Salesian Sisters West - Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco
Salesian Sisters West - Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco
Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco Daughters of Mary Help of Christians CONNECTIONS Western Province, USA Celebrating Youth, Building the Future August/September 2008 Joyous Renewal of Vows ubilarians celebrated their Centennial year anniversaries on August 10, at Our Lady J of the Lake University Chapel in San Antonio, Texas, followed by a reception for family and friends. Our Jubilarians (on left starting in the back row) are Sr. Cecilia Henry, 40 years; Sr. Kathleen Curd, 40 years; (Middle Row-Left) Sr. Irene Tapia, 40 years; Sr. Rachel Crotti, 40 years; (Front left) Sr. Elizabeth Villanueva, 25 years; (Front right) Sr. Jane Sanchez, 60 years; Sr. Esperanza Rodriguez, 60 years; Sr. Elvira Mansoor, 50 years; Sr. Carmen Palacios, 40 years; (Middle) Sr. Emma Stefanoni, 40 years; and next to Sr. Emma, the Provincial, Sr. Sandra Neaves. We were also blessed with the presence of our brother priests and bishops, Most Reverent Oscar Cantú, Jubilarians Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of San Antonio, Renew Vows and Most Reverend John Yanta, Bishop Emeritus of Amarillo,Texas. Visit our website at From Colorado Springs God’s Word Travels to the Plains by Sr. Patricia King, FMA The Salesian Sisters stationed in Colorado Springs take the idea of bringing God’s Word to the children and people of the plains seriously. For the past four years the Sisters have conducted Vacation Bible Schools in various parts of the Diocese. This year, their activity brought them to Colorado Springs proper, Calhan, Cheyenne Wells, and Burlington. The first session took place for the children of Holy Vietnamese Martyrs in Colorado Springs, the second in St. Michael’s parish, Calhan and the third in Sacred Heart parish, Cheyenne Wells. “Aha!” was the keyword as children of the areas moved through “Power Lab”, a well-balanced mix of prayer, liturgy, activity and play, and learned that love of God and neighbor can be a joyful thing.Teenagers and parents assisted, acting as counselors for the younger members. For five evenings, after a day with the children at Cheyenne Wells, the Sisters traveled to Burlington where they conducted catechist formation classes for St. Catherine of Sienna Parish and St. Charles Borromeo Parish following the program, Echoes of Faith Plus. The Sisters were edified by the yearning of the adults for God’s Word. After a full day’s work for both Sisters and participants, all took part with a desire to become better informed about the Church and its teachings. In each area where the Vacation Bible School and Catechist Formation Classes were held, it was gratifying to hear the request for a continuation of the activities and instruction. God’s Word had a receptive audience both in the Springs and on the Plains! 2 Getting ready for the day Summer Camp Western Province Summer Camps Engage Youth and Children in a Variety of Activities From Louisiana and Texas westward to Colorado, Arizona and Califormia, children and youth experienced the adventure, fun, and friends of the Salesian Summer Camps this past June and July. Over 13 different summer camps were held and over 500 children participated. Just look at the faces of not only the children, but the Sisters, too. Everyone looks forward to the Salesian Summer Camp Programs all year. Thank you so much for your generous gifts that made the camps not only possible, but available to more children as well. God bless you. 3 Education Fund Golf Tournament Presents the 2008 Salesian Sisters Centennial Golf Tournament & Silent Auction When: Monday October 20, 2008 Where: Hyatt Regency Hill Country Resort & Spa San Antonio, Texas Start Times: Registration: 11:00 am Start Time: 1:00 pm Prizes: Hole in One-Vehicle Closest to the Pin Longest Drive Door Prizes Hospitality