Westminster Chimes - Westminster United Church
Westminster Chimes - Westminster United Church
Our Mission Statement: “With faith in God and the love of Christ, we make a difference in the lives we touch.” Westminster Chimes Our Vision Statement: “We strive to be a vibrant, welcoming, Christian community sharing God's grace in service to all." Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter September 2013 Our Faith Community at Worship Westminster himes Sunday Mornings at 10:30 a.m. Minister – Darrell Reine Music Director – Tom Magnuson Organist – Rina Lichtenwald A special thank you to these folks who have provided after church refreshments over the summer. Kay Day Donna Nelson Heather Britton Betty Shorten Sally Baxter Jean Thue Joanne Knobbe IN THIS ISSUE Our Community at Worship Book Study Anniversary Unit Events Workshops Westminster United Church 3025 13TH Avenue Regina, Sask. S4T 1P1 Phone: 757-6444 Fax: 757-2102 Email: westminsterucregina@sasktel.net Website: www.wucregina.ca Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Newsletter Date at a Glance September 8 - Church School Resumes September 15 - Same Gender Workshop September 16 - Anniversary Unit Meets - Council Meeting September 22 - Estate Planning September 23 (Sept 30, Oct 7) - Book Group September 25 & 26 - SGM Listening Circles October 6 - Communion Sunday October 19 - Rummage & Bake Sale (Set-up October 18) October 26 - Fowl Supper - Council Core Team Planning October 27 - Newcomers Luncheon October 28 - Council Meeting November 3 - Fall Congregational Planning Meeting November 16 - Mistletoe Tea & Bake Sale November 18 - Council Meeting Westminster Chimes September 2013 Our Community At Worship September 8 - Creation Time Begins - Sunday School Resumes September 15 - Seek My Intelligence September 22 - Walk Lightly Upon Me September 29 - Stand Up For Me - Baptism October 6 - Sustain Me - Communion October 13 - Cherish Me - Thanksgiving October 20 - World Food Sunday October 27 - Peace Sunday - Recognition of Transfer of New Members To subscribe or to renew your annual subscription, the cost is $20 for one year - 11 issues. Envelopes are available in the narthex and you can drop them into the offering plate or the church office. Transfer of Membership On Sunday October 27th, we will be recognizing the requests for a transfer of membership into Westminster United Church. Anyone wishing to transfer their membership to Westminster, please make arrangements with the office (757-6444) prior to October 15. Would you like to be more involved with Sunday Worship? Ushering Contact - Peter & Lois Busko Reading Contact - June Harris Announcements/Minute For Mission Contact - Darrell Reine Sing in the Choir/Play an Instrument Contact – Tom Magnuson Volunteers Always Needed - Always Welcomed - Always Appreciated 2 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Faith, Hope and a Bird Called George In this charming and deeply spiritual tale, a woman named Hope explores many of life’s most profound questions – surprisingly assisted by her cat Faith and her bird George. The three talk about God’s presence and about suffering and death and the meaning of life. They talked about a prayerful relationship with God, “the presence all around us holding everything together.” Together they tackle some very tough questions, and through this sharing and reflection, Hope gains a new and deeper understanding of Jesus, God, faith, and religion. Through this deceptively simple book, Michael Morwood offers an invitation to all believers to reflect, pray, discuss and grow so they too might experience God, Jesus and the Spirit more deeply and profoundly. 12 copies of this small 143 page book are available to those who would like to read it over a three week period and have an hour long discussion on Monday evenings at 7pm starting September 23. (Sept 23, 30 & October 7). Please call and reserve your book soon! Westminster United Church has invited Kathryn Hofley, regional Financial Development Officer with The United Church, to share with you estate-planning options and information. Please mark your calendars and plan to attend. Learn how you can forward the mission of our congregation and The United Church in Canada. Please plan to join us on Sunday September 22nd, following worship. Church School will start on September 8th. The children will spend part of their time in worship each Sunday morning and then head off to classes. Come meet Jennifer Morrison our new Education Coordinator for Children and Youth. We expect to have some exciting new ideas for our kids. Council Fall Schedule Monday, September 16 Council meeting Saturday, October 26 10 a.m. Council plus (core team, task team participation) fall planning session Monday, October 28 Council meeting Sunday, November 3 - after service Fall planning congregational meeting Monday, November 18 Council meeting Nursery for children under 4 is available also. For more information ask for Deb Jones. 