The 22nd Annual ASPER Symposium on Recent
The 22nd Annual ASPER Symposium on Recent
The 22nd Annual ASPER Symposium on Recent Advances in Asthetic Plastic Surgery September 17-19 2007 Penninsula Convention Center Beverly Hills, California PHILOSOPHY AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE SURGERY OF THE AGEING FACE IVO PITANGUY The ever-growing world-wide interest in rejuvenation surgery Is strongly related to an increased concern about general good health and well-being. Ageing is a physiologic mechanism that entails various alterations that includes physical, psychological, biochemical, cultural and anthropological factors. An equilibrium between these aspects permits an individual to live out this experience, while gg maintaining a balance between his Ego and his self-image. The mature I Ego becomes an indispensable ally that brings serenity during the ! later period of life. Yet frequently, an individual fails to achieve I this well-being. The Ego is often unprepared to endure the frustrations of not conforming to the ideal image imposed by the cultural environment. The concept of beauty is intimately related to social acceptance. Harmony is achieved when common characteristics ere shared. Each race has its own ideal of beauty, and within the same race each human being has his or her own concept in conformity with personal temperament, culture and sensitiveness. These are determined by his or her way of perceiving, judging and reasoning the external world* Plastic Surgery la, therefore, a valuable and unique instrument in helping the individual to find harmony between himself and his milieu. It attempts to smooth the difficult transition between maturity and old age. More important than remaining young is the acceptance of ageing and death as inevitable companions of life. The successful result in surgery will be greatly dependent on a deep understanding of these concepts by the surgeon. Besides involving an accurate analysis of each body structure and the overall balance of its elements, the evaluation of the facial architecture requires a clear perception of the individual and his yearnings. The Plastic Surgeon has a deep understanding of harmony and beauty; nevertheless he faces some limitations when compared to painters, poets and artists to whom space is not restricted in relation to what their minds can create. Therefore, a great intimacy with creativeness in all its aspects is essential . Being a slave of shape and anatomy, the surgeon sometimes feels a frustration when dealing with the human body, a noble material not yet invented. The adding of and taking from this noble material is sometimes less subject to the laws of harmony than to the laws of the body itself* A patient who seeks surgery for the ageing face has, in the end, a purely transcendental aim, which is the attempt to harmonize body with soul, emotion with mind* In other words, it is a search to establish an inner harmony with one’s own image and the universe that surrounds one’s self. 3 THE IMPORTANCE OF THE DIRECTION OF TRACTION IN THE ROUND-LIFTING IVO PITANGUY The term ‘round-lifting* represents a uniform rotation and positioning of the cervicofacial flaps. The amount of traction which is applied depends on the elasticity of the skin and the nature and degree of the correction required. GENERAL PRINCIPLES; Face-lifting surgery can be performed under general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation. Regardless of the anesthesia technique, an infiltration of the area to be operated is done using xylocaine at 0,25% and adrenaline at 1:200,000 dilution. decreases the bleeding and facilitates the undermining of the flaps* SURGICAL TECHNIQUE; T-Incisions: ggl The incisions are different according to the gender of the patient. Generally, it begins on the temporal region» curves downwards to cross the rim of the tragus or pass just behind it and continues around the base of earlobe* It then proceeds upwards following the posterior auricular fold, passing over the ear concha and describes a gentle downward curve in the cervical pilose region behind the ear* In the forehead-lifting, the coronal incision is utilized in most of the cases. It starts from a supraurlcular point, curving ill upwards towards the temporal region, as in a face-lifting and joins the contralateral incision at the coronal line, situated two or three flngerbreadths from the anterior hairline. UNDERMINING; The undermining of the facelifting is done in the subareolar plane of the face, extending above the galea on the temporal region. In the area delimitated by the temporofrontal branch of the superficial temporal artery and by a line that extends from the tragus to the eyebrow, denominated by us “no ma^s land”, one should avoid eletrocoagulacion of blood vessels. In this area the frontal branch of the facial nerve is at greatest risk o£ injury, The frontal flap should be undermined in a subgaleal plane until the supercilliary arches are reached. At this level, an incision is made through the periosteum on either side, leaving the periosteum of the glabellar region untouched. The eyebrow is freed by a subperiosteal undermining, avoiding lesion to the anatomic elements found at this level; the supraorbital and trochlear nerves and vessels. -Direction of Traction; The direction of traction of the anterior (or facial) flap, corresponds to a vector that goes from the tragus to the Darwin’s tubercle. An excessive rise of the anterior hairline must be carefully avoided. The preauricular flap is held by two forceps, and countertraction is applied with a Pitanguy flap demarcator. The desired skin tension is applied and point A is determined. With this point marked, an incision is made, creating a scalp flap. At this level the flap will be anchored at the 4 temporal region no higher than the insertion of the helix. By pulling the scalp flap downwards, the excess of tissue in the temporal region can be resected, after being demarcated