 10:30 Chancel Choir 11:00 Classic Worship Monday, August 29 8:00Quilters Tuesday, August 30 10:30 Staff Meeting 5:00Nominations 6:45 BSA Troop #1 Wednesday, August 31 7:30 Venturing Crew 1 Worship Attendance Sunday, July 17, 2016 9:00............................102 11:00..........................124 Total...................226 Sunday, July 24, 2016 9:00..............................86 11:00............................113 Total...................199 7 First United Methodist Church 210 W Church Street Champaign IL 61820 Non-profit Org. US Postage Paid Permit No. 14 Champaign IL “Return Service Requested” July 31, 2016 11th Sunday after Pentecost Christmas in July 9:00 a.m. Perceptions Worship 11:00 a.m. Classic Worship Sermon: “What Do You Want for Christmas?” Scripture: Luke 12:13-21 Rev. Tom Corum, preaching August 7, 2016 12th Sunday after Pentecost Backpack Blessing 9:00 a.m. Perceptions Worship 11:00 a.m. Classic Worship Sermon: “Backpacks That Don’t Wear Out” Scripture: Luke 12:32-40 Rev. Tom Corum, preaching Every Sunday morning: 8:15 a.m.-Coffee Fellowship; 9:00 a.m.-Perceptions Worship; 10:00 a.m.-Sunday School (not during the summer); 11:00 a.m.-Classic Worship. Child care for infants through age 10 is available from 8:45-12:15. First United Methodist Church Ministry Team Rev. Tom Corum, Directing Pastor tcorum@champaignfumc.org Rev. Jerry Nichols, Visiting Pastor jgnlikesww2airplanes@yahoo.com Meredith Hecker, Dir. of Youth, Adult, & Family Ministries meredith@champaignfumc.org Ruth Moore, Dir. of Lay Ministries ruth@champaignfumc.org Barbara Zachow, Dir. of Music & Worship bzachow@comcast.net John Jones, Business Manager jjones@champaignfumc.org Sarah Curtis, Interim Business Office Assistant Laura Hendricksen, Child Care Ctr. Dir. lhendricksen@champaignfumc.org Sharon Johnson, Administrative Ass’t sjohnson@champaignfumc.org Bonnie Berner, Dir. of Communications bberner@champaignfumc.org Gayester Rogers, ARK Coordinator rogersga@champaignschools.org Ray Wiggs, Organist rewiggs@gmail.com Pamela Pendleton, BLAST/VBS Coordinator ppendleton03@yahoo.com Pam Luhrsen, Parish Nurse pam.parishnurse@hotmail.com Jason Mack, Building Manager jmack@champaignfumc.org Terry McClellan, Weekday Morning Custodian Tim Valentine, Weekday Evening Custodian Scott Ervin, Weekend Custodian The Messenger is a bi-weekly newsletter for members and friends of First United Methodist Church, Champaign, IL. For more information, please call the Church Office at (217) 3569078. Nonmember subscription rate $20.00 per year (or can be found at no cost at www.champaignfumc.org).