3 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Creation Time - September 8th - October 13th. God comes to be seen, known, and experienced in the midst of all of creation, rather than only within human history Creation Time looks at our deep and rightful connection with nature, and at our wrongful domination and exploitation of it. We reflect on our abuse of God’s trust in us and pledge to reform our ways. Although it feels as if we are introducing a new liturgical colour, we may envision Creation Time and its colour orange not as the next new flavour in public worship, but as an important recapturing of an ancient Christian liturgical way of being what we have lost—and lost at great peril. History Orange was: • the Early Christian colour for confessors, monastics, and matrons • worn in some Russian churches during summer fasts; in Western rites, some mainline Protestant churches propose orange as a colour for fall • some Orthodox Churches use scarlet, orange, or rust Symbolism/Psychology • symbolic of endurance and strength • colour of fire and flame • the red of passion tempered by the yellow of wisdom • colour of harvest, fruitfulness, joy • colour of positive energy • colour of change • mentally stimulating • very easy to see • a bridge between two opposing factors: heat of summer and cool of winter • adventurous, confident colour • said to be the colour of excitement • a sociable colour reflecting warmth and cheerful feelings • nature’s “last burst of life” before the dormancy of winter • psychologists have found that showing the colour orange to people has a positive effect on hormone levels • a colour of healthy produce that intensifies when cooked 4 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Notes from the Anniversary Unit Our first meeting of the fall season will be held on Monday, September 16th at 2 p.m. in the lower lounge. Any ladies of the congregation are welcome to join us as we reconnect, plan for the fall activities and share stories of our summer over a cup of tea. For more information, call Elaine at 584-5526. Rummage & Bake Sale With coffee bar Saturday, October 19 9:30 – 1:00 p.m. Upcoming Events – Please mark these dates on your calendar now. Fall Rummage and Bake Sale – to be held on Saturday, October 19, from 9:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. We would appreciate assistance on Friday, October 18, starting at 9:00 a.m., to sort and display the items for sale, and we will need help on Saturday during the sale and for clean-up afterwards. For this event to be a success, we need donations of baking for the bake table as well as items for sale,- jewellery, bric-a-brac, dishes, utensils, small electrical appliances (in good working order), toys, small furniture items, etc. But NO CLOTHING or SPORTS EQUIPMENT, PLEASE. Let’s talk about the Annual Fowl Supper……. It is scheduled for Saturday, October 26, so please, mark your calendars now! Plan on helping in whatever way you can,- by the last Sunday in September, the sign-up sheets for workers as well as the sign-up sheets for food donations will be in the narthex before church. We are asking that you consider working for at least one shift on Saturday,- at whatever job you choose; this is a great opportunity to meet and get to know other folk from the congregation. And in order to keep our costs down, we are asking for contributions of food. The food donations that require some preparation time at home are cooking turnips (you peel, cook, mash and season, then bring them to the church hot), making dressing (we provide you with the recipe, you cut up bread, add sautéed celery, onions, and seasoning, bake in the oven and bring to the church hot), and baking pies (you could even buy the pie shells, add the filling and bake). Then there are other food donations needed like cranberry sauce, butter and buns that you can just purchase and bring directly to the church. Or if perchance you are going to be away, you could make a monetary donation in lieu of food. And of course for a Fowl Supper to be a success, we need people to attend, so this is your opportunity to tell your friends and family, and to sell them tickets. Tickets