in a similar fashion. The direction of traction of the posterior (or cervical) flap corresponds to two vectors in a upwards and medial direction, avoiding the formation of a step between the glabrous and the pilose area. When the desired tension is obtained, the excessive tissue previously marked with the Pitanguy flap demarcator is resected and the flap is anchored to point B. These two points, A and B, represent the two key sutures and are the points of maximum tension. After fixation of the anterior and posterior flaps by these points, the ear is liberated so that it falls in its natural position, thus setting Into evidence the excess skin to be trimmed. The facial flaps, already placed and blocked, preserve the natural position of the hairline. At this moment the frontal traction can be performed without facial distortions. This traction is generally performed by a safe pull, in an anteroposterior direction, of the central area of the forehead. The excessive tissue to be excised is determined by again using a Pitanguy flap demarcator, which affords a symmetric positioning of the forehead area and eyebrows. An adequate resection of this positioned flap is carried out. A temporary suture is inserted on the midline, resulting in two symmetric lateral flaps which will suffer compensatory traction. Resection of the excess is then performed and sutured. CONCLUSION: HI siliiajsa The systematization of the direction of traction as well as the points of blockage are of fundamental importance for obtainingQ aesthetic and harmonious results in a faceli£ting» Using principles, uniform traction of the facial and frontal flaps guarantee us a satisfactory result*. 5 DIPLOMATS AMERICAN BOARD OF PLASTIC SURGERY ALAN MATARASSO, M.D., F.A.C.S., P.C.I PLASTIC AND RECONSTRUCTIVE SURGERY 1009 PARK AVENUE NEW YORK, N.Y. 10028 APPOINTMENTS 212-249-7500 NURSES 212-628-0900 FOREHEAD-BROW: PRIMARY REASONS FOR SECONDARY INDICATIONS Forehead/eyebrow rhytidoplasty has withstood the initial criticisms of limited longevity that were lodged against it and it is realized that, as with all lifting procedures, it will gradually succumb to time, gravity and the aging process. Consequently, the procedure has been widely accepted, and is now a routine consideration in facial rejuvenation. Moreover, refinements in technique have added versatility to the procedure so that a variety of isolated problems, in addition to the brow ptosis, encountered in the upper face can be addressed. These other deformities (exclusive of brow ptosis) have been referred to as “secondary indications”. Recently, with closer scrutiny, appears that such problems, including forehead rhytids, frown muscle imbalance, upper eyelid aesthetics, lateral temporal laxity, or an abnormal expression, as a newly defined group may actually be more common reasons than brow ptosis alone, for performing a forehead/brow rhytidoplasty. Furthermore, it is recognized that when considering the benefits achieved in cases of brow ptosis, often the results were due to the “ancillary” maneuvers routinely employed for the “minor” (secondary) indications. Hence, surgeons are advised to avoid adhering to formulas for skin excision/brow elevation, when elevating the brow; these can ultimately be the source of unsatisfactory results. In addition, objective guidelines for the ideal normal upper face, have been reviewed and can be used in supplementing established brow spatial relatonships. Alan Matarasso, M.D. Edward 0. Terino, M.D. 7 ASPER FACULTY Adrien Aiache, M.D. 9444 Little Santa Monica Blv Beverly Hills, CA. 90212 Gerald Johnson, M.D. 17115 Red Oak Dr. #211 Houston, Tx 77090 Hilton Decker, M.D. 2617 N. Flagler Dr. #112 West Palm Beach, FL. 3340’ Michael I. Kulick, M.D. 450 Sutter St. #2620 San Francisco, Ca 94108 Bruce Connell, M.D. 2200 E. Fruit St. #101 Santa Ana, CA. 92701 Alan Matarasso, M.D. 1009 Park Ave. New York, New York 10028 Rollin K. Daniel, M.D. 1441 Avocado Ave. #308 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Bruce Nadler, M.D. 267 Middle Country Rd. Smithtown, Ny 11787 James E. Fulton, M.D. 2011 Westcliff Dr. #3 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 Kelly O’Neal, M.D. 29645 Rancho California Rd. #1 Temecula, Ca 92591 Pierre Gerbal, M.D. 13 Rue Massena 06000 Nice, France Jussaia G. Personeli, M.D. Sao Paulo, Brazil Ivo Pitanguy, M.D. Rua Dona Mariana, 65 Rio do Janeiro- Brazil Stephen Giunta, M.D. 4600 King St. #5E Alexandria, VA. 22302 Oscar M. Ramirez, M.D. 1212 York Rd. #B-101 Lutherville, MD 21093 Jorge Hidalgo, M.D. 161 Almeria Ave #100-E Coral Gables, FL 33134 Thomas Robbins, M.D. P.O. Box 59 Sundringham 3191 Victoria- Australia Darryl J. Hodgkinson, M.D. 2A Mona Rd. #2 Darling Point N.S.W. Australia 8 Gary Rosenberg, M.D. 5258 Linton Bl. #303 Del Rey Beach, FL 33484 Fred Suess, M.D. 4141 Geary Blvd. #301 San Francisco, CA 94118 Sheldon Rosenthal, M.D. 16633 Ventura Bl. #110 Encino, CA. 91436 Luiz Toledo, M.D. Av. Brigadeiro Luiz Antonio 333 Conj, 104 Sao Paulo Brazil Mark Rubin, M.D. 530 Lomas Santa Fe Dr. Solana Beach, CA 92075 Tolbert Wilkinson, M.D. 1901 Babcock Rd. #200 San Antonio, Tx 78229 Ewaldo deSouza Pinto, M.D. Ave. Anna Costa 120 Santos, SP Brazil CEP 11-100 Suzy Wilkinson Medical Cosmetics San Antonio, Tx. 9 ASPER 2007 - PROGRAMME Monday SESSION I: Chairman, S. Rosenthal, M.D. 8:00 Introduction- Face Lift Concept: A. Aiache, M.D. 8:10 Philosophy and Contributions,the Ageing Face Surgery: I. Ptenguy, M.D. 8:20 The Value of Deep Layer Support for Fadal Rejuvenation: B. Connell, M.D 8:30 The Importance of Direction, of Traction in the Round Lifting: I. Pitanguy, M.D. 8:40 Face Uft Maximus: 0. R amirez, M.D. 8:50 DISCUSSION 9.00 Seoondaiy Rhytideckxny Double, Opposing Rotations: T. Wilkinson, M.D. 9:10 Conecdon of Cormgator Components: B. Connell, M.D 9:20 , Treatment of Low Lying Hyoid: S. Gunta, M.D. 9:30 Correction of Neck Contour: B. Connell, M.D 9:40 DISCUSSION 950 Cofiee Break SESSION II: Chairman, T. Wilkinson, M.D. 