A good year for EIDD Design for All Europe
A good year for EIDD Design for All Europe
A good year for EIDD Design for All Europe Finn Petrén President, EIDD With a significant influx of new member countries, a new website, a global Design for All competition, two collaborations on international conferences, and a signed partnership with Cumulus International Association of Universities and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, 2008 represented some significant progresses for EIDD Design for All Europe. A voluntary organisation like EIDD Design for All Europe, being totally dependent on the unpaid work of a few elected Executive members, can not be expected to move at a constant speed. Some things take years to prepare. But now and then things mature and fall into place almost in parallel. 2008 was such a year for EIDD. Introduction EIDD’s mission can be expressed in many ways. One is in terms of changing paradigms in both social and corporate thinking and in design. We have to move from “the average person” to human diversity as the norm for all planning and design decisions. To fulfil this mission we have to keep on demonstrating the opportunities offered by design and building strategic alliances. This article gives some examples of our practical work in these directions. New EIDD member countries At its 15th Annual General Meeting in Stockholm on 24 May 2008, EIDD membership received a real boost, welcoming no less than nine new Corporate Member Organisations distributed all over the European continent: Ornamo - the Finnish Association of Designers, the Lithuanian Design Forum, the Norwegian Design Council, the Estonian Association of Designers, the MoholoyNagy University of Art and Design in Budapest, Hungary, Design Flanders, bNO - the Association of Dutch Designers, the Centre for Living Upright in Novi Sad, Vojvodina, Serbia and the Royal College of Art Helen Hamlyn Centre, London. This new influx of significant members from the world of design for social development means that EIDD now has an active presence in twenty European countries (an increase of five over 2007): Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Lithuania, the Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden and the United Kingdom. EIDD, the joint European platform for social planners, architects, designers and others who believe in the potentials of their professions to play a vital role in the necessary transformation of our societies into more cohesive, innovative and sustainable ones, has been substantially reinforced in 2008 and its message has attracted a steadily growing interest around the world. A global Design for All Competition Two years after the former EIDD President, Pete Kercher, came up with the idea, EIDD launched in June 2008 the global Design for All communications competition for posters, institutional videos and guerrilla marketing tools, dedicated to capturing the differing perception of its work in the field of Design for All all over the world and applying it for promotional purposes. The EIDD Design for All Europe award scheme was endorsed by Icograda (International Council of Graphic Design Associations). The organisational aspects were the responsibility of IIDD Design for All Italy and Design Center Bologna, headed by Carlo Branzaglia, the EIDD national director for Italy. The deadline for entries, 21 September, was followed by intense jury work with almost 200 entries from all over the world, including China, Japan, South Korea, New Zealand, Iran, Israel, Mexico, the USA and of course several European countries. On 13 October the international jury agreed on three winning entries within each category. These and many other thought provoking entries were then exhibited at the Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti in Turin, Italy, among the initiatives of Torino World Design Capital 2008, from 17 October to 17 November 2008.The winning entries can be seen on the EIDD website www.designforalleurope.org. The exhibition area at the Accademia Albertina delle Belle Arti in Turin Being President of both EIDD and the competition jury, I owe Carlo Branzaglia and Daniele Campagnoli at Design Center Bologna a huge thank you for brilliant work in organising both the competition and the Turin exhibition. Next step might be a publication on the best entries. European conference on Design and Housing for All in France In connection with its 2008 autumn board meeting, held in Saint-Etienne (France) on 21 November, in the framework of the “Biennale internationale du design”, EIDD partnered with Cité du Design de Saint-Etienne to organise a conference on Design for All applied to housing on the following day. The first part of the conference was devoted to five international speakers appointed by EIDD. The event became a golden opportunity to highlight two of EIDD’s new member organisations, the