will be on sale at church beginning Sunday, September 29, or they may be purchased at the church office (phone 306-757-6444). Questions?? Call Elaine (306-584-5526) or Ev (306-352-2472). This is an excellent fundraiser for Westminster United Church,- last year our profit was nearly $4500.00. We invite you to be part of this year’s success story. Mistletoe Tea & Bake Sale Saturday, November 16 Our Annual Mistletoe Tea and Bake Sale – planned for Saturday, November 16, will again be held in conjunction with the Cathedral Community Association Craft Market. Donations of baking and help preparing (making sandwiches and dainties) and serving tea would be greatly appreciated. If you would like to help with either of these events, please call Elaine Andreas (584-5526) or Flo Pinches (584-1460). 5 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Same Gender Workshop September 15, 2013 The Federal Government made same gender marriage legal in 2005. The United Church of Canada also recognizes that same gender marriage should be permitted as integral part of a person's right of passage in their faith journey. At the same time, the United Church has also left it up to individual congregations to decide if their church would support same gender marriages. A church's minister cannot preside at a same gender marriage in or outside the church without the church council establishing a policy that marriage between same gendered people can happen. The United Church of Canada policy states that this decision in each congregation is to be made by the Church Council. We had a request in the winter for a same gender marriage to be performed in the church by the minister. Because of the length of time that we needed to discern the question, the wedding was moved to another church. The worship Core Team (which handles all requests for marriage) felt that Westminster needs to make a decision about this matter so that staff can respond to requests as they come. Therefore they have asked the Church Council to make a decision. In preparing to consider this important question, The Church Council will work to fully be informed on the matter; including legal and faith considerations and the understanding of the perspectives of the congregation. It has been decided that on September 15th, with Linda Anderson as a facilitator, we will engage in a workshop exploring what same gender marriage is and how it will affect the lives of all involved. During the week following this process there will be two listening circles again facilitated by Linda Anderson where the council will hear the stories, opinions, concerns and joys of the congregation to inform the council’s decision-making of a future decision. The council will then discern a decision at a following subsequent Council meeting. This is not a process to lead Westminster into becoming an Affirming Congregation. Linda Anderson is a trained facilitator in constructive problem resolution and has been active in the United Church for all her life including many roles in facilitating. We invite you to stay after church on September 15th for refreshments (provided by the church) and this workshop which will run for approximately 90 minutes. Listening Circles - Wednesday, September 25 @ 7:00 p.m. - Thursday, September 26 @ 1:00 p.m. For Pastoral Care please contact the church office at 757-6444 or by email at: westminsterucregina@sasktel.net You may also send a confidential message or prayer request directly to Pastoral Care/Darrell by email at: w.pastoralcare@gmail.com 6 Westminster Chimes September 2013 A whirlwind summer is speeding by with no break from the very busy calendar that now defines the activities of Dress for Success® Regina. On one of the few sunny, bright, and DRY Saturday mornings of the spring, we gathered in Wascana Park for our third and very definitely most successful PowerWalk for Dress for Success®. This international endeavour is held on Mothers Day weekend in many cities and along with fundraising, is intended to showcase our Professional Women’s Group (PWG). It is the PWG, and the ongoing support it provides to women entering the paid workforce, that sets Dress for Success® affiliates apart from the numerous community organizations who offer clothing to women returning to work. Our PWG is experiencing steady growth. With each monthly meeting focusing on one aspect of a curriculum --Financial Literacy, Written and Unwritten Rules of the Workplace, or Work/Life Balance women are choosing to join and reap the benefits of the networking and expert speakers that it