1000 Fadal Rejuvenation, The Role of Skin Retraction: L Toledo, M.D. 10:10 Buccal Fat Pad Excision to Lower Fadal Contouring: F. Suess.M.D. 10:20 TransconjunctivaT Blepharoplasty with Ceding: R. Harvey, M.D. 10:30 Periortxtal Blepharoplasty: A. Aiache, M.D. 10:40 Crows Feet Correction: B. Conndl, M.D 10:50 DISCUSSION 11:00 Buccal Fat Pad Excision: B. Nadler, M.D. 11:10 Blepharoplasty with Peri-Otbrtal Peels: J. Fuhon, M.D. 11:20 Forehead: B. Connell, M.D 11:30 Forehead Brow Rhytidoplasty: A. Matarasso, M.D. 11:40 The Ageing Lip, a Minimal Risk Approach: T. Wilkinson, M.D. 11:50 DISCUSSION 12:00 LUNCH SESSION III: Chairman, R. Daniel, M.J. 2:00 Open Rhinoplasty: R. Daniel, M.D. 2:10Anchored Cartilage Graft, for Nasal Tip Protrusion: T. Robbins, M.D. 2:20 Anatomical and Functional Considerations in Reduction Rhinoptasty: 0. Ramirez, M.D. 2:30 Secondary Rliinoplasty - Open or Closed: R. Daniel, M.D. 2:40 Correction of Ultra Projecting, (Pinnocchio) Nose Via (cartifaginous) Incisions: G. Rosenberg, M.D. 2:50 Rhinosculpture: Why: E. Souza Pinto, M.D. 2:00 Tip Anatomy and Analysis: R. Daniel, M.D. 3:10 DISCUSSION 3:20 COFFEE BREAK 11 ASPER 2007 - PROGRAMME SESSION IV: Chairman, B. Connell, M.D. 3:40 Perioral Repair Instruments 3:50 Superficial Liposudion: How to Avoid Problems 4:00 Abdominal Lipectomy 4:10 DISCUSSION 4:50 Restoration of llw Cutaneous Tegument use Retinoic-Add-lnjedable Liquid Form. 5:00 The Endoscopic Abdominoplasty 5:10 Presentalion 5:20 Subperiosteal Rhinoplasty 5:30 Presertation 5:40 DISCUSSION S. Roserthal, M.D. E. Souza-Pirto, M.D. A. Malarasso, M.D. B Jussara G. Personeti, M.D. G. John-son, M.D. D. Hodgkinson, M.D. A. Aiache, M.D. D. Hodglonson, M.D. P. Geibal, M.D. Tuesday SESSION V: Chairman, L. Toledo, M.D. 8:30 Superficial Syringe Liposculpture, A Personal Technique: L Toledo, M.D. 8:40 Submuscular Augmentation Gluteoplasty: Hidalgo, M.D. 8:50 Gluleoplasty Video: Hidalgo, M.D. 9:00 DISCUSSION 9:10 Pectoral Implants: A. Aiache, M.D. 9:20 Gynecomastia: B. Nadler, M.D. 9:30 Correction of Gynecomaslia Through Suction Lipectomy: G. Rosenberg, M.D. 9:40 DISCUSSION 950 COFFEE BREAK SESSION VI: Chairman, A. Matarasso, M.D. 10:00 Circurnareolar Technique for large Reduction Mammoplasty: T. Wilkinson, M.D. 10:10 Inferior Pedicle Reduction Mammoplasty: T. Robbins, M.D. 10:20 Endoscopic Augmentation Mammoplasty: G. Johnson, M.D. 10:30 Mammoplasly (Video): G. johnson, M.D. 10:40 Mammoplasly: S. Rosenthal, M.D. 10:50 DISCUSSION 11:00 Breast Reduction with Short Incisions: 0. Ramirez, M.D. 11:10 laser liposuction: S. Rosenthal, M.D. 11:20 Use of KPT laser for Cosmetic Surgery: M. Kulick, M.D. D.D.S. 11:30 Suction Mammoplasty: A. Matarasso, M.D. 11:40 Arch Mammoplasty: A. Aiache, M.D. 11:50 DISCUSSION 12:00 LUNCH 12 ASPER 2007 - PROGRAMME SESSION VII: Chairman, T. Winson, M.D. 1:30 Suction: H. Becker, M.D. 1:40 Skin Abrader Treatment of Age Spots, Stretch Marks and Fine Wrinkles: J. Fulton, M.D. 1:50 The State of the Art in Facial Rejuvenation - Retin A, Fat Grafting and Mixed Peels: T. Wilkinson, M.D. 2:00 Skin Peelings New Findings: M. Rubin, M.D. 2:20 Facial Rejuvenation with Augmented Peels: J. Fulton, M.D. 2:30 Abdominal Lipectomy:T. Wilkinson, M.D. 2:40 DISCUSSION 2:50 COFFEE BREAK SESSION VIII: Chairman, M. Rubin, M.D. The Gold Thread Technique for Facial Rhytids (Video): P. Gerbal, M.D. Modern Chemabrasion Techniques: J. Fulton, M.D. How to Obtain Almost Invisible Scars: The Role of Deep and Surface Layer Support: 0. Ramirez, M.D. Fat Transplantation: G. johnson, M.D. Pro and Post Operative Care: S. Wilkinson, M.D. New Advances in Skin Peels: M. Rubin, M.D. Autologous Fat for Rejuvenation: A. Aiache, M.D. Expansion Augmention: Hilton Becker, M.D. Chemical Peelings: Kelly Oneal, M.D. ADJOURN 13 ASPER - INDEX OF TOPICS INTRODUCTION-FACE LIFT CONCEPT. PHILOSOPHY AND CONTRIBUTIONS TO THE AGEING FACE SURGERY. THE VALUE OF DEEP LAYER SUPPORT FOR FACIAL REJUVENATION. THE IMPORTANCE OF DIRECTION OF TRACTION IN THE ROUND LIFTING. FACE LIFT MAXIMUS. SECONDARY RHYTIDECTCMY DOUBLE OPPOSING ROTATIONS. CORRECTION OF CORRUGATOR COMPONENTS. TREATMENT OF LCW LYING HYOID. CORRECTION OF NECK CONTOUR. FACIAL REJUVENATION, THE ROLE OF SKIN RETRACTION. BUCCAL FAT PAD EXCISION TO LOWER FACIAL CONTOURING. PERIORBITAL BLEPHAROPLASTY. CROWS FEET CORRECTION. BUCCAL FAT PAD EXCISION. BLEPHAROPLASTY WITH PERI-ORBITAL PEELS. FOREHEADPLASTY FOREHEAD BRCW RHYTIDOPLASTY THE AGEING LIP, A MINIMAL RISK APPROACH. OPEN RHINOPLASTY. ANCHORED CARTILAGE GRAFT FOR NASAL TIP PROTRUSION. ANATOMICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CONSIDERATIONS IN REDUCTION RHINOPLASTY. SECONDARY RHINOPLASTY-OPEN OR CLOSED. CORRECTION OF THE ULTRA PROJECTING (PINNOCCHIO) NOSE VIA INTRACARTILAGINOUS INCISIONS. RHINOSCULPTURE: WHY TO FRACTURE? TIP ANATOMY AND ANALYSIS 14 ASPER - INDEX OF LECTURERS A. AIACHE, M.D. B. NADLER, M.D. I. PITANGUY, M.D. J. FULTON, M.D. B. CONNELL, M.D. B. CQNNELL I. PITANGUY, M.D, A. MATARASSO, M.D. 0. RAMIREZ, M.D. T. WILKINSON, M.D. T. WILKINSON, M.D. R. DANIEL, M.D. B. CORNET .T., M.D. T. ROBBINS, M.D. S. GIUNTA, M.D. 0. RAMIREZ, M.D. B. CONNELL, M.D. R. DANIEL, M.D. L. TOLEDO, M.D. G. ROSENBERG, M.D. F. SUESS, M.D. E. SOUZA PINTO, M.D A. AIACHE, M.D. R. DANIEL, M.D. B. CQNNELL, M.D. 15 SENSORY SAVING BREAST REDUCTION By SHELDON A.E. ROSENTHAL, M.D. The progressive development of breast reduction has spanned procedures consisting of mammary amputation with nipple graft to the bipedicle horizontal dermal areolar pedicle, to the vertical dermal areolar pedicle, and inevitably to the ulteriorly based dermal areolar pedicle. These procedures had their innate problems and complications related to the anatomy and physiology of the tissue and the surgical procedure used. The incidence of necrosis of the nipple or the vertical incision at its T junction with the inframammary crease are commonplace. Also, the inability to breast feed following this procedure and the frequent ensuing reduction