Bags Raffle Silent Auction -Autographed Painting of Arnold Palmer -Greg Norman Gear -And much much more! 4 Province News Sisters Renew Vows August is such a month of celebration for the Sisters. On August 4th, six Sisters renewed their temporary vows. Each Sister makes temporary vows for one or two years for a maximun of six years and then makes perpetual profession. Relatives, friends, and fellow Sisters witnessed the love and strength of each Sister as she individually professed her renewal of vows and pledged herself to Christ through Mary, Help of Christians. GOLF Tournament Register online @ (left to right, top) Sr. Jeanette Palasota, Sr. Lourdes Lujano, Sr. Sandra Neaves, Provincial, Sr. Cynthia Salas, Sr. ThienAnh Khong, Sr. Diep Pham, and Sr. Vuong Do . - PRIZES !!! - SILENT AUCTION - BOX LUNCH - RAFFLE - AWARDS DINNER JOIN THE FUN!!! 100% of Proceeds from Tournament and Silent Auction benefit the Salesian Sisters Education Fund. This fund aids families in providing a solid Catholic Christian education for their children. Novices Make First Profession Novices Michelle Van and LanVy Tran make their first profession after a two year novitiate in Italy. Family and friends joined them in celebrating their love, commitment, and joy. Western Province Directory 2008-2009 Mary Immaculate Province 6019 Buena Vista St. San Antonio, TX 78237-1700 (210) 431-0090 Sr. Sandra Neaves - Provincial Sr. Rachel Crotti - Provincial Secretary Sr. Barbara Campbell- Provincial Treasurer ARIZONA St. John Vianney Convent 15 Loma Linda Blvd. Avondale, AZ 85323 (623) 932-2652 St. John Vianney School (623) 932-2434 Sr. Roble Cavazos - Animator Sr. Ignacia Carrillo - Principal Sr. Theresa Murillo - Economer Sr. Teresita Delgado Sr. Vuong Do Sr. Michelle Van CALIFORNIA St. Dominic Savio Convent 9758 Foster Rd. Bellflower, CA 90706 (562) 866-0675 St. Dominic Savio School (562) 866-3617 Sr. Theresa Sironi - Animator Sr. Josephine Ochoa - Prinicpal Sr. Diana Filipas - Economer Sr. Rita Fantin Sr. Vittoria Graziani Sr. Phuong Nguyen Sr. Emma Stefanoni St. Mary’s Convent 430 South St. Louis St. Los Angeles, CA 90033 (323) 268-0465 St. Mary’s School (323) 262-3395 Sr. Kathleen Curd - Animator/Economer Sr. Ana Bui - Principal Sr. Mary Lou De La Vega Sr. Nora King Sr. Adela Lozano - (St. Thomas) Sr. Stella Tafoya Sr. Rose Zanella 6 Corpus Christi Convent 61 Francis St. San Francisco, CA 94112 (415) 587-7015 Corpus Christi School (415)587-7014 Sr. Martina Ponce - Animator/Principal Sr. Rosa Hoang - Economer Sr. Rita Bailey Sr. Celine Lomeli Sr. Elvira Mansoor Sr. Lucy Yuen Salesian Sisters Convent 605 Enos Lane Corralitos, CA 95076 (831) 728-4700 Salesian Sisters School (831)728-5518 Sr. Carmen Botello - Animator Sr. Charlotte Greer - Principal Sr. Quyen Pham - Economer Sr. Silvia Castillo Sr. Claudette Germain Sr. Mary Mullaly Sr. Cesira Pierotti Sr. Lena Pinto Sr. LanVy Tran Sts. Peter & Paul Convent 632 Filbert St. San Francisco, CA 94133 (415) 421-7354 Sts. Peter & Paul School (415)421-5219 Sr. Ann Cassidy - Animator/Vice Principal Sr. Kathleen Gibson - Economer Sr. Jean Erickson Sr. Antoinette Pollini COLORADO Our Lady of the Snows Convent 2403 Marlborough Pl. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 (719) 632-4463 Sr. Marie Gannon - Animater Sr. Patricia King - Economer Sr. Theresa Jones To remove for use, just open staples, lift out page and fold b Western Province Directory 2008-2009 LOUISIANA Our Lady of Prompt Succor Convent 134 Fourth St. Westwego, LA 70094 (504) 340-4292 Our Lady of Prompt Succor School (504) 341-9505 Sr. Deborah Walker - Animator Sr. Thuy Huong Nguyen - Economer Sr. Guadalupe Gomez TEXAS Mary Help of Christians Convent 10 East Del Mar Blvd. Laredo, TX 78045 (956) 791-8617 Mary Help of Christians School (956) 722-3966 Sr. Suzanne Miller - Animator/Principal Sr. Lourdes Treviño - Community Economer Sr. Amparo Uribe - School Economer Sr. ThienAnh Khong Sr. Ofelia Lozano