Helen Hamlyn Centre represented by Rama Gheerawo and the Norwegian Design Council represented by Onny Eikhaug. The other speakers were Aleksandar Bogdanovic, EIDD director representing Serbia, Michal Ozmin, EIDD director from Ireland, Avril Accolla, EIDD Vice-President, and Finn Petrén, EIDD President. Pete Kercher, EIDD Ambassador, moderated the session. EIDD speakers: Aleksandar Bogdanovic, Onny Eikhaug, Rama Gheerawo, Pete Kercher, Finn Petrén, Michal Ozmin and Avril Accolla The second part of the well attended conference concentated on housing schemes and challenges in Saint-Etienne and the Loire department and contained three round tables, with a focus on political actions, moderated by Bernard Laroche. Collaboration agreement between EIDD and Cumulus The collaboration agreement between EIDD and Cumulus, the International Association of University and Colleges of Art, Design and Media, was signed after being approved by the Cumulus Executive Board and the EIDD Board of Directors in their meetings in Saint-Etienne on 21-22 November 2008. This partnership has been drawn up to provide a further framework for possible joint initiatives supporting the goals of both organisations and for enabling collaborative actions making efficient use of the complementary strengths of both organisations. Cumulus is a non-profit organisation of 140 universities and colleges of art, design and media. Cumulus is the only global association to serve art and design education and research. It is a forum for partnership and transfer of knowledge and best practices through conferences, workshops, projects among members and with industry, business and other partners. . Finn Petrén, EIDD President and Christian Guellerin, Cumulus President signing the collaboration agreement International conference: “Imagine iT – Design for All” in Italy An extremely active month for EIDD ended with a really brilliant conference in Bologna (Italy) on 28-29 November. This international conference was organised by Carlo Branzaglia and Design Center Bologna in co-operation with Simone Angelica Wolf at Typevents Italy, and with the patronage of EIDD Design for All Europe, which also was given the opportunity to invite six EIDD speakers. The EIDD speakers were Finn Petrén (keynote) talking on the theme of “Re-thinking design”, Pete Kercher on the theme of “Peace by design: a new look at the world’s peace agenda”, Avril Accolla on “I’m not standard, but design doesn’t note” and Aleksandar Bogdanovic on “Conceiving playground for all”. Matthew Harrison from the Helen Hamlyn Centre presented a two-year project called “Welcoming workplace”, while the Finnish designer Hannu Kähönen presented “Design for All experiences in improving urban transportation”. Fourteen more speakers from Europe and two from the USA each added to a broad variety of contents and applications of Design for All thinking. First outcome: an overall success for the organisers and two wonderful days for the EIDD representatives. Second outcome: the word is spreading… The venue: the beautiful Aula Magna of Accademia di Belle Arti, Bologna The conference contained many highlights. One of my favourites was architect and graphic designer Cinzia Ferrara from Palermo, Sicily, speaking on “Design for legality” and addressing the opportunities offered by design in combating the way the Mafia disables local society, “Liberate the future” was one of the mottos used. The 2006 Swedish campaign “Liberate diversity” on display again, this time in Bologna This article has presented some highlights from a rather busy EIDD month of November. 2008 also brought some interesting partnerships with the Baltc countries Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania and some rather promising developments in our relations with the European Commission. To conclude with: EIDD is on the move. Conclusion: Design for social development EIDD Design for All Europe is the only design-led organisation in Europe focusing on using design for social development. Our long term success depends on our abilities to inspire changing paradigms in both social thinking and design. The need for a new paradigm applies of course also to industry. The challenges are enormous. To succeed we need to believe. Believe that social change is possible. Believe that design thinking and professional design can make a difference. But innovative thinking - the core of Design for All - challenges the status quo, and challenging the status quo invites resistance. It has been said that nothing restricts our ability to innovate more than what we know already and therefore believe not to be possible. This in itself is already a design challenge. Of course it is possible. With these concluding words I take the opportunity to wish all readers of the Design for all India Newsletter a successful New Year 2009. Finn Petrén President, EIDD Design for All Europe