in sensation, have all been compromises which the patient has been forced to make in order to be allowed the relief association with reduction in breast volume. The procedure presented here represents a partial solution to many of the problems afforded to plastic surgeons. The procedure essentially: (1) Guarantees the viability of the nipple areolar complex and the inferior dermal pedicle. (2) It increases the volume of viable breast tissue, thus improving the chances of breast feeding in the future. (3) It leaves intact the vessel and nerve supply from the inferior pedicle and from the subareolar pectoral plane of the chest, thus improving sensation post surgery to the nipple and areola. (4) It affords a greater free-hand approximation and ability to sculpture the remaining breast tissue, using the lateral and medial flaps for improved shaping of the medial and lateral aspects of the breasts. PROCEDURE: The procedure is accomplished using the standard McKissock type markings, marking the nipple areolar complex at its position 18cm on the convergence aligned from the suprastemal notch, transecting a vertical line from the middle third of the clavicle to the areola. The vertical limbs of the lateral flaps are 5cm. A one-to-one dermal areolar pedicle is de-epithelialized. Using the cutting and coagulative bovi to reduce blood loss during the de-epithelialized stage. The dermal areolar pedicle is not thinned, it is cut directly down from its position on the anterior chest wall so that a thickness of approximately 10cm is accomplished, thus the average pedicle would be approximately 14cm wide, 14cm high, and 10cm deep. The central V of breast tissue is then cut from the mid-point of the projected new placement of the areola, and lateral and medial excisions along free marked skin lines are accomplished. The lateral and medial skin flaps are then thinned to approximately 2cm in thickness, thus assuring their viability, and the excision is carried both laterally, medially and superiorly. These flaps are then laid over the dermal areolar pedicle in its mid-position and sutured using #2.0 PDS deep and superficial subcuticular, #5.0 nylon cutaneous suture. The nipple areolar complex is sutured using #4.0 PDS subcutaneous, #5.0 nylon cutaneous suture. RESULTS In the series of forty procedures thus accomplished, we have found no loss of nipple or areola, no loss of vertical pedicle or T approximation at the inframammary crease. Improvement residual sensation has been found in 85 percent of the cases, and one patient post surgically was able to breast feed, although having a reduced quantity of breast tissue, she had a reduced quantity of milk, but was able to experience the breast feeding that prior patients had been unable to experience. The shape of the breasts appeared to be improved. The procedure can be done in a somewhat reduced length of time, that of approximately two hours. I feel that this procedure offers the opportunity for surgery on both medium as well as very large breasts through the increased vertical dimension of blood and nerve supply and serves to offer the plastic surgeon another tool in his armamentarium for resolving the problems presented to him by the hypertrophic mammary glands. 16 REDUCTION OF VERTICAL RHYTIDS IN THE PERIORAL AREA By SHELDON A.E. ROSENTHAL, M.D. A major surgical dilemma facing the plastic surgeon today is the patient who presents with deep vertical rhytids in the perioral area, most notably in the vermilion adjacent tissue. These patients have usually undergone multiple procedures using collagen, sometimes using fat, and on occasion using silicone. The rhytids reoccur rapidly and are an ever present source of concern to both the young and older patient. PROPOSAL It is known that the presence of perioral rhytids is directly related to the subdermal adherence of the orbicularis oris muscle and that with the continual movement and pursing of the perioral area, be it by smoking or habitual placement of the lips in a pouting position, these lines become deeper and deeper ensconced until they will reach the point of scar formation. It has been found that via the use of a new instrument which, when introduced in the canthal area in the vermilion portion, can be passed along the perioral vermilion line and release the adhesions to the underlying orbicularis oris muscle. The release of these adhesions alone is insufficient to rid the patient of this problem since they will re-adhere if given the opportunity. Therefore, a layer of tissue, preferably fat, is used to intersperse between the muscle and the dermis and reduce the possibility of perioral adhesion. The procedure has been done on twenty-two patients, but is in itself not innocuous timewise, since there is a good deal of swelling post-operatively, and the patient is not able to immediately return to her normal functioning for approximately two one week’s time due to this increased area of swelling in the perioral region. Success has been good, improvement has varied between 65 and 85 percent. The procedure is not for every patient, but rather for those who have I deepened lines which are resistant to perioral peeling using either trichloracetic acid or | phenol, where the patient does not wish repeated dermal injections of collagen, or exhibits allergic response to collagen, as in the rheumatoid arthritic or the hyper-immune patient. The procedure may need to be repeated more than one time to obtain optimal improve ment, but the patient can be done under local anesthetic on an outpatient basis. 