Sr. Carmen Palacios Sr. Trini Reyes St. James Convent 402 Nunes St. San Antonio, TX 78225 (210) 533-9659 St. James School (210) 924-1201 Sr. Mary Link - Animator/Principal Sr. Maria Luong - Economer Sr. Josephine López Sr. Hope Rodríguez Sr. Cynthia Salas St. John Bosco Convent 5630 West Commerce St. San Antonio, TX 78237-1313 (210) 432-8008 St. John Bosco School (210) 432-8011 Sr. Rosann Ruiz - Animator/Principal Sr. Juanita Chavez - Community Economer Sr. Refugio Gallardo Sr. Esther López Sr. Gloria Mar - VIDES Sr. Margaret Natal Sr. Carmen Nieto Sr. Jeanette Palasota Sr. Jane Sánchez Sr. Josephine Sánchez backwards to have a two-sided directory for 2008-2009. St. Mary Mazzarello Convent 2109 East 2nd Street Austin, TX 78702 (512) 474-2312 Cristo Rey Religious Ed Center (512) 478-1766 Youth House (516) 478-1766 Sr. Elizabeth Villanueva - Animator Sr. Maria Becerril - Economer Sr. Guadalupe Medina Sr. Dolores Riojas FMA Provincial House 6019 Buena Vista St. San Antonio, TX 78237-1700 (210) 432-1919 Sr. Irene Tapia - Animator Sr. Ngan Do - Economer Sr. Julia Anguiano Sr. Suzzette Arante Sr. Guadalupe Arroyo Sr. Ida Chagín Sr. Alice Fusco Sr. Rosalba García Sr. Angelina Gómez Sr. Refugio Gómez Sr. Angelita Guzmán Sr. Cecilia Henry Sr. Jane Jasso Sr. Kathy Keane Sr. Lourdes Lujano Sr. Carmen Martínez Sr. Olga Muñoz Sr. Diep Pham Sr. Celia Ramírez Sr. María de la Luz Reyes Sr. Fernanda Rossi Sr. Assunta Sánchez Sr. Mary Tamayo Sr. Victoria Trejo Sr. Sara García Sr. Mary Greenan Sr. Ana K. Nguyen Sr. Thuy V. Nguyen 7 2008 Centennial Jubilarians 60 Years Sr. Esperanza Rodríguez, FMA 50 Years Sr. Jane Sánchez, FMA Sr. Elvira Mansoor, FMA 40 Years Sr. Kathleen Curd, FMA Sr. Cecilia Henry, FMA Sr. Irene Tapia, FMA Sr. Rachel Crotti, FMA 40 Years 25 Sr. Emma Stefanoni, FMA 8 Sr. Carmen Palacios, FMA Years Sr. Elizabeth Villanueva, FMA 2008 Centennial Jubilarians Every life is marked by anniversaries, and religious life is no exception. As Brides of Christ, we honor you, Sisters, for you make Jesus’ love manifest in the world. There is a beautiful quote of unknown origin that best expresses this .... Thank you Sisters, you are “the gloves God wears to touch us.” May God continue to bless each of you. Before I entered the convent my question was: “How can I make a return to the Lord for all the good He has done for me ? “ After 25 years of Religious life, I still wish to remain ‘a living monument of gratitude’ to Mary Help of Christians — continuously thanking God through Mary.” -Sr. Elizabeth Villanueva This jubilee has been a time of special reflection. forty years I have been so richly blessed by God’s providential and delicate love. Many people in many lands have deeply touched my life. My Salesian religious life has been filled with surprises and adventures. Even amid the inevitable ups and downs of life I can use the words of St. Paul and say with gratitude, enthusiasm, conviction and joy, “Everything is grace!” -Sr. Rachel Crotti What an honor to be able to celebrate my 40th anniversary of religious profression with my companions and Sister jubilarians! The unforgettable day was packed. The events of the day presented an unending sea of faces representing those whose lives we have touched over the years and who, in turn, have definitely touched ours.I am grateful to each and everyone and promise the gift of prayer and fond rememberance. -.Sr. Kathleen Curd Salesian Sisters of St. J ohn 100 Years in the USA Bosco Be a Part of the Dream; Share in our Works! We invite you to join us in seeking donations for tuition to assist deserving families in our Catholic schools, “camperships” to provide the means for less advantaged children to attend our summer camps, care for our beloved aging Sisters, and the many diverse needs of our expanding works. Seize the Dream! Be part of the life mission of the Salesian Sisters in “nurturing” Don Bosco’s dream for the next 100 years! Sales ian SSis is