offers. Dress for Success Regina was very honoured to be a recipient of a legacy grant offered by the Association of Saskatchewan REALTORS® ongoing Quality of Life in Saskatchewan initiative. Along with us, five other organizations across the province were recognized for our varied work to improve the quality of life in their local communities. We are grateful for this generous recognition which will help us provide programming to the PWG members. One of those members, Deepa Pawar along with Kailey Plohr, our Director of PWG, travelled to Miami for the annual Summit Conference of Dress for Success. This weekend brought together client members and directors of the PWG programs from 125 affiliates. Workshops were conducted by inspirational and motivational speakers Chaka Khan, singer, philanthropist and founder of The Chaka Khan Foundation; Brett Hoebel, holistic health and fitness guru from The Biggest Loser; and Carmen Wong-Ulrich, author, personal finanace expert and former host of the CNBC show On the Money. Deepa is working now to implement her Community Action Program (CAP) which will positively impact our community in an area that is near and dear to her heart, providing quality clothing to children. Stay tuned! Newly elected at our AGM at the end of March, Board Chair Carla Kouri and Vice-Chair Lenita Knudsen, attended the annual Affiliate Leadership Conference in Phillidelphia. The purpose of the annual conference is to provide affiliates with an opportunity to discuss common successes and challenges, learn from experts and become re-energized. Their energy, along with that of our Program Administrator and the multitude of volunteers who champion our cause, is going to be tapped as we head into Fall 2013! Serving client numbers which appear to be on track to exceed last year’s, we have already transitioned our Client Transformation Centre to its Fall/Winter look. We are preparing for our first TWO DAY Inventory Sale on Sept. 20 th and 21st which will provide extended opportunity for deserving women, clients of ours and of the agencies we are partnered with, to benefit from this activity. The public times will be advertised on our website and throughout the community. Members of our Board will participate in the first ever Canadian conference of Dress for Success held in Ottawa later this month. And, tickets are currently on sale at 7 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Casino Regina for Dress for Success Regina’s gala, Strut Your Stuff, being held on Thursday, October 3rd. Details about this exciting event are available on our website and tickets are still available at the Casino Regina Box Office online or at the casino. Our website www.dressforsuccess.org/regina, facebook page, and our new Twitter - @DFSRegina will provide additional detail, access to our newsletters and up to date information about Dress for Success Regina. Busy? Yes! Growing? Yes! Ever grateful for the ongoing support of Westminster United Church, where 5½ short years ago we opened our doors in response to your congregation’s desire to increase its mission work in our community? Yes! Strongly committed to our great mission and the women we serve? Unequivocally, yes! Part of our Mission Westminster collects an assortment of items for other organizations Please find the labeled coffee cans Canadian Tire Money - Collected for Lumsden Beach Camp items. Stamps - Collected to raise money towards the work of the Canadian Bible Society. Approximately 1 1b. of stamps equals 1 Bible. Campbell Soup Labels - Collected to raise money for school supplies for third world countries. Please find the labeled boxes Eye Glasses - Maple Leaf Lions club collect, package and send to third world countries. Detox Centre - The Detox Centre Can use - Gently used jeans, t-shirts, sweats, soap, shampoo, shavers, shaving soap, new underwear Food Pantry – These items are given out at the door when someone comes in search of emergency food. Our Food Pantry can use - Soup, pasta, pasta sauce, cereal, juice boxes, canned meat, pudding/fruit cups, granola bars, canned fruit, beans, Safeway gift certificates, instant pasta, bottled water * The Regina Anti-Poverty Ministry is holding a hundred dollar a plate dinner at Wesley United Church (3913 Hillsdale St.) on Wednesday, September 18 with the reception at 5: 30 PM and dinner at 6:00 PM. The Guest speaker will be The Very Reverend Stan McKay, former moderator of the United Church. Tickets are $100.00 with a substantial tax receipt. For Tickets, please call (306) 352-6386. We appreciate your support for this vital outreach ministry. Bread of Life Sunday The 1st Sunday of each month is our Bread of Life Sunday. Bread/Cash donations received go to Carmichael Outreach to be given out to those who live on the streets along with a container of soup. Other items they look for is 500ml plastic containers. 