17 LIPS AND LINES : NEW CONCEPTS Changing concepts of combined surgical, chemical, and grafting techniques now allow the plastic surgeon to alter lip size and shape, soften or eliminate facial rhytids, and improve the quality of facial skin without resorting to deep phenol peels. Drawing upon international experiences, there are effective new designs for lip enhancement, lip lengthening, and vermillion fullness restoration. Simple techniques of subdermal dissection in combination with concentrated fat autografts are giving consistent « predictable improvement in 2 and 3 year series of facial surgery. With a proper program of skin preparation using Retin A and other modalities, skin rejuvenation is now a “mixed” combination of phenol, dilute phenol, and trichloracetic acid peels, with dermabrasion and bleaching in individual cases. While these programs have been in use for less than 5 years, the audience will be acquainted with techniques and early promising results. 19 List Of Exhibitors ADVANCED BIO TECHNOLOGIES, INC. BOOTH: 1235 14010 Roosevelt Boulevard, Suite 707, Clearwater, FL 33762 Usa Massaad (440) 212-0998 Fax: (440) 877-9975 Email: Advanced Bio-Technologies, Inc. is a world leader in the scar treatment market. ABT’s flagship product, Kelo-cote® Advanced Formula Scar Gel, is a proprietary silicone technology used to treat and prevent abnormal scarring such as keloid, burn and hypertrophic scars. Kelo-cote® will flatten, soften, and reducediscoloration in scars old and new. ACI DERMATICS BOOTH: 940 205 Buffalo Avenue, Freeport, NY 11520 Fred Carr (516) 868-9026 Fax: (516) 868-9116 Email: Web Site: AGI Dermatics is a biopharmaceutical company focusing on the dermatology and lifestyle enhancement market. AGI Dermatics is commercializing skin care products that repair DNA and restore health damaged by age or the environment. AGI Dermatics is involved in liposome dermatics and DNA repair technology ALLERGAN MEDICAL ADVANCED COSMETIC INTERVENTION BOOTH: 1033 6334 South Racine Circle, Suite 100, Centennial, CO 80111 Stan Dunavant (303) 799-1988 Fax: (303) 799-4290 Email: sdunavant@acisurgerycom Web Site: www. acisurgery corn Advanced Cosmetic Intervention, Inc. (ACI)’s GFX® technology is FDA cleared to treat motor nerves affecting frown lines and brow depression with RF Energy The GFX Preferred Training Program establishes a higher standard in the aesthetics industry. BOOTH: 701 5540 Ekwill Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93111 Phone: (800) 624-4261, (805) 683-6761 Fax: (805) 683-1471 Web Site: Allergan Medical offers the most comprehensive, science-based aesthetic product offerings, including BOTOX(R) Cosmetic; hyaluronic acid and collagen-based dermal fillers; and physician-dispensed skin care products. Allergan Medical also offers the industry’s widest range of breast implant options for reconstructive and aesthetic breast surgery, and leading minimally invasive devices for obesity intervention treatment. AESTHETIC BUYERS GUIDE BOOTH: 424 120 Vantis, Suite 470, Aliso Viejo, CA 92656 Silvia Kraneiss (949) 830-5409 Fax: (949) 830-8944 Email: Web Site: THE Aesthetic Guide, which has a readership of 20,000 of the largest aesthetic practices, is published by Medical Insight, Inc. We also publish THE European Aesthetic Guide. Free subscriptions are available to physicians. Medical Insight, Inc. also conducts market surveys and publishes market studies. for a complete list of services. ALMA LASERS BOOTH: 14 485 Half Day Rd #100 Buffalo Grove, IL 60089, USA Phone: (866) 414-2562 Fax: (224) 377-2050 Alma Lasers is the leading manufacturer of laser, light-based and radio frequency devices for aesthetic application. We provide cost-effective and high performance systems enabling medical practitioners to offer safe, effective and profitable aesthetic treatments to patients. Visit us to learn about Pixel for non-ablative, virtually painless skin resurfacing and theSoprano XL for virtually painless hair removal and the new Accent XL for wrinkles and rytids. 21 ALPINE PHARMACEUTICALS BOOTH: 309 1940 Fourth Street, San Rafael, CA 94901 (888) 746-3224 Fax: (415) 451-6981 Email: Web Site: SinEcch is the only Arnica dosage regimen clinically proven to reduce post-surgical bruising and swelling. Now! From the name you know and trust, SinEcchi - after injectables, a one-day dose pack of Arnica indicated to relieve the minor bruises and swelling associated with routine injectable procedures. Alpine Pharmaceuticals, the Arnica Experts! of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. ANDERSEN PRODUCTS, INC. BOOTH: 110 3202 Caroline Drive, Haw River, NC 27258 Maria Zmk (800) 524-3455 Fax: (336) 376-3088 Email: Web Site: Andersen Products redefines 100% ethylene oxide sterilizationusing under 20cc’s of EtO per cycle. Our Anprolene line of table-top sterilizers has helped many practices save thousands of dollars a year by eliminating the instrument costs caused by damage from heat, pressure, and moisture normally associated with other forms of sterilization. AMERICAN EXPRESS BOOTH: 1228 200 Vessey Street, New York, NY 10285 (866) 490-9105 Web Site: American Express® Business Cards give you automatic access to the benefits and services that OPEN from American Express® has to offer, including benefits that can help you save money, gain control over your practice expenses, earn valuable rewards and much more. ANCIOTECH BOOTH: 221 100 Dennis Drive, Reading, PA 19606 Rob Galloway (610) 404-1000 Fax: (610) 404-2061 Email: Web Site: Quill™ SRS is the bidirectional barbed wound closure device that closes wounds without tying knots. Bidirectional, helical spaced barbs in the suture material grab tissue in one direction and catch in the other, providing improved efficiency and enhancing wound closure. For more information please visit or call 800-523-3332 for a freetrial. AMERICAN SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGEONS® (ASPS®) PLASTIC SURGERY EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION® (PSEF®) BOOTH: 1007, 1009 444 East Algonqum Road, Arlington Heights, IE 60005-4664 (800) 766-4955 / (847) 228-9900 Fax: (847) 228-7099 Main Web Site: www.plasticsurgeryorg Online Catalog: The American Society of Plastic Surgeons is the largestorganization of board-certified plastic surgeons in the world. Representing more than 6,700 physician members, the Society is recognized as a leading authority and information source on cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery ASPS comprises more than 90 percent of all board-certified plastic surgeons in the United States. Founded in 1931, the Society represents physicians certified by The American Board of Plastic Surgery or The Royal College ANTHONY PRODUCTS/GIO PELLE BOOTH: 411-417 7740 Records Street, Indianapolis, IN 46226 Todd Petrucciam (800) 428-1610 Fax: (317) 543-3289 Email: Web Site: For 38 years, Anthony Products has specialized in the manufacture and distribution of ENT, Plastic Surgery and Dermatology instruments and equipment. As an authorized distributor for Welch Allyn and Midmark, we can meet all of your practice needs. 