ters Centennial - US Salesian isters USAA 1908 - 2008 A Saintly Heritage St. John Bosco, the great apostle of youth and patron “It is not enough to love the children; of educators, was known for his extraordinary dream - visions they must know that they are loved.” as to what would be his life’s work and ministry. His first dreamSt. John Bosco vision, and the one that left a lifelong imprint, took place at the age of nine. In it, Christ appeared, telling young John that He was entrusting needy youth to his care, and that these youth must be won over not by violence, but by charity. When John Bosco asked how this might be possible, Jesus replied, “I will give you a Teacher,” at which time Our Lady appeared before him. Thus began the future dream, the Salesians of St. John Bosco.The official beginning of St. John Bosco’s work in 1851 was followed by the founding of the Salesian Fathers and Brothers, who now serve youth worldwide. When Don Bosco and St. Mary Domenica Mazzarello founded the Salesian Sisters in 1872, he fulfilled his dream of establishing what he termed “A Living Monument” to his Mother and Guide, Mary Help of Christians, in gratitude for her many graces and favors. Rather than dedicating a monument of stone to her, he wanted to build a “living” everlasting monument of gratitude, one which would tangibly bring the love of Mary to the world by living out the Salesian mission and charism. He named this religious congregation the “Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians,” also known as the Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco. Celebrating Youth…Building the Future About Us The Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (Salesian Sisters o) minister in countries worldwide, on every continent and, internationally, we form the second largest community of religious women. Internationally * Salesian Sisters: 14, 745 * Regional Provinces: 81 * Convents/Centers: 1,488 Western Province of Mary Immaculate * Salesian Sisters: 105 * Serving youth in: Arizona, California, Colorado, Louisiana, Texas, and Nuevo Laredo, Mexico Mission Statement We, the Salesian Sisters, Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, are a religious community of women founded by St. John Bosco and St. Mary Mazzarello. Our mission is to provide a Christian education and formation for the young, with special attention to the poor and women at risk, to joyfully proclaim the Good News to all cultures, and to promote the regeneration of a more just and human society. 11 Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco Western Province, USA Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Development Office 6019 Buena Vista St. San Antonio, TX 78239-1700 Ph: (210) 431-4999 Fax: (210) 431-0944 CONNECTIONS is designed especially for our Salesian Family and Friends. It is produced by the Salesian Sisters Development Office Western Province, USA CONNECTIONS Editor Nanette E. Dion Assistant Editor Sr. Olga Muñoz, FMA Contributing Photographers Sr. Rachel Crotti, FMA Nanette E. Dion Sr. Sandra Neaves, FMA Sr. Mary Mullaly, FMA Animators CONNECTIONS welcomes your comments, photos, and newsworthy articles. However, the editors reserve the right to edit material for publication. Remember the Gift of Prayer Perpetual Mass Card ....$25.00 Single Mass Card....$15.00 Available at the Sisters’ Convents, on-line at or by calling 210-431-4999 Provincial Council Salesian Sisters of St. John Bosco Institute Daughters of Mary Help of Christians Development Office 6019 Buena Vista San Antonio, TX 78237 Sr. Sandra Neaves, FMA Provincial Superior Address Service Requested Sr. Patricia King, FMA Provincial Vicar Sr. Barbara Campbell Provincial Treasurer Sr. Rachel Crotti, FMA Provincial Secretary Sr. Suzanne Miller, FMA Consultor Sr. Josephine Ochoa, FMA Consultor Non-Profit US Postage PAID San Antonio, TX Permit No. 1262
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