8 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Our Church Register January 1 – August 31, 2013 Baptisms Tessa Bryanton Kian Hunt Brooke Cherkewich Elizabeth Fahlman Emerson Elliott Siena Campbell Ethan Philip Duncan Philip Emmy Morgan Cade Carr Weddings Deaths Kurtis & Siobhann Schroeder David & Pamela Holliday Matthew & Nicole Hawerbier Brett & Lacey McNabb Mario & Kelly Mailhot Matthew & Amber Grant Michael & Mackenzie Wiebe Alecander & Brittany Wiebe Clinton & Monika Charles Matthew & Tiffany Howard Jacob & Robin Coughlin Tyler & Jessica Fahlman Douglas Cameron Doris Bennett Bertha Nichols William Meaney Barbara Headford Roy Shorten Mary Bachmann Grace Porter Verna Copeland Electronic Newsletter Join the many members who receive this newsletter by email. If you are interested please contact Jo Anne Knobbe through email: knobbej@accesscomm.ca Watch for it this Fall!! You can also access this newsletter online by visiting our Website @ www.wucregina.ca Update from Ministry & Personnel Core Team Summer has provided our staff with an opportunity for some holidays and time for renewal and fun. Each of the staff has enjoyed some time away with family and friends. We are grateful that this brings them back with new purpose and energy. At the end of June and into the summer the M & P members were able to meet with the staff with regards to their work at Westminster. The reviews were good and we thank the staff for their continued dedication to life at Westminster. Rina Lichtenwald, began as full time organist at Westminster at the beginning of April. She is enjoying her time here. She enjoyed working with the different soloists, duets and groups over the summer months. Rina has some creative ideas in the making and we will alert you when they are finalized. The fall is a very busy time at Westminster due to the many events that are planned. We would ask that you be considerate of each staff members’ time and responsibilities when you are in the building. We ask that core teams and task teams look after their minutes and submit reports to Shelley as requested prior to Council meetings. Your help is much appreciated. It is amazing how fast the weeks fly by when there are so many things requiring attention. If you have questions, or concerns, about any staff member at Westminster please put your thoughts in writing and pass them on to the Ministry & Personnel Core Team. Your feedback is important. We can follow up directly with each of the staff as needed. Thank you for the support of our staff and your many kind actions throughout the year. 9 Westminster Chimes September 2013 Forever… In motion Leadership Training If you are an Older Adult who believes in the benefits of physical activity, are active and enjoy helping others, why not volunteer as a leader? We can help you enhance and develop your skills in leading an activity class for your peers. Free for 20 hours of training. Cathedral Neighborhood Center. For more information or to register, contact Marisol Molina-Smith at 306766-6327 or email Marisol.molinasmith@rqhealth.ca Care for the Caregiver Walk for Human Values Adopt values…walk for values! Enrich your life…without$$!! Everyone can participate Assemble at 2:00 p.m. Walk at 2:30 p.m. Sunday, September 8th Science Centre More information: Arvind Patel 306-789-0447 Krishan Kapila 306-789-6759 Organized by: Hindu Samaj of Southern Saskatchewan inc., sians 4:16 Regina “This program provides an opportunity for caregivers to talk with peers about care-giving experiences, to identify supportive community resources, and to plan strategies to help their own selfcare.” Heritage United Church - Saturday, October 5 @ 10:00 – 4:00 This program is administered via Calling Lakes Centre with support from Saskatchewan Conference Bequest Fund and Westminster United Church, Humboldt. Topics will include: Signs of stress Asking for & accepting help Setting goals & Self-Care Strategies Communicating Effectively Networking and resources in the Community Strengthening One’s Faith & Spirituality Rural VS Urban: Similarities & Differences Managing Changed Roles & Responsibilities $25 per person including refreshments. For more information or to register, contact Calling Lakes Centre 30610 332-5691 or email office@callinglakes.ca