22 AQUEDUCT MEDICAL, INC. BOOTH: 633, 635 665 Third Street, Suite 20, San Francisco, CA 94107 Eric Selvik (415) 543-5068 Fax: (415) 543-2640 Email: Web Site: Aqueduct Medical will debut the AqueVestTM, the first and only therapeutic cooling product targeted to improve and accelerate patient recovery from breast surgeries. The AqueVest is the latest addition to the AqueCoolTM Rapid Recovery System product line, which addresses swelling, bruising, and pain so patients can enjoy optimal results, minimum discomfort, and the least downtime. With or Without Teeth, including the StaneerC® Circular Breast Retractor,“Cookie Cutters”, Breast Dissectors, Breast Reduction Compression Device, ASSI FACELIFT Retractors with Fiber Optic and Suction, ASSI Campbell Lip Augmentation Awl, MicroMonopolar Hand Switch Forceps for Breast Dissection, ASSI Matarasso Lipo Roller as well as, Microdissection Needles, ASSI Bipolar Scissors, StaySharp® SuperCut Facelift Scissors, Lalonde® Skin Hook Forceps for Blepharoplasty Rakes, Instrumentation for the Plastic Surgeon and the Finest Hand-Crafted Microsure.ical Instrumentation and Clamps. ASSOCIATION OF PLASTIC SURGERY ASSISTANTS BOOTH: 1247 EO. Box 722, Richmond, TX 77406 Brenda Elliott (800) 753-7244 Fax: (281) 762-9562 Email: Web Site: Established in 1974 by Frederick Grazer, M.D., APSA is a national organization dedicated to provide diversified, integrated, educational and networking opportunities to employees of board certified or board admissible plastic surgeons. An annual meeting is held in conjunction with the ASPS Annual Meeting. APSA is a non-profit organization with over 500 members. ARTES MEDICAL, INC. BOOTH: 826, 828 5870 Pacific Center Boulevard, San Diego, CA 92121 Debbie Beckner (858) 550-99997 (858) 777-7880 Fax: (858) 777-7897 Email: Web Site: Artes Medical, Inc. is a medical technology company focused on developing, manufacturing, and commercializing a new category of aesthetic mjectable products. ArteFill® is the first and only FDA-approved non-resorbable aesthetic injectable implant. ArteFill is indicated for the correction of facial wrinkles known as nasolabial folds, or smile lines. AXIA MEDICAL SOLUTIONS BOOTH: 929, 931 2105 Cammo Vida Roble, Suite L, Carlsbad, CA 92009 James Krulisky (866) 494-4466 Fax: (760) 931-8266 Email: Web Site: Axia Medical is a specialty pharmaceutical company that manufactures and distributes topical skin care products. Our Dermesse™ brand is prescription strength and incorporates hydroquinone and tretinoin. In addition, we offer acne products, peel products and a private label program as well as back bar sizes. Contact us at 866-494-4466. ASSI-ACCURATE SURGICAL BOOTH: 701 300 Shames Drive, Westbury NY 11590 Mane Bonazmga (800) 645-3569 Fax:(516)997-4948 Email: Web Site: ASSI offers the New Perma Facial Implant’” Tunneler Passers and Forceps, New StaySharp® Ceramic Coated SuperCut Scissors, New Lalonde® Breast Sizers, and a complete range of Breast Retractors with Fiber Optic, Suction 23 AXIS THREE BOOTH: 1022, 1024 881 Alma Real, Suite 300, Pacific Palisades, CA 90272 Pedram Hariri (714) 801-3539 Fax: (949) 733-2257 Email: pedram. hariri@axisthree .corn Web Site: Axis Three is the leader in 3D surgical simulation. By integrating image capture technology developed by Siemens with it’s own innovative software, Axis Three delivers a paradigm shift in medical imaging: Precise surface anatomy capture, break through simulation technology interactive photo-quality 3D models, and powerful tools for planning a surgery. and a large assortment of medical grade peels. BENEV® is an FDA approved manufacture ensuring efficacious and safe products with each order, BENEV® is distributed through physicians only. BIODERMIS BOOTH: 822, 824 6000 S. Eastern Avenue, #9-D, Las Vegas, NV 89119 Jeff Schleumng (702) 260-4466 Fax: (702) 260-4646 Email: Web Site: As the originators of the scar management industry we offer the most comprehensive line of Epi-Derm silicone gel sheeting Xeragel silicone ointment, and our latest innovation Pro-Sil silicone stick applicator. We also provide the industry leading compression foam products of Epi-Foam and Therafoam. BECON MEDICAL LIMITED BOOTH: 308 3530 E. Grant Road, Tucson, AZ 85716 Bill Lyons (520) 881-0480 Fax: (520) 881-0941 Email: Becon Medical Limited is BYRON’S new corporate venture. Becon, together with associated Surgeons, design, develop, patent, manufacture, and market medical devices for Aesthetic Jlgy Surgery Recently introduced products include LipoStructure’ disposable harvesting and infiltration cannula, Brecise™ breast ti3 measuring system, Whispers™ post-operative nipple shield, Pearfect™ infant ear correction kit and an Advanced Infusion pain pump and catheter system. Multiple new products are scheduled for introduction over the next year. BIOFORM MEDICAL, INC. BOOTH: 101 1875 S. Grant Street, Suite 110, San Mateo, CA 94402 (866)862-1211 Fax:(866)862-1212 Email: Web Site: Radiesse® is a safe, next generation cosmetic filler for long lasting wrinkle correction. PDA approved for the treatment of facial wrinkles and folds, Radiesse can restore facial volume as well as stimulate the body to produce new collagen, and may last about a year or more in many patients. BENEV COMPANY, INC. BOOTH: 426 23263 Madero, Suite A, Mission Viejo, CA 92691 Jm Woo (949) 457-2222 Fax: (949) 457-2221 Email: Web Site: The guiding principle behind BENEV® is to work in harmony pH with your body’s inherent renewal abilities to promote and protect healthy skin. Our specialized skincare produces targeted results, without undesirable side effects. BENEV® offers a full-line of retail products 24 BIOSCULPTURE TECHNOLOGY, INC. BOOTH: 146 40 Central Park South, Suite 16E, New York, NY 10019 Robert Culin (212) 977-5400 Fax: (212) 586-9529 Email: upsales@biosculpturetechnologycom Web Site: www.biosculpturetechnologycom BioSculpture Technology Inc. manufactures Airbrush Liposculpture® Systems which comprise advanced powerassisted liposuction systems based on its heavily patented twin-cannula technology which is more gentle by design on both the surgeon and patient. The system has computerized control of an air-powered, adjustable stroke and incorporates a tube-within-a-tube method of aspiration which spares the patient the battering ram effect of the moving cannula and the doctor the drudgery of manually reciprocating it. sion, chemical peels and retinoid treatments. CEATUS MEDIA GROUP, LLC BOOTH: 139, 141 7590 Fay Avenue, Suite 303, LaJolla, Ca 92037 (858) 454-5505 Fax: (858) 454-5668 Email: Web Site: Ceatus Media Group LLC is an online health media company providing specialized information for consumers, and connecting doctors with prospective patients. The Consumer Guide to Plastic Surgery Surgeon Directory currently serves more than 95 U.S. and international markets. CLEAR POINT MEDICAL BOOTH: 835, 837 28 Lmdsay Avenue, Dorval, QC, H9P 2T8 Canada Barbara Craig (866) 694-7799x237 Fax: (514) 631-8885 Email: Web Site: Clearpoint Medical designs, manufactures and distributes post-operative compression wear to Plastic Surgery professionals and their patients worldwide - garments, bras, girdles and binders. For more information please log on to our web-site @ BLACK & BLACK SURGICAL BOOTH: 1104-1108 4896 N. Royal Atlanta Drive, Suite 302, Tucker, GA 30084 Bill Black (770) 414-4880 Fax: (770) 414-4879 Email: billblack@blackandblacksurgical .corn Web Site: Black and Black Surgical offers a full line of top quality surgical instruments and equipment for traditional and endoscopic surgical procedures. We feature Stille® scissors and NexEdge® Rasp and Osteotomes, plus a unique line of anri-aging skin care products by Corina™ featuring an FDA approved delivery system. CLINICAL RESOLUTION LABS, INC. BOOTH: 205 3255 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 1708, Los Angeles, CA 90010 Mma Kirn (213) 384-0500 Fax: (213) 365-0053 Email: The company has been engaged in the business of designing, manufacturing and distributing skincare products and cosmeceutical solutions for global markets since year 2000. And in 2004, the company developed MTS Roller (non-surgical skincare tool) that has been introduced to worldwide. Please click CATRIX/LESCARDEN BOOTH: 1035 420 Lexmgton Avenue, Suite 212, New York, NY 10170 Jackie Enngh (212) 687-1050 Fax; (212) 687-1051 Email: Web Site: Catrix Skin Care expedites the healing process while relieving irritation following cosmetic medical procedures; helps ensure superior results from laser procedures, microdermabra25 COAPT SYSTEMS FL 33467 John Cummings (800) 260-9497 Fax: (888) 899-3114 Email: Web Site: by Nicole,, and, websites by CompuMedical and Advice Media. Reach more than 2 million highly targeted unique visitors per year researching information about breast implants, breast augmentation, liposuction, body contouring, facial cosmetic surgery and other cosmetic procedures. BOOTH: 314-317 1820 Embarcadero Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 Dan Grubman (650) 461-7600 Fax: (650) 213-9336 Email: Web Site: Coapt Systems develops, manufactures and markets a range of bio-absorbable implants that provide soft tissue fixation for aesthetic and reconstructive procedures. The company’s portfolio includes the ENDOTINE® Midface’” ST, Midface’” TransBleplT, Triple’” and Ribbon® devices. SurgiWire”’ for wrinkle and scar release. COLBAR LIFESCIENCE, LTD BOOTH: 420, 422 5760 West 96th Street, Los Angeles, CA 90045 Mikael Svensson (310) 258-1137 Fax:(310)410-5945 Email: Web Site: / ColBar LifeScience Ltd. a Johnson and Johnson Company is focused exclusively on innovative, evidenced-based aesthetic solutions that maintain, enhance, and restore body image and selfesteem. The first offering is an advanced collagen soft-tissue filler with a unique patented technology Glymatnx’”. This next generation collagen filler, EVOLENCE®, is already available in Europe, Canada and Asia. CONTOURMD MARKETING CROUP (AMERICAN WEST MEDICAL) BOOTH: 935 8055 Bond, Lenexa, KS 66214 Margie Elliott (913) 541-9200 Fax: (913) 541-0380 Email: Web Site: ContourMD offers the best in recovery products and marketing services tailored to the plastic surgeon. As marketing consultants we create the best solution to distinguish your practice. As recovery experts we offer quality compression garments at a competitive price for your patients to Recover in Comfort™. ContourMD is your total solution. COLORSCIENCE BOOTH: 1112 24921 Dana Point Harbor Drive, Suite 210, Dana Point, CA 92629 Kara Busch (866) 426-5673 Fax: (866) 472-6567 Email: Web Site: Colorescience is the perfect partner for the medical industry because of its substantiated, distinct and active ingredients. The use of high tech, proven ingredients such as peprides, liquid crystals and pearl powder, in the correct potent percentages, allow Colorescience to create synergistic products that give you instant, long lasting results. COOK MEDICAL BOOTH: 1140 750 Daniels Way EO. Box 489, Bloomington, IN 47402 Diana Reynolds (800) 452-4500 Fax: (800) 554-8335 Email: Web Site: COMPUMEDICAL BOOTH: 1132 6542 Hypoluxo Road, Suite 339, Lake Worth, 26 COOLTOUCH BOOTH: 148, 150 9085 Foothills Boulevard, Roseville, CA 95747 Elwood Phillips (916) 677-1900 Fax: (916) 677-1901 Email: Web Site: CoolTouchE lasers include the CoolEipo™ 1320nm for laser-assisted lipolysis & skin tightening, the CT3Plus’” 1320nm which offers a painless CoolBreeze™ mode to treat wrinkles, acne and acne scarring; VARIAI 1064nm- treats vascular lesions and unwanted hair; CTEV™ 1320nm for endovenous ablation ofvaricosities. COSMETIC SOLUTIONS, INC. BOOTH: 1129 2501 NW 34th Place, Suite 21, Pompano Beach, FE 33069 Warren Becker (954) 972-7202 Fax: (954) 972-4109 Email: warren@naturalskincare .corn Cosmetic Solutions, Inc. is a custom formulator and contract manufacturer of state-of-the-art skin care products. Professional Solutions’”, the finest natural skincare line exclusively for Plastic Surgeons, Dermatologists and MediSpas, combines the highest quality scientifically proven actives and ingredients to help your patients achieve clearer, healthier and youngerlooking skin. COSMEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, INC. BOOTH: 529 4700 SW 51st Street, Suite 212, Davie, FL 33314 Ingrid Mejia (800) 275-3627 Fax: (954) 587-4344 Web Site: CosMedical Technologies, Inc. is America’s leading private label-dermatolgoist formulated skmcare line. We have offered innovative results oriented skincare to discerning practices and facilities since 1993. Founded by Loretta Ciraldo, M.D., FA.A.D, our goal is to develop skincare products and regimens that will enhance the appearance of your patient’s skin while at the same time evolving into a sound profit center to distinguish your skincare practice. ETHICON, INC. BOOTH: 521 Route 22 West, Somerville, NJ 08876 Karne Nelson (216) 361-7862 Fax: (216) 431-1651 Email: Visit ETHICON Booth #521 to learn about ETHICON’s educational body contouring program, “Shaping Futures” and view our products - MULTIPASS7” needles line of plastic surgery needles, MONOCRYL” Plus Antibactenal Suture, and DEMABOND’” ProPen Topical Skin Adhesive. Additionally learn more about FlexHD” an acellular dermal matrix allograft. For more information, please visit our website at COSMETASSURE BOOTH: 841, 843 4525 Executive Park Drive, Suite 202, Montgomery AL 36116 Jessica Cook (800) 362-1542 Fax: (334) 323-0556 Email: Web Site: CosmetAssure, which is endorsed by the ASPS, is a unique insurance product available only to board certified plastic surgeons. This innovative insurance product provides financial coverage to patients in the event that an unforeseeable, sometimes unavoidable, medical complication arises from aesthetic plastic surgery. This coverage is underwritten by a subsidiary of American International Group (AIG). ETHICON ENDO-SURCERY BOOTH: 421 4545 Creek Road, Cincinnati, OH 45242 Kelly Nealon (513) 337-8071 Fax: (513) 337-3670 Email: Ethicon Endo-Surgery Inc. develops and markets advanced medical devices for minimally invasive and open surgical procedures. The company focuses on procedure-enabling devices for the mterventional diagnosis and treatment of conditions in general and banatric surgery gastrointestinal health, plastic surgery orthopedics, gynecology and surgical oncology 27 EVERA MEDICAL BOOTH: 143, 145 353 Vintage Park Drive, Suite F, Foster City CA 94404 Judy Dickinson (650) 287-2723 Fax: (650) 525-9208 Email: j udy kickinson@everamedical .corn Web Site: Evera Medical has a mission to provide novel saline-filled multilayer tissue augmentation implants for a variety of cosmetic and reconstructive applications. The technology aims to create natural-feeling and natural-looking implants that are permanent but reversible. The VeraFil’” Augmentation Implant is 510(k)cleared for use in and around the orbit of the eye and the FulFil’” Soft Tissue Implant is CEmarked for facial augmentation. FALLENE, LTD BOOTH: 132, 134 2555 Industry Lane, Norristown, PA 19403 Harry Fallick (610) 630-6800 Fax: (610) 630-6202 Email: Web Site: FALLENE, LTD, premier manufacturer of fullspectrum highly ™protective sun care products, announces the latest addition to - our SOLAR PROTECTION FORMULA product line. T1Z03 SPF40 (Titanium, Iron and Zinc Oxides) uniquely complements our current mineral based products. It is very water resistant, aesthetically elegant, silky and particularly suitable after skin treatments. FLEXMD / MOJO INTERACTIVE BOOTH: 533 1060 Woodcock Road, Orlando, FL 32803 D. DeZoort (407) 206-0700 Fax: (407) 206-3376 Web Site: Don’t hire a web developer. Why would you, when FlexMD makes website editing quick and easy? Add a doctor blog, update your information, photos, testimonials, FAQs and more-with no HTML knowledge. Its easy enough for anyone on your staff to use. Call 877-665-6798 or visit for more information. eVOLVE MEDICAL CROUP BOOTH: 408 543 Encmitas Boulevard Suite 111, Encinitas, CA 92024 Brooke CoUms (877) 546-7398 Fax - (760) 274-2356 Email: Web Site: eVolve Medical Group is a leading search engine marketing firm providing website design, search engine optimization, video production, content and hosting services. We also provide directory listings via our website at EXPAND-A-BAND MEDICALBOOTH: 144 13112 Crenshaw Boulevard, Gardena, CA 90249 Terrence Scanlan (310) 353-24817(800) 582-5332 Fax: (310) 353-2484 Email: Web Site: Expand-A-Band® Medical manufactures a unique line of Post Breast Surgery Products featuring Breast Binders and related accessories, such as; breast bands, hot/cold therapy and abdominal binders. Our Breast Binders are washable, durable and attractive compression garments that help reduce bruising, swelling and the incidences of hematomas following invasive breast procedures. FLORIDA SOCIETY OF PLASTIC SURGEONS BOOTH:1231 P.O. Box 7040, Jacksonville, FL 32238 Shannon Lyvers (904) 693-1799 Fax: (904) 786-9939 Email: Web Site: FSPS serves as a unified voice and advocate for plastic surgeons in Florida on issues relating to the practice of plastic surgery FSPS will be distributing information about the benefits of being a member of the Society and regarding our upcoming 2008 Annual Meeting at The